HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION
DATE OF MEETING: March 5, 2001 (Regular Meeting)
Chairperson Frank Whitton called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Staff Members:
February 5,2001
Chairperson Frank Whitton, Commissioners Jerry Schall,
Bob Mertz
Commissioner Keith Gillfillan, Vice-Chairperson Jim Courtney
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
Dave Stillman, Associate Engineer, Transportation
Lt. Mike Shipley, Carlsbad Police Department
Motion by Commissioner Mertz, and duly seconded, to approve the
minutes of the regular meeting of February 5, 2001 as presented.
Whitton, Mertz, Schall
Taking their place on the dais, Vice-Chairperson Jim Courtney and Commissioner Keith Gillfillan arrived
at 3:03 p.m.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, referring to the action that the Commission took
on the College Boulevard speed zone issue several months ago, informed the Traffic Safety Commission
March 5,2001
that their recommendation is scheduled to go before the City Council on Tuesday, March 6, 2001. The
City Council will consider introducing an ordinance to establish the 50 mph speed zone on College
Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road to El Camino Real.
On behalf of the Traffic Safety commission, Chairperson Frank Whitton presented Commissioner Keith
Gillfillan with a Resolution of Commendation awarded in appreciation for services rendered as
Chairperson on the Traffic Safety Commission from July 12, 1999 to January 8, 2001.
Commissioner Keith Gillfillan thanked the Traffic Safety Commission and the City of Carlsbad for the
commendation award.
ITEM 6A: Pedestrian Action Plan - Status Update
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, stated that agenda item MA is a request by Ms. Thelma Hayes that staff update the Traffic Safety Commission on the following 6 specific aspects of the Pedestrian Action Plan:
Progress report as to which sidewalks still need to be built including maps, which show a half-
mile and mile radius around each school primarily in the northwest quadrant. Mr. Johnson
referred to the map on display, which indicated areas that are in need of sidewalks. He
mentioned that staff would be applying for funding for construction of the sidewalk on Jefferson
Street from Tamarack to Chinquapin via the TDA program. In addition on Jefferson Street
across from Jefferson Elementary school on the east side from approximately Carol Place up to
Magnolia Street, it is anticipated that sidewalks repairs will be made, as well as the installation of
curb and gutters and minor widening of the road. On the west side of Jefferson Street, before
Magnolia Street, between 50 and 100 feet of A.C. sidewalk and curb and gutters are needed.
In the last year throughout the City, particularly in the northwest quadrant, approximately 180
missing handicaps ramps have been installed. The next upcoming sidewalk project will be on Jefferson Street.
The Street Committee report was completed in February 2000 and the City Council has
approved the recommendations. As a result of the recommendations there will be two
designations for future street widening. One being alternative designed streets; there is a listing
in the Street Committee report on Table 2 of the report which indicates which streets meet the
criteria for alternative designed streets. The other listing on Table 1 is compatible improvement streets. This listing would be those streets extended or widened, 40-foot standard cubto-curb
street, and contiguous sidewalks.
Regarding provisions for pedestrian safety on Carlsbad Boulevard/Coast Highway across Buena
Vista Lagoon, the City is in litigation as a result of a pedestrian fatality. Staff will be looking into the various design elements and improvements in the area at a later date.
Originally a seismic retrofit was indicated for the bridge on Carlsbad Boulevard over the railroad
tracks to the south of State Street, with CALTRANS contributing $2 million for the seismic
retrofit. Staff considered having 4 lanes over the bridge, widening the bridge, removing some of
the crest vertical curve issues and transition from Mountain View to north of State Street.
However, the cost estimate for the aforementioned changes was a $7.5 million project, and the
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and the City does not have the funds to do a project of this magnitude. The project has been
scaled back to do only the seismic retrofit project, which is being worked on now.
Within the last couple of months, there have been approximately 60 bus benches installed in the City of Carlsbad. For the most part the bus benches have been installed in sidewalk areas
where there is ADA and pedestrian access. Staff will be evaluating locations where there are benches that might need access improvements.
Each year an annual traffic report for the City of Carlsbad is done that includes traffic related
statistics, e.g. accidents, causes of accidents, number of accidents. Pedestrian statistics are included in this traffic report. The report is distributed to the City Manager, Police Department
and to each Traffic Commissioner. It is anticipated that this annual report will be completed and distributed within 2 weeks.
Vice-Chairperson Courtney asked if sidewalks would be installed on both sides of Jefferson Street, even
though some of the residents on the east side of the street do not want the sidewalks.
