HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-11; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION July 11, 2016 5:00p.m. City Council Chambers Temporary Chair Muir called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Commissioner Fred Muir Commissioner Mychal Dourson Commissioner Ervin Poka Chair Kathryn Fox Vice-Chair Chuck Hunter Staff Members Present: Doug Bilse, City Traffic Engineer Craig Williams, Transportation Manager Jennifer Horodyski, Assistant Engineer Lieutenant Greg Koran, Carlsbad Police Department Kyle Lancaster, Parks Superintendent Jim Gale, Engineering Technician II APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 6, 2016 ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Poka, and duly seconded by Commissioner Dourson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 6, 2016. 3-0-0 Poka, Dourson, Muir None None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None July 11, 2016 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 6C: Kelly Drive Roundabout Modification-Information Item C?nly City Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse explained that traffic calming attempts to reduce vehicle speeds in residential neighborhoods by achieving three objectives: 1) promote drivers to travel at a speed consistent with a residential character, 2) not penalize drivers who travel the posted speed limit, and 3) establish self-enforcing conditions. A series of traffic-calming measures were installed adjacent to Kelly Elementary School including mini-roundabouts at the intersections of Park Drive and Hillside Drive, and a mid block pedestrian crossing near the school entrance. The mini-roundabouts were part of a {{pilot project" that implemented cost effective traffic calming measures that implemented oversized pavement markings along the striping to encourage drivers to travel through these intersections at reduced speeds. These oversized pavement markings are a low cost alternative to raised medians, and this pilot project was established to find out how effective the approach is at reducing vehicle speeds. Bilse said residents have raised concerns regarding the mini-roundabout at Hillside Drive noting that vehicles are driving in the bike lane, traveling at high speeds, and driving near the sidewalks. Staff is recommending minor signing and striping changes to the existing mini-roundabout. The plans proposed by staff will add curb bulb-outs at each approach to the mini-roundabout at the intersection of Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive and look at colored pavement to enhance the traffic calming measures. Bilse said that staff did not consider installing an All-Way STOP at Hillside Drive because: • that intersection does not meet the established criteria in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). These criteria include traffic volumes, number of reported collisions, and sight distance. • an All-Way STOP is not consistent with traffic calming objectives because it likely needs police enforcement to be effective, and it forces all drivers to stop including those obeying the speed limit. A future project has been funded through the capital improvement program (CIP) to reconfigure Kelly Drive so that it meets the definition of a resident district and that traditional traffic calming measures using raised curbs are installed along the entire corridor to promote a 25 mph speed limit. These proposed changes to the pilot project are expected to provide an interim solution until this CIP project is completed in a few years. Discussion: In response to inquiry from Commissioner Muir, Mr. Bilse said the staff recommendation does not include changes to the existing bulb-outs near the entrance to Kelly Elementary School. July 11, 2016 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3 Commissioner Poka asked to clarify how cars and bikes will travel through the roundabout. Mr. Bilse explained that bicyclists must merge with autos and travel through the roundabout in a single lane. A sharrow will be installed to direct bicyclists to merge upstream of the intersection. A ramp may also be installed so that bicyclists not comfortable with accessing the roundabout could travel on the sidewalk for a short distance and enter the roadway again on the far side of the roundabout. Commissioner Dourson asked when the CIP is proposed to be done. Doug estimated that construction on the project is not expected to start within two years. During the public comment period, Bonnie Smeltzer supported the modifications at the mini- roundabout and suggested continuing treatments, including speed feedback signs, on Kelly Drive towards El Camino Real. She was concerned about the safety of school children. Sheila O'Neill, said she has seen motorists turn left off of Hillside Drive in front of the mini- roundabout rather than go counter-clockwise around it. She did not support the proposed striping changes at the existing mini-roundabout. Elyse O'Neill said people drive straight through the mini-roundabout on Kelly Drive. The mini- roundabout at Park Drive has also created problems. She suggested installing speed bumps would be more effective since drivers don't always drive correctly around the mini- roundabouts. Bilse said the plans call for decorative pavement and the installation of signs in the middle of the roundabout to deter drivers from doing so. Bilse said south of Hillside Drive a study was done that shows speeds have decreased but no studies have been done between Hillside Drive and El Camino Real. Doug explained that the plans call for the bike lane to terminate upstream ofthe intersection and bicyclists would travel through the mini- roundabout with automobiles consistent with theCA MUTCD. Holly O'Neill said a lot of children use the bike lane and she is concerned that the bike lane abruptly ends. She also is concerned about the roundabout at Park Drive where motorists speed down the hill before entering the roundabout. At Hillside Drive, she is concerned as to how children will cross Hillside Drive if a full roundabout is constructed and the STOP sign is removed. Mr. Bilse said Hillside Drive connects to several neighborhoods and serves many residents all the way to the coast, not only at school times, but throughout the week and weekends. Julia Konrad agreed with staff that a true roundabout allows cars to continue without stopping if all who use it obey the rules. What she has seen, though, is cars using the existing roundabout who do not yield to other motorists. She said the current crosswalk needs to be pushed further away from Kelly Drive because cars come very close to school-aged children. Many motorists have no idea ofthe roundabout as they're approaching it and most motorists don't slow down for it. The roundabouts in Encinitas near Scripps Hospital are very effective and there are multiple warning signs and speed bumps in advance ofthem. Bilse said clear signing is critical to the proposed changes including speed advisory signs in advance ofthe July 11, 2016 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 4 roundabout. Bilse recommended that after these modifications are in place for a time, staff will study their effectiveness and will bring the item back to the Traffic Safety Commission. Mr. Bilse said, Louise Adams, who couldn't attend the meeting, feels installing speed bumps would be beneficial and said the existing circle is confusing for motorists. Mr. Bilse said we are doing as much as we can to remedy this situation and get to the right solution. After the public comment period was closed, Commissioner Poka inquired how long the existing circles have been in place and what was the timeline for these proposed modifications. Bilse said the mini-roundabout was installed over two years ago and the proposed modifications should be in place within a few months. Bilse said he will monitor the scheduling of the CIP project on Kelly Drive, and if the schedule goes beyond two years, staff will consider installing interim traffic calming measures on Kelly Drive near El Camino Reat including speed cushions. ITEM GE: Ocean Street Beach Access Project-Information Item Only Kyle Lancaster, Parks Superintendent, presented the staff report using PowerPoint slides and explained the details of the Ocean Street Beach Access Project including the project's goals and the community outreach being done. He also explained the design ofthe seven beach access points including amenities and landscaping and showed simulations of all access points. The access points to the beach are on the west side of Ocean Street at Oak Avenue, Carlsbad Village Drive, Grand Avenue, Christiansen Way, Beech Avenue, Cypress Avenue, and Rue Des Chateaux. The project is scheduled to be complete in April, 2018. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS None REPORT FROM CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Temporary Chair Muir adjourned the meeting of July 11, 2016 at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted,