HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
October 6,1997 (Regular Meeting)
3:OO p.m.
City Council Chambers
Chairperson Blake called the Meeting to order at 3:07 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Blake, Allen, and Gillfillan
Staff Members Present: Bob John, Traflic Engineer
Jim Byler, Sergeant, Carlsbad Police Department
Debbie Fountain, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director
On motion by Commissioner Gillfillan, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 8,1997, as
AYES: Chairperson Blake, Commissioners Allen and Gillfillan
Nancy Schmidt, 1550 Cormorant Drive, Carlsbad, CA, read the cover letter that accompanied the text and petition that was later
submitted to the Commission, by Alan C. Bartlett, regarding the Aviara Parkway Chip Seal re-surfacing project in 1996, and their
request to have the roadway returned to its original condtion.
Alan C. Bartlett, 693 1 Wildrose Terrace, Carlsbad, CA, representing the Aviara Master Association Sub-committee, presented a
petition to the Committee (sic) and stated that the petition reflects the growing concern within the community of Aviara, regarding
the detrimental affects following last year’s re-surfacing project. He stated that his organization has approached the City in several
ways, has worked with staff to gain proper insight, and is now ready to present their complaints to the Traffic Safety Commission.
Chairperson Blake asked Mr. Bartlett to clan@ their complaint regarding the noise associated with the chp-seal that was placed on
Aviara Drive in August of 1996.
Mr. Bartlett responded that instead of using the commonly used %” material, the City used a W material. Now, he explained, it
seems that a small change in specifications has created a very large problem, in that the larger material causes a much higher level
of traffic noise. Mr. Bartlett also stated that he had asked the engineers if they had had an opportunity to dnve over a surface
prepared with this larger material, before they applied it to Aviara Drive and they stated that they had not. He pointed out that there
doesn’t seem to be any other high volume, 40 mph street, throughout the City of Carlsbad, that has a similar surface. Mr. Bartlett
also stated that his organization questions why their section of roadway was the only re-surfacing project done in that area and are
now wondering if this was meant to be experimental. He pointed out that regardless of the reason for the re-surfacing, something
needs to be done to eliminate the increased road noise.
Commissioner Allen asked Mr. Bartlett exactly what his organization prefers that the City to do to alleviate this problem.
Mr. Bartlett responded by stating that it would probably require another chip-seal with different material and that the
recommendation for the current surface is not in concert with the rest of the community. He reiterated how incredibly noisy Aviara
Parkway is and that it will only get worse as traffic increases.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked if there have been any noise studies done, either prior to the re-surfacing project or after the project was fimshed.
Mr. Bartlett replied that he does not know of any noise study that would be reported in terms of decibels. He further stated that after
meetings with staff, that it is generally felt that there are no existing devices that can accurately read and determine roadside noise.
Commissioner Gillfillan then inquired as to what kind of surface was there, prior to the chip-seal project in question.
Mr. Bartlett responded that it was the same type of surface as is on the connecting portion of Poinsettia Lane.
Commissioner Gillfillan then asked if the noise increase was more predominant immediately after the completion of the project or
has it been continuous throughout the past year.
Mr. Bartlett replied that the increase in noise was immediate. He further stated that he called the City, immediately, and was told
that in a short time the loose materials would compact into the surface and the noise would subside. However, that did not happen
and the noise level remains very high, one year later. He added that th~s noise in not imaginary nor only perceived, it is real and it
needs to be addressed.
Chairperson Blake, explained that because this item was not on this meeting’s agenda, the Commission can take no action at this
time, except to refer the matter to staff for further investigation and possible future action.
Mr. Johnson stated that he would discuss the petition with the City Engineer.
6A. Core Village Area of the RedeveloDment Area - A request to establish TWO-HOUR PARKING on
designated streets.
Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson presented some background information and the staff report as follows: This item is to establish
TWO-HOUR PARKING in the Core Village Area. A parking management plan was approved, as part of the Village Masterplan
and Design Manual, and included an objective to include and enforce 2 Hour Parking on the street and alleys in the core downtown
area. Much of the downtown area is currently posted with 2 Hour Parking signs and therefore to establish additional 2 Hour
Parking areas would not be inconsistent. In order to get as much input fiom the public as possible, the Engineering Department
sent out approximately 800 mailers to property and business owners, requesting their responses regarding additional parking
restrictions, and extended an invitation to attend this meeting during which this item will be discussed. The response has been
somewhat &sappointing in that a total of about twelve responses have been received in the form of telephone calls. Some callers
did not support the proposed 2 Hour Parking, some requested general mformation only, some had no comments regarding the
proposed 2 Hour Parking, and others felt that a 2 Hour Parking limit in the core area might result in other parking problems in
adjacent areas.
Letters were received by the Engineering office fiom Tom and Judy McMahan, of the Carlsbad Village Theater, and Joe
Hoenigman of Carlsbad Tax and Investment. Another letter was received by the Housing and Redevelopment Department fiom
Alex Konanchuk, of K&K Laboratories at 3305 Tyler Street, stating his concern that perhaps 2 hours was not long enough and
should be a 3 or 4 hour limit. He also indicated that the City should try and find a way to encourage village merchants and their
employees to utilize the off-street parking rather than the on-street parking.
Over the years the City has received a number of complaints andor requests for different parking time limits, in the downtown area.
Unfortunately there seems to be a disagreement on what should be done or if there should be anythmg done regarding parking time
limits. Some suggestions for parking limits range fiom 30 minutes to 4 hours. Some merchants want the parking limits kept short
so as to encourage a fairly rapid turnover of customers, and, on the other hand, there are some merchants who want no parkmg
limits so they and their employees can park on the street for the entire work day.
Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director, Debbie Fountain, summarized the Village Masterplan and stated that the goal was to
establish goals and objectives to be achieved before the Redevelopment Plan expires in the 2006 to 2007 time frame. She stated
that a Village Masterplan Committee was established, after which many policies were written and many other areas of concern
discussed. One of the biggest issues, identified very early, was parking in the village area and it was two-fold. One was to create
additional parking opportunities for customers to the area and the other was that in trying to encourage development, property
improvements, and intensity of use, there was a need to look at the actual parking requirements themselves to see if they were
appropriate or did they need to be modified. In general, the parking requirements remained the same with only a few modlfcations.
After takmg into consideration the many, many conflicting time limit requests, the recommendations of the Design Review Board
and the decision of the City Council, a 2 Hour Parking time limit policy was established for the Core Downtown Area. An
ordinance could have been processed and approved, within the Village Masterplan, but because of the potential impact, the
consensus was that such a proposal should have more opportunity for discussion during the Public Hearing process, whch is why it
is now before the Tr&c Safety Commission. Also, it is recommended that all public parking lots remain designated as “all day
parking” and will not be included in the 2 Hour Parking limit recommendation.
Chairperson Blake, referring to a recommendation by the Carlsbad Village Development Committee to establish a 2 Hour Parking
limit on street and alleys, asked Ms. Fountain to explain why alleys have also been included in staff‘s recommendation for the 2
Hour Parking limit. He also expressed his desire to have all alleys designated as NO PARKING areas. Mr. Blake also indicated
that he had served on the Village Masterplan Committee.
Ms. Fountain responded by explaining that, initially, the parking for the Convention and Visitors Bureau that runs along the
alleyway behind the train depot was thought to be technically in the alley. However, it has been confirmed that that area is
considered to be part of the public parking lot and is therefore a non-restricted area. The alleys posted as NO PARKING areas will
remain NO PARKING areas.
Commissioner Allen asked if he is correct in his understanding that even ifthere is a 2 Hour Parking limit, there could be
exceptions made, depending on the merits of such a request.
Ms. Fountain replied that staff is recommending a 2 Hour Parking limit, but the Commission could make an exception if they are
convinced that the merits of the request support the exception.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked how this proposed 2 Hour Parking limit will affect the residential areas in the downtown, and how
they propose to handle the matter.
Ms. Fountain stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended the exclusion of most of the residential areas
from this proposed parking limit. She further stated that staff is not proposing, at this time, the introduction of residential parking
Sgt. Jim Byler explained how automobiles are marked to monitor parking time limit violations, how the issuance of parking
citations are handled, and how often an area is patrolled. Referring to how often an area is patrolled, Sgt. Byler explained that
because there is only one CSO officer who works “downtown parking” and depending upon how long it takes the officer to make a
complete circuit of the area, an individual may actually park in a posted 2 Hour Parking limit space, for much more than 2 hours
and could be there as many as 4 or more hours.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that one of key issues that the Commission needs to consider is not only the recommendation of the Traffic
Safety Coordinating Committee but also what the purpose of street parking is in a village or a downtown area. He fiuther pointed
out that there are no parking meters, and that parking limits and the resulting citations are not intended to generate revenue. The
question then is whether the parking should be for customers (shoppers), employees, commuter rail riders, etc., and what street will
have parking time limits.
