HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-28; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE THURSDAY, JULY 28,1983 ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM - 3 P.M. MINUTES Members Present: Chairman Ron Beckman, Jim Thompson, Gerald Long, Steve Tisdale representing City Engineer Members Absent: Vince Jimno, Bill Baldwin Others Present: James Popovich, Parks and Recreation Commission 1. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the June 27, 1983 meeting were approved as presented. 2.. Alga Road - Request for Speed Limit Signs 3. 4. 5. The Committee recommended changing the existing speed limit of 45 mph to 35 mph on Alga Road from El Camino Real to Alicante. This recommendation reflects an engineering analysis of the roadway. In this area the highway, traffic and roadside conditions are not readily apparent to a driver thereby warranting a reduced speed limit, when Alga Road is widened and improved. At that time the Committee recommends 40 mph. The Committee also recommends posting 40 mph signs on Alga Road from Alicante to El Fuerte. Longview Drive - Request for No Parking The Committee recommended posting no parking any time signs on the west side of Longview Drive for its entire length, because 32' is too narrow to allow 2 parking lanes and 2 driving lanes. Hosp Way - Request for Speed Limit Signs A 35mph speed zone on Hosp Way from El Camino Real to Monroe Street was recommended by the Committee, because the critical speed was 34 mph for eastbound traffic and 38 mph for westbound traffic. Chase Field Parkins Previously available information was reviewed, no new information was presented; therefore, the Committee reaffirmed its previous recommendation of denial due to the increased potential of accidents involving vehicles and/or pedestrians. Page -2- TSCC - MINUTES - 7/28/83 OFF-AGENDA ITEM: 6. El Camino Real & Arenal - Warning Lights for Fire Station No. 2 (CIP #3137) Fire Chief Thompson brought this item up. Because of the lack of warrants, and minimal delay to the fire trucks entering El Camino Real from Arenal, this project will be recommended for deletion from the C.I.P. When warning lights are warranted, the project will be reviewed again by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee and the Traffic Safety Commission. STEVE TISDALE ST:mmt