HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION
DATE OF MEETING: February 7,2000 (Regular Meeting)
Vice-Chairperson Frank Whitton called the Meeting to order at 3:OO PM.
Present: Commissioners Whitton, Blake, Allen, Courtney
Absent: Chairperson Gillfillan
Staff Members Present Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
Dave Stillman, Associate Engineer
Motion by Commissioner Blake, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 3,2000, as presented.
Whiion, Blake, Courtney None
John Bertoldi, 2253 Masters Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008, voiced his concerns regarding the intersection at Faraday and Camino Hills Drive, which is directly across the street from the new
City of Carfsbad Administration building on Faraday. He stated that when one tums from College onto Faraday, Faraday is wide street with a median, the street narrows, goes down hill
and only has a centerfine near the City's Administration Building. Mr. Bertoldi indicated that he lived in the Shay Development, which is north of the City's Administration Building. When a
right turn is made off of Faraday onto Camino Hills Drive, there is no right turn lane. The fact
that vehicles are going downhill, must slow down and use the main lane to tum, leads to a very dangerous situation. The traffic is moving at a very high fate of speed, e.g. 50-60 mph. In order
to make a hard right turn, Camino Hills Drive is also a narrow street with just a centeriine, drivers must slow down. Drivers tailgate, speed and whip over the double centeriine on
Faraday Drive. Mr. Bertoldi recommends that the Traffic Department make a study of the intersection. In addition, he asked the Traffic and Safety Commission to look into the speed
zone on Faraday. The current speed zone is 45mph. One must remember that the street goes down hill. When Faraday Street opens up to Cannon Street, he remarked that he believed
drivers would speed even more. He suggested that the speed zone be reduced to 35mph. He
stated that the same problem exMed on Jackspar from Camino Hills Dlives down to El Camino
Real. Jackspar has become a morning, noon and afternoon ingress and egress traffic lane. For the safety of the citizens and the liability of the City, the Traffic Department should also
study Jackspar Street. In conclusion he stated that, the aforementioned situations are traffic accident disasters waiting to happen.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, indicated that Staff would look into the situation as reported by Mr. Bertoldi.
Palmer Bochow, 2333 Masters Road, Catisbad, CA 92008, remarked that when one is driving
east on Faraday Street and approaching College Bhrd, there is no lane for right hand turns only. Often times a driver will Rave to wait until the light changes, 3 or 4 minutes, in order to make a
right hand tum. There is a left-hand turn lane going east on College, but nothing going right. The Traffic Safety Commission should look into this situation, because as more businesses occupy office space in the area, the situation will only get worst.
Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, Carisbad, CA 92007, stated that she speaks each year the
month befom the Anniversary of the City Council’s adoption of the Pedestrian Action Plan. She commented that she had four questions to ask the Traffic Safety Commission. 1. She referred to
the maps denoting school areas made by Mr. Johnson last year, which indicated, in red on the
maps, areas within a mile radius of schools that had inadequate footage or walking paths for
children to walk to school. She advised the commission that, Mr. Johnson gave this information
to each school principal. She wanted to know how much of the red on the aforementioned
maps has been removed, because there is now adequate walking paths. 2. What is the provision for pedestrian safety on the Coast Highway and Catisbad Blvd, across Buena Vista
Lagoon? Noting that she spoke before the Commission when Breaina Chan was killed walking home from work across the Lagoon, Ms. Hayes told the Commission that nothing has been
done. In fact, there have been no changes to make that a safer path for pedestrians. She reiterated her concerns related to the children and their trips to the nature center without adequate pedestrian walking paths. 3. Mrs. Hayes suggested that the need for a pathway
acfoss the Lagoon should be assimilated into the Pedestrian Action Plan. 4. She wanted to
know how much it would cost to complete the walking paths around and to the schools. She
stated that the pedestrian paths were being installed inches at a time. Ms. Hayes began this work when her Grandson was four years of age. He is now 24 years old.
Mr. Johnson indicated that there was a moratorium on all types of construction, i.e. sidewalks, mads widening. The Streets and Sidewalks Committee issue must go to the City Council. There will be direction from the City Council on how to reinitiate construction of sidewalks. He stated that he believed one of the recommendations of the Streets and Sidewafks Committee
February 7,2000
will be to form a Commission to deal with streets and sidewalk widening issues. Street
Committee work and the citizens that initiated it have taken precedents over other kind of work
for sidewalk construction and widening of roads to provide safe footings. Generally, the recommendation will probably be, 'Don't do anything, Unless the citizens living on the street
initiate it." He stated that he would be able to give more of an update next month. The Commission meeting will be the day before the Streets and Sidewalk Committee goes to the City Councit with their report. He indicated that he could address some of Mrs. Hayes
comments, but not in the detail that she would like because the City is heading in a different direction, as it relates to widening of roads, putting in sidewalks, pedestrian paths, etc. He
advised the Commission that it is an entirely different area, we are dealing with now, than what we dealt with at the time the Pedestrian Action Plan was initiated. Based on what may be
coming out of the Street and Sidewalks Committee recommendations, the City Council will give direction to Staff on how they want to proceed. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson stated that Staff
needed to wait until the City Council took action on the Street and Sidewalks Committee's
Commissioner Allen asked if it was the same committee studying the tree issue.