Mr. Johnson presented the recommendation, of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee as shown, street by street, in Exhibits 1
and 2 and in the Staff Report for Item 6A, pages 2 and 3. He described, in detail, the recommendation for each street.
Commissioner Gillfillan, summarized the issue by stating that there are some situations where there are no changes proposed and
some additional 2 Hour limits being set in others, and asked if he is correct in his assessment.
Mr. Johnson agreed with Commissioner Gillfillan’s summary and explained that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee looked
at each street in the core area, on a case by case basis, in order to determine their recommendations, resulting in changes for some
streets and no changes for others.
Commissioner Gillfillan then asked Mr. Johnson if he feels that staff has adequately responded to the needs or the requests of the
residential uses and employee parking issues.
Mr. Johnson replied that it is felt that, while there will be some disagreement from business and property owners, the
recommendation addresses both of those issues. Mr. Johnson again stated that the question to be answered is should there be short
term parking to accommmodate shoppers or long term parking for those wishing to park for the entire day.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked ifthis issue has been driven, somewhat, by the increased use of the transit station and the rising
demand for a&tional parking.
Ms. Fountain stated that when parking was introduced to the Village Masterplan process, the commuter rail station did not exist and
parking for it was not an issue. However, since it’s completion and it’s growing popularity and success, it has presented a parhg
problem and there has been a request for 2 Hour Parking on the street so that the commuters will not attempt to use on-street
parking. She added that an additional rail station parking lot is under construction and upon completion, should give some relief to
the parking issues.
Chairperson Blake asked Sgt. Byler to clanfy the means of enforcing the parking limits.
Sgt. Byler responded by stating that parking is worked on a regular basis, however, it is not done on a daily basis. He added that on
some days, the CSO officer is assisted in marking vehicles by a member of the Senior Volunteer Patrol. They then let the CSO
Officer know on which street they have marked vehicles. The officer then checks those streets, approximately 2 hours later, and
issues citations as required. He further explained that, for obvious reasons, the CSO officer cannot be on all streets at all times and
that other Carlsbad Police Department patrol officers help whenever they can.
Chairperson Blake opened the Public Hearing and extended the invitation to speak.
Hope Wrisley, 2080 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, stated that she operates a business at the comer of Roosevelt Street and Grand
Avenue and voiced her opposition to a 2 Hour Parking limit. However, she continued, she would be in favor of establishmg a 4
Hour Parking limit and urged the Commission to consider the same. She also suggested that there should be a 4 Hour Parking limit
established for the parking lot at the fountain. She also suggested that the City encourage the business owners and their employees
to park in public parking lots, rather than on the streets, which will allow more customers the opportunity to park close to the
businesses they wish to patronize. Ms. Wrisley also offered an idea for establishing one or two 20 Minute Parking spaces, in each
block, to accommodate those on errands of short duration. Ms. Wrisley requested that the parking space, closest to the northeast
comer at Madison and Grand Avenue, be removed. She explained that when a vehicle larger than an ordinary automobile is parked
in that space, it is impossible to see any on-coming traffic and makes crossing the street very dangerous and nearly impossible.
Wayne Wade, representing Dragmaster Automotive Repair, 2725 State Street, Carlsbad, stated that parking enforcement on State
Street has been sporadic until very recently. Also Beech Street has rarely been enforced. Mr. Wade stated that he and his
employees always parked in the alley behind the shop until the Coaster station was built and after the station was completed, he
was told they could park in the Coaster lot. He pointed out that that would be fine but they would have to arrive at the lot before
6:OO a.m., before the commuters arrive, in order to find a parking space. Mr. Wade requested that vehicles not be marked, on
Beech Street and north on State Street fiom Beech, until the new Coaster parking lot is completed. Also, the nearest public parking
lot, other than the Coaster lot, is several blocks away.
Commissioner Allen asked Mr. Wade how far the Coaster lot is fiom his business and at what time does it actually fill up.
Mr. Wade replied that it is just across the alley and the lot is completely full, at least by 7:OO a.m.
Commissioner Allen then asked Mr. Wade ifthey could use the lot next to Bauer Lumber.
Mr. Wade responded by stating that the Bauer lot is also filled with Coaster commuters very early in the morning.
Commissioner Allen inquired as to where Dragmaster parks their customers cars.
Mr. Wade stated that customer vehicles are normally in the shop being worked on unless they are extremely busy and have to park a
customer vehicle on the street while another job is being fimshed. In that case, he pointed out, they have to constantly watch to
make sure that the customers’ cars are not ticketed.
Gary Nessin, 2987 Highland Dnve, Carlsbad, voiced hs agreement with the proposed 2 Hour Parking limit and suggested that it be
extended to the fountain parking lot, the ConVis parking lot, and especially along Washington Street near the Village Faire
Shopping Center. He further stated that his employees play “musical cars” and move their cars every 2 hours instead of parbg in
the nearest public parking lot which is 2 or 3 blocks away. He also agreed with the suggestion that the City somehow find a way to
encourage business owners and employees to consider and use the public parking lots. He further suggested that better
enforcement of the parking restrictions is needed.
James Scanlon, 7306 Borla Place, Carlsbad, stated that he owns a four-plex on the east si& of Madison Street and it is currently
impossible to park anywhere near his property because postal employees, as well as other workers, take up all of the on-street
parking in that area. He also pointed out that if any of hs tenants wish to come home early, or have guests, there are no parking
spaces available for them. Mr. Scanlon further stated that he has watched this situation worsen, over the years, and thinks it is time
for something to be done about all of those workers and somehow find a way to make them park in the public parking lots instead of
on the streets in a residential area. Mr. Scanlon suggested that the east side of Madison Street be included in the 2 Hour Parking
limit proposal.
Commissioner Allen asked if his assumption is correct in that there is no parking limit on the east side of Madison Street.
Mr. Scanlon replied that the Commissioner is absolutely correct and that in his opinion the City should do somethmg to force
downtown employees, and any others who have the need to park for the whole day, to park in the lots the City has spent so much
money to acquire.
Eric Friedricksen, 2 120 Janis Way, Carlsbad, stated that it has been difficult to attract visitors to the downtown area and now that
they are coming, it would not be well to discourage that business by limiting the parking time to 2 hours. Rather, he recommended,
a 3 or 4 Hour Parking limit should be established, residential permit stickers should be issued, and signs should be clearly posted
and made large enough not to be overlooked. Mr. Friedricksen also agreed with Ms. Wrisley that there should be some 20 Minute
Parking limit spaces, as long as they are adequately and clearly posted.
Lee Ann Lilinthall, 2728 Grove Avenue, Carlsbad, stated that she owns the Carlsbad Beauty Supply and Salon at 580 Grand
Avenue, Carlsbad, which is one of 33 other beauty salons in the area. Because of the nature of her business, she suggested that no
less than a 3 Hour Parking limit be set. She also pointed out that every day except on Farmer’s Market day, the public lot at
Roosevelt and Carlsbad Village Drive is always full and the nearest public lot is another 2 or 3 blocks away. She suggested that a
few of the spaces in the ConVis lot be short-term parking (20 to 30 minutes) and the fountain parking should be posted as soon as
the new parking lot at the transit center is complete.
Chairperson Blake asked if there is currently a restriction in the fountain parking lot and Ms. Lilinthall replied that there is no
restriction at all.
Seeing no one else wishing to test@, Chairperson Blake closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked if the City is doing anythmg to improve future employee parking conditions.
Ms. Fountain responded that parking is an on-going issue for the Housing and Redevelopment Department and one of the things
that the department is looking at is a “parking-in-lieu” program which will eventually provide the potential to create additional
parking as it is needed. She further explained that most of the city parking lots are not currently fully utilized. However, the City is
looking at two opportunities to put up parking structures; one on the North County Transit District property and the other in the
Roosevelt Street block where the City currently owns the two public parking lots. Those parking structures, however, will not be
built until the existing parking lots generate the numbers to prove that they are nearly at their capacity and the parkmg structures are
indeed necessary and the funds are available.
Commissioner Gillfillan also asked if it would be more appropriate to have a mix of different parking restrictions, according to a
particular land use or zone.
