HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMtSSlON
DATE OF MEETING: April 3,2000 (Regular Meeting)
In accordance with the Trafftc Safety Commission Procedure Rules, when the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are not present, Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation called
the meeting to order at 3:03 PM. Mr. Johnson turned the meeting over to the three Commissioners on the dais, who determined that Commissioner Courtney would chair the
Present: Commissioners Blake, Allen, Courtney
Absent: Chairperson Gillfillan, Commissioner Whitton
Staff Members Present Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department
Motion by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 6,2000 as presented.
VOTE: 3-0-0
AYES: Courtney, Blake, Allen
NOES: None
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, informed the Commission that the TWO- HOUR PARKING zone on Car Country Drive, which was the subject of a previous Traffic Safety
Commission meeting, went to City Council on March 27,2000. In view of the fact that there was no representative from the Auto Dealers Association at the meeting, the City Council decided to
continue the item until such time that an Auto Dealer Representative could be present to speak to the issue. The City Council did voice similar concerns, as expressed by the Traffic Safety Commission, regarding the need for removing the TWO-HOUR PARKING zone, due to the fact that
this is the third time in 10 years that an item has come forward on Car Country Drive about adding or removing the parking mstridions.
Mr. Johnson stated that the NO PARKING zone on the west side of Ponto Drive, which the Commission took action on, is tentatively scheduled for April 11,2000 at the City Council meeting for
consideration and introduction of the ordinance.
ITEM NO. 6A Requested to establish an ALL-WAY STOP intersection -
Calle BarcelonaPaseo Alliso Intersection
Robert Johnson, Deputy Ci Engineer, Transportation, presented the staff report as follows: Agenda Item No. 6A is a request to establish an ALL-WAY STOP at the intersection of Calle Barcelona and
Paseo Aliiso. Calle Barcelona intersects El Camino Real in the south part of the City as indicated on
the location map. Calle Barcelona is a relatively new street, which was opened last summer between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. The short segment on Calle Barcelona from El Camino Real to Paseo Alliso was constructed two years ago. The entire segment was opened one
year ago.
Mr. Johnson stated that several requests from citizens have been received, inquiring if and when this particular intersection would be established with an ALL-WAY STOP. Currently, there is a STOP
sign on both sides of Calle Barcelona on Paseo Alliso. This is being brought forward in anticipation of the future elementary school that will be constructed on the corner of Paseo Alliso and Paseo Tulipero. The school is scheduled to open in mid-August. At that time there will be school
pedestrians crossing Calle Barcelona at the intersection of Paseo Alliso. Calle Barcelona is a four- lane divided roadway and relatively high-speed roadway. This is a similar situation to Alga Road and
El Fuerte which when it was converted to an ALL-WAY STOP helped with the assignment of right-of- way with school pedestrians crossing at the intersection.
Staff has analyzed traffic volumes at the intersedion to determine if the ALL-WAY STOP warrant is
met. Table 1 in the Staff Report shows the recent increase in traffic volumes. April 15, 1999 there were a total of 4, 336 vehicles over a twenty-four hour period entering the intersection. The
subsequent monitoring in August of 1999, October of 1999 and March 14, 2000 also shows an increase. Currently, there is an entering volume of 7, 624. The ALL-WAY STOP warrant analyzed indicates that the warrants are met at the 70% level, not full warrant at 100%. it does meet the 70%
warrant. Traffic volumes continue to increase due to the development that is occurring on both sides of Calle Barcelona between Rancho Santa Fe road and El Camino Real. The Arroyo La Costa
subdivision continues to develop and sell homes. Eventually there will be approximately 1200 homes in that subdivision. Another factor contributing to the increase in traffic volumes is Leucadia
Boulevard from El Camino to Interstate 5, which is now open. It is expected that traffic volumes will continue on Calle Barcelona, i.e. to continue entering the intersection with the volumes increasing
higher and higher as the school opening approaches. At the time school opens it will probably meet the 100% warrant. The accident history is very good. The accident warrant is not met at this time.
The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee evaluated the intersection, the speed on Calla
Barcelona, and the need to assign the right-of-way at the intersection. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee did recommend that an ALL-WAY STOP be established and that prior to the opening of the school a YELLOW CROSSWALK be installed at the iocation for the school
Commissioner Blake was concerned about the dose proximity of the intersedion to El Camino Real
and wondered if a stacking problem would result.
Mr. Johnson noted that although it was close to El Camino Real, but not so close that queuing would interfere with El Camino Real. This particular intersection will be meeting warrants in the near future
and it is expected that it will be converted from an ALL-WAY STOP to a traffic signal within a two to
three year time frame, which would keep traffic moving on Calle Barcelona to minimize the queuing.
A queuing problem is not anticipated if an ALL-WAY STOP is established.
Commissioner Allen stated that he was not in favor of this proposal. Calle Barcelona is a four-lane divided road, which is designed for heavy fast moving traffic. It should not have an ALL-WAY STOP
in the middle of it. He believed having an ALL-WAY STOP was dangerous and could cause accidents. He would prefer that it be an electric traffic signal intersection.
Commissioner Courtney refemng to the construction in the area, the heavy traffic and the opening of the school, believed a traffic signal was warranted. He stated that an ALL-WAY STOP would
perpetuate accidents.
Mr. Johnson stated that because it is very close to meeting warrants, 'the question becomes how do
the school children get across the street, if the assignment of right-of-way is not there?"
Commissioner Courtney stated that he would like to see a higher priority assigned to a traffic signal at the intersection, which would be positive control versus an ALL-WAY STOP in the middle of a
heavy traveled and high speed boulevard. He does support the proposal, because he is sure there will be a traffic signal installed in less than a year.
Chairperson Courtney called for a Motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Blake, and duly seconded, that the Traffic Safety
Commission accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Committee to establish an ALL-WAY STOP at the intersection of Calle Barcelona and Paseo Alliso.
VOTE: 2-1 -0
AYES: Blake, Courtney NOES: Allen
ITEM 6B: Request to establish a NO PARKING Zone on the easterly side of the
southbound lanes - Carlsbad Boulevard South of Palomar Airport
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, presented the staff report as follows: This is a request by the Carlsbad Police Department to address an issue on Carlsbad Boulevard south of Palomar Airport
Road as indicated in the staff report on Exhibit 1. For a distance approximately 535 feet south of Palomar Airport Road on the east side of the southbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard there is a
parking area. Other sections of Carlsbad Boulevard have a nighttime restriction from 1 Ipm to 5 am. The nighttime parking restriction prevents vehicles from being parked all night, camping on the street, orland illegal activities, i.e. littering, crime, accessing beach after closing hours, etc. This one
segment does not have the nighttime, 11 pm to 5 am NO PARKING, restriction. It has been documented by the Streets Department that there is a great deal of litter in this area and RVs
discharge sewer into the storm drain. The roundabout on the south end does have an area for parking and there is parking on the east side. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee reviewed
the matter and concurs that in order to assist the Carlsbad Police Department, vehicles should not be allowed to park in this area from llpm to 5 am. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends a nighttime parking restriction.
., April 3,2000
Commissioner Courtney asked about installation of the future T-Intersection of Palomar Airport Road at Carlsbad Boulevard.
Mr. Johnson replied that the HiRon Hotel was not conditioned to build the T-Intersection, but it will probably happen in the next three to five years. There is no final design or money to fund any kind
of reconstruction at this time.
Chairperson Courtney called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commission Allen, and duly seconded, to accept the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee's recommendation to establish a NO PARKING Zone from
11:OO pm to 500 am seven days a week on the easterly side of the Carlsbad Boulevard southbound lane for a distance of approximately 535 feet south of
Palomar Airport Road.
VOTE: 3-0-0
AYES: Allen, Blake, Courtney
NOES: None
Commissioner Blake asked Mr. Johnson to have the staff look at the intersection of Tamarack and Harwich. He noted that there was a two-way stop for Harwich, but Tamarack is uncontrolled. People avoiding Hope School travel the route heavily. He explained that he has received requests from
several citizens in the area, stating that there should be some type of trafftc control on Tamarack.
Mr. Johnson replied that staff would analyze the location and check the warrants for an ALL-WAY
STOP, by conducting a warrant study and report back to the Commission.
Mr. Johnson stated that the City Council is accepting applications from Carisbad residents to be on the Residential Traffic Management Program Committee. The applications are due by April 7,2000.
At the City Council's meeting on April 25, 2000, the City Council will select 5 citizens at-large to be on the committee. The City Council will also select 1 Planning Commissioner and 1 Traffic Safety
Commissioner to serve on the Residential Traffic Management Program Committee. Staff made this recommendation to the City Council and they have concurred. The Mayor's office will contact the
Chairperson of each commission regarding the selection process and who would like to sente on the Residential Traffic Management Program Committee.
The Residential Traffic Management Program Committee will be a seven-person committee. It will
be a one-year assignment. The committee will probably meet twice a month. The committee meeting will probably take place at night, depending on the schedule of the committee members.
The final details remain to be worked out. On April 25, 2000 the City Council will announce the names of the members who will serve on the Residential Traffic Management Program Committee.
The Residential Traffic Management Program Committee's assignment will be to develop a Carlsbad Traffic Calming Program. The committee will identify all of the possible devices and features in a
traffiecalming program including, but not limited to: