HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
March 5,2012 (Regular Meeting)
3:00 p.iii.
City Councii Chambers
Chair Gallagher called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Staff Members Present:
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 6,2012
Chair Steve Gallagher
Vice-Chair Gordon Cress
Commissioner Jairo Valderrama
Commissioner Hope Wrisley
Commissioner Guy Roney
Bryan Jones, City Traffic Engineer
John Kim, Associate Engineer, Transportation Department
Officer Paul Reyes, Carlsbad Police Department
Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Commissioner
Roney, to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on
February 6,2012, as presented.
Gallagher, Cress, Valderrama, Roney, Wrisley
March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2
ITEM 6A: Investigate the need to establish an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo
Aliso and Via Adelfa.
John Kim, Associate Engineer, stated the requested action was to investigate the need to establish an
All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa. The subject intersection serves the
adjacent residential neighborhoods of La Costa Valley and is adjacent to El Camino Creek
Elementary School, whose secondary access point is located approximately 120 feet south ofthe
subject intersection. During the school year, this intersection can be congested with pedestrians,
bicyclists, and vehicles.
Mr. Kim stated staff conducted an analysis to establish an All-Way Stop at the subject intersection.
The analysis is based on Section 2B.07 of the Califomia Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD), which specifies the consideration of different factors mcluding traffic and
pedestrian volumes to determine whether or not an All-Way Stop is justified at a particular location.
A 24-hour approach count was conducted on January 31,2012. Based on these volumes, the subject
intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa did not meet the Califomia MUTCD criteria based on
minimum traffic volumes. As part ofthe analysis, staff also conducted tuming movement counts at
the intersection to quantify the pedestrian volumes on atypical school morning and school aftemoon.
The turning movement counts were conducted on January 31,2012 and the results are that there is
considerable pedestrian activity atthe A.M. and P.M. peak hours. Staff findings indicate that there is
significant pedestrian activity that occurs at the subject intersection that is in conflict with vehicular
traffic. Section 2B.07 ofthe Califomia MUTCD allows consideration of an All-Way Stop when
there is a "need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian
volumes." An elementary school can be considered a location that generates high pedestrian volumes
and the City has installed All-Way Stops at other locations nearby school locations as a result of
similar analyses. These locations include Camino de las Ondas and Hidden Valley Road adjacent to
Pacific Rim Elementary School, Calle Acervo adjacent to Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School,
and Calle Acervo near La Costa Canyon High School, and the pending installation at Monroe Street
and Gayle Way adjacent to Carlsbad High School.
Based on these findings, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends that an All-Way
Stop be established at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa to assign the right-of-way
between vehicles and pedestrians. In conjunction with installing Stop signs on both legs of Paso
Aliso at Via Adelfa, staff also recommends installation ofa marked crosswalk across the south leg of
Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa. This new crosswalk will serve as a controlled crossing for the many
students and parents that walk to El Camino Creek Elementary School. A pedestrian ramp on the
west side of Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa must be installed to accommodate disabled access.
March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3
In conclusion, based on the findings contained in this report, the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Committee recommends the installation of an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo Aliso and
Via Adelfa.
Public Testimony;
Chair Gallagher opened Public Testimony.
Andrea Beyer-Green, 7856 Grado Cipreso, Carlsbad, stated she initiated the requested action today.
She fully supported staffs recommendation to install an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Paseo
Aliso and Via Adelfa. She thanked the Commission for taking this item under consideration.
Seeing no others wishing to comment. Chair Gallagher closed Public Testimony.
Chair Gallagher asked how long it takes for staff to install a pedestrian ramp.
Mr. Kim answered that was a function ofthe workload of the Streets Maintenance Department. Staff
would have to coordinate with the Streets Maintenance Department and submitting a work order to
have that completed. Typically, it would take between two weeks to one month, depending on their
Chair Gallagher indicated he was curious if they go forward with the recommendation today, would
it be caught up in a delay to have the signs installed because ofthe pedestrian ramp.
Mr. Kim stated in order to go forward with today's action, it would first require an ordinance from
City Council to establish an All-Way Stop, which would have to be scheduled prior to any work
orders being issued. It usually takes about one month to get on City Council's calendar for an agenda
Chair Gallagher commented that Mr. Kim stated that people used the trail as a way to get to the
school. He wanted to know how many children use that trail. He was concemed that many children
could take advantage of a nearby All-Way Stop and don't.
March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4
Mr. Kim indicated no counts were taken at that location. It is their hope that if a controlled crossing
is established at Via Adelfa, people using that trail would use it. Understanding human nature,
however, that path is uphill and he wasn't sure how many people would actually utilize it.
Regardless of what the trail users do, there is enough pedestrian activity to warrant an All-Way Stop
at Via Adelfa.
Chair Gallagher asked the rationale for putting the crosswalk on the south side ofthe street rather
than on the north side of the streeL
Mr. Kim stated it was the proximity ofthe sidewalk, so there is less concrete needed to connect to
the crosswalk on the west side. There was going to be a legal pedestrian crossing on the north side
that would not be marked because they wanted to recommend the preferred crossing location so they
don't have too much confusion between pedestrians and vehicles.
Chair Gallagher stated most people in the mommg traveling on Via Adelfa are going to be making a
left tum to head down Calle Barcelona and they are in conflict with pedestrians that would be
crossing. Ifthe crosswalk was on the north side ofthe street, he felt most of the children would not
have to cross Via Adelfa and then cross in front of two legs of traffic.
Mr. Kim indicated that was a consideration staff took into account. He felt because it was on the
downhill side that it would be more likely to be used as opposed to people going uphill.
Chair Gallagher commented that in the aftemoon they would be going up a hill, so it is 50-50. It
concemed him that the children have to cross two legs of traffic when they could easily cross on the
north side.
Mr. Kim stated staff could evaluate that
Commissioner Wrisley stated they were supposing that all of the children were coming from the
north section, but probably a lot ofthe children come fi-om the south section, too.
Mr. Kim said it would be more attractive to the trail users because it is closer.
Chair Gallagher stated there weren't homes below Via Adelfa that enter onto Paseo Aliso. It made
more sense to him to have it on the north side.
March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5
Bryan Jones, Deputy Transportation Director and City Traffic Engineer, clarified putting the
crosswalk on the north side where vehicles would be coming down hill on the opposite side ofthe
intersection gives more room and distance for a vehicle to see a pedestrian crossing the intersection
if they are stopping at that Stop sign. It gives greater separation. The greatest conflict is in the A.M.
peak hour as opposed to aftemoon peak hours.
Chair Gallagher stated the tuming movements was what he was concemed about.
Mr. Jones said the larger volume was on Paseo Aliso rather than Via Adelfa.
ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chair Cress, and duly seconded by Conunissioner
Wrisley, to approve the installation of an All-Way Stop at the
intersection of Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa, and the installation of a
marked crosswalk across the south leg of Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa.
VOTE: 5-0-0
AYES: Gallagher, Cress, Valderrama, Roney, Wrisley
NOES: None
Smce two citizens wanted to speak on an unrelated subject and had not made their request known
during the Item 4 Oral Communications segment of the meeting, special approval was granted for
them to speak at this time.
Chair Gallagher opened Oral Communication.
Thelma Hayes, 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, stated approximately 30 years ago, a group of
concemed citizens formed the Pedestrian Action Group, whose goal was to make it safer for the
pedestrians in Carlsbad. They have been quite successfiil. The City Council approved their
suggestion that the pedestrian be included in the Traffic Safety Ordinance and granted $200,000
towards it. After a couple of years, she had not seen any evidence of the money being spent, so she
inquired where it was. She was told they had not gotten around to spending it yet, but they had put
aside the allocated money. They also got $200,000 each year thereafter. This is the 24 anniversary
ofthe remainder of their small group and Ms. Hayes asked that next year, on the 25 anniversary, a
report be presented of all of the pedestrian activities that have transpired over the years.
March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Conunission Meeting Page 6
Mr. Jones stated 24 years ago, Ms. Hayes was a pioneer ahead of the rest of the worid. Staff
appreciates all ofthe efforts that she and her group have done to make pedestrian and bicycle safety
a priority for the City of Carlsbad. He and his staff work closely on putting in sidewalk
improvements and repairing sidewalks, and responding quickly when issues arise. This past January,
City Council made Complete and Livable Streets a priority for the City of Carlsbad. They are
working diligently to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety for all users and all abilities and ages.
One of their newest improvements will be to improve the intersection of State Street and Carlsbad
Boulevard and provide a sidewalk and trail and bike lanes across the Buena Vista Lagoon so that
people in Oceanside can enjoy their great Village area and walk and bike to there and not be m the
street or walk along the roadway. There are a lot of other projects that they are going to be bringing
back before Carlsbad. There was a big media release in January and February from their
Communications Department on Facebook and on Twitter and their intemet page about their
Complete and Livable Streets Program. They are working on enacting a lot of the principles that Ms.
Hayes and her group have worked on for the past 24 years. He thanked her for making that a priority
and now at the national, state, and local level it is becoming a priority.
Mr. Jones told Ms. Hayes if she came to the next Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation meeting, he will
be doing a presentation there to talk about the roundabout at State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard,
and the trails and the sidewalks. They will try to facilitate some collaboration with the Buena Vista
Lagoon because he knew Ms. Hayes and her group wanted to do a pier or wharf along that area to
help facilitate pedestrian movement. He thought this project will help address a lot of what they were
trying to achieve there without getting tied up in all of the environmental constraints ofthe lagoon.
They are going to make some hnprovements out there and it will be a great project.
Ms. Hayes stated that she recently became blind and she knows how many improvements have been
made for pedestrians, and specifically for herself She thanked everyone for all they have done.
Margie Monroy, 749 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, stated she leamed over the years that if you want
the City to do something for you, you need to know what you're talking about, you must be
persistent, and you must propose a solution. She felt their original committee was a model citizens
committee. The Traffic Safety Commission has done a great job. The whole movement started in the
northwest quadrant and now with the new situation in the City approaching build out, they are going
to be required to meet State and Housing requirements, most of the action is going to be in that same
northwest quadrant. She was sure that everyone would continue their efforts to participate in the
planmng for pedestrian issues in that area and keep up the good work!
Chair Gallagher closed Oral Communication.
March 5,2012 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7
Commissioner Wrisley stated she brought up the issue of an intersection of Donna Drive and
Carlsbad Village Drive having an obstruction along the curb at the last meeting and she received a
call fi-om staff that it had been investigated. Staff agreed with her and had the plants removed,
creating better visibility. She thanked everyone involved.
The next regular Traffic Safety Commission meeting is scheduled for April 2,2012 at 3:00 p.m.
to be held in the City Council Chambers. If there are no agenda items, the Commission will be
notified a couple of weeks before the scheduled date.
By proper motion. Chair Gallagher adjoumed the Regular Meeting ofMareh 5,2012 at 4:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Woodbeck
Minutes Clerk