HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
March 3,2008 (Regular Meeting)
3:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
Chair Roney called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Staff Members Present:
February 4,2008
Chair Guy Roney
Vice-Chair Gordon Cress
Commissioner Steve Dorsey
Commissioner Jack Gumming
Robert Johnson, City Engineer
Carlton Urban, Deputy City Engineer
Marshall Plantz, Senior Civil Engineer
Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment Director
Lt. Don Rawson, Carlsbad Police Department
Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, and duly seconded by
Commissioner Gumming, to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting on February 4,2008 as presented.
Roney, Dorsey, Gumming
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Robert Johnson, City Engineer, reported that based on the previous actions and recommendations by
the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC), the City Council on March 4, 2008 will consider the
introduction of an ordinance for a stop sign on Contour Place at its intersection with Strata Drive.
Additionally, and at the March 18, 2008 City Council meeting Council will consider adopting a
resolution to approve the 2008 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy and Traffic Signal Qualification
List. Lastly, an ordinance for a stop sign on Tern Place at its intersection with Spoonbill Lane to
replace the existing yield sign will be introduced.
ITEM 6A: Status Report on the City of Carlsbad Pedestrian Action Plan (PAP) and
Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP).
Mr. Johnson informed the TSC that this item was a status report on the City of Carlsbad's PAP and
an update on the PMP which is currently in progress. With respect to the PAP, a document was
initiated by the City Council in 1988. There were five elements associated with the PAP. Over the
past several years, staff has reported on the results of the PAP. One of the key items of the PAP was
to focus on pedestrian issues in Carlsbad. The PAP has now transitioned into the development of the
Carlsbad PMP. This Master Plan is in progress, with a final document expected to be completed by
summer. The report is being prepared so it can eventually be approved by the City Council. This
document is being used to enhance the pedestrian environment in Carlsbad.
Mr. Johnson stated that each of the five elements of the PAP has been completed. This is currently
under way. A status report will be presented by Senior Civil Engineer, Marshall Plantz.
Mr. Plantz informed the Commission that he has been working on the PMP for about one year. He
would like to present an overview of what the project consists of and what staff has accomplished.
The scope of this project is to develop a Master Plan for the City of Carlsbad. At the end of the
project, the City would like to have some concrete results that can be taken forward as part of the
Capital Improvement Program.
The contract was let in May 2007. The contract value was in the range of $125,0004130,000. The
contract was awarded to a firm called Alta Planning and Design. Alta Planning and Design has done
a lot of work like this throughout California and has performed some previous work for the City of
Carlsbad. This work includes our Bicycle Master Plan, which is nearing completion. The funding for
the PMP project came from a $ 100,000 allocation from the Transportation Development Act (TDA)
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which are state funds administered via San Diego Area Governments (SANDAG). Additionally, the
City Council allocated approximately $150,000 in general capital construction funds. It is anticipated
that work will be finished by May 2008.
A draft existing conditions report was prepared and a public meeting was held. A meeting was held
to receive public input to identify other existing conditions not gleaned from the reports. There has
been a broad base of public outreach throughout the project which entails more than just public
meetings. The consultants also went to various functions, such as the Trail Blast. Additionally, the
consultants attended PTA meetings and site surveys at transportation transit facilities.
From the above input, various locations were identified throughout the City that were sensitive to
pedestrian issues. Tractor and detractor features were identified throughout the City. A tractor
feature would be a school site or transit stop. Detractors would be very steep roadway grades or
arterial roadways that are not conducive to walking. From the consultants' analysis, 8-10 locations
throughout the City were identified as higher sensitivity to pedestrian access. The higher sensitive
areas were focused upon to develop a set of projects.
Another aspect of the PMP addresses general conceptual items such as: ADA accessibility
throughout the City, identification of access to transit facilities, safe routes to school, pedestrian
access into and out of redevelopment areas, connectivity to the downtown commercial/industrial
zone pedestrian movements, and connecting to neighboring communities. Each of these issues will
be addressed in the Master Plan. A list of projects will be prepared along with potential funding
sources for those projects.
Commissioner Gumming stated that he wanted to know if the project was on schedule to be
completed in the May timeframe.
