HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION
DATE OF MEETING: May 1,2000 (Regular Meeting)
Chairperson Giltfillan called the Meeting to order at 3:Ol p.m.
Present: Chairperson Gillfillan, Commissioners Blake, Whitton,
Absent: Commissioner Allen, Courtney
Staff Members Present: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department Jim Murray, Associate Engineer
Dave Stillman, Associate Engineer
Due to the fact that there was not a quorum of Commissioners that were at the April 3, 2000 meeting,
the minutes of April 3, 2000 were continued until the Regular Meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission on June 5,2000.
Commissioner Courtney anived at 3:03pm, taking his place on the dais.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, informed the Commission, that on May 2,2000 at the City Council meeting, the City Council will consider the introduction of the ordinance for the ALL
WAY STOP at Catle BarcelonaPaseo Alliso, which was an April 3, 2000 Traffic Safety Commission agenda item.
Continuing, Mr. Johnson stated that it is tentatively scheduled, for the May 9,2000 City Council meeting,
that the City Council will consider the NO PARKING zone on Carlsbad Boulevard south of Palomar Airport Road between 11 pm and 5am. This was an April 3, 2000 Traffic Safety Commission agenda item.
May 1,2000
In conclusion, Mr. Johnson stated that the City Council adopted the ordinance several weeks ago to establish a NO PARKING zone on the west side of Ponto Drive from Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad
Boulevard. This was a previous Traffic Safety Commission agenda item.
ITEM NO. 6A Request to establish a prima facie speed limit upon Windrose
Circle from Avenida Encinas to Navigator Circle (South)/Capstan
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, introduced Associate Engineer, Jim Murray who presented the staff report.
Associate Engineer, Jim Murray, referring to an overtwad slide projection, stated that agenda item 6A is
a request to establish a prima facie speed limit on Windrose Circle from Avenida Encinas to Navigator Circle (South)/Capstan Drive. The San Pacific0 Area A Board of Directors initiated the request. Windrose Circle was originally constructed from Avenida Encinas to its terminus at Navigator Circle
(South) several yean ago. At that time the majority of the adjacent properties were undevetoped. Recently, the adjacent properties have been developed into single-family residential subdivisions and the
roadway does not qualify as a Residence District according to the requirements set forth by the California Vehicle Code.
Windrose Circle is unclassified on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Windrose Circle was originally built to secondary arterial standards with a design speed of 40 mile per hour and a centerline
radius of 725 feet. It is a four-lane road that follows a curvilinear alignment with roadway grades that
vary from 2.28% to 5.84% for a distance of 0.28 miles. This roadway has been buiR to City Standards with curbs, gutters, sidewatks, streetlights and bicycle lanes. Two travel lanes and a bicycle lane exists in each direction separated by a raised landscaped median.
A STOP sign at the northerly end of Avenida Encinas and at Navigator Circle (South)/Capstan Drive at the southerly end control Windrose Circle. Navigator Circle (South) and Capstan Drive are both private
streets. In addition, Capstan Drive is a gated private street. No traffic control has been established on Windrose Circle where it intersects Blue Dolphin Way (a new street under construction), and Navigator
Circle (North), which are both private streets. Windrose Circle has a daily traffic volume of 1,900
vehicles and there have been no reported traffic collisions on this road segment for the last two-years.
Referring to the Tabie A in the Staff Report, Mr. Murray stated that staff conducted an Engineering and
Traffic Survey for Windrose Circle. The resub of the speed survey are outlined in TaMe A in the staff report, indicating a 38 mile per hour critical speed with the pace speed being 29-39 mile per hour. 83% of the vehicles were in the pace.
In conclusion, Mr. Murray said that based on the resutts of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a prima facie 35 mile per hour speed limit upon Windrose Circle from Avendia Encinas to Navigator Circle (South)/Capstan Drive. An ordinance will be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the 35-mile per hour speed
zone, as recommended.
Chairperson Gillfillan cafled for a discussion on agenda item 6A.
