HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-15; City Council; ; Annual Financial Information Report on Special Taxes and Capital Project Funds RecommendedMeeting Date Dec. 15, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Kim Riboni, Senior Accountant kim.riboni@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2428 Subject: Annual Financial Information Report on Special Taxes and Capital Project Funds Recommended Action Adopt a resolution accepting the Annual Financial Information Report on Special Taxes and Capital Project Funds required by California Government Code Sections 50075.3 and 66006, and making the findings required by Section 66001(d)(1). Executive Summary State law requires the City of Carlsbad to annually report the status of special taxes and capital facilities funds established to collect development fee deposits. Additionally, every five years, state law requires the City Council to make certain findings regarding the unexpended portion of the capital facilities funds. The report and required findings are included in Exhibit 1. Discussion Special taxes California Government Code Section 50075.1 requires that any local special tax measure subject to voter approval include the following accountability requirements: 1.A statement indicating the specific purposes of the special tax 2.A requirement that the proceeds of the special tax only be applied to those purposes 3.The creation of an account into which the proceeds shall be deposited 4.An annual report containing the amount of funds collected and expended and the status of any project required or authorized to be funded by the special tax. The first three requirements of Section 50075.1 are met through the formation of special tax districts. The fourth is met through an annual report to the City Council from the chief fiscal officer, which is contained in Attachment A to Exhibit 1. Capital facilities funds Annual report Similarly, for each capital facilities fund established to collect development fee deposits, California Government Code Section 66006 requires local agencies to make publicly available the following information within 180 days of the end of the fiscal year: Dec. 15, 2020 Item #3 Page 1 of 20 1. A description of each fee 2. The amount of the fee 3. The beginning and ending balance of the fund 4. The amount of the fees collected, and interest earned 5. An identification and amount of each public improvement on which fees were expended 6. The total percentage of the project funded by the fees 7. The approximate date by which the construction of the public improvement will commence if the public improvement is incomplete and sufficient funds have been collected to complete the public improvement 8. A description of each inter-fund transfer or loan, including the project to be funded with the loan, the date of repayment, and rate of interest 9. Any required refunds or allocations of unexpended fees The report in Attachment A of Exhibit 1 provides the information required by Section 66006. Certain ending fund balances exclude advances and loans, which may result in a fund balance that is lower than the appropriated balance. The loans and advances may be paid through future collections of fees. The reported fund balances may be subject to refunds, though there are no refunds currently due. Staff is planning to review the Sewer Benefit Area and Bridge and Thoroughfare District #3 funds to determine if fee refunds are required. Any potential refunds will be included in future reports. Five-year findings In addition to the annual reporting required by Section 66006, Section 66001(d)(1) requires local agencies to make findings every five years on unexpended capital facilities funds that: 1. Identify the purposes to which the fees are to be put 2. Demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fees and the purposes for which they are charged 3. Identify of all sources and amounts of funding anticipated to complete financing of incomplete improvements 4. Designate the approximate dates on which the financing in paragraph 3 is expected to be deposited into the appropriate account or fund The required findings are included in the Resolution in Exhibit 1. If the findings are not made, the unexpended funds must be refunded. Information supporting the report and the required findings is available in the city’s Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program and in the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. These documents may be accessed through the Finance department’s Web page at the following links: • carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/finance/budget.asp (Fiscal Year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program); • carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/finance/report.asp (Fiscal Year 2019-20 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report). Dec. 15, 2020 Item #3 Page 2 of 20 Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps None. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification In keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act, public notice of this item was posted and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. In keeping with California Government Code Section 66006(b)(2), a public meeting notice and a copy of the annual report was also posted on the city’s Public Hearing Notices and Finance department Web pages on Dec. 1, 2020. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution Dec. 15, 2020 Item #3 Page 3 of 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORT ON SPECIAL TAXES AND CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS REQUIRED BY CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 50075.3 AND 66006, AND MAKING THE FINDINGS REQUIRED BY CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66001(d)(1) WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 50075.3 requires the chief fiscal officer to make an annual report to the City Council on the status of any project required or authorized to be funded by a local special tax measure; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 66066 requires the city, for each capital facilities fund established to collect development fee deposits, to make publicly available certain information within 180 days of the end of the fiscal year, including: (1) a description of each fee, (2) the amount of the fee, (3) the beginning and ending balance of the fund, (4) the amount of the fees collected and interest earned, (5) an identification and amount of each public improvement on which fees were expended, (6) the total percentage of the project funded by the fees, (7) the approximate date by which the construction of the public improvement will commence if the public improvement is incomplete and sufficient funds have been collected to complete the public improvement, (8) a description of each inter-fund transfer or loan, including the project to be funded with the loan, the date of repayment, and rate of interest, and (9) any required refunds or allocations of unexpended fees; and WHEREAS, for unexpended development fees in capital facilities funds, California Government Code Section 66001 requires the City Council to make findings every five years that: (1) identify the purpose to which the fees are to be put, (2) demonstrate the reasonable relationship between the fees and the purposes for which they are charged, (3) identify the Dec. 15, 2020 Item #3 Page 4 of 20 sources and amounts of funding anticipated to complete financing of incomplete improvements, and (4) designated the approximate dates on which the completion financing is expected to be deposited into the appropriate account or fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The annual report required by California Government Code Sections 50075.3 and 66006 (Attachment A) is approved. 3. The purposes to which unexpended developer fees are to be put are identified in the fiscal year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program, pages 1-3 to 1-7, Fund Classifications and Descriptions. 4. There is a reasonable relationship between the unexpended developer fees and the purposes for which they are charged as demonstrated in Attachment A in conjunction with the fiscal year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program, pages 1-3 to 1-7, Fund Classifications and Descriptions. 5. The sources and amounts of funding anticipated to complete the financing of incomplete improvements are identified in the fiscal year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program, pages H-31 to H-41, Capital Improvement Program Summary by Fund. 6. The approximate dates on which the funding referred to in paragraph 5 is expected to be deposited into the appropriate account or fund is designated in the fiscal year 2020- 21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program, pages H-31 to H-41, Capital Improvement Program Summary by Fund. Dec. 15, 2020 Item #3 Page 5 of 20 7. The annual report and findings are based on information contained in the City of Carlsbad's fiscal year 2020-21 Operating Budget Capital Improvement Program and fiscal year 2019-20 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which are available at https://www.carlsbadca.goviservices/depts/finance/budget.asp (fiscal year 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program) and https://www.carlsbadca.govkivicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BloblD=40377 (fiscal year 2019-20 Comprehensive Annual Finance Report) and are incorporated by reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of December, 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. -1(cv6/77/aZef MATT HALL, Mayor fir{ BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) Dec. 15, 2020 Item #3 Page 6 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT #2BEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENTFY 2020‐21 ANDESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTERESTMISC. CAPITALREFUNDED BALANCE APPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED REVENUES EXPENDITURES FEES (1) 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:POINSETTIA LANE ‐ REACHES A,B,C,F,G & AVIARA PARKWAY REIMBURSEMENT‐$ 1,168,833$              2031‐35 100%POINSETTIA LANE ‐ REACH E CASSIA ROAD TO SKIMMER COURT13,769,151 ‐ In Progress 100%12,198,885$    488,450$          421,416$          ‐$ 270,034$               692,400$              12,146,317$    13,769,151$ 1,168,833$              Total:14,937,984$           Loans: None(1) Fees refunded from prior year payments received by Lennar.Fee:Fee perLFMP ZoneAverage Daily Trip5391$                 202,028                211,637                LFMP ‐ Local Facilities Management PlanFOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020Attachment A Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 7 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE DISTRICT (BTD) #3BEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST MISC. CAPITAL OTHER BALANCE APPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED REVENUES EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020 AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:BTD #3 RECONCILIATION AND CLOSEOUT105,021$                         (105,021)$             In Progress 100%505,594$         ‐$               17,696$         ‐$                ‐$                    ‐$                        523,290$         105,021$                         (105,021)$             Total:0$                           Loans: NoneFee: $231 per average daily tripFOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 8 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 50075 & 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD) #1BEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATED PERCENTAGEBALANCE TAXES FEES INTEREST OTHER CAPITAL OTHER BALANCE APPROPRIATIONSFUTURE CONSTRUCTION PAID BY   7/1/2019 COLLECTED COLLECTED EARNED REVENUE (1) EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020 AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE TAX/FEEDescriptionORION CENTER63,240$              29,762,805$                      721,890$                         In Progress 72%CITY HALL67,196                797,358                              50,000,000                      2026‐30 100%COLE LIBRARY EXPANSION‐                                      5,988,000                        2031‐35 32%VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK162,942              165,671                              23,444,000                      2026‐30 100%ADMINISTRATION COSTS88,325                149,600                              550,000                           N/A 100%CFD  TAXES1,599,289      BTD FEES1,378              TRAFFIC IMPACT FEESPUBLIC FACILITIES FEES896,652          89,650,970$   1,599,289$    898,030$       3,131,393$    107,702$          293,378$            88,325$              95,005,681$    30,875,434$                      80,703,890$                    Total:111,579,324$                 Loans:  None(1) Consists of rental income received on city owned property and district annexation fees.BTD Fees:VariousTraffic Impact Fee:3,310$   per unit ‐ residential‐single family 2,648     per unit ‐ residential‐condominium1,986     per unit ‐ residential‐ apartment131         per trip ‐ commercial/industrialPublic Facilities Fee:   1.82% of building permit valueCFD#1 Tax Rates:VariousDec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 9 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020PARK IN LIEU FEESBEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST OTHER CAPITAL BALANCEAPPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED REVENUE EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:ROBERTSON RANCH PARK DEVELOPMENT ‐ NORTHEAST QUADRANT‐$                     200,000$                            2,535,000$            2021‐23 18%PINE AVENUE PARK ‐COMMUNITY FACILITY AND GARDEN AREAS ‐ NW QUADRANT925                      792                                      ‐                          Complete 18%LEO CARRILLO PARK ‐ PHASE III ‐ SOUTHEAST QUADRANT4,850                   4,111                                  ‐                          In Progress 45%AVIARA REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ‐ SOUTHWEST QUADRANT‐                       219,100                              ‐                          In Progress 100%AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK GATHERING SPACE AND PICNIC AREAS ‐ SOUTHWEST QUADRANT383,869               3,937                                  ‐                          In Progress 82%1,699,338$         935,681$               270,026$        ‐$                  389,643$             2,515,402$        427,940$                            2,535,000$            Total:2,962,940$            Loans: Received a $4,550,000 loan from the Public Facilities Fee Fund in 2007 for the acquisition of the Robertson Ranch Park Site.  Land was purchased in 2008.       Repayment is scheduled for 2028‐32. Interest is not charged on this loan.Received a $1,900,000 loan from the Public Facilities Fee Fund in 2016 for the Aviara and Pine Avenue Community Park capital improvement projects.      Repayment is scheduled as fees are collected. Interest is not charged on this loan.      Current loan balance is $1,100,000.Fee:  $3,696 to $5,728 per dwelling unit (NE, SW, and SE quadrants)$4,934 to $7,649 per dwelling unit (NW quadrant)Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 10 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR FEES (ZONES 5, 13 AND 16‐18)BEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST CAPITAL BALANCEAPPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:BUSINESS PARK RECREATIONAL FACILITY‐$                                        4,760,000$               2031‐35 42%4,446,327$         96,566$                  158,462$     ‐$                   4,701,354$      ‐$                                        4,760,000$               Total:4,760,000$               Loans:  NoneFee:    $0.40 per square foot on new industrial & commercial constructionDec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 11 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020           PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE FEESBALANCE OFBEGINNING ENDING CURRENT FY 2020‐21 ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST CAPITAL BALANCE APPROPRIATIONS AND FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTEDEARNED EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020 AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:PLD AREA A ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY AAA (Jefferson Street)‐$                    ‐$                               289,534$              2031‐35 100%PLD AREA A ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY AAAA (Madison Street)‐                      ‐                                 416,500                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA A ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY AC (Highland Drive)‐                      ‐                                 921,408                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA A ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY AFA (Hidden Valley Drainage Restoration)‐                     ‐                                 91,608                   2031‐35 100%PLD AREA A ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY AFB (Calavera Hills Drainage Restoration)‐                     ‐                                 163,164                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY B + BN (Agua Hedionda and Calavera Creek)41,159               565,141                         ‐                         In Progress 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BL‐L (College Blvd. Bridge Reimb.)‐                     ‐                                 1,816,101             2026‐30 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BJ B + BNB + BJ‐1 (College and Cannon Rd.)‐                     ‐                                 512,196                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BCA (Park Drive and Tamarack Avenue)3,902                 ‐                                 ‐                         Complete 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BFB‐L + BF‐1 (Tamarack and El Camino Real)‐                     ‐                                 904,329                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BB 1 and 2 (Washington Street)‐                     ‐                                 1,086,065             2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BCB (Magnolia Avenue)‐                     ‐                                 468,096                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BFA (Country Store)‐                     963,673                         ‐                         In Progress 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BFB‐U (El Camino Real)13,155               27,381                           753,000                In Progress 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BL‐U (College Blvd.)‐                     ‐                                 384,509                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BM (Cantarini/College Blvd. Box Culvert)‐                     ‐                                 204,077                2031‐35100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BQ (Sunny Creek)‐                     ‐                                 131,355                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA B ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY BR (Canatarini/College Blvd. Pipe Drainage)‐                     ‐                                 180,773                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA C ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY C1 (Carlsbad Blvd. Encinas Creek Bridge)‐                     163,018                         ‐                         In Progress 100%PLD AREA C ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY C2 (Paseo Del Norte)‐                     ‐                                 727,730                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA C ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY CA (Avenida Encinas)‐                     ‐                                 529,402                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA D ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY DBA (Poinsettia Village)‐                     ‐                                 167,215                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA D ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY DBB (Avenida Encinas)‐                     ‐                                 429,108                2031‐35100%PLD AREA D ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY DFA (Batiquitos Lagoon Stormwater Treatment)‐                     ‐                                 256,423                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA D ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY DH (Altiva Place Canyon Restoration)‐                     ‐                                 232,812                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA D ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY DQB (La Costa Town Square Center)‐                     ‐                                 745,842                2031‐35 100%PLD AREA D ‐ DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FACILITY DZ (Poinsettia Lane)‐                     ‐                                 642,063                2031‐35 100%DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN WETLAND CREATION30,107               855,756                         ‐                         In Progress 100%DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN UPDATE531,276             514,683                         ‐                         In Progress 100%5,901,105$       109,949$                     197,797$                     619,600$          5,589,252$      3,089,652$                   12,053,310$        Total:15,142,962$        Loans: NoneFee Per Gross Acre:Low RunoffMedium RunoffHigh Runoff   Area A ‐ Buena Vista Lagoon6,897$               13,715$                       29,887$                           Area B ‐ Agua Hedionda Lagoon2,578                 4,969                           11,170                             Area C ‐ Encinas Creek2,502                 3,540                           10,845                             Area D ‐ Batiquitos Lagoon2,373                 3,882                           10,283                          Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 12 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020TRAFFIC IMPACT FEESBEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST OTHER OTHER CAPITAL BALANCE APPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019COLLECTED EARNED REVENUE EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING ‐ SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD903$                      5,176,097$                         ‐$                          2021‐22 100%CARLSBAD BLVD. REALIGNMENT / PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (SEGMENT 2) ‐                             ‐                                       4,613,000$              2031‐35 25%CARLSBAD BOULEVARD WIDENING MOUNTAIN VIEW TO NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS ‐                             ‐                                       2,258,000$              2031‐35 25%CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE WIDENING ‐ PONTIAC DR. TO VICTORIA AVE.‐                             ‐                                       3,102,000$              2031‐35 100%EL CAMINO REAL AND CANNON ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS140,197                1,659,636                           700,000$                 In Progress 100%EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE DUAL LEFT TURNS‐                             ‐                                       1,132,000$              2026‐30100%EL CAMINO REAL LEFT TURN LANE TO WESTBOUND TAMARACK AVE.‐                             286,000                              ‐$                          In Progress 100%EL CAMINO REAL RIGHT TURN LANE TO EAST BOUND ALGA ROAD ‐                             ‐                                       438,000$                 2026‐30100%EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING ‐ ARENAL ROAD TO LA COSTA AVENUE9,169                     3,189,888                           1,800,000$              2021‐22 100%MELROSE DRIVE AND ALGA ROAD DUAL LEFT TURN LANES ‐                             ‐                                       1,237,000$              2031‐35 100%MELROSE DRIVE RIGHT TURN LANE TO WEST BOUND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD15,049                   450,319                              150,000$                 In Progress 100%PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. AND COLLEGE BLVD. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT17,364                   132,580                              500,000$                 In Progress 100%PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TURN LANE TO NORTH EL FUERTE STREET‐                             ‐                                       1,198,000$              2026‐30100%POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING ‐ PASEO DEL NORTE TO BATIQUITOS DR.‐                             ‐                                       1,039,000$              2031‐35 100%SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION ‐ VALLEY ST. AND MAGNOLIA AVE.12,504                   2,891,022                           ‐$                          In Progress 69%SIDEWALK/STREET CONSTRUCTION ‐ VARIOUS LOCATIONS126,280                2,598,650                           1,200,000$              Ongoing 100%TERRAMAR AREA COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS68,001                   4,769,924                           650,000$                 In Progress 55%TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE UPDATE92                          188,783                              ‐$                          In Progress 100%TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM239,465                222,445                              2,712,000$              Ongoing 100%20,747,185$       1,115,192$         809,545$    ‐$                    629,024$              22,042,899$    21,565,344$                       22,729,000$            Total: 44,294,344$            Loans:  Received a $2,857,238 loan from the CFD #1 Fund for the construction of several circulation element roadways.  Repayment is scheduled as fees are collected. Interest is not charged.     Current balance is $1,943,710.Fees:  $3,900per unit ‐ residential‐single family 3,120                                                                                                                                  per unit ‐ residential‐condominium2,340                                                                                                                                  per unit ‐ residential‐apartment156                                                                                                                                      per trip ‐ commercial/industrial Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 13 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020PUBLIC FACILITIES FEESBEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENTFY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTERESTOTHER CAPITAL BALANCEAPPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED REVENUE (1) EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:AVIARA COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS215,550$           272,813$                               ‐$                        In Progress 17%EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS‐                      213,719                                 ‐                           In Progress 33%LEO CARRILLO PARK ‐ PHASE 327,043               78,352                                    ‐                           Complete 55%COLE LIBRARY EXPANSION‐                      ‐                                          11,936,000            2031‐35 63%PINE AVENUE PARK ‐COMMUNITY FACILITY AND GARDEN AREAS30,357               730,588                                 ‐                           Complete 82%POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS797,641             84,913                                    ‐                           In Progress 100%POINSETTIA PARK ‐ PHASE IV113,976             959,143                                 990,300                  In Progress 100%ROBERTSON RANCH PARK DEVELOPMENT‐                      12,592,000            2022‐23 100%TERRAMAR AREA COASTAL IMPROVEMENTS‐                      917,106                                 2,450,000              2021‐22 100%VILLAGE H SOUTH OFF LEASH DOG AREA AND TRAIL SEGMENT 5B‐                                          1,247,800              2022‐23 100%FUTURE PROJECTS7,224,440              TBD 100%32,827,054$      2,390,200$            981,700$      67,881$            1,184,567$       35,082,268$     2,339,528$                            25,518,300$          Total:27,857,828$          (1) Consists of rental income received on city owned property.Loans: NoneFee: 3.50% of building permit value Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 14 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020PARKING IN LIEU FEE‐VILLAGE AREABEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTERESTBALANCEAPPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT LEASE PAYMENTS (1)47,547$            ‐$                                        1,201,155$               N/A100%1,062,402$         147,180$               39,120$       47,547$            1,201,155$      ‐$                                        1,201,155$               Total:1,201,155$               (1) The city currently leases parking lot areas from North County Transit District on an ongoing basis for village area parking.Loans:  NoneFee:    $11,240 per parking space            Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 15 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTFUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020HABITAT MITIGATION FEEBEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST BALANCE LOAN CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020 AT 06/30/2020DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:PAYMENT MADE ON GENERAL FUND LOAN1,115,129$       1,254,185$                            N/A100%(169,420)$           29,071$                  2,007$         1,115,129$       (1,253,470)$    1,254,185$                            Total:Loans:Received cash advances of a $759,028 and $1,104,114 from the General Fund for the purchase of habitat land in 2011 and 2020, respectively.      