HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-23; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 LAS PALMAS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM TIME: JIOO P.M. MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Johnson (Chairman), Greg Woods and Greg Clavier (Utilities/Maintenance representatives), Mike Shipley (Carlsbad Police Department), and Jim Thompson (Fire Chief). Vince Jimno (Chief of Police), Chuck Mitchell (Utilitiea/Maintenance represen- tative), Jerry Long (Auto Club), and Lloyd Hubbs (City Engineer). Bob German (Risk Manager), Mark Rifkin (Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee), and Mike Shirey (Engineering Department). Before action was taken on the Agenda items, introductions were made. Mr. Mark Rifkin is the newest attendee of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. 1. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the January 19, 1987 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were approved as presented. 2. Rancho Santa Fe Road - Traffic Safety Issues Bob Johnson gave the report as stated in the Agenda packet. Mike Shipley asked if the sight distance at Rancho Santa Fe Road at Cadencia Street is adequate. Bob stated that it is adequate for the posted speed limit. TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 MINUTES (continued) Bob German asked if a 35 M.P.H. advisory speed plate would help slow the traffic down at Rancho Santa Fe Road at Csdencia Street. It was the consensus of the Commit- tee that it would not help slow the traffic down. Traffic is already not observing the posted 45 M.P.H. speed limit. The Committee observed that continued Police enforcement was the only way to definitely slow traffic down. Mike Shipley stated that 8.4% of the Traffic Division's time is spent on Rancho Ssnta Fe Road. He also stated that a total of approximately 4.0% is spent on Rancho Santa Fe Road by the entire Police Department. The motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to submit the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee as contained in the packet with the additional recommendation to widen and reconstruct Rancho Santa Fe Road to its Circulation Element standard of a Prime Arterial to the Traffic Safety Commission. 3. Intersection of Alga Road and Corintia Street - Request For All-Way Stop To recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission that the request for an all-way stop be denied at the intersec- tion of Alga Road and Corintia Street. 4. Parking Lot East of ATdrSF Railroad Between Elm Avenue and Oak Avenue - Request for 2-Hour Parking- Bob Johnson gave the report as stated in the Agenda packet. Greg Woods stated that the lot is not City property, it is being leased by the City. Therefore, is it legal to post a 2-hour limit? It was the consensus of the Committee that it would be legal to post a 2-hour limit. Mike Shipley stated that the Police Department has interviewed for a Parking Enforcement Officer. TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987 MINUTES (continued) The motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to not take this item to the Traffic Safety Commission until approximately two (2) months after the new Parking Enforcement Officer has become active. Also, to contact Redevelopment and inform them of this Committee's action and to ask them for further input into the parking restrictions they would like to initiate on this lot. 5. Items From Traffic Enqineer Bob asked the Committee if they would approve of having this meeting on the last Monday of each month. The Committee unanimously agreed to this request. The next meeting of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Commit- tee will be held on Monday, March 30, 1987 at 3:OO P.M. Meeting adjourned at 3:59 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MIKE SHIRIEY Engineering Tech MS:lch