HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-09-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairperson Frank Whitton called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Chairperson Frank Whitton, Commissioners Jerry Schall, Bob Mertz
Absent: Vice-Chairperson Jim Courtney, Commissioner Keith Gillfillan
Staff Members Present: Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division Lt. Mike Shipley, Carlsbad Police Department, Traffic Division Sgt. Kelly Cain, Carlsbad Police Department, Traffic Division Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division
John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Jerry Schall, and duly seconded, to approve the minutes
of the regular meeting of August 6,2001 as presented.
VOTE: 3-0-0
AYES: Whitton, Mertz, Schall
NOES: None
Taking his place on the dais, Vice-Chairperson Courtney arrived at 3:04 p.m.
September 10,2001
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6A. Aviara Parkwaymightshade Road intersection - Request for installation of a traffic
Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division, presented the staff report stating this report was
prepared in response to a request by Laura Wineholt, 6664 Curlew Terrace, Carlsbad, CA, to have a traffic signal installed on Aviara Parkway at Nightshade Road. The following items of the staff report were
highlighted by Mr. Murray.
Mr. Murray stated that the purpose of a traffic signal is to assign right-of-way at an intersection and it is not used as a speed control device. Staffs recommendation on whether or not to install a traffic signal is
based on a detailed evaluation of the Caltrans Traffic Signal Warrants. At the subject intersection, Mr. Murray informed the Commission that none of the eleven warrants outlined by Caltrans were satisfied
in the study conducted by staff.
Mr. Murray stated that traffic signals should not be considered a “cure-all” for traffic problems. In fact, unwarranted traffic signals can cause an increase in certain types of collisions. For instance, in 2000 eleven of the twelve “high collision’’ intersections in Carlsbad were at signalized intersections. While traffic signals may reduce the number of right angle collisions, they may increase rear-end type
Comer sight distance at the subject intersection was measured to be 780 feet to the north and 430 feet to
the south. He stated that a secondary arterial road has a 40 mile per hour design speed and the minimum
comer sight distance required by Caltrans for Aviara Parkway, a secondary arterial, is 440 feet.
Mr. Murray mentioned that he has contacted the Aviara Master Association to trim the trees and bushes
on the east side of Aviara Parkway, south of Nightshade Road to improve sight distance and achieve the minimum sight distance.
A vehicle turning movement count was conducted by st& during the peak hour period, which was
determined from traffic counts to be fi-om 2:OO p.m. to 3:OO p.m. No pedestrians were observed to cross
Aviara Parkway and only five pedestrians were observed to cross Nightshade Road at the subject
intersection during the peak hour. Mr. Murray stated that the right-turn overlap for the traffic signal at
Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Parkway requires the restriction for northbound U-turns on Aviara Parkway to avoid conflicts.
Mr. Murray pointed out residents that currently use Nightshade Road to access Aviara Parkway can choose to use Towhee Road to turn onto Aviara Parkway since Nightshade Road connects with Towhee Road. He mentioned that comer sight distance at Towhee Road for drivers is longer than at Nightshade Road.
Based upon the findings of the traffic study, Mr. Murray concluded by stating that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that a traffic signal at Aviara ParkwayNghtshade Road not be installed at this time.
There were no questions for staff by the Traffic Safety Commissioners.
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Chairperson Whitton opened public testimony.
Laura Wineholt, 6664 Curlew Terrace, Carlsbad, CA, asked the Commissioners to consider some items that were not addressed in the staff report presented by Mr. Murray. Ms. Wineholt mentioned that the assessment district for Aviara Parkway paid for traffic signals and she believed safe access to Aviara Parkway cannot be achieved. She informed the Commission that the comer sight distance to the
south is 430 feet and therefore does not meet the standard of 440 feet. Due to the horizontal curvature of
the roadway and the presence of the hill on the east side of Aviara Parkway, south of Nightshade Road,
she does not believe sight distance could not be improved by tree trimming and the cars travel at 50 miles
per hour. She stated that left-turn access from Nightshade Road was easier when the intersection of Aviara
Parkway and Poinsettia Lane was an ALL-WAY STOP prior to it being signalized. The right-turn green arrow condition on eastbound Poinsettia Lane allows a constant stream of vehicles to go southbound on Aviara Parkway, making left turns out of Nightshade Road difficult. Ms. Wineholt stated that it is difficult to anticipate which lane a car may be in since drivers change lanes to go around slower vehicles. She mentioned that the Police Department has patrolled the comer regularly and issued many citations.
She concluded by stating that she believes the Villages of La Costa project will increase traffic on Aviara
Parkway until Poinsettia Lane is completed from Black Rail Road to El Camino Real and asked that the
Traffic Safety Commission consider her request to install a traffic signal at the Aviara Parkway and
Nightshade Road intersection.
Leslie O’Connell, 6665 Curlew Terrace, Carlsbad, CA, stated that her home backs onto Aviara Parkway
and she has noted an increase in traffic since the completion of Aviara Parkway Road from
Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real. She requested that the City install a traffic signal at Aviara Parkway
and Nightshade Road due to safety concerns that she has. She showed a four minute video to the
Commission that was taken of the present traffic conditions at the subject intersection. The video footage
was taken recently at 7:30 a.m. and at 2:30 p.m. and it included narration on the video of what was being
shown. Ms. Wineholt also provided some narration to the Commissioners during the time the video was
being shown.
