HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-01; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutesh
March 1,1999 (Regular Meeting)
3:OO p.m.
City Council Chambers
Chairperson Allen called the Meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Commissioners Allen, Blake, Gillfillan
Courtney, Whitton
Staff Members Present: * Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Cynthia Haas, Economic Development Director
On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 1,1999,
as presented.
AYES: Allen, Blake, Gillfillan
NOES: None
Note: Commissioners Courtney and Whitton arrived at 3:04 p.m., and took their respective seats on the dais.
Traffic Engineer, Bob Johnson stated that the City Council introduced the oversize vehicle ordinance on February 16,1999
and will adopt the ordinance at the City Council meeting on March 2,1999.
6A. Pedestrian Action Plan - Status uDdate.
Mr. Johnson presented an overview of the Pedestrian Action Plan as follows: This is a status update of that plan and was
initiated by Mrs. Thelma Hayes. Ms. Hayes requested that this item be on ttus meeting’s agenda which is the 1 lth
anniversary of the Pedestrian Action Plan that was adopted in 1988. Generally, in March of each year, the Engineering
Department presents an update on Pedestrian issues, as requested by Ms. Hayes. Today, some sidewalk issues will be
discussed. A letter received from Ms. Hayes (a copy of which is on file in the Enginwing Department) expressed some
interest in sidewalks within both a one mile radius and a 0.5 mile radius of some of the schools.
Listed below are items that are part of each city employees job, in that all departments within the City address pedestrian
issues during the normal course of their duties, much the same as the Engineering Department addresses issues regarding
vehicles and bicycles. Pedestrian, vehicles, and bicycles (Modes of Transportation) are areas that receive a considerable
amount of attention h all departments of the City. Many pedestrian issues are not in the least way glamorous, but they
are important and critical to the betterment of the community.
1. Traffic Signal Timing: When staff receives requests regarding traffic signal timing, for pedestrians,
those signals are inspected and appropriately adjusted, to provide a little extra time if necessary.
2. Physically Handicapped Accommodations: Engineering receives many requests for ramps and
handicapped parking spaces, in various locations in the City, and are constructing new ramps or installing
appropriate parking spaces.
3. Schools: There are several new schools proposed or already in progress. Staff has met with the architects
and school officials regarding vehicular circulation and pedestrian access. There have been many issues
raised regarding school crosswalks. As an example, the City has relocated a school crosswalk in front of
Jefferson Elementary School, to accommodate the construction that is currently taking place and to better
serve the pedestrians. Last Spring, at Aviara Oaks Elementary School, there was a task force convened
(including Mr. Johns04 Sgt. Byler (CPD), and Sgt. Cain (CPD) )to deal with both vehicular and
pedestrian circulation. That task force resulted in a report and a school committee that enacted a variety
of safety measures in and around the school such as a flashing beacon placed on Aviara Parkway, in the
vicinity of the school.
4, Blind and Visually Impaired Accommodations: After receiving requests for assistance in crossing
streets, the City has installed audible (chirping) traffic signals in several locations, to assist the visually
handicapped in determining where and when to cross a street.
5. Bus Stop Locations: The City has worked with NCTD as to where to install new bus stops, based on the
needs for NCTD to serve pedestrians that use public transportation.
6. Crossing Guard Studies: These studies have been done within the past twelve months and several school
locations needing adult crossing guards were identitied and have been funded. This type of study requires
extensive time to analyze the pedestrian usage, examine the vehicle turning movement volumes, and make
recommendations to the Police Department, and includes the time needed for the City Council to
appropriate the bds necessary for the project.
7. TDA Projects: In 1998 the City was able to obtain some funding for some sidewalks on Buena Vista
Way, a portion of Jefferson Street, and the bridge over the railroad at Poinsettia Lane.
8. Corridor Design Study: There is a Corridor Design Study on Highland Drive that will be initiated, and
it is in the very early stages of writing the RFP (Request for Proposal). This is in an effort to see if there
are some pedestrian linkages that can be established on Highland Drive as well as to develop some
collcepfs by meeting with residents along Highland Drive, to see if they would be agreeable to some type
of circulation system along their street.
9. Handicapped Ramps: There are a number of handicapped pedestrian ramps under construction at
locations on the curb returns where there are sidewalks but there weren’t any pedestrian ramps. This is
a program for which the City Council appropriate approximately $250,000 annually. In 1995, staff
identified 465 locations, adjacent to sidewalks, that did not have ramps. To date, approximately 262 of
those locations have had ramps installed or are currently being installed. Another 160 ramps are in the
design stages and construction bidding is expected to take place in the summer of 1999.
Vige Area Sidewalk & Curb Rehabilitation Program: This program is in progress with temporary
or interjm sidewalks that are being replaced. These are sidewalks that represent a “trip and fall” hazard.
There is a more ultimate design underway that will help pedestrians in the Village area.
Sidewalk in the 1999-2000 CIP: The sidewalk that was recommended by this Commission, several
months ago, for Monroe Avenue and Sunnyhill Drive, will be in the CIP for funding by the City Council.
Intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Monroe Street: There have been a couple of pedestrians hit at
this intersedon, by motor vehicles that violated the pedestrians right-of-way. It was been determined that
a “split phase” signal should be installed at that intersection and one was subsequently installed. The
installation of a ‘‘split phase” signal made it possible to eliminate a vehicle making a left turn into the path
of a pedestrian.
La Costa Canyon High School: In the Fall of 1998, Mr. Johnson and Sgt. Kelly Cain met with school
representatives and addressed the concerns initiated by some parents in that area of the school.
Budget Increases for Crossing Guards: Currently the Police Department is requesting some budget
increases for crossing guards that Sgt. Kelly Cain has requested and appropriate studies will be conducted
for those requested inckeases.
Installation of ADA Pedestrian Pushbuttons: The City has completed the installation of ADA approved
pedestrian pushbuttons at all traflk signal locations. These 2 inch buttons allow easier access for
handicapped pedestrians to push the button. These buttons can be depressed with an elbow, a cane, etc.
Design or Current Sidewalk Construction: Missing sidewalk locations on Jefferson Street, from
Chinquapin to Magnolia, are under design. The Valley Street and Chestnut Avenue sidewalks, in the
vicinity of the Carlsbad High School, have been put out for bid, and staff is ready to go to Council in a few
weeks with the award of bid for that project. There are also some missing sidewalk locations on Park
Drive, south of Tamarack and on the east side, for which the designs are nearing completion and the
project should go out to bid very soon. Regarding the proposed sidewalks at or near the Buena Vista
School, there have been meetings with the property owners to discuss the widening of that one-way street
so as to allow for curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and drainage improvements to facilitate access to the school.
The City needs rights-of-way to accomplish those goals but the residents are not in favor of the project
nor were the school officials (School District) or the PTA anxious to see those improvements on that
street StaE is going to complete the design but that project will not proceed for several more years. Also
under design are the sidewalks, curbs, and gutters on Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard easterly
almost to the railroad tracks. Alga Road easterly of Alicante near Casadero is also under design to include
sidewalks all the way up the hill to El Fuerte in conjunction with the median street light work in that
vicinity. Regarding the ultimate repairs for the downtown sidewalks (in conjunction with some curb and
gutter issues) further improvements are being considered and studied.
Bus Benches and Street Lighting: The bus bench issue was discussed with the NCTD Board at their
special workshop session in January, 1999, during which the Board of Directors discussed their business
plan which they are getting ready to initiate. It is assumed that they will put the issue of bus benches in
their plan. The City does not install bus benches but NCTD will address the issue and what will result
from their studies and discussions remains to be seen. An inventory of street lights will be done, the
results of which will be entered into the computer data base in conjunction with some other infrastructure,
and will &id staiTthe ability to know where all of the street lights in the City are located. This data base
will also allow staff to appropriately place bus benches when the time is right.
