HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-24; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE Friday, July 24, 1987 Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room 8:30 A. M. MINUTES Meeting Commenced at 8:35 a.m. ATTENDEES: Bob Johnson (Chairman), Mike Shirey, Martin Lauber (Engineering Department), Mike Shipley (Carlsbad Police Department), Chuck Mitchell (Utilities and Maintenance Department), Mark Rifkin (Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee), and Jerry Long (Auto Club) Jim Thompson (Fire Chief) arrived at 8:35 a.m. ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Avvroval of Minutes Item 4 first paragraph should read 45 miles per hour. Mark Rifkin stated that the statement “The motion was seconded and passed unanimouslytt should read “The motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously”. With these changes the minutes were approved. Tyler Street Alley - Request for One-way Northbound Travel between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue. Bob Johnson presented the staff report as contained in the packet. Chuck Mitchell stated that the alley south of Elm Avenue should be investigated also. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to create one-way northbound travel on theTyler Street Alley between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue. 2. 1 3. Camino De Las Ondas - Request to Establish Prima Facie Saeed L imit . Mike Shirey presented the staff report as contained in the packet. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to establish a 40 mph speed limit on Camino De Las Ondas east of Paseo Del Norte. 4. Eureka Place - Request to Establish Prima Facie Speed himit. Martin Lauber presented the staff report as contained in the packet. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to establish a 25 mph speed limit on Eureka Place between Basswood Avenue and Chestnut Avenue. 5. Adult Crossing Guard - Request to Establish Procedure Bob Johnson presented the staff report as contained in the packet. Jim Thompson asked why does the City of Carlsbad pay for adult crossing guards instead of the School District? Mike Shipley stated that financing is notthemajor problem, but staffing is! Mark Rifkin stated that a “decision makingra statement needs to be added to the Guard Removal Policy if indeed a Crossing Guard is unwarranted at a location. Jerry Long asked why School Safety Patrols could not be used? Mike Shipley stated that Safety Patrols can only be used in close proximity to the School. Jerry stated the Auto Club can help in establishing more School Safety Patrols. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to take the Adult Crossing Guard Removal Policy before the Traffic Safety Commission for comments and suggestions. 2 b 6. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 10.40.035 - Request for Amendment to Designate Parking on One Side for Thirty- fwo (321 f oot Wide streets. Bob Johnson presented the staff report as contained in the packet. A discussion ensued regarding the proper wording for the amended ordinance. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to amend the ordinance as follows: Less than 28 ft. street width - No Parking Between 28 ft. and 35 ft. street width- Parking on one side Greater than 35 ft. street width - Parking on both sides. 7. Items from Committee Members Jerry Long stated that the City of Carlsbad won the Auto Club Pedestrian Safety Award for 1986. a. Items from Traffic Enaineer Bob Johnson asked Jim Thompson if he had any information regarding the 'Public Attending Sub-committee Meetings' Agenda Bill which will go before City Council next week? Jim stated that he believes that the Mayor is in support of having the public attend these meetings. He did not know whether the public will be able to comment at the meetings. Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfflly Submitted MS : rp 3