HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-23; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY COO2DINATING COMMITTEE Friday December 23, 1988 LAS PALMAS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM 8:30 a.m. MINUTES Attendees: Robert Johnson, Mike Shirey Vales, Sgt. Carpenter (Police (Utilities and Maintenance Department), 'Mark Rifkin (Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee), Brian Watson (Fire Department). Items Discussed: 1. 2. 3. 4. Meeting was called to order at 8:33 a.m. ADDrOVal of Minutes The minutes of the Wednesda , November 23, 1988 Traffic Safety Coordinating Item 4 - In Paragraph 5, in the second sentence the word "change" was changed to "reduce" to provide the correct meaning for the sentence. Item 5 - In Paragraph 2, in the first sentence the word "dotts" was changed mots" to provide the correct spelling. Oral Communication There was one citizen in attendance, however she wished to comment on Item Number 4. Pontiac Drive - Request for a 3-way STOP at Victoria Avenue and a 4-way STOP at SDokane Avenue. Bob Johnson gave the staff re ort as contained in the packet adding that staff recommends striping a cf ouble yellow centerline and painting speed 1 imi t pavement 1 egends. Various discussion ensued on whether or not roadway striping does indeed lower the critical speed on a roadway. Bob Johnson stated that to date, the City has not done any tests to verify that roadway striping does lower the critical speed on a roadway. Bob did state, however, that with Pontiac Drive havin a curvilinear alignment, The Committee inquired about the cost of this striping? Chuck Mitchell stated that the cost would be approximately $600.00 Committee were approved a f' ter the following changes were made: centerline striping will delineate the path o P roadway more effectively. After Committee discussion the one citizen in attendance was invited to speak. Janet Jones, 2613 Banbury Court, stated that she sometimes has trouble crossing Pontiac Drive due to the volume and speed of the traffic. She stated that possibly cross-walks should be installed to help residents cross the street. At this time public comment was closed and Bob Johnson addressed some of Mrs. Jones statements. Bob stated that analysis of traffic volume data indicates that the volumes on Pontiac Drive are low and that there are sufficient gaps in the traffic for pedestrians to cross the roadwa . Bob walks even though they may not be marked. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission to deny the request for 4-way STOP control at Spokane Avenue and Pontiac Drive, and to deny the request for 3-way STOP control at Victoria Avenue and Pontiac Drive. also stated that at every intersection there are a minimum of 3 lega T cross 5. Other Business Bob Johnson informed the Committee of the various goals of the Traffic Engineering Division for 1989, since action will be taken by the Committee on some of these items. The following is a list of the stated items: - 1988 Traffic Division Annual Report - 1988 Sidewalk Inventory Study - 1988-89 Pedestrian Action Plan - Traffic Policy Manual - Traffic Operations Manual - Traffic Control Plan Checklist - Traffic Safety Commissioners Handbook Mark Rifkin stated that the work accomplished in the Traffic En ineering The Committee agreed that this option should be investigated. Bob Johnson stated that this July three (3) Traffic Safety Commissioners seats ma become available if these individuals do not wish to continue Chief Vales asked for the status of the Rancho Santa Fe Road ā€œSā€ curve? Bob Johnson stated that construction of strai htening this curve could a report on the possibility of installing concrete centerline barrier (K- Rail) in the interim. Re arding roadway safety, Chuck Mitchell stated that the U/M Department Bob Johnson stated that the Chatham Road/Elm Avenue intersection had recently been restriped to include a left-turn-pocket. The next meeting of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee will be held on Friday, January 27, 1989 at 8:30 a.m. in the Las Palmas Engineering Conference Room. Division should be submitted to the local newspapers via the Annua 9 Report. for anot l er term. begin in the Spring. Bob also stated that the t ity Manager has asked for wi 9 1 be concentrating on striping, signing, and other delineation in 1989. 6. 2 7. Bob Johnson wished the Committee a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. The Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Respectfullp Submitted, MIKE SHIREY c/ Engineering Technician I1 - Traffic Engineering Division MS:rp c: Assistant City Manager Community Development Director Cit Engineer Assistant City Engineer Uti Z ities and Maintenance Director 3