HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-13; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF : TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION
DATE OF MEETING: September 13,1999 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairperson Gillfillan called the Meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Staff Members Present:
Commissioners Gillfillan, Allen, Courtney
Blake, Whitton
Bob Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
Jim Murray, Associate Engineer
John Kim, Associate Engineer
On motion by Commissioner Courtney, the Commission approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 12,1999,
as presented. No meeting was held on August 2,1999.
AYES: Gillfillan, Allen, Courtney
NOES: None
ABSENT: Blake, Whitton
Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, adQessed the Commission, requesting that a discussion be put on the October
agenda of the Traffic Safety Commission regarding the possibilities of constructing safer walkways along both sides of
Coast Highway between Carlsbad and Oceanside across the Buena Vista Lagoon. She pointed out a recent fatality,
involving a pedestrian hit by an automobile, on that segment of Coast Highway and stated that something needs to be done
to avoid a recurrence of any further such incidents. Ms. Hayes also pointed out that she has been asking for attention to
this roadway for many years, and nothing has been done so far. She informed the Commission that she has written several
letters to the City Council and other sources regarding evidence of traffic mishaps in the Buena Vista LagoodCoast
Highway area and pointed out that there are absolutely no protections for pedestrians along that roadway. She suggested
that the City should construct sidewalks, or at the very least, protective guardrails similar to those.that protect the bridge
over the lagoon. Also, there should be a pedestrian access to and from the west side of the roadway, across Coast Highway
at the "I"' where State Street joins Coast Highway, Ms. Hayes suggested that these small items could be temporary while
the City (or Cities) decide what to do about the capital improvements that are scheduled for sometime in the fbture.
Commissioner Courtney stated that there are plans in the design stage to replace the bridge over the railroad tracks, located
south of State Street, and there will probably be some provision(s) for pedestrian access.
Mr. Johnson interjected and stated that although there will be a new bridge over the railroad tracks, the only pedestrian
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provisions are sidewalks on both sides of the bridge to allow pedestrians the ability to walk on Coast Highway over the
bridge. There are no pedestrian crosswalks in the plans.
Commissioner Courtney suggested that the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation be approached with the suggestion to create
a trail along the lagoon, as far away fiom the roadway as possible.
Ms. Hayes replied that there is a proposal being considered for a boardwalk along the lagoon but the projected construction
time is between the years 20 10 and 2020.
To give staff direction regarding this matter, Commissioner Courtney suggested that the Commission direct staff to bring
an update on the design of the proposed new bridge over the railroad tracks, a report on the possibility of installing
guardrails, and general information on the site specific.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that whatever is done, there will be Coastal Commission issues. He also stated that this item will
not be on the October agenda but will be on the first available agenda aRer the pertinent information has been gathered.
Trafiic Engineer, Bob Johnson mound the following:
1. One August 17,1999, the City Council adopted the ordinance to establish the prima facie 35 miles per hour speed
limit upon Camino Hills Drive, fiom Faraday to Browning Road.
2. On August 17,1999, the City Council adopted the ordinance to establish the prima facie 35 miles per hour speed
limit upon Jackspar Drive, fiom Camino Hills Drive to El Camino Real.
614. cane Timiteo, camin0 de 10s Coches to La Costa Avenue - Request to establish a prima facie speed
Associate Engineer, Jim Murray presented the staff report as follows: This item was initiated by Sherrie Bengtson,
Association Manager for the “On the Park Homeowner’s Association.” Calle Timiteo was originally constructed fiom La
Costa Avenue to about 500 feet west of Calle Caracas, a number of years ago and has recently been extended to the south
to intersect with Camino de 10s Coches. Calle Timiteo is an unclassified roadway on the City’s Circulation Element of the
General Plan. It is a two lane roadway following a curvilinear alignment. It has grades that vary fiom 1.0% to about 9.0%.
This road segment is about 0.5 miles in length and is built to City Standards with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lights.
There is one travel lane in each direction and the lanes are separated by a double yellow centerline, except for the most
northerly end of the roadway near La Costa Avenue where there is a 190 foot section which is separated by a raised
landscaped median. The adjacent land uses include single and multi-family residential, park, community
park/playground/bike trail/ walking trail/ swimming pools and picnic area.
Calle Timiteo is controlled by STOP signs at the north and south ends of La Costa Avenue and Camino de 10s Coches.
There is no other traffic control that has been established on any of the other intersecting side streets which are all private
streets. The ADT volume in 1,900 vehicles. A review of the two-year traffic collision history does show there have been
two reported traffic collisions which gives the road a Traffic Collision rate of 2.72 which is slightly higher than the state
standard of 1.94 for a twelane roadway. Upon evaluating these two traffic collisions, only one of them was speed related.
Two Engineaing and Traftic Surveys were conducted and the critical speed in one section was determine to be 32 mph and
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35 mph in the other section.
Based upon the results of the Engineering and Traflic SLUV~~, the Trfic Safety Coordinating Committee has recommended
that a prima facie speed limit of 30 miles per hour be established upon Calle Timiteo from La Costa Avenue to Camino de
10s caches. Also, an ordinance will be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the 30 miles per hour speed
limit, as recommended.
Commissioner Allen stated that he had driven through the area and he feels that the absolute maximum speed limit should
be 30 des per hour. He further stated that the street is quite tight and, in his opinion, the speed limit could even be lower.
Commissioner Courtney asked if there are any residential driveways on Calle Timiteo.
Mr. Murray replied that there are no direct residential driveways on Calle Timitm. There is, however, a driveway for the
apartments at the north end of the roadway, near La Costa Avenue.
Commissioner Courtney stated that he is concerned about the driveway and asked if this could qualie as a Residence
Mr. Murray replied that this area does not qual@ as a Residence District, per the California Vehicle Code.
Commissioner Courtney stated that since this area does not qualify as a Residence District, he can support the request for
a 30 miles per hour speed limit.
Chairperson Gillfillan asked if the sight distance on the subject roadway is satisfactory.
Mr. Murray replied that it does meet the sight distance requirements for a 30 miles per hour zone.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety
conunission upheld the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee
to establish a prima facie speed limit of 30 miles per hour upon Calle Timiteo from La
Costa Avenue to Camino de 10s Coches.
VOTE: 3 -0
AYES: Gillfillan, Allen, Whitton - NOES: None
Associate Engineer, Jim Murray presented the staff report as follows: This item was initiated by William S. Davis, 111,
resident of Carlsbad.
Calle Barcelona was cow several years ago h El Camin0 Real to Paseo Aliso. Paseo Aliso is the first intersection
with Rancho Santa Fe Road, east of El Camino Real. In July, 1999, Calle Barcelona was opened and extended from Paseo
Aliso, easterly to intersect with Rancho Santa Fe Road. Calle Barcelona is classified as a Secondary Arterial on the
Circulation Element of the General Plan. It is a four lane road that follows a curvilinear alignment and has road grades that
vary from 1.0% to 7.22% for a distance of 1.28 miles. The roadway is built to City Standards with curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, street lights, and bicycle lanes. In addition, the roadway does have a separate Class I bicycle facility, both north
and south of the roadway and parallels the entire length of Calle Barcelona. The horizontal and vertical alignment of the
road meets the requtrements of a 40 mile per hour design speed for a secondary arterial roadway. The two travel lanes and
bicycle lanes, that exist in each direction, are separated by a ten foot wide painted median. The adjacent land uses include
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single-family residential, open space, bicycle and pedestrian paths, a daycare center/preschool, and tennis courts. There
is an elevated pedestrian overpass adjacent to the daycare center and preschool that has been constructed over Calle
Calle Barcelona is controlled by trac signals, at both the east and west ends at the intersections of Rancho Santa Fe Road
and El Camino Real. No other traffic control has been established at any of the intermediate intersections. All of the
intersections are public streets.
Calle Barcelona has an average ADT volume of 4,600 vehicles east of El Camino Real, and 1,700 vehicles west of Rancho
Santa Fe Road.
An Engineering and Traffic Survey was conducted, for Calle Barcelona fiom El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road.
The results of the speed survey indicated a critical speed of 50 miles per hour east of Paseo Aliso, and a critical speed of
47 miles per hour west of Paseo Arrayan.
Based upon the results of the Engineering and T&c Survey, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee has recommended
the establishment of a prima facie speed limit of 45 miles per hour upon Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Rancho
Santa Fe Road. Also, an ordinance will be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the 45 miles per hour
speed limit, as recommended.
Commissioner Courtney asked if there would be a problem in establishing a 45 miles per hour speed limit on a roadway
with a design speed of 40 miles per hour.
Mr. Johnson replied that, per City standards, a secondary arterial has a 40 miles per hour design speed ,but research has
shown that this roadway is actmlly designed with a higher design speed, over and above 40 mph. The critical issue is that
by indicating in the Circulation Element that it is a secondary roadway, it is understood that it is a four-lane, divided road,
with bike lanes.
Commissioner Allen stated that he had also driven on this roadway and, contrary to his opinion on the last item, this
roadway appears to be able to handle a higher speed limit than 45 miles per hour. He further stated that he concerned that
it will be too difficult to control traffic, at that slow speed, because the area is wide open and has no obstructions.
Mr. Johnson reminded the Commission that once the 45 miles per hour speed limit signs are posted, the Police Department
will have the necessary tools to enforce the prima facie speed limit of 45 miles per hour. Because it is currently unposted,
this roadway has a 65 miles per hour speed limit, per the California Vehicle Code, which is entirely too fast for the road
conditions in that location.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that if or when a collision history develops, along with other factors and conditions, the speed limit
could be changed. However, at this time the critical speeds indicate that 45 miles per hour is an appropriate speed for this
Chairperson Gillfillan asked if there is a near fbture ADT projection.
Mr. Murray replied that the projected build out volume is unknown, but it will only increase.
Mr. Johnson stated that there are about 1200 homes which could generate an average of 12,000 ADT as well as some “cut-
through” traffic fiom points east of Rancho Santa Fe Road. It appears that it will probably stay within the 12,000 to 20,000
ADT range.
September 13, 1999
On motion by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded, the Traftic Safety Commission
upheld the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish
a prima facie speed limit of 45 miles per hour upon Calle Barcelona from El Camino
Real to Ranch Santa Fe Road.
3 -0
Gillfillan, Allen, Whitton
6C. Anillo Way, Levante Street to Madrilena Way - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit.
Associate Engineer, John Kim presented the staff report as follows: This item was initiated by the Carlsbad Police
Department. Anillo Way is an unclassified street located in the southerly portion of the City. No prima facie speed limit
has been established on this portion of the roadway. This road segment does not qualify as a residence district.
The subject segment of Anillo Way is approximately 0.40 miles in length and has been constructed with curbs, gutters,
sidewalks and street lights on each side of the road. The roadway is 40 feet wide, from curb to curb and there are no
designated bicycle lanes in either direction.
Vehicles on westbound Anillo Way are controlled by a STOP sign at Levante Street. Northbound vehicles, from Levante
Street access eastbound Anillo Way via a free right-turn facilitated by a raised median island and controlled by a YIELD
sign. There is no striping on Anillo Way with the exception of a double-yellow centerline which runs from Levante Street
to Palacio Drive.
Anillo Way, between Madrilena Way and La Gran Via, (east of the subject segment) was previously found to qualify as
a Residence District and is currently posted with a 25 MPH speed limit.
The subject segment of Anillo Way has an ADT volume of 3,100 vehicles east of Levante Street. In terms of circulation,
vehicles from La Costa Valley (to the south) access Levante Street via Anillo Way. The ADT volume form Anillo Way,
east of Palenque Street, is 1,700 vehicles.
There are no recorded traffk collisions for the subject segment of Anillo Way.
Staff conducted an Engineering and Traffic Survey and the results indicated a critical speed of 40 miles per hour, with a
pace speed of 3 1 to 4 1 miles per hour.
Based upon the results of the Engineering and Traflic Survey, the Traflic Safety Coordinating Committee has recommended
the establishment of a prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour upon Anillo Way, fiom Levante Street to Madrilena
Commissioner Allen stated that the subject roadway segment currently allows parking on both sides of the street and after
having driven the entire length of the subject roadway, he cannot support a speed limit of 35 miles per hour. He stated that,
in his opinion, 35 miles per hour is much too fast for the area and the limit should be no higher than 30 MPH. He further
stated that he would, somewhat reluctantly, support a 30 miles per hour limit.
Commissioner Courtney agreed with Commissioner Allen regarding his assessment of the subject area. He then asked why
entire length of the roadway is not considered a Residence District.
Mr. Kim replied that the character of the roadway changes significantly, once passed Madrilena Way to the east. The
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subject segment has only two driveway access points and there are no other driveway accesses on this segment. East of
Madrilena there are single-family residences with driveways which qualifies that area as a Residence District and a speed
limit of 25 miles per hour. Residence District criteria is based upon driveways on a roadway and Anillo Way, from Levante
Street to Madrilena Way, does not qualify because it does not meet the driveway criteria.
Mr. Johnson pointed out that the California Vehicle Code states that there must be 16 driveways (total) on both sides, or
13 driveways on one side, within a quarter of a mile or any ratio thereof.
Mr. Johnson fi,Jrther pointed out there have been some speeding complaints in this portion of the roadway and the Police
Department has initiated this request as a result of those complaints. In its current unposted condition, this is a 55 miles
per hour street. Until there is a posted speed limit, Police Off’cers cannot cite speeding motorists unless they are exceeding
the 55 miles per hour speed limit, or violating the basic speed law.
Commissioner Courtney asked if the Commission can establish a lower speed limit and if so, will there be the proper
support for legal enforcement.
Mr. Johnson replied that unless the Commission can find obvious or unusual factors that would justifL the lowering of the
speed recommended by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, it would then become a “speed trap” and the Polics
would not be enforcing the speed limit.
Chairperson Gillfillan indicated that there are some very steep grades on this roadway which would tend to increase the
downward speeds and that he would tend to concur with Commissioner Allen’s assessment above.
Commissioner Allen stated that at 35 miles an hour, he felt it was an unsafe speed because of the parked cars on both sides
of the street and the winding nature of the roadway.
cammissioner Courtney again agreed with Commissioner Allen, but, based on the Engineering and Traffic Survey results
indicating a critical speed of 40 miles per hour, he will support the recommendation for 35 miles per hour.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Trac Safety
Commission upheld the recommendation of the Traflk Safety Coordinating Committee
to establish a prima facie 35 miles per hour speed limit upon Anillo Way from Levante
Street to Madrilena Way.
VOTE: 2- 1 - AYES: Gillfillan, Courtney - NOES: Allen
6D. Traffic Safetv Commission Resolution of Commendation for John Allen
Commissioner Allen requested that the vote on the above entitled resolution be continued to a date when all five
Commissioners will be present
ACTION On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, the Traffic Safety
Commission continued the vote on the Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of
Commendation for John Allen to a date uncertain.
VOTE: 3-0 - AYES: Gillfillan, Courtney, Allen - NOES: None
TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 7 September 13, 1999
Mr. Johnson announced that Minutes Clerk, Carol Cruise will be retiring, effective following the meeting on October 4,
1999. He further stated that with the approval, and at the direction of the Commission, it would be appropriate to have a
Resolution of Commendation for the retiring Minutes Clerk.
Mr. Johnson announced that the next meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Monday, October 4,1999,
at 3:OO p.m., in the City Council Chambers.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 13,1999, was adjourned at 355 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Minutes Clerk