HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-04; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
June 4,2007 (Regular Meeting)
3:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
Chair Gardner called the Meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Staff Members Present:
May 7,2007
Chair Susan Gardner
Vice-Chair Guy Roney
Commissioner Bonnie Bradshaw
Commissioner Steve Dorsey
Commissioner Gordon Cress
Robert Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, Transportation
John Kim, Assistant Engineer, Transportation
Sgt. Chris Boyd, Carlsbad Police Department
Motion by Vice-Chair Roney, and duly seconded by Commissioner
Bradshaw, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on May 7,
2007 as presented.
Gardner, Roney, Bradshaw
June 4,2007 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2
Bob Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, reported the City Council has adopted an ordinance based upon
the recommendation by the Traffic Safety Commission to establish a 45 mile per hour prima facie
speed limit on El Fuerte Street from Alga Road north to Palomar Airport Road. Tentatively
scheduled for the June 19, 2007 City Council meeting is the introduction of an ordinance as
recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission to establish a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed
limit on Dove Lane from El Camino Real westerly to its terminus at Moorhen Place.
ITEM 6A: Install a yield sign on westbound Janis Way at Donna Drive to assign right-of-
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that this item will be presented by Associate Engineer, John
Mr. Kim indicated that this item is to consider installation of a yield sign on westbound Janis Way at
Donna Drive to assign right-of-way. Mr. Jerry Tarmen initiated this action by expressing his concern
to view Donna Drive vehicles from westbound Janis Way at Donna Drive and suggested that a yield
sign be installed there. Shortly after Mr. Tarmen's request, staff received another call from a citizen
that requested an all-way stop at this same location. Therefore, staff completed an analysis for an all-
way stop as well.
The Donna Drive/Janis Way intersection is currently uncontrolled. Across Donna Drive at Janis Way
there are cross-gutters. These cross-gutters are oriented in an east-west direction and result in a dip in
the road and effectively cause vehicles on Donna Drive to slow down so that they don't bottom out.
There is a "DIP" warning sign on both approaches to these cross-gutters.
Mr. Kim stated that staff conducted the necessary studies, including a warrant analysis for an all-way
stop at this location. Due to the low volumes and lack of collision history at the subject intersection,
no warrants were met for an all-way stop. Therefore, staff does not recommend the installation of an
all-way stop at this location. Staff then studied the minor streets to determine if a yield or stop sign
would be more appropriate. One of the conditions at an intersection that may warrant consideration
of installing a stop sign on the minor street is when the safe approach speed to the intersection is less
than 10 miles per hour. For the analysis of local streets, the minor street decision point is assumed to
be 50 feet from the intersection conflict point. For a driver on eastbound Janis Way, the corner sight
distance is limited to 92 feet when looking to the south for northbound vehicles on Donna Drive.
This limitation is caused by several pine trees located on the southwest corner. When westbound on
Janis Way, drivers have sight distance limited to 76 feet looking to the south, which is caused by a
wooden fence on the southeast property. The wooden fence could be removed, but the pine trees,
especially in this part of the neighborhood, could not be practically moved or relocated.
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Mr. Kirn stated that based on this limited corner sight distance on both approaches to Janis Way, the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends the installation of a stop sign on both legs of
Janis Way at its intersection with Donna Drive, and that no stop signs be installed on Donna Drive at
Janis Way.
Commissioner Bradshaw asked if the Commission was being asked to approve both yield and stop
Mr. Kim clarified that staff is recommending that only stop signs be installed on Janis Way. The
initial request from the citizen was for yield signs.
Chair Gardner asked Mr. Johnson how far away she had to live from the subject location to not be
considered having a conflict of interest and, therefore, not being able to vote.
Mr. Johnson answered that this particular item would not represent a conflict of interest based on the
location of her residence.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, and duly seconded by Vice-Chair
Roney, to recommend the installation of a stop sign on both legs of
Janis Way at its intersection with Donna Drive and that no stop signs
be installed on Donna Drive at Janis Way.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Gardner, Roney, Dorsey, Bradshaw
NOES: None
ITEM 6B: Establish a prima facie speed limit upon Town Garden Road from El Camino
Real to Alicante Road.