Mr. Plantz replied that project is on schedule to be completed in May. The draft PMP at this time is
being finalized. Once the plan is coherent, it will then be circulated for general public review and
input. A second meeting will then be set where input will be solicited. Staff will listen to the advice
of the community. The input and advice will be put into a final document and presented to City
Council for adoption.
Commissioner Gumming asked if it was the intention to present the final document to City Council
in May.
Mr. Plantz replied that it was.
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Commissioner Gumming asked when the public's input would be scheduled.
Mr. Plantz replied it would be sometime in April.
Mr. Johnson stated that the City of Carlsbad and Housing & Redevelopment recently received an
award recognizing their efforts. He introduced Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment
Director, to brief the Commission on the award that was received. The award was received one
month ago in recognition of their efforts towards the pedestrian and the City of Carlsbad.
Recognition was specifically focused in the downtown area. Ms. Fountain presented the award to the
Commissioners. She stated that the award was given to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual
from Walk San Diego. The award is given to cities that do walkability assessments and on projects
that can improve pedestrian access to an area. They received the award this year for their Village
Master Plan and Design Manual. The City received the award because of some of the changes made
to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual to continue to enhance the pedestrian orientation for
the Village.
Ms. Fountain said if you visit Walk San Diego's website, you can do a walkability assessment. The
user can put in an address, and the website will give you a walkability score. When she went in, she
put their office address on Roosevelt Street and received a 94 out of 100 score! Walk San Diego
looks at the variety of services you can get within walking distance of your establishment. Walk San
Diego is looking for integration and mixed uses within an area.
Public Testimony:
Chair Roney called for Public Testimony.
Thelma Hayes, 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated that this is the twentieth anniversary of the Carlsbad
City Council passing the PAP for the City of Carlsbad. The PAP was the result from a small group
of six citizens, including Marjorie and Mario Monro. One of the goals of the original group was to
have safe walking distance within a mile radius of each school. Staff presented a map to each
principal showing the safe routes to school. However, there are a lot of children who are being
brought to school by someone. This seemed to her to be the opportunity to do some proactive work
as far as this is concerned.
Ms. Hayes felt it would be worthwhile for the City to explore how the school system could work
along with the PAP to produce a safe walk to school. Ms. Hayes stated that it would be a good idea
to have an ad hoc committee that emphasized providing children with a safe walking route to school.
She felt it was just too good of an idea to pass up. She would like the Commission to consider the
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Commissioner Dorsey asked if the PMP was part of the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
Mr. Johnson explained that there was a pedestrian component in the Circulation Element of the
General Plan. However, the PMP is a separate document. There are numerous references in the
Circulation Element regarding pedestrian issues.
Commissioner Dorsey asked if this would be a supporting element of that component of the
Circulation Element.
Mr. Johnson replied that it would be a supporting element.
Chan- Roney asked that once the PMP is approved, who was actually going to be the lead contact to
ensure some of these things happen?
Mr. Plantz responded that as it relates to specific projects that come out of the PMP, these projects
would be processed through the Engineering and Public Works Department. As it relates to
development, compliance or conforming to the guidelines, that would come through the
Development Services Department.
Commissioner Cumming stated that he noticed that Jerry Hill from Imagine Carlsbad was in
attendance today. Previously, Mr. Hill shared a walkability item with the Commission.
Commissioner Cumming inquired if that was the same topic Ms. Fountain referred to earlier?
For the record, Commissioner Cumming stated that Mr. Hill said it was WahcScore.com. He
compared downtown Carlsbad with another neighborhood where he used to live in New York.
Additionally, he stated Carlsbad's walkability score was very comparable. He was surprised and felt
it was a positive result.
Mario Monro, 749B Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, wanted to add a few points to what Ms. Hayes
stated. Regarding the schools, at Jefferson Street there is a problem with afternoon pick-ups of
children. There are a lot of vehicles sticking out and blocking the school grounds. Additionally, there
are two lanes and vehicles park in one lane and go out into the street and the second lane has got to
be open. He does not know what the solution is, but perhaps the Police Department can look into it.
