HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: June ti, 2000 (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Gillfillan called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. POLL CALS: Present: Chairperson Gillfillan, Commissioners Blake, Whitton, Allen, Courtney Absent None Staff Members Present: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation !&t. Kelly Cain, Carfsbad Police Department Helga Stover, Senior Accountant, Finance Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES; April 3,2000 On motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the minutes of the regular meeting of April 3,2000, as presented. VOTE: 3-0-2 AYES: Courtney, Blake, Allen NOES: None ABSTAIN: Gillfillan, Whitton May 1,2000 On motion by Commissioner Whitton, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the minutes of the regular meeting of May 1 , 2000, as presented. VOTE: 4-0.1 AYES: Courtney, Blake, Gillfillan, Whitton NOES: None ABSTAIN: Allen ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Palmer Bochw, 2333 Masters Road, Carfsbad, referring to a truck that has been parked on Jackspar Road for a long period of time, indicated that a limited time parking zone of one hour should be installed in this area, Due to the fact that the truck does not have reflector lights, is parked at this location all June 5,2000 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 night, and the high rate of speed of the traffic on this street, Mr. Bochow believes that severe traffic accidents are imminent. Commissioner Blake asked Sgt Cain if vehicle codes required reflector lights on pickup trucks. Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department, asked if the truck was moved during the day and returned at night. Mr. Bochow responded that sometimes the truck was parked in this area during the day. He explained that the owner of the truck lived in the house on the comer of Jackspar. Sgt. Cain advised the Commissioner that the Police Department had investigated this matter before and the vehicle does move and has been marked for a 72-hour notice. Sgt. Cain indicated that he would check into the matter further. Mr. Bochow affirmed that he believes due to the high volume of traffic and high speed of the traffic, a one-hour parking restriction should be posted in this area. In addition, he informed the Commission that the 45 mph speed limit on Faraday Road was not being adhered to. Traffic usually moves at the rate of 60 mph. A safer traffic speed for Faraday Road would be 35 mph. Commissioner Courtney advised Mr. Bochow, that the City’s parking, no parking, and limited parking are posted for specific traffic reasons. As long as it’s a public street, and there is no traffic purpose to prohibit the parking, cam and trucks can be parked on the street. Certain requirements must be met; one-hour parking restrictions cannot be posted arbitrarily. Commissioner Courtney asked Mr. Johnson to have staff look at the area in question to ascertain if posting a parking restriction was warranted. Mr. Johnson stated that the item, No-parking on Jackspar Drive, went to the City Council, about six months ago, and the City Council denied the request. Chairperson GHMllan asked the Commissioners if they cared to give staff direction on this matter. Commissioner Blake asked for darification regarding the mflectors on the vehcfes as it retates to vehk9e codes. Sgt. Cain indicated that it was an inspection issue, noting that if the vehicle was on the roadway, it is required to be in compliance with the vehicle codes. He stated that he would check the vehicle for compliance issues. Riaz Zaboori, NCTD Transit Supervisor, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 920562825, stated that on behalf of NCTD, he was requesting that curbs at bus stops be painted red, particularly in the downtown area. There have been several accidents because cars park illegally in the bus loading and unloading areas. Something must be done to clearly indicate to drivers of vehicles, that parking is not allowed in the bus stop ares. Mr. Johnson stated that staff works with Tom Lichterman of NCTD when there is a particular prowem area and does paint the curb red. He noted that it would be a very expensive maintenance and continuing maintenance issue to paint every curb or bus stop area red, but if there is a particular problem area NCTD does contact the Engineering Department and staff works with NCTD to resolve the problem. He suggested that Mr. Zaboori coordinate with Mr. Lichterman. Mr. Zaboori indicated that on Carisbad Boulevard near the 7-1 1 at Oak Street north bound, vehicles park #legally in the bus stop area frequently, which makes it very difficult to load and unload wheelchair passengers. There have been several accidents at this location. 1 June 5,2000 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 Chairperson Gillfillan asked if NCTD made the same request of other north county agencies. Mr. Zaboori responded yes. Mr. Johnson stated that he was reluctant to paint every bus stop curb red because the majority of the bus stops do not have problem issues, i.e. El Camino Real. He advised the Commission that staff would work with NCTD on any areas that have been identified as probiem areas and will check the location on Carlsbad Boulevard at Oak Street. Chairperson Gillfillan asked if some sort of priority listing was available. Mr. Johnson explained that NCTD, in the past, has provided a list of locations that need to be analyzed. He advised the Commission that NCTD has a distance requirement of 100+ feet for red curb at bus stops and parking is in short supply at many locations. Staff tries to balance NCTDs needs with the needs of not removing a great deal of on-street parking. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, stated that on June 6, 2000 the City Council would consider the introduction of an ordinance to establish the 25-mph prima facie speed limit on Paseo Atiso. Tentatively, on June 13,2000 the City Council will consider introducing an ordinance to establish the 35mph prima facie speed limit on Windrose Circle. At the City Council meeting in May, the City Council did appoint members to the Carlsbad Rddential Traffic Management Program Committee. commissioner Blake is the representative from the Traffic Safety Commission. The first meeting of this committee is tentatively scheduled for June 19,2000. ITEM 6A Request to establiih a amph prima facie speed iimit upon Camino Vida Rate, Palamar Oaks Way to Palomar Airport Road. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, presented the staff report as follows: refeming to the map included in the staff report, he stated that agenda item 6A was to consider establishing a 40- mph prima facie speed limit on Camino Via Roble for the segment of Camino Vida Roble between Palomar Oaks Way to Palomar Airport Road, as displayed on the overhead slide. Currently, Camino Vida Roble south of Palomar Airport Road has a prima facie speed of 40-mph established and this would extend the speed zone. The Traffic Safety Coordinating committee recommends that the 40.mph prima facie speed limit that currently exists south of Palomar Airport Road be extended northerly. This particular road segment is approximately a half of a mile in length. No parking is permitted, except near the park on the northeast corner of Palomar Airport Road and Camino Via Rob@. There is a good aceident history on the roadway. No roadway segment accidents have been experienced. There has been one intersedim accident at Kellogg. TMIC vdumes are fairly light, 2,800 Average Daily Traffic (ADT). There is a critical speed of 44-mph. Based on the results of the Engineering and Traffic Suwey, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee did recommend that the existing 40-mph prima facie speed limit on Camino Vida RoMe be extended northerly from Palomar Airport Road to Palomar Oaks Way. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson stated that he would be happy to answer any questions. -4 June 5,2000 c TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION page 4 Chairperson Gillfillan called for a discussion on agenda item 6A. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Courtney concurred with the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee and would support the recommendation. He stated that consistent speed zones on long stretches of the same named roadways were warranted in order to enhance traffic safety. Commissioner Allen acknowledged that he drove through the area and believed that the proposed extension of the 40-mph speed was appropriate. He noted that he would support the Traffk Safety Coordinating Committee's recommendation. Chairperson Gillfillan called for a motion. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, that the Traffic Safety Commission accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie 40-mile per hour speed limit upon Camino Via Roble from Palomar Oaks Way to Palomar Airport Road. VOTE: 5-0.0 NOES: None ABSTAIN: None AYES: Gil~fillan, Whitton, Bhke, Courtney, Allen ITEM GB: 2OUO-2001 Capital Impro-nt Program - Overview of the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) presented at the City Council workshop. Robert Johnson, Deputy Ci Engineer, Transportation, introduced Helga Stwer, Senior Accountant - Finance Department, who presented the staff report. Helga Stover, Finance Department - Senior Accountant, presented staff's recommendation for the 2000- 2001 Capital tmprwement Program as follows: Refening to the overhead &de she explained to the Commission haw Residential and Non-residential development information was gathered and analyzed by the Planning, Building and Engineering and Finance Departments and subsequently reviewed by the Leadership Team. Development projections were overtaid with current fee schedules to calculate future revenues. Build-out of residential units will occur when 48,000 units are constructed. She stated that approximately 34,800 residential units have been constructed. It is estimated that the population may be approximately 1 15,OOO once the addStiinal 13,200 units have been built. It is expected that 1,500+ building permits for residential units wilt be issued this year. Staff expects that the request for building permits will decrease over the next five years to 1,000 units per year. Non-residential construction levels have been high over the last 3 to 4 years, partiatty due to the development of Cartsbad Ranch and increased construction in the Zone 5 industrial area, It is estimated that there wilt be over 1 million square feet of non-residential development. As with residential construction, it is expected that a decrease of approximatety 500,000 square feet per year Over the next 5 years will occur. June 5,2000 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 Funding Sources Total Revenue = $427 Million 10% aevebpmn! 