HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: February 1,1999 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chauperson Allen called the Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Allen, Blake, Courtney, Whitton Absent: Gillfillan Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traflic Engineer Jim Murray, Associate Engineer Traffic Sergeant Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 7, 1998, as amended on Page 6, second to last paragraph, line 4, deleting the word “not” in the phrase . . . a “Curve Warning” sign is not necessq at that particular. . . AYES: Blake, Courtney, Whition NOES: None ABSTAIN: Allen ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson stated that the City Council has adopted an ordinance for a prima facie speed limit of 55 miles per hour over the entire length of Melrose Avenue between Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road. He stated that the TE&C Safely Commission had recommended a 50 des per hour speed limit on a portion of Melrose Avenue between Alga Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road but that the Council felt that the speed limit should be consistent for the entire length. Mr. Johnson stated that the when the Agenda Bill for the “truck route clarification” was submitted, the City Attorney stated that such clarification is not needed and he, therefore, did not want the Traffic Safety Commission’s recommendations for a number of clarifications to go to the City Council for action. It is the City Attorney’s opinion that since the clarification is not needed in the wording of what constitutes a truck route between two points, any clarification of that section of the or- might open up a legal case where other clarifications might be needed and that, in turn, might weaken the City’s position on a particular issue. Commissioner Gillfillan arrived at 3:06 p.m. February 1,1999 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: 6A. Information item on new schools Droposed to be constructed by the Carlsbad Unified School District. Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson introduced Ms. Cheryl Emst, Superintendent of the Carlsbad Unified School District, and stated that Ms. Emst was present to give this report. He pointed out that this item was originated by the Traffic Safety Commission, several months ago, asking for clarification on where new schools will be located and when they will be constructed and occupied. Ms. Emst, Superintendent of the Carlsbad Unified School District, spoke of current activity regarding bond project renovations, such as roof projects, asphalt repairs, the addition of buildings to current campuses, electricaVtechnologica1 infrastructure, relocatable classrooms, and miscellaneous repairs to grounds, building, and restrooms. Ms. Ernst then presented updated information regarding the expansion of Aviara Oaks Middle School and the current construction of Pacific Rim Elementary School as well as the type and locations of the proposed construction of the following schools: K-5 Elementary School.. ................................ Southeast Quadrant - Zones 10 and 17 Elementary School and 2nd High School ..... Northeast Quadrant - Zones 14 and 15 H K-8 School ..................................................... Northeast Quadrant - Zone 7 Ms. Emst pointed out that it is very important, to the accessibility of the second High School, that College Boulevard and Caunon Road be linked to El Camino Real as soon as possible. She also mentioned the necessity for more sidewalks for children to use to get to school. Ms. Ernst also discussed the District’s need for warehouse and maintenance facilities, grounds and transportation yards, and a possible new District Office facility. Superin- Emst indicated that in almost evq year, fiam the present to final buildout, a school will be built. Following the completion of one elementary school and one middle school (1999), the plans should be well under way for the elementary school in Zone 7. During that year, it is hoped that a piece of property in Zone 10 will have been acquired and plans begun for that school. Also, it is projected that the District should be on the way to purchasing property in Zone 14 and well on the way with the planning for the second high school. It is hoped that the second high school will be open by the year 2004 or 2005. Ms. Ernst stated that, currently, there are approximately 8,300 students in the Carlsbad Unified School District with approximately 15,558 students at buildout (around the year 2010)of the City. Ms. Ernst also discussed some of the possible hture funding sources. Regarding sidewalks, Commissioner Courtney stated that the problem areas have been identified and have the highest priorities, and as funds become available, those sidewalks will be constructed. Mr. Johnson stated that the. matter of sidewalks will be on the March, 1999 Traffic Safety Commission Agenda, when there will be an update on the sidewalks program. Commissioner Courtney asked how the new school in Zone 7 will be accessed before the completion of College Road. He also asked if Tamarack Avenue will be extended into Zone 7. Ms. Emst replied that the developers will be requued to put the streets and utilities in before the District can take possession of the school properly. She added that until the College is completed, the Tri-City residents will be required to go through Oceanside to get to the school. The walking students will be able to walk from the Tri-City area by going around the existing barricade on College Road. February 1,1999 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 commissioner Courtney commented on the distinct possibility of locating some of the schools adjacent to City parks and that he was definitely in favor of such a plan. He also commented that he hopes all of the above mentioned schools will be cmstrucw according to plan, because most of the schools are rapidly outgrowing themselves and the District definitely needs more land for fbture schools. Chairpason Allen opened Public Testimafiy. Seeing no one wishing to testify, Chairperson Allen closed Public Testimony. No action on this item was required. 6B. TransDortation DeveloDment AcVI'rsnsNet Fundinv Provram - Review projects for submittals of a funding request. Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson, introducd this item and stated that Associate Engineer, Jim Murray would present the staff report. Mr. Murray described the project and presented the staff report as follows: This is a review of projects that comes before the Traffic Safety Commission each year. In summary, San Diego County receives an allocation of 2.5 million dollars which is distributed by SANDAG for non-motorhd transportation projects. These are basically bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Projects are reviewed and fecommended by the SANDAG Bicycle Facilities Committee. The committee is represented by all of the local agencies in the County, including Cal Trans and the County of San Diego. Agencies apply for funding, the Committee reviews all of the applications, and forms a priority list. They then present that list to SANDAG Board of Directors who ultimately make the final decisions (at their June meeting) on which projects will receive the funding. Carlsbad has four projects, this year. There are three sidewalk projects and one bicycle lane project. Regarding the sidewalks, the City has identified a number of sidewalk segments, throughout the City, and has placed each one on a list in order of priority. The sidewalks with missing links are the ones placed highest on the priority list. Mr. Murray presented a series of slides showing the areas with missing sidewalk links and stated the amount of funding that has been requested for each project. Mr. Murray added that the requested funding is for sidewalks only and that the requested funds cannot be used for curbs and gutters. Chaupersan Allen asked ifthe parking in some of the areas will be diminished by putting in sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. Mr. Murray replied that parking will not be diminished in any way and there will still be ample space for vehicles on both sides of the streets. Chauperson Allen asked if power poles must be relocated if they are in the direct path of sidewalks. Mr Murray replied that the poles would have to be relocated. He added that the relocation of the utility poles will be paid out of funds other than those that are being discussed in this agenda item. Commissioner Gillfillan stated he would abstain fiom voting on this item, citing a potential conflict of interest. charrperson Allen asked if SANDAG determines how much money is awarded and leave it to the cities to determine where they want to spend the funds. Mr. Murray replied that the region receives about 2.5 million dollars, portions of which can be requested fiom all of the agencies in the region. The SANDAG Bicycle Facilities Committee then has all of the agencies prioritize their projects so it can be determined which agency gets funding and how much they will receive. Chauperson Allen asked why only a portion of Alga Road, between Paseo Candelero and Cazadero Drive, is being included in this funding request and why the entire length of Alga Road is not being done. February 1, 1999 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 Mr. Johnson replied that the portions of Alga Road that are not being included in this funding are included in a fbture project. There is a median project that will be done, from El Camino Real to Cazadero Drive, and the sidewalks and some street improvements have been included in that one large project. Chairperson Allen asked why a brand new facility road (Faraday Avenue between Future Cannon Road and College Boulevard), that has not been completely built yet, has been chosen for a bicycle lane project. Mr. Johnson replied that that road is currently being designed and there is a contract out for grading. He added that the road should be finkhed shortly arad that is why they have included it for bicycle lane funding. Mr. Johnson also stated that they would be building the extension of Cannon Road fkom LEG0 Drive to El Camino Real. Both projects are expected to be open by June, 2000. chauperson Allen asked if the money being used for the extension of Cannon Road to El Camino Real is CFD money or is it the City’s money. Mr. Johnson replied that part of the hding is fkom CFD. Cannon Road has some TransNet money as well as some developer money. He indicated that there are funds allocated from several different funding sources to complete the entire project. Chairperson Allen asked if the extension of Faraday Avenue will have sidewalks. Mr. Johnson replied that it would He added that CFD money would not be allocated strictly to sidewalks and will help fund Faraday Avenue along with TransNet and TIF money. Only TDA money must be allocated to sidewalks and bicycle lanes, exclusively. Chairperson Allen asked if CFD money can be used for bicycle lanes and sidewalks. Mr. Johnson replied that CFD money can be used for all of the improvements and the City does include curbs, gutters, sidewalks and bike lanes are part of those improvements. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission upheld the Traflic Safety Coordinating Committee’s recornmeendation that a funding request for FY 1999100 TDAITransNet funds in the amount of $280,360 be submitted to SANDAG for the Valley Street, Laguna Drive, and Alga Road sidewalk projects and the Faraday Avenue bicycle lanes. VOTE: 4-0-1 NOES: None ABSTAIN: Gillfillan - AYES: Allen, Blake, Courtney, whitton 6C. Review and amrove TSC Drocedure rules and adoDt TSC Resolution No. 99-1. Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson presented the staff report as follows: This item comes before the Traffic Safety Commission, once a year, giving the Canmission the opportunity to review and revise, (if necessary) the procedures of the Commission. If there are no additions, deletions, or any other comments at this time, staff recommends that the Traffic Safety Commission adopt Traffic Safety Commission Resolution No. 99- 1. February 1, 1999 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted Traffic Safety Commission RESOLUTION NO. 99-1, adopting Traffic Safety Commission Procedures. M VOTE* 5-0 AYES: Allen, Gillfillan, Blake, Courtney, Whitton d NOES* None REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: None REPORTS FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Trafiic Engineer, Bob Johnson distributed the annual SANDAG Traffic Flow maps to each Commissioner. Mr. Johnson amomced that Mrs. Thelma Hayes’ request for an update of the sidewalks program will be on the March 1, 1999 agenda. Mr. Johnson announced that the next meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission will be held at 3:OO p.m., in the City Council Chambers on March 1,1999. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 1,1999, was adjourned at 4:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Cruise Minutes Clerk