HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-26; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE Monday September 26, 1988 LAS PALMS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM 8:30 a.m. MINUTES Attendees: Robert Johnson, Mike Shirey, Martin Lauber Traffic En ineering epartment), Mark Rifkin (Chamber of Commerce Traffic and fransportation) Larry Willey (Utilities and Maintenance Department) Divisionb, Jerry Long (Automobile Club), Chief s ales, Sgt. Zarpenter Police -: 1. 2. ADDrOVal of Minutes Meeting was called to order at 8:36 a.m. The minutes of the Friday, August 26, 1988 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were approved as presented. 3. Oral Communication There was no audience in attendance to comment on this item. Carlsbad Boulevard - Request for Improvements at Manzano Drive and Cerezo 4. Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the packet statin that Coordinating Committee. Bob referred to Mr. Baily Nobles letter and meeting with members of staff and the City Council requesting that Traffic Signals be installed at the intersections of Carl sbad Boulevard with Cannon Road and Manzano Drive, and, that a STOP sign be installed at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard with Cerezo Drive. Bob stated that Mr. Noble will have the chance to reiterate his requests to the Traffic Safety Commission at the October meeting. After hearing all his requests staff will then study Carl sbad Boulevard between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road for any need of traffic improvements and bring the findings to the October or November Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee meeting for a recommendation. Bob asked for any comments at this time on this item. Mark Rifkin stated that ossibly pedestrian activated signals were a solution; Mark also state however, and the Committee was in agreement, that there are other areas on Carlsbad Boulevard with more pedestrian activity . at the present time this is an informational item for the Traffic 8 afety Martin Lauber stated that possibly center1 ine striping alternatives would be a solution. Sgt. Carpenter stated that only solutions that meet warrants should be considered, and that if no warrants are met then nothin should be and he would not like to create a problem. Everyone on the Comnittee was in agreement with this last statement. Again, Bob Johnson stated that staff will be studying this area and will bring the findings to the October or November TSCC meeting. Additionally, Bob stated that he would like to meet with police, fire, and the risk manager regarding this item. implemented. He stated that currently there is not an acci i ent problem 5. Downtown Carlsbad - Location of Parkina Lots. Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the acket and stated that this is an informational item only. Redevelopment Director, Chris Salomone will be resenting to the Traffic Project. 6. Other Business. Bob said tha ! the Housing and Safety Commission alternative parking jots for t I: e Elm Avenue Streetscape Bob asked if .! gt. Carpenter woul c? be able to attend a meeting on Tues % ay, Bob Johnson stated that the Elm Avenue/Chatham Road intersection is becoming a to ic of discussion a ain now that the school year has be un. September 27, 1988 with representatives from Hope Elementary School and the community regarding this subject? ' Sgt. Carpenter said he would attend this meeting. Bob Johnson asked if the TSCC would be interested in being involved in making the decision on employee suggestions to the Traffic Engineering Division? The Committee responded no on this question. The next meeting of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee will be held on Friday, October 28, 1988 at 8:30 a.m. in the Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. 7. 8. Respectfully submitted, MIKE SHIREY Engineering nician I1 - Traffic Engineering Division MS:rp c: Assistant City Manager Community Development Director Cit Engineer Utifities and Maintenance Director Assistant City Engineer 2