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that this item will be presented by Associate Engineer, John
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Mr. Kim indicated that the requested action for this item is to establish a prima facie speed limit
upon Town Garden Road from El Camino Real to Alicante Road. In general, prima facie speed
limits hi Carlsbad are based on the standards and procedures found hi the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) using such factors as critical speed, which is the 85th percentile
speed, the collision history, and also conditions that may not be readily apparent to the driver.
Town Garden Road has a curb-to-curb width of 52 feet and is unclassified on the Circulation
Element of the General Plan. Although functioning as a collector road, the width of Town Garden
Road matches the curb-to-curb distance of an industrial street. One traffic lane is provided hi each
direction with lanes separated by a two-way left-turn lane that functions as a striped median in some
locations. Bicycle lanes are provided within the subject road segment. East of Alicante Road, Town
Garden Road has a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour as it traverses through a residential
district. The subject road segment is 0.34 miles hi length and has a daily two-way 24-hour traffic
volume of 2,211 vehicles obtained from a count on March 14,2007.
Mr. Kim stated that Town Garden Road is curvilinear and the roadway grades vary between 1.66
percent and 7.75 percent. No collisions have been reported on the road for the two-year period
ending April 30, 2007. Staff completed the Engineering and Traffic Survey and found that the
critical speed for Town Garden Road from El Camino Real to Alicante Road was 42 miles per hour.
The pace speed was 33 to 43 miles per hour, with 88 percent of the vehicles being hi the pace.
Based on the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, Mr. Kim indicated that the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a 40 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon
Town Garden Road from El Camino Real to Alicante Road.
ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chair Roney, and duly seconded by Commissioner
Chair Gardner, to recommend the establishment of a 40 mile per hour
prima facie speed limit upon Town Garden Road from El Camino
Real to Alicante Road.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Gardner, Roney, Dorsey, Bradshaw
NOES: None
ITEM 6C: Establish a prima facie speed limit upon Alicante Road from Poinsettia Lane to
Gateway Road.
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that this item will be presented by Associate Engineer, John
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Mr. Kim began by stating that this item is to establish a prima facie speed limit upon Alicante Road
from Poinsettia Lane to Gateway Road. Alicante Road north of Poinsettia Lane is approximately one
mile in length. The road has a curb-to-curb width of 40 feet south of Town Garden Road and 48 feet
north of Town Garden Road. There is a single lane in each direction with a painted centerline
dividing two-way travel. There are no bicycle lanes provided.
Daily two-way traffic volumes range from 766 vehicles near Poinsettia Lane to 838 vehicles south of
Gateway Road based upon counts obtained in March 2007. For the two-year period ending April 30,
2007, there have been no reported collisions on Alicante Road north of Poinsettia Lane. The future
32 acre Alga Norte Community Park will be constructed on the northwest corner of the Alicante
Road/Poinsettia Lane intersection. Final plans for the park are being prepared with construction of
the project expected to begin in the fall 2007 and the park opening in 2009.
Mr. Kim stated that Alicante Road follows a curvilinear alignment and has roadway grades that vary
between 1.50 percent and 9.03 percent. On-street parallel parking is allowed south of Town Garden
Road. The speed limit on the portion of Alicante Road south of Poinsettia Lane is 40 miles per hour.
Staff conducted an Engineering and Traffic Survey for Alicante Road from Poinsettia Lane to
Gateway Road. The critical speed was found to be 45 miles per hour, the pace speed between 37 -
47 miles per hour, and there were 75 percent of the vehicles in the pace.
The MUTCD provides guidance when a speed limit is to be posted. It states that speed limit should
be established at the nearest 5 mile per hour increment to the 85th percentile speed. However, in
matching existing conditions with the traffic safety needs of the community, engineering judgment
may indicate the need for a further reduction of 5 miles per hour.
Based upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, Mr. Kim indicated that the Traffic
Safety Coordinating Committee recommends establishing a 40 mile per hour prima facie speed limit
upon Alicante Road from Poinsettia Lane to Town Garden Road.
Commissioner Dorsey asked if this portion was only for Alicante Road from Poinsettia Lane to
Town Garden Road, rather than Gateway Road.
