HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-28; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE Friday, August 28, 1987 Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room 8:30 A. 1. MI- S Meeting Commenced at 8:32 a.m. ATTENDEES: Bob Johnson (Chairman) , Mike Shirey, Martin Lauber (Engineering Department), Brian Watson (Fire), ChuckMitchell (UtilitiesandMaintenance Department), Jerry Long (Auto Club), Bob German (Risk Management), Chief Vales, Mike Shipley (Police), Chris Salomone (Redevelopment) and Mario Monroy (Public/Audience) Item Discussed: 1. Avwroval of Minutes Minutes of the Friday July 24, 1987 Traffic Safety Coor- dinating Committee were approved as presented. 2. 0- There were no comments from the audience on this item. 3. Ocean Street - Request to close Ocean Street to Through Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the packet. Chris Salomone drew a sketch on the black board explaining the project in more detail. Chris stated that the left turnpocket will be closed andwidenedonCarlsbadBoulevard to provide for a larger pedestrian island while crossing the Boulevard. Chris also stated that a Right Turn/Ped- estrian Island will be constructed on Pine Avenue as part of the Streetscape Project. Jerry Long asked how may existing parking spaces will be lost due to construction of the park? Chris stated that seven (7) painted spaces will be lost along with the scattered parking area at the surf shop. Chris added that the surf shop is in agreement with the park plan. w 1 4. Bob Johnson asked if the State approves of the plan since they own some of the property in this area? Chris stated that the State does approve of the plan. Brain Watson stated that the Fire Department also approves of the plan. Mike Shipley asked if any pedestrian facilities had been considered due to the increase in traffic at the Oak Avenue/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection? Chris stated that a centerline median will be constructed at this intersection as part of the Streetscape Project. Bob German asked if a Right-in/Right-out configuration had been considered for the Pine Avenue/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection. Chris stated that due to traffic circulation considerations thata Right-in/Right-out configuration was deemed inappropriate. Bob Johnson and Martin Lauber both stated that a left turn movement at this intersection, though sight distance is not perfect, has not been the cause of many traffic collision. Mario Monroy asked if a handrail could be constructed for the lfsteepll Pedestrian Walkway to the beach at Ocean Street? Chris stated that a handrail will be constructed along the Bluff Top Walkway as part of the Streetscape Project and that he would investigate the possibility of carrying this handrail down to the beach access. Chuck Mitchell stated that all departments should get a copy of the project bluelines to make comments before the project is started. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to close Ocean Street at Carlsbad Boulevard for the purposes proposed by the Streetscape Project. Adult Crossing Guard - Request to Establish a Procedure for Removing Unwarranted Adult Crossing Guards (continued from August 3. 1987 T.S.C. meeting. Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the packet. 2 A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to endorse the Guard Removal Procedure as contained in the packet. 5. Harrison Street - Request to Establish Parking on One Side of the Street Onlv. Mike Shirey gave the staff report as contained in the packet. After discussion it was decided to postpone this item and investigate the possibility of deleting all of the No Parking ordinances for specific streets and that these streets be included in the Blanket Parking ordinance that went to the Traffic Safety Commission on August 3, 1987. 6. Bicycle Detection Study - Request for implementation of findinas in the reDort. Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the packet. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission the following: 1. Adopt, in principal, the recommendation contained in the Citv of San Dieao Traffic Sianal BicvcleDetectionStudvFinalReDort. 2. Apply for TDA (Transportation Development Act) Article 3 funds to provide detector loops in bike lanes on heavy use bike routes in the City of Carlsbad. 3. Provide Bicycle sensitive detector loops for all new traffic signal installations, locations undergoing modifications, and locations where loops are being replaced. 4. Continue to identify bike routes of highest use in order to provide a priority for funding requests. 3 7. Other Business No other items were brought before the Committee. 8. The next meeting of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee will be held at the Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room on Friday, September 25, 1987 at 8:30 a.m. 9. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 A.M. Respectfulb Submitted MIKE SHIREY Engineer MS:rp 4