HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-21; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; Minutesc TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM 3:OO P.M. MONDAY, MAY 21, 1984 MINUTES Members Present: Chairman Ron Beckman, Roger Greer, Sgt. Mike Shipley for Vince Jimno Members Absent: Jim Thompson, Gerald Long Others Present: Marty Bouman, Steve Tisdale 1. 2. 3. 4. Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the March 26, 1984, Meeting were approved as presented. Harding and Oak - Request for a four-way stop and crosswalk Since the warrants are not met for a four-way stop, the Committee recommended to deny that request, and stripe a yellow crosswalk on the north side of the intersection. It was also recommended to install "No Pedestrian Crossing Use Crosswalk" signs at the location where they are presently crossing. Park and Marina/Park and Adams - Request for a three-way stop at each location The Committee denied this request because both intersections did not meet the warrants for a three-way stop. Stop signs are not installed to regulate speed, they assign right-of- way. continue to enforce the speed limit in this area. The Traffic Division of the Police Department will El Camino Real and Tamarack - Request for additional traffic control The Committee recommended installing a W-66 (Peds in Crosswalk symbol) and W-66A (School Xing) at the crosswalk to help alert the motorists of pedestrians crossing the free right turn lane. TSCC Monday, May 21, 1984 Minutes Page -2- 5. Trucks on Paseo Del Norte Since most of the truckers are making deliveries in this area, they are not violating any ordinance. The Committee recommended not to install any more signs. Sgt. Shipley, of the Police Department, has requested some residents to let him know when they see new trucks in the area and he will call the truck company and talk to them. 6. Monroe between Elm and Basswood - Request for speed limit signs Since the prima facie is 25 m.p.h. in this area, the Committee denied this request. The Traffic Division of the Police Department is requested to enforce the prima facie speed limit of 25 m.p.h. in this area. I. Jefferson and Laguna - Request for a four-way stop The Committee recommended denial of this request. The warrants for a four-way stop are not met. Warrants for a traffic signal are not met at this time. When warrants are met for a traffic signal, Staff will consider including this project for funding in the capital improvement program. 8. Jefferson between Tamarack and Chinquapin - Request for speed limit signs Since the prima facie is 25 m.p.h. in this area, the Committee recommended denial of this request. The Traffic Division of the Police Department is requested to enforce the prima facie speed limit of 25 m.p.h. in this area. Staff will investigate the possibilities of installing side- walks on the west side of the street. This would get the school children off the street. Respectfullv submitted, STEVE TISDALE ST : tmn