HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesM€ETMSG OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMlSSION
DATE OF MEETING: June 3,2002 (Regular Meeting)
Acting Chairperson Courtney called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Staff Members Present:
Acting Chairperson Jim Courtney Commissioner Bob Mettz
Commissioner Jerry Schall Commissioner Howard Heffner
Commissioner Keith Gillfillan
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation
Lt. Mike Shipky, Carlsbad Police Department
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Schall, and duly seconded, to approve the
minutes of the regular meeting of May 6,2002 as presented.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Courtney, Me&, Schall, Heffner
NOES: None
June 3,2002
Mrs. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Dfive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, indicated she was making a fast minute attempt to rally support to hasten temporaiy safety provisions for pedestrians crossing at Buena Vista Lagoon along the coast hQhway. Noting that a pedestrian safety crosswalk was among the items she suggested at the regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission on Monday, April 1, 2002. Mrs. Hayes mentioned that an article that appeared in the San Oiego Tribune on May 19, 2002 regarding the death of Breanna Shane at the aforementioned location moved her to continue her quest for the pedestrian crosswalk. Mrs. Hayes said she and the parents of Ms. Shane believe a guardrail is desperately needed in this area to avoid future pedestrians deaths.
Referring to a Febntary 17, zoo0 fetter from Associate Engineer John Kim, she mentioned that Mr. Kim stated in the letter, that a budget request would be initiated to have the guardrail installed at the crossing at Buena Vista Lagoon. Mrs. Hayes said she mistakenly believed that the budget request had not been approved, since there was no evidence of a guardrail being installed.
Mrs. Hayes mentioned that Mr. Kim informed her last week that the funds for the installation of the guardrail had been approved, but because of all of the various agencies that must be dealt with, it was determined
that no action should be taken until a study was conducted. This study is scheduled to commence in July of this year. Mrs. Hayes reiterated that the further delay of the installation of the guardrail puts the lives of
pedestrians at continued unnecessary risk.
Pointing out that she has been working with Kim MHee-Lewis, Department of Fish and Game, on the renovation of the bird-landing project, Mrs. Hayes reported that she suggested that a Carlsbad grant be
instituted. The League of Woman Voters and the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation successfully applied for and cumpleted this grant within one year.
In conclusion, Mrs. Hayes commented that all of the supposed difficulties and delays with the various agencies, especially when human lives are involved, were extremely hard for her to accept. In closing she urged the Commission to go foward with the installation of the guardrail and protect the pedestrians.
Mentioning the various jurisdictional problems and at! of the agencies involved in this project, Acting Chairperson Jim Courtney thanked Mrs. Hayes for her diligent efforts, but commented that even a guardrail would not guarantee the safety of pedestrians in that area.
Mrs. Hayes stated that the model she suggested at the April 1, 2002 Traffic Safety Commission meeting was a model used by the City of Encinitas along the west side of Coast Highway. Noting that it was on the edge of the bicycle lane, she stated that it did not protect the bicycle lane. She mentioned that the west side
of the mad is not graded, which precludes pedestrians from using the west side of the street to walk against the traffic.
Acting Chairperson Jim Courtney explained that the area in question was an improved section of open highway. He also mentioned that Oceanside was doing something to its side of the street.
Mrs. Hayes stated that according to the newspaper, Oceanside has sidewalk on the east side to its City limits and Oceanside is now installing sidewalk on the west side of the street to its Clty limits. Oceanside deems this sidewalk as an improved entrance into the City of Oceanside.
June 3,2002
Robed Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation mentioned that the request for installation of a street light on Branta Avenue discussed at the regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission on May 6,2002, is tentatively scheduled to go before the City Council on Tuesday, June 25, 2002. He advised the
Commission that one resident tiving across from the location recommended by the Commission called him and expressed opposition to the recommended location.
lTEM 6A Request to establish an ALL-WAY STOP intersection at three locations on
Tamarack Avenue: Levee Drive, Knollwood Drive, and Strata Wie (east)
Referring to an overhead slide, Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division, stated that agenda item #6A is a request to establish an ALL-WAY STOP at the intersections of Tamarack AvenuelLwee
Drive, Tamarack AvenuelKnollwood Drive, and Tamarack Avenue/Strata Drive (east).
Cahvera Hills Elementary School is under construction and will open in September 2002 with approximately 440 elementary age students. The new school will have an "entry only" access located on Tamarack Avenue immediately east of Cdlege Boulevard and an "exit only" driveway to Tamarack Avenue will be construded between Knollwood Drive and Strata Drive (east). There will be pedestrian access at the entry driveway, exit driveway and there will be a pedestrian access only to the school on the east side of Strata Drive opposite Contour Place.
Mr. Murray mentioned that Tamarack Avenue east of College Boulevard loops around and intersects Corlege Boulevard at two locations. It selves as a collector street. This segment of Tamarack Avenue is a
two-lane road, with bicycle lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the street and is 0.9 miles in length. Travel lanes are separated by a double yellow centerline. No prima facie speed limit has been established on the roadway at this time.
He said Bob Johnson and Sgt. Cain met with Devin Vodicka, Principal of Calavera Hills Elementary School,
to discuss the Suggested Route to School. In accordance with the Cahrans Traffic Manual for School Area Pedestrians Safety, various factors were evaluated such as traffic controls present or absent at an intersection, sidewalks, number of children that would use the intersection crossing and the need for students to cross prior to entering the school zone so as to not cross at an uncontrolled intersection. The Traffic Manual does authorize responsible traffic authorities to investigate all locations along the "Suggested Route to School" and recommend appropriate traffic control measures.
Staff studied the need to provide ALL-WAY STOP controlled intersections for pedestrians to cross
Tamarack Avenue to access the school since there are residential neighborhoods on both sides of Tamarack Avenue. Currently, the intersections of Tamarack AvenuelLevee Drive, Tamarack Avenue/Knolhvood Drive, and Tamarack AvenuelStrata Drive (east) are low-volume intersections and do not meet the warrants for an ALL-WAY STOP intersection. However, when school opens significant vehide and pedestrian activity will occur along Tamarack Avenue near the school in the morning and afternoon. Secause these three intersections are on the 'Suggest Route to Scboof it was recornmended by staff to install the ALL-WAY STOP and thereby establish controlled intersections for pedestrians to cross to access the school. The assignment of right-of-way between pedestrians and vehides is provided by the ALL-WAY- STOP.
Mr. Murray mentioned that prior to school opening, appropriate school zone signing, striping and striped
crosswalks will be installed by the City of Carlsbad.
June 3,2002 l"FFIC SAFBTY COMMISSION page4
Concluding, Mr. Murray Stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that an ALL- WAY STOP be installed at the intersections of Tamarack Avenuekevee Drive, Tamarack AvenueMnoIMood Olive, and Tamarack AvenueEtrata Drive (east). An ordinance wit1 be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the ALL-WAY STOP at the three intersections.
Referring to an overhead slide, Mr. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation, noted that the circulation pattern for the new school would have all traffic exiting the school and make either a left or right turn and proceed back to College or to the internal street system. He mentioned that the school would be opening with approximately 440-470 students; hopefully quite a few of the students will walk to school, but as is typical at elementary schools there will be numerous parents driving and dropping off and picking up students.
Acting Chairperson Courtney asked if there were questions of staff.
Commissioner Mertz asked if there would be a pedestrian entrance to the school grounds on the south end of the property.
Mr. Murray replied ye5 and added that it would be a "pedestrian only" walkway with no vehicle access other than bicycles. He noted that the exit only driveway would have a sidewalk on the south side.
As there were no additional questions of staff, Acting Chairperson Courtney opened public testimony.
As there were no public comments, Acting Chairperson Courtney closed public testimony and called for a discussion.
Acting Chairperson Courtney expressed his opposition to installing STOP signs where warrants did not exist
to supporf the installation of the traffic control measures. He questioned the need for the ALL-WAY STOP signs, commenting that he believed a very small percentage of the chiktren would be in the neighborhood to
the north of Catavera Ekmentary School.
Commissioner Schafl commented that the residents in the neighborhood do have the option to register
complaints about the STOP signs, come back before the Commission and have the signs removed.
Ading Chairperson Courtney noted that it was easier not to install STOP signs than to have the signs removed.
Commissioner Heffner remarked that the drivers wouM have to get use to the STOP signs for the safety of the children.
Acting Chairperson Courtney mentioned that STOP signs and marked crosswaRs can give pedestrians 8 false sense of security.
Commissioner Me* stated that the STOP signs would not be a great impediment to the vehicles driving in
the area and expressed his support for the installation of the signs.
Mr. Johnson noted that if this were a residential development rather than a school area, staff would be very carefully looking at warrants; but the fact that there is an elementary school being built there is a need to assign the right-of-way to enable school age pedestrians to cross the street. He also mentioned that there is limited comer sight distance at Strata because of the curvature of the road.
Acting Chairperson Courtney asked if blue prints existed for the construction of the elementary school.
Mr. Johnson stated that the school is currently under construction and 75% completed.
Acting Chairperson Courtney asked if another access to the school site could be buitt across Hummock Drive off of Rockfield Court.
Mr. Sohnson stated that he, Sgt Cain and Principal Win Vodicka discussed whether there would be pedestrian access from College Boulevard to immediately access the school grounds, but were advised by the school officials that because of grades and ADA issues they would not be constructing any additional access points.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that McMitlan Development would be installing a traffic signat prior to the opening of
school at the existing ALL-WAY STOP at Coltegen'amarack. When College is extended southerly to Cannon Road and Cannon extends westerly to El Camino Real there will be a traffic signal operating at the
t-intersection of Collegell'amarack.
Noting that there is an expectation that some children will be walking from Oceanside up College to the school, Mr. Johnson informed the Commissiin that approximately 100 students from Oceanside will be attending Calavera Elementary School.
As there was no further discussion, Acting Chairperson Courtney closed discussion and called for a motion.
Motion by Commissioner Mertz, and duly seconded, to adopt the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, to estatdish and ALL-WAY STOP at the intersections of Tamarack AvenuelLevee Drive,
Tamarack AvenueMnoltwood Drive, and Tamarack AvenuelStrata Drive (east).
3-1 -0
Mew, Schall, Heffner
Courtney None
ITEM 6B: Hillside Drive, Highland Drive to Neblina Drive - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit from Highland Drive to Park Drive and to re-evaluate the
existing speed zone from Park Drive to Neblina Drive
John Kim, Associate Engineer, transportation Division, stated that agenda item ?BB is a request to
establish a prima facie speed limit upon Hillside Drive from Highland Drive to Park Drive.
June 3,2002
Mr. Kim informed that Commission that Mr. Daniel MacGibbon, a Hillside Dlive resident initiated this request.
There is currently a 30 mile per hour prima facile speed limit on Hillside Drive from Park Drive to Nebtina
Drive. This item will basically extend the speed zone to Highland Drive. Hillside Drive is unclassified on the Circulation Element of the Carlsbad General Ptan and functions as a residential collector street.
The study segment of Hillside Drive is a two-lane road that follows a curvilinear alignment from Highland
Drive to Neblina Drive. The study segment is appmximately 0.83 miles in length. Roadway grades range from 1% to 9.76%. There is a double yellow painted centerline on Hillside Drive from Highland Drive to
Horizon Drive. The roadway is fully improved from Park Drive to Neblina Drive with a curb-to-curb width of
64 feet with sidewalk and street lights on both sides of the street, except on the south side between Highland Drive and Park Drive. There is no bike lane and parking is allowed on both sides of the street except on the unimproved portion between Highland Drive and Park Drive.
Adjacent land use is primarily single-family residential. There are STOP signs on Hillside Drive at Park
Drive and Highland Drive. The road is on the Suggested Route to School far Kelly Elementary School. Due to the curvilinear alignment of the roadway, sight distance is limited at some intersections.
Hiltside Drive has a two-way daily traffic volume of 4,900 vehicles west of Park Drive and 3,100 vehicles
east of Park Drive obtained from traffic counts conducted on Tuesday, March 12, 2002 and Wednesday, March 20,2002.
There has been one traffic collision reported to the Carlsbad Police Department on the subject roadway segment for the two-year period ending February 28,2002. The accident rate of 0.41 is considered very low for a collector street.
Staff conducted a speed survey with the results of the speed survey on Hillside Drive . shown in Table A
of the staff report. At Beach Bluff Road the critical speed was found to be 40 miles per hour and the pace speed was 31-41 miles per hour. There were 82% of the vehicles in the pace.
500 feet south of Highland Drive, the critical speed was found to be 39 miles per hour with the pace speed being 30-40 miles per hour and 78 percent of vehicles in the pace.
In conclusion, Mr. Kim stated that based on the resutts of the Engineering and Traffic Suwey, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a prima facie 35 mile per hour speed limit upon tiillside Drive from Highland to NeMina Drive.
Acting Chairperson Courtney asked if there were questions of staff.
As there were no questions of staff, AdSng Chairperson Courtney opened public testimony.
As there were no public comments, Acting Chairperson Courtney dosed public testimony and called for a discussion.
June 3,2002 page 7
Acting Chairperson Courtney mentioned that he lived in the area and concurred with the recommendation of
the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee regarding establishing a prima facie 35 miles per hour speed iimit upon Hillside Drive from Highland Drive to Neblina Drive and suppofis the recommendation.
Commissioner Mertz noted that there were no driveways or streets crossing in the segment of roadway in question and concurs with the recommendation.
Acting Chairperson Courtney stated that there are approximately 3-4 driveways on the unimproved west
side of the street, where there is no curt, and gutter and one on the east side. In addiiion, there Is an existing popout with not sidewalk, curb or gutter.
Commissioner Schall and Commissioner Heffner concurred wlth the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee
As there was no further discussion, Acting Chairpemn Courtney closed discussion and called for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Mali, and duly seconded, to adopt the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, to establish
a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon Hillside Drive from Highland Drive to Park Drive and reaffirm the 35 mile per hour prima facie
speed limit on Hillside Drive from Park Drive to Neblina Drive.
VOTE 44-0
Am: Courtney, Me-, Schall, Heffner NOES: None MTAIN: None
ITEM 6C: Kestrel Drive, Batiquitos Drive to Aviara Parkway - Request to reevaluate the
prima facie speed limit
Jim Murray, Associate Engineer, Transportation Division, stated that agenda item #6C is the re-evaluation of an existing speed zone on Kestrel Drive between Aviara Parkway and Batiquitos Drive to the south. The
Engineering and Traffic Survey for Kestrel Drive has recently been updated. Staff found the existing 30 mile per hour posted speed limit to be significantly lower than the critical speed. Recent citations on various streets in other cities in North San Diego County have been dismissed due to the posted speed limit being significantly lower than the critical speed and not justified by the results of an Engineering and Traffic Survey.
Kestrel Drive is unclassified on the Circulation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan but functions as a cotiector street. Kestrel Drive serves as a connection between Aviara Parkway, a secondary arterial, and Batiquitos Drive, a collector street.
Mr. Murray noted that Kestrel Drive is a hnro-lane road that follows a curvilinear alignment from Aviara
Parkway to Batiquitos Drive. This road is 0.72 miles in length, with roadway grades ranging from 1.00% to
10.8%. One travel lane exists in each direction separated by a painted double yellow centeriine. Kestrel
Drive has a curb-to-curb width of 40 feet that is fully improved to City Standards with curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street lights on both sides of the street. There are no designated bike lanes and parking is allowed on both sides of the street. Adjacent land uses include single-family residential and open space with a pedestrian trail.
Kestrel Drive is controlled by a traffic signal at Aviara Parkway and by a STOP sign at Batiiuitos Drive. No
other traffic control has been established on Kestrel Drive where it intersects Bulrush Court, Rockrose Terrace, Wildrose Terrace, Cassins Street and Corvidae street, which are all public streets. Kestrel Drive has a two-way daily traffic volume of 900 vehicles north of Batiquitos Drive, and 1,300 vehicles south of Aviara Parkway. This data was obtained from counts conducted in Febmary of this year. There have been no traffic collisions reported to the Carisbad Police Department on this roadway for the two-year period ending February 28,2002.
An Engineering and Traffic Survey, which included a speed survey, was conducted for Kestrel Drive from Aviara Parkway to Batquitos Drive. Mr. Murray noted that the speed suwey data was shown in Table A in the staff report. The speed survey at Rockrose Terrace South indicates that the critical speed was 38 miles per hour; pace speed being 31-41 miles per hour with 85% of the vehicles in pace.
In conclusion, Mr. Murray informed the Commission that based upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a prima facie 35 mile per hour speed limit upon Kestrel Drive from Aviara Parkway to Batiquitos Drive. An ordinance will be
required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the 35 mile per hour speed limit, as recommended.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that no complaints have been received from citizens regarding cut-through traffic on
Kestrel Drive.
Acting Chairperson Courtney asked if there were questions of staff.
As there were no questions of staff, Acting Chairperson Courtney opened public testimony.
As there were no public comments, Acting Chairperson Courtney ctosed public testimony.
Acting Chairperson Courtney expressed his support for staffs recommendation.
Commissioner Mertz concurred and voiced his support.
As there was no further discussion, Acting Chairperson Courtney closed discussion and called for a motion.
June 3,2002
page 9
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded, to adopt the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, to establish a pn'rna facie 35 mile per hour speed limit upon Kestrel Drive from Aviara Parkway to Batiquitos Drive.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Courtney, Mertz, Schall, Heffner
NOES: None
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission would take place on Monday, Juty 1,2002 and one of the agenda items for that meeting would be to elect a new Chair and Vice
Chair of the Traffic Safety Commission for the next twelve months.
By proper motion the Regular Meeting of June 3,2002 was adjourned at 3:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk