HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-12; City Council; ; COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures ReportCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Jan. 12, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager geoff.patnoe@carlsbadca.gov, 760-434-2820 Subject: COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report Districts: Citywide Recommended Action Receive a report on recent actions and expenditures related to the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide direction as appropriate. Executive Summary/Discussion The City Council voted unanimously April 7, 2020, to direct staff to return to the City Council with financial expenditure reports relating to the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The city manager further committed to provide a bi-weekly update to the City Council on recent actions and expenditures related to the city’s response to the pandemic. For these updates, staff from the following major service areas will provide verbal reports on current statistics, data, programming and relevant communications: •City Manager’s Office •Emergency Operations •Community Services •Police •Fire •Economic Revitalization and Recovery •Administrative Services Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps Staff will continue to provide the reports bi-weekly until the end of the emergency. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Jan. 12, 2021 Item #5 Page 1 of 2 Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits None. Jan. 12, 2021 Item #5 Page 2 of 2 Jan. 12,2021 To: From: Via: Re: Council Memorandum {city of Carlsbad Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council . . Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Ad~~i~rative Services Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager C!,(Y Additional Materials Related to Staff port Item No. 5 -COVID-19 Actions and Expenditures Report This memorandum provides a breakdown of the costs of the city's extensive emergency response efforts by department and type of cost as of Jan. 8, 2021. These expenses are being tracked to understand the financial impact of COVID-19 on the city and to request state and federal government reimbursement for eligible expenses. The next update will be provided on Jan. 26, 2021. Department 1 ... rj Description of Item or Service Purchase Order Amount i•T I Remaining Expenditures Committed to Date Funds ,_a_· _Ci_ty~M_a_n_a~ge_r _______ ~; C_le_a_n_ing supplies i _ -L____ _ 19_8--+---198 El Communication & Engagement Prote~!_ive gear .. I ~ 18_7_6-+-__ _1,8.?~- --__ _ ____ Public notifica_!~~-' ______ 4~,_291 _I-_ 12{5~4-_ _ 165,835 Signage -3,049 . 3,049 1-1:::i-Co_m_m_u_n-it_y_D_e_v_e_lo_p_m_e_n_t ___ !C-=-leani~g suppli;s -411-__ -=T 411 El Enviro_~'!_lental Management !Cleaning supP.li_e~ _ -5 I _ _5 ! IT equipment ! 118 I 118 1-8-. -Fa-c-il-it-ie_s _________ 1Cleaning services I 394,~73 100,oio j 494,883 ;Cleaning supplie~ -!-13,346 l --70,609 I 83,955 --.-~-. -/------ l Meals and meal supplies -1 2]5J 205 j P_r:_<:>_te~tive ge_ar _ _36,422 !_ 11,498 _ _ _ 47,920 I Public notification __j --! 26 26 ,_-____ -____ -___ -=_:_i~ignage _ ·---___ , __ _ _ -__ _ _ 303 _: _ _ 303 El Fire Cleaning services 19,945 I 28,118 48,062 lc:l~aning suppli~s -·r--r -7,316 ! --7,316 I M;a~ a-nd !!!eal suppl~es .. ! --I 24,5_3_7_,_i __ 2_4~,_537 , Protective ge_ar ' -! 41,020 1 41,020 1-------------......;-- Cleaningsupplies .. - 1 _ ~,44 3 7 2 ... 1 1 1,447 , Protective gear , -1 32 El Fleet Administrative Services Branch 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2415 ) Council Memo -Additional Materials Related to Staff Report Item No. 5 Jan. 12, 2021 Page 2 Department ~ Description of Item or Service Purchase Order Amount l.:r-1 Remaining ; - Expenditures Committed to Date Funds 32 32 I Protective gear ...... 