HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: January 5,2004 (Regular Meeting) CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Jerry Schall called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Members Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 1,2003 Chairperson Jerry Schall Vice-Chairperson Gordon Cress Commissioner Jim Courtney Commissioner Steve Dorsey Commissioner Susan Gardner Lt. Mike Shipley, Carlsbad Police Department Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chairpersun Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner Dorsey, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 1, 2003 as presented. VOTE: 4-0-1 AYES: Schall, Cress, Dorsey, Gardner NOES: None ABSTAIN: Courtney ITEM 4 - ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None January 5,2004 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 ITEM 5 - PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Based upon a previous Commission action, Chairperson Schall presented an award of appreciation to Commissioner Jim Courtney for time served as Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson from August 5,2002 to July 7, 2003. Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, referred to the Traffic Safety Commission meeting of November 3, 2003, noting that the Commission made a recommendation to close the existing median opening at the Alga Road/Estrella de Mar Road intersection. The City Council approved a modified median design that will only allow westbound Alga Road vehicles to U- turn to return eastbound on Alga Road. In addition to the median a raised island will be constructed on Estrella de Mar Road to prevent left-turning vehicles from Alga Road to proceed southbound on Estella de Mar Road. NMI BUSlNESS: ITEM 6A Establish a prima facie speed limit upon Pam Acampo from Rancho Bravado to Paseo Hennosa. As Commissioner Jlm Courtney owns property in the immediate vicinity, he recused himself and left the dais and Council Chambers. Noting that Thomas M. Powers, 6160 Citracado Circle, Carlslcrad, CA 92099 initiated agenda item 6A, Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, stated agenda item 6A is a request to establish a prima facie speed limit upon Paw Acampo from Rancho Bravado to Paw Hermosa. Paw Acampo is not a typical candidate street to receive enforcement. Paseo Acampo is a short, public street in the Rancho Carrillo development east of Melrose Drive. Mr. Powers indicated his concern about speeding vehicles and requested that prima facie speed limit signs be posted. Mr. Johnson stated that there are no homes that front directly onto the street, thus it does not qualify as a residence district. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an Engineering and Traffic Survey to establish the prima facie speed limit. The traffic volumes are relatively low. A traffic count on December 2, 2003 recorded a 24-hour two-way traffic volume of 2,138 vehicles on Paseo Acampo. Staff conducted a speed survey on December 10, 2003, which is part of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, and found that the critical speed on this short street segment was 29 mph. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the Engineering and Traffic Survey is provided as part of the staff report. In addition, he reported there have been zero reported collisions in the two-year period ftnm October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2003. No speed limit signs have been posted on Paseo Acampo. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that this segment of road is unclassified on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. He noted that the roadway under consideration, serves a residential area, but it does not qualify as a residence district per the vehicle code, hence the need for the Engineering and Traffic Survey. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson stated that because of the short street segment, good collision history, the absence of conditions that are not readily apparent to the driver and the 29 mph critical speed, it is the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that a 25 mph prima facie speed limit be established upon Paseo &amp from Rancho Bravado to Pa- Hermosa. Two speed limit signs would be installed; one just to the northerly side of Rancho Bravado on Paseo Acampo and one just south of Paseo Hermosa, which would advise drivers of the prima facie speed limit. Curfently, because this roadway segment does not qualify as a residence January 5,2004 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 district the roadway technically wuld have a 55 mph speed limit because it is a two-lane road. The recommendation, in effect, lowers the speed limit on this particular roadway segment to 25 mph. PUBLIC TESTIMONY: Chairperson Schall opened public testimony. As there was no public testimony, Chairperson Schall closed public testimony and called for Commission discussion. OISCUSSION: Noting that he drove the area and that it is a residential neighborhood with apartments and children playing in the area, Vice-Chairperson Cress expressed support for a 25 mph prima facie speed limit on the roadway. Chairperson Schall expressed concern regarding how the 25 mph prima facie speed limit could be enforced. Commissioner Dorsey commented that police would not be able to enforce a 25 mph prima facie speed limit on this particular roadway segment and questioned the logic of spending public funds to install speed limit signs. Chairperson Schall concurred with Cornmissloner horsey and requested clarification regarding expenses that would be incurred as a result of the installafion of the speed limit signs. Mr. Johnson reported that the cost of installation, which would include two posts and two signs, would be approximately $250. He noted that several requests have recently been received from citizens to have speed limit signs installed on streets that would not normally have a prima facie speed limit established and/or speed limit signs posted. Noting that it is sometimes a difficult decision determining which streets of this nature should have a prima facie speed limit established. Mr. Johnson mentioned that this situation WBS discussed in detail at the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. Vice-Chairperson Cress responded as Several streets of this nature have lower prima facie speed limits established with speed limit signs posted, a precedent had been set, Mr. Johnson noted that every residential Street in CarSsbad does not have a speed limit sign posted. However, when a street does qualify as a residence district and a request is received to post a 25 mph speed limit sign, staff will generally comply with the request. Hence, when a street does not qualify as a residence district, the only way to legally have a speed limit established is to conduct an Engineering and Traffic Survey, present the results to this Commission