HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
February 6,2012 (Regular Meeting)
3:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
Chair Gallagher called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Staff Members Present:
January 9,2012
Chair Steve Gallagher
Vice-Chair Gordon Cress
Commissioner Jairo Valderrama
Commissioner Hope Wrisley
Commissioner Guy Roney
Bryan Jones, City Traffic Engineer
John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Department
Lt. Marc Reno, Carlsbad Police Department
Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner
Roney, to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on Januaiy
9,2012, as presented.
Gallagher, Cress, Valderrama, Roney, Wrisley
February 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2
ITEM 6A: Complete Streets Update.
Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director, stated on September 30, 2008, the Califomia
Complete Streets Act was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. Cities are required to
mclude complete streets policies as part of their General Plan. Community values are shifting from
desi^ng roadways to accommodate maximum vehicle traffic to designing roads that meet the
broader needs ofthe community. This new approach called Complete Streets (aka Livable Stieets)
recogmzes that streets are an important part ofa community and should be designed for everyone
whether young or old, motorists, bicyclist, walk or wheelchair user, bus rider, shopkeeper tourist
resident. r , ,
Complete Streets is a new concept in the transportation world and it is a different way of thinking
about transportation. It is about opportunities and challenges, of how we have buih our community
and where we can improve. Mr. Jones presented topics that included the definition of complete
streets, its history, current relevance, design elements of complete streets, and what it means to a citv
like Carlsbad. ^
This is an informational item only and does not require City Council action at this time.
Commissioner Wrisley stated she heard about realigning Carlsbad Boulevard for years. She felt it
was a very dangerous street to cross because there are no traffic signals.
Mr. Jones commented the interchange at Palomar Airport Road that Caltrans buih many years ago
when Carlsbad Boulevard was a highway is a unique fascination to him. There is very little bicycle
or pedestrian amenities on the highway and it was designed for high vehicular speed and volumes.
The interchange takes up a lot of acreage. The city is going through an assessment process with the
property surrounding the interchange and some headway has been made on that project. Design and
environmental engineers are working on evaluating what they can do with it. Hopefully the feel or
experience ofthat roadway will change in the future.
Commissioner Roney asked how the City can make streets more livable with the influence of state
requirements, laws and rules. How do we overcome the state influence? There have been several
February 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3
issues in the past where the Commission was forced to make decisions based on state law. However,
he realizes that things are going to be based on the goals the city wants to accomplish and
implement. For each thing that we give to the pedestrians, we take away from the motorists, which
may be good or bad. But at least it is what the community wants.
Mr. Jones agreed. You have to weigh the issues and balance them. For example, it would not be a
good idea to make Palomar Airport Road pedestrian-fnendly. There is more opportunity to do that
on Coast Highway and in the Village area.
Commissioner Roney asked about what the city is trying to do and what are they trying to
accomplish. Overall, he felt the Complete Streets was a great idea and it would be good to dovetail
this with the land use.
Mr. Jones explained that staflf was looking to update the General Plan. He suggested taking a look at
Envision Carlsbad and looking at the section on walking/bicycle transportation connectivity. That
working paper is state ofthe practice. The Califomia Transportation Control Devices Committee
(CTCDC) just created two new voting positions and two non-voting positions for non-motorized
transportation, of which he has been elected as one ofthe new voting positions. This committee
oversees all ofthe signage in the MUTCD. The State is starting to change and some progress will be
Commissioner Roney felt it was a great direction to be going in.
Commissioner Wrisley mentioned an incident about a developer who was trying to put in a senior
development by Aviara Oaks School. A woman was irate about it and said she lived a block from the
school and when she drove her children to school it took her half an hour and it would be faster to
walk them instead.
Chair Gallagher stated it will be interesting to see how these new concepts will possibly conflict with
litigation. He is curious to see how this will all work out. He asked if cities have to adopt the
Complete Streets Act or is it automatically taken into effect.
Mr. Jones mdicated it has already been taken to the state level and the state is telling cities that they
need to be adopting it at the local level.
Chair Gallagher asked if this might eliminate some of the causes for litigation.
Febmary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4
^h. Jones stated we live in a free society and citizens are free to sue anyone. There can be a lot of
litigation that does not have substance to it. Sometimes it is easier to pay somebody than to litigate it.
It depends on the philosophy of the organization. Trees have been placed next to sidewalks for
hundreds of years. Many jurisdictions have decided to create monolithic sidewalks because having a
tree between the curb and the sidewalk would eventually uproot the sidewalk. Would it be better to
change the standards so that the sidewalk is a little bit further away from the tree and doesn't cause
the uprooting issues? You could also put in a special type of tree or put in root barriers to avoid that
problem. If you design the street correctly from the start, dangerously high vehicle speeds would not
be an issue.
Chair Gallagher said they were all looking forward to seeing what will be done because there is a lot
of excitement about the presented changes.
Mr. Jones felt there will be some great projects that will occur with Complete Streets that will help
revitalize or bring tourism destinations to the City.
Chah Gallagher wanted to know if some of the proposed improvements on Carlsbad Boulevard that
the Commission endorsed a few months ago were going to be in place by summer. That was the
timeline the Commission was told by staff.
Mr. Jones responded that staff wanted to take this project and some different Complete Streets
concepts as a package to City Council and talk to them some ofthe opportunities in Carlsbad. One of
those components is the proposed pedestrian improvements on Carlsbad Boulevard that was
presented to the Commission. They are looking at February or March to go City Council. That would
mean not gettmg to constmction before this summer.
Chair Gallagher expressed he was disappointed to hear that it might be postponed a little, because
the Commission was led to believe a few months ago that it would be in place by summer.
Mr. Jones indicated they were striving towards that. They are trying to package this to go together to
City Council, and they don't want to put the cart before the horse. If it doesn't get out before
summer, they would get it in place after summer.
Chair Gallagher thanked Mr. Jones for his informative presentation.
Febraary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5
ITEM 6B: Review and approve TSC procedure rules and adopt TSC Resolution No. 2012-1.
John Kim, Associate Engineer, stated on a yearly basis, the TSC reviews the procedural mles forthe
conduct ofthe TSC meeting. If changes are required based upon needs identified at Commission
meetings in the previous 12 months, changes can be incorporated into the 2012 resolution. Traffic
Safety Commission Resolution 2012-1 goveming mles and procedures was originally adopted in
1990 and there have been several changes made in subsequent years. If there are no revisions
recommended by the Commission, TSC Resolution No. 2012-1 is provided for adoption by the TSC.
Should revisions be necessary, this item will be continued until the next available meeting with the
revisions incorporated into the revised resolution for consideration by the Commission at that time.
Vice-Chair Cress stated review of the TSC procedure mles has been on-going for the 9 years he has
been on the Commission. It comes up every year and it has been massaged many, many times, and
unless any ofthe Commissioners have any comments, he moved to approve TSC Resolution No.
2012-1 as presented.
Chair Gallagher stated he had a number of comments before having a motion for approval. Since the
last review a year ago, the City Engineering Department has been restmctured and he felt some of
the items in the resolution should convey that fact.
First, is there still a Traffic Engineer? At one time there was an official position as City Traffic
Engineer, and he wanted to know if that was still an official position.
Mr. Jones responded he was a licensed Traffic Engineer and his official title is Deputy Director of
Transportation, as well as serving as the official City Traffic Engineer for the City ofCarlsbad.
Chair Gallagher said he was just trying to do some housekeeping. When you look at the minutes, it
just says Deputy Transportation Director.
Mr. Jones stated that will be corrected.
Chair Gallagher stated on page 2, line 13 of the TSC Resolution No. 2012-1, it states "If for some
unforeseen reason meetings cannot be held in the Council Chambers, the Chairperson shall designate
an altemative location." He felt the Chairperson would not have a clue as to where or how to
designate a different location. He suggested the Traffic Engineer should designate that.
Febmary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 6
Vice-Chah Cress said the need to schedule a meeting outside Council Chambers happened only
occasionally when Council Chambers were not available. The Chairperson would obviously
coordinate an altemative location with Mr. Kim or the City Clerk or whoever would be available to
fmd another location for the meeting, either in this building or somewhere else.
The Minutes Clerk indicated in the past when Council Chambers were not available, the meeting
was held in a room at the city offices on Faraday Avenue.
Commissioner Wrisley said she wasn't sure it was legal to have someone on staff designate where
the meeting should be held. She feh it should be the Chairperson, in concert with staff.
Chair Gallagher stated on page 2, line 24 of the TSC Resolution No. 2012-1, it states "The
Commission may, at any time, meet in study sessions." He stated he has never met in a study session
and it was not explained how a study session is supposed to be organized and established.
Mr. Jones replied they had study sessions for the Planning Commissioners and City Council
members. Sometimes when there is an issue where the Commission might want to be debriefed
ahead of schedule or staflf wants to debrief you ahead of schedule so that if there is going to be a
large crowd in attendance, the Commissioners can ask staff questions two at a time, like they do with
Chair Gallagher asked who sets up those meetings. He understood the purpose ofthe meetings, but
wanted to know how a meeting is established and actually set up.
Mr. Kim indicated ifit is not designated how, then he would think it could come from either staffer
the Commissioners themselves.
Mr. Jones stated most likely staff would call the meeting.
Chair Gallagher stated on page 3, line 3 ofthe TSC Resolution No. 2012-1, it states "A temporary
Chairperson shall be elected by the Commission member present." It should state "members
Chair Gallagher stated on page 3, line 18 ofthe TSC Resolution No. 2012-1, it states at the end of
the paragraph "in the Engineering Department," it should be "in the Transportation Department."
Febmary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7
Chair Gallagher stated on page 4, line 21 ofthe TSC Resolution No. 2012-1, it states "Every
Commissioner has the opportunity to verbalize any concems or interests pertaining to a non-agenda
item. Such words shall not evoke discussion or debate among Commissioners, City staff, or the
general public during the meeting." He stated the Commissioners had discussions all ofthe tune. He
felt this seemed too strict. If one of the Commissioners brings up an item during the phase ofthe
report from the Traffic Commissioners, they typically bring up an issue that they have and discuss it
with staff.