Mr. Kim clarified that the northerly limit is to Gateway Road, not Town Garden Road.
Commissioner Bradshaw stated that she had a problem with the 85th percentile being 45 miles per
hour and yet staff is recommending 40 miles per hour prima facie speed limit. She felt that was
getting into a gray area where it might be considered a speed trap. She asked for clarification or
Mr. Johnson replied that there was considerable discussion about that issue at the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee meeting. Sgt. Boyd of the Carlsbad Police Department was also at that
June 4,2007 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 6
meeting. Based on the factors associated with the roadway, such as a City trail adjacent to the west
side, a sidewalk on the east side, some tight horizontal curves, and the future park, normally under
the MUTCD guidance staff would recommend a 45 mile per hour speed limit unless there are
compelling reasons to drop an additional 5 mile per hour increment to 40 miles per hour. In this case,
the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee believed that was the case based on the circumstances of
the roadway. This will also be a potential future route to the new Poinsettia Elementary School that
will be located on Poinsettia Lane that opens this fall. It matches with the posted prima facie speed
limit south of Poinsettia Lane on Alicante Road which is 40 miles per hour. The roadway serves the
residential area in Bressi Ranch which is on Town Garden Road and also on Pyrite Avenue and
extending into Gateway Road which is the industrial portion of it. The Committee believed that
citations would be upheld if it were posted at 40 miles per hour.
Sgt. Boyd stated that there are other roadways within the City of Carlsbad where it is outside that 5
miles per hour. He agreed that it was kind of a gray area as Commissioner Bradshaw had mentioned.
It was the unanimous feeling of the Committee that it could be justified under conditions not readily
apparent that would help the police in testifying before the Traffic Commissioners in the San Marcos
court why a roadway posting of 40 miles per hour was more appropriate than the higher 45 miles per
hour. Those were the factors that Mr. Johnson just explained.
Chair Gardner asked when it came to enforceability, what happens if a ticket is given and the
defendant claims it's a speed trap? Does someone like Mr. Johnson have to testify that there is a
reason for the extra five mile per hour reduction or will it not be enforceable without that kind of
Sgt. Boyd replied that it is a matter that is adjudicated at a formal hearing. If the traffic violator is
issued a citation and wants to contest it, then the proper venue for that is court. As an example, on
Carlsbad Boulevard between the jetties south of Tamarack Avenue it is posted at 35 miles per hour
and yet the critical speed limit is 42 miles per hour. So it's actually 7 miles per hour above the posted
speed limit rather than the 5 miles per hour. Carlsbad police have almost always prevailed in court.
Based upon the Traffic Engineer's recommendation and conditions that are not readily apparent,
they essentially testify to the information contained in the Traffic Engineer's report and the
Engineering and Traffic Survey, and it has not been a problem. He anticipated that if the
recommendation and City Council's action were to be consistent with 40 miles per hour, Carlsbad
police officers would not have any problems in court.
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ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, and duly seconded by Vice-Chair
Roney, to recommend the establishment of a 40 mile per hour prima
facie speed limit upon Alicante Road from Poinsettia Lane to
Gateway Road.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Gardner, Roney, Dorsey, Bradshaw
NOES: None
ITEM 6D: Elect a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Traffic Safety
Commission to serve from August 2007 through July 2008.
Mr. Johnson stated that this item is an annual item that is before the Commission usually in June or
July. The term of the new Chair and Vice-Chair runs from August through the following July. There
is not a full Commission present today since Commissioner Cress is absent. In addition,
Commissioner Bradshaw will no longer be serving on the Commission effective August 2007. July
will be her last meeting. It is up to the Commission how to handle the vote. This item can be
postponed one month or action can be taken today. The issue is with Commissioner Bradshaw
resigning and not having a new Commissioner appointed by the City Council at this time. Although
City Council will move quickly, it might put Commissioner Cress back in the rotation. Normally,
Vice-Chair Roney would move to Chair and Commissioner Bradshaw would move to Vice-Chair
because of the rotation and who has previously served and not served as the Chair. However, with
Commissioner Bradshaw not being able to serve due to her resignation, that means someone else has
to step into that role. Since Commissioner Cress has had the longest period of time not serving as
Chair or Vice-Chair, then he might be considered for the Vice-Chair position.