48% Total revenues to build-out are currently projected at $427 million. Almost half of the revenue wmes from devefopment fees and charges, with the balance coming from Water and Sewer replacement transfers, Special District taxes and fees and grants and contributions from other agencies. . #Mmlowmtnt Revenw SZOS Miilioq Water Connection Fees Sewer Connection Fees Public Facilities Fees Park in Lieu Fees Traffic Impact Fees Planned Local Drainage Fees Development revenues am paid to the City when permits for new development are issued. These fees are wileded to ensure that &I devetopment pays for its fair share of water and sewer lines, streets, lianes, administratwe facifiiies, public parks, and drainage facilities. SPECIAL DISTRICTS = $91 MHllon (*Proposed Districts) ommunHv Facilities Distrktq -CFD#l - Cie -TFD #2 - Rancho Santrt Fe Road rn dae 8 Thwouahfarvt Fee Dfstrictq -BTW - Aviara Pkwy- Poinsettia Lane -BTf3#3 - Cannon Road West -BTDM - Cannon Road/College Bfvd East -BTW - Faraday and Melrose Extensions Property owners form Special Fee Districts as a method of financing capital projects for which they are responsible. There are two new proposed fee districts to fund the extensions of Faraday and Metrose, and Cannon Road and Wege Boulevard east of El Camino Real. Staff will be working with the property owners in these areas to form the districts so that these major road segments can be constnrded. Water and Sewprr Replacement Revenue = $43 Million/Transfers from Operaling Funds Water and Sewer replacement funds are set aside each year to pay for maintenance, repair and replacement of existing water and sewer fines. These revenues are derived from utility rates paid by Catisbad residents. "4 June 5,2000 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 Other Revenue Sources = 584 Million License Tax on New Construction TransNet Allocation Contributions from other agencies Federal and State Grants General Fund Other revenues include contributions from the City of Vista for the Vista-Carlsbad Sewer Interceptor project and bridge rehabilitation grant for almost $6 million for the Rancho Santa Fe Road project. Each year the development fees are adjusted based on the change in the Engineering New Record Construction Cost Index as required by the respective fee programs. In addition, the cost of an affordable housing credit is also adjusted based on additional interest costs per Council Policy 58. Project Expenditures = $423 Million The above pie chart shows the breakdown of expenditures by category until build-out. G'N Of Council's goals is to 'integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of fife- Centered land Use decisions". Street projects have the largest amount of funding - a total of 32% or $134 million of the total $423 minion. Pine School Development Total Cost = $1.9 Million The Pine School Development project is one of the major projects planned for Carlsbad in the next five years. The Pine School park site is approximately 7acres in size and possible amenities include lighted baseball fields, a multi-use turf area, picnic areas and a tot-lot. Design of the Pine School Development project is expected to begin in approximately 3 years, with construction to follow. Staff is investigating interim uses for this property and will be reporting back to the City Council at a later date. Redevelopment Projects Severat enhancements are planned in the downtown village area. The Fame tmprovement and Signage program is designed to offer grants to business and/or property Ownen to make exterior improvements to existing buildings and update signage for the building. $t75,000 has been allocated for this program. The village Parking Program indudes acquisition of land for future pubtic parking, and improvements to existing parking tots. $SOO,OOO has been aliocated for this program. The funding for these programs wilt come from redeveiopment bond proceeds. June 5,2000 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION page 7 Vista Carlsbad Sewer Total Cost = $31 Million The VistaCarlsbad Trunk line extends from the Buena Vista Lagoon to the Encina Treatment Facility. This is a joint project with the City of Vista. The project is divided into three phases with timing as follows: 2001 -2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 The first phase through the downtown village area is projected to begin in the spring of 2001. The remaining two phases consisting of the Agua Hedionda Lift Station and southern trunk line extension will be constructed in successive years. The total cost is $31 million, which will be paid from Sewer Connection Fees and contributions from Vista. North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Totel Cost $1.7 Million The North Agua Hedionda Interceptor extends atong the north shore of the Agua Hedionda lagoon from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. This project is needed to refurbish the existing lines, mitigate erosion, and improve access to the sewer fine. The total cost of this project is $1.7 mitlion and will be funded from Sewer Replacement Funds. Lake Calavera Reservoir fmprwements Total Cost = $1.4 Million The Lake Calavera Reservoir is not currently used as a water storage facility, but does act as a floodwater retention basin to help prevent downstream flooding of existing developments. The outlet works, which control the water surface elevation of the reservoir, are no longer operabte and are in need of replacement. Additionally, silt accumulated over the years has resulted in increased tulle growth and reduced the flow to the outlet pipes. The $1.4 miflion dollars needed to rehabilitate this faciliiy will come from water replacement funds. CdlegslCannon Projects - Road = $14 Million/Drainage = $2.6 Million The completion of College Boulevard and Cannon road east of El Camino Real is a requirement of the Growth Management Plan for the surrounding properties. Funds are included within the budget to advance preliminary design and environmental studies for these roads, and to assist with the formation of a BBTD to financially guarantee which are the responsibilii of adjacent land developers. We anticipate formation to occur in the next fiscal year, with