The children who walk from Valley High School often walk in the middle of the street. Could the
school district emphasize that the students use the sidewalks? It is a potential problem.
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Robert Wilkinson, 2810 Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad, stated that for the prior 50 years in Southern
California, pedestrians have been viewed as a second class person. The pedestrian has not been given
too much latitude in the way they move around. If anybody has tried to move around Carlsbad on the
arterial streets, walking along a sidewalk that is contiguous with a 60 mile per hour roadway is an
intimidating area to be in. He was hopeful that the Master Plan will look at those issues. He realizes
that it is important for Carlsbad to foster a tight-knit community experience, and that people do that
kind of bonding as pedestrians not as people in automobiles unfortunately. Everyone knows that
automobiles are part of our culture and that is how people get around. He hopes that this PMP does a
thorough job at expanding the place of the pedestrian and enhancing the community spirit.
Seeing no others wishing to testify, Chair Roney closed Public Testimony.
ITEM 6B: Establish a No Parking zone on both sides of Afton Way.
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that this request was to establish a No Parking zone on both
sides of Afton Way, and the staff report would be presented by Deputy City Engineer, Carlton
Mr. Urban stated that Afton Way is a residential side street located immediately south of Carlsbad
Village Drive on the west side of Celinda Drive in the single-family neighborhood of Brentwood
Heights. The street width is 32 feet curb-to-curb which is substandard of the typical residential 40
foot street. It is 180 feet in length and terminates into a driveway, so there is no cul-de-sac.
Additionally, there is no adequate turnaround to facilitate westbound drivers that desire to U-turn
and park on the south side of the street.
Mr. Urban stated that some residents in Brentwood Heights are concerned that vehicles from Rising
Glen Apartments were parking on Celinda Drive, Afton Way and Kimberly Court. Staff conducted
formal and informal monitoring of parked vehicles on these streets over a two-month period. The
parking monitoring found a variance from zero to six vehicles parked on one or both sides of Afton
Way. It is expected that when vehicles are displaced from Afton Way due to the parking restriction,
there will be more vehicles being parked on Celinda Drive. Staff recommends that a No Parking
zone be established on both sides of Afton Way for a distance of 180 feet.
Mr. Johnson stated that today he received a letter from the property owner, L. Allen Hondro, at 2200
Afton Way, and he does support a No Parking zone on at least one side of the roadway. As Mr.
Urban mentioned, staff is recommending parking be restricted on both sides of the street due to the
narrow roadway.
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Commissioner Dorsey inquired about the other streets such as Celinda Drive or Kimberly Court. He
questioned whether there was going to be an agenda item in the future addressing no parking on
Celinda Drive or Kimberly Court?
Mr. Johnson replied that this issue is being handled by the City Manager's office. There was a
meeting last week with staff, the City Manager, and several residents from Celinda Drive. It is not
anticipated that the matter will come back to the Commission, but it will most likely be addressed by
the City Council.
Vice-Chair Cress expressed his concern about a lack of parking all over the City of Carlsbad. He
would like to see public streets being available to the public. The streets are paid for by the public.
He would really like to see no parking on Afton Way be limited to one side because if you make it
no parking on both sides of the street, motorists are going to park on Celinda Drive or Kimberly
Court or someplace else, and it's going to cause more problems with parking in Carlsbad.
Public Testimony:
Chair Roney called for Public Testimony.
Eugene Adan, 3201 Celinda Drive, Carlsbad, stated that he was in favor of both sides of Afton Way
being a No Parking zone. On a daily basis, especially on the weekends, there are a lot of cars from
Rising Glen parking all along Celinda Drive and Afton Way. The reason he is hi favor of No Parking
on both sides of Afton Way is the ingress and egress of the homeowner that lives at the end of Afton
Way, Mr. Lander. Often times, he has seen cars go up Afton Way and go to Mr. Lander's property.
Further, it is not paved where they go and there is nothing going on up there. It is just people in their
cars out on a Sunday drive going there to see what the City of Carlsbad looks like. During the day, it
is used by Rising Glen tenants for overflow parking. In the evening, it's not even lit up. He has often
noticed cars driving in at night. There has been furniture dumped, homeowners have had then- cars
bumped, cars being repaired, and drugs have been found on Afton Way. He is in favor of both sides
of Afton Way having both sides as No Parking.