As a reminder to the Commission, the sidewalk inventory report was prepared in 199 1. The report lists all of the missing
sidewalks in the City, not just those within an 0.5 mile radius of some schools or within a 1 .O mile radius. Every missing
sidewalks was identified through a field inventay in this document, with a priority ranking of those locations. Priority was
given to sidewalk segments in the vicinity of schools or other infrastructure needs. Staff relies on this document and is
available to be studied by the public. Staff did a field inventory in the vicinity of the schools in the northeast quadrant.
These schools are generally where there are missing sidewalks. The schools in the southeast and northwest quadrants are
generally in residential areas that have had sidewalks cod. For the most part, in those areas, school children are able
to walk on sidewalks to the schools. Staff attempts to provide sidewalks on at least one side of the street if for some reason
it is not feasible to have sidewalks on both sides.
Mr. Johnson explained the map exhibits, on the wall, and pointed out that because of overlapping radii, it appears there are
far more missing sidewalks than there are in actuality.
Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, stated that she is very pleased with the direction in which the City is going
in terms of man safii. She pointed out that the goal of the Pedestrian Action Committee was to get sidewalks within
an 0.5 mile radius of all elementary schools. After visiting the City Clerk’s ofice and finding that this is within the purview
of the Tr&c Safety Commission, Ms. Hayes suggested that the Commission consider asking the City Council for enough
money to get all of those sidewalks collsfrucfed and the project brought to a conclusion. Regarding bus benches, Ms. Hayes
stated that she has suggested that the Arts Commission consider sponsoring a contest for a design for a bus bench. She
added that not that she finds that the City is not in the bus bench business, she stated that there are many civic organizations
that dd buy one or more benches in an effort to further the quest for more of a pedestrian community. She then pointed
out that many people are discouraged fkom using public transportation because there are no benches upon which to rest
while waiting for the busses.
Commissioner Blake asked Ms. Hayes if she had received any response from the Arts Commission.
Ms. Hayes replied that she has not yet had any response from the Arts Commission but she is saving her “dues” envelope
and is going to put a little note in the envelope stating that she would like to be advised as to what, if any, action has been
taken regarding her suggestions.
Chairperson Allen asked if Ms. Hayes could quantify how much money it would take to complete the sidewalk projects
around the subject schools.
Ms. Hayes replied that she does have a figure because she has never had a definitive inventory of sidewalks until now.
Chauperson Allen asked Ms. Hayes if she knows what percentage of the sidewalks (overall) have been completed, to date.
Ms. Hayes replied that she does not know the exact percentage of completed sidewalks.
Commissioner Blake asked Mr. Johnson asked if there is question of liability on occupying part of a sidewalk with a bus
bench, should a bench be available.
Mr. Johnson replied that any enmmhmt in the right-of-way would require a Right-of-way Permit which in turn requires
the appropriate insurance.
Gloria Flores, 2620 Roosevelt Street, Apartment #5, Carlsbad, presented some photographs of Valley Junior High Schools
students waking where there are no sidewalks, no dividers for the vehicles, or no crosswalks near the school. She stated
that she has spoken to teachers and found that there are no protections in place for the children while they are waiting for
their busses. She requested that the Commission give priority to the construction of the sidewalks in the vicinity of Valley
Junior High School. She offered to assist by organizing a fund raising event(s) if there isn’t enough money in the budget
for those sidewalks. She reminded the Commission of the tragedies that have occurred in neighboring cities before
appropriate street crossing devices were installed and that she would prefer to have a more pro-active approach to the safety
devices in Carlsbad.
Robert Rojas, Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, stated he has been a Neighborhood Watch captain for many years and voiced his
concern for the lack of sidewalks in many areas. He complimented the Pedestrian Action Committee for their dedication
and commitment and urged them to continue in their endeavors.
Commissioner Courtney stated that rights-of-way are sometimes very difficult to obtain and sometimes takes many years.
