HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION
DATE OF MEETING: July 10,20W (Regular Meeting)
Vice-Chairperson Whitton called the Meeting to order at 3:lO p.m.
PnrSetlt Commissioners Blake, Whiion, Allen
Absent: Chairperson Gillfillan, Commissioner Courtney
StaffMembers: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department
June 6,2000
Mation by Commissioner Blake, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes of the regutar meeting of June 5,2000 as presented.
VOTE: 3-0-0
AYES: Blake, Allen, Whitton NOES: None
Robert Johnson, Deputy Cii Engineer, Transportation, stated that the introduction of the ordinance
regarding the 40-mph prima facie speed limit on Camino Vida RoMe Oaks Way to Palomar Airport Road would go to the City Council on July 18, ZOOO.
Chairperson Keith Gillfillan anived at 3:17 p.m., taking his place on the dais.
Commissioner Jim Courtney arrived at 3:20 p.m., taking his place on the dais.
July 10,2000
ITEM gA: Request b establish an ALL-WAY STOP at various intersections along Plum Tree Road.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, stated that Mr. Gregory D. Gorgas initiated the mquest for STOP signs on Plum Tree Road via letter. In his letter, Mr. Gorgas requested that STOP signs be considered at intersediins along Plum Tree Road. Currently there are four intersedions: Robinea Drive, Coneflower Drive, Windflower Drive, and Bluebonnet Drive. The request was initiated due to his speeding concerns on Plum Tree Road and 'wt-through" traffk issues. Mr. Gwgas addressed the City Council during Public Comment on May 10, 2000 and was directed by the City Council to the Traffic Safety Commission.
Plum Tree Road is a local road that sewes as a collector mad between Hidden Valley Road on the west and Aviara Parkway on the east. Plum Tree Road is approximately 0.35 miles in length and has been impnwed with curb and gutter, sidewalks and streetliihts on both sides of the road. Plum Tree Road is located within Sambi Seaside Heights subdivision. This is a subdivision of 137-singie-family dwelling
units; there are eighteen homes that front on Plum Tree Road on the north side of the road. The road is posted with 25 rnph speed signs and pavement legends that indicate the 25 mph speed zone.
The May 30/31,2000 ADT summary on Plum Tree Road indicates the following:
West end near Robinea Drive 2,372 vehides @oth directions in a 24-hour period) East end near Coneflower Drive 1,604 vehides @oth directions in a 2dhow period)
As a resuit of the missing gap on Aviara Parkway there is 'cut-through" traffic, from Aviara Parkway to HWn Valley Road to proceed to Palomar Airport Road end vice vem. There is no doubt that Plum Tree Road is being used as a "cut-through" route because of this missing gap. At present there is no firm date of completion of the missing gap. The inspectors are working with the developers; negotiations are taking place with the developer of the apartments at Cobblestone. When this portion of Aviara Parkway is completed, it is expected that the "cut-~mugh" volume will diminish significantly, as drivers wilt have a direct mute to Palomar Airport Road along Aviara Parkway.
Staff mnducted a license plate survey on mum Tree Road to determine the percentage of "cut-through"
traffic using the mad. The study was conducted in the a.m. and p.m. period on June 1,2000 from 7:lS 830 a.m. and from 4:306:30 p.m. During these two time periods, it was determined that in the a.m. peak 31.5% of the vehicles were 'cut-through" itaffic and in the p.m. 48% of the vehicles were "wt- through" traffic. In the a.m. there were 90 vehicles proceeding eastbound on Plum Tree Road west of Robinea Drive and 117 vehicles coming from Aviara Parkway westbound to the east of Coneflower Road. In the p.m. there wem 184 vehides eastbound and 116 vehides westbound from Aviara Parkway to the east of Coneffower Road. It is anticipated that the 'cut-through" volume will be reduced significantly, as drivers will have a direct route to Palomar Airport Road when the missing gap is completed.
The speed suwey conducted last week on Plum Tree Road indicated that 32 mph was the critical speed at Coneflower. The critical speed is the speed at which 85% of the vehicles are traveling at or below. At Robinea Drive the critical speed was 30 mph. 30, 31 to 32 mph are the typicaJ critical speeds on a
residential street anywhere is Carlsbad that has a 25 mph posted speed limit. The residents in the area have expressed concern regarding the speeding issues on Plum Tree Drive for approximately two years. Sgt. Kelly Cain of the Carlsbad Police Department has been attempting to address the speeding concerns.
