HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMEETING OF:
March 6, 2017
5:00 p.m.
City Council Chamber
Chair Hunter called the Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Chair Chuck Hunter
Co-Chair Ervin Poka
Commissioner Kathryn Fox
Commissioner Fred Muir
Commissioner Monica Gocan
Staff Members Present: Doug Bilse, City Traffic Engineer
Craig Williams, Transportation Manager
Kasia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager
Jim Gale, Engineering Technician
January 9, 2017
Motion by Co-Chair Ervin Poka and seconded by Commissioner Muir to
approve the minutes of the special meeting held on January 9, 2017.
Hunter, Poka, Fox, Muir, Gocan
March 6, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 2
Gene Bellon, President of Alta Verde Homeowners Association, said he appreciates the steps that
staff is taking to improve La Costa Avenue and thanked the Traffic Safety Commission and staff for
their professionalism. He said it's important to the residents of La Costa Avenue that staff's efforts
Aaron McCarty thanked the commissioners for keeping the La Costa Avenue traffic calming project
on .the radar. He mentioned a recent incident where he almost got hit by a speeding westbound
motorist who was using the lane as a passing lane. He said traffic calming on La Costa Avenue is
very important for the safety of everyone.
Catherine Bellon said the posted speed limit on La Costa Avenue where she lives is 40 miles per
hour but motorists often exceed the limit and the shared bicycle lane is very dangerous for
bicyclists. She said a sidewalk only exists on one side of the roadway. She asked that efforts
continue to get something done to slow the traffic on La Costa Avenue.
Janice Sutton referencing a PowerPoint presentation, asked the commission to address traffic
safety issues along Rancho Bravado near the intersection at Paseo Valindo. She said the
intersection is unsafe because a motorist stopped at the STOP sign on Paseo Valindo has a limited
line of sight when looking eastbound. The fact that cross traffic doesn't have to stop at the
intersection is also a concern. She said Rancho Bravado has no STOP signs for the entire stretch
from Melrose Drive, which encourages cut-through traffic and speeding. These factors affect the
safety of pedestrians, including school children.
Janet King said she shares the same concerns expressed by Janice Sutton. She said the unsafe
traffic conditions along Rancho Bravado compromise being able to walk and bike safely along the
Michael Shannon requested that traffic calming measures be installed on Harbor Drive. He
presented some documents which include a history of concerns and a petition requesting that
something be done. He said motorists drive at dangerous speeds along Harbor Drive, a very
narrow street, with no sidewalks -forcing people to walk in the roadway.
Matthew Wild said many people like to use the end of the cul-de-sac on Harbor Drive which has
reduced the quality of life for both residents of the condos and for residents who live along the
street. He explained that an incident recently occurred where a friend of his was involved in a
confrontation with a resident of the condos and the police had to be called.
Shannon Aganza supports traffic calming on Harbor Drive since it is a short street with a cul-de-sac.
She would like to see a STOP sign installed or speed bumps or anything else that will slow drivers
March 6, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 3
A. New Speed Zones
• Estrella de Mar Road north of Alga Road -Establish 30 mph prima facie speed limit
Senior Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
On a motion by Commissioner Muir and seconded by Commissioner Gecan,
the commission agreed with staff's recommendation to establish a 30 mile
per hour prima facie speed limit upon Estrella de Mar Road from Alga Road
to 675 feet north of Beryl Way.
Muir, Gecan, Hunter, Fox, Poka
B. Transportation Projects
• Update of Various Projects -Recommendation for approval of plans by City Council
Senior Traffic Engineer Doug Bilse presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Mr. Bilse said staff wants to start
formalizing the process to gain "design immunity" involving the discretionary approval from
the City Council. He explained that conceptual plans for a few of these projects were
previously brought to this commission as information items only. Mr. Bilse noted that one
item on the agenda, "Cassia Road and El Camino Real: Traffic Signal Modification" will not
be heard today.
• Cassia Road Traffic Calming Modifications
Mr. Bilse stated that the commission was informed of this project in December and is being
asked to recommend City Council approval of the plans. He explained the modifications proposed
for Cassia Road including bicycle by-pass ramps, additional signing and striping for bicyclists, and
further delineation of the curb extension areas. Chair Hunter said motorists drive the traffic circle
at Nicolia Drive faster than the other two locations and asked if a larger circle will be installed.
Doug said staff is reviewing this concept realizing that trucks need to be able to navigate it as well.
Commissioner Muir said motorists currently have minimal deflection at all three circles and he's
glad more will be done. He suggested moving the domes out further.
Co-Chair Poka asked for clarification regarding the options a bicyclist has when approaching the
traffic circles. Mr. Bilse explained that a bicyclist can either ride through the traffic circle or use the
sidewalk to bypass the circle.
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Public Comment:
Judy Frankel inquired how the proposed improvements relate to bicycles. She said using physical
raised features for locations where bicyclists travel is dangerous and using paint is much better. She
suggested getting the "Bike and Pedestrian Committee's input" before going forward with bicycle-
related projects in the future. She had concerns about bicyclists using the sidewalk at roundabouts.
In response to an inquiry from Chair Hunter, LieutenantJackowski said there is a section in the City's
Municipal Code that prohibits bicycles from using sidewalks with the only exception being police
bicycles. Chair Hunter suggested bringing forth an item at the next meeting to modify the code to
allow bicycles at specific locations in the city.
Susan Hollander asked if bicyclists are allowed to use the traffic circle. Susan asked if sharrows
could be installed within the circles, not only approaching them. Mr. Bilse responded that an
additional sharrow will be installed approaching the roundabout.
Craig Williams asked the commissioners if they felt a sign should be installed directing bicyclists that
they "may use the sidewalk" or a sign that states "bikes must dismount to use sidewalk".
