HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-23; Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COORDINATING COMMITTEE August 23, 2012 8:00 a.m. Room 218-Faraday Center CALL TO ORDER: John Kim called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Present: John Kim, Associate Engineer Dominic Fieri, Fire Department Heidi Versteeg, Engineering Technician II Staff Members Present: Jim Murray, Associate Engineer Jim Gale, Engineering Technician li APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Dominic Fieri and duly seconded by John Kim to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 26, 2012, as presented. 2-0-1 Fieri, Kim None Versteeg ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None August 23, 2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 2 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: John Kim said Phase 11 ofthe Carisbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP) was revised in May, 2011 and the primary purpose of this meeting Is to Introduce committee members to those revisions, specifically the addition of STOP signs as an option to break up long roadway sections. John said nine roadways qualified for Phase II of the CRTMP and the first three will be heard today. NEW BUSINESS: 6A: Maonolia Avenue - Traffic Calming Plan Jim Murray presented the staff report explaining the Phase II process including the neighborhood meeting which was held on May 16, 2012. The meeting was attended by 12 people representing 11 of the 46 homes and staff answered questions regarding the proposed traffic calming plan. Mr. Mun-ay explained that this portion of Magnolia Avenue, Pio Pico Drive to Highland Drive, Is 1,700 feet long and has a stop sign at each end. The width of the road is 40 feet, the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour, and the critical speed Is 37 miles per hour. The roadway can become congested, before and after school, with students crossing the street at various mid- block locations. The traffic calming plan proposes Installing additional STOP signs at both Grecourt Way and at Adams Street to slow the traffic and reduce the critical speed. A survey was sent to all 55 affected owners/residents and 32 surveys were returned. Of those 32 surveys, 91% were in favor ofthe proposed plan. Bryan Jones arrived at 8:13 a.m. Based on the results of the survey, staff recommends that the traffic calming program be approved for Magnolia Avenue including All-Way STOPs at the intersections of Grecourt Way and Adams Street. ACTION: Motion by Heidi Versteeg and duly seconded by Dominic Fieri that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agree with staff's recommendation to approve the Magnolia Avenue Traffic Calming Plan. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Versteeg, Fieri, Kim NOES: None ABSTAIN: None August 23, 2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 3 6B: Esfera Street - Traffic Calming Plan John Kim presented the staff report explaining that the portion of Esfera Street being considered, between Cadencia Street and Piragua Street, qualifies for Phase II of the CRTMP and is fronted by 36 homes. John said the roadway Is 1,775 feet long and the only existing stop sign is at Cadencia Street. The width of the roadway is 40 feet, the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour and the critical speed is 39 miles per hour. The traffic calming plan proposes installing additional STOP signs at Fosca Street and Piragua Street to slow the traffic. As was the case with Magnolia Avenue, a survey was sent to residents and a majority of residents supported the traffic calming plan. Based on the results of the survey, staff recommends that the traffic calming program be approved for Esfera Street including All-Way STOPs at the intersections of Fosca Street and Piragua Street. ACTION: Motion by Dominic Fieri and duly seconded by Heidi Versteeg that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agree with staffs recommendation to approve the Esfera Street Traffic Calming Plan. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Fieri. Versteeg, Kim NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 6C: Levante Street - Traffic Calming Plan Jim Murray presented the staff report explaining that the poilion of Levante Street being considered, between Escenico Terrace and La Costa Avenue, qualifies for Phase II of the CRTMP and Is 1.5 miles in length. Stop signs are currently located at each end of the segment and at four intersections in between (Torrejon Place (east), Nueva Castilla Way, Segovia Way, and Romeria Street) The traffic calming plan proposes installing STOP signs at the following seven additional intersections: • Ton-ejon Place (west) • Oviedo Place • Madrilena Way • Galicia Way • Primavera Way • Galleon Way • Estancia Street 234 surveys were sent to residents and owners of the 192 homes located along the subject segment and 131 surveys were returned. Of those 131 surveys, 68% supported the traffic calming plan. August 23, 2012 Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee Page 4 Based on the results of the survey, staff recommends that the traffic calming program be approved Including All-Way STOPs at the above-referenced intersections. ACTION: Motion by Heidi Versteeg and duly seconded by Dominic Fieri that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee agree with staff's recommendation to approve the Levante Street Traffic Calming Plan. VOTE: 3-0-0 AYES: Versteeg, Fieri, Kim NOES: None ABSTAIN: None OTHER BUSINESS: John Kim said he Is working on an agenda bill to revise the by-laws of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of August 23, 2012 was adjourned at 8:44 a.m. Respectfully submitted, lames Gale Engineering Technician II Traffic Division Transportation Department