HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Vice-Chairperson Whitton called the meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Vice-Chairperson Whitton, Commissioners Blake, Courtney
Absent: Chairperson Gillfillan and Commissioner Allen
Staff Members Present: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division
James Gale, Engineering Technician 11, Transportation Division
Lieutenant Michael Shipley, Police Department, Traffic Division
The Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) defmed approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held
October 2,2000, due to a lack of quorum for minutes approval.
Bob Johnson introduced Lieutenant Mike Shipley, Traffic Lieutenant in the Traffic Division of the Police
Department. Bob mentioned that it is a new position created and either Sgt. Cain or Lt. Shipley will
attend future TSC meetings.
Bob stated that the speed zones on Cannon Road and Rancho Bravado, discussed by the TSC in October,
will be scheduled for City Council by the end of November or early December.
Commissioner Blake inquired as to the status of his replacement to the TSC. Bob said he hasn't heard
anything as of yet but heard that Mayor Lewis was interviewing some candidates today. Bob said
although the matter is not on tomorrow night's City Council agenda, he was sure all the replacements will take place fairly soon.
6A. Plum Tree Road- Request for Stor, Sims at Various Locations.
Bob Johnson presented the staff report explaining that this item was requested by Ray Montiel, who lives
at 1250 Plum Tree Road. Mr. Montiel spoke with staff on October 24, 2000 and is aware of the
recommendation made by the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) in July to wait 60 days after the missing
segment of Aviara Parkway was opened before conducting new traffic studies and bringing the results of
those studies back to the TSC. Bob stated that the missing segment of Aviara Parkway was opened on
September 20, 2000 which means the new traffic studies would have been undertaken at the end of
November and the item would, tentatively, be brought back to the TSC at it’s January, 2001 meeting.
Mr. Montiel had indicated to staff that he would rather move the item forward and have the matter heard
by the TSC at this time rather than waiting, even though he believes traffic volumes are down and STOP
sign warrants would not be met. Mr. Montiel also indicated to staff that he would be out of town and not
able to attend today’s meeting. Bob mentioned that letters were sent to all persons who attended the July
TSC meeting informing them of today’s meeting and Mr. Montiel was also going to notifl his neighbors
about this meeting. Bob said he informed Mr. Montiel that this is an unusual request since there are no
additional traffic studies to present to the TSC. Mr. Montiel informed staff he understands but still wanted
the matter heard by the TSC at the November meeting. Bob concluded by saying staff recommends that
the TSC reaffirm their previous decision to wait 60 days until after the missing segment of
AviaraParkway is opened to traffic and then conduct traffic studies and bring the results to a future
Traffic Safety Commission meeting.
Commissioner Courtney stated he was of the opinion that the TSC is not in a position to act on this matter
at the present time because other persons besides Mr. Montiel spoke at the July TSC meeting.
Considering that, he said the TSC should pursue their original motion, wait for the traffic studies to be
completed, and then place it back on a future meeting agenda.
Commissioner Blake asked if 60 days is an adequate period of time to wait before seeing a change in
traffic patterns. Bob said 60 days is an adequate period of time and mentioned that a traffic count on
Hidden Valley Road south of Palomar Airport Road showed volumes were down by 25 percent not long
after the missing portion of Aviara Parkway was opened to traffic.
Vice-Chair Whitton said he is aware traffic volumes are down but he still has reservations about
postponing this matter. He said it’s almost irresponsible for this Commission not to act on the requests of
the parents who have asked for STOP signs to protect their children and suggested that the STOP signs be
approved at this time. Vice-Chair Whitton said he feels the regulations are really guides and the TSC has
a responsibility to acquiesce to the parents wishes in this case. Mr. Whitton concluded by saying the TSC
has a responsibility to install the signs especially since the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee
recommended two STOP signs previously, when traffic volumes were higher.
Commissioner Courtney stated that even though citizens request STOP signs and the signs may be a good idea, the TSC must still keep in mind the rules and guidelines regarding them. Mr. Courtney said we can’t
just install STOP signs at every block to slow down traffic. He said the purpose of STOP signs is not to slow traffic; that’s why we have the police officers.