The other option is to wait and have Chair Gardner continue until the fifth new Commissioner is
present. That person could be elected as Vice-Chair, however, that puts a burden on someone to
learn all the Commission procedures, laws, and so on within a one year period, and then step in to be
Chair. That can be a lot to ask. That's why it takes a new person several years to work themselves
into Vice-Chair and then Chairperson positions. There are a number of options before the
Commission today because of the circumstances. The first would be whether or not to consider the
vote for Chair and Vice-Chair with Commissioner Cress being absent. If so, then determine how to
address Chair and Vice-Chair. The Commission could decide that Chair Gardner and Vice-Chair
Roney continue for another year in that capacity or any combination thereof. It is up to the
Commission to discuss among yourselves and make a determination how you would like to handle
Chair Gardner asked if there was going to be a July 2, 2007 meeting because of the Fourth of July
holiday before they consider postponing the decision until August.
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Mr. Johnson answered that this was something that can be determined at this point since it would
determine how to structure the new Chan1 and Vice-Chair positions. There are one or more items that
would be on the July meeting agenda that could be continued, if necessary, if there is not a quorum.
Staff doesn't want to schedule a meeting knowing that there won't be a quorum.
Chair Gardner asked the Commissioners how many would be in town and available for the July 2,
2007 meeting?
All of the Commissioners stated that would be present for the July meeting of the Traffic Safety
Chair Gardner asked Mr. Johnson if he had heard anything from Commissioner Cress about being
able to attend July meeting.
Mr. Johnson stated that Commissioner Cress only stated that he would not be present at today's
meeting, but he seemed to indicate that he would at the meeting in July.
Commissioner Dorsey stated that he was prepared to vote for a Chairperson today, but defer the
Vice-Chair vote until July so the Commission can get input from Commissioner Cress on that point.
He felt that Commissioner Cress would be the natural candidate, but he may not want to serve as
Vice-Chair or Chair again that soon.
Chair Gardner replied that since it appears there will be a July meeting and Commissioner Cress
would be here, and the new Chair would not be taking office until August, they could wait until July
to vote. There may even be a new Commissioner by then. She asked if Commissioner Bradshaw
would be present for the July meeting.
Commissioner Bradshaw stated that she would be attending the July meeting.
June 4,2007 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 9
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, and duly seconded by
Commissioner Bradshaw, to elect Vice-Chair Roney as Chair for the
coming year.
VOTE: 3-0-1
AYES: Gardner, Dorsey, Bradshaw
NOES: None
Chair Gardner stated that the Commission would defer the election of Vice-Chair until the July 2,
2007 meeting and asked for a motion.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, and duly seconded by Chair
Gardner, to defer the election of Vice-Chair until the July 2, 2007
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Gardner, Roney, Dorsey, Bradshaw
NOES: None
Chair Gardner stated that a Carlsbad resident expressed to her their concerns about La Costa Avenue
at Calle Madero. The topography is such that people come down a grade and there is a curve. There
have been some accidents at that corner involving a transformer and structural damage to a home.
The resident states that people are prone to cut the corner short and take it too fast, including the
Carlsbad Police Department. She wanted to know if staff would address the issue to see if there is a
need for either enforcement or possible traffic calming measures at that location.
Mr. Johnson stated that staff and the Carlsbad Police Department have applied the three "E's" -
Enforcement, Engineering, and Education - on La Costa Avenue. Those three components are
actively being pursued on La Costa Avenue along the residential portion which begins roughly in the
45 mile per hour zone from 1,000 feet east of El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe Road. Sgt. Boyd
will explain the enforcement efforts, because there has been significant enforcement for a number of
months there. From the engineering side, hi April the City Council authorized staff to solicit
proposals from consultants to look at a road diet for La Costa Avenue, meaning perhaps the number
of lanes be reduced - so instead of having four lanes on a portion of that roadway, it may be reduced
June 4,2007 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 10
to three lanes similar to what exists east of Romeria Street. Staff is in the process of writing that RFP
soliciting consultant proposals, selecting a consultant and have them do the analysis. All of this work
is in conjunction with a group of residents living along La Costa Avenue which call themselves the
La Costa Avenue Safety Project Committee. There have been two meetings with the subcommittee
of that committee to explain efforts and what has been done on La Costa Avenue. There has been
additional speed limit signs and legends placed on the roadway, trimming of vegetation around trees,
and curve warning signs added. A number of engineering efforts have taken place on La Costa
Avenue to address the complaints of speeding.
In addition, each of the intersections on the subject segment of La Costa Avenue that he just
mentioned that are not currently signalized are being analyzed for potential traffic signals in the
future. Calle Madero would be one of them. The Commission knows that on a bi-annual basis they
review the Traffic Signal Qualification List. 2007 is the year that staff is doing that analysis and staff
will bring the results to the Commission in early 2008. Those results will discuss which intersections
are warranted or unwarranted. All of those intersections are in the study phase for this year.
Mr. Johnson stated the education potion of the three "E's" includes a postcard that was sent to
residents along La Costa Avenue on both sides of the street to remind them to slow down and to
residents on adjacent side streets. He just received copies of what was sent to the residents and he'll
mail each Commissioner a copy of that postcard. Staff believes it will be very effective as an
education tool.
Sgt. Boyd added that regarding the education portion of the postcard, he recently had three voicemail
messages from residents of the La Costa Avenue area quite appreciative of that postcard and the
educational efforts that have been undertaken. In addition to that, the enforcement component is a
vital role and piece of the puzzle. In the last couple of months several hundred citations as well as a
number of written warnings have been issued. Motor officers are working in direct enforcement in
that particular stretch between Rancho Santa Fe Road and El Camino Real. When motor officers are
on the west side, residents from the east side call and when they're on the east side, residents from
the west side call. There have been significant enforcement efforts to address speed and there has
been a significant reduction in speeding.
In addition to the actual enforcement, more in line with education as well, speed sentry boxes have
been placed on La Costa Avenue. Speed sentries are radar devices that are installed within boxes that
have the ability to collect raw data for the Police Department regarding the speed of vehicles. It
allows the police to most appropriately direct their valuable resources, meaning if they find that
between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. there is a significant number of vehicles traveling above an
acceptable speed, those resources will be deployed in that time frame. That can be accomplished in
two modes: one without the display flashing so that drivers don't know their speeds are being
captured; that seems to be the best for absolute data. As a follow-up to that, one installed with the
display flashing, which tends to educate drivers as to their actual speed. It also serves as a deterrent
effect and it has resulted in lower speeds. La Costa Avenue is in the top three areas enforced within
the City and it is something that the Police Department, the Traffic and Engineering Department and
June 4,2007 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 11
the actual residents of La Costa are working in partnership with one another to resolve the speeding
Commissioner Bradshaw asked if the drivers receiving the citations lived on La Costa Avenue or is
it traffic in general.
Sgt. Boyd responded that traffic hi general was receiving the citations. Some citations have been
issued to La Costa Avenue residents, some of whom have brought this to their attention. However, a
lot of it is surrounding residents.
Commissioner Bradshaw felt that the people who initiated it would watch themselves, but apparently
they don't do that.
Sgt. Boyd stated that their reaction was quite different when they're caught.
Mr. Johnson stated that the issue of Faraday Avenue construction and the future opening from Orion
Street east to Melrose Drive has had several items that the Commission addressed over the last two
months. Inspectors have indicated that the current construction completion date is August 29,2007.
Staff is trying to pin that down. Does it mean everything is complete or is the road only ready to be
opened August 29th? He will keep the Commission informed. As part of the Pedestrian Master Plan
update given hi March, there will be efforts that their consultant, Alta Planning, is undertaking. They
are holding a public workshop at the end of June. There is a flyer he will be sending to each
Commissioner. There will be an evening meeting at the Faraday Center between 6:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. on June 28,2007, and Commissioners can offer any comments or listen to comments made by
the public. As previously determined, the next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission is
scheduled to be held on July 2,2007 at 3:00 p.m. hi the City Council Chambers.
By proper motion Chair Gardner adjourned the Regular Meeting of June 4,2007 at 3:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Woodbeck
Minutes Clerk