HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: May 3,1999 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairperson Allen called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Commissioners Allen, Blake, Whitton
Courtney, Gillfillan
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department
Associate Engineer, John Kim
Associate Engineer, Jim Murray
On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 5, 1999, as presented.
AYES: Allen, Blake, Whitton
NOES: None
6A. Camino de las OndaslAlderwood Drive Intersection and Hidden Vallev Road/Plum
Tree Road Intersection. Reauest to establish an ALL-WAY STOP intersection and to imdement an Adult CrossinP Guard in the school zone for Pacific Rim Elementarv School.
Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson presented the staff report explaining that the requests had been made by the
school principal, Steve Ahle after meeting with Sgt. Cain and himself. The Pacific Rim Elementary School is currently under construction, will open in September 1999 and fronts on Camino de las Ondas
between Hidden Valley Road and Solandra Drive. Primary access to the school will be from a two-way
driveway to be constructed opposite Alderwood Drive.
Mr. Johnson explained that he, Sgt. Cain and Steve Ahle had met to discuss the Suggested Route to School. In accordance with the Caltrans Traffic Manual for School Area Pedestrian Safety, factors were
evaluated such as traffic controls present or absent at an intersection, sidewalks, number of children that
would use the intersection crossing and the need for students to cross prior to entering the school zone
from west to east so as to not cross at an uncontrolled intersection. The Traffic Manual states
"...responsible traffic authorities shall investigate all locations along the "Suggested Route to School" and
recommend appropriate traffic control measures." Bob explained that the meeting concluded with a
recommendation that an ALL-WAY STOP be installed at the intersections of Camino de las Ondas/Aldenvood Drive and Hidden Valley RoadPlum Tree Road, and that an Adult Crossing Guard be provided by the City at the intersection of Camino de las OndaslAldenvood Drive before and after school
hours. In response to a question, Bob added that a future option exists to add an Adult Crossing Guard at
the intersection of Hidden Valley RoadPlum Tree Road after a study is done to see if it meets the Caltrans warrant requirements. Bob stated that currently, this intersection does not meet Caltrans warrants
for an Adult Crossing Guard.
Bob Johnson presented slides showing the intersection of Hidden Valley Road/plum Tree Road/Poinsettia
Park entry/exit from all approach legs to the intersection. He also showed slides of the intersection of
Camino de las OndaslAldenvood Drive from all approach legs to the intersection, pointing out that the
new school entry/exit would be opposite Aldenvood Drive on the north side of Camino de las Ondas.
Commissioner Blake asked if Aldenvood Drive is a public or private street, and whether this would have
any bearing on the ALL-WAY STOP issue.
Mr. Johnson responded that Aldenvood Drive is a private street currently controlled by a STOP sign at the
intersection with Camino de las Ondas, and the fact that Aldenvood Drive is a private street had no
bearing on the issue of installing an ALL-WAY STOP at this intersection.
Chairperson Allen asked if Aldenvood Drive connected directly to Poinsettia Lane.
Mr. Johnson responded no, that Aldenvood Drive intersected with Batiquitos Drive to the south which
then intersected with Poinsettia Lane that is south of the Aldenvood Drive intersection.
Chairperson Allen asked if there was a traffic signal planned to be constructed at the intersection of Camino de las Ondasmidden Valley Road.
Bob Johnson responded that there currently were no plans to construct a traffic signal at this intersection,
but that the intersection could be studied in the future to see if it meets any of the Caltrans traffic signal
warrants, and if so, placed on the City of Carlsbad list of prioritized intersections for future traffic signals.
Chairperson Allen asked if the ALL-WAY STOP at Hidden Valley Road/plum Tree Road could be
moved to the intersection of Camino de las Ondasmidden Valley Road.
Bob responded that if the intersection of Camino de las Ondasmidden Valley Road met warrants for an ALL-WAY STOP, one would be considered for installation. Bob added that an ALL-WAY STOP would
most likely be needed at the intersection of Hidden Valley RoadlPlum Tree Road due to the potential for
school children living on the west side of Hidden Valley Road to cross and for the pedestrian crossings to
and from Poinsettia Park.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Whitton, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety Commission upheld the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to recommend that an ALL-WAY STOP be installed at the intersections
of Camino de las Ondas/Aldenvood Drive and also Hidden Valley Road/Plum Tree
RoacUPoinsettia Park Driveway and that the City of Carlsbad provide an Adult Crossing Guard at the intersection of Camino de las Ondas/Aldenvood Drive before and after school hours.
VOTE: 3-0 AYES: Allen, Blake, Whitton NOES: None
6B. Adams Street. Chinquapin Avenue to Park Drive. Reauest to estabIish a Drima facie
sgeed limit.
Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson introduced Associate Engineer John Kim who presented the staff report.
John Kim explained that this item was initiated by the Carlsbad Police Department. Adams Street south of Chinquapin Avenue is an unclassified street located in the north part of the City and a prima facie speed limit has not been established on this portion of Adams Street. The road segment does not qualify as a
Residence District according to the requirements of the California Vehicle Code.
Mr. Kim then presented slides showing the subject segment of Adams Street. This portion of Adams
Street is largely unimproved lacking curb, gutter, sidewalks and street lights along most of its length. A major portion of the road parallels the northern shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon where steep slopes are adjacent to portions of the roadway. Adams Street has a curvilinear alignment with horizontal curve radii ranging from 80 to 525 feet, and curve warning signs with advisory speed limit signs have been
installed. John explained that the horizontal curves were "ball banked" and that the curve warning and
advisory speed signs are adequate and appropriate. One travel lane exists in each direction separated by either a single broken yellow or solid double yellow centerline, and there are no designated bicycle lanes in either direction. This segment of Adams Street has a daily traffic volume of approximately 800 vehicles west of Park Drive, and 1,100 vehicles north of Hoover Street.
In conclusion, John explained that staff has conducted an Engineering and Traffic Survey for Adams
Street from Chinquapin Avenue to Park Drive. The results of the speed survey for this portion of Adams Street are indicated in Table A, included in the staff report. Based on the results of the Engineering and
Traffic Survey, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a prima facie
25 mile per hour speed limit on Adams Street from Chinquapin Avenue to Park Drive.
Commissioner Blake asked since this section of Adams Street has a "critical speed" of 34 mph and is not a Residence District per the California Vehicle Code, why are we recommending posting a speed limit of
25 mph instead of 30 mph.
John Kim responded that the 25 mph speed limit posting is being recommended due to the existing
roadway characteristics and steep slopes adjacent to the roadway. Bob Johnson added that this road segment had a higher accident rate than one would typically expect on this type of road. This is due to
there having been three (3) accidents on the roadway which has a low volume of traffic. In addition, Bob
pointed out the lack of street lights and sidewalks on the roadway.
Chairperson Allen asked if there were a high number of school children walking along this road.
John responded no, there were not many school children using this segment of road, that the housing
density was higher north of Chinquapin Avenue and that is where school children are more concentrated.
Chairperson Allen asked what was the speed limit on Adams Street north of Chinquapin Avenue.
Bob Johnson responded that this is a residential area and basic speed law applied when children where in
the vicinity or crossing the street.
Chairperson Allen opened Public Testimony.
Roxanne Rusing, 4310 Brooks Way, Carlsbad, stated that she agrees with staffs recommendation. She went on to express her concerns that motorists tend to drive too fast on Adams Street, that there have been recently three (3) accidents in the vicinity of the curves north of Hoover Street in which motorists lost
control and ran off the road.
Chuck Pateros, 4150 Adams Street stated that he understood that this road does not meet the criterion of a
Residence District, but expressed his concerns that there are children and that traffic needs to be slowed down. He also stated that Adams Street is a "scenic route", that possibly this could be used to help slow
down traffic.
Jeri Yamanaka, 4260 Adams Street expressed her concerns about the excessive speed of vehicles on
Adams Street and her concerns about the safety of children. She stated that there have been three (3)
vehicles recently that have ran off the road and turned over in her yard, and that motorists make U-turns in
front of her home due to the widened street.
Chairperson Allen closed Public Testimony.
Commissioner Blake stated that he thought the road should be posted 30 mph, but that he will support the
25 mph recommendation.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety
Commission upheld the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 25 mph a prima facie speed limit on Adams Street from
Chinquapin Avenue to Park Drive.
VOTE: 3-0 AYES: Allen, Blake, Whitton
NOES: None
Bob Johnson announced that the CIP budget would be going to City Council on May 18, 1999, the
Operating Budget would be going to City Council on June 1, 1999, and the complete budget would be
going to City Council for adoption on June 15, 1999. Bob also stated that an item at the June 7, 1999 Traffic Safety Commission will be a request for an ALL-WAY STOP on Poinsettia Lane at the new
Carrillo Elementary School driveway.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that Steve Ahle, Principal of Pacific Rim Elementary School was now in the audience if the Commissioners wanted to talk to him after the meeting.
Bob Johnson announced that the next meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission will be held at 3:OO p.m., in the City Council Chambers on June 7, 1999.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 3,1999, adjourned at 3:37 p.m.
Respecthlly submitted,
Associate Engineer Traffic Operations Section