Vice-Chair Whitton reiterated his position that the TSC should consider the guidelines regarding the
matter and use their judgment regarding what to do since being asked twice now by parents.
Bob Johnson stated the TSC must evaluate any data that’s presented to them and then make their evaluation. Mr. Johnson said the Traffic Safety Commission’s charge is to look at traffic data and try to make an objective decision. In this particular case, there is no current data to present regarding the matter since the studies have not been initiated. Bob informed the Commission that he mentioned to Mr. Montiel that he doesn’t recall ever taking an item forward to the TSC without traffic data for the Commission to
use in making their recommendation. Mr. Johnson concluded by saying it is highly unusual for the TSC to be put in the position it is in today.
Vice-Chairperson Whitton re-opened the “Oral Communications” portion of this item due to the late
arrival of a person wishing to speak on the matter.
Ms. Karen Lonsway, a resident of 1218 Plum Tree Road, apologized for being late and stated that she represents the Plum Tree neighborhood. Ms. Lonsway said Mr. Montiel could not be at the meeting
today. She realized she did not hear all of the commissioners statements but commented on Commissioner Courtney’s remarks regarding the TSC not being at the liberty of installing traffic signs throughout the City. She mentioned she has three small children and said this has been an issue since they moved in. She said it’s not the volume of traffic that’s the problem, it’s the speed of the vehicles. She has
spoken with the Carlsbad Police Department and is aware of the purpose of STOP signs but said it is the belief of the neighborhood, and especially as a resident of Plum Tree Road, that installing STOP signs will prevent the 55-65 mile per hour traffic from using the roadway and also prevent anyone from getting
hurt. She said she has come close to being hit. The residents believe that STOP signs will help because
motorists will have to stop even though she realizes some motorists will roll through them without stopping.
Ms. Lonsway then read a petition signed by the neighborhood residents asking for the following measures
in order to “restore safety on our streets from speeding vehicles and unsafe traffic volumes”:
a Installation of traffic circles with or without STOP signs.
She realized the traffic calming features could not be installed at this time but said the neighborhood felt
strongly that the STOP signs will help the problem right now.
Vice-Chairperson Whitton asked if a motion needs to be made on this since it was on the agenda. Mr. Johnson said it would be expected that the TSC take some action on the matter but it is their
prerogative. If the TSC did not want to take any action at this time, some response to the request would be appropriate.
Vice-Chairperson Whitton said he is of the opinion that the request for STOP signs is reasonable, the City was asked to have them installed, the Commission should support the parents, and then, in the future, the STOP signs could be removed when traffic calming features are appropriate. He said we know if traffic studies are done they will indicate even less justification for STOP signs than before but, again, they were recommended by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee.
Vice-Chairperson Whitton then opened the matter for a motion.
Commissioner Courtney reiterated his previous comments that the TSC has already embarked on a path to determine whether the STOP signs are justified or not. He also said the Commission should stand by it’s decision since other people attended the July meeting who were interested in the matter. He also said in 60 to 90 days it may not even be a problem or may be twice as bad. At that time, though, we’ll have some
data and numbers to act upon.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake, that the Traffic Safety Commission table this item until the results of the original recommendation are presented.
VOTE : 2- 1-0 AYES: Courtney, Blake NOES: Whitton
Vice-Chair Whitton asked Mr. Johnson if the item will come back to the TSC in January and if the interested residents will be notified. Bob said staff will follow the July, 2000 recommendation of the TSC, try to get it on the January TSC agenda, and will noti@ everybody who attended the July meeting as
well as Ms. Karen Lonsway who spoke today.
Commissioner Blake asked Lt. Shipley about the history of complaints along Plum Tree Road. Lt. Shipley said Sgt. Cain has been working with the residents there and having enforcement take place.
Commissioner Courtney thanked Ms. Lonsway for attending the meeting and addressing the commission. He asked her to try to keep in mind that the TSC is trying to do the right thing and said he personally spoke to Sgt. Cain regarding this matter. Sgt. Cain told him he was out there one night for three hours and wrote several tickets during that time and about a third of the tickets were issued to neighborhood residents.