Sgt. Kelly Cam of the Carisbad Police Department informed the Commission that the radar trailer has been placed in the area in the hidden and unhidden mode. In addition, motor and traffic officers have
July IO, 2000
been assigned to the area, focusing their attention on the west end of Plum Tree Road near Robinea Drive. On Sunday, June 25, 2000 from 8 to 10 a.m., 23 vehicles were monitored by Sgt. Cain and 2 citations were written for speeds over 35 mph. One citation was written to a resident residing on Coneflower Drive and the other was a 'pass through' vehicle coming from the area east of Poinsettia
Mr. Johnson stated that an ALL-WAY STOP wanant analysis was conducted. Traffic volumes on Ptum Tree Road at the intersections of Robinea Drive, Bluebonnet Drive, Windflower Drive and Coneflower Drive are low and do not meet STOP sign warrants. In the future Coneflower Drive will be extended into
the subdivision and will become a FOUR-WAY STOP, Because of the law traffic volumes and a very
good accident history on Plum Tree Road, no intersection accidents, the STOP sign warrants were not meet at any of the four intersections. However, a trafftocalming tool would be to establish an ALL-WAY
STOP. This has been done in Carlsbad at various locations, e.g. Avenida de Anita and Levante Street. Advantages and disadvantages of a STOP sign can be summarized as follows.
a) Slows traffic in direct vicinity of the STOP sign b) A series of STOP signs can discourage 'cut-through" traffic and result in lower traffic
c) No impact on resident BCCBSS, on-street parking, bicyde or pedestrian access, street volumes
sweeping or access by lamer vehicles.
a) Environmental issues - increase in noise and air pollution, increased fuel consumption as a
result of stop and go traffic b) Potential compliance probtem ("roll-through' - Police Department enforcement issue)
c) Possible increase in accidents d) All drivers penalized, even those observing the speed limit
The Carlsbad Residential Management Program Committee is looking at additional features of traffic calming. Over the course of the next 12 months this committee will be looking at all types of traffic calming features andlor devices that can be used on Carlsbad streets. The committee's report will be forwarded to the City Council for review and adoption. As a result of the Committee's work, areas such
as Plum Tree Road, and others with numerous speeding complaints, will have an official process to address the need for installation of residential traffic calming features.
In conclusion, Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that an ALL-WAY STOP be estaMihed on Plum Tree Road at the intersections of Bluebonnet Drive and at Coneflower Drive.
Commissioner Blake wanted to know if follow-up surveys were conducted after the instalfation of a STOP sign or TRAFFIC SIGNAL to ascertain if the signage actually solved the traffic compliments and/or problems.
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that on AvenMa de Anita comments were received from the residents after the installation of the STOP signs, indicating that traffic had slowed down, but the 'cut-
through" volumes did not decrease significantly. The residents indicated that vehicles often 'roiled- through" the STOP signs.
Commissioner Blake suggested that fotluw-up surveys should be conducted whenever traffic-calming devices wre installed.
July 10,2000
Commissioner Courtney stated that there were no STOP signs at the intersedion of Plum Tree Road and Aviara Parfrway.
Mr. Johnson stated that Aviara Parkway is not controlled; it does not have a YIELD or STOP sign. Plum Tree Road has a STOP sign at both ends of the road and Hidden Valley is an ALL-WAY STOP.
Commissioner Allen asked for a clarification regarding the date for the completion of Aviara Parkway.
Mr. Johnson stated that presently the Inspectiin Department is working diligently to resolve all of the issues associated with the missing gap on Aviara Parkway. It is anticipated that the completion of Aviara
Parkway will be in August or September. At this point there is no firm date available.
Commissioner Allen asked if a traffic signal would be installed on the corner of Plum Tree Road and Aviara Parkway.
Mr. Johnson stated that currentty there is an eastbound STOP sign on Plum Tree Road. Referring to an overhead slide, he informed the Commission that on Aviara Parkway there would be a traffic signal proposed at Cobblestone and a future traffic signal at the entrance to the apartments. At this time there is no plan for a traffic signal on the comer of Plum Tree Road and Aviara Parkway, but once the missing gap is opened, it will be monitored and signal warrants will be conducted to ascertain if a traffic signal should be installed at Plum Tree Road and Aviara Pahay.
