HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-11; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: September 11, 1995
TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairman Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Courtney, Blake and Stachoviak. Commissioner Green arrived at
3:05 p.m.
Absent: None.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Jim Byler
On motion by Commissioner Stachoviak, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 7, 1995,
were approved as presented.
AYES: Courtney, Blake and Stachoviak
There were no requests to address the Commission.
A. Camino de 10s Coches, Rancho Santa Fe Road to La Costa Avenue - Request to establish a prima
facie speed limit.
The staff report was given Bob Johnson, using a transparency to show the portion of roadway to
be considered. He stated that the request was initiated by Dave Millikan, Recreation Supervisor
II, Parks and Creation Department, who works at Stagecoach Park.
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NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Mr. Johnson stated that a new high school is being constructed across the street from the Park,
and he referred to Exhibit 1 in the packet which shows the entrance to the high school across from
the main entrance to Stagecoach Park. The high school is to open in September of 1996, with
approximately 2,500 students, which means that the traffic in that area will increase at that time.
Mr. Johnson stated that Camino de 10s Coches is a secondary arterial street, which connects to
the easterly terminus of La Costa Avenue, and provides the only access to Stagecoach Park. The
roadway has a design speed of 40 miles per hour. The Engineering and Traffic Survey completed
for this roadway determined that a 40 mile per hour prima facie speed limit would be appropriate.
Commissioner Stachoviak inquired whether the speed limit of 40 miles per hour would be changed
when the school opens.
Mr. Johnson stated that once the school is opened, staff will re-evaluate the road. The design
speed is 40 miles per hour and if the critical speed were to raise, staff does not want to post a limit
above the design speed. He said that with high school students, the speed will not be any lower.
Mr. Johnson stated he did not see the critical speed changing any and felt it will stay the same.
He said there are complaints now about speeding in that area, and after the high school opens,
Sgt. Byler and he will work with the Principal to hold down the complaints from the neighbors.
There are complaints from the neighbors around the Carlsbad High School with regard to
speeding by the high school students.
Mr. Johnson said there will be a new Engineering Survey conducted after the high school opens,
due to the increased volume of vehicles, and he believes there will be higher speeds on the
roadway. However, the speed limit will be kept at 40 miles per hour, since that is the highest
design speed limit for that street.
Mr. Johnson concluded his report, stating that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee
recommendation is for a 40 miles per hour prima facie speed limit on this roadway. He said that
posting a lower speed limit would not be justified by the Survey and would be a speed trap.
Commissioner Stachoviak inquired whether there would be a 25 miles per hour speed limit when
school was in session, and Mr. Johnson stated those signs would not be installed in advance of
the installation of a traffic signal. The critical speed there is 42 miles per hour, and speed limits
cannot be posted more than 5 miles per hour below that unless there are special conditions.
Commissioner Blake stated that the school would not front on the street and is set back quite a
way. Mr. Johnson confirmed that, stating it will be hundreds of feet south of the roadway, making
a long walking distance from de 10s Coches to the parking lot. He said that the students will not
be parking on the street.
Mr. Johnson stated that high schools are not posted for the 25 mile per hour limit.
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NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Commissioner Green stated he concurred with Commissioner Stachoviak on the findings of the
40 mile per hour recommendation. He said the thought occurred to him-why are we here? We
have recommendations from the Engineering and Traffic Survey group and approve what they do-
why not send that to the City Council, since they do not coordinate findings with this body. They
recommend "X" number of miles in an area with no data except a speed profile, and why do you
need us? Let those on the panel determine the speed limits, but don't bother bringing it here.
I have better things to do than sit here.
Mr. Johnson stated that the citizens, staff members and the City Manager ask for speed limits on
streets, and the purpose of this Commission is to consider matters before them and give the
citizens an opportunity to address the Traffic Safety Commission.
Chairman Courtney stated he did not feel the Commission needed to discuss this at this time. He
suggested this matter be discussed later in the meeting under the Traffic Safety Commissioners
Reports. He stated he has wondered about Rancho Santa Fe Road, and wondered whether this
was for the Officers to write tickets to generate revenue or was it for controlling traffic. He asked
whether there are speeders there and whether the Park Manager was worried.
Bob Johnson said there is speeding on this road and limited sight distance on the curve by the
Park entrance and staff's intent was to bring this to the Commission before the high school opens
to have a speed limit posted prior to that time to make the drivers aware of a speed limit on the
street now rather than after the fact. He stated that it takes time for a speed limit to go to the City
Council and have the ordinance in force; usually about three or four months.
Mr. Johnson explained that the basic speed law applies, no matter what a roadway is posted. It
is not the intent to post speed limits to allow the police to write tickets. They work the top ten
streets in the City as far as speeding and accidents.
Commissioner Stachoviak stated that the survey was taken on one day, from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :30
a.m., on a Thursday. He asked what would happen if the survey were taken when special event
was in progress in the area.
Mr. Johnson stated that surveys are taken under normal traffic conditions at off-peak times.
Special event speeds would be down, due to the heavy traffic.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 40
miles per hour prima facie speed limit upon Camino de 10s Coches between
Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue.
AYES: Courtney, Blake and Green
NOES: Stachoviak
Commissioner Stachoviak stated that he voted "no" as he felt the speed limit should be 35 miles
per hour. He also questioned the survey being taken on one day for an hour and a half and not
while an event was going on. He added that when the school opens, the speed limit is 40 miles
per hour in a school zone.
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NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Commissioner Green asked to amend the vote to change his vote to "no".
After a discussion, Chairman Courtney declared the item closed.
B. Elect a New Vice-chairman
Commissioners Stachoviak and Blake stated they may be off of the Commission and would not
be here for another year to serve as Vice-chairman.
Commissioner Green stated he would not eagerly take the Vice-chairman position, but would
since he feels it would be premature to ask a new member to step in as Vice-chairman, if they are
not fully informed on what is going on.
ACTION: On motion by Chairman Courtney, the Traffic Safety Commission continued the
election of a Vice-chairman for one month.
AYES: Courtney, Green and Stachoviak
NOES: Blake
Commissioner Green asked what place do we play in this process?
Bob Johnson replied that the City ordinance indicates that matters will be brought before the
Traffic Safety Commission, and the recommendations of the Commission will be taken to the City
Council as appropriate ordinances, resolutions, etc. The process and procedure is to bring the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to this Commission for a
recommendation. They may or may not agree, and their recommendation goes to City Council.
In years past, recommendations by this Commission taken to Council were changed or over-ruled
by Council, depending on the issues.
Commissioner Green stated that from this side of the dais this appears to be "knee-jerking" the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee's recommendations.
Chairman Courtney stated there was a similar situation last year. This Commission spent many
hours talking about a problem and made a recommendation and sent it on, but nothing was done
because the man took the tree out.
Commissioner Green stated that looking objectively from this side of the dais, we often seem to
be put in the position of legitimizing a recommendation so it can go to the City Council.
Mr. Johnson said it is the process--and there have been times when the Commission made
recommendations contrary to the Coordinating Committee. The Coordinating Committee makes
a recommendation on the facts and processes information for that recommendation to come to
this Commission. Five citizens make their recommendation to the City Council and that is how
the process works. He said he did not feel this was "knee-jerking" or that the Commission is not
listened to or should feel slighted. This is the process and what staff must follow and move on.
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Commissioner Green said he was taking issue with the process of how items are brought to this
Bob Johnson said maybe the Commission needs guidance from the City Manager as to whether
he wants to change the process. The Commission meetings are where the public can express
their opinions.
Commissioner Green said the recommendations go from the Coordinating Committee to us and
then to the City Council--in any event, from the Coordinating Committee to Council----why are we
here? Are we necessary in this process?
Bob Johnson stated that the City Council feels you are necessary.
Commissioner Green said he was talking about the process--they are telling us what we need to
do and I am wondering why.
Chairman Courtney stated that this is a recommendation, and this Commission can adopt or not.
This is a Commission and the City needs sounding boards for the citizens--it cannot all be handled
at the City Council level. We are an advisory group.
Commissioner Green asked about the unimproved side of the corner at Tamarack and Carlsbad
Village Drive where there is a parking lot for cars for sale. They obstruct the sight distance there.
Sgt. Byler stated he was going to talk about that. The City has an ordinance that deals with
vehicles for sale as far as the size of the sign and where on the vehicle the sign can be. There
was a court case on this and an ordinance was ruled unconstitutional. This was sent to the City
Attorney, and based on that court case, the ordinance for vehicles for sale is not constitutional.
The City is working on a revised ordinance to enforce that. Sgt. Byler said that right now they
cannot enforce the vehicle for sale ordinance in Carlsbad. They will try to find another legal
reason for removing those vehicles and deal with the problem.
Commissioner Green said that skateboarding has been discussed--is it legal or illegal to do it on
the sidewalks.
Chairman Courtney said it is legal if there are no signs.
Sgt. Byler stated it is legal and unless there are signs, it is a constant issue. If there are signs
posted on private property, then it is prohibited; other than that, the police can’t solve the problem.
Commissioner Blake stated that the Vehicle Code imposes the same laws to bicycle riders that
pertain to motor vehicles, and provides that they shall abide by those laws. Does it address
skateboarders in the street? He said that at the top of Tamarack the skateboarders come down
the hill while squatted down on the skateboards.
Sgt. Byler replied that skateboarders are considered pedestrians. If it is determined that they are
interfering with the flow of traffic or violating the rights of another vehicle coming down the hill,
then action could be taken. Skateboarders, roller bladers, tricycles and three-wheeled bikes are
all considered pedestrians.
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Commissioner Green stated that skateboarders and roller bladers are the ones that don’t relinquish
the right-of-way.
Bob Johnson stated that the appointment of a new Commissioner is on the Council agenda for
tomorrow night. He said that the October meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission will be
scheduled for the first Monday of the month.
Sgt. Byler stated he was happy to be back. He said he is fairly new at this assignment, and listens
to the Coordinating Committee at their meetings. The recommendations that come out of there
are sound legally and not rubber-stamped. Their decisions are altered and changed and the
finished product that comes to this Commission is not intended to be the final decision.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 11, 1995, was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
4LLf Harriett Bab ~tt
Minutes Clerk