Commissioner Muir said a sign stating bicyclists may use the sidewalk would be sufficient.
ACTION: On a motion by Commissioner Muir and seconded by Commissioner Poka,
the commission recommended City Council approval of the proposed plans
for Cassia Road with additional measures to be taken to investigate signing
and striping options to make the situation as clear as possible for bicyclists
regarding their option to use the sidewalk.
VOTE: 5/0
AYES: Muir, Poka, Fox, Gocan, Hunter
NOES: None
• Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping-Beech Avenue to Mountain View Drive
Mr. Bilse stated that the commission was informed of this project in October as an
informational item only. Mr. Bilse explained that this item is to add on-street parallel
parking and modify the bike lanes on this portion of Carlsbad Boulevard. He explained that
the proposed plans call for buffers to be installed on both sides of the bike lane between the
travel lane ard the parked cars.
Judy Frankel commented that the width of the proposed buffer between the bike lane and parked
cars should be increased to five feet. Craig Williams explained staff's decision regarding the width
of the buffer.
Chair Hunter said if he understands correctly, the plan calls for an 8-foot parking lane, a 4-foot
buffer, and a 7-foot bike lane. Both Mr. Bilse and Mr. Williams affirmed his statement.
March 6, 2017
Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 5
On a Motion by Commissioner Fox and seconded by Commissioner Muir, the
Commission recommended City Council approval of the Carlsbad Boulevard
Restriping Plan.
Fox, Hunter, Poka, Muir, Gocan
Beech Avenue Restriping-Washington Street to Carlsbad Boulevard
Mr. Bilse stated that the commission was informed of this project in October as an
informational item only. Mr. Bilse explained that this item is to add on-street diagonal
parking to the north side of Beech Avenue between Washington Street and Carlsbad
Boulevard. He said bike lanes are not part of the proposal because they are not
recommended to be placed behind diagonal parking spaces. Commissioner Muir asked if
back-in parking spaces were considered. Discussion ensued regarding the advantages and
disadvantages of having back-in parking spaces at this location. It was noted that about 50
busses travel the roadway daily. It was decided that staff consider installing back-in parking
spaces at a different location in the city in the future.
On a Motion by Commissioner Gocan and seconded by Commissioner Muir,
the commission agreed with staff's recommendation regarding the Beech
Avenue Restriping Project.
Gocan, Muir, Hunter, Poka, Fox
C. New Traffic Control Devices
• None
D. Legislation and Policies
• Traffic Safety Commission Procedures
Doug Bilse presented the staff report and explained that this item was presented at the
previous meeting in January. As a result of that meeting, several changes have been made
to the procedures and Mr. Bilse explained the changes in detail.
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ACTION: On a Motion by Commissioner Muir and seconded by Commissioner Poka,
the commission agreed with staff's recommendation regarding the revised
Traffic Safety Commission Procedures.
E. Other Issues
Muir, Poka, Hunter, Fox, Gocan .
• Trails Master Plan -Information Item Only
Kasia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager, gave a presentation (on file in the Office of the City
Clerk) regarding the Trails Master Plan.
F. Police-Related Matters
• Traffic Safety Grant
Sergeant Matt Lowe provided a presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) regarding a grant
received by the Carlsbad Police Department from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). He
explained that the grant is intended to address distracted driving, pedestrian and bicycle safety, and
driving under the influence -with a goal of reducing the number of people killed or injured. A
portion of the funds will be used to fund DUI and sobriety checkpoints, traffic enforcement
operations, distracted driving operations, and bicycle/pedestrian enforcement operations.
In response to concerns presented during Public Comment, Mr. Bilse said a CIP project has been
submitted in the amount of $4 million for La Costa Avenue improvements.
Regarding Rancho Bravado, staff will investigate the sight distance and speeding concerns. The
roadway does not qualify as a residential street per the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management
Plan (CRTMP)
In regards to Harbor Drive, Doug said the roadway does meet the definition of a "Residence
District" for purposes of inclusion in the CRTMP. Normally it's the goal of the CRTMP to limit
projects to streets with measured critical speeds at or above 32 mph. Craig Williams mentioned
that the roadway is only a block long, has no sidewalks, and provides access to Agua Hedionda
Lagoon. Mr. Williams added that residents, and others, walk in the roadway and the CRTMP has no
category for rating streets without sidewalks. Mr. Bilse said staff can bring this item back.
Doug also. mentioned that staff can provide a staff report to change the Carlsbad Municipal Code in
regards to allowing bicycles to use the sidewalk on Cassia Road, but this effort may take a few
March 6, 2017 Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Page 7
Mr. Bilse said the Traffic and Mobility staff had a productive meeting with Lt. Jackowski and Sgt.
Lowe of the Police Department's Traffic Division. Several issues were discussed including joint use
of the traffic collision database.
Commissioner Gocan inquired as to who is responsible for the condition of traffic signals
throughout the city. She said the mast arm at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard/Tamarack
Avenue is extremely rusted and she is concerned it will break. Doug said he will have it inspected
immediately. Mona asked if an option exists to use PVC coating or something that will last longer
and not rust out as quickly. Doug said he will investigate.
Commissioner Muir inquired as to the timing of when the roadway will be resurfaced on El Camino
Real between Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue. Craig Williams and Doug Bilse said
several midblock sections and intersections are scheduled to be done this year.
The Commissioners asked that the following items be brought back to the Commission along with
staff's recommendations:
• Harbor Drive
• Update on progress of La Costa Avenue traffic calming
• Rancho Bravado
• Use of sharrows within traffic circles
• Revision of Carlsbad Municipal Code allowing bicycles to use sidewalks
By proper motion, Chair Hunter adjourned the meeting of March 6, 2017 at 7:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Engineering Technician II