Repayment is scheduled as sufficient cash becomes available. Interest is charged annually on this loan at a rate equal to the average treasurer’s portfolio rate during      Current loan balance including accrued interest is $1,254,185.Fee:    35,155$     per impacted acre ‐ coastal sage scrub17,579       per impacted acre ‐ non‐native grassland3,516         per impacted acre ‐ agricultural land, disturbed land, eucalyptus woodDec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 16 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTFUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020AGRICULTURAL MITIGATION FEEBEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES INTEREST OTHERBALANCEAPPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED EARNED REVENUE (1) EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:COMMUNITY GRANTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS‐$                       66,818$                                 ‐$                           N/A100%FUTURE PROJECTS952,207                    TBD100%759,504$            ‐$                        31,969$       227,552$     ‐$                       1,019,025$      66,818$                                 952,207$                  Total:1,019,025$               (1) Other revenue relates to funds the city had awarded to another agency in prior years that was returned.Loans:  NoneFee:    $10,000 per acre            Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 17 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020MAJOR FACILITIES FEE FUNDS  (POTABLE/RECYCLED WATER)BEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEESMISC CAPITAL BALANCEAPPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED INTEREST REVENUE EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:COLLEGE BOULEVARD ‐ CANNON TO BADGER (375 ZONE)‐$                    1,059,817$                     35,000$                  In Progress 100%COLLEGE BOULEVARD ‐ CANNON TO BADGER (490 ZONE)‐                      1,090,000$                     370,000$                In Progress 100%DESALINATED WATER FLOW CONTROL FACILITY NO. 5‐                      807,865$                        8,200,000$             2021‐22 33%POINSETTIA LANE ‐ CASSIA TO SKIMMER4,934                  595,066$                         ‐$                         In Progress 100%RANCHO CARLSBAD GROUNDWATER SUPPLY‐                       ‐$                                 1,750,000$             2031‐3550%SAN LUIS REY MISSION BASIN GROUNDWATER SUPPLY‐                      77,500$                           8,500,000$             In Progress 50%WATER MODELING37,879                155,982$                        375,000$                2031‐35 100%FUTURE PROJECTS12,992,621             TBD100%33,863,308$   976,159$       1,212,197$   ‐$                    42,813$             36,008,851$     3,786,230$                     32,222,621$          Total36,008,851$          Loans: NoneFee:  $4,455  (5/8" Meter Size).  Fees vary depending on meter size.Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 18 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020SEWER BENEFIT AREA FUNDS  (516/517)BEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENT FY 2020‐21 AND ESTIMATEDBALANCE FEESOTHER OTHER CAPITAL BALANCE APPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED INTEREST REVENUE EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020 AT 06/30/2020 APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT(J,L)118,383$             ‐$                                 107,758$                  Complete 100%5,641,137$           721,228$     217,355$     ‐$             ‐$                      118,383$             6,461,338$   ‐$                                 107,758$                  Total:107,758$                  Loans: NoneFees:  1,224$        Area A769$            Area G1,394$        Area B1,119$         Area H2,568$        Area C2,112$         Area J2,573$        Area D1,669$         Area L3,795$        Area E82$              Area M3,815$        Area FNote: Areas I and K were merged into Area L.Dec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 19 of 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION REPORTCAPITAL FUNDS SUBJECT TO GOV. CODE SEC. 66006FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2020WASTEWATER CONNECTION FEE FUNDBEGINNINGENDING BALANCE OF CURRENTFY 2020‐21 ANDESTIMATEDBALANCE FEES OTHER OTHER CAPITAL BALANCE APPROPRIATIONS FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PERCENTAGE7/1/2019 COLLECTED INTERESTREVENUE (1) EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 6/30/2020AT 06/30/2020APPROPRIATIONS DATE PAID BY FEEProjects:BUENA INTERCEPTOR SEWER/MANHOLE REHABILITATION‐$                     550,000$                           ‐$                           In Progress 12%FARADAY/EL CAMINO REAL SEWER REPLACEMENT‐                       140,000                              296,000$                  In Progress 100%LAS PALMAS TRUNK SEWER‐                       556,000                              2,630,000$               2021‐22 100%SEWER MODELING30,978                 255,228                              350,000$                  2020‐35 100%SEWER CAPACITY MONITORING PROGRAM‐                       226,832                              433,000$                  In Progress 100%VISTA/CARLSBAD BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS (2)‐                       983,265                              3,221,000$               2026‐30 10%VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR ‐ AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION/FORCEMAIN (VC12‐VC13) (2)253,574              152,906                              50,000$                    In Progress 31%VISTA/CARLSBAD TRUNK LINE INTERCEPTOR (REACH 11B) (2)39,761                 19,610                                ‐$                           In Progress 31%VISTA/CARLSBAD TRUNK LINE INTERCEPTOR (REACH 13‐15) (2)567,416              10,355                                ‐$                           In Progress 44%VISTA/CARLSBAD TRUNK LINE INTERCEPTOR (REACH 3) (2)‐                       597,000                              2,092,000$               2023‐2410%4,676,313$       444,131$     305,195$         701,610$         ‐$                      891,729$            5,235,519$          3,491,196$                        9,072,000$               Total:12,563,196$            Loans: Received a $4,700,000 loan from the Wastewater Replacement Fund. Repayment is scheduled for 2025‐2034. Interest is not charged on this loan. This loan is not included in the ending balance above.(1) Includes the City of Vista's share of the joint capital projects.(2) These are joint projects with the City of Vista ‐ the percentage shown as paid by fee is Carlsbad's construction percentage of the total future appropriations. Non‐construction Carlsbad percentages are 35%.Fee:  $998 ‐ General Capacity Fee for all AreasDec. 15, 2020Item #3 Page 20 of 20