HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-02; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Minutes
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2730 t
Council Chambers
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Monday, Nov. 2, 2020, 3:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler, Linke
Absent: Perez and Wanamaker
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Hunter led the Pledge of Allegiance
This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19.
Motion by Commissioner Hunter seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve the minutes for the Oct.
5, 2020 meeting as presented.
Motion carried: 4/0/2/1 (Absent: Perez and Wanamaker; Abstained: Gocan)
This item was pulled for discussion by Commissioner Penseyres
recommendation to the City Council to implement the El Camino Real Roadway Improvements from
Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6072 (Project)
providing operational improvements consistent with the city’s General Plan Mobility Element. (Staff
Contact: Bandon Miles and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works).
Commissioner Penseyres requested to pull this item from the consent calendar to address Traffic
Control Plan (TCP) for bicyclist during construction and to ask staff to consider reasonable alternative for
bicycle commuters.
Associate Engineer Miles referenced the TCP and showed that the construction area impacts the third
northbound through lane, curb and gutter and sidewalk. Since there is not adequate space to
accommodate a bicycle lane, the bicycle lane was removed. The outermost through lane was widened
to 14 feet and SHARE THE ROAD signs were specified as well as reducing the posted speed limit through
the construction zone by 10 mph. If necessary, a bike lane detour could be considered using Poinsettia
Lane/Alicante Road/Town Garden Road. Once a contractor is brought on board, staff could investigate
to determine if there is extra room to provide a delineated bike lane through the construction zone.
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2730 t
Transportation Director Frank inquired if Commissioner Penseyres had any input to provide staff that
would make the TCP better for bicyclist.
Commissioner Penseyres answered that he will be glad to discuss with staff potential bike lanes
Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve Consent Calendar
Item 1 - El Camino Real Road Improvements between Poinsettia Lane and Vida Roble with the addition
of a separate meeting of Commissioner Penseyres with staff to discuss options for the Traffic Control
Plan to address bicyclists. The results of the separate meeting will be reported to T&MC through the City
Traffic Engineer Report.
Motion carried: 5/0/2 (Absent: Perez and Wanamaker)
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT No. 3636 – (Staff Contact: Tom Frank and Hossein
Ajideh, Public Works)
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive a presentation and provide input
Engineering Manager Ajideh presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in
the Office of the City Clerk).
Public comments submitted via email prior to the Traffic & Mobility Commission meeting and read
into the record:
Brian Phillips, submitted historical information and a request on the Marron Rancho that was the first
permanent ranch home built in north county during the time that the Native Americans existing in this
area were primarily nomadic hunters, gathers, and fishers. This Marron land grant structure still remains
intact today at its original location within/adjacent to project limits and may be classified as the oldest
and most important structure standing in Carlsbad today.
The Rancho was owned by Senior Marron and stretched from present day Oceanside to present day La
Costa, easterly to present day Vista/San Marcos. Later in its history the Rancho, owned by Senior
Marron, was managed by Mr Kelly, and in subsequent generations following the passing of Senior
Marron, deeded to the eight surviving offspring of Mr Kelly's brother.
Preliminary engineering scope should include the facts of the original land grant plat and the building of
the Marron homestead within/adjacent to the College Reach A project limits, said RFQ scope to
include the stated public historical objective to preserve the homestead from any/all deleterious
actions capable of undermining/negatively impacting the environment and integrity of the homestead
site and structure, and the RFQ scope to include the further stated public policy objective to identify
measures within the project scope that will preserve and enhance the Marron homestead structure in its
location within and/or adjacent to the CIP 3636 project limits.
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2730 t
Commissioner Penseyres inquired if it is already decided that the College Boulevard extension will be a
four-lane road or four-lane equivalent and if staff is estimating failure at four-lane what will be done after
the extension of College Boulevard to address failure and build-out?
Transportation Director Frank explained the importance of adapting the roadway to balance the safety
and efficiency needs between all modes of travel, safe routes to schools, and public outreach
recommendations. This holds true for the two-lane option which might include a roundabout. Staff wants
to study it further and listen to the community concerns to make sure that the project will meet the traffic
projections and the community needs.
Transportation Director Frank emphasized that the geotechnical, environmental, structural and the
hydrology items are the high cost items on this project, the travel lane restriping and the landscaping are
relative small and minor cost in comparison and that is the reason for the “equivalent” language added.
Commissioner Penseyres asked if the two-lane option with traffic signals will not work, would a
roundabout make it better?
Transportation Director Frank said at the earlier traffic projections staff was looking at a possible one-lane
roundabout and this is one more reason to discuss and study the options in more detail.
Commissioner Penseyres inquired if the scope of could include consideration for Class I, two-way, off-road
multi-use facility? And if we get some additional right of way when we are buying right away, to provide
a completely off-road facility that would provide cyclists/pedestrians a safe route, a Class I roadway.
Transportation Director Frank answered yes it could be a part of the project and reminded the
commissioners that their feedback is exactly what staff is looking for to put this project forward.
