HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: November 7,1994
TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEmNG: Ci Council Chambers
Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. He announced that Chairman
Green and Vice Chairman Courtney would not be present today, and the Commission needed to elect
a Temporary Chairman for this Meeting in accordance with the Commission Rules and Procedures.
Commissioner Anear made the motion, and by unanimous vote, Commissioner Blake was elected to Chair
the Meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission, November 7, 1994.
Present: Commissioners Blake, Anear and Stachoviak.
Absent: Commissioners Courtney and Green.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department
There were no meetings of the Traffic Safety Commission on September 12, and October 3,
due to a lack of agenda items.
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Temporary Chairman Blake stated that Commissioner Green had stated that he felt the wrong
impression would be given by the Minutes stating that the meeting was canceled due to the lack
of a quorum.
Bob Johnson stated this is the normal procedure to have him cancel the meeting at the set hour,
even though the meeting has been canceled previously due to a lack of agenda items.
On motion by Commissioner Stachoviak, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 1, 1994,
were approved as presented.
AYES: Blake and Stachoviak
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
November 7, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFW COMMISSION Page 2
No items.
A. Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real to Easterlv Citv Limits - Request to establish a prima facie
speed limit.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency to show the segment of Palomar Airport
Road to be discussed. He stated that now that the improvements to Palomar Airport Road have
been completed, a prima facie speed limit needs to be established. With two lanes in each
direction, drivers can now pass through this area unencumbered and without the long lines that
did exist on this road. The speeds are now very high, and that is reflected in the speed survey,
a copy of which was included in the packet. The roadway now has a 45 mile per hour speed limit
per City ordinance, but a new speed limit needs to be set in accordance with the speed survey.
A copy of the speed survey was also included in the staff report, and that survey indicates that
a 55 mile per hour speed limit should be established. That is the absolute maximum speed limit
permitted, except on certain sections of freeways, where a 65 mile per hour speed limit is allowed.
Mr. Johnson stated that the section of Palomar Airport Road from the Price Club to El Camino
Real has a 55 mile per hour speed limit, due to the completed improvements. The Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee recommended that segment of road remain at 55 miles per hour. Now,
the speed zone from the Price Club all the way to the City Limits would be 55 miles per hour, and
the City Ordinance would be revisited to reflect that speed limit.
Mr. Johnson stated that the design standards for Palomar Airport Road, when completed as a
prime arterial, would be 60 miles per hour.
In reply to query regarding the speed limit on the segment of Palomar Airport Road into San
Marcos, Mr. Johnson stated that he has spoken with the Traffic Engineer in San Marcos, and they
will be conducting a traffic survey on that segment of road and will set the speed limits
Temporary Chairman Blake stated there were no requests to address the Commission on this
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Anear, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a
prima facie speed limit of 55 miles per hour on the new segment of Palomar
Airport Road from El Camino Real to East City Limits, and for the portion of
Palomar Airport Road from the Price Club entrance to El Camino Real to remain
at 55 miles per hour.
AYES: Blake, Anear and Stachoviak ‘i
November 7, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION P.age 3
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
C. Elect a New Traffic Safetv Commission Chairman and Vice Chairman.
The Commission discussed postponing this item for one month, inasmuch as Commissioner
Courtney is not present, and according to Commission custom, he would be the new Chairman
for the coming year. Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Courtney had called his office and stated his
business would take him out of town for this meeting. He had expressed the desire to remain on
the Commission. The consensus of the Commissioners was to wait until all Commissioners were
present to determine the status of the officers for the coming year.
ACTION: On motion by Temporary Chairman Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission voted
to postpone the election of a new Chairman and Vice Chairman one month.
AYES: Blake, Anear and Stachoviak
Commissioner Anear stated he had no report, but a comment about the barricade on Carlsbad Boulevard
where the pedestrians have to step over that barricade to get across the street. He wondered whether
a break in the barricade would be appropriate.
Mr. Johnson stated he would check into that.
Temporary Chairman Blake stated that the east bound ramp onto 78 from El Camino has a sun glare
problem in the afternoon. The sun shines on the lights and it is impossible to tell what color they are, or
if they are on. The traffic backs up all the way to Tamarack. He said the people coming down that ramp
to go east cannot see those traffic lights, and perhaps a shield could be put on the lights to help the
Commissioner Anear stated that Avenida Encinas is now open from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia.
Mr. Johnson added that when the west bridge is closed on Poinsettia and the ramp, it will be possible
to travel on Avenida Encinas, which was opened last Monday.
Mr. Johnson stated that up to now, up to three ramps have been closed at one time at the Poinsettia
offramp. In reply to query about signs warning people of this, Mr. Johnson stated that Caltrans has been
placing signs on the freeway telling people those ramps are closed, and to use La Costa or Palomar
Airport Road.
Bob Johnson stated he had no report at this time.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of November 7, 1994, was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Minutes Clerk