Mr. Johnson advised the commissioners that the Tree Committee was an entirely separate committee from the Street and Sidewalks Committee. The Tree Committee made their
recommendations to the Ciy Council two weeks ago, and the Tree Committee Report has been
referred to Staff for comments and it will go back to Council. The Street and Sidewalk
Committee is wrapping up their work and will go to City Council the first meeting in March.
Commissioner Blake asked if the Street and Sidewalk Committee report dealt with the entire
Mr. Johnson responded that it deatt pn'marily with the northwest quadrant. He advised the Commission that, the Ciy Council would decide if the recommendations would apply throughout the entire City. It is primarily the northwest quadrant that has most of the sidewalks that are
missing, especially in the vicinity of schools.
Commissioner Courtney thanked the citiiens who expressed their concerns regarding the
traffic. He noted that the Commission is somewhat restricted, but they have addressed
Jackspar, Camino Hills and Faraday speed limits. State Law restricts the Commission. The street is designed on projected amounts of traffic and volume in the area. The street is
designed to handle a certain volume at a certain speed. The Commission has to set the speed limit based on the actual traffic using the street and Traffic Engineering surveys. As time goes
on, and use changes, the Commission can modify the speed zone. Addressing the right turn
pockets at intersections, Mr. Courtney stated that it was unfortunate, but a great deal of busy, busy streets did not have them. He noted that it was an engineering criteria with the City and CalTrans, i.e. El Camino Real at Carisbad Village Drive North and Southbound lane there is no right turn pocket.
Mr. Johnson indicated that the concerns of the citizens making public comments today would be
written up as TR, Traffic Request. The Traffic Request would be analyzed and a response to
both gentlemen would be forth coming.
Vice-Chairperson Frank Whitton presented a Resolution of Commendation to Commissioner
John Allen, who served as Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission from July 6, 1998 to July 12,1999, for excellent service to the City of Carlsbad and the Traffic Safety Commission.
ITEM NO. 6A Car Country Drive, Paseo Del Norte to Auto Center Court -
Request to remove existing TWO-HOUR PARKING
restriction on the west and north side.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, presented the staff report as follows: Item No 6A is a request by the Car Country Automobile Dealers to address the parking situation
on Car Country Drive located south of Cannon Road and Easterly of Paseo Del Norte. Currently, because of the curvature of the roadway a NO PARKING zone has been established.
Because of the need to have on street parking in both of the locations, the auto dealers are requesting that the current TWO-HOUR PARKING designation be removed. It was established
several years ago as indicated in the Staff report. In its place a nighttime restriction, which
exists on the other side of the road, is being recommended. There is enough room to provide
on street parking for customers, potential customers of the auto dealers and/or their employees.
It is being proposed that parking be allowed between 6am and 12 midnight. From 12 midnight
until 6am there would be a NO PARKING restriction. The reason for the nighttime restriction is to preclude long periods of parking, e.g. abandoned vehicles, overnight commuter parking. The
dealers are requesting at this time that the TWO-HOUR PARKING restriction be removed and the establishment of the nighttime restricted parking be set in place. The Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee (TSCC) reviewed the matter and they are recommending that the existing ordinance be modified, allowing parking from 6am to 12 midnight in both areas, thereby
eliminating the existing TWO-HOUR PARKING and establishing the NO PARKING from 12midnight to 6am. Because of the curvature and sight distance restriction the current NO
PARKING in this area would remain.
Commissioner Allen noted that the eastside of the street did not have parking restridions.
Mr. Johnson responded that currently on the east side there was no time limit during the day, but there did exist a nighttime 12midnight to Oam restriction.
Commissioner Allen stated that he drove through the area and with parking on both sides it is very tight. A vehicle would have to go into the center divide in order to miss hitting a parked car,
if the door of the parked car were opened. He asked, "Using the same criteria that is on the
next agenda item, would a fire truck using that street have to use the center lane if vehicles were parked on both sides?"
Mr. Johnson stated that Commissioner Allen was correct.