There are many residents who don’t want sidewalks on their street and continue to refuse to give or sell rights-of-way.
Regarding school crossing guards, Commissioner Courtney stated that he has observed, on several occasions, the guards
stopping trafllc when tr&c signals are green for vehicular traffic when he or she should be waiting until the light turns red
for them- He suggested that all crossing guards need to be properly trained to know how to use the signaled intersections both for the safety of the children and to allow trafEc to flow smoothly. He added that it is not only important for orderly
traffk flow but it is extremely important for the education of the children. Children need to be taught the proper way to
cross streets, with or without tr&c signals, and properly trained crossing guards would have a very positive effect on those
children. Commissioner Courtney suggested that the City entertain the idea of “countd~~n~~ signals in those areas where
it pedestrians are CollfUsBd about how much time they have to cross the street. With the “countd~~n~’ signal, the time counts
down to let the pedestrian know exactly how much time he or she has to get across the street. Commissioner Courtney asked
if all schools have painted crosswalks.
Mr. Johnson replied that there are crOSSwalkS at many controlled (signal or stop sign) intersections. Generally there
is not painted crosswalk at an uncontrolled intersection. Two lines on a street is not a safety device and tends to give a
man a false sense of security. In response to the comment by Ms. Flores, he referred to the young girl in San Diego,
who recently was hit by a car while in a painted crosswalk at an uncontrolled intersection, who unfortunately succumbed
to her injuries.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked what the next step will be now that the sidewalk inventory has been completed
Mr. Johnson replied that priorities in the sidewalk inventory report have already been established. With the allocation of
approximately $500,000 fiom the City Council, supplemented through TDA funding , work begins and is taken as far as
the dollar allotment will allow. There are always a number of obstacles, such as not being able to acquire rights-of-way,
etc. In many cases the road must be widened before a sidewalk can be installed. The most important function is to keep
moving forward until a time when all of the sidewalks, curbs, and gutters will be in place.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked if the priority (or ranking) is re-visited very oh.
Mr. Johnson replied that the priority ranking is quite accurate and the need for constant review is non-existent. For
example: the schools do not move and therefore the missing sidewalk condition remains the same and does not require a
re-ranking. Schools continue to be at the top of the list of priorities and will remain so.
Commissioner Gillfillan asked if there are things that the City looks at or evaluates that would require re-visiting of the
sidewalks priority list.
Mr. Johnson replied that the schods in the northwest quadrant have been given most, if not all, of the attention because that
is the older part of the city where there are very few or no sidewalks. In the newer areas of the city, the subdivisions are
conditioned to install sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. As an example: Pacific Rim Elementary School, located at the
intersection of Camino de Los Ondas and Hidden Valley Road, is in an area where there are sidewalks everywhere. The
City has been conditioning new project, throughout the city, to require sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, for several years now
and will continue to do so. When it comes to handicapped ramps, however, there are many locations throughout the city
that do not have the ramps. As a result, intersections are actively being retrofitted with ramps (a four year program) in all
quadrants of the city. The City Council has appropriated $250,000 to accofnplish that goal. Until there is different direction
given, Engineering will continue to concentrate on the installation of sidewalks in the northwest quadrant.
For the benefit of Ms. Hayes, Chairperson Allen asked Mr. Johnson to explain the exact procedure for obtaining funds for
sidewalk construction.
Mr. Johnson replied that the City Council generally appropriates the monies. Following that, Engineering looks at the
particular locations and determine which project should be commenced, based on the funding received and the location of
the project. In some cases there are developments that go in that trigger the installation of some sidewalks and if the City
can work around that and connect the linkages, that is what is done. Essentially, money is received from Council, priorities
and needs are determined and if more money is needed, then staff returns to Council to ask for more appropriations.
chauperson Allen asked if Ms. Hayes’ suggestion of completing all of the sidewalks at one time would entail huge amounts
of money and is it actually possible to do that.
Mr. Johnson replied that it is possible for this Commission to recommend the immediate completion of all of the sidewalk
projects, especially in the northwest quadrant, but added that not all streets require sidewalks at this time. Some of the
streets are very remote, pedestrian volume is very low, and they are not necessarily direct routes to schools. Those streets
have the lowest of the priorities and that is what is reflected in the report. The cost would be several millions of dollars and
that is why the construction of the sidewalks is done over periods of years. One must bear in mind that there are numerous
citizen requests that must be addressed, as well as sidewalks, and the money must be allocated fairly for all. It is the
prerogative of the commission to recommend that “X” dollars should be appropriated and that recommendation would be
taken forward to the City Council. The CIP is currently in the process of being developed and will go to City Council in
June, 1999.
Commissioner Courtney stated that he does not think it would be prudent for this Commission to enact such a
recommendation to the City Council because the mechanism for all appropriations is already in place, which establishes
needs and priorities.
By consensus, the Commission agreed not to make such a recommendation to Council.
Commissioner Courtney asked if there is some way a list of the missing sidewalks around schools can be compiled and
given to Ms. Hayes.
Mr. Johnson replied that there is no such list but it can be done. However, it will take some time and quite a bit of work
to accomplish the task.
Chmissioner Courtney requested that staff prepare a list of the missing sidewalks and that information be given to Ms.
Mr. Johnson agreed to the request.
ACTION: This item was for information only. No action was required and none was taken.
6B. Carlsbad Economic and DemoPraDhic Profile - Presentation of Carlsbad Statistics
Mr. Johnson stated that this is a status report to inform the Commission regarding Carlsbad Economic and Demographic
Profile statistics. Previous to introducing Cynthia Haas, City of Carlsbad Economic Development Manager, Mr. Johnson
informed the Commission that Ms. Haas has previously given this same report to the City Council, other Boards, and
Ms Haas gave an audio-visual presentation of statistical information addressing areas such as traffic, jobs, income,
development, commufe patterns, transit ridership, and school area trSc issues. The information was compiled on Carlsbad
residents and individuals working in the City of Carlsbad. Ms. Haas also presented each Commissioner with a “hand
0ut”containing some of the same information included in the audio-visual presentation.
ACTION: This item was for information only. No action was required and none was taken.
Commissioner Courtney asked if something can be done about the standing water on the east side of State street at the
Mr. Johnson stated that he would report this to the design engineer in an attempt to resolve the problem, since there is a
downtown project being designed to address curb and gutterhidewalk issues.
Commissioner Courtney stated that he has had a request hm Garcia’s Barber Shop, located on the east side of State Street
by the barber shop, between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue, to look into having the parking space in front of
the barber shop (immediately south of the crosswalk on the east side of State Street) reinstated as a legal parking space.
It seems that when a City crew eliminated the parking space immediately south of the crosswalk on the west side of state
street (it was a hazard to pedestrians), they not only red painted the corresponding hazardous space on the east side of the
street (north of the crosswalk) but they also painted out the perfectly legitimate parking space immediately south of the
crosswalk that did not impact the crosswalk.
Mr. Johnson responded by stating that those spaces were checked very carefully, several years ago, and it was determined
that there was a problem with parked vehicles encroaching into the traffic lane. As a result, the curbs were purposely
painted red and will remain as they are today.
Commissioner Courtney asked how the east side of the street is different from the west side.
Mr. Johnson replied that the decision was based on geornetrics and sight distance and the angle of the spaces are different
and was found to be a pedestrian hazard as well as a traffic lane hazard.
TraEc Engineer, Bob Johnson reported that his off~ce has received a request to address a vehicular speedmg problem on
Avenida de Anita, hm Carlsbad Village Drive to Marron Road. This will be on the agenda of the April 5,1999 meeting.
Mr. Johnson announced that the next meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission will be held at 3:OO p.m., in the City
Council Chambers on April 5,1999.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 1,1999, was adjourned at 4:3 1 p.m.
RespectMly submitted,
Carol A. Cruise
Minutes Clerk