HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION November 2, 2015 5:00p.m. City Council Chambers Chairperson Fox called the Meeting to order at 5:00p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Kathryn Fox, Vice-Chair Chuck Hunter, Commissioner Ervin Poka Absent: Commissioner Mychal Dourson, Commissioner Muir Staff Present: Doug Bilse, City Traffic Engineer John Kim, Associate Engineer Kim Stankavich, Secretary, Transportation Lieutenant Greg Koran, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairperson Fox asked if there were any corrections or revisions to the minutes from the meeting of October 5, 2015. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Hunter and duly seconded by Commissioner Poka to approve the minutes of the meeting held on October 5, 2015. 3-0-0 Hunter, Fox, Poka None None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None November 2, 2015 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6A: BLACK RAIL COURT-REQUEST TO PROHIBIT PARKING The issue brought to the Traffic Safety Commission was a request to prohibit parking on Black Rail Court over the entire length of the street on both sides ofthe roadway. Mr. Bilse stated that he had the discretion to prohibit parking for limited distances to address specific safety issues, but that this request would require City Council approval and therefore the Traffic Safety Commission was asked to make a recommendation. Associate Engineer John Kim made the staff presentation that recommended adding a centerline stripe on Black Rail Court to address the issue of drivers speeding and veering across the centerline of the street. During the public hearing, it became clear that the primary traffic safety issues were focused on 1) the limited roadway width caused by the entrance monument located at the entrance from Aviary Parkway, 2) drivers failing to stay on the right side ofthe road, 3) drivers failing to make full stops before entering Black Rail Court from the side streets. Residents from the area also mentioned that on-street parking was needed to address limited parking in the developments, and stated concerns that prohibiting parking on Black Rail Court would create unnecessary overflow parking issues in adjacent neighborhoods. The Traffic Safety Commission voted unanimously to approve staff's recommendation to add a centerline stripe along Black Rail Court and asked staffto evaluate parking prohibitions to address the limited roadway width near the entrance monument near Aviara Parkway. ACTION: Motion by Chair Fox, and duly seconded by Vice-Chair Hunter to add a center line stripe along Black Rail Court. The appointment of Chairperson to Kathryn Fox and the Vice-Chair to Chuck Hunter. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Fox, Hunter, Poka NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ITEM 6B: HOSP WAY PARKING-UPDATE City Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse explained that this project to add on-street parking on Hasp Way was implemented to address overflow parking concerns raised by residents living on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. The project completed in May 2014 eliminated the center left turn lanes and removed parking prohibitions along Hasp Way between Avenida Magnifica and Calle Arroyo. The Traffic Safety Commission passed a motion to support this project, and the City Council approved this project on November 5, 2013. Soon after this project was completed, the City Traffic Engineer used his discretion to prohibit parking at short roadway sections to address specific safety issues related to sight distance at driveways. There have been no reported collisions reported on this section of Hasp Way and the critical speed was reduced as a result of this project. November 2, 2015 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 Ms. Karen Ong spoke during public comment for this item. Ms. Ong submitted several letters that were included in the agenda bill and on that was handed out to Traffic Safety Commission members before the meeting because it was received after the agenda had been circulated. Ms. Ong's concerns included, but were not limited to the impacts the on-street parking had that introduced safety concerns and negatively impacted her quality of life. Police Lieutenant Greg Koran explained the difference between the "incidents" discussed in Ms. Ong's letters and the "collisions" that are used to report case reports made in the field by police officers. This validated staff's conclusion that there have not been any collisions reported to date that were related to this project and there are no apparent traffic safety issues to address. The Traffic Safety Commission accepted the staff report. No motions were made regarding a future agenda item to discuss this item. The City Traffic Engineer said staff will continue monitoring this project. REPORT FROM CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER City Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse made a quick presentation overviewing the municipal codes that define the roles and responsibilities of the Traffic Safety Commission. As the City Traffic Engineer, Bilse is the non-voting ex-officio member that acts as the Traffic Safety Commission secretary and ultimately sets the meeting agendas. The Traffic Safety Commission can ask the secretary to add an item to the Traffic Safety Commission agenda by passing a motioned approved by a majority of voting members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Chair Fox adjourned the meeting of November 2, 2015 at 6:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, K~~ Minutes Clerk