HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-04; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: March 4, 1996 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairman Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Courtney, Allen, Blake and Green. Commissioner Stachoviak
arrived at 3:02 p.m.
Absent: None.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Jim Byler
On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 5, 1996,
were approved as presented.
AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake and Green
There were no requests to address the Commission.
Bob Johnson reported that the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, that this Commission
recommended for approval last month, was adopted by the City Council.
A. Pedestrian Action Plan - Request for status report.
Bob Johnson stated this status report was requested by Thelma Hayes. The last update was
approximately one year ago, and some items have been completed. The update of the General
Pian and the Circulation Element have been updated and the Commissioners have been provided
those documents.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Mr. Johnson said that pedestrian planning in Carlsbad is done not because there is a Pedestrian
Action Plan, but because it is the right thing to do. He said that planning must be done for
pedestrians and must be considered. Mr. Johnson said that all modes of traffic are considered,
and all new projects that are contemplated must consider pedestrians and pedestrian access. He
said that whether the planning is for trails, sidewalks or bus stops, pedestrians are very much in
the focus in the present planning uses, and that is true in single family residential areas, multi-
family dwellings or in industrial parks.
Mr. Johnson stated the sidewalk construction program is going out to bid for sidewalks needed
in the school areas, including Magnolia Elementary and Valley Junior High. He stated that in 1995,
staff conducted an inventory of pedestrian ramps that are missing throughout the City and created
an inventory and a report in January of 1996. The handicapped ramps and pedestrian ramps that
are missing throughout the City are shown in that report. He said that this will help staff in
planning for installation of those ramps in future planning. Mr. Johnson said that staff has
requested TDA funding for pedestrian ramps and sidewalks at the La Costa and 1-5 interchange,
and hopefully Carlsbad will get that funding.
Mr. Johnson said that the 2" ADA pushbuttons have been installed at new signalized intersections,
and they are much easier to push than the old style, and they also accommodate the handicapped
pedestrians. He said the 1996-97 CIP contains funding to change 25 traffic signal locations to the
2" pushbutton. He added that all the new signals will have that larger pushbutton.
Mr. Johnson stated that staff is working with NCTD to coordinate improvements to accommodate
pedestrians when getting on or off of the transit or the buses, with both Planning and Engineering
working with NCTD.
Mr. Johnson said that the Parks & Recreation Schedule contains updates and general articles of
interest, including pedestrians, and is an educational tool. He said that flyers and information are
sent out to citizens when they call the City with an issue with regard to pedestrians or other issues.
He said that traffic signal timing is adjusted when complaints are received about a specific
location--and again, this is to make pedestrian crossing safer.
In response to Commission query regarding signals that seem to stop main street traffic when
there is no traffic on the intersecting streets, Mr. Johnson said that sometimes joggers press the
pedestrian button, but then jog on across without waiting for the signal to change. He said that
the complaints come in when the traffic on a main street has to stop. Usually, the drivers on the
side streets expect to stop at a signal, due to the traffic on the main street.
Mr. Johnson said that every year more sidewalks are installed around the schools, as this is the
number one priority in Carlsbad.
Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, thanked the Commission for placing this item on the agenda,
and added this is the 8th anniversary of the Carlsbad Pedestrian Action Plan. She added that it
is also her birthday, and this was a wonderful birthday present eight years ago. Mrs. Hayes said
that she hopes that by the 10th anniversary, when she becomes 80 years old, that one of the
sidewalks most in need, besides the schools, on Madison Street, will become a reality.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Mrs. Hayes stated that the schools are the number one priority, and she hopes that it will be
established that within a half mile or mile radius of every school, safe sidewalks will be installed
so every child could walk to school. She said she wonders how near the City is to that goal, and
felt it would be advantageous next year to have a report of just how many sidewalks are needed
to get that radius around each school.
Mrs. Hayes thanked the Commission for their support and concern in this matter.
This report required no action by the Commission.
B. Intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cypress Avenue - Request to investigate need to prohibit
left turns.
Bob Johnson stated that this item was requested by Mayor Lewis at a City Council meeting. He
asked staff to investigate whether there is a need to prohibit eastbound to northbound left turns
from Cypress Avenue onto Carlsbad Boulevard.