for a recommendation and go before the City Council for a adoption of an ordinance. Vice-Chairperson Cress asked if Mr. Powers cited speeding vehicles as a concern on the segment of roadway under consideration. Mr. Johnson replied yes and noted that Mr. Powers has been in touch with staff over the last year expressing his concern as it relates to speeding vehicles and the safety of the pedestrians and children in the area. Chairperson Schall closed discussion and called for a motion. Motion made by Vice-Chairperson Cress. Commissioner Gardner mentioned that she believed that policy has been set and seconded the motion. January 5,2004 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 The Commissioners continued to discuss the mattel in detail. Mr. Johnson stated that a formal policy has not been set in the past. If there were to be a policy, the policy would state if a street does not qualify as a residence district, per the vehicle code, the only way to establish a speed limit is to conduct an Engineering and Traffic Survey. Chairperson Schall expressed support for the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation, although he did agree with Commissioner Dorsey that this expenditure is a waste of public funds. Chairperson Schall called for a vote on the motion. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chairperson Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner Gardner, to accept the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, establishing a prima facie 25 mile per hour speed limit upon Paseo Acampo from Rancho Bravado to Paseo Hermosa. VOTE: 3-1-0 AYES: Schall, Cress, Gardner NOES: Dorsey ABSTAIN: None Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, mentioned that an ordinance will be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the 25 mile per hour pt'ima facie speed limit, as recommended. Commissioner Jim Courtney returned to the dais. Noting that Mr. Powers was not present, Mr. Johnson stated that a letter was sent to Mr. Powers advising him of this Traffic Safety Commission meeting. ITEM 6B: Review and approve Traffic Safety Commission procedure rules and adopt Traffic Safety Cornmission Resolution No. 2004-1 Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation Division, stated that item 6B is an annual item that staff brings before the Commission for consideration. It is the rules and procedures that the Commission operates under. This item allows the Commission to review the rules and procedures, reflect on how meetings in the past year have been conducted and make changes based upon needs identified at meetings in the previous 12 months, therefore helping the Commission run the meetings in a more effective and efficient manner. Citing examples of how the rules and procedures are utilized, Mr. Johnson noted that on several occasions in the past 12 months, Traffic Safety Commission meetings have had a large number of people making presentations to the Commission; hence the issue was raised as to the length of time that should be allowed for a group presentation. Mr. Johnson stated that this issue relating to time is covered in the procedure rules, 15 minutes for groups and 5 minutes for individuals. Mr. Johnson mentioned another issue; not having a quorum present at a meeting was handled per the procedure rules. January 5,2004 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 In addition, at today’s meeting, Commissioner Courtney recused himself because of a potential conflict of interest. Mr. Johnson stated this matter is also covered in the procedure rules. Mentioning that if there are suggestions for changes or revisions, staff will make the changes and bring the item before the Cornmission for a vote at the next meeting. Mr. Johnson stated that once the rules and procedures are finalized and signed, each Commissioner will receive an updated signed copy of Traffic Safety Commission Resolution No. 2004-1. Chairperson Schall called for a discussion. DISCUSSION: As a member of the Traffic Safety Commission for the past ten years, Commissioner Courtney stated that the rules and procedures have been fine-tuned to perfection and suggested that a motion be made fur approval of the rules and procedures. Chairperson Schall closed discussion and called for a motion. MOTION: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Courtney, and duly seconded by Vice-Chairperson Cress, to accept and approve the Traffic Safety Commission rules and procedures and adopt Traffic Safety Commission Resolution No. 2004-1 VOTE 5-0-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Schall, Cress, Dorsey, Courtney, Gardner Mr. Johnson stated no City Council action is required for this item. ITEM 7 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC COMMJSSIONERS Chairperson Schall requested clarification regarding short streets and prima facie speed limits. Mr. Johnson stated that if the Traffic Safety Commission wanted to make a minute motion indicating their concerns, e.g. the parameters, appropriate street length etc., it would be passed on to the City Manager to put it before the City Council for consideration of a policy or to give direction to staff. Another option is for the issue to be addressed by staff by researching other agencies and their policy as it relates to street length and ttie posting of prima facie speed limits and make this item a formal agenda item for a future Commission meeting. Mr. Johnson commented that currently there are no other streets in the workload similar to these very short, one or two block type streets. There are streets in the workload, measuring a half mile in length or more, that may be coming to the Commission for consideration. He noted that it is the prerogative of the Traffic Safety Commission how to proceed. January 5,2004 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 Vice-Chairperson Cress requested clarification regarding the procedures as related to road segments of this Mr. Johnson stated that when staff raves a request, staff conducts an Engineering and Traffic Survey, presents the result8 to the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee for review and if recommended, brings the item before the Traffic Safety Commission as a agenda item. type. The Commission took no further action on this issue. ITEM 8 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER Noting that in 2003, the traffic signal priority list was updated, Mr. Johnson mentioned that next month staff would present the bi-annual Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy for the Traffic Safety Commission to review. Mr. Johnson stated the next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission would take place on Monday, February 2, 2004 at 3:OO p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Jerry Schall adjourned the Regular Meeting of January 5,2004 at 3:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Dianna Scott Minutes Clerk