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1653 BRADY CIR; ; CBR2019-1244; Recycle
rcity of Carlsbad CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-59 Development Service Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Many of the materials generated from your project can be recycled. You are required to list materials that will be reused, recycled or disposed from your project. If you have questions about the recycling requirement or completing this form, please contact Waste Management at (760) 929-9400, a certified C&D recycler, or the Carlsbad Building Division at (760) 602-2700. Please note: Unless you are self-hauling. Waste Management or approved haulers must be used for all construction projects within the City of Carlsbad. PART 1 Complete and submit this form when applying for a Building Permit. Note: Permits will not be issued without a completed Construction Waste Management Plan. Applicant Information Permit No. Project Title Magnolia Project Address1657,1653,1649,1647,1639,1635,1631 Brady Circle, Carlsbad APN - Owner Contractor Architect Other Applicant Name Smith, Ten - Pebble Creek Companies J 0 c Last First Applicant Address 3802 Main Street, Ste 10, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone ( 619 ) 938-0312 E-mail Address teri@pebblecreekcompanies.com Applicant Mailing Address Same as above (if different than project address) Project Type Residential Commercial Public Building (check all that apply): 0 El El Brief Description New Construction of 7 Single Family Homes Project Size Estimated Cost of Project $ (square footage) Please check the appropriate box: 11 Industrial F1I plan on using WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bin(s) for all materials and will provide all receipts after construction. I plan on self-hauling to a certified recycling facility and will provide all receipts after construction. flThis is a proposed LEED certified project and I plan on separating materials on site in conjunction with WASTE MANAGEMENT. Acknowledgement: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided in and with this form pertains to construction and demolition debris generated only from the project listed in PART 1, that I have reviewed the accuracy of the information, and that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Print Name—Teri Smith Signature \.JL.A. (Yif-J Date Page 1 of 4 Rev. 11/12/18 PART 1 Complete, obtain signature, and submit this form when applying for a Building Permit. Note: Permits will (cont'd) not be issued without a completed Construction Waste Management Plan. DEBRIS RECYCLING ESTIMATE: ffIJI Permit No. Project Title Magnolia oject Address 1657,1653,1649,1647,1639,1635,1631 Brady Circle, Carlsbad, CA APN rApplicant Name Smith, Ten - Pebble Creek Companies Phone (619 ) 938-0312 Last First Complete the following table with estimated waste tonnage to be generated by your project. 7Thiss your plan for construction waste management. Changes can be made on the final recycle report. ___________ Goal: the diversion rate shall be 65% by weights of debris. A B C Material IT e a 'p Estimated Place a (1) check Place a (v') check next Place a (/) check next Waste Quantity next to items to be to items to be to items to be _______________ (tons) reused or salvaged recycled disposed at landfill Complete this line of the tob!e only If only using WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-off bins. Mixed C&D Debris 80.3 X Asphalt & Concrete 30 X Brick /Masonry/Tile N/A Mixed inert Debris Cabinets, Doors, Fixtures, Windows (circle all that apply) NIA Carpet N/A Carpet Padding / Foam N/A Cardboard N/A Ceiling Tile (acoustic) N/A Drywall (used, new, scrap) 27 X Landscape Debris (brush, trees, stumps, etc.) No dirt. N/A Unpainted Wood & Pallets 5 X Roofing Materials N/A Scrap Metal N/A Stucco N/A Other: TOTAL = 142.3 To meet 65% Diversion Requirement (estimate) 142 x 0.65 = 92.3 tons Total Estimated Waste from above Minimum Required Diversion Contractor/Owner Signature\ Date -(C1 Page Page 2 of 4 Rev. 11/12/18 PART 2 Complete before final Inspection, obtain WASTE MANAGEMENT signature, and return with receipts prior to final building approval. DEBRIS RECYCLING REPORT (ACTUAL): Acknowledgement I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information provided in and with this form pertains to construction and demolition debris generated only from the project listed in PART 1, that I have reviewed the accuracy of the information, and that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permit No. Print Name Address Date Use this Final Log below to track loads of materials as they leave the job site. ©©SAVE RECEIPTS©© Indicate FINAL quantities in tons for each material and save receipts and documents from facilities where material is taken. Additional Project Log pages are available ifnecessary. Use City Conversion Table to convert volume to tons. A B C Date Material Type Actual Amt Reused or Actual Amt Recycled Actual Amt Disposed in Destination Facility (Name, Address, Phone) Salvaged Landfill 01/05/2018 Concrete (broken) Exam Dle: 5 tons Palomar Transfer Station, 5960 El Camino Real —(760) 603-0153 ©TOTAL 2: 65% Diversion Rate Achieved = % :5 65%EJ Total of columns A + B Total of columns A + B + C DIVERSION Contractor/Owner Signature Date - Attach the following