Ms. Lonsway said there are some neighbors who just don’t care and are doing the speeding.
6B. Collepe Boulevard - Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real.
Mr. Johnson presented the staff report explaining this portion of College Boulevard is currently posted as a 45 MPH speed zone. He then explained the results of two recent speed surveys indicating critical speeds of 52 MPH north of Palomar Airport Road and 50 MPH south of El Camino Real. Bob continued with the staff report explaining that the existing 45 MPH speed limit was established a number of years ago and volumes have been increasing over the years. Bob said the critical speed has also increased.
Bob said the commissioners in the Traffic Division of the San Marcos Municipal Court are starting to scrutinize Engineering and Traffic Surveys and speed surveys and expect a roadway’s posted speed limit to be equal to or close to the critical speed. Bob said there are a number of reasons for this including that it is good speed zoning to do so. In this case, the accident rate of 0.61 is quite low for a four-lane major arterial roadway and the conditions on the roadway do appear to support raising the speed limit fiom
45 MPH to 50 MPH. Mr. Johnson said based on the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended that a new prima facie speed limit of 50 MPH be established on College Boulevard fiom Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real.
Commissioner Blake asked whether the City would be limited in raising the speed limit on
College Boulevard in the fbture if critical speeds were to increase to 55 MPH since the design speed of the
roadway is 50 MPH. Bob said that this is generally true, however we try not to post a roadway higher
than its design speed. He said this subject has been discussed before by the Carlsbad Police and the court
commissioners, and the commissioners are basically concerned about what conditions are readily apparent
to the driver on a roadway and how fast the driver is traveling on a roadway. As an example, if the critical
speed was 55 or 56 MPH, they are of the opinion that the speed limit should be raised above the design
speed. Bob concluded by saying this is a matter that will have to be addressed on a case-by-case basis
since the City does not really want to post a roadway above the design speed. Bob said currently there are
some roadways where the critical speed is six, seven or eight miles per hour above the posted speed but
the posted speed is equal to the design speed and justified by the results of the Engineering and Traffic
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake,
that the Traffic Safety Commission accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie 50 mile per hour speed limit
upon College Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real.
VOTE: 3-0-0
NOES: None
AYES: Courtney, Blake, Whitton
6C. Aviara Parkwav - Poinsettia Lane to Palomar Airport Road. Request to Establish a
Prima Facie SDeed Limit.
Bob Johnson presented the staff report explaining that two speed surveys were conducted both indicating
critical speeds of 45 MPH. The portion of Aviara Parkway between Plum Tree Road and Cobblestone
Road was opened to traffic on September 20, 2000, and the speed surveys were done about three weeks
later. Bob said the portion of Aviara Parkway between Poinsettia Lane and El Camino Real is designated
as a secondary arterial, however the subject portion of Aviara Parkway is a major arterial with a design
speed of 50 MPH. At this time, the critical speeds do not support establishing the prima facie speed limit
at 50 MPH. Bob said the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that a prima facie speed
limit of 45 MPH be established based on the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey.
Commissioner Blake inquired as to whether more homes are being built adjacent to the roadway and if
traffic volumes are expected to increase. Bob said traffic volumes are expected to increase in the fbture.
Commissioner Courtney indicated support for the 45 MPH speed zone at this time, but is of the opinion
that it will have to be raised within a year as more homes are occupied and traffic volumes and speeds
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Commissioner Blake,
that the Traffic Safety Commission accept the recommendation of the Traffic
Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a prima facie 45 mile per hour speed
limit upon Aviara Parkway fkom Poinsettia Lane to Palomar Airport Road.
VOTE: 3-0-0
AYES: Courtney, Blake, Whitton
NOES: None
Commissioner Whitton said he is concerned about vehicles parking overnight along Carlsbad Boulevard
adjacent to and between the jetties. Lt. Shipley said the police are working on making all of the time limits
consistent along Carlsbad Boulevard and City ordinance changes would be necessary. He also said the
issue of vehicles parking overnight is an enforcement issue and that he will take care of the matter.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of November 6,2000 was adjourned at 3:34 p.m.
Respectfblly submitted,
YAMES W. GALE Engineering Technician I1 Transportation Division