HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEmNG: April 3, 1995 TIME OF MEmNG: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEmNG: City Council Chambers
Chairman Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Courtney, Anear, Blake and Stachoviak.
Absent: Commissioner Green.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Jim Byler
Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer
On motion by Commissioner Anear, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 6, 1995, were
approved as presented.
AYES: Courtney, Anear and Blake
ABSTAIN: Stachoviak
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
Bob Johnson reported that the Ordinance for the prima facie speed limit for portions of Avenida Encinas
was introduced last week at City Council, and will be adopted tomorrow night.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Commission had requested an update in April with regard to the proposed
parking lot at Hoehn Motors, and the property in question is in escrow at the present time. Hoehn will
purchase some property from the new owner to build a parking lot on Avenida Encinas, north of their car
agency. This will alleviate the parking problem on the curve in the street in that area.
A. Transportation Development ActPransNet Funding Program - Review projects for submittal of a
funding request.
Bob Johnson introduced Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer, who gave the staff report on this item.
Mr. Jantz stated that each year the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)administers
a program of approximately $2.2 million to aid in the planning and construction of non-motorized
facilities throughout San Diego County. This program permits local agencies to compete for
funding via Transportation Development Act (TDA) and TransNet (Proposition A) monies for non-
motorized projects such as bicycle lanes/paths, sidewalks, etc., based upon need.
The projects selected for funding are recommended by the Regional Bicycle Facilities
Coordinating Committee (BFCC) and that Committee prioritizes the funding list for presentation
to the SANDAG Board of Directors for final approval. The funds would be available after July 1 ,
The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee has recommended four projects for consideration of
receiving funding in the 1995 TDmransNet program. The first request is for funds totaling
$228,000 for the completion of the next phase of the sidewalk program. The second request is
for $207,125 for the construction cost of the bicycle lane portion of the widening of the La Costa
Avenue/l-5 bridge to provide two bicycle lanes. The third request is for $28,630 for construction
of a bicycle lane on Alga Road between Mimosa Drive and El Camino Real, and the fourth request
is a joint application by Carlsbad and Encinitas to construct sidewalks and bike lanes along
Olivenhain Road between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. The U. S. Army Corps
of Engineers indicated the bicycle lane and sidewalk on the southerly side of the road should be
eliminated due to construction impacts in the Encinitas Creek. Carlsbad City staff has argued that
a bicycle lane and safer pedestrian link is necessary to connect the residential area with the
existing and future commercial businesses on the El Camino Real corridor. Mitigation would be
required on the Encinitas Creek, and the estimated project costs, including that mitigation, would
be approximately $270,000. If funds become short in supply, there is the potential to delete the
bicycle lane and sidewalk on the south side of Olivenhain Road.
Mr. Jantz concluded his report, stating the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended
a funding request for FY 95/96 TDWransNet funds in the amount of $733,755.
Bob Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Commission makes a recommendation and that is sent
to City Council for a resolution to support the funding request to the San Diego Association of
Governments (SANDAG).
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Stachoviak, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted
the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation to submit a funding
request for FY 95/96 TDmransNet funds in the amount of $733,755.
AYES: Courtney, Anear, Blake and Stachoviak
Commissioner Stachoviak stated that Grand Avenue, from Harding to State Street, has two lanes both
east and westbound, but from State Street to Carlsbad Boulevard, the lanes narrow to one lane across
the railroad tracks, and he asked whether that was planned that way.
Mr. Johnson stated that the street was planned that way and will remain that way, with no plans to stripe
that for two lanes.
Commissioner Stachoviak stated that traffic does get congested in that area, and if it were not for the
drivers being as polite as they are, there could be a problem with easing into one lane.
Commissioner Anear stated that when you exit from Carl’s Jr. to Carlsbad Village Drive, the sign there is
confusing. He asked Mr. Johnson to check the signage there, as the one-way sign is on the entrance
part. Mr. Johnson stated he will check the signage there.
Commissioner Anear stated that the single piece of metal for a bike rack does not seem to be a very good
design. Mr. Johnson stated that design was the one that went through the reviews and was approved.
There was a discussion about where the boundary lies between Encinitas and Carlsbad in the Batiquitos
Lagoon area and Mr. Johnson stated he will provide a map to the Commissioners showing the boundary
Mr. Johnson stated that he had provided copies of the 1995 Vehicle Code for each of the Commissioners.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 3, 1995, was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Re*ectfully sybmitted,
Minutes Clerk