8 ___ -H-o-us-i-ng ________ ___.l CARES F~ndi ~g .. - I 255,680 -·-----255,680 8 HR I Cleaning suppiies l1T equip~e;;- - I ; ..... 1 -1,208 1,208 -150 150 ---·-! Protective gear ! 27,593 I 49,709 77,302 1-8-ln_fo_r_m_a_t-io_n_T_e_c_h_n_o_lo_g_y __ _____,! IT e_quip_11-1_en-t ----;--32! 70~_ -129,69~ 1--162,_~~2 8 0ffice of Innovation 1Economic Revitalization 1 4,750,000 4,750,000 1-8-Pa_r_k_s_&_R_e_c-re_a_t-io-n-------<ic:1~~ning s~~ic~s --__ J ___ 14,6~_-__ __ 75,381 _ ---90,000 8 Police !Cleaning supplies___ : 230,690 __ 140,824 371,514 I Meals and meal supplies i 46,238 209,223 255,461 i Other ! -1,341 I 1,341 I Protective gear l -2,501 I 2,501 ! Public notification i 4,339 21,620 , 25,959 i Signage i -___ 11,1~~ 11,108 _ ___ _ __ !Cleaning service~ ___ _ --47,1'.!} _ 17,889 65,000 1Cleaning supplies 7,945 4/il-O I 12,354 :overtime -------69,210 -----,---69,210 ----------------------------------1 I Protective gear ____ ___ 12,883 10,266 I l Public notification -' 126 1 23,149 126 1·signage ---1,518 ! -482 r 1------------------+ ----,------- . Jo~ertime .. _ 100,00QJ ?_l}_,_~?4_ §1}&?:'1-_ 2,000 i Parttime salaries -I g;:28,931 728,931 -----!salaries ---~ -9,79~,5~8 __ 9!798,~~ 8 Transportation !cleaning supplies i -1,506 1,506 !Meals and meal supplies --: --_ I -173 i -173 -------------I Protective gear -----: -------33,819 f 33,819 ~~tilities :c1_eaning supp~es ·· · i -_ · · 435 ~ --435 . IT equipment : -391 I I Protectfve gear l ~-18,533 I -18,533 I Public notification I -688 I 688 391 Grand Total 6,109,819 12,184,733 18,294,551 Methodology The amounts above were compiled using data from the city's accounting system and inputs, estimates and data from department management analysts. Definitions -Cleaning supplies include disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizers, etc. Council Memo -Additional Materials Related to Staff Report Item No. 5 Jan. 12, 2021 Page 3 -Meals and meal supplies consist of senior meal program and meals at the Emergency Operations Center. -Protective gear includes, masks, gloves and other protective wear. -IT equipment includes laptops, earbuds, adapters, etc. -Salaries and wages represent staff hours worked on COVID-19 activities. Salaries and wages The chart below includes actual COVID-19 labor cost, by depart ment. Labor costs below include regular and overtime hours. City of Carlsbad COVID Labor Hours through December 27, 2020 By Department PARKS AND RECREATION, 12% $1,315,378 HUMAN RESOURCES, 4% $402,207 LIBRARY AND CULTURAL ARTS, 4% $476,636 POLICY/LEADERSHI P GROUP, 7% $805,987 Funding expected FIRE, 5% $520,058 OTH ER, 5% $596,148 POLICE, 63% $6,924,929 The City of Carlsbad has applied for and received funds which are outlined by category in the analysis below. Funds may be restricted to certain uses which are generally costs to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. Council Memo -Additional Materials Related to Staff Report Item No. 5 Jan. 12,2021 Page 4 COVID-19 Costs and Funding Sources As of January 8, 2021 Expected Cost plus amount of Fund category estimate [1] funding COVID CONTINGENCY $ 2,761,402 $ 3,770,972 GENERAL FUND CARES $ 3,643,758 $ 3,643,758 ECONOMIC CONTINGENCY $ 4,850,000 $ 5,000,000 BUDGETED SALARIES $ 7,373,878 $ 11,017,636 GENERAL FUND SUBTOTAL $ 18,629,039 $ 23,432,366 HUD COVID-19 CARES ACT $ 255,680 $ 255,680 CDBG COVID-19 CARES ACT $ 1,225,590 $ 1,225,590 TOTAL $ 20,110,309 $ 24,913,636 Less: outside funding received and applied to budgeted salaries Less: outside funding not yet received to be applied to budgeted salaries Less: Estimated FEMA reimbursement Surplus/(deficit) available [1] Costs plus estimate is total cost incurred to date plus residual PO amounts. Surplus or (deficit) Note $ 1,009,569 [a] $ -[b] $ 150,000 [c] $ 3,643,758 [d] $ 4,803,327 $ -[e] $ -[f] $ 4,803,327 $ (3,529,363) [g] $ (114,395) $ (770,972) $ 388,598 [a] Represents costs expected to be eligible under FEMA from $3M City Council approved contingency for COVID related costs not considered in budget. Funding from FEMA is limited to 75% of expenses. An additional 5% of expenses are allowed to cover administrative costs. FEMA funding request is not yet submitted or approved. [b] Total funding from CARES of $3 .6M of which $3.SM from the county and federal government, has been received in the general fund, and $0.lM is pending receipt from the fire and police grants. CARES funding allowed to cover all safety salary expenses (regular time for police and fire). [c] Economic revitalization funding approved by City Council totaling: $SM. The total costs are net of $1S0K of council contingency. [d] This category is funded by $11.0M budgeted salaries, however the costs are split between two categories. The $3.6M safety salaries are included in the cost for category GF CARES. The $7.3M salaries that remain in the cost category budgeted salaries. [e] HUD funding of $256K was received, $118K of funds available have an associated cost in the housing budget. [f] CDBG funding of $1.2M is available but not yet received, and all funds are restricted to CDBG COVID- 19 costs. Of the $1.2M, $0.3M has been allocated to programs and the remaining $0.9M is pending additional approvals. Since this is a reimbursement grant, estimated costs are expected to be equal to funding. [g] The $3.SM in outside funding is CARES funding received and allocated to budgeted salaries. Council Memo -Additional Materials Related to Staff Report Item No .. 5 Jan. 12, 2021 Page 5 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Temporary Activation of Public and Private Space Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director January 12, 2021 Responding to Need •Spring 2020 COVID gathering limits imposed •Businesses looking for creative ways to operate •Activate outdoor public and private areas •Creative permitting opportunities 2 Incentives and Allowances •Temporarily suspended certain standards –Allow outdoor use when use typically indoors –Allow use to expand in areas not typically allowed •Waived permit fees –$750 permit fee; $1,200/parking stall •Expedited permit review processes –Permits issued within two days vs. two weeks 3 Permit Types to Activate Outdoor Space •Private Property Permit –Activation of private property such as a parking lot or common area •ROW Use Permit –Activation of public property such as the sidewalk or street parking 4 Private Property Permits •75 Businesses issued permit 5 3 -Medical (COVID testing) 12 -Personal services 7 -Specialty (farmers markets) 41 -Dining 4 -Faith-Based 8 -Fitness ROW Use Permits •15 Businesses issued ROW permit 12 –Restaurants (2 curb café; 8 sidewalk café; and 2 both) 3 – Retail/Display 6 Going Forward •Working with CAO, permit language improved to specify public health order. 7 SPECIAL EVENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ~ COVID-19/temporaryoutdoor activity(check it applicable) N...eofBusiness; Addreu of Event: contact Name· ContactC.,,1/Email· Ccityof Carlsl:iad P~ofEvl':nt: ----------------< a,.::..:D,to. EVENT INFORMATION: I '"' "' """"'""°' Tl':nt(:()vtt Participants: Alcohol· : EventHoun: ( ) No ( I Ye-s If no. provide v:planation: ( )<700sf () >700sf ("lf«..,.,a,ti••elplOOsf,u _ _,,,ilisrequirff) I) <400sf I I >400sf 1•rt-11n.,1ou,__,,_ __ .,,.,..,, _ _,;,,....,...i, () <1,000 ( )>1,000 l'lf>1,000pM1i<ipMl',Hp•Cial_tl_il,oquirM) () No I )Ye-s('lfYti,MliSl<-.plywitlrlAIICptfrnil,....._) II No()Ye-s,t'lll""S.cllscriN-1 Businfis awn.-,urtification Statemmt: 1 cfflify that I am the Business OWntt oft~ subjl':Ct. busine-ss and that all the abovl': information is trul': and cOl'TW to thl': ~$1 of mv knowledil':. aertt to accept and abide bv anv conditions placed on thl': subjKt projKt as a result of apprOYal of this application and to comply with federal, state and local laws, indudint public 1-11':alth orders. I a,rtt to indemnify, hold harm~s. and defmd the Qty of cartsbad and its officers and emplovtts from all dams, damae,e or riability to penons or property arisinc from or ca-used directly or indirectly by the ootdoor ~on of the :i;ubject business. I ae_rtt to =nove alt improvements authonud by this permit bv the date ~ified or when notified this permit is~-I herebv authorize repre-sentatrtt of the Qty of carkbad to enter upon the above-mentioned property for Inspection purpose-s SJenahxe=-=-------------'Oate· Print Name. _____________ _ Properly 0.-..-Ccti[,cation Stutcmmt: I certify that I am the Pr<>f>!l!y Owner for the subject busne» location and that all thl': above information is~ and correct. to the best of rnv knowled(e. I support the applicant's ~ue-st for a permit to activate ootdoor busine-ss operations on the private property identified in this application and owned .,_ SJenahxe =-=------------~Oate: __ _ Print Name _____________ _ .., "Ml,.jPoint) Condiboni: Yu [ I No[ J Going Forward •Temporary permits subject to enforcement under current code •Draft letters advising businesses of risk of permit revocation 8 Business owner name Business Name 1lddress :A.ddre5s SAMPLE (Restaurant in ROW} (City of Carlsbad VIA MAIL ANO HANO DELIVERY COVID REGIONAL STAY AT HOME ORDER (SAHO) AND QTY ACTIVATION PERMITS IN PUBUCRIGliT Of WAY Dear Mr. or Ms. Last Name: Our records indicate that you currently hold a valid Right-of-Way Use Permit, which authorizes the outdoor actiYation of the public sidewalk and/or public street par1cing to temporarily expand your business operations during the COVID pandemic. This letter is a reminder that effective Dec. 10, 2020, the California Department of Public Health and the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency issued a Regional Stay at Home Order (SAJ-10), which imposed restrictions/limitations that affect your business operations. According to the state, the SAHO will remain in effect until the fOtJr-we-ekprojection for ICU capacity is above 15% in the Southern California Region. For restaurant and bar establishments, indoor and outdoor dining and drinking is currently not allmved Customers are prohibited from eating or drinking on site, including passive or shared spaces, either while waiting for their pickup order or after receiving their pickup order. curbside pickup, to-go orders, and deliYery are allowed. While customers wait fOf pickup orders, establishments must ensure that customers social distance white waiting for their pickup order and that the establishment does not exceed 20%capacity. For the most recent information on regional SAHO definitions, restrictions and industry guidance, please access the links provided below • hnps:{/covid19.ca.gov/stay-home---except-for-essentia._nero's/#regional--stay-home-order • hnps:{/covid19.ca.gov/jndustsy-guidance/ Please remember that under the Right-of-Way Use Permit, you must comply with all city ordinances and state laws, which includes any state/county health orders. Failure to compfy may result in the revocation of the permit and all improvemepts within the city's right-of-way removed. For restaurants and bars that serve alcohol, a similar dedaration was agreed to when the Depanment of Alcoholic Beverage Control approved an establishment's COVID--19 Temporary catering Authorization Application. We appreciate your attention and understanding during these unprecedented times and should you have any questions pertaining to the order, please contact Matt Sanford, Economic Development Manager, via email at Matt.Sanford@carlsbadca.gov Sincerely, Jeff Murphy Community Development Director Going Forward •Gas heaters under tents are prohibited •State Fire Marsal reconfirmed code prohibition •Carlsbad Fire Department intends to ramp up enforcement 9 Temporary Activation of Public and Private Space Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director January 12, 2021