Daniel Conway, 3211 Celinda Drive, Carlsbad, stated that he and a neighbor each spent $400 to
install lights high on the gables of their homes in an attempt to light Afton Way at night to prevent
the illicit activity going on there. The street is narrow and is bounded on both sides by six foot
fences. It is just a long narrow dark corridor that collects trouble and abandoned cars. He has walked
up the sidewalk and stared at two men who were dealing drugs hi the front seat of their vehicle. A
neighbor found a bag of marijuana in the gutter. As Mr. Adan mentioned, abandoned furniture has
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been left on the sidewalk. He has repeatedly found empty beer cans, whiskey bottles, and wine
bottles thrown over the side of his fence into his back yard. He has found used condoms in the
gutters along Afton Way. They find items of clothing on Afton Way. Additionally, they find trash
and food wrappers. He brought a photo album of some of the things they find on Afton Way.
Mr. Conway stated that there has been numerous vehicles towed away from Afton Way because they
have been abandoned, parked more than the three day limit. His bedroom window looks out on
Afton Way. In the early hours of the morning, vehicles come down Afton Way with radios blaring
and park, slam doors, horns blaring, and he is awakened night after night. This road is narrow and it
is hard to turn around. If you allow parking only on one side of the street, it makes the street
narrower. He has had 20 feet of his fence knocked down by someone making a U-turn who backed
up a little too fast. On the issue of fires, fortunately there have been no fires near their homes, but
parked cars on one or both sides of Afton Way would make it difficult for the fire department to get
their big trucks up Afton Way. For all of these reasons, he fully supports establishing a No Parking
zone on both sides of Afton Way.
Jeanne Frommelt, 3402 Celinda Drive, Carlsbad, stated she represented the Brentwood Heights
Homeowners Association. She totally supported the painting of both sides of Afton Way to eliminate
the criminal behaviors, mischief, litter, and all that has transpired on that street. They want to protect
their neighborhood and don't want the people who live on Afton Way subjected to this type of
behavior. Again, they strongly support establishing a No Parking zone on both sides of Afton Way.
Seeing no others wishing to testify, Chair Roney closed Public Testimony.
Vice-Chair Cress stated that in view of the public testimony, he withdrew his objection to the
double-sided No Parking zones.
Commissioner Gumming mentioned that it was stated that it was hard to turn around while driving
up into the single family property. He supports no parking on both sides of the street. He deduces
there may be an enforcement problem or drug control problem.
Mr. Johnson replied that the problems on Afton Way caused by vehicles and their occupants would
be addressed by having No Parking on both sides of Afton Way. Should the drivers choose ignore
the No Parking zone, then it becomes an enforcement issue. With signing on the street to indicate No
Parking, for the most part it is effective and takes care of the particular issue. There is the occasional
person who chooses to ignore the law and those individuals need to be addressed by the Police
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Commissioner Dorsey asked what the process for enforcement was? Is there a 30 day grace period,
written warnings? It takes some time for the word to get around for a new No Parking area. Is there
immediate enforcement?
Lt. Rawson answered that it all depends. There has been a lot of dialog about this. Once the
ordinance is passed and the signs are in place, they have the right to start enforcement. In this case,
because of the issues heard today, they would start immediate enforcement.
Commissioner Dorsey commented that he shared Vice-Chair Cress' feelings about limiting parking.
However, in the case of this street, he agrees that both sides of the street should be a No Parking
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Dorsey, and duly seconded by Vice-Chair
Cress, to establish a No Parking zone on both sides of Afton Way for
a distance of 180 feet.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Roney, Cress, Dorsey, Gumming
NOES: None
ITEM 6C: Establish a prima facie speed limit upon Eagle Drive from Palomar Airport
Road to its intersection with Lionshead Avenue.
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that this item is to establish a prima facie speed limit upon
Eagle Drive from Palomar Airport Road to its intersection with Lionshead Avenue. Eagle Drive is an
industrial street located in the Palomar Forum industrial park north of Palomar Airport Road. The
road opened to traffic in the later portion of 2006. Eagle Drive has one traffic lane in each direction
and is built to City standards with curb and gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. The road is not
classified on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The road is 0.27 miles in length. Eagle
Drive has a curb-to-curb width of 52 feet, which is the Carlsbad standard for an industrial road. A
bicycle lane is provided on both sides of Eagle Drive. Two cul-de-sac roads intersect Eagle Drive
and four driveways located on Eagle Drive provide access to industrial lots. The lots have existing
buildings constructed with some future construction to take place.
Mr. Johnson stated that there is currently no posted speed limit on Eagle Drive. The absolute speed
limit, because it is a two lane roadway, would be 55 miles per hour. The California Vehicle Code
authorizes the establishment of a prima facie speed limit based on the results of an Engineering and
Traffic Survey. The three most persuasive arguments to consider when setting a realistic or rational
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speed limit are (1) critical speed (85th percentile speed), (2) collision history, and (3) conditions that
may not be readily apparent to the driver. There is a very good collision history on this roadway
since it only opened in the latter part of 2006.
Staff conducted a speed survey as part of the Engineering and Traffic Survey for Eagle Drive from
Palomar Airport Road to Lionshead Avenue. The critical speed was found to be 37 miles per hour on
Eagle Drive. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee reviewed the factors in the Engineering
and Traffic Survey, and recommends establishing a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon
Eagle Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Lionshead Avenue.
Vice-Chair Cress stated that he drove on Eagle Drive from Palomar Airport Road to its intersection
with Lionshead Avenue and found that 35 miles per hour is a very reasonable speed limit.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Gumming, and duly seconded by Vice-
Chair Cress, to establish a prima facie speed limit upon Eagle Drive
from Palomar Airport Road to its intersection with Lionshead
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Roney, Cress, Dorsey, Gumming
NOES: None
ITEM 6D: Review, comment upon, and approve the TSC rules and procedures, and adopt
TSC Resolution No. 2008-1.
Mr. Johnson stated that this item is before the Commission to consider the approval, review and
comment of the TSC Resolution No. 2008-1. This item has been on the agenda for the Commission
for the last two meetings where only three Commissioners were present at each meeting. With the
resignation of Commissioner Gardner and the fact that there are four Commissioners present today,
today would be considered a full Commission.
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ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Gumming, and duly seconded by Vice-
Chair Cress, to adopt the TSC Resolution No. 2008-1 as presented.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Roney, Cress, Dorsey, Gumming
NOES: None
ITEM 6E: Consider adoption of a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation
for Susan Gardner.
Mr. Johnson indicated that the last agenda item was to consider adoption of a Traffic Safety
Commission Resolution of Commendation for Susan Gardner for serving as a Commissioner for
over four years, from November 2003 through February 2008.
ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner
Dorsey, to adopt a Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of
Commendation for Susan Gardner.
VOTE: 4-0-0
AYES: Roney, Cress, Dorsey, Cumming
NOES: None
Commissioner Cumming expressed everyone's pleasure to have Vice-Chair Cress back after being
ill for the last few sessions.
Vice-Chair Cress thanked everyone for their get well wishes and concern for his recovery.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Commission and local officials training is in the process of
being scheduled. The training is conducted by the local Institute of Transportation Engineers. It will
be held in Carlsbad this year and most likely will be held Saturday, April 19,2008. For the most
part, it is an all-day event, 8:30 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. There will be various speakers.
Planning Commissioners will be invited and perhaps some elected officials. As more information is
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obtained, it will be passed on to each Commissioner. It is hoped each Commissioner can attend. If
you are interested in attending, please be sure to let Mr. Urban know so he can get you signed up and
registered. The next regular meeting of the Traffic Safety Commission is scheduled to be held on
April 7,2008 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Vice-Chair Cress asked if the training would be held at the Faraday Center in Carlsbad.
Mr. Johnson confirmed that it would be held at the Faraday Center.
By proper motion, Chair Roney adjourned the Regular Meeting of March 3,2008 at 4:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Woodbeck
Minutes Clerk