Mr. Johnson stated that traffic data was gathered and is presented in the staff report. He showed
a transparency of the area, including Mountain View Drive, which is 670 feet northerly of Cypress
Avenue. He said that Cypress Avenue provides access to the Army and Navy Academy and is 30
feet in width, with a low traffic volume of 300 vehicles per day. He said the critical speed is 38
mph on Carlsbad Boulevard. The sight distance should be 440 feet, and there is more than that
in both directions at this intersection, making the sight distance very good. He said the accident
history would tell whether there was a problem at that intersection, and since 1991, there has only
been one collision there and it was not of the type to require any restriction or change in the
operation of the intersection.
Mr. Johnson referred to the data included in the survey and stated the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Committee evaluated the intersection and based on the factors; low turning movements, very
good sight distance, low collision history and gaps in the traffic to facilitate turning and the number
of pedestrians using that intersection is very low with no complaints by them, they did not
recommend any change in the intersection at this time. They also recommended that the Parks
& Recreation Department keep the vegetation in the median well-trimmed to eliminate any sight
problem due to the foliage.
Commissioner Allen stated that he was concerned about the street going from two lanes to one
lane right in that area and felt that, along with the vegetation in the median, made a left turn a little
more dangerous. However, he felt that the disadvantages to shutting down left turns there would
outweigh the advantages.
Commissioner Blake stated he had no problem with the intersection as it is, and Chairman
Courtney concurred.
Commissioner Stachoviak stated that as long as the vegetation is kept low, he has no problem
with the intersection as it is.
Commissioner Green asked whether Sgt. Byler had any input on that area other than what was
contained in the report. Sgt. Byler stated he did not, and had been on duty in that area and there
were no problems with the left turn out of Cypress Avenue.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Green, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to make no
changes or restrictions to turning movements at the Cypress Avenue/Carlsbad
Boulevard intersection.
AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake, Green and Stachoviak
C. Faradav Avenue, El Camino Real to Orion Street - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit.
Mr. Johnson reported that this item was requested by Lt. Metcalf of the Police Department, and
involves a 1,700 foot section of Faraday Avenue between El Camino Real and Orion Street. There
has never been a speed limit set on this section of the street, and since the change in speed limit,
allowing 65 miles per hour in unposted areas, this area needs to be posted. The segment of
Faraday on the west side of El Camino Real to College Boulevard is posted at 40 mph, and is
justified by the traffic survey.
Mr. Johnson stated the traffic survey is included in the staff report, and it shows a critical speed
of 40 mph, with 84% of the vehicles traveling within a 32 to 42 mph pace speed. He stated that
the speed limit cannot be posted above the critical speed, because it would be a speed trap.
There have been no speed-related collisions in that area.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended a 40 mph prima
facie speed limit on Faraday Avenue from El Camino Real to Orion Street.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Committee to establish a 40 mph prima facie
speed limit on Faraday Avenue from El Camino Real to Orion Street.
AYES: Courtney, Allen, Blake, Green and Stachoviak
Commissioner Green stated that when this Commission discussed the Procedures, it was the
desire of the Commission to keep "Presiding Officer" instead of "Chairperson" and change the
"their" to "his/her". He said that most of the text of the Procedures was changed, but the word
"Chairperson" still appears in a number of places. Mr. Green said the Procedures were signed by
Jim Courtney and staff, but the changes were not made throughout the documents.
Mr. Johnson stated that it was his understanding that the Commission wanted the Procedures to
read as they had last year, without making any of the recommended changes initiated by staff.
He said if the Commission wants this item on the agenda, in order to discuss it, he will be happy
to do so; or the Commission could wait until next year when this appears on the agenda.
Commissioner Green stated he thought it was pretty clear that the discussion was intended to
reflect the choice of "Presiding Officer" rather than "Chairperson". Mr. Johnson reiterated that the
issue was left as it had been a year ago, and where staff suggested changing "Presiding Officer"
to "Chairperson", it was changed back to "Presiding Officer". He suggested the Commission either
change the wording or appoint a subcommittee to make recommendations and then present them
to the Commission.
Chairman Courtney stated that if the Commissioners had a problem with the language, he had
made a motion at that time to have them take the document home and mark it up; however, that
motion was killed due to a lack of a second. He said he was not in favor of wasting any more staff
time or Commission time on this. At the time this was on the agenda, several motions were made
and it was very confusing to everyone, but the Commission did not want to continue the item one
month, but instead act on it at that meeting.
Commissioner Green said that the document is not consistent and could be a problem in
Chairman Courtney stated he did not see any inconsistencies in the document.
In reply to query, Mr. Johnson explained that this document is specifically for this Commission,
as all other Commissions have their own procedures.
Bob Johnson stated that the April meeting will be on April 1, 1996.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 4, 1996, was adjourned at 358 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, .?
Minutes Clerk