Commissioner Linke suggested that staff take another look at the future traffic projections produced by
zone 15 to determine what is actually needed there. Staff should also look at funding and timing of funding
from the developer and the city and their associated responsibility for the roadway improvements. A
recommendation to include the research of alternative designs in the RFP, including the protection of the
historic Marron homestead.
Commissioner Fowler shared his concern that the finance part for the extension of College Boulevard is
still pending.
Deputy City Manager Gomez answered that the City Council agreed on a preliminary engineering
assessment with an initial 3-million of funding to conduct the study, including project cost estimates, an
analysis of future traffic projections, and a community needs assessment.
Commissioner Wanamaker joined the meeting at 3:57 p.m.
Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Hunter, for staff to consider including
in the scope of work a Class I –multiuse trail facility on the eastside of College Boulevard from El Camino
Real to Cannon Road.
Motion carried: 6/0/1 (Absent: Perez)
SECTION APPROACH – (Staff contact: Tom Frank and Nathan Schmidt, Public Works)
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive a presentation and provide input
Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt presented the report and reviewed the
PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2730 t
Commissioner Linke presented a PowerPoint presentation and letter in response to the staff report
findings (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Commissioner Linke proposed that the intersection operations analysis should not have been removed
from the transportation impact analysis guidelines and GMP monitoring analysis and that the city should
consider conducting an operations study at the intersections that are at the 85% of failure rate, saving our
resources. This would enable staff to proactively determine if an intersection looks like it might fail in the
next year and do the counts in advance of the failure. He proposed more locations to collect traffic counts
along Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane/Tamarack Avenue and Faraday Avenue.
Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt shared that the ADT counts for these locations
are available as they were conducted as part of the bicycle and pedestrian mode analysis.
Transportation Director said that he likes all the suggestions presented by Commissioner Linke and that
staff will evaluate the possibility of incorporating it to the scope of work and bring back to the T&MC.
Commissioner Linke showed that including all modes of travel in the Growth Management monitoring
program report will make meaningful improvements.
Transportation Director Frank suggested to bring these items, as well as where to put potential
multimodal counters to see if more activity occurs after improvements, to the ad-hoc committee.
Commissioner Linke suggested that the city should harmonize the two paths for (1) the GMP monitoring
program and (2) private developers traffic impact analysis.
City Traffic Engineer Comments: Attachment A
City Traffic Engineer Kim mentioned that the City is in the process of developing a scope of work for the
Local Roadway Safety Program grant. The program includes an analysis of traffic collision data on a regular
basis to proactively implement safety features on our roadway. The study will be going before the
commission to include their input.
Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt reminded the commissioners that the Sustainable
Mobility Plan document will be released to the public on Nov. 4, and public feedback survey will be posted
to the city website.
Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt updated the commission on the MMLOS ad-hoc
committee that will hold their first meeting sometime in November.
Commissioner Wanamaker expressed his concerns about the line of sight distance around the curves and
plant overgrowth along Jefferson Street between Marron Road and Las Flores Drive very unsafe situation
cutting down the view plan and site plan for motorists sharing the road with bikes and with no shoulders.
City Traffic Engineer Kim acknowledges receiving the information and staff will return with a plan of
Transportation Director Frank encouraged the commission to send over their recommendations for
roadway safety at any time in the meetings, by email, in the Carlsbad Connects app.
Transportation Director Frank will provide a link to the T&MC for the new Carlsbad Connects app.
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Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-434-2730 t
Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting on Nov. 2, 2020, at 5:17 p.m.
___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk
Attachment A
Meeting Date: Nov. 2, 2020
To: Traffic and Mobility Commission
Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer
John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757
Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report
Past City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility
Oct. 6, 2020
• Acceptance of grant for Local Roadway Safety Program ($72K)
• Approve plans and specifications for ECR/Cannon Rd Phase 1, CIP 6042/6056
• Introduce Ordinance for Paseo Del Norte/Car Country Drive NO PARKING Zones
Oct. 13, 2020
• Award contract for ECR/College, CIP 6071
• Adopt Ordinance for Paseo Del Norte/Car Country Drive NO PARKING Zones
Oct. 20, 2020
• FY 2018-19 Growth Management Program Monitoring
• Appropriation of additional funds for Palomar Airport Road Widening Project,
CIP 6043/6044
Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility
Nov. 3, 2020
• Marja Acres (Community Development)
Nov. 17, 2020
• US Bike Route 95 Designation
Other Items
City Traffic Engineer Report
' .
Previous Items brought up by Traffic and Mobility Commission
Item Action
Striping changes on Melrose at PAR Will be addressed by CIP Project No. 6034
Speed limit primer Can be incorporated into next speed limit item
brought to the Commission
Grand Promenade per Village and Barrio
Master Plan
None at this time
Annual Safety Report per Carlsbad
Municipal Code
Police Department responsibility
Traffic volume trends Can be incorporated into proposed Annual
Traffic Collision Report using LRSP funding
Roundabout striping guidelines Striping is completed per MUTCD - None at this