construction in the years to follow. The segment of Cannon road east of College Boulevard passes through a non-developable habitat reserve. Staff is currently seeking regional, State and Federal funds for this vital road segment and will return at a future date with a financing program for this project. Traffic Sianalo - Next S Yearg Carlsbad Boutevard/Oak Avenue Carisbad Boulevard/Cherry Avenue Carisbad Village OrivdAvenMa de Anita Carisbad Village Orivetpontiac Avenue Four traffic signals are planned in the northern part of Carlsbad along Carisbad Wtlage Drive and Carisbad Boulevard. Most traffic signals cost between $lOO,ow) -$125,000 and are paid for with PuWic Facility Fees, Gas Tax revenues or via the General Fund. In the central part of the City we plan to construct a Public Works Center, 4 public parks, very important road segments, a golf coum, and an expanded sewer treatment plant. All of these projects are included in the CIP for the next 5 years. The park sites are centraily located. Att of the projects are planned to meet the growth needs of the residential development in the area. June 5,2000 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 8 Public Works Center Total Cost = $9.2 Million The Public Works Center is currently in the design phase. It is anticipated that construction will begin in 2001-2002. This City facility will be located next to the Safety Center and will include a warehouse, general offices and yard facilities for the Public Works Departments. Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive Extension Total Cost = $15 Million The Faraday Avenue and Melrose Drive extensions into Vista are key circulation facilities needed to reduce traffic congestion along Palomar Airport Road east of El Camino Real. The total cost is approximately $15 million and will be funded through a combination of developer fees, PLDA fees and a federal grant. The City is currently working with the adjacent landowners to form a B&TD to finance the construction. Preliminary design has begun. Once the financing is in place and design Is complete, construction can begin. Poinsettia Lane Projects West of El Camino Reui The Poinsettia Lane project experienced some increased costs and them are financing issues as a result. The dollars in the CIP have been moved out in time until the funding issues are resolved. Actual construction may occur earlier if financing is obtained. Staff is currently working with the developers to resolve the financing matters. Leo Carrillo Park Phase II Total Cost - $4 Million Completion of Phase It of Leo Carrillo Park will allow for public use of the park. Amenities include picnic facilities, landscaping, and restrooms. The park is located just south of Palomar Airport Road east of El Camino Real. Alga Norte Park Acquisition and Development Total Cost = $7 Million Alga Norte Park is located east of El Camino Real and north of and adjacent to the future Poinsettia Lane. Plans are to develop approximately 20 acres of the park for ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, picnic areas and tot lots. Next years appropriation includes funds to purchase the land, and construction will begin, once access to the site is available. The funding for the tand purchase is Park in lieu fees. Development of the park is paid from Public Facility Fees. Zone I9 Community Park Total Cost = $S Million An additional park site is tocated in Zone 19 of the southwest quadrant, north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. Amenities may include ball fields, soccer and footbatl fields, WetbaH and tennis courts, as well as picnic areas and tot lots. Design is scheduled for next year, followed by construction in 2001-2002. The development of this park is also funded with Pubtic Facility Fees. Poinsettia Park Phase II Total Cost = $7.2 Million Constmdion of phase 2 of Poinsettia Park is planned in approximately 3 to 4 years. This phase will add a community center, an enclosed soccer field, and a tennis complex to the already existing park amenities. Funding provided via PFF. Cafkbad Municipal OaN Course Environmental permits are still being processed for the City's 25O-acre golf course located at Pafomsr Airport Road and College Boulevard. Once the permits have been approved development is expected to proceed. The financing program for the golf course is still being developed and will come forward to the council at a later date. Police Training Range Relocation Cost = $SlUr,OOO With construction of the Golf Course, the Police Training Range will need to be relocated. Staff is currently looking at attematiie sites to build the new range. The relocation is expected to cost approximately $QSO,OOO and will be paid from General Capital Construction funds. June 5,2000 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 9 Industrial Park Recycled Water System Total Cost = $1.2 Million = Develop recycled water system for: -College Business Park -Carlsbad Research Center Carlsbad Airport Center -Olympic Resort & Municipal Golf Course In 2001-2002 the City plans to construct a network of recycled water lines to serve the industrial park area. The total cost is $1.2 million and will be funded from recycled water revenues. Encina - Phase V Expansion Total Cost = S6.S Million Phase 5 expansion of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility will expand its capacity to build out volumes. Construction is projected to begin in FY 2001-2002. Carlsbad's share of the cost is $6.5 Million, which will be paid from Sewer Connection Fees. Traffic Signals - Next 5 years Traffic signals installations in the central part of the City are planned at these intersections: Faraday Avenue/Rutherford Road Palomar