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, stated that initially the idea was to install
sidewalks on the west side of Jefferson from Chinquapin north to Tamarack; part of this has already been built. The initial focus would be installing the sidewalk on at least one side of the road. He noted that
Jefferson Street was not designated as an alternative street design street.
Vice-Chairperson Courtney commented that it was important to have a good improved street on
Jefferson from Chinquapin to Tamarack because of school pedestrians.
Commissioner Schall asked if alternative design streets are submitted would it come before this Commission.
Mr. Johnson stated that part of the alternative street design process indicates that it would go before the
Traffic Safety Commission for review and comment, with recommendations forwarded to the City Council.
Chairperson Whitton opened public testimony. Seeing no one wising to testify he closed public.
ITEM 6B: Faraday Avenue, Cannon Road to College Boulevard - Request to
establish a prima facie speed limit
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, stated that Faraday Avenue is designated as a
collector street on the Circulation Element of the General Plan between Cannon Road and College Boulevard. On July 26, 2000 the segment of Faraday Avenue from Cannon Road to -l .O mile south of
Cannon Road was opened to traffic. Faraday Avenue has a posted prima facie speed limit of 40 miles
per hour from its former terminus point (1 .O miles south of Cannon Road) easterly to Orion Street.
This road has a design speed of 40-mph, but in two locations, 500 feet west of Van Allen the critical
speed is 48-mph and at a point 750 feet south of Cannon Road the critical speed or 85th percentile is 47- mph. There have been speeding tickets thrown out at the San Marcos Court by the Commissioners
when the posted speed limit is more than the first 5-mph increment below the critical speed. In this case the first 5-mph increment would be 45-mph.
However, because of the design speed of 40-mph the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee believes
that it would be appropriate to post the roadway at 40-mph. The reason for this is that the driving public
may not necessarily realize that it is a 40-mph design speed. Sight distance is established for the 40-
mph speed; driving at an excessive speed could result in sight distance restrictions on both the horizontal
and vertical curves, which could result in the potential for accidents to occur.
Mr. Johnson referred to Section F of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, "RemarksConditions Not
Readily Apparent", as a way to reinforce roadway conditions and hopefully keep speeding tickets from
being thrown out by the San Marcos Courts. He trusts that the commissioners would take Section F into
consideration when someone challenges a ticket received on this road.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the new portion of the road from Cannon Road easterly to the industrial park was opened at the end of July 2000. There has only been one accident in the last 2 years on the entire
segment. From an accident standpoint the road is operating in an acceptable manner.
In conclusion, Mr. Johnson stated that the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee
is to establish a prima facie 40-mile per hour speed limit upon Faraday Avenue from Cannon Road to
College Boulevard and include the enhanced wording in Section F on the Engineering and Traffic Survey.
Chairperson Whitton asked if there were questions of staff
Mr. Johnson commented that into the Shea Homes area there will be one intersection about 200-feet
south of Cannon Road on the east side. There will be additional driveways on lots in the industrial park
and one or two driveways into the future city park.
Noting that the road way is a split grade, Commissioner Keith Gillfillan mentioned that the opportunity for
intersections is limited.
Commissioner Keith Gillfillan voiced concem regarding the road being designed for 40-mph and
questioned the enforcement issue related to setting the 40-mph speed limit.
Mr. Johnson stated that typically road designs do support the first 5-mile per hour increment below the Critical speed. In this particular case there is a rather high critical speed, regardless of the 4O-mph design speed.
Lt. Mike Shipley, Carlsbad Police Department, commented that the challenge would be enforcement on
this particular roadway. If radar is used on the roadway, the concerns will have to be mitigated with the
commissioners in the San Marcos court. If tickets are thrown out this will have to be reevaluated. Section F of the Engineering and Traffic Survey does offer mitigation.
Commissioner Keith Gillfillan asked how long the roadway has been open.
Mr. Johnson replied that the new portion was open on July 26,2000.
Commissioner Schall voiced support for the 40-mph prima facie speed limit.
Chairperson Whitton opened public testimony. Seeing no one wising to testify he closed public
Chairperson Whitton called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, that a prima
facie 40 mile per hour speed limit be established upon Faraday Avenue
from Cannon Road to College Boulevard. Additionally, in the
"Conditions Not Readily Apparent" section of the Engineering and Traffic
Survey, the following be indicated: "Horizontal and vertical curves are
designed with sight distance appropriate for a 40 mile per hour operating
speed. Higher speeds have reduced sight distance and less reaction
time and stopping distance available to the driver if a roadway hazard is encountered."
VOTE: 5-0-0
AYES: Gillfillan, Courtney, Whitton, Mertz, Schall
NOES: None
ITEM 6C. Carlsbad Boulevard - Request to submit project for TDA funding.
Dave Stillman, Associate Engineer, Transportation, asked if the commissioners wanted an overview of
the funding process since he covered this issue last month. As no one needed to have the funding process outlined he presented agenda item 6C as follows: Approximately a 0.7-mile stretch of Carfsbad
Boulevard just north and south of Poinsettia Lane is currently being realigned and improved. The northbound portion of the roadway is almost completed. The realignment of the southbound portion will
commence shortly. As part of the improvement bike lanes will be constructed. This funding request is
for the bicycle lane portion of the southbound side of the roadway and a small segment of sidewalk,
which occurs near the two bus stops that will be constructed along the southbound portion of the
In conclusion, Mr. Stillman mentioned that the total amount of funding for the bike lane and sidewalk segment is $111,924.00. He requested that the Traffic Safety Commission recommend to the City
Council that the funding request to SANDAG be approved.
Chairperson Whitton asked if there were questions of staff.
Chairperson Whitton asked if this funding could be used for the sidewalks on Jefferson Street near
Jefferson Elementary School instead of the bike lane.
Mr. Johnson stated that when funding for TDA is applied for it has to be project specific. The Bicycle and
Pedestrian Committee that reviews requests, reviews each project on its own merits and votes for each
project on its merits and does a priority ranking. Staff does not have the ability to receive funding for one
project and use the funding for a different project.
Chairperson Whitton asked if the committee considered requesting funding from SANDAG for the
sidewalks along Jefferson Street.
Mr. Johnson stated that funding request for Jefferson Street was discussed by the Traffic Safety
Commission last month. He noted that one of the criteria that a project must meet to be successful in
obtaining funding is that it must be ready to go to construction within a year of the funding request.
Chairperson Whitton opened public testimony. Seeing no one wising to testify he closed public testimony.
Chairperson Whitton called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Gillfillan and duly seconded, that a funding
reguest for W2001/2002 TDAITransNet funds in the amount of
$11 1,924 be recommended to the City Council to be submitted to
SANDAG for funding of a bike lane and a small segment of sidewalk on a portion of Carlsbad Boulevard north and south of Poinsettia Lane.
VOTE: 5-0-0
AYES: Whitton, Gillfillan, Courtney, Mettz, Schall
NOES: None
ITEM 6D: Review and approve TSC procedure rules and adopt TSC Resolution No.
2001 -1
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, stated that the commissioner requested that the rules and procedures be revised to a ‘gender neutral” document. He noted that staff has revised the
document as requested. Additionally, Section 36 has been re-tiled to read: Request to Address the
Commission on Items Other than Listed on the Agenda.
It was determined by the commission that the Section 36 should read:
Request to Address the Commission on items Other than Listed on the Agenda
Commissioner Mertz mentioned several areas in the document where the gender-neutral rule has not
been applied or grammar laws violated, e.g.. Page 2, item 1, line 13, not gender neutral; Page 5, item 12, line 1 incorrect grammar.
March 5,2001
Mr. Johnson dated that staff would review the document and make appropriate changes.
Chairpetson Whitton called for a motion.
ACTIOM: Motion by Commtssioner Giltfillan and duly seconded to adopt TSC Resofution No. 2001-1 subject to any additionel changes or revisions by the Traffic Safety Commission.
VOTE 5-04
AYES: OilMtlan, Mertz, Wall, Whitton, Cowtney
NOE8: None
R&err&ng to the prima fade speed limit of 4O-mph on Faraday Avlenue, Commissimef Giltfillan asked if them would be new StrSpine on Faraday Avenue.
Mr. Johnwn reptied that the condition of the striping wuld be looked at, but noted €hat Faraday Avenue was a new mad. He noted that before the open in^ of Faraday Avenue in the existing industrlzdl park area the strlpirtg WBS mfhshed and that the raised pavement t"kerS were in place.
Commissioner Gillfillan expmsed concern ~ding the merge arrows that appear In a very shocf time period aml distance span. Me mquested that staff assess the striping.
Mr. Johnson stated that staff WOUM re-evaluate the striping on Faraday Avenue.
Mr. johnson mentidned tba? the next reguiar meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission would take pisce on Monday, April 2,2001 at 3:OO p.m. in the City Council chambers.