Ms. Fountain stated that that would be something the Commission could look at and that subject has been the basis for an on-going
debate for quite a long time. The 2 Hour Parking limit was recommended, based on the enforcement issues, but if the Commission
wishes to recommend different time limits, it is withm their power to do so. Ms. Fountain further stated that the recommendation by
the Village Masterplan was also meant to be a general policy statement that all of the core downtown area should be 2 Hour
Parking, whch included the 2 Hour limits that are already posted. It was also a policy statement for the future, when people come
in asking for 30 minute or 1 hour parking.
Commissioner Allen asked if the future parking structures are intended to be 6 and 7 seven stones as they are in many places.
Ms. Fountain replied that they would be limited to 2 levels (above ground) with the possibility that a third level could be
underground because of the height ht restrictions in Carlsbad.
Chairperson Blake voiced his concern regarding the enfoment of parkmg limits, considering that people have given codicting
testimony regarding the frequency of patrols, the marking and subsequent ticketing of automobiles, and asked Sgt. Byler if he could
provide a solution.
Sgt. Byler stated that he has no solution but he feels the key to SUM enforcement is to have some consistency. To have
Merent time limits from block to block or space to space is not the answer. If at all possible, the time limits need to be consistent
throughout the area. He reminded the Commission that no matter what is done, there will always be individuals that will be very
unhappy and will register complaints.
Chairperson Blake stated that he most concerned about making the parking restrictions too short, thereby discouraging potential
shoppers from coming into the downtown area.
ACTION On motion by Commissioner Gillfillan, and duly seconded, the Tratfic Safety Commission
confirmed the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordmating Committee, and determined
that the streets indicated within the boundary shown on Exhibit 2 be postdumtinue to be
posted as a TWO-HOUR parking zone, from 7:OO a.m. to 6:OO p.m., except Sundays and
holidays, as presented.
- AYES: Blake, Allen, and Gillfillan
6B. Ponto Drive (South) - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone from 11:OO p.m. to 500 em. on both
sides of the street.
Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson began the staff report and described the project as follows: A request from a citizen to consider a
parking restriction on Ponto Dnve (south), from approximately 266 A. south of Avenida Encinas, northerly to where Ponto Drive
(south) intersects Carlsbad Boulevard, from 7:OO p.m. throughout the night. This request was initiated when the manager of Ponto
Storage Inc., Mr. Dale Schrieber, reported that recreational vehicles are parkmg overnight on Ponto Drive and causing various
problems. Staff contacted Lt. Fried of the Carlsbad Police Department and he confirmed that there have been complaints of
overnight parking but because the road is not posted with a parking restriction, police officers cannot order the vehicle to be
removed unless the occupants are sleeping in the vehicle. If, however, the vehicle remains parked in one location for more than 72
consecutive hours, it can be cited by a police officer. Overnight parking restrictions are in place in several other segments along
Carlsbad Boulevard which runs parallel to Ponto Drive. The problem is real and if nothing is done, the problem can and probably
will escalate. The Tratfic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that a NO PARKING zone be established on both sides of
Ponto Drive (south) between the hours of 1 1 :OO p.m. and 5:OO a.m., beghung at a point 266 ft. south of Avenida Encinas and
continuing northerly to its intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard. This restriction would be consistent with nearby areas on
Carlsbad Boulevard and in other similar areas where parking restrictions have been implemented to restrict overnight parking. The
restriction would be “NO PARKING 1 1PM to 5AM, 7 Days a Week.
Commissioner Gillfillan pointed out that Mr. Schreiber had requested the hours of restriction to be 7:OO p.m. to 6:OO a.m. and asked
Mr. Johnson to explain the why the hours recommended by the TSCC differ from those requested.
Mr. Johnson responded that perhaps Mr. Schreiber didn’t understand that the restriction would have to be set according to the
Municipal Code, or perhaps he was just making a suggestion. However, he continued, there is no reason to set the restriction to
begin that early in the evening and that 1 1 p.m. to 5 a.m. will effectively curb most of the overnight use.
ACTION On motion by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission
recommended that a NO PARKING zone be established on both sides of Ponto Drive (south)
between the hours of 1 1 :00 p.m. and 5:OO a.m., beginning at a point 266 feet south of Avenida
Encinas and continuing northerly to it's intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard.
- AYES: Blake, Allen, and Gilltillan
Mr. Johnson announced that the next regular meeting of the Traflic Safety Commission will be held on Monday, November 3,1997
at 3:oO p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of October 6,1997, was adjoumed at 4:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
(LJ-2 <J& "~ J
Carol A. Cruise
Mmutes Clerk