documentation to this Report: Return completed form and documentation to: Original recycling weight tickets, landfill weight tickets City of Carlsbad Original donation receipts with photos and/or itemized descriptions Building Division (1st Floor) Any other relevant information to support Recycling Report 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Page 3 of 4 Rev. 11/12118 Conversion Table for Common Construction Waste This document is informational only. It is here to help you convert truckload quantities to tons, if necessary. Column A Column B Column C Category Material Volume Tons/Unit Tons Mixed Debris Construction cy x 0.18 = Demolition cy x 1.19 = Asphalt/Concrete Asphalt (broken) cy x 0.70 = Concrete (broken) cy x 1.20 = Concrete (solid slab) cy x 1.30 = Brick/Masonry/Tile Brick (broken) cy x 0.70 = Brick (whole, palletized) cy x 1.51 = Masonry brick (broken) cy X 0.60 = Tile sq ft x 0.00175 = Building Materials (cabinets, doors, windows, etc.) cy x 0.15 = Cardboard (flat) cy x 0.05 = Carpet By square foot sq ft x 0.0005 = By cubic yard cy X 0.30 = Carpet Padding/Foam sq ft X 0.000125 = Ceiling Tiles Whole (palletized) cy x 0.0003 = Loose cy x 0.09 = Drywall (new or used) 1/2" (by square foot) sq ft X 0.0008 = 5/8" (by square foot) sq ft X 0.00105 = Demo/used (by cu. yd.) cy x 0.25 = Landscape Debris (brush, trees, etc.) cy x 0.15 = Asphalt Composition Shingles, asphalt Shingle cy x 0.22 = Unpainted Wood/Pallets By board foot bd ft x 0.001375 = By cubic yard cy X 0.15 = Trash/Garbage cy x 0.18 = Other (estimated weight) cy X estimate = cy x estimate = cy x estimate = cy X estimate = Total all Page 4 of 4 Rev. 11/12/18 iN ( of ity Carlsbad CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN B-59 qgILglopm Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.car!sbadca.gov Section 4.408.1 and Section 5.408.1 of the 2016 California Green Building Standards requires at least 65% of non-hazardous construction debris is recycled and/or salvaged for reuse. With the submitting of your application for a Building Permit or permit issuance, you must have completed a Construction W a s t e Management Plan (CWMP) demonstrating how you will recycle a minimum of 65% of the construction waste generated from your project. NOTICE: Applicant (contractor and subcontractors) shall comply with the project's CWMP. It is the Applicant's responsibilitv to _ collect all receipts from the facilities that recycle their materials AND all project waste/landfill disposal receipts. When working with the City's franchised hauler, Waste Management, one cumulative project receipt is acceptable. However, it is th e Applicant's responsibility to confirm that the bins are collected for C&D Recycling. This project shall generate the least amount of waste possible by planning and ordering carefully, following all proper storage and handling procedures to reduce broken and damaged materials, and reusing materials whenever possible. Waste Management Services can provide 2 roll-off bins, one for commingled construction debris and one for trash. The commingled construction roll-off bin will be taken to a Certified Mixed C&D Processing Facility to sort the material and create receipt(s), to demonstrate the project has met a 65% diversion rate or greater. Applicants with a goal of recycling greater than 65% of the project's total waste should work with, the City's exclusive franchised waste hauler, to develop a more specific CWMP. This plan may include using additional roll-off bins for particular phases of construction (e.g., concrete and wood waste) to ensure the highest waste diversion rate possible. Contractors/subcontractors hauling their own waste as part of their scope of work (e.g., construction clean up companies, etc.) SHALL NOT be excluded from complying with the CWMP and shall provide weight and waste diversion receipts from a Certified Source Separated Recycling Facility. For a current list of Certified Recycling Facilities go to http://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/recycling/cd/index.shtml. S. If contractors/subcontractors furnish their own debris boxes as part of their scope of work, they SHALL NOT be excluded from complying with the CWMP and shall provide weight and waste diversion receipts from a Certified Source Separated Recycling Facility. Part 1 - Before the Project Begins Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, Applicant must submit PART 1 of the Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP) Ta b l e . a. Submit completed and signed form to City with Building Permit application. Part 2— During and After the Prolect Prior to receiving inspection for final sign off of the Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy, Applicant must submit the fully completed and approved PART 2 of the Construction Waste Management Plan (CWMP) Table. Save all receipts and/or documents from reuse facilities, recycling centers, processing facilities, and landfills where materials were taken. Complete the Debris Recycling Report (DRR) as your project progresses. Recycling/diversion goals are (at a minimum) 65% of the waste generated by your project. Return completed form to: City of Carlsbad Building Division - 1635 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 or your inspector prior to requesting final inspection. Rev. 11/12/18