Chairperson Whitton closed public testimony upon hearing no questions for the two speakers from the
Chairperson Whitton asked if there were questions of staff or if the Commission wished to discuss the
Commissioner Schall stated that the proposed future traffic signal at Kestrel Drive would change the
traffic patterns on Aviara Parkway at Nightshade Road and would give more opportunities for vehicles
making left turns out of Nightshade Road. He stated that he has been to the subject location and said that
if he wanted to proceed southbound on Aviara Parkway, he would use Towhee Lane instead of
Nightshade Road since the comer sight distance is better. Mr. Schall mentioned that a traffic signal creates
more stops and, therefore, more potential for collisions than what is occurring now.
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Commissioner Mertz stated that he has also visited the site and has observed some difficulty turning left
from Nightshade Road due to heavy volumes. He reiterated Commissioner Schall’s statement that using
Towhee Road would be safer. He acknowledged that the traffic signal at Aviara Parkway and
Poinsettia Lane does increase the rate of flow from eastbound Poinsettia Lane to southbound
Aviara Parkway and that a possible option may be to eliminate the right-turn overlap phase for eastbound
Poinsettia Lane at Aviara Parkway or to prevent left turns from Nightshade Road at Aviara Parkway.
Vice-Chairperson Courtney stated that he too has visited the subject intersection on more than one
occasion and was able to execute left turns from Nightshade Road in heavy traffic without any problems
in the peak hours; although he did have to wait in some cases for a gap to make his turn. He stated that he
is strongly against the installation of a traffic signal at Nightshade Road just due to the sight distance
deficiency noted in the staff report, fearing the potential for rear end accidents. He stated that the proposed
traffic signal at Kestrel Drive will improve the situation at Nightshade Road and that the Poinsettia Lane
extension to El Camino Real in the fbture will take some of the traffic off of Aviara Parkway.
Chairperson Whitton asked staff when the Poinsettia Lane extension would be complete.
Mr. Johnson replied that Reach “C” from Black Rail Road to west of Ambrosia Lane could be complete
within 2 years and that Reach “E” from Cassia Road to El Camino Real could be completed in 2-5 years,
depending on when development occurs.
Chairperson Whitton continued by saying that the proposed traffic signal at Kestrel Drive will help provide breaks in traffic and allow easier egress at Nightshade Road. He suggested that the HOA be
contacted about cutting the trees and vegetation to increase sight distance. Mr. Whitton was concerned that by stopping traffic on Aviara Parkway more collisions would occur. He also suggested that drivers could use Towhee Lane and that, in his experience, making a left turn fkom Nightshade Road was not
Vice-Chairperson Courtney said channelization may need to be considered in the future to restrict left
turns at Nightshade Road.
Commissioner Mertz asked if the City should restrict left turns at Nightshade Road until Poinsettia Lane
is completed to El Camino Real.
Vice-Chairperson Courtney recommended that the appropriate studies be conducted by staff before any
turn restrictions are implemented as was the case with the turn restriction on Cazedero Drive at
Alga Road.
Commissioner Mertz then asked if staff could study the left turn safety issue.
Mr. Johnson responded that safety is part of the Trafic Signal Warrant analysis conducted by staff,
specifically in Warrant #6 “Accident Experience”. No accidents have been reported at the subject
intersection. Mr. Johnson pointed out that, unlike Aviara Parkway and Nightshade Road, the Alga Road
and Cazadero Drive intersection did have an accident history and a raised island was installed 7-8 years
ago to restrict left-turns. Due to the low traffic volumes from Nightshade Road and the good intersection collision history, meaning zero collisions, a left-turn restriction in the form of a raised island and/or signage is not recommended at this time.
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Chairperson Whitton stated that he went to the Nightshade Road intersection many times and supports the
traffic signal installation proposed for Kestrel Drive.
Chairperson Whitton asked if staff investigate the possibility of adjusting the signal timing for the
eastbound right-turn overlap phase on Poinsettia Lane at Aviara Parkway.
Mr. Johnson replied that there are significant traffic volumes for that movement but that he would look
into possibly of reducing the green time for that particular phase.
Chairperson Whitton asked if staff could assist residents in contacting the HOA to trim the trees and
vegetation in order to improve comer sight distance.
Mr. Murray replied that he has been in contact with the HOA Management Association via letters and
telephone calls and that the request to trim trees and vegetation has been made by staff and he will
follow-up on the request with the HOA Management Association.
Mr. Johnson added that sometimes it is more effective for residents to make the request to their HOA to
trim trees rather than City staff. He said that staff is more than willing to help in the matter.
Chairperson Whitton closed discussion and called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Schall, and duly seconded, to recommend not to install a
traffic signal at the Aviara Parkway and Nightshade Road intersection.
VOTE: 4-0
AYES: Mertz, Schall, Courtney, Whitton
NOES: None
Vice-Chairperson Courtney stated that he received an interesting letter from the City of Los Angeles regarding STOP sign installations and would like to pass it on to the Traffic Engineer and have him
distribute it to the other Commissioners.
Commissioner Schall asked if the Traffic Commissioners Workshop in San Diego will be scheduled in October.
Mr. Johnson replied that the one-day workshop to be conducted by the Institute of Transportation Engineers will be delayed until sometime in January or February. He said the notification of the workshop
should be sent out in October or November and he will send it to each Commissioner.
Mr. Johnson stated that next month's meeting will be on Monday, October 1,2001.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 10,2001, adjourned at 3:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Associate Engineer
Transportation Division
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