Mr. Jones stated ifthe subject matter was not officially an agendized item, they couldn't take action
on it and they really should not have a discussion on it. It should be raised to the staff and then staff
can put it on the agenda of a future meeting where it can be acted on. Technically, if it is not an
agendized item, there should not be a vote.
Chair Gallagher understood there was no vote. He is just saying that when Commissioner Wrisley
brought up a problem with vegetation on a comer, the Commissioners talked about it.
Mr. Kim suggested the Commissioners bring these types of items prior to the meeting being called or
after the meeting is adjoumed, but not during the meeting itself
Chair Gallagher stated on page 5, line 10 ofthe TSC Resolution No. 2012-1, it states "The Federal
guidelines include: Califomia Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices." He thought this is State
guideline rather than a Federal guideline.
Mr. Jones stated there was a Federal guideline that was no longer being used, so it would be a State
guideline as Chair Gallagher suggested.
Chair Gallagher asked after today's presentation, should they be adding the Califomia Complete
Streets Act under State guidelines.
Mr. Jones stated there were no State guidelines yet on Complete Streets. The Act has been adopted,
but the guidelines are still forthcoming and local jurisdictions are taking the lead on that.
Chair Gallagher asked if there are any other items that belong under the City guidelines besides the
Carlsbad Municipal Code; for instance, the General Plan that the Commissioners can refer to.
Febmary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 8
Mr. Jones stated the General Plan could be included under the City guidelines because street sizes
are part ofthe goals, policies, and objectives in the Circulation Element. They could also include the
Carlsbad Standards and Specifications.
Chair Gallagher asked if that also included traffic calming.
Mr. Kim stated these are just the legal requirements that were established. We are free to use
documents or programs that have been developed. He didn't feel it was necessary to list them as
legal requirements.
Chair Gallagher asked why the Carlsbad Municipal Code was listed.
Mr. Kim stated because that was the local law.
Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner
Wrisley, to approve the TSC procedure mles and adopt TSC
Resolution No. 2012-1 with the following amendments: page 3, line
3, change "member" to "members;" page 3, line 18, change
"Engineering Department" to "Transportation Department;" page 5,
line 10, elimmate the federal guidelines, and move line 11 Califomia
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to be listed under the
state guidelines.
Gallagher, Cress, Valderrama, Roney, Wrisley
None I
Mr. Kim stated he would like to update the Conunissioners on an item that Chair Gallagher brought
up at the last meeting regarding waming lights on barricades. He researched the Califomia MUTCD
and the use of yellow lights is appropriate. According to Chapter 6 which deals with temporary
constmction traffic control, 6F.83 pertains to waming lights. They describe warning lights to be
Febmary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 9
portable, powered, yellow, and lens directed. There is no provision for any other color of flashing
lights. The condition on Monroe Street near Gayle is therefore appropriate per the Califomia
Chah Gallagher thanked Mr. Kim. He had seen red lenses on stop signs.
Mr. Kim stated there are differences if you attach the lights to the sign or to the barricade. In this
case, it was attached to the barricade.
Chair Gallagher asked ifthe signs were going to be replaced with permanent signs soon.
Mr. Kim stated the signs should be removed soon. An inspector told him that a school project
installed pedestrian ramps on the school side of Monroe Street. That was what staff was waiting for
in order to install the all-way stop that the Commissioners previously approved. A work order will be
written soon to install the permanent all-way stop.
Mr. Kim informed the Commissioners that the new 2012 edition ofthe Califomia MUTCD has been
adopted. The Gatto Assembly Bill, a speed limit bill, has been enacted and those proposed changes
have been reflected in the 2012 Califomia MUTCD. Prior to the 2012 MUTCD, the speed limh
needed to be posted to the nearest 5 mile per hour increment of the critical speed. That has now been
changed so we can round down as long as the posted speed is within 5 miles per hour ofthe critical
speed. If critical speed is 44 miles per hour, we can round down without any justification to 40 miles
per hour.
Mr. Jones added that we cannot take any subsequent 5 mile per hour reduction. However, ifthe
critical speed is 41 miles per hour and we round down to 40 miles per hour, we can take an
additional 5 mile per hour reduction with appropriate justification. It's only ifit is in the 43-44 mile
range that we cannot take an additional 5 miles down.
Mr. Kim stated staff is in the process of evaluating all of the speed zones, and there may be
opportunities to lower a few speed limits that have been previously established.
Commissioner Cress asked if additional speed surveys would need to be conducted beforehand.
Mr. Jones stated speed surveys would need to be conducted.
Febmary 6,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 10
The next regular Traffic Safety Commission meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.
in the City Council Chambers. If there are no agenda items, the Commission will be notified a
couple of weeks before the scheduled date.
By proper motion. Chair Gallagher adjoumed the Regular Meeting of Febmary 6,2012 at 4:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
^^^^ Uhn'-^lt/i.^
Ruth Woodbeck
Minutes Clerk