As there was no discussion, Chairperson Gillfilian called for a Motion.
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ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Whitton, and duly seconded, that the Traffic Safety
Commission accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to estaMish a prima facie 35-mile per hour speed limit upon Windrose Circle from Avendia Encinas to Navigator Circle (South)/Capstan Drive.
VOTE: 4-00
AYES: Gilifillan, Whitton, Blake, Courtney NOES: None
ITEM 68: Request to esfablish a prima facie speed limit upon Pas- Aliso from Olivenhain Road to Camino Robledo
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, introduced Associate Engineer, Dave Stillman,
who presented the staff report.
Associate Engineer, Dave Stillman stated that the current issue before the Commission is to establish a prima facie speed limit upon Paseo Aliso from Olivenhain Road to Camino Robledo. The Deputy City
Engineer of Transportation initiated this request. Paseo Aliso is a curvilinear road, which runs from
Olivenhain Road North to Camino Robledo. It is unclassified on the circulation element, but functions as a residential collector roadway providing access to Calle Barcelona and Olivenhain Road for residents living in the vicinity. The road is 0.80 of a mile kng and terminates on the south end at Olivenhain Road
at a 7" intersection, which is a STOP sign controiled intersection for Paseo Aliso. It terminates at the north end at a T intersection at Camino ROMedo, with a STOP sign on Paso Aliso. In addition, the
intersection of Calle Barcelona and Paseo Aliso is STOP sign controtled, stopping traffic on Paseo Aliso. The street has curb, gutter, sidewalk and streetlights on both sides of the road. It is 40-feet wide south of
Calle Barcelona and 48-feet wide north of Calle Barcelona.
A new elementary school under construction at the comer of Paseo Tulipero and Paseo Aliso is scheduled to be opened in August 2000. Prior to the opening, appropriate school zone signing will be
installed in the school zone on Paseo Aliso. A perk currently exists at the southwest comer of Calle
Barcelona and Paseo Aliso. No traffic accidents have been reported along this entire stretch of roadway.
Refening to the staff report Mr. Stillman stated that TaMe A of the Staff Reported showed the results of
the Engineering and Traffic Survey that was conducted along Paseo Aliso at the following locations:
1. Northern segment at Paseo Tulipero. 2. Southem segment at Corte Lirnon
The critical speeds were 29 and 30 miles per hour for the two segments, respectively. The pace speed
for the northern segment was 21 to 31 miles per hour, with 92% of the vehicles in the pce. For the southem segment, the pace speed was 23 to 33 miles per hour, with 98% of the vehicles in the pace.
In condusion, Mr. Stillman said that based on the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, the
Tmfic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a prima facie speed limit of 25-mile per hour along the entire segment of the roadway from Olivenhain Road to Camino RoMedo. An ordinance will be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the 25-mile per hour speed limit as
May 1,2000
Commissioner Courtney stated that he supports the recommendation.
Chairperson Gillfillan called for a Motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, that the Traffic Safety Commission accept the mcommendation of the Traf'fic Safety Coordinating Commtttee
to establish a prima facie 25 mile per hour speed limit upon Paseo Aliso from Olivenhain Road to Camino Robledo.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Gillftillan, Whltton, Blake, Courtney
NOES: None
Commissioner Blake stated that he noticed available parking spaces on Grand Avenue and State Street, as a result of posting streets in the downtown area with a THREE-HOUR time limit. He spoke with a
restaurant Owner in the area and was told that the lack of parking spaces was no longer a major problem.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Commission volunteer for the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program is Commissioner Blake. He noted that there have only been six applications from
citizens submitted to the City Council to sewe on the committee. Therefore, the City Council continued the item in order to give the public additional time to submit applications. The City Council will consider forming the Residential Traffic Management Program Committee in two weeks.
The June meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission is scheduled for Monday, June 5,2000.
By proper motion the Regular Meeting of May 1,2000, was adjourned at 3:15p.m.
Respectfulty submitted,
&w &T
Dianna Scott
Minutes Clerk