Commissioner Courtney stated that the Auto Dealers requested the existing TWO-HOUR PARKING restriction several years ago, so that their customers would have a place to park. He
voiced concern wondering what would happen if employees and non-employees, but not
customers of the auto dealers, began to park in this area all day. will the Commission then be
faced with a flip-flop?
Mr. Johnson stated that there are more dealerships occupying space in this area and customers appear to be parking on the street and walking from one auto dealer to the next and the WO-
HOUR PARKING does not allow enough time. Tickets have been issued, thus raising the question regarding what kind of customer service is being provided. If there is a flipflop, that
will have to be addressed at that time. Based on what the auto dealers are presenting and the input from the Police Department, the proposed change in the parking restriction appears to be
a viabie solution to the existing problems.
Commissioner Courtney stated that due to all of the build out in the area, he believed this issue would certainly be revisited. He did not want the Commission to look as if it were jumping back
and forth for the car dealers.
Mr. Johnson remarked that there were a number of issues on Paseo del Norte that were being looked at, but currently Staff was trying to address the Car Country Drive issue.
Commissioner Blake stated that the only people affected were those making the request, and it is therefore not a problem.
Vice-Chairperson Whitton asked if there was anyway to address the entire package about Car Country at one time.
Mr. Johnson reiterated that Staff was addressing the request at this time by the auto dealers to
deal with the Car Country Drive issue. Car Country Drive is more of a problem than Paseo del
Norte, because of the shorter distance in length for parking. Mr. Johnson stated that Car
Country Drive is their problem area and the auto dealers have requested that Staff address it.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, that
the Traffic Safety Commission (TSCC) accept the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee,
that the parking restriction on the west and north side of Car
Country Drive be changed between Paseo Del Norte and Auto
Center Court. The TSCC recommends that the WO-HOUR PARKING restriction be eliminated and the restriction between
the hours of 12:OO midnight and 6:OO a.m. be implemented, except for the portion of Car Country Drive located on the
horizontal curve.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Whitton, Blake, Allen, Courtney
NOES: None
Commissioner Courtney noted that he was against restricting parking anywhere in the city,
unless it is a safety or hazard problem.
Commissioner Allen commented that he would hate to see all of the parking area being used for
employee parking, when the whole purpose is to provide customer parking, thus allowing customers and potential customers to conduct business.
Chairperson Whitton voiced his reservations, stating that the entire Car Country package should
have been addressed at one time.
ITEM 66: Ponto Drive, Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad Boulevard -
Request to establish a NO PARKING zone on one side of
the road.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation presented the staff report as follows: This item is a request to consider a request for a NO PARKING zone on the westerly side of
Ponto Drive from Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad Boulevard. The standard in Carlsbad states that a 36-foot street allows parking on both sides. It provides two eight-foot parking lanes and the
very minimum requirement per the Fire Code of 20 feet for travel lane, anything less than this would cause problems for the Fire Department emergency vehicles. Generally, the Fire
Department requests that there be a 24-foot travel lane and work area. Staff is looking into
private development in the PUD to see how narrow the streets can be and still comply with Fire
Department concerns. Narrower streets are typically called a traffic calming measures. The Planning Department and Engineering are working together to see if the ordinance in the PUD
should be changed to allow something less than normal Ci Standards. Currently a 40-foot street is the City Standard.
Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that Ponto Drive, within the limits shown, is a 32-foot
street. It provides the 24-foot travel lane, that the Fire Department prefers, plus &feet for parking, which means parking on one side only. Currently with the two-sided parking
configuration it gets very congested and does not meet Fire Department Standards. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee is recommending parking on one side only based on the width
of the street. Mr. Johnson gave a slide presentation to illustrate his points.
In conclusion, Mr. Johnson stated that on Ponto Drive northerly of Avenida Encinas on one side
or the other, there should be restricted parking because of the 32-foot curb to curb street. It is a recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that parking be restricted on the
westerly side, thus providing adequate room for Fire Emergency vehicles to maneuver when responding to emergency situations.
Commissioner Allen noted that in 1997 this issued was addressed. At that time a NO PARKING zone was established from 11 pm untit 6am. He noted that the width issue was not raised at that time.
Mr. Johnson stated that the width issue was not investigated at that time, but there was an issue regarding long-term parking, i.e. RV's parking overnight, etc. Parking at present is allowed on
both sides of the road during the day. There is currently only nighttime restricted parking on the road.
Commissioner Allen noted the narrow width of the street at the curve, in addition to no curbs or
gutters at this point. He also stated that he visited the area today, noting that cars were parked on the east side and none were parked on the west side. He also stated that all of the housing
appears to be on the east side.
Mr. Johnson stated that on the easterly side parking would be permitted. The restriction is
recommended to be entirely on the west side with adequate signing to indicate the NO PARKING zone. Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that the narrow portion of the street
without curbs and gutters would be checked out and if a NO PARKING sign needed to be installed because of the narrow width of the street at the point, the signs would be installed. He
stated that it appeared to be adequate at this time, but Staff would double-check it.
Commissioner Courtney interjected that he believed the entire character of the area would
make a drastic change, when the project on the other side of the railroad track was completed.
Mr. Johnson replied that there was a great deal of vacant space along the east side of Carlsbad
Boulevard, and realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard would be taking place over the next five years.
Motion by Commission Allen, and duly seconded, that the
Traffic Safety Commission (TSCC) accept the recommendation
of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, that a NO
PARKING zone be established for the west side of Ponto Drive
beginning at Avenida Encinas and continuing northerly to its
intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard.
Whitton, Blake, Courtney, Allen None
Review and approve Traffic Safety Commission procedure
rules and adopt Traffic Safety Commission Resolution
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, advised the commission that this item is an annual
review of the Traffic Safety Commission procedure rules. At this time the Traffi Safety Commission should discuss any changes, comments or revisions. The comments, changes
and/or revisions would be reflected in the Resolution and the Resolution would be addressed
next month. 1990 was the original adoption. There have been several minor revisions.
Changes can be made based on majority rule. If there were no changes, it would be
appropriate for the Commission to adopt Resolution 2000-1.
February 7,2000
" -
Commissioner Blake recommended that Section 39 and Section 40 page 10 be amended because there is no Sergeant-at-Arms present at the commission meetings. He stated that
since there was no regular Sergeant-at-Arms the section was unnecessary.
Commissioner Whitton stated that the Sergeant-at-Arms duties were the responsibility of the Police Department Traffic Officer who attends the commission meetings.
Mr. Johnson indicated that the Traffic Officer had not been present for several months, but he would speak to Sergeant Cain. The intent of the item is that the police officer acts as the quasi Sergeant-at-Arms.
Commissioner Allen referred to the last sentence of Section 40 which stated, *The Sergeant-at-
Arms shall be available on an on call basis for regular and adjourned meetings, asking if that meant if Mr. Johnson believed that one should be present, he could noti@ him in advance.
Mr. Johnson stated that it could be handled in that manner, but generally one of the traffic
officers is assigned to the meeting. He told the Commission that he would speak to Sergeant Cain and let him know that the Commission would like to have a police officer present at all
meetings. He advised the Commission that this section was the prerogative of the Commission and could be written however the Commission desired.
commissioner Allen advised the Commission that this section was included because in
governmental affairs it is typical to have a Sergeant-at-Arms.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, to
adopt Traffic Safety Commission Resolution 2000-1 subject to changes or revisions by the Traffic Safety Commission.
VOTE: 3-0-1 AYES: Whitton, Courtney, Allen
Commissioner Blake stated that he was opposed to the section regarding the Sergeant-at-Arms remaining in the Resolution because there is no Sergeant-&-Arms present. This is an
unnecessary section, because the police are afways available on an on call basis.
Commissioner Blake referring to the re-stripping of Carlsbad Village Drive at Tamarack stated that he attended a homeowners association meeting and a representative of McMillin
Development Company was present. The representative from the McMillin Development Company indicated that it was the City's responsibility to take care of the re-stripping.
Mr. Johnson stated that Staff would contact McMillin Development and advise them of their responsibility as it relates to that intersection and the re-stripping. Mr. Johnson advised the
Commission that it is the developers’ responsibility to install the traffic signal and make the appropriate stripping modifications.
Vice-chairperson Whitton wanted to know when Cannon Road would come through to El Camino Real and how would the model homes be accessed until the road was complete.
Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that the segment of Cannon Road from Legoland Drive
easterly to Faraday is in under construction, as is the extension of Faraday, and should be completed and opened to traffic by mid to late summer. There are issues with the Coastal
Commission regarding the portion of Cannon Road from Faraday easterly to El Camino Real and that segment will probably be open to traffic next year. There may be a small portion of
Cannon that can be used to access the model homes from El Camino Real, but the entire segment from Faraday to El Camino Real will not be open to traffic until some time next year at
the earliest. There will be a traffic signal at the intersection of Cannon and El Camino Real and access to the model homes.
Vice-chairperson Whion asked if traffic woutd be diverted up through Jackspar and down through the housing development.
Mr. Johnson responded that he had not been privileged to any discussions regarding how to get
access to the models, but that should not happen.
By proper motion the Regular Meeting of February 7,2000, was adjourned at 358p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk