HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-23; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF lUIEETlNG: TIIUIE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE February 23, 2012 8:00 a.m. Room 240 - Faraday Center CALL TO ORDER: John Kim called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Present: John Kim, Associate Engineer Dominic Fieri, Fire Department Heidi Versteeg, Engineering Technician II Staff Members Present: Jim Gale, Engineering Technician It APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Heidi Versteeg and duly seconded by Dominic Fieri to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 27, 2011, as presented. 3-0-0 Versteeg, Fieri, Kim None None No Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee meetings were held in November, December, or January. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Jim Gale mentioned that the All-Way STOP at the intersection of Monroe Street/Gayle Way, previously heard by this committee, is scheduled to be installed the week of February 27, 2012. Bryan Jones amved at 8:10 a.m. February 23, 2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 2 Dominic Fieri inquired as to the status of the pedestrian improvements along Carisbad Boulevard between Carisbad Village Drive and Tamarack Avenue. Mr. Jones explained that those improvements will be combined with Improvements at the Intersection of Carisbad Boulevard/State Street and then be taken together to the City Council at a future date. NEW BUSINESS: 6A: Paseo Aliso at Via Adelfa - Investigate the need to establish an Alt-Way STOP John Kim presented the staff report explaining that the subject Intersection is located adjacent to El Camlno Creek Elementary School. The request originated from a school parent who lives in the residential area east ofthe school, John said both Paseo Aliso and Via Adelfa are unclassified per the Circulation Element of the General Plan but function as local streets. John explained the roadway widths, available paridng, traffic volumes, traffic collision history and roadway geometries of both roadways. John mentioned that over the past five years, only one reported traffic collision occun-ed at the subject intersection and it occuned on December 2, 2011. It was an injury accident and Involved an 11- year-old pedestrian. John said the intersection does not meet wanrants for All-Way STOP criteria based on minimum traffic volumes, collision history, or limited sight distance but does have significant pedestrian activity before and after school. Staff conducted pedestrian counts at the subject intersection on a typical school day and detemiined that 21 adults and 42 children crossed Paseo Aliso in the moming before school and 29 adults and 50 children crossed Paseo Allso after school. John said the California MUTCD allows consideration of an all-way STOP at intersections, such as this, where there is a "need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes". Considering the aforementioned factors, staff recommends that an all-way STOP be established at the subject intersection and a mari<ed crosswalk be painted across Paseo Aliso on the south side of the intersection. ACTION: Motion by Dominick Fieri and duly seconded by Heidi Versteeg that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agree with staffs recommendation to Install an Alt-Way STOP at Paseo Aliso/Via Adelfa with a mari<ed school crosswalk across Paseo Aliso on the south leg ofthe intersection. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Fieri, Versteeg, Kim NOES: None ABSTAIN: None February 23,2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 3 OTHER BUSINESS: John Kim stated that the City's traffic calming program (Carisbad Residential Traffic Management Program) has been revised and is ready to be administered. John Kim said if a meeting is held next month, It witt be held on March 22, 2012. Exact time and location will be noted on the agenda. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of February 23, 2012 was adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, odames Gale Engineering Technician 11 Traffic Division Transportation Department