Commissioner Whitton asked if there were plans in place to install a STOP sign at the intersedion where the Kindercare will be located.
Mr. Johnson stated that presently there is no plan to install a STOP sign on Plum Tree Road at that location.
Noting that 248 vehicles traveled westbound off of Robinea Drive daily, Commissioner Whitton believed that the number of vehicles warranted a STOP sign.
Mr. Johnson stated that an ALL-WAY STOP internion had to have 500 entering vehicles each hour
over any &hour period of the day, hence 4,000 minimum entering vehicles in any Shour period to meet warrants of an ALL-WAY-STOP. He did advise the Commission that upon the opening of the daycare center and the condominium project the location would be monitored and an analysis would be conducted to see if STOP signs are warranted.
Chairperson Keith GIMtlan asked if the City would be exposed to any type of liability because the streets
in question do not meet the traffic warrants and STOP signs are not instatled.
Mr. Johnson replied no.
Referring to the sunrey, Chairperson Keith Gillfillan ask for clarlflcati regarding '%ut-through" traffic, noting that the high volume of 'cut-through" traffic appeared to be between Coneflower Drive and
Robinea Drive.
Mr. Johnson stated that the license plate survey was conducted in der to ascertain "cut-through" traffic. Staff observed the vehicles approaching westbound at Hidden Valley Ranch making a left turn, right turn or going into the park (during the a.m. and the p.m. time period) and at Aviara Parkway vehicles going eastbound and also making the turns. The vehicles were monitored coming on and off Plum Tree Road at both locations and compared to vehicles entering from the east end and popping out on the west end and vice versa. From license plate comparisons staff was able to determine the percentages stated in the staff report. He stated that the volumes were daily 24-hour volumes based on traffic counts on May 30,2000; not vdumes during the "cut-through" time period.
July 10,2000 MC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5
Chairperson Keith Gillfillan asked how the two locations for the proposed STOP signs were selected, (Plum Tree Road at the intersections of Bluebonnet Drive and Plum Tree Road at Coneflower) versus
the other options.
Mr. Johnson replied that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee believed that the selected locations were good logical break points. The TSCC did not want to inundate the neighborhood with STOP signs. In addition, it is anticipated that with the opening of Aviara Parkway a great deal of the speeding and “cut-through” traffic will be eliminated.
Chairperson Keith Gillfillan suggested that Robinea Drive rather than Bluebonnet Drive, because of its
proximity to the daycare center, would be a better location for a STOP sign
Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that they could indeed make that recommendation and staff would take the recommendation to the City Council.
Phil Monet, 6579 Robinea Drive, Carisbad, CA stated that because of the hidden curve on Plum Tree Road and due to the fact that vehicles pick up speed as they go dorm the hill, one of the proposed STOP signs should be installed at Robinea Drive.
Greg Black, 1210 Plum Tree Road, Catisbad, CAI stated he has lived in the area since November 1997. Although the traffic survey indicates that traffic volumes are low, excessive speeding on Plum Tree Road is a definite problem. As a parent with four chiklren, speeding vehicles am of paramount concern. In
addition, he did not believe that the completion of Aviara Pahay would diminish the “cut-through” traffic because there will not be STOP signs on Plum Tree Road or traffic signals to discourage ‘cut-thmugh’ vehicles. With the development of the proposed office buitdings on Hidden Valley Road it is anticipated that ‘cut-through” traffic will increase. He questioned the concept of Plum Tree Road as a collector road. He suggested that Camino de las Ondas (not shown on the map in the staff report) just south of Plum
Tree Road, which is a large wide road with no driveways and easy access to the park, would be a better choice to serve as a collector road or ‘cut-through’ area.
Commissioner Allen asked for clarification regafli Mr. Black‘s recommendation.
Mr. Black responded that he would like NO vehide access to Plum Tree Road from Aviara Parkway. If this is not possible, he recommends that a STOP sign be placed at Robinea Drive, because of the hidden cuwe and travel speed of the vehicles at this point, and STOP signs at Bluebonnet Drive and Coneflower Drive.
