HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-22; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE March 22,2012 8:00 a.m. Room 240 - Faraday Center CALL TO ORDER: John Kim called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Present: John Kim, Associate Engineer Dominic Fieri, Flre Department Sgt. Paul Reyes, Police Department Heidi Versteeg, Engineering Technician II Erin Letsch, Risk Manager Staff Members Present: Jim Gale, Engineering Technician Jim Murray, Associate Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Dominic Fieri and duly seconded by Heidi Versteeg to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 23, 2012, as presented. 3-0-2 Fieri, Versteeg, Kim None Letsch, Reyes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PREVIOUS BUSINESS: None March 22,2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: 6A: Pio Pico Drive at Stratford Lane - Investigate the need to establish an All-Way STOP John Kim said this request originated from a Carisbad resident and is one of nine complaints received between 2002 and 2012 regarding the sight distance at the Intersection or speed of vehicles on Pio Pico Drive at the intersection. Referencing Exhibit 1, John stated that the subject Intersection Is located just north of City Hall and explained the geometric configuration of the Intersection and the limited sight distance to the south from the Intersection due to parked vehicles along the east side of Pio Pico Drive, John said both Pio Pico Drive and Stratford Lane are unclassified per the Circulation Element of the General Plan. John explained the roadway widths, available pari<ing. traffic volumes, traffic collision history, and roadway geometries of both roadways. John mentioned that over the past five years, only one reported traffic collision occun-ed at the subject intersection. John stated that the intersection does not meet warants for All-Way STOP criteria based on minimum traffic volumes, collision history, or pedestrian volumes but it does have limited sight distance when looking to the left (south) due to parked vehicles along the east side of the roadway. Staff previously Implemented portions of red curb atong the east side just north of and just south of Stratford Lane. Parking demand in this area is very high and Implementing additional red curb to Improve sight distance would remove valuable paridng. John explained that the California MUTCD allows consideration of an all-way STOP at Intersections, such as this, where "a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to reasonably safely negotiate the intersection unless the conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop." Considering the aforementioned factors, staff recommends that an all-way STOP be established at the subject Intersection. Dominic Fieri inquired as to if the next intersection to the north, Pio Pico Drive at Knowles Avenue, should have an All-Way STOP, since it has the same geometric design. John said staff responds to Issues when complaints are received and no complaints have been received regarding that particular intersection. Sgt. Paul Reyes asked if a little more paridng could be removed In order to achieve acceptable sight distance when looking soutii from the Intersection. John said in order to have adequate sight distance more than just a few additional parking spaces would need to be removed. With pari<ing already being limited, staff cannot justify removing more pari<lng. Jim Murray said removing paridng for two additional vehicles would achieve adequate sight distance based on the posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour but not when based on tiie estimated critical speed of closer to 35 miles per hour. March 22,2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 3 Erin asked if staff anticipates conducting a speed sun/ey on Pio Pico Drive In the future to establish a proper speed limit and then, as a resutt, having an unwarranted STOP location at Stratford Lane. Erin also Inquired as to If adjacent businesses have been notified. John Kim explained that the 25 mile per hour speed limit has been in effect on the subject portion of Pio Pico Drive for more tiian 30 years and could possibly Increase as a result of conducting a new speed survey. ACTION: Motion by Erin Letsch and duly seconded by Heidi Versteeg that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agree with staffs recommendation to install an All-Way STOP at the Intersection of Pio Pico Drive/Stratford Lane. VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Letsch, Versteeg, Reyes, Fieri, Kim NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 6B: Adams Street at Highland Drive - Investigate the need to establish an All-Way STOP Jim Murray presented the staff report and mentioned that this request Is from a resident who lives on Highland Drive and uses the intersection on a daily basis. Jim said a stop sign cun-ently exists on Highland Drive where it Intersects Adams Street at a skewed angle on the Inside of a horizontal curve. As a result, sight visibility for a motorist stopped at the stop sign looking to the left Is limited is limited to 141 feet when it should be at least 200 feet based on the critical speed of 30 miles per hour on Adams Street, Jim presented the staff report said both Adams Street and Highland Drive are unclassified per the Circulation Element of the General Plan, Jim explained the roadway widths, available paridng, traffic volumes, traffic collision history, and roadway geometries of both roadways. Jim said no reported traffic collisions have occun-ed at tfie subject intersection over the past five years. Jim mentioned that, as part of this request, staff conducted an analysis to establish an All-Way STOP at the intersection. Though wanrants were not met regarding minimum traffic volumes collision history, or pedestrian volumes, the intersection can be considered for an All-Way Stop due to tiie limited sight distance. Jim explained that the California MUTCD allows consideration of an alt-way STOP at intersections, sueh as this, where "a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to reasonably safely negotiate the intersection unless the conflicting cross traffic Is also required to stop." Considering the aforementioned factors, staff recommends that an all-way STOP be established at the subjeet intersection. Bryan Jones an^ived at 8:27 a.m. March 22,2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 4 Erin Letsch asked if motorists on Highland Drive could be prohibited from turning left onto Adams Street. Jim said tiiat would not be necessary if an All-Way STOP was installed. Dominie Fieri inquired as to if an additionat STOP sign eould be installed only for motorists traveling northbound on Adams Street and not for southbound Adams Street. Jim said that Is not the norm and motorists would be confused. ACTION: Motion by Sgt. Paul Reyes and duly seconded by Erin Letsch that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agree with staffs recommendation to install an All-Way STOP at the intersection of Adams Street/Highland Drive. VOTE: 5-0-0 AYES: Reyes, Letsch, Versteeg, Fieri, Kim NOES: None ABSTAIN: None OTHER BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of March 22, 2012 was adjourned at 8:33 a.m. Respectfully submitted, James Gale Engineering Technician II Traffic Division Transportation Department