Airport RoadMAelrose Drive Poinsettia LanePaseo Escuela Poinsettia Lanesnapdragon Rancho Santa Fe Road Projects Total Cost = $32 Million The realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road is the largest projed in the southern quadrant of the City. North Phase 11 - Including SM Creek Bridge FY2001-2002 North Phase I - FY2001-2002 South to Encinitas FY2001-2002 This project was previously divided into three phases. The two north phases have recently been combined into a single phase with a construction date anticipated to begin in the summer of 2001. The adjacent land developer will construct the remaining phase of Rancho Santa Fe Road extending south from Olivenhain Road to Encinitas, in FY2001-2002. Construction of these roads is funded by a combination of sources including FCWl , CFM2 and Federal grants. Fire Station #6 (Permanent) I Co~87S,OOO Once the Rancho Santa Fe Road project is complete, a permanent fire station will be constructed on the east side of the road, and the existing temporary station will be dismantled. Traffic Signals - Next S Years Traffic signals installations in the southern part of the City are planned at these intersections: La Costa AvenueMueva Castllla Rancho Santa Fe RoadlMelrose Drive Pavement Management FYZOOO-2001 = $1.2 Million Each year the Ci spends between $1.2 to $1.8 million on pavement management adiities, which include sluny seals, overlays and reconstruction. Funding is via TransNet-Local funding. In conclusion of Ms. Stover informed the Commission that the operation budget was going before the City Council on June 6,2000, during a workshop and the Council would take no action at that time. On T" June 5,2000 "- TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 10 June 14, 2000, there will be a workshop with the public at 3:OO p.m. in the Dove Library Auditorium. A second workshop on June 14, 2000 at 5:OO p.m. at the Faraday Building will be conducted. At the 500 p.m. workshop a shorter version of the operating and the CIP will be presented to the public. Any comments will be forwarded to the City Council before the adoption meeting. The adoption meeting will take place on June 27, 2000. She advised the Commission that she would be happy to address any questions. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Allen remarked that the traffic signals are already in place at Palomar Airport and Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe at Melrose. Mr. Johnson responded that there are probably reimbursements that must be made. When reimbursements are necessary it must be put into the CIP. Even though a traffic signal may be in place, it is referred to as a needed traffic signal at the location. When Rancho Santa Fe Road is realigned there will be a new Melrose intersection with Rancho Santa Fe Road. Melrose as it currently comes into Rancho Santa Fe Road will be moved north approximately 3O&feet, and that will be a new traffic signal. There will be reimbursements and construction monies that have to be expended. Commissioner Courtney wanted to know what would happen with Questhaven Road now that San Elijo is being built. Mr. Johnson replied that Questhaven Road traffic from San Elijo will be using Questhaven Road to get to Rancho Santa Fe Road, but Questhaven Road has to be relocated southerfy. San Elijo development and University Commons have to construct it. It is quite a coordination issue that is required to build that in conjunction will the Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment because of the fills at that particular intersections. Eventually it will connect in a new location and there will be a great deal of traffic coming from the various developments in San Marcos on to Rancho Santa Fe. REPORT FROM WFlC SAFETY CONTMISSIONERS: Commissioner Blake noted that the time limit parking in the downtown village area was working quite well. Finding parking space along the street no longer a problem. Commissioner Whitton commented on Palomar Oaks Way, stating it did not have a speed limit posted. Mr. Johnson agreed and stated that a number of new streets do not have prima facie speed limits, but noted that many different roads would be brougM before the Commission within the next year. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Mr. Johnson stated that issues relating to Plum Tree Road woukf be an agenda item at the next regular meeting. It was determined by the Commissioners, due to the 4'h of July holiday, that the next regular meeting would take place on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 3:OOp.m. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that the Council Chambers might not be available on the loth of July. The Park and Recreation meets at 5:OOp.m. in the Council Chambers, but if the Traffic Safety Commission meeting ends before 5:OOp.m. there should be no problem meeting in the Council Chambers. He stated that the time and place would be noted on next month's agenda. June 5,2000 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION -4 Page 11 Mr. Johnson advised the Commissioners that if their term is expiring and they are interested or not interested in extending their term, it is appropriate to send a letter to Mayor Lewis indicating their desires. Commissioner Blake’s two-term, eight-year plus, commitment is ending, but will stay on the Commission until a replacement has been appointed. Commissioner Courtney and Commissioner Allen terms are also ending July 2000. Commissioner Allen indicated he would not be available for reappointment and would send a letter to Mayor Lewis. By proper motion the Regular Meeting of June 5,2000, was adjourned at 3:45p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk