HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-27; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; Minutes--.. - i,.JFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE 'i Friday January 27, 1989 LAS PALMS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM 8:30 a.m. MINUTES Attendees: Robert Johnson, Mike Shirey, Martin Lauber (Traffic Engineering Division), ChuckMitchell (Utilities and Maintenance Department) S t. of Southern California), Mark Rifkin (Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee), Brian Watson (Fire Department). Howard Carpenter (Police Department , Jerry Long (Automobile C 9 ub Items Discussed: 1. 2. Meeting was called to order at 8:33 a.m. The minutes of the Friday, December 23, 1988 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were approved after the following changes were made: - In Paragraph 9 a second sentence was added stating: Additionally, the Committee recommends striping a double yellow centerline on Pontiac Drive from Tamarack Avenue to Elm Avenue, and painting two (2) 25 mph and two (2) 35 mph speed limit legends adjacent to the existing speed limit signs on Pontiac Drive. 3. Oral Communication There was no audience in attendance to comment on this item. 4. Pedestrian Action Plan - Recommend, as necessary, modifications to the pedestrian section of the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Bob Johnson gave a brief history of the events leading up to the formation of the Pedestrian Action Plan and subsequent modification to the pedestrian section of the Circulation Element of the General Plan. He stated that citizen input was received b staff and taken to the Traffic Safety Commission in the Fall of 1987. Subsequently, a Pedestrian Action Plan was formulated and taken before City Council for adoption in March of 1988. Bob then presented the staff report as contained in the packet. Committee discussion ensued on how in depth the pedestrian section of the Circulation Element should be. It was the consensus of the Committee that the pedestrian section of the Circulation Element should be written in general terms rather than specific terms. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission the following statements and olicies to be General P1 an: included in the pedestrian section of the Circulation c! lement of the 5. 6. 7. 8. D.6 Pedestria,.. Sidewalks and other pedestrian &reas can be made safer and more pleasant by separating them, wherever possible, from vehicular traffic. Pedestrian movement and safety should be facilitated and encouraged by creating environments conducive to wal king . Pol ices D.6.1 Additional strategic parking, increased sidewalk widths, and rovided in commercial landscaping and street furniture should be areas to help separate pedestrian and vehicu 7 ar traffic. D.6.2 Sidewalks should be provided: 1. in residential areas 2. around schools 3. at parks 4. pedestrian spaces in relation to land uses and available parking. at entrances to public buildings. D.6.3 New construction and redevelopment should consider the design of TDA/Proposition A Bike Funding - Information item - Request funding for the construction of bicvcle lanes on Monroe Street. Mike Shirey presented the staff report as contained in the packet and informed the Committee of the procedure to obtain TDA/Proposition A funds. A motion was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to recommend to the Traffic Safety Commission that a request for fundin for the construction Other Business Bob Johnson stated that the Sidewalk Inventory Study will be completed in approximately (2) months and will be brought before this Committee for recommendations. The next meeting of the Traffic Safet Coordinating Committee will be held Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 1O:OO a.m. of bicycle lanes on Monroe Street be submitted to ? ANDAG. on Friday, February 24, 1988 at 8:3 c! a.m. in the Las Palmas Engineering . MIKE SHIREY MS:rp c: Assistant City Manager I1 - Traffic Engineering Division Community Development Director Cit Engineer Assistant City Engineer Uti Y ities and Maintenance Director 2