HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION October 5,1998 (Regular Meeting) 3:OO p.m. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Allen called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Allen, Blake, Courtney, Gillfillan, and Whitton Absent: None Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, TraiXc Engineer Sr. Officer Chad Oppenbom, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 3,1998. AYES: Allen, Blake, Courtney, Gillfillan, and Whitton NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Note: There were no minutes recorded for the meeting of September 14,1998, as that meeting was canceled due to a lack of agenda items. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Fred W. Maerkle, 5032 Tierra del Oro, Carlsbad, thanked the Commission and staff for their diligence, cooperation and the promptness in erecting traffk control signs at Tierra del Oro. While on the subject of Tierra del Oro, Chairperson Allen thanked Mr. Johnson for the letter written to Mr. Maerkle, advising him of the results of a rather comprehensive study done at that intersection, and called the study “a job well done”. Mr. Johnson responded that it was Jim Murray who conducted the study and sent the report to Mr. Maerkle and that he would convey the Commission’s kind words on to Mr. Murray. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: TralXc Engmeer, Bob Johnson, reported that on October 6,1998, the City Council will adopt the ordinance to establish the 30 mile per hour prima facie speed limit on Laguna Drive, between State Street and Jefferson Street, as previously recommended by this Commission in August, 1998. Mr. Johnson announced that Sgt. Kelly Cane, the new Traffic Sergeant, was unable to attend this meeting and introduced Senior Officer, Chad Oppenborn who attended the meeting in Sgt. Cane’s absence. October 5, 1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: 6A. Carlsbad Swim ComDk Parking Lot. - Request to establish a ninety-minute parking time limit for 13 parking spaces. TraEic Engineer, Bob Johnson presented the staffreport, with overhead projections and slides, as follows: This is a request to establish a 9O-mitlute parking limit on 13 new parking spaces located at the Carlsbad Swim Complex located on Monroe Street, northerly of Carlsbad High School. This item was initiated by Carl Pope, Aquatic Supervisor at the Swim Complex. On September 2,1997, the City Council adopted an ordinance that established NINETY-MINUTE parking, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, for the existing 36 parking spaces located easterly of the swim complex. This 90-minute parking time limit is, however, for 13 new spaces located immediately south of the swimming pool. These parking spaces were coIlstructed by the Carlsbad Unified School District as part of an agreement to mitigate the previous removal of 15 parking spaces and were completed this past summer as part of an overall reconfiguration of the high school parking lot. Two of the 15 new parking spaces are reserved for the City of Carlsbad adjacent to the southerly driveway and are on school district property and will not be posted as 90-minute parking at this time. The 13 spaces have been appropriately marked “Pool Parking only,’. If the Commission recommends the action, and the City Council adopts the ordinance, 90-minute parking signs will be installed on the wall or on a telspar post behind the curb stops. In the future, additional parking spaces may be created in the grassy ma located immediately east of the 13 new parking spaces. However, that will be considered at some time in the future. Mr. Jdmson pointed out that Mr. Pope has the authority to issue citations parking limit violators. He also pointed out that, overall, 90-minute parking restrictions have worked better than the former 2-hour restriction. After asking if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on this item and seeing no one, Chairperson Allen called for Commission discussion. Commissioner Whitton stated he read the entire report and concurs with the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee’s recommendation to establish the 90-minute parking time limit. Commissioner Courtney agreed with Mr. Whitton and stated his support. Commissioner Blake asked Mr. Pope if 90 minutes is adequate time for the majority of the pool users or if it has been a problem and has he issued many citations.. Mr. Pope replied that, to his knowledge, the 90-minute parking limit has not been a problem and not one has contested any citations that have been written. Mr. Pope added that the number of citations issued have dropped (approximately 50%) because the high school students seem to understand that they can no longer park at the swim complex during the class hours. He finther stated that although they (Mr. Pope and one other person) do not rigidly enforce the limit, when they see a problem and are available to do so, they do issue citations. He also stated that as soon as they can get trained, there will be three other persons, besides himself, that will have the authority to issue parking citations. Mr. Pope indicated that the pool has been closed for the past six weeks and that most of the people parking in the 13 new spaces, are high school staff members. Commissioner Courtney asked what long term solution there is for both the high school and the swim complex. Mr. Johnson replied that the most viable long term parking solution is the planned new high school which is proposed to be cmstructed and occupied sometime between 2003 to 2005, located easterly of El Camino Real and immediately north of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. October 5, 1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 Mr. Johnson stated that if the Commission is interested, he will arrange to have someone fiom the school district come to one of the Traffk Safety Commission meetings, so the Commissioners can ask some questions regarding the planned logistics for parking for both the future new high school and the existing Carlsbad High School. Chairperson Allen stated that he had driven by the swim complex and observed nine cars parked in the new parking spaces. Also, he pointed out that there are two handicapped spaces directly adjacent to the new spaces which makes that whole area like an off-limits to students area. Charperson Allen stated his support for the 90-minute parking limit as proposed. AmION On motion by Gnnmissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, to uphold the Traffic Safety coordinating Committee’s recommendation to establish a NINETY-MINUTE parking time limit, 24-hours per day, seven days per week, for the 13 new parking spaces located immediately south of the swimming pool. VOTE: 5-0 AYES: Allen, Blake, Courtney, Gillfillan, and Whitton 6B. CMC 10.32.091 - Request revisions to a portion of the Truck Routes-Streets Designated section of the municipal code. T&c Engineea, Bob Johnson, presented the staff report as follows: This item is a follow-up of a continued item fiom the August meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission. At that meeting at request was brought to the Commission to clarifjr some wording on two of the streets, Carlsbad Village Drive and Tamarack Avenue, that were in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 10.32.091. The Commission reammended that staff revise all of the wording, on the entire ordinance section, to make it clear that both directions are indicated and also that it is clear regarding the beginning and ending street segment. Using an overhead projection, Mr. Johnson pointed out the changed wording in each of the sub-sections (a through 1). Mr. Johnson stated that with the new wording, there is little room for interpretation of the meaning of the ordinance, as far as which direction trucks will be allowed to travel. He added that sub-section (1) is a new addition to Section 10.32.091, dealing with Melrose Drive (recently opened) between Rancho Santa Fe Road and Palomar Airport Road, both directions, which is a prime arterial road. He also added that a prime arterial is designed to handle truck traffic and Melrose Drive is a truck route. The TraflEc Safkty Coordinating Gmmittee had reviewed this item and has recommended that Melrose Drive be added to Section 10.32.091. Mr. Johuson mponded to commission inquiry by stating that sub-secticm (e), which is Interstate Highway 5, was previously included in the ordinance so it must be left in. Additionally, it is within the city limits but under the jurisdiction of CALTRANS for mabkmme, design, and wnstruction and is also under the jurisdiction of the California Highway Patrol for enforcement. However, Carlsbad Police can issue citations on the Freeway if there is an issue warranting such action. Commissioner Gillfillan inquired as to whether or not there will be signage designating the approved truck routes and whether the City could or would be able to erect such signage on 1-5. Mr. Johnson stated that the City would not erect truck route signs on 1-5 but the other streets are currently signed designating them as truck routes. Only Melrose Drive does not currently have truck route signage but that will be installed very soon. Mr. Johnson also pointed out that in some areas there are signs prohibiting trucks weighmg over 7 tons gross weight. He further stated that 1-5 is a defacto truck route throughout the state of California. Chavperson Allen requested that Alga Road remain a “non-truck route’’ and that signs be erected prohibiting trucks. Mr. Johnson replied that work orders, to that effect, have been issued and sent to the Streets Department. October 5, 1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 Re@g Melrose Drive, Commissioner Gillillan asked if any of the sub-sections to Section 10.32.91 are in conflict with the Scenic Route. Mr. Johnson replied that there are truck routes established, such as Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, that are cxmcmmt with Scenic Routes and that is not a problem. The key to the Scenic Routes is landscaping and setbacks along the roadways. ACTION On motion by Cormnissioner Blake, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission upheld the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee’s recommendation to revise CMC 10.32.091 to clan@ that truck route designations are for both directions of travel on the specified streets contained in CMC 10.32.091. Additionally, add Melrose Drive from Alga Road to the streets designated as a truck route. VOTE: 5-0 -9 AYES. Allen, Blake, Courtney, Gillfillan, and Whitton 6C. Carlsbad Boulevard, from Shore Drive (south) southerlv to a Doint 345 feet south of Manzano - Drive - Request to establish a NO PARKING ZONE from 11:OO p.m. to 5:OO a.m. Trafic Engineer, Bob Johnson presented the staff report as follows: This item was initiated by the Carlsbad Police Lt. Shipley, requesting a NO PARKING ZONE from 1 1:00 p.m., to 5:OO a.m., on Carlsbad Boulevard from Shore Drive (south) southerly to a point 345 feet south of Manzano Drive. Mr. Johnson presented some slides to show exactly where the proposed no parking area will be. Mr. Johnson pointed out present parking areas and explained each slide regarding its location in the proposed no parking zone. The proposed no parking zone is consistent with other no parking areas along Carlsbad Boulevard throughout the City. This item was initiated because some vehicles do park over night. Some of the vehicles are RV’s., as well as other types of vehicles. To be consistent with other sections of Carlsbad Boulevard and to eliminate complaints and other problems, the Police Department is requesting this restricted parking area. After asking ifthere was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on this item and seeing no one, Chairperson Allen called for Commission discussion. Referring to some new housing construction in the proposed no parking zone, Commissioner Whitton asked if the area in front of the new housing will be excluded in the overnight parking restriction. Mr. Johnson replied that the intent is not to exclude that area h the overnight restriction but parking will be allowed there between the hours of 5:OO a.m. and 11:OO p.m. commissioner chntney expressed his concern that perhaps the City may be encroaching on the rights of the owner of the property in question by taking away overnight parking in hnt of his home when his neighbors, to the north, have overnight parking privileges. He further suggested that the overnight restriction start at a point immediately south of the property under discussion. Mr. Johnson pointed out that the property owner does not necessarily have a right to 24 hour parking on a public street. He pointed out, for example, that where there are painted bicycle lanes, no parking is allowed at any time regardless of whether or not they are in a residential area. Gnnmissioaer Courtney stated that he feels it would be unfair to restrict the parking in front of the new house, especially when he will have paid for all of the improvements in front of his property, and that he should have the same privileges as his neighbors enjoy. Mr. Johnson stated that if it is the wish of this Commission, to exclude the frontage of the new housing construction, the c October 5, 1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 ordinance will be written to exclude that area and staff will carry the recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Courtuey stated that he would not wish to make that recommendation without fvst speaking with the property owner to hd out what his wishes are. Further, Commissioner Courtney stated that he was under the impression that the restriction would begin further south than it actually is and as long as the new home owner’s neighboring frontages will also be included in the restriction, he can support the project. Referring to the properties with bicycle lanes on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, Commissioner Blake asked if they are in one of the areas Mr. Johnson referred to earlier as being “no-parking anytime’, areas. Mr. Johnson replied that the ma referred to by Commissioner Blake is not one of the “no parking anytime” areas because there are parking aprons, off the road, between the properties and the bike lanes. commissioner GUillan agreed with Commissioner Courtney, regarding a recommendation to exclude the frontage of the new don without first speakmg to the property owner. He then asked if the majority of the overnight parking occurs south of the intemction at Cerezo Drive and if so, is that because that is where the drivers of the vehicles access the beach. Mr. Johnson replied that Lt. Shipley has indicated that the overnight parking occurs in the entire area south of Shore Drive (south) to Palomar Airport Road and, for that reason, has requested that the entire segment be included in the restriction. Commissioner Gillfillan them asked where the nearest public access to the beach is located. Commissioner Courtney stated that a public beach access is located on the south side of the new construction area. He added that the property owner, building the new house, had that access built to comply with the conditions of approval for the new home construction. Commissioner Gillfillan asked if the current “no parking - anytime” zone will remain in force at the Cerezo Drive intersection. Mr. Johnson replied that the current “no parking - anytime” zone will remain in force. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission upheld the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee’s recommendation to establish a NO PARIUNG zone during the night from 11:OO p.m. to 5:OO a.m., seven days a week. VOTE: 5-0 - AYES: Allen, Blake, Courtney, Gillfillan, and Whitton REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Courtuey requested that a commendation be prepared and presented to the immediate Past Chaqerson, Thomas Blake. October 5,1998 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 MINUTE MOTION: ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission authorized Traffic Engineer Robert Johnson to prepare a commendation to be presented to irmnediate Past Chairperson Thomas Blake, at the November meeting of the TrafEc Safety Commission. VOTE: 5-0 AYES: Allen, Courtney, Gillfillan, and Whitton ABSTAIN Blake Mr. Johnson stated that the presentation of such a commendation is standard procedure and this one will be a part of the November 2,1998 meeting. REPORTS FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson reported that there is a study in progress, that the City Council directed to the Traffic commission and that is to look at the Alder/Monroe/Sunnyhill intersection. The intersection was part of the discussion of the May Subdivision which was approved by the Planning Commission and subsequently appealed to the City Council. Residents indicated there are some safety issues concerning that intersection and they wish to have addressed. When the study is complete, it will be brought before this Commission for review. Commissioner Courtney suggested the possibility of including the opposite end of Alder Road, at Skyline Drive, in the present study because it too is a dangerous intersection. Mr. Johnson asked if there is something, in particular, that Commissioner Courtney would like to be examined. Commissioner Courtney indid that the bushes on the northwest caner need attention and that he would like Mr. Johnson to issue a work order as appropriate. Mr. Johnson indicated that staff would investigate the intersection. Mr. Johnscn announced that, with the opening of the new segment of Meb Drive, it will be necessary to establish a prima facie speed limit and the Engheering and Traffic Survey is being conducted at this time and the item will be brought before this Commission at the next meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission on November 2,1998. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of October 5,1998, was adjourned at 3:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Minutes Clerk