HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesI#EETMo OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIOM
DATE OF MEETING: November l? .l!S9 (Regular Meeting)
On motiort by Commissicmer Blake, the eomndssion approved the minutes of the Regutar
Meeting of October 4,1999, as presented.
Vice-Chairperson Frank Won presented a Resolution of Commendation to Carol A. Cruise, former Minutes Clerk, for axceRent service as Minutes Clerk with the C-ly of Carlsbad Traffic
Robeft Johnson, Deputv Ci Engineer, Transportation, explained that the two item dealing with the speed zones on CaSe Barcelona frwn El Camim, Real to Rancho anta fe Road and La
Costa Avenue fm Interstate 6 to El Camino Real went to the C%y Council last week for introduction ofthe ordinance. The items will be on the Tuesday, November 2,1999 Ci Council Agenda for adoption of the ordinance to establish the prima facie speed limits as recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission.
November 1,1999
ITEM NO. 6A Requested Actlan - EstarJHsh a prima facie speed bit upon
Poinsettia Lanefrm Paseo Del NorBb to BlacWi Road
Robeft Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, TranspoRatian, presented the Statr report as foflows: Poinsettia Lane was originally constructed from Pam del NorZe easterly and terminatd at Aviara Parkway. It has IKM been extended from Aviara Parlrrmy easterly to Blackrail Road. This segment does not qualify as 8 Residence Odd according to the requirements set forth by the ~~lifombi vehid8 Code.
Mr. Johnson stated current speed survey data on this segment of Poinsettia Lane indicates that the crttical speed has increased to 47 miles per hwr, thus wamnting an hawse in the posted speed limit to 45 miles per hour.
He stated that Poinsettia Lane is controlled 4y a traffic anal at the int- of Pa!m De! Me and Baliquftos Drive and STOP signs at the inttmedon of Adam Parkway and at B?acktail
Road. The segment of rod from Avlara Parkway to Blackrail Road is e two lane road and has not been completed to its full major attetial standads, Currerttiy the major arterla1 segments of
Poinsettia from Psseo del Norte to Aviara Partsway has a 40 miles per hours posting. in looking at the entire segment it has been determined that, based on the resub of the Engineering and Traftic Survey, it is appmptiate that the speed limit be establii at 45 miles per hour. This proposed speed fi# would raise the existhg 40 miles per hour speed limii between Paw Del Norte and Avim Parkway and estaMishes a new prlmtr fade on #e segment from Avlara Parkway to Bladrrail Road.
In condusion, Mr. Johnson stated that, based upon the results of the E-w and Traffic Swvey. the traffk: safety Coordinating committee mcmunends estabktthg a prima facie 45 miles per hwr speed limit upon Poinsettia Lane frwn Paseo del Norte to Blackrail Road, a d\angeintheexisting~lhnitaf40milesperhourftomPaseodelNortetoAviaraPa~y.
l!am!: Motion by Cornmrsslone .. r Men, and duly secanded, that #re Trarffsc Safety Commission accept the reeommmdath of the Traffic Safety Codinating Committee to es4abkh a prima facie spwd li upon Poinsettia Lane from
Paseo del Node to Blackrail Road at 45 miles per hour.
m: 4-04 AYES: Won, €Make, Allen, Courtney NOES: None A8sl.m: None
Nwember 1,1999
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, stated that it is standard procedure for the Tram Safety cotm&sion to honor the outgoing chairperson of the Traffic Safely Commim and this
resolutkn is before the CmWn for adion.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Rem regarding the Caile TKRizeo speed zone, between Camfno de Cos Coaches and ia Costa Avenue will go to City Council, Tuesday, November 2, i999 for introduction of the 30 mUe per hour prima facie speed limit. The Traffic Safety Commis6kw fecomnerided the 30 mile per hour prima fade speed limit in ?his ama.
Sy proper motion the Regular Meeting of November 1,1999, was adjourned st 335p.m.