Don McMiflan, 6560 Bluebonnet Drive, Carlsbad, CA has resided at this address since March of 1998. Mr. McMillan informed the Commission that the area had a very high population of children living in the area. Wfih the establishment of the daycare center, which will be located on Plum Tree Road at Hidden
Valley Road, and Poinsettia Park the number of children in the area will increase dramatically. He
expressed concern for the safety of the children due to the speeding traffic on Plum Tree Road. In
addition to the hidden-blind curve at Robinea Drive, he advised the Commission of the blind hump at Coneflower Drive on Plum Tree Road and the downhill layout of the street, which did not contribute to
traffic safety. Numerous times within the previous four months, as he drove 25 mph on Plum Tree Road, vehicles have passed him going 30 to 40 mph. Mr. McMillan stated that the residents in the area wutd
like to have the entrance to Plum Tree Road at Aviara Parkway blocked off, with trees and plants installed in the middle of the street. In condusion he stated that at the very kast there should be three STOP signs along Plum Tree Road, at the intersections of Coneflower Drive, Windflower Drive and Robinea Drive, to discourage speeding and ‘cut-through” vehicles.
Chairperson Gillfillan closed Public Testimony and called for a discussion.
Cornmissioner Courtney disagreed with the recommended course of action regarding the STOP signs,
stating that if STOP signs are not warranted they should not be installed. It is his belief that STOP signs in this area will create more problems, e.g. accidents at the intersections. He suggested that the most
effective way to resolve the problem would be traffic enforcement of the speed limit. He did not support placing any STOP signage until traffic warrants were met.
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that presentty Plum Tree Road has posted signs indicating it is a 25 mph zone.
Commissioner Bake concurred with Commissioner Courtney, adding that STOP signs are not effective
traffic control devices.
Commissioner Whitton dmreed with Commissioners Courtney and Blake; he remarked that the STOP signs recommended by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee should be installed as welt as an
additional STOP sign at the intersedion Robinea Drive and Ptum Tree Road. He did not believe the completion of Aviara Paway would resolve the traffic problems on Plum Tree Road.
Commissioner Allen voiced his support for the Traffk Safety Coordinating Committee’s recommendation regarding the installation of the STOP signs. He suggested that after the opening of Aviara Pahay further monitoring and traffic surveys shoukl be conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the STOP
Chairperson GilMllan stated that at a minimum he would like to see a STOP sign placed at the
Bluebonnet intersedion and further monitoring of the area to ascertain if additionat STOP signs shoukl be installed at other intersections on Pbm Tree Road.
Commissioner Courtney interjected that STOP signs lose their effediveness, because motorist lose respect for STOP signs placed in area where they are not warranted. He reiterated that the 25 mph
speed limit should be enforced.
Chairperson Gillfillan called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Allen, and duly seconded by Commissioner Whitton,
that the Traffic Safety Commission accept the recommendation of the Traffic
Safety Coordinating Committee that an ALL-WAY STOP be established on Plum Tree Road at the intersedion of Bluebonnet Drive and at Coneflower Drive.
VOTE: 2-3-0 AYES: Whitton, Allen
ABSTAIN: None NOES: Blake, Courtney, GiMNan
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake
that the matter be tabled until 60 days after the opening of Aviara Parkway, at which time reevaluation of mum Tree Road will be conducted to ascertain if
installation of STOP signs are warranted.
VOTE: 4-1 -0
AYES: Blake, Courtney, Gillfillan, Allen
NOES: whitton
Commissioner Allen informed staff that the left-turn traffic pavement arrows are faded at Palomar Airport Road going west at El Camino Real.
Commissioner Courtney wanted the issue of street parking on the bridge Over the freeway on Chiquapin Avenue investigated, e.g. specifically eastbound.
Commissioner Whitton advised staff that the ISNS sign for College/Aviara Parkway on Palomar Airport Road has been knocked down.
Mr. Johnson replied that the replacement internally illuminated street name sign has been otdered.
The Street Committee report and staff recommendations are scheduled to go before the City Council on
July 18,2000.
Traffic Safety Commission term updates:
Mr. Allen submitted Ietter-expmsing desire to resign fmm the Commission. Mr. Blake has senred his eight years and he is in the process of being replaced. Mr. Courtney may have an additional term, because initially he was filling in as a replacement.
Mr. Giftfillan is in the process of being reappointed.
It is customary until replacements are appointed by the City Council that the Commissioners continue to sew and attend meetings.
The next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission will be August 7,2000 at Clty Hall in the City Council Chambers.
By proper motion the Regular Meeting of June 5,2000, was adjjumed at 4:OO p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianna Scott
Minutes Clerk