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1657 BRADY CIR; ; CBR2019-1249; Permit
Building Permit Finaled CCitY of C Residential Permit Print Date: 09/17/2020 Permit No: CBR2019-1249 Job Address: 1657 BRADY dR. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Status: Closed - Finaled Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Single Family Detached Parcel #: 2052210100 Track #: CT2018-0003 Applied: 05/20/2019 Valuation: $542,507.16 Lot #: 1 Issued: 11/04/2019 Occupancy Group: R3 / U Project #: DEV2018-0010 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: 1 Plan #: Bedrooms: 4 Construction Type:VB Bathrooms: 4.0 Orig. Plan Check #: Inspector: LStor Plan Check #: Final Inspection: 09/17/2020 Project Title: MAGNOLIA-BRADY Description: MAGNOLIA-BRADY: (LOT 1) 3,361 SF LIV 1/ 697 SF GARAGE II 144 SF CA ROOM 1/ 60 SF PATIO Applicant: TIM SEAMAN 14428 SPRINGVALE ST POWAY, CA 92064-5147 (619) 993-8846 FEE . AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) $2,166.00 BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) $1,512.00 ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL $96.00 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION $175.00 MECHANICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL $110.00 PLUMBING BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL $224.00 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES - outside CFD $18,987.75 5B1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE $22.00 SDCWA SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGE 5/8" Displacement $5,267.00 SEWER CONNECTION FEE (General Capacity all areas) $982.00 STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL $70.53 SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1 - Medium BLDG $246.00 SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1 -MEDIUM $55.00 TRAFFIC IMPACT Residential Single Fam. Outside CFD $3,820.00 WATER METER FEE 1" Displacement (P) $282.00 WATER SERVICE CONNECTION FEE 5/8" DISPLACEMENT (P) $4,385.00 WATER TREATMENT CAPACITY CHARGE 5/8" Displacement $146.00 Total Fees: $38,546.28 Total Payments To Date: $38,546.28 Balance Due: $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. - You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 760-602-2700 1 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov 4 u 4y Of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-I Plan Check R2O k124° Est. Value 54O 243 PC Deposit Date Job Address _I(P 57 Suite: APN: — CT/Project It: (LT20 I B 0CC)3 Lot #:' 1.-' Fire Sprinklers: no Air Conditioning: e no BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: bf N\ \'\ or ir Addition/New: '?i1c Living SF, lk SF, cot) Patio SF, (D1 Garage SF Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? -- New Fireplace? No, if yes how many? 0 Remodel: SF of affected area Is the area a thnversion or change of use? Yes/ No D Pool/Spa: SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? C] Solar: KW, ______ Modules, Mounted: Roof / Ground, Tilt: Yes I No, RMA: Yes / No, Battery: Yes! No Panel Upgrade: Yes! No 0 Reroof: C3 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: APPLICANT (PRIMARY CONTACT) PROPERTY OWNER Name: _t.w's S Name: _ecMc Address:) )O'< gcIL Address:__________________________ City: C){\A° \h State: dr Zip: °\ City: L<ó0 State: 0 Zip: (o°t Phone:(\°' k Phone: - M Email: v( _0 __ So co"" Email:_______________________________ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: ''s\ Os Name: _(A AI\ Address: 'SO e>\ S'4t Address:) '40?r *G¼v... ( • * City: Scc State: Zip: 1 US City: >i&o '1 -'- State: _CA Zip:C\, \ ck.c b Phone: :50 - O(ob 1 Phone: CoA — 't'S Email: Email: Architect State Ucense:____________________ State License:Mh Vb D\Bus License: LC) 't1\ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, de m o l i s h o r r e p a i r a n y s t r u c t u r e , p r i o r t o i t s Issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he/she Is licensed pursuant to the provisio n s o f t h e c o n t r a c t o r s L i c e n s e L a w (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he/she Is exempt therefrom, and the b a s i s f o r t h e a l l e g e d exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: BuiIdingcarlsbadca.gov B-I Page 1 of 2 Rev. 06/18 (OPTION A): WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hearby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit is issued. ...QA.have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performarce of the work for which this permit isj,ssued. itçf workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Coipany Name: k'._(o.x*4 'c'.5 Policy No. 0 L.\ "i) S g- •\ Expiration Date: \l) \X \ ' 0 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to be come subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failu e to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, indition the tot cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. f/I CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: GENT DATE: I (OPTION 13 ): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that lam exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as own& of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that .such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 Yes 0 No I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): S. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): OWNER SIGNATURE: DAGENT DATE: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: ONLY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 Yes 0 No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 Yes 0 No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 Yes 0 No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned propertyfor inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINSTALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINSTSAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT.OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5,0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under tP ions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 dayrom the date permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180A5ys (5ecti004c Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: BuiIdingLCarIsbadCa.gov B-i Page 2 of 2 Rev. 06/18 4/ RESIDENTIAL (City of BUILDING PERMIT Plan Check Est. Value Cd_lsbad APPLICATION PC Deposit B-I Date Job Address Suite: APN: CT/Project #: Lot #: Fire Sprinklers: yes / no Air Conditioning: yes / no BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: D Addition/New: ____Living SF, Deck SF, Patio SF, Garage SF Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? Yes / No New Fireplace? Yes / No, if yes how many? LI Remodel: SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? Yes / No LI Pool/Spa: SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? El Solar: KW, _____ Modules, Mounted: Roof/Ground, Tilt: Yes! No, RMA: Yes/ No, Battery: Yes! No Panel Upgrade: Yes/ No LJ Reroof: 0 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: 0 Other: APPLICANT (PRIMARY CONTACT) PROPERTY OWNER Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUSINESS Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: Architect State License: State License: Bus. License:________________ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he/she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he/she is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Buildingcarlsbadca.gov B-I Page 1 of 2 Rev. 06/18 Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 05/20/2019 Owner: Work Class: Single Family Detached Issue Date: 11/04/2019 Subdivision: Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: 09/01/2020 Address: 1657 BRADY CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 IVR Number: 19184 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready, complete all trades No BLDG-14 See card for minor pick up. Yes Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout Includes shower pan. Yes BLDG-34 Rough Electrical Yes BLDG-44 Yes Rough-Ducts-Dampers 03/02/2020 03/02/2020 BLDG-IS Insulation 120923-2020 Passed Michael Collins complete Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 03/05/2020 03/05/2020 BLDG-17 Interior 121514.2020 Partial Pass Michael Collins Reinspection incomplete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency All except garage. Yes 03/12/2020 03/12/2020 BLDG-IS Exterior 122064.2020 Cancelled Tony Alvarado Reinspection Incomplete Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency March 12, 2020— exterior liath scope of No work not ready. 04/29/2020 04/29/2020 BLDG-Electric Meter 126014-2020 Passed Michael Collins compiete Release Checklist Item -COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency EMR emailed to SDGE Yes 09/17/2020 09/17/2020 BLDG-Final Inspection I38504-2020 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Checklist Item COMMENTS . Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final - Yes 'I Thursday, September 17, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled Croocity of Carlsbad Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 05/20/2019 Owner: Work Class: Single Family Detached Issue Date: 11/04/2019 Subdivision: Status: Closed - Finaled Expiration Date: IVR Number: 09/01/2020 19184 Address: 1657 BRADY CIR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Status 11/1912019 11/19/2019 BLDG-21 111118.2019 Passed Luke Storno Complete Underground/Underflo or Plumbing Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 1112612019 11126/2019 BLDG-11 112080-2019 Cancelled Paul Burnette Reinspection Incomplete FoundationlFtg/Plers (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 12/02/2019 1210212019 BLDG-11 112343.2019 Failed Paul York Reinspection Incomplete Foundation/Ftg/Piers (Rebar) - Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency No 12/03/2019 12/0312019 BLDG-11 112546-2019 Passed Paul Burnette Complete Foundation/Ftg/Piers (Rebar) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 01/0312020 01103/2020 BLDG-14 115229.2020 Passed Luke Storno Complete FramelSteel/BoltinglWe Iding (Decks) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Floor sheathing No 01127/2020 01/27/2020 BLDG-15 Roof/ReRoof 117529-2020 Passed Paul York Complete (Patio) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes 02/24/2020 02/24/2020 BLDG-84 Rough 120140-2020 Failed Michael Collins Reinspection incomplete Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS Passed BLDG-Building Deficiency Not ready, complete all trades No 02/26/2020 02126I2020 BLDG-84 Rough 120521-2020 Passed Michael Collins Complete Combo(14,24,34,44) Thursday, September 17, 2020 Page 1 of 2 December 2, 2019 City of Carlsbad Development Services Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA RE: Building Setback Verification Letter 1657 Brady Circle (Lot 1), Carlsbad, CA APN 205-221-01 To Whom It May Concern: Coastal Land Solutions, Inc. performed a land survey of the site on November 25, 2019. During our site visit, we verified that the building forms for the proposed structure were within the setback lines as depicted on the architectural plan 2A. The original building layout that was surveyed by this office was based upon the architectural plans prepared by William Hezmalhalch Architects dated May 14, 2019 and Precise Grading Plans, sheet 4 of 6 - City of Carlsbad Drawing # 515-3A for Project No. CT 2018-0003. Closest Measured Distance to Boundary Line Plan Dimension South Side 6.27' 6.18' SYSB North Side 6.61' 6.18' SYSB East Side 48.61' 12.36' RYSB West Side 32.98' 20.00' FYSB If you should have any questions in reference to the information listed above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. FA MR... mau VA Robert C. Ladwig L.S. 3189 President Ladwig Design Group, Inc. P.O. Box 2258 Carlsbad, CA 92018 Ph: (760) 438-3182 Fax (760) 438-0173 :maffDt àca6j (-. RECEIVED City (41TY 'I..SBAD Carisb&t OCT 3 ! 2019 PAD CERTIFICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT M&j DIV PROJECT INSPECTOR: U..Q. .fr.€.. DATE: ioj , t fti PROJECT ID - GRADING PERMIT NO.R2tOO'1i LOT(S) REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: t N/A = NOT APPLICABLE • V COMPLETE •O = Incomplete or unacceptable 1." 1. As-Built (Redline) are up to date and available onsite for reference, 2. All daily geotechnical observation reports compaction reports and lettersfromgeotechnical engineer submitted, including: pads, retaining walls, utilitytrenches, slopes, paved access roads and parkinglots. Site security and fencing installed for separation of construction activity from. public. Letter from EOWdocumenting that-the-finished pad elevations match the plan elevations for specific lot(s). Letter from the project QSDcertifying that all construction related BMPs•are installed in accordance with City of Carlsbad Storm Water-Standards. Site access:to requested lot(4)adequate and .Iogically:grouped, including a designated staging area for bullding:phase of work. All onsite underground utilities installed and ready for service. -8. :identification and protection of city sewerinfrastructure is implemented, including manhole protection,. false bottoms and sediment traps. Permanentfrempgrary Fire Access Plan approved by Fire Department. representative, and Implemented onsite. Z Ei 10. Letter from Owner/Dev requesting pad certification of the specific lot(s) with 81AItx 11" site plan. - Pad certification for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subjectto all city requirements. he above:stated lots are. conditionally approved for a building permit torinstall retaining walls required r pad certification only. The above stated lots are conditionally approved for a build Ing permit to install foundations only. 4.114 t ,t 1tc. Project lhspector Date Municipal ff0jeas Manag Date Public Works construction Management & Inspection 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 760-602-2790 1 760-438-4178 fax Field Report Daily report 'H SCST. LLC - Riverside LEA 262, Exp. 02125/2022 1130 Palmyrita Ave., Suite 330a Riverside, CA 92507 Phone: (877) 215-4321 Client: Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. Blank Blank, Blank Blank PrOec: Pending Project Number Pending Project Number See Notes See Notes, CA Report Number: 140 Technician: Estifanos, Aklilu Certification: ICC5276085 Date: 11/26/2019 Authority Having Jurisdiction: Other Other Jurisdiction: City of Carlsbad Permit Number: CBR20I9-1249 and CBR20I9-1244 Architect: Wi-IA Engineer: SWANSON & ASSOCIATES Contractor: FOUR tomen Start Time 07:00 End Time: 11:00 Time (Hours): 4.00 Location Details: Lots I and 2 Service Being Performed: Special Inspection Type of Inspection: Other Other Type of Inspection: Post tension pre- inspection Inspection Frequency Is: Periodic Work Identified Within This Report Was Conducted: During my Time on Site Material Classification: A615 grade 60 reinforcement bars,tendons are A-416/270k,1/2u 7wire strand Details- Arrived on site at the request of the client to perform pre-inspection of post tension sla on grade and foundation. Verified the grade,type,size and clearance of the reinforcement bars placed at the slab on grade and foundation at lots 1 and 2,as per plans 2A and 1A. Verified the type ,count.spacing , positioning and clearance of the tendons placed at the slab on grade and foundation at lots I and 2,as per plans 2A and IA. Caption: Post tension tendons and reinforcement bars placed at lot 1. Status of Work Element Work Element Inspection Completed, In Accordance with Approved Documents. Discrepancy: No cc: Project Architect; Page 1 of I Structural Engineer Project Inspector, DSA Regional Office (If Applicable); .,.-. . _4 • --.t -., S.! . S / GEOCON Vol) FOUNDATION OBSERVATION REPORT PROJECT NAME: bCftt)LtA • 89 LA PROJECT NO. c ?22 LOCATION: WE, I AGENCY PROJECT PROJECT NO: APPROVAL / PERMIT NOS: I. FOUNDATION TYPE: 0 CONVENTIONAL POST-TENSIONED DATE Lzlt/z 0 ADDITIONAL OBSERVATION REQUIRED )..SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE PURPOSE OF OBSERVATION L. Check soil conditions exposed are similar to those expected - ILCheck footing excavations extend to minimum depth recommended in soil report D Check footings have been extended to an appropriate bearing strata 0 Other APPLICABLE SOIL REPORT: TITLE: -V;wal 9orr-rt C) C$~5, -b.Lkr IF mJCM)L-1f Avir. ('iPfJf DATE: '°! 12 SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON: Expansion Condition ,,l Very Low (0-20) 0 Low (21-50) 0 Medium (51-90) 0 High (91-130) 0 Very High (>130) (5I Fill Geometry Qtr JD&=. - DOther: MINIMUM FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS: Footing Depth: L 12 Inches 0 18 Inches 0 24 Inches OTHER: Footing Reinforcement: 0 No.4 T&B 0 2-Nó.4 T&B 0 2-No.5 T&B Post-Tensioned OTHER:. Interior Slab Reinforcement: 0 6x6-10/10 0 6x6-6/6 0 No.3@24 Inches 0 N0.3@18 Inches.- DPcst-Tensioned FOUNDATION CATEGORY- 0 NA .. )1j -: DII . DIII .- I OBSERVATIONS: . . Substantial conformance with Soil Report. IR...Substantial conformance with Foundation Plans. Identify: I - ui2.. Cm :-'. ç'it) t•'T I Cn - DOther •- COMMENTS: t'% irtJ flV ji m., rn-r-i I vrt t uii cit Tt V -' ' . 1 t 5 •:-. - - NOTE: FOOTING EXCAVATIONS SHOULD BE CLEANED OF LOOSE MATERIAL PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE AND THE SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. FIELD COPIES COPIES TO. U '-1GEOCON REPRNTIE -. S Field Report SCST, LLC - San Diego Client: Project: LEA: 47, Exp: 04/25/2021 6280 Riverdale St. Pebble Creek Companies 190318N San Diego, CA 92120 301 West 28th Street, Suite A Magnolia-Brady CMT - Pebble Creek Companies Phone: (619) 280-4321 National City, CA 91950 Brady Circle Fax: (619) 280-4717 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Report Number: 8 Technician: Rosete, Edwin Certification: ICC #8325989 Date: 01/21/2020 Authority Having Jurisdiction: Other Other Jurisdiction: City of Carlsbad Permit Number: CBR20I9- Architect: WHA Engineer: Swanson & Associates Contractor: JD Reinforcing, Four Corners, BSA. Start Time 07:00 End Time: 15:30 Time (Hours): 8.00 Location Details: Lots #1 thru V. Service Being Performed: Special Inspection Type of Inspection: Prestressed Concrete / Structural Wood Inspection Frequency Is: Periodic Work Identified Within This Report Was Conducted: During my Time on Site Prestressed Concrete Report Type: Stressing of Tendons The Following Components are Covered in This Report: Wood Shear Walls / Anchor Bolts Fastener Type: Nail Components Identified Were Installed in Accordance With the Contract Documents: Yes Details: Lot #5: - Inspected the stressing of (1) PT cable (a replacing cable #12 from a previously broken cable). Cable is 35' long, stressed to 5,600 psi of gauge pressure. The elongation was measured .2 3/4". Stressing wa=rmed by JD Reinforcing. The jack and ram is 2008-023, with calibration date of 11/18/2019. Lots #1 thru #7: - Inspected the installation of 5/8 diameter anchor bolts of sill plates of shear walls at the building foundations. Work was done by Jorge of Four Corners. Holes were pre-drilled. Ensured holes were of adequate depths. Holes were compressed air-blown to ensure for cleanliness and good bond. Simpson Set-3G was used as adhesives with expiration date of 07/11/21. (100) anchor bolts were installed including approximately 20 percent on non-shear walls. Work was in compliance with the cut-sheet CS-01 (from Post-Tension Engineering of Record - Typical retrofit detail for hold-downs and anchor bolts). Note: numerous anchor bolts and hold-downs were still missing. Notified Superintendent Rick Rizek of the matter. - Inspected nailing only of all shear walls that are mainly types 4 and 5, and (1) type 6 at the 1-story type building. All nailing were completed and in compliance with the shear wall schedule. Nailing was performed'by BSA. cc: Project Architect; . Page 1 of 3 Structural Engineer; Project Inspector; . DSA Regional Office (If Applicable); Caption: Added/installed 5/8 anchor bolt, typical. Caption: Missing anchor bolt on end of shear wall. Also, marked in orange shall be square washer. ON Field Report Im 11 SCST, LLC -San Diego Client: Project: LEA: 47, Exp: 04/25/2021 6280 Riverdale St. Pebble Creek Companies 190318N San Diego, CA 92120 301 West 28th Street, Suite A Magnolia-Brady CMT- Pebble Creek Companies Phone: (619) 280-4321 National City, CA 91950 Brady Circle Fax: (619) 280-4717 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Caption: Stressed (1) replacing PT cable. Caption: Ensuring holes were cleaned. cc: Project Architect;. Page 2 of 3 Structural Engineer; Project Inspector; DSA Regional Office (If Applicable); Field Report. SCST, LLC - San Diego LEA: 47, Exp: 04/25/2021 6280 Riverdale St. San Diego, CA 92120 Phone: (619) 280-4321 Fax: (619) 280-4717 Client: Pebble Creek Companies 301 West 28th Street, Suite A National City, CA 91950 Project: 190318N Magnolia-Brady CMI - Pebble Creek Companies Brady Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Caption: Showing exterior shear walls of the 2-story building, typical. Status of Work Element: Work Element Inspected Pending Completion. Discrepancy: No cc: Project Architect; Page 3 of 3 Structural Engineer; . Project Inspector; DSA Regional Office (If Applicable); DUUL - L111AT1 - - $NG Ffl!sLi - -- AL rf_ r - - I CB R20i 1 4$ NSECTJON .jECQRI IYTT .... tru $2OrAWL 0 1249 r,4 ir F _I ItQkD •- F-..( r'rej _____________ _I7TIIYZPPMI: ir _flhIrVt rut. _____ To (city ol Carlsbad SPECIAL INSPECTION AGREEMENT B-45 Develovment Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov In accordance with Chapter 17 of the California Building Code the foil ,mtl bM6óinI4ted when work being performed requires special inspection, structural observation and construction material testln OCT 15 Z19 Project/Permit: Project Address: 1 4VnJ4) Carlsbad, CA 92008 BUILDING DIVISION THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT. Please check if you are Owner-Builder 0. (If you checked as owner-builder you must also complete Section B of this agreement.) Name: (Please print) Taylor D - Ashton (First) (MI.) (Last) Mailing Address: 30 Via Latigo, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Email: Taylorashton3.com Phone: 949-584-2041 I am: ftfroperty Owner OProperty Owner's Agent of Record DArchitect of Record oEngineer of Record State of California Registration Number: Expiration Date:____________________ AGREEMENT: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that I have read, understand, acknowledge and promise to comply with the City of Carlsbad requirements for special inspections, structural observations, construction materials testing and off-site fabrication of building components, as prescribed in the statement of special inspections noted op th2 approved plans and, as required by the California Building Code. Date: 10/11/2019 CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY (07 CBC, Ch 17, Section 1706). This section must be completed by the contractor I builder / owner-builder. Contractor's Company Name: Pebble Creek Companies Please check if you are Owner-Builder 0 Name: (Please print) Gary L. Arnold (First) (MI.) (Last) Mailing Address: 3802 Main Street, Suite 10, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Email: gary@pebbiecreekcompanies.com Phone: 619 0938-0312 State of California Contractor's License Number. 931309 Expiration Date: 04/30/2021 I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans; I acknowledge that control will be exercised to obtain conformance with the construction documents approved by the building official; I will have in-place procedures for exercising control within our (the contractor's) organization, for the method and frequency of reporting and the distribution of the reports; and I certify that I will have a qualified person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise such control. I will provide a final report / letter in comoilance with CBC Section 1704.1.2 prior to requesting final Date: OCT Z B-45 Page 1 of I Rev. 08/11 EsGil A SAFEbuIttCernpany DATE: 10/22/2019 U APPLICANT U JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: CBR2019-1249 SET: IV PROJECT ADDRESS: 1657 Brady Circle PROJECT NAME: Custom SFR with Attached Garage for Magnolia A3, LLC E1 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. E The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Tim Seaman EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Tim Seaman Telephone #: 619 993-8846 Date contacted: (by: 5A) Email: tim@bhpsonline.com Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: Note to City: pprpedetJV. By: Ryan Murphy (for T.F.) Enclosures: EsGil 10/17/2019 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsG11 A SAfEbulir Company DATE: 9/27/19 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad U APPLICANT U JURIS. PLAN CHECK #.:292 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1657 Brady Circle III PROJECT NAME: Custom SFR with Attached Garage for Magnolia A3, LLC The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. El The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Tim Seaman EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Tim Seaman Telephone #: 619 993-8846 D •C¼\ (by-TG Email: timbhpsonline.com CRE il TeIbpqe Fax In Person LI M By: Tamara Fischer Enclosures: EsGil 9/19/19 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 9/27/19 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. 9/27/19: The notes in bold, underlined font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil is complete. GENERAL A. 9/27/19: Please remove trusses from deferred submittal list as the truss designs were submitted. FOUNDATION 9. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (as required by the soil report). Also, in the letter (or a separate one) have the soil engineer comment on the lack of steel in the bottom of perimeter footings and interior stiffener beams, as section 7.8.7 of the soil report recommends this. 9/27/19: The requested letter(s) was/were not received. Please include with the next submittal, as this is one of the main items holding up approval by Esgil. CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 9/27/19 11. Where expansive or collapsible soils are known to exist, show on the plans a controlled method of water disposal from roofs that will collect and discharge roof drainage to the ground surface at least 5' from the foundation. Section R801.3. 9/27/19: I do not see where it is shown on the Civil plans that roof drainage will be discharged at least 5' from the foundation, as indicated on the response. Please point out where this is shown on the next submittal. STRUCTURAL 20. Please complete the Carlsbad Special Inspection form, available at httD://www.carlsbadca.iov/civicx/fiIebank/blobdload.aspx?Blobl D251 07 9/27/19: The completed form was not received. It will need to be included with the next submittal or presented to the City at permit issuance. B. 9/27/19: Some of the truss calculations are using a top chord dead load of 10 psf which does not match the structural calculations (and the roof covering is tile). PME 24. Show that kitchen and laundry outlets are AFCI protected (in addition to GFCI). NEC 210.12(A). I see the note referencing the code section, but these rooms need to be specifically called out or the information added to the legend (as it is for rooms without GFCI). 9/27/19: Response stated that the legend was updated on sheet A2.2.1 & A2.2.2. Please see the clouded note at the legend. I believe there is a typo, as it does not mention AFCI. CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 29. Please complete the City of Carlsbad form for Construction Waste Management. Available at https://www.carlsbadca .qov/civicax/filebank/blobdload .aspx?BloblD=34404. The completed estimate portion of the form was not received. 9/27/19: The completed estimate portion of the form was not received. It will need to be included with the next submittal or presented to the City at permit issuance. CONTINUED P Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 9/27/19 MISCELLANEOUS To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Please answer the question below and list any changes not due to our corrections since the original submittal. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes L3 NoD The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil, located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Tamara Fischer at EsGil. Thank you. EsGil A SAFEbuittCompny DATE: 8/26/19 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: CB9201194249 TII1 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1657 Brady Circle U APPLICANT U JURIS. PROJECT NAME: Custom SFR with Attached Garage for Magnolia A3, LLC EJ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. El The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. EJ The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. El The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Tim Seaman LI EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Tim Seaman Telephone #: 619 993-8846 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: tim@bhpsonline.com Mail Telephone Fax In Person LI REMARKS: By: Tamara Fischer Enclosures: EsGil 8/15/19 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 8/26/19 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil is complete. FOUNDATION IMPORTANT NOTE: PER MY CONVERSATION WITH THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, THE POST-TENSIONED SLAB DESIGN CANNOT BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL. ORIGINAL CORRECTIONS 7-11 BELOW MUST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. Please remove post tensioned slab plans which do not apply to this permit. Also, final Post Tensioned Slab Plans will need to have the "Not for Construction" notes remove. Please provide a copy of the Post tensioned Slab calculations for review with the next submittal. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (as required by the soil report). Also, in the letter (or a separate one) have the soil engineer comment on the lack of steel in the bottom of perimeter footings and interior stiffener beams, as section 7.8.7 of the soil report recommends this. CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR2019- 1249 8/26/19 Show on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern. The grade shall fall a minimum of 6" within the first 10 feet. 2% of for impervious areas only. Civil plans do not show compliance in some areas. Section R401.3. Where expansive or collapsible soils are known to exist, show on the plans a controlled method of water disposal from roofs that will collect and discharge roof drainage to the ground surface at least 5' from the foundation. Section R801.3. STRUCTURAL Please provide structural connection details which match the architectural details for each condition of guardrail. Show capability to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in any direction along the top rail per Table R301.5. Calculations may be required. (I see the calculation on page 9.1, but it does not match the architectural plans). I see that new details and calculations were provided, but the railings are now listed as a deferred submittal. Please clarify. 20. Please complete the Carlsbad Special Inspection form, available at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicx/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BloblD251 07 The completed form was not received. 22. Provide electrical service load calculations (including EVSE capability). Show on the plan the location of any sub-panels. If the service is over 200 amperes, submit a single line diagram and panel schedules. Response was "Addressed by electrical subcontractor." I did not receive any separate electrical responses. Please provide the requested information. 24. Show that kitchen and laundry outlets are AFCl protected (in addition to GFCI). NEC 210.12(A). I see the note referencing the code section, but these rooms need to be specifically called out or the information added to the legend (as it is for rooms without GFCI). CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 8/26/19 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 29. Please complete the City of Carlsbad form for Construction Waste Management. Available at https://www. carlsbadca.qov/civicax/filebank/blobd load .aspx?Blobl 0=34404. The completed estimate portion of the form was not received. Please remove, cross out, or identify as N/A the CFI-Rs on Title 24 sheets which do not apply to this permit. Response was: "To be addressed by the Title 24 Engineer." I did not receive separate T24 responses and the requested change was not made. Provide the following design requirements for gas water heaters installed to serve individual dwelling units: ES 150.0(n) a) A complete gas piping sizing design based upon a minimum input of 200,000 btu/hr for each water heater. The gas design could not be located. Please provide it. 35. Residential ventilation requirements: ES 150.0(o)/ASHRAE 62.2 Please specify minimum 71 CFM for whole building ventilation fan (per energy design) and a maximum noise rating of I Sone. Please specify maximum noise rating of 3 Sone for bathroom fans and kitchen range hood. I did not receive separate T24 responses MISCELLANEOUS To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Please answer the question below and list any changes not due to our corrections since the original submittal. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes L3 No The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil, located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Tamara Fischer at EsGil. Thank you. V EsGil A SAFEbuiRCampany DATE: 6/5/19 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: 6B1k2019-i249., SETk, PROJECT ADDRESS: 1657 Brady Circle O APPLICANT 0 JURIS. PROJECT NAME: Custom SFR with Attached Garage and Guest Suite for Magnolia A3, LLC The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. LI The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. Lii The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Tim Seaman LI EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Tim Seaman Telephone #: 619 993-8846 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: tim@bhpsonline.com Mail Telephone Fax In Person LI REMARKS: By: Tamara Fischer Enclosures: EsGil 5/21/19 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 Carlsbad CBR2019- 1249 6/5/19 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK #.: CBR2019-1249 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1657 Brady Circle FLOOR AREA: 2836 sq ft SFR 525 sq ft Guest Suite, 697 sq ft Gar 204 sq ft Coy Porches REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 6/5/19 STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: 24' approx. per CRC DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 5/21/19 PLAN REVIEWER: Tamara Fischer FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Residential Code, International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that construction comply with the 2016 edition of the California Code of Regulations (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2015 IRC, 2015 IBC, 2015 UPC, 2015 UMC and 2014 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2015 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 615/19 (DO NOT PAY— THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK #.: CBR2019-1249 PREPARED BY: Tamara Fischer DATE: 6/5/19 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1657 Brady Circle BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3 / U BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) SFR 2836 141.76 402,031 Guest Suite 525 141.76 74,424 Gar 697 36.98 25,775 Coy Porch 204 12.33 2,515 Prefab FP 1 3,373.05 3,373 Air Conditioning 2836 5.31 $15,059 Air Conditioning 525 5.31 2,788 Fire Sprinklers 3533 4.01 14,167 Fire Sprinklers 525 4.01 2,105 TOTAL VALUE 542,238 Jurisdiction Code 1Gb IBy Ordinance 1997 UBC Building Permit Fee W I I 1997 UBC Plan Check Fee vi Type of Review: EZI Complete Review 11 Structural Only El Other El Repetitive Fee Repeats El Hourly EsGil Fee $140.811 Comments:Same floorplan as PC2019-0043 Repetitive Fee..= IQ% o.f City plan check fee 1.P%(1408.07 Sheet 1 of 1 Carlsbad CBR2019- 1249 6/5/19 Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring TWO corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil is complete. GENERAL All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). 2. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittal (trusses (if deferred), fire sprinklers, etc.). Additionally, provide the following note on the plans: "Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the registered design professional in responsible charge, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official." Please show that smoke alarm in suite living is minimum 3' away from the tip of ceiling fan blade. Section R314. As shown, the guest suite is not a dwelling unit since it does not contain a cooking appliance. Please provide a note on the plans that no cooking appliances will be installed. If a cooking appliance is to be installed, the building will be considered a duplex for purposes of building code compliance, requiring one-hour rated wall, ceiling and ceiling supporting elements separating the dwelling units, etc. CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR2019- 1249 615/19 Please revise floor plan keynote 445 to reference the correct detail(s). I see two details, (E&FI D5.1), one for a 34-38" guard along the stair and one for the 42" guard along the loft. Please clarify the keynote. Also, detail FID5.1 (42" guardrail) states the measurement is from the tread nosing. Please correct. Please check the left side of the upper roof line at left elevation, sheet 2.4.2. FOUNDATION Please remove post tensioned slab plans which do not apply to this permit. Also, final Post Tensioned Slab Plans will need to have the "Not for Construction" notes remove. Please provide a copy of the Post tensioned Slab calculations for review with the next submittal. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (as required by the soil report). Also, in the letter (or a separate one) have the soil engineer comment on the lack of steel in the bottom of perimeter footings and interior stiffener beams, as section 7.8.7 of the soil report recommends this. Show on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern. The grade shall fall a minimum of 6" within the first 10 feet. 2% of for impervious areas only. Civil plans do not show compliance in some areas. Section R401.3. Where expansive or collapsible soils are known to exist, show on the plans a controlled method of water disposal from roofs that will collect and discharge roof drainage to the ground surface at least 5' from the foundation. Section R801.3. STRUCTURAL Please provide structural connection details which match the architectural details for each condition of guardrail. Show capability to resist a concentrated load of 200 pounds in any direction along the top rail per Table R301.5. Calculations may be required. (I see the calculation on page 9.1, but it does not match the architectural plans). CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR20 19-1249 615/19 13. Please show and call out stair and landing framing on the framing plan. 14. Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project. Specify truss identification numbers on the plans. (Unless they are to be a deferred submittal). Truss- to- truss connection hardware must be shown on structural plans or truss layout. Attic FAU should be considered in truss design. 15. Please provide evidence that the engineer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i.e., a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or letter). CBC Section 16. Please show the double studs and posts shown on roof framing plan carrying down to foundation where not supported by a beam. 17. Please provide calculations for cantilevered 1-joists supporting bearing wall above. 18. There is no hold down at one end of the shear wall at grid 3, lower level. 19. Please justify detail 32/S5 for shear transfer at grid 5. 20. Please complete the Carlsbad Special Inspection form, available at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/civicx/filebanklblobdload .aspx?Blobl D251 07 PME 21. Please complete the detail reference at floor plan keynote 322 for attic FAU. 22. Provide electrical service load calculations (including EVSE capability). Show on the plan the location of any sub-panels. If the service is over 200 amperes, submit a single line diagram and panel schedules. 23. Please provide additional receptacle outlets in suite living room and main house living room to comply with CEC Article 210.52 (Maximum 6' from wall ends and door openings, Maximum spacing of 12' o.c). 24. Show that kitchen and laundry outlets are AFCI protected (in addition to GFCI). NEC 210.12(A). 25. Per CEC Article 210.11(C)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either: A 20-ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets. 26. Please specify that the tankless water heater in the garage will be mounted to be above the path of vehicles. CPC Section 507.13. CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR2019- 1249 6/5/19 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE AND ENERGY CONSERVATION Please revise California Green Code notes to indicate maximum 1.8 GPM for showers per current requirements. Note on the plans that prior to final inspection the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge of the overall construction must provide to the building department official written verification that all applicable provisions from the Green Building Standards Code have been implemented as part of the construction. CGC 102.3. Please complete the City of Carlsbad form for Construction Waste Management. Available at https:IIwww. carlsbadca. qov/civicax/filebank/blobd load .aspx?Blobl D34404. Per City Ordinance, the EVSE ready space shall have the following: Panel capability, 40A 2 pole breaker, 1" raceway, No. 8 conductors installed to the anticipated charger location. Please remove, cross out, or identify as N/A the CF1-Rs on Title 24 sheets which do not apply to this permit. Provide the following design requirements for gas water heaters installed to serve individual dwelling units: ES 150.0(n) a) A complete gas piping sizing design based upon a minimum input of 200,000 btu/hr for each water heater. All domestic hot water piping to have the following minimum insulation installed: %" pipe (1/2" insulation); 3/4" pipe (1" insulation); 1" to 1-1A" pipe (1-%" insulation). CPC 609.11 & ES 150.00). Additionally, the %" hot water pipe to the kitchen sink, and the cold water pipe within 5' of the water heater both require 1" minimum insulation. ES 150.00). Below grade hot water piping is required to be installed in a waterproof and non- crushable sleeve or casing that allows for replacement of both the piping and insulation. Residential ventilation requirements: ES I 50.0(o)/ASHRAE 62.2 Please specify minimum 71 GEM for whole building ventilation fan (per energy design) and a maximum noise rating of I Sone. Please specify maximum noise rating of 3 Sone for bathroom fans and kitchen range hood. CONTINUED Carlsbad CBR2019- 1249 6/5/19 MISCELLANEOUS To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes L3 No U The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil, located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Tamara Fischer at EsGil. Thank you. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 1ISSUE DATE 05/08/19 I PROJECT . . V .• V . . .• .. Description: 2 Single Family Client: Magnolia A3 LLC Name: LOT 1, PLAN 2A R3-VB Dwellings Taylor Ashton, director Magoiólia! Tract Vj 1/ "7 DESIGNCR1TERL4.V.. . . V•V' V,' V Building Type: Bearing wall system Steel: ASTM A992 W-Shapes (if used) ASTM A36 rolled shapes, bars & p1 s Construction: Stud walls, sawn lumber ASTM A53 Grade B pipe columns wood timbers, plywood sheathing ASTM A500 Grade B HSS tube Ste Grade 40 di 60 reinforcing bars Codes: 2016 CBC di 2016 CRC ASCE 07-10,2015 Nb5 Concrete: 2,500 psi at 28 days. U.N.O. Higher strength where noted Wood: Studs - Stud grade, Standard di btr. Posts - Standard di better Masonry: 1,500 psi grade N standard weight Beams - bF#2 or better Concrete Masonry Units Joists - I-Joists ______ GLBs - 24F-1.8E Soils di bearing: LSL - laminated strand rims and beams P/I slab design by others LVL - laminated veneer microlam beams and Joists PSL - parallel strand beams .. Roof Loads psf Floor Loads psf Lt. wt. topping Roofing (tile) 9.5 Floor Finish (carpet) 1.2 11.2 Sheathing 1.4 Sheathing 2.0 2.0 Rafters or trusses 3.2 Joists 2.6 2.6 Ceiling 2.2 ceiling 2.6 2.6 Misc. di insulation 1.7 Misc. di insulation 3.6 3.6 Total Roof bL .............................................................18.0 psf Total Floor DL ..........................12.0 psf 22.0 psf Roof Live Load (less than 4:12 pitch) ...................20 psf Roof Live Load (4:12 pitch or steeper) ................16 psf Roof Live Load (12:12 pitch or steeper) ..............12 psf Exterior Walls psf Stucco or siding 10.0 Studs 1.1 Gypsum board 2.2 Misc. di insulation 1.7 Total Wall bL 15.0 p Floor Live Load .........................40 psf Balcony Live Load .....................60 psf 1.5 x L Exit Live Load ...........................100 psf Interior Walls psf psf Shear panel 2.0 Studs 1.1 1.1 Gypsum board 4.4 4.4 Misc. di insulation 2.5 2.5 Total Wall DL 8.0 psf 10.0 psf Swanson & Associates 17055 Via bel Campo, Suite 100, Magnolia 04/04/18 Calculation Commentary: These calculations as submitted on a lot by lot basis are an exerpt from a combined set of a two plan tract. When the plan is noted as a reverse plan, (example Plan 2AR), the beam reactions RI and R2 and the orientation of the loading will be reversed from standard convention. The calculation package is identical for the following lots Plan 1 calc package Lot lot 4 lot 6 Plan 2 calc package Lot 1 Lot 3 Lot 5 Lot 7 CA Section Properties & besign Loads 2016 CBGIC Moment Roof LoaA LbF ads (w) Allowable Uniform Loads Nominal Actual Area Section Of • LbF: 1.2 .00 (plf) Size Size Modulus Inertia Allowabl le Span In feet for beam or Joistsizes (b) x (d) (A) (S) (I) Shear Mo ment Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. inches in2 in3 in4 (Ibs) (lb b-ft) 3ft. 4ff. 5ft. 6ft. 7ft. 8ff. 9ff. loft, lift. 12ft. 13ft. 14ff. 15ff. 16ff. 17ff. 18ff. 19ff. 2x4 15 x 35 525 306 536 788 2 169 84'.54 38 28' L21' 17 j118 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 W4b r7s4 '424' 2i 188 138, 'i06 84'$ 63 48 37 29 23 19 15 13 11 n rx 2x8 15 x 725 1088 1314 4763 1,631 1,700 13051360 1094 [ 0) 435 '302 222 , 170 134 '09'Z' 90 7664',53 43 35 30 25 21 U IN c1O 'Th'W fÜ1 1%65, 1094 82OT649'51 33 254 20O 162 l34 13 6'j8 /',j,I 44 242 15 x 11.2.5 1688 3164 *7798 2.531 3,411 2,025 1 2,729 *094 820 MA 547 446_• 3 1 270 218c i 18Q, 152 129 ' 97 eor 76 67 1i 60 REP 2t". 0"3 iT8 '-;i: c'29ó ii .,4 259 bT457 1094 820 6M Mi 469 410 •,336' 273225 i89 "1OG 76 Ul 4x4 3.5 x 3.5 12.25 7.15 12.51 1.838 1,005 1,470 804 I 4O225Z 176 111 74 52 38 29 22 17 14 11 9 8 7 6 , '5'T i7' Ti 2iTt 7~O __,?529 82 12i"iYO '8fl 111 86 67 54 44 36 30 25 22 4x8 35 x 725 2538 3066 11115 3,606 3,737 3,045 2,989 2,188 ri 95 957 664 488' 37'2958 239 498 4,166' 142r" 122 100 83 69 58 49 0 LCO ROWEL 'W Tá'Ô"aW _ iT 2 24tV437 'r7 'SW'lil 354 5I 'ui r1j1'i a, 4x12 3 x 11.25 3938 7383 41528 5,906 8,459 4,725 6768 4,375 3,281 2166 1'504 4105 846' 668' 541 447 ''376q 320 5276 241- 211 $87t t167 '150 iáI 8 ij8j 4375 3281 2 62511 7 X 39à 10g2N n 683r 5I1 474 404 3O 27 189 4x16 35 x 1525 5338 13566 103442 8,006 14,131 6,405 11,305 4.375 3,281 2.625 2,238 846' 1413.'1.I1ZO.904 747 ',628" '535' 461' t402 - 353F'313 279 251 ''6x4 ' 5x 35 *2925 '11123 28814 2,3101 1022 575 368 2551 175 117 82 60 45 35 27 22 18 15 12 10 9 6x6 55x55 3025 2773 7626 4,285 3466 3,428 2,773 2'465'1'386.887' 616 '453347 274 222 175 134 106 85 69 57 47 40 34 r1 5c' 21~" - 5'ii6 3438t2578i1650 114'.2 "& 5d9 4i3 41s. .'186r244: 1O p. 175 144 120 101 86 6x10 55 x 95 5225 8273 39296 7,402 11,634 59229307 6,87511061-W 2 978 2 068, 1520 1163, 919- 745'615" 517c. 441 c380331& 291' 244 205 175 cT2 ,jijiis, ;6 1i6 _68755156 4,1 '14, 1705 c3478W '902 26 iZ'iö' 6x14 55 x 135 7425 16706 1,12767 10519 23,188 8,415 18,550 6875 5,156 4,125 3,438 2,946 2 319832 '148 1226 -1031 88i 757 6O580 M513, 458' p411' 589 T.ëi62iiTh 10 i' 27,i5 6875 5,156 4125 3438 2946 2,578 2,292 2063}1792 gr5. I 2'8 1 10664L84i! i'4 oi 110 Tumberstrand LSL rim board & 13' Timberstrond LSL 1111f LSL. 12x18 \l4fi ,2O7' 4 166,1 1,035 777 621 518 444 388 345 311 275, 2311 197 157 128 105 88 74 63 1144 LSL 1.25 x 14.0 17.50 40.83 285.83 6,198 7A29 4.958 5,703 1,035 777 621 518 444 388 345 311 282 259 239 222 &O3.ij 173 144 121 103 16tSi.?1 I5cj) iö''i5 3"3T 083., 1 673j7 _1035777621518444388345311282259239222207194183173154 1*x11fLSL 1.75 x 11.88 20.78 41.13 244.21 5.368 9.971 4,295 7,977 1,838 1,378 1.103 919 788 689 613 551 501 404 318 254 207 170 142. 120 102 xIfCE7 T1iö" ~i,- t5Jii7o10 1.838 1,378 1,103 919 788 689 613 551 501 459 424 394 339 279 233 196 167 13x16 LSL 1,75 x 16.0 28.00 74.67 597.33 7,233 17.611 5.787 14.089 1.838 1,378 1.103 919 788 689 613 551 501 459 424 394 368 345 324 293 249 31' Tumberstrand LSL 3+x4* LSL 3.5 x 4.38 15.31 11.17 I 24,42 I 5.4232.170 I 4,339 1.736 280 176 118 83 60 45 35 28 22 18 15 12 10 9 el .VIA ER _3317_1 303'_859i556 _350235165120 _907055443629242118 33x73 LSL 35 x 725 2538 3066 I 11115 I 8,987 5,687 I 7,190 4,550 2,485 1.864 1011 378 275 207 159 125 100 82 67 56 47 40 4FLgL"r 5j(a69' ,,36'i9 JT _2485186414911 1i 035_792_6T61463348268211169137113947968 33x93 LSL 35 x 95 3325 5265 I 25007 I 8,590 13.027 I 6,872 10422 6,300 4725 3 335 2316 '1702 303L, 714 537 413 325 260 212 174 145 123 104 'iVL I95T 31 '1öT1 _6300472537803150 L'2 349_179s4 421_II1891687540432352290242203173 33x113 LSL 35 x 1188 4156 8226 I_48841110737 19,941 8,590 15,953 6300 4725 3,780 3,150 12 05_i994,571 27't,10 808635 509 413 341 284 239 203 3t' 3 x,ib TD 11 icW3ji2658279 _63004725_37803150270023632100 174Zf_iLTh _833678558465392333 N. 3146 LSL _3.5 x 16.0 __56.00 _149.3311,194.67114,46735.222 _11,57328,178 _6.3004,7253.7803,1502,7002.3632,1001,8901,718 Vilf$833695585498 At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LbF adjustment to the above values. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. Shading in the span / allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (Pb) governs. Shear governs to the left of the shading, and deflection governs to the right. Section Properit 3*xil* PSL 3.5 x 11.88 41.56 1 82.26 488.41 10,044 24.878 8.035 19,902 '47J 922 3+x16 PSL 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 149.33 1 1,194.67 13,533 43.693 110,827 34,955 5*xl1* PSL 5.25 x 11.88 62.34 123.39 732.62 15.066 37,317 12,053 29.854 6 51x16 PSL 1 5.25xl6.01 84.001 224.001 1,792.00120.300 65,540 16,240 52,432 7x1lf PSL 7.0 x 11.88 83.13 164.52 976.83 20,089 49.756 k 221,653 .071 39.805 7x16 PSL 7.0 x 16.0 112.00 298.67 2,389.33 27,067 87,387 69,909 GLB 3.5 x 11.88 41.56 82.26 488.41 9,178 20,565 J ;r 7..343 16,452 ffi 1 3 657 GLB 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 149.33 1,194.67 12,367 37,333 9,893 29,867 " Glulam GLB (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) 7 5+x14 GLB 5.5 x 14.0 77.00 179.67 1,257.67 17,004 43,715 13,603 34,972 1515 =XIARRI, 0 I ;569 5x18 GLB 5.5 x 18.0 99.00 297.00 2,673.00 21,863 70,469 17,490 56,375 i'ä1I 50ô 3Oi5 Glu-lam Girders & Beams (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) L"Wal 16.75x18.OI121.50J364.50J3,, L6 6*x18 GLB 80.50126,831 84.732 121,465 67,786 s & Design Loads 2016 CBC/CRC Allowable Uniform Loads 3 n in feet for beam or joist sizes . mall duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. 0 Ft. lift. 12 ft. 13 ft. .14 ft. 15 ft. 16 ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 20 ft. 21 ft. 22 ft. 23 ft 24 ft. 25 ft. 26 ft. -I. 3 716 551 434 347 282 233 194 163 139 119 103 89 78 69 61 54 131 1,077 847 678 551 454 379 319 271 233 201 175 153 135 119 106 903 744 621 523 445 381 329 286 251 221 195 173 Qo J 2.297 1.838 1.531 1.313 1,148 1,021 919 780 664 569 491 427 374 329 291 259 63 2.297 1,838 1.531 1.313 1,148 1,021 919 835 766 707 656 609 533 469 415 369 1. I.0 827 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 179 154 134 117 103 91 81 r- 1,615 1.270 1,017 827 681 568 479 407 349 301 262 229 202 179 159 2i1) 1,355 1.117 931 784 667 572 494 430 376 331 293 260 190 1,171 995 853 737 641 561 494 437 388 1,417 1,215 1,050 913 799 703 622 553 - 0 1,103 867 694 565 465 388 327 278 238 206 179 157 138 122 108 2,153 1,694 1,356 1,103 909 757 638 543 465 402 349 306 269 238 212 3,0182'iI7 1.807 1,489 1,241 1,046 889 762 658 573 501 441 390 347 1,853 1,561 1,327 1,138 983 855 748 658 583 518 4 854,1343$63105j .2 29,k 24174215 1889 1620 1.399 1.217 1.065 938 829 737 644 496 390 312 254 209 175 147 125 107 93 81 70 62 55 49 L88'9X4 762 610 496 409 341 287 244 209 181 157 138 121 107 95 670 559 471 400 343 296 258 226 198 176 156 702 597 41, 512 442 385 337 296 262 233 729 630 548 479 422 373 332 959 780 642 536 451 384 329 284 247 216 190 168 150 1,053 878 739 629 539 466 405 354 312 276 245 1,104 938 805 695 604 529 466 412 366 990 861 753 663 587 521 1,083 935 814 712 627 554 493 $6 1,214 1,056 924 814 720 640 Moment Roof Loads Floor Loads (w) Nominal Actual Area Section of LbF: 1.25 LbF: 1.00 Size Size Modulus inertia Allowable Allowable Sp I (b) x (d) (A) (5) (I) Shear Moment Shear Moment No inches in2 ire 10 (lbs) (lb-if) (lbs) (lb-if) 10 .-JOISTS, i!lie use as 75 65 56 49 14' Tfl 210 12.06x At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LbF adjustment to the above values. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to The above values. Shading in the span /allowable uniform load table indicates That bending (F'b) governs. Shear governs to the left of the shading, ar(d deflection governs to the right. Magnolia 4/4/2019 Typical Framing Elements Roof Framing Trusses @ 24" 0/c (bL: 18 psf, LL: 20 psf) Factory Manufacturer's design by others 2x Convetional Rafters & Fill Framing W = (24/12) (18 psf + 20 psf) = 76 psf 2x4 @ 24" o/c spans to 49-8" 2x6 @ 24" o/c spans to 9'-iO" 2x8 @ 24" o/c spans to W-011 2x10 @ 24" o/c spans to 16'-4" 2x12 @ 24" o/c spans to 18'-11" Floor Framing I-Joist floor joists (TrusJoist or equal) (Allowable spans per the latest span tables from iLevel, see the latest catalog & ICC-ES ESR-1387 & ESR-1153) Alternates such as Boise Cascade BCI and Louisiana Pacific LPR joists are allowed per plans, see catalogs. W = (16/12) (12 + 40 psf): 69 psf W = (19.2/12)(12 psf + 40 psf) 83 psf Opening Headers ,& Misc. Beams Hi (w 1170 plf) Roof Floor 6x4 (Max. Span:) 76-5" 71-O" 6x6 il'-8" 11,-i" 6x8 15'-li" 15'-1" 6x10 201-2" 191-2" 6x14 28'-8" 27'-2" 5*x9* PSL 21'-4" 20'-3" H2 (w 1370 plf) Roof Floor 6x4 (Max. Span:) 5'-6" 4'41" 6x6 86-7" 7'-8" 6x8 11'-9" 10'-6" 6x10 15'-6" 14'-2" 5*x9 PSL 16'-6" 15'-8" 5*xll* PSL 20'-7" 191-7" H3 (w 1570 plf) Roof Floor 6x4 (Max. Span:) 41-5" 4'-O" 6x6 6'-11" 61-2" 6x8 91-6" 8@-61' 6x10 12'-9" 11151 6x12 15'-5" 13'-10" 6x14 181-0" 16,-1" 5*x9+ PSL 14'-3" 13'-7" 5*xllf PSL 17'-10" 16'-11" H4 (wi 770 plf) Roof Floor 6x4 (Max. Span:) 3'-10" 31-5" 6x6 6' 0" 51-4" 6x8 81-2" 7'-3" 6x10 10'-11" 9'-10" 6x12 13'-3" 11'10" 6x14 15'-6" 13'-10" 5tx9i PSL 12'-11" 12'-3" 5*xll* PSL 16'-2" 15'-4" H5 (w 1970 plf) Roof Floor 6x4 (Max. Span:) 31-5" 3'-U' 6x6 51-411 41-911 6x8 7l-31' 6'-611 6x10 91-9" 80-9" 6x12 11'-10" 101-7" 6x14 13'-9" 12'-4" 5*x9* PSL 11'-11" il'-4" 5*xlli PSL 14'-11" 14'-2" H6 (w 11170 plf) Roof Floor 6x10 (Max. Span:) 8'-11" 7'-11" 6x12 101-9" 91-7" 5ix9l PSL il'-3" 101-8" 5*xll* PSL 14'-0" 13-4" See uniform loads table on page 2 and 3 for additional spans or load conditions not specifically addressed here. Magnolia 4/4/2019 Stud Column Capacity 2016 CRC/CRC 3V' Stud Wall Nominal Size Sill/Top Plate Max. Load 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. Stud Height 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. (1) 2x4 Standard 3,281 lbs 4 136 lbs 3 288 lbs N/A (2) 2x4 Standard 6,563 lbs 8 272 lbs 6 577 lbs N/A (3) 2x4 Standard 9,844 lbs 12409 lbs 9 865 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 3,281 lbs 3401 lbs 2,890 lbs 2,413 lbs 2,010 lbs 1,683 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 6,563 lbs 6 801 lbs 5,781 lbs 4,826 lbs 4,019 lbs 3,367 lbs N/A 2x4 Stud 9,844 lbs 710202 lbs 8 671 lbs 7,239 lbs 6,029 lbs 5,050 lbs N/A (1) 2x4 bF#2 3,281 lbs 4,666 lbs 3 721 lbs 2983 lbs 2,424 lbs 1,999 lbs 1,419 lbs 1,055 lbs N/A (2) 2x4 bF#2 6,563 lbs 9 331 lbs 7441 lbs 5,965 The 4,847 lbs 3,999 lbs 2,838 lbs 2,110 lbs N/A (3) 2x4 bF#2 9,844 lbs 13 997 lbs 11162 lbs 8,948 lbs 7,271 lbs 5,998 lbs 4,257 lbs 3,165 lbs N/A (1) 4x4 Standard 7,656 lbs 9 651 lbs 7673 lbs 6 141 lbs 4,985 lbs 4,110 lbs 2,914 lbs 2,166 lbs N/A (1) 4x4 bF#1 7,656 lbs 11,783 lbs 9 353 lbs 7,479 lbs 6,068 lbs 5,001 lbs 3,545 lbs 2,635 lbs N/A (1) 4x6 bF#1 12,031 lbs 18 252 lbs 14565 lbs 11681 lbs 9,494 lbs 7,833 lbs 5,560 The 4,134 lbs N/A (1) 4x8 bF#1 15,859 lbs 23 676 lbs 19005 lbs 15,294 lbs 12,454 lbs 10,288 lbs 7,312 lbs 5,441 lbs N/A (1) 4x10 bF#1 20,234 lbs 29,670 lbs 23972 lbs 19,363 lbs 15,804 lbs 13,073 lbs 9,306 lbs 6,931 lbs N/A (1) 4x12 bF#1 24,609 lbs 36085 lbs 29,155 lbs 23,550 lbs 19,221 lbs 15,900 lbs 11,318 lbs 8,429 lbs N/A 5k" Stud Wall Nominal Size Sill/Top Plate Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. Stud Height 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 2x6 bF#2 5,156 lbs 8,683 lbs 7653 bs 6 669 lbs 5035 lbs 2,430 lbs 1,989 lbs 1,655 lbs N/A 2x6 bF#2 10,313 lbs 17,367 lbs 15306 lbs 13 338 lbs 10,070 lbs 4,860 lbs 3,977 lbs 3,311 lbs N/A 2x6 bF#2 15,469 lbs 26050 lbs 22959 lbs 20,007 lbs 15,106 lbs 7,290 lbs 5,966 lbs 4,966 lbs N/A (1) 6x4 DF#1 12,031 lbs 22097 lbs 19 379 lbs 16821 lbs 12 641 lbs 6,074 lbs 4,968 lbs 4,134 lbs N/A (1) 6x6 bF#1 18,906 lbs 24795 lbs 22955 lbs 20918 lbs 16.823 lbs 8,657 lbs 7,134 lbs 5,966 lbs N/A (1) 6x8 bF#1 25,781 lbs 33 812 lbs 31 303 lbs A,18,525. lbs 22,941 lbs 11,804 lbs 9,728 lbs 8,136 lbs N/A (1) 6x10 bF#1 32 656 lbs 40425 lbs 37734 lbs 34,689 lbs 28,322 lbs 14,837 lbs 12,251 lbs 10,259 lbs N/A (1) 6x12 bF#1 39531 lbs 48936 lbs 45678 lbs 41992 lbs 34,285 lbs 17,960 lbs 14,830 lbs 12,419 lbs N/A LSL Studs Sill/Top Plate Stud Height Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 3*x3f 1.3E LSL 7,656 lbs 7,444 lbs 6,108 lbs 5,069 lbs 3,622 lbs N/A N/A N/A WA (1) 31x4* 1.3E LSL 9,570 lbs 9,304 lbs 7,635 lbs 6,336 lbs 4,527 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 31x5f 1.3E LSL 12,031 lbs 11,697 lbs 9,598 lbs 7,966 lbs 5,691 lbs 2,609 lbs 2.122 lbs 1,759 lbs N/A (1) 3+x7* 1.3E LSL 15.859 lbs 15,419 lbs 12,652 lbs 10,500 lbs 7,502 lbs 3,439 lbs 2,798 lbs 2,319 lbs N/A (1) 3jx8j 1.3E LSL 1 18,867 The 1 18,343 lbs 15.051 lbs 12.492 lbs 8,925 lbs 4.091 lbs 3,328 lbs 2.759 lbs N/A PSI. Studs Sill/Top Plate Stud Height Nominal Size Max. Load 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. (1) 3fx3f 18E PSL 7,656 lbs 10730 lbs 8702 lbs 7,169 lbs 5,081 lbs N/A N/A N/A N/A (1) 3fx5+ 18E PSL 11,484 lbs 16095 lbs 13052 lbs 10,754 lbs 7,622 lbs 3,466 lbs 2,816 lbs 2,333 lbs N/A (1) 3x7 1.8E PSL 15,313 lbs 21460 lbs 17403 lbs 14,339 lbs 10,162 lbs 4,621 lbs 3,755 lbs 3,110 lbs N/A (1) 5*4+ 1.8E PSL 17,227 lbs %,414,12'.6'.9.- %lbs 38A14 Is 32 639 lbs 24142 lbs 11,432 lbs 9,336 lbs 7,760 lbs N/A (1) 5+x7 1.8E PSL 22,969 lbs 59,026 lbs 50818 Jbs 43 519 lbs:-:32,18916i' 15,243 lbs 12,448 lbs 10,347 lbs N/A (1) 7x7 1.8E PSL 30,625 lbs 100.192..lb '•9 77 lbs :84376..Thi:67,757 lbs ....348061bè 28,678 lbs 23,982 lbs N/A ASCE 7-10 Section 12.14 Simplified Alternative Seismic Loads 55 Si: 5M5: (1.05)(1.13): 5M1 (1.57)(0.43): (2/3)(1.0)(1.13): Sol (2/3)(0.68): 1.130 Ie = 1.00 0.430 besign Category: b 1.184 Site Class: b 0.675 R: 6.5 0.789 no 2.5 0.450 Cd : 4.00 2016 CBC, Alternate Basic Load Combinations 2 Story Building F: 1.1 Fa: 1.0 (Fa per ASCE Table 11.4.1) Magnolia 4/4/2019 SEISMIC ANALYSIS, Wood Framed Dwellings besian Loading. Allowable Stress besian Base Shear Eh : (F)(sbS)(W)/R : 0.134W E: (0.2)(Sbs)(b) 0.158W Emh = (2.5)(QE): 0.334W Component Interconnection (ASCE section Fp: 0.2(SDS)W: 0.158W Eh/1.4: 0.095W Ev/1.4: 0.113W Ev/1.4: 0.239W E/1.4: 0.113W Used 0.117W 0.113W Distribution of Forces i-Story Weight Roof 24.7 psf x 0.095 : 2.36 psf design at: 2.90 psf 2-Story Roof Floor Vbase: 58.0 psf x 0.117 Story Weight % Weight force (Fx) 24.7 psf 43% 2.90 psf 33.3 psf 57% 3.90 psf 58.0 psf 6.80 psf 6.80 psf Magnolia 4/4/2019 WIND ANALYSIS, One Story Transverse section Wind Speed: 110 V0d (not used): 85 2016 CBC. Basic Load Combinations Exposure: B Kj: 0.85 z9 : 1,200 a: 7.0 Enclosure: Enclosed K: 1.0 6: 0.85 Risk: Cot. II pg Wind Pressures Element Z Ki. & K, SL-&-q, f) pf) Windward Walls 10.0' 0.57 15.13 0.80 7.57 13.01 (not used) Eave Height: 10.0' (not used) Roof Height (h): 13.1' Leeward Wall 13.1' 0.57 15.13 -0.50 -9.15 -3.71 Width (B): 60.0' Roof to ridge (a) 13.1' 0.57 15.13 -0.40 -7.91 -2.46 Length(L): 40.0' Roof to ridge (b) BY 0.57 15.13 -0.03 -3.12 2.33 Roof Angle (0): 18.4° Roof-Leeward 13.1' 0.57 15.13 -0.57 -10.04 -4.59 q: 15.13 (not used) (not used) Windward overhang bottoms 10.0' 0.57 15.13 0.80 10.29 10.29 Note: (not used) P1 has internal pressure (not used) P2 has internal suction Interior Pressure 13.1' 0.57 15.13 ±0.18 (2.72) (-2.72) Wind Left to Right Wind Right to Left Roof Elements Length P1a(plf) P1b(Dlf) P2o(plf) P2b(plf) P1o(Dlf) P1b(Dlf) P2a(plf) P2b(Dlf) Left Overhang 1.1' -16.3 -11.3 -16.3 -11.3 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 Left Sloping 20.0' -158.4 -62.4 -49.3 46.7 -201.1 -201.1 -91.9 -91.9 Flat Section 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Right Sloping 20.0' -201.1 -201.1 -91.9 -91.9 -158.4 -62.4 -49.3 46.7 Right Overhang 1.1' -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -16.3 -11.3 -16.3 -11.3 Roof Totals Horiz. Vert. Vertical Elements Left to Right Right to Left Plo (Left to Rt) 8.6 -357.4 LenQth P1 (plf P2 (plf) P1 (DIf) P2 (plf) Pib (Left to Rt) 40.6 -261.5 Left Walls-Upr 4.5' 34.0 58.6 41.2 16.7 P2a (Left to Rt) 8.6 -150.4 (not used) P2b (Left to Rt) 40.6 -54.5 (not used) Plo (Rt to Left) 8.6 -357.4 Right Walls-Upr 4.5' 41.2 16.7 34.0 58.6 Pib (Rt to Left) 40.6 -261.5 (not used) P2a (Rt to Left) 8.6 -150.4 (not used) P2b (Rt to Left) 40.6 -54.5 (not used) (not used) Code Mm. Horizontal Forces From Roof 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 (4.5')(16 psf)+(6.2')(8 psf): 122 plf Total Horiz. Forces (W) = 116 116 116 116 0.6W: 73 plf 0.6W: 69 69 69 69 Wind Load besign Force: 0.6W: Left to Right: 73 DIf Right to Left: 73 DIf Seismic Force : 0.7E: (40.00) (2.90) : 116 plf Seisni Magnolia 4/4/2019 WIND ANALYSIS, Two Story I Wind Speed 110 Vasd (not used) = 85 2016 CBC, Basic Load Combinations Exposure B Kd : 0.85 Z9 1,200 a = 7.0 Enclosure Enclosed Kzt 1.0 G 0.85 Risk Cat. II A p2 Wind Pressures Element Z Kh & K. Oh & o (pf) pf) Windward Walls 19.2' 0.62 16.24 0.80 8.03 14.05 Floor Height 10.2' Windward Walls 10.2' 0.57 15.13 0.80 7.28 13.30 Eave Height 19.2' (not used) Roof Height (h) 21.3' Leeward Wall 21.3' 0.64 16.73 -0.50 -10.12 -4.10 Width (B) = 36.0' Roof to ridge (a) 21.3' 0.64 16.73 -0.55 -10.81 -4.79 Length(L) 36.0' Roof to ridge (b) 21.3' 0.64 16.73 -0.21 -6.02 0.00 Roof Angle () 18.4° Roof-Leeward 21.3' 0.64 16.73 -0.63 -11.90 -5.88 qh 16.73 (not used) (not used) Windward overhang bottoms 19.2' 0.62 16.24 0.80 11.04 11.04 Note: (not used) P1 has internal pressure (not used) P2 has internal suction Interior Pressure 21.3' 0.64 16.73 ±0.18 (3.01) (-3.01) Wind Left to Right Wind Right to Left Roof Elements Length P1a(Dlf) P1b(plf) P2a(plf P2b(p1fl P1a(lf) P1b(Dlfi P20(plf) P2b(Dlf) Left Overhang 1.1' -19.9 -14.8 -19.9 -14.8 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 Left Sloping 13.7' -148.2 -82.5 -65.7 0.0 -163.1 -163.1 -80.6 -80.6 Flat Section 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Right Sloping 13.7' -163.1 -163.1 -80.6 -80.6 -148.2 -82.5 -65.7 0.0 Right Overhang 1.1' -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -1.9 -19.9 -14.8 -19.9 -14.8 Roof Totals Horiz. Vert. Vertical Elements Left to Right Right to Left P1 (Left to Rt) -1.0 -316.0 Length P1 (plf) P2 (lf) P1 (plf) P2 (plf) Pib (Left to Rt) 21.4 -248.9 Left Walls-Upr 4.5' 36.1 63.2 45.5 18.4 P2a (Left to Rt) -1.0 -159.4 Left Walls-Lwr 10.2' 74.2 135.7 103.2 41.8 P2b (Left to Rt) 21.4 -92.4 (not used) Plo (Rt to Left) -1.0 -316.0 Right Walls-Upr 4.5' 45.5 18.4 36.1 63.2 P1b (Rt to Left) 21.4 -248.9 Right Walls-Lwr 10.2' 103.2 41.8 74.2 135.7 P2o (Rt to Left) -1.0 -159.4 (not used) P2b (Rt to Left) 21.4 -92.4 (not used) (not used) Code Mm. Horizontal Forces From Roof 21.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 (14.7')(16 psf)+(4.2')(8 psf): 269 plf Total Horlz. Forces (W) = 281 281 281 281 0.6W: 161 plf 0.6W: 168 168 168 168 Summary of Results Wind Load besign Force: 0.6W: Left to Right: 168 DIf Right to Left: 168 plf Seismic Force: 0.7E: (6.80) (34.00) : 231 plf Seismic Governs / \ / / / / Li did 09 17131 d 7d *9 dA9 ä0lä3iN/ :17106 :171/9 did 31 00041 ä0/äLf NI did 0*1 did 931 did 311 y0/y3JX3 did 06 did 19 did 31 NVd9 99I7äJ bOa .01 .6 .9 (Al) 91H93IN NO/JIJäVd P d00è" 71m ,1141 YO b- '1/3 211 '3l'0 frV0äd id/id!? = /7 1H9/341 d73' 77V41 :10 (1V07 1'YYO/Nfl = 941 3409 V Y00 ii dO C VO 7 //ä0d/Nf7 = Ml 3409 V 77 VAI dO C VO 7 1/ä0dINf1 = 1l44 3409 V d00Y dO C Vol frVY0/Nf1 = -'Al Al V39 YO ä30 V31-1 frV0äd C VU 7 = d / / / / / -1-. II I I L rf-Tr- - T--d LL_LLLL LL \Ml 9äu120 3.Y3HM ,0H ao PYQ a.dolya--j U ITT TTTTTTTfl-1 '0Hao fr1/V39'id dO '790 .LNO.7 U/i1 allillilillil TTTTTTTTTI! : 73N Yd a V3H J V JN3frVO/4/ 34/i I93Y .:10 J3/4/3 737 V2IdAJ V/8 910E IUDd JD1S ID!dAJ. 6IO/b/t' 0!I0U6DW Magnolia 4/4/2019 Shearwall Schedule 2016 CBC/CRC U~ Magnolia 4/2/2019 Guards and Railings Interior Ballustrade Base 2016 CBC/CRC Railing Design Forces Height of Railing (location of Horiz. Force) 42 inches Vertical (Newel) Post Spacing 60 inches Horizontal Force Along Railing 20 plf Concentrated Load at Top of Post 200 lbs. Design Bending Moment at Base of Post Assembly 8400 lb.-in. Connection-- Lao Screw in Pullout CBC Load Duration Factor Cb (wood connectors) 1.60 Base Plate Size 4.00 inches. Moment Arm (x) of Lag Screws 3.4 inches. Lag Screw Pullout T = C = M/x/Cb 1527 lbs. total Quantity of Lag Screws at Tension / Compression side of Base Plate 3 Screws Pullout Force Per Screw 509.1 lbs Each Screw ISteel Base Plate and (6)1/411 Screws I From NOS Table 11.2A for Specific Gravity of 0.50, Pullout is (Der inch of embedment) Screw NA. I lEmbedment of Screw (inches) 11 21 2.51 __31 3.51 4 1/4 225 450 56$ - 675 788 900 5/16 266 426 665 T98 931 1064 3/8 305 407 635 915 1068 1220 7/16 3421 3911 611 879 1197 1368 1/2 1 3781 3781 5911 8511 11581 1512 3" embedment required Connection-- Wall mounted Handrail 2001b any direction CBC Load Duration Factor Cb (wood connectors) 1.60 Total qty of connectors Lag Screw Pullout Required Capacity I = 200/2/Cb Design pullout strength per inch for no. 8 wood screw NOS Table 11.28 Minimum Embedment Capacity of Anchorage = embed x Table value (per inch) 2 no. 8 Wood Screws 62.50 lbs. total 112.00 lb per inch 1.50 inch 168.00 > 62.50 Mm. (2) no. 8 wood screws into blocking I Screw NA. Embedment of Screw (inches) ]:: 21 2.51 31 3.51 4 1/4-4%- 2251_,) 4501 5631 6751 7881 900 f" Magnolia 04/15115 Guards and Railings Interior Pony Wall 2016 CBC/CP.0 F9 Railing Design Forces Height of Roiling (location of Horiz. Force) 42 inches Vertical Support Post Spacing : 60 inches Horizontal Force Along Railing 20 lbs. Concentrated Load at Top of Post : 200 lbs. besign Bending Moment at Bose of Post Assembly 8400 lb.-in. Sr:M/Fb(CfU)(Cp)CD 3.54 6x2* Flat OK Fb:900 C:1.5 Cp:l.l 5:4.64 Connection-- Lag Screw in Pullout CBC Load buration Factor Cb (wood connectors) : 1.60 Pullout Force Prying action M/CD 5,250 lb.-in. Moment Arm (x) of Lag Screws 12.0 inches. Lag Screw Pullout T: C: M/x/Cb : 438 lbs. total Quantify of Lag Screws at Tension / Compression side of Base Plate 3 Screws Pullout Force Per Screw : 145.8 lbs Each Screw I (6)1/4" Screws From NOS Table 11.2A for Specific Gravity of 0.50. embed 1.25" into rim Pullout is (Der inch of embedment 4 Magnolia PLAN 2 only 04/04/18 Calculation page 10 through page 14 intentionally removed from the set L__ r- - -------- I ROOF FRAMING PLAN I 'A1 v.flIM.w PG LOT 1 EM EII Vii lV.t I 1 Lt #AM own I h,aiw.c I Viii ViIVC. I c&MaIc VAVi WII T T () (!) (2) Mm FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 'A' wW.l4• I PT Magnolia 4/2/2019 F1 5 ROOF FRAMING, Plan 2 Typical Roof Framing: Factory Trusses @ 24" 0/c 2016 CBC, Basic Load Combinations Typical Conventional Framing: 2x rafters @ 24" o/c, see calcs pg.4 TYPICAL BEAMS & HEAbERS AT OPENINGS Load Table (pg. 2) or Grid line Uniform load Header Chart (pg. 4) (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) Gable Ends (3/2)(38) +10 : 67 plf Hi Hip Ends (9/2)(38) +10 : 181 plf H2 RB-20 Span: 11.5' Upper Roof grid 4 above loft (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wl : (29/2)(38) +10 : 561 plf lllllIlllIlIllItIlIlll tRi 1R2 Ri: (Critical Ri / 1.25 LbF: 2,581 lbs) RI (max.): 3,226 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.25 LbF: 2,581 lbs) R2 (max.): 3,226 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 7,419#ft) Moment (max.): 9,274#ft 34x91 PSL beflection: (ALL: L/605) 110/I: 0.44" : 11313 RB-21 Span: 11.5' Upper Roof Above Bedroom 3 (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wl (4): (29/2)(38) +10 : 561 plf P w2(x4): (9/2)(38) +10 : 181 plf P (x:4.0): (26/2x9/2X38) [Girder Truss] : 2,223 lbs TRI TR2 J. x ) Ri: (Critical RI / 1.25 LbF: 2,997 lbs) RI (max.): 3,746 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.25 LbF: 1,663 lbs) R2 (max.): 2,078 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 8,398#ft) Moment (max.): 10,497#ft 31)C91 PSL beflection: (ALL :L/611) 109/I: 0.44" = L/316 Magnolia 4/2/2019 Lower Roof Framing 16 P8-22 Span = 16.2' Garage boor Header (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi : (9/2)(38) +35 206 plf P1: (Critical P1/ 1.25 LbF: 1,335 lbs) P1 (max.): 1,669 lbs P2: (Critical P2 / 1.25 LbF: 1,335 lbs) P2 (max.): 1,669 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 5,406#ft) Moment (max.): 6,758#ft 34x1 lj LSL beflection: (LL: L/1,021) 213/I: 0.44" : L/446 P8-23 Span: 12.0' Breakfast Nook Sliding boor (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi : (9/2)(38) +35 : 206 plf , IIlIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ?R1 1R2 (Critical P1 / 1.25 L.bF: 989 lbs) Ri (max.): 1,236 lbs (Critical P2 / 1.25 LbF: 989 lbs) P2 (max.): 1,236 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 2,966#ft) Moment (max.): 3,708#ft 5*x94 PSL beflection: (&L: L/2,573) 48/I: 0.13" : L/1,124 P8-24 Span: 12.0' Living Room (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wi : (10/2)(38) +35 = 225 plf llllllllllll IllIllIlIllIl tRi TR2 P1: (Critical RI / 1.25 LbF: 1,080 lbs) P1 (max.): 1,350 lbs P2: (Critical P2 / 1.25 LbF: 1,080 lbs) P2 (max.): 1,350 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 3,240#ft) Moment (max.): 4,050#ft 5*x9* PSL beflection: (ALL: L/2,315) 52/I: 0.14" : L/1,029 PB-25 Span: 14.2' Outdoor Room (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) wl (7/2)(38) +40 : 173 plf IllIlIllIllI III 111111111 IRl 1R2 (Critical P1 / 1.25 LbF: 983 lbs) P1 (max.): 1,228 lbs (Critical P2 / 1.25 LDF: 983 lbs) R2 (max.): 1,228 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 3,488#ft) Moment (max.) : 4,360#ft 640 beflection: (ALL = L/1,673) 99/I: 0.25" : L/677 Magnolia 04/02/19 FLOOR FRAMING, Plan 2 Typical Floor Framing: 1-joists per manufacture's span tables 2016 CRC, Basic Load Combinations See plans & calcs pg. 4 for alternates TYPICAL BEAMS & HEADERS AT OPENINGS Load Table (pg. 2) or Grid line Uniform load Header Chart (pg. 4) (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) Lower Level Gable ends (2.5)(38) +10 : 105 Of Hi Hip Ends (9/2)(38) +10 = 181 plf H2 Bearing (22/2)(38) +10 = 428 plf H3 FB-20 Span = 12.5' Dropped Garage Ream (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (Live Load Reduction R:0.96 L:0.99) wi (5)(38) +(10)(15) + (26/2)(52) +20 1,036 plf fl IllIllIllIll III 111111111 P (x:0.7) 6971.93 [RB-20/21 Reaction Above] : 6,972 lbs IRl 1R2 Ri: (Critical Ri / 1.00 LbF = 8,992 lbs) RI (max.) = 11,082 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.00 LbF = 6,006 lbs) R2 (max.) = 6,006 lbs Moment (Critical M / 1.00 LbF: 19,376#ft) Moment (max.): 19,376#ft 5*x1 1 PSL beflection: (&L: L/777) 275/I: 0.38" : L/399 FB-21 Span = 13.0' Above Master Closet (roof) (floor) (misc.) wi (x5): (26/2)(38) +(9)(12) +(7/2)(52) +20 804 plf w2(xa5): (9)(38) +(9)(12) +(3.5)(52) +20 : 652 plf IIlllltlIlllIlllllllllllll P (x:5.0): (9/2x26/2)(38) [Hip Girder Truss Above] : 2,223 lbs TR1 TR2 J.x ) RI : (Critical RI / 1.25 LbF: 4,351 lbs) RI (max.): 5,439 lbs R2: (Critical R2 / 1.25 LbF: 3,670 lbs) R2 (max.): 4,587 lbs Moment: (Critical M / 1.25 LbF: 14,716#f t) Moment (max.) = 18,395#ft 34x14 PSL Deflection (LL= L/1,081) 268/I: 0.34" = L/465 I I. I WIFORTEM3 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Floor: Joist 1 piece(s) 14' TM® 230 @ 16" OC Overall Length: 22' 7.40' ,2' 6OOfl, 192.40" LI EI All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. :DüigARuIts.:;',. u Member ReactIon (Ibs) 654 @22 2.90" 1485(3.50") Passed (44%) 1.00 1.0 I) + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Shear (Ibs) 683 @2' 1150" 1945 Passed (35%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Moment (Ft-lbs) 2906 @ 13' 1.03" 4990 Passed (58%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 1(Alt Spans) Live Load Defi. (In) 0.323 @ 12' 5.82" 0.488 Passed (1.1725) — 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Total Load Datl. (In) 0.366 @ 12' 8.51" 0.976 Passed (L/640) - 1.00 + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) TJ-Pro'" Rating 47 Any Passed -- -- Deflection criteria: IL (L1480) and IL (L/240). Overhang deflection criteria: IL (211480) and TL (2L/240). Top Edge Bracing (Lu): Top compresslcn edge must be braced at 5' 6.00' 0/c unless detailed cithervibe. Bottom Edge Bradng CUD: Bottom compression edge must be braced at 9 8.00' 0/c unless detailed otherwise. 'A structural analysis of the dedc has not been performed. Deflection analysis Is based on composite action with a single layer of 23/32' Weyerhaeuser Edge" Panel (24" Span Rating) that Is glued and nailed down. Additional considerations for the 1)-Pro'" Rating Indude: 518" Gypsum calling. Permanent bracing at third pcdnts In the bath span or direct applied calling over the entire badi span length Is required at the left end of the member. See literature detail (P81) For clarification. Aji jled' YU ilRoU Tq 1-Stud will - DF 5.50" 5.50" 3.50' __ML 517 676 137 1330 Bloddng 2- Stud wall - OF 5.50' 4.25 1.15" 120 540/-S -17 660/-22 1 1/4" Rim Board Kim uoam is assumes to cony as roam appuies auecriy aoove; oypaseng ore mernoer neing aesignea. Bloddng Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load Is applied to the member being designed. :. Spadnp (0 90) $ (L00)l (non-SnOw 1 25) Comments,. -' Vertical LoaIs4 Location (Side) . 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 227.40' 16 12.0 40.0 - Default Load Roof D (81) Wall 0 2- Point (PLF) 0 16" 207.0 - 90.0 (126) and Rod Lr (90) System: floor Memberlifre :3olst Building Use: Residential Building Code: IBC 2015 Design Methodology: ASD aeuslau Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of Its products will be In accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design valuee Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Use of this software Is not Intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jutiadiction. The desner of record, builder or framer Is responslbleto assure that this colaslatton Is compatible with the overall project. Accessories (Rim Board, Nodding Panels and Squash Hodra) are not designed by this software. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are thIrd-party ceitifled to sustainable forestry standards. Weyerhaeuser Engineered Lumber Products have been evaluated by ICC-ES under evaluation reports ESR-1153 and ESR-1387 and/or tested in accordance with applicable .4Sfll standards. For current code evaluation reports, Weyerhaeuser product literature and Installation details refer to vww.weyerhawserconVwoodproducts/dowment-Ubrary. The product application, Input design loads, dimenslars and support Information have bern provided by ForteWEB Software Operator () SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY lNrrlATlvE Weyerhaeuser ForteWEB Software Operator Job Notes Mark Swanson Swanson & Associates Engineering (858) 487-7600 ms@swanaon-engr.can 8/12/2019 9:22:12 PM UTC ForteWEB v2.1, Engine: V7.3.2.309, Data: W.2.0.2 File Name: 2019-0602 Magnolia Page 1 / 1 Magonolia 08/12/19 LATERAL DISTRIBUTION-SEISMIC, Plan 2 2-5tory Portion 1-Story Load Grid I Roof Floor Roof From Total Line Area Area Area Above Force (2.90 psf) (3.90 psf) (2.90 psf) (Ibs) (Ibs) Base Shear Total Base Shear Upper Roof A 475 1,378 C 3 - 498 499 1,444 1,446 - 4 474 1,375 ln~ Lower A -- -- 513 1 1,378 2,867 B -- 447 392 - - 2,881 C --152 191 - 1,4442,590 b -- -- 363 1,052 E -- -- 729 2,113 F -- 152 253 1,327 I - -- -- 221 641 2 -- -- 517 1,500 3 --418 311 1,4463,979 4 - -5 --333 -- -- 675 - 711 1,3754,630 -- 2,062 6 -- -- 167 484 5HEARWALI. ANALYSIS-SEISMIC - Grid Shear Wall Net Wall Wall Wall Pier WALL O.T. Resisting Elements (plf) End Uplift Holdown I Line Force Lengths - - - L(Is) (feet) Length Shear Height (feet) (plf) (feet) H/B Ratio H/B Rotio TYPE - Moment #-F1') Self Wt. Roof Walls Floor Above Above Above Loads (Ibs) 1 (0.9-0.11)x Resisting from Moment Above Uplift (plf) Uplift (Ibs) Hardware (Simpson or Eq.) rn Upper Roof A 1,378 11.8 2.3 C 1,444 10.6 3 1,446 10.6 8 5.8 10.6 15.2 238 136 95 9 9 9 0.8 0.8 U 3.2 2.3 4 4 4 12,401 12,995 6,851 143 143 135 81 81 81 280 480 280 14,846 13,886 7,203 (207) (84) (44) -- -- none none none r- 4 1,375 12 12,0 115 9 0.8 4 12,379 135 216 19,889 (626) none I- Lower A 2,867 B 2,881 7.2 8 16 12 12 2.5 3 2.5 3 14.8 8 10,3 22.8 16.0 12.0 20.0 278 126 162 88 106 8 9 9 9 9 3,2 1.1 0.6 0.8 1.1 5 4 4 4 4 15,993 9,098 23,313 9,467 7,608 105 120 135 135 135 72 135 135 24 288 108 200 280 280 280 280 4,744 8,185 33,142 26,613 7,883 43 1,562 HTT4 Sill Anchorage (614) none (1,429) none (34) none C 2,590 D 1,052 E 21113 F 1,327 1 641 2 _1,500 3 3,979 12 2 8 16 ,) 6 - 9.0 3.7 6.0 16.0 147 172 250 249 9 9 9 9 0.8 1.1 1.5 0.6 1.8 3.2 4 4 5 5 11,944 5,771 13,502 35,813 135 135 105 105 162 72 36 60 48 280 280 200 200 19,474 6,976 2,942 23,975 139 (627) (151) 1,760 none none HT'r4 Sill Anchorage 4 4,630 5 - - 2,062 14 353 8 4 22.0 6.3 210 32892.6 9 1.1 4 5 15,151 10,511 105 13572 280 36 200 4,810 2,185 2,082LSTHD8/HTT4 1,293 HTT4@8 only 6 484 3 2.0 242 9 3.0 4 4,357 135 45 280 1,299 1,019 LSThD8 Footnotes: (1) Net Length reduced-Force Transfer Around Opening(s) (2) Net Length reduced-Perforated Shearwall (3) Net Length reduced-H/8 between 2:1 and 3+:1 [.... Comments: ;0 PERFORATED SHEARWALLS W v L44 J. I - ri/c i i i/c I OPENING I Li J,WIDTHJ,12 L -PIER H/B BASED ON FULL HEIGHT Wall Total Wall Opening Total SbPW Net Uplift End Shear mt. & Hf. & Max. Percent Max H/B Factored Table Length Shear Shear OTM W OTMPM Point Net Holdown CV) Width Width Opening Full Ht. I Pier Factor Full-Ht. C0EL4 V/C0ZL1 Wall I (V)(H) 0.8 DL PM C0 L1 Load Uplift Hardware (lbs) Lx H Lx H Height 5heaThin H/B 2L/H LU (ft) Co (ft) (plfl Type (lbs-ft) (plf) (lbs-ft) (Ibs) (Ibs) (lbs) (Simoson or 1,378 11.8x9.0 2.5x4.0 684 10.6x9.0 2.5x4.0 1,327 12.04.0 2.0x5.0 641 8.04.0 2.00.0 0.44H 79% 0.44H 76% 0.56H 83% 0.56H 75% 3.2 0.62 5.79 1.00 5.8 2.3 0.89 7.20 1.00 7.2 1.8 1.00 10.00 0.90 9.0 3.2 0.62 3.73 1.00 3.7 238 4 95 4 147 4 172 4 12,401 179 12,448 -4 224 -228 none 6,156 173 9,708 -335 224 -559 none 11,944 238 17,107 -430 224 -654 none 5,771 166 5.299 126 224 -98 none Plan 2 Upper A 3 Plan 2 Lower F 000 CTF California I TrusFrame= "People, Drive, Honor... Our Formula for Success!" TRUSS PLACEMENT PLAN AND CALCULATIONS PROJECT: MAGNOLIA CARLSBAD LOCATION: CARLSBAD DEVELOPER: ASHTON 3 CUSTOMER: TIMBER RIDGE FRAMING jProject No. 305751 23665 Cajalco I CBR20I 9-1249 (951) 657-7491 pi 1657 BRADY CIR MAGNOLIA-BRADY: (LOT 1) 3,361 SF LIV 11697 SF GARAGE 11144 SF CA ROOM //60SF PATIO PRINT D ESR#1311 DEV2018-0010 2052210100 10/15/2019 CBR20I9-1249 040000 CTF1 California TrusFrame= "People, Drive, Honor... Our Formula for Success!" 23665 Cajalco Road, Perris, CA 92570 Phone: (951) 657-7491 / Fax: (951) 657-0486 Project: MAGNOLIA CARLSBAD Location: CARLSBAD Developer: ASHTON 3 Customer: TIMBER RIDGE FRAMING Truss Structural Calculations Date: 10/03/2019 Kevin Chae Kim My license renewal date for the state of California is June 30, 2021. I NOTES: I Truss Engineer's responsibility is solely for the design of individual trusses based upon the design parameters as shown on the referenced truss drawings. Parameters have not been verified as appropriate for any use. Any location identification specified is for file reference only and has not been used in preparing design. Suitability of truss designs for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer/Engineer of Record, not truss Engineer, per ANlfTPl-1 Chapter 2. The bound truss design drawings, having an electronic seal and signature printed on each page, have been reviewed and approved by the truss design engineer as indicated by the Engineer's seal and wet signature on this cover page. This review and approval apply solely to the attached truss design drawing pages that are bound together. TnisS TrtJliliType JulY Ply Magnolia 1A GO1 jJob GA5LE 1 1 Reference (optional) nwi. 5.viU 5 IJii ecu ia rrwi S.ciiu 5 11SF U U1U lviii lvii lfllvliailllvii, Inc. mU UCI 3 14u:4 41115 raqe 1 lD2Fl3c9vothrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-a5s7w7gstrLYPN2p2oBW?mDXK43AKuRimJl9RyX5L3 6-1-4 10-5-4 • 15-2-0 19-10-12 • 24-2-12 30-4-0 6-1-4 4-4-0 4-8-12 4-8-12 • 4-4-0 ' 6-1-4 Scahe = 1:48.5 5x6 = 3x4 = 58 25 59 24 80 23 61 22 62 21 63 20 64 19 65 18 600 16 15 68 14 89 13 70 12 71 11 72 10 73 9 74 8 75 = 3x10 = 354 = 300 = 10-54 • 19-10-12 1 30-4-0 10_x.A • c..ca an_c..c Plate Offsets (X.Y)- 120-0-0.0-0-01, 13:0-O-0.0-0-01,113:0-2-0.0-1-81,I20:0-2-0,0-1-81 - - - LOAOlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) lldeft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.15 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 SC 0.18 Vert(CT) n/a - ala 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WE 0.41 Hoiz(CT) 0.01 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-SH Weight 213 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. Except: WEBS 2X4OFStudiStdG 10-0-ooc bracing: 20-21.12-13. OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/SkI G Mek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. AN bearings 30-4-0. Installation guide. (Ib)- Maxl1orz182(1C43) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb orless atjoNlt(s) 17,18. 21, 22, 15, 12, 11 except 1-191(LC 27). 7=-200(LC 38). 13=-382(LC 30), 20=-392(LC 35), 24=-101(LC 55), 9=-101(LC 72) R Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less atloint(s) 24,9 except 1=371(LC 73), 7371(LC 91), 13815(LC 1), 20=815(LC 1). 17=278(LC 82), 18=273(LC 81). 19=285(LC 80). 21283(LC 781 22=273(LC 77), 23285(LC 76). 25=334(LC 74). 15=273(LC 83), 14=285(LC 84), 12=283(LC 86), 11=273(LC 87), 10=285(LC 88), 8=334(LC 90) FORCES. (1k) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AN fortes 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-54=-6541531. 2-4=478/383.2-3=294135.1, 4-55=2281377.4-56---1951371. 5.6=-2621351, 6-57=-478/409, 7-57=454/545 SOT CHORD 1-58=-5261569, 25-58=-4031510. 25-59=-3731437. 24-59=-3491406, 24-60=-3181369, 23-60=-2621345, 23-61=-2561314, 22-61=-226/277. 22-62=-1951252, 20-64--2741299, 13-69=-2741299, 11-71-1661253, 11-72-1971277, 10-72=-2281314. 10-73=-234!345, 9-73= 4 891369, 9-74=-320!406, 574vi344/437, 8-75=-3751510, 7-75-_4971569 WEBS 4-13=483/354, 5-13=-3371101. 6-13=-526/164, 4-20=-483/352. 320=336l102, 2-20=-525/164 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultwllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=topsf; BCDL=8.0p51 h=2011 Cat. II; Eap 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-6, Interior(1) 3-0-6 to 15-2-0. Exterior(2) 15-2.0 to 18-2-6, Interior(1) 18-2-6 to 30-4-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL.1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the buss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSl/TPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonccncurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 240-0 wide will I between the bottom dioid and any other members, with BCOL = 10.0psf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed In accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuirent with any other live loads. Continued on page 2 I I I I F 1Job 1EflJSS iruss ' IG01 GABLE I I I Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.240 s Dec 6 2018 Pnrit 8.240s Dec 6 2018 Milelc Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 312:40:42 2019PaQe 2 lD:ZF13c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-a5s7w7gstrLYPN2p2oBW7mDXK43AKuR1mJl9Ryx5L3 NOTES- 11) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber OOL=(1.33) Plate grip 00L(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0.0-0 to 30-4-0 for 46.2 p11. LOAD CASE(S) Standard trust-rame U.6., Penis, CA, 8270 I I Trims Qty Ply A G02 Magn:AW.:1 Job ITtUSS-lype COMMON 10 -Referenoe(pptional) •.. •, rnfl O.5IJ 5 LJOG 0 U 10 rIlfll OqU 51)00 0 U1* MI 1011 IflaIlSuleS, M. mU 1)01 j UAV442U19 iaoe 1 ID:ZFI3c9brEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-WT_tLoh7PSbGehCB9DQ48Io4uaA000Hl4orEJyX5L1 6-1-4 10-5.4 15-2-0 19-10-12 24-1-8 30-4-0 6-1-4 4-4.0 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 6-2-8 Scale = 1:49.2 4*6 = 34 =2*4 II 4x8 =AIA = 4x8 = 4*6 = 6-1-4 10-5-4 19-10-12 30-4-0 6-1-4 • 44.0 q.4.R • lfl..S.A Plate Offsets (X,V)- 11:00-0.0-1-11.11:0-2-3,Edgel, (7 0-2-3Edqel. [7:0-0-0.0-1-1I, 18:0-2-8.0-2-01.E10:0-2-0.0-2-01 - - LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.45 Vert(LL) -0.43 8-17 '561 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 085 Vert(CT) -0.78 8-17 3306 180 SCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.41 Horz(CT) 0.02 7 n/a Na BCDL 10.0 Code lBC20151TPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 129 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS WEDGE Left 2x4 DF Stud/Std -G, Right 2*4 OF Stud/Std -G ' REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10167910-5-1 (mm. 0-1-13), 1=317/0-5-8 (mm. 0.1.8), 7=77310-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8) Max Horz 1=60(LC 16) Max Uptift10=-16(LC 8), 1-14(1,C 12). 7-25(LC 9) Max Gravio=1679(LC 1), 1=428(LC 33), 7773(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten.- All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-18=-390127, 2-18=-361159, 2-3=-131558. 319=0(499, 4-19=0/564, 4-20-1024/87, 5-20=-107671.5-6--1076139,6-21=-1499191,7-21=-152&75 601 CHORD 1-22=-491311, i-23=-521350, 11-23=-52/350, 11-24=-521350, 24-25=-521350, 10-25=-521350, 10-26=0/306.26-27=01305, 9-27=0/306, 9-28=0/306,8-28=0/306, 8-29=42/I424.7-29=42/1424. 7-364-25/683 WEBS 4-8=2711002.54 "-10197.6-8=-506198,4-10--i 18&43.340=3111190.2-110=-757176, 2-11=0/376 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-7-7c pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6.0-0 oc bracing. l Raw atmidpt 4-10 Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. I NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCOL=6.0ps1' BCDL=6.opsf. h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3411-6. Interior(l) 3-0-6 to 15-2-0. Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-6, lnterior(1) 18-2-6 to 304-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--11.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6411 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed In accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-4--68,4-7=-66,12-2S-40(F=-10), 15-25-20 Truss Type uly J Truss G03 COMMON =Job 1 - Reference (optional) S USC S £1110 riinC C.IU S USC 0 £UiO SI 1011 1110U1105, InC. mU V 3 lx:4u:44 *U1V 1SO0 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-WT_tLoh7PSbGehcB9Dq4Blpfubxoo8Hl4orEJyX5L1 6-1-4 10-54 15-2-0 19-10-12 24-1-8 30-1-0 6-1.4 4-4-0 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 Scale z 1:48.8 4x4 II 3*4 = 2x4 II 4*8 =4x6 = 4x8 = 5x6 = 3x8 If 6-1-4 • 10-5-4 19-10-12 30-1-0 6-1-4 44-0 ia_S_a 1n..A Plate Offsets (XV)— r1:0-2.3,e1. (1:0-0.0,0-1-11, f40-2-0,0-1-121, [7:0-3-3.Edqr 17:0-0-0,0-2-11, 18:0-2-8,0-2-01,110:0-2.0,0-2-01 LOADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) l/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.42 Vert(LL) -0.42 8-10 2,561 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Veit(CT) -0.70 8-17 p339 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO W8 0.40 Holz(CT) 0.02 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC201511P12014 Matrix-MSI-$ Weight: 129 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS WEDGE Left- 2x4 OF StudlStd -G, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=1681/0-5-8 (mm. 0-142), 1=32210-5-8 (rein. 0-1-8),7=764/Mechanical Max Hosz182(LC 12) Max Uplift104-20(LC 8), 1=-11(LC 12), 7-23(LC 9) Max Grav1041661(LC 1), 1=432(LC 33), 7=764(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-18=.404116, 218=375I45, 2-3=-211541, 319=0/481,4.19=0!546, 4-204-1004/83, 5-20--1057166.5-6--1063f34,6-21=-1434186.7-21=1479169 BOT CHORD 1-22=47/315, 1-23---461383, 11-23=46/363, 11-24=46/363,24-25=45/363, 10-25=46/363, 10-26=01304,26-27=0/304,9-27=O/304,9-28=D/304,8-28=0/304, 8-29=-38/1360, 729=.38/1360. 7-30=-251554 WEBS 4.8=-26/977, 5-8=-322/97, 6-8=.455/96, 4-10=-1160147,3-10=-311190,2-104-753f77, 2-11=0/375 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-9 cc pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 64-0cc bracing. 1 Row at midpt 4-10 Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult'=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCOL-6.0psf h20ft Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-6, Interior(l) 3-0-6 to 15-2-0, Extenor(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-6, Interior(l) 18-2-6 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber D0L160 plate grip DOLI.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0p5f. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for buss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25001b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lnorease1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert 1.4.68, 4-7-68, 12-25=-30(F-10), 15-25=-20 I I Job Truss TrussTe Fly MagnclialA Qty G04 GABLE 1 I lJob 1 Reference (optional) null; o.qu 5 USC S uio rIVIL oiiu S usc e u,e ml 15K Inausines, inc. i flu uci J lx:4u:4D 5U1S Page I ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.ffiCFY8iI9mj7GrnOjwkDdOr05HyuxFSakxpmmyX5Lo 6-2-8 • 10-5-4 15.2-0 19-10-12 24-1-8 30-1-0 6-2-8 4-2-12 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 Scale = 1.49.1 454 II 4X5 24 25 11 28 10 4xG = 4*8 = 556 = 48= US If 10-5-4 • 19-10-12 304-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— fl:0-0-4.0-l-131,I2:0-6-7.0-2-41,I4:0-2.O,0-l-121, 17:04141.0-2-1I. I7:0-3-3.Edgel, 18:0-2-8.0-2-01.110:0-2-8.0-2-01 -- - LOADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL An (lc) Udefi lid PLATES GRIP TCU. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) .044 8-10 '530 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.75 Vert(CT) -0.70 8-19 '336 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.40 Horz(CT) 0.01 7 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code lBC20151TPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 134 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-11 oc puilins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-10 OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be WEDGE Right 2*4 OF Stud/Std -G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REAC11ONS. All bearings 10-8-0 except at--length) 7=Mechanical. (Ib)- MaxHorz162(LCI2) Max Uplift All uplift 1001, orless at joint(s) 1, 10,7 Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) I except 1322(LC 33), 10=1564(LC 1), 7762(LC 1), 11377(LC 35) FORCES. (!b) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2.-3=-391551, 3-210/457, 4-21=0/549, 4-22=-996(79, 5-22=-1050/63, 5-6=-1046131, 6-23-1428182, 7-23=-1473166 SOT CHORD 10-27=0/298.27-28=01298,9-28=01298,9-29=0/298,8-29=01298, 8-30=-35/1354, 7-30=-30/1354. 7-31=-24!552 WEBS 4-8=-281974, 5-8=-323/97, 6-8=-456196, 4-10=-1157/55, 3-10=-336193, 2-10=4721126 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mpti; TCOL6.0psf BCDL5.0ps1 h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed: MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 34-6, lnterio41) 3-0-6 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-6, Interior(1) 18-2-6 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane oldie buss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for alive load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0pst A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Jo Truss I Iruss Type Qty Ply Maota1A Go5 COMMON 3 I - - Job Reference al nun. O.0 5 UOU 0 eula rise; e.su SUOC 0 LUIO MileS Inolismes, mc. mu LiCK i 14U4D ZU1S rape 1 ID:ZFl3cocbrEMVP7?S5SJz7f4qgxFY8il9mi7GmOjwIcDdOry_Hyrx7EQkxpmmyX5Lo 7-3-4 12-0-0 16-8-12 20-11-8 • 26-11-0 7-3-4 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 Scale = 1:44.0 454 = 354 II 4x8 X0 WM= 418 = 5x6 = 3x8 El 7-34 16-8-12 26-11-0 7--4 o.c.R lfl.A Plate Offsets (X,V)— ":0-3-0,0-1-81,(6:0-0-0O-2-11, [60-3-3,Edgel, 7:0-2-8.0-2-01,(1O:0-2-0,0-0-121 -- - LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.44 7-9 >533 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.71 7-13 >331 180 BCLL 0.0 - Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.92 Morz(C1) 0.02 6 We n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight 122 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 DF StudlStd G SOT CHORD OTHERS 2x4 OF Stud/STD G(2) WEDGE Right 2x4 DF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (Iblsize) 10=70/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 9=1517/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-10). 6768IMedianicaI Max Horzl0=.60(LC 17) Max Uplift10=-50(LC 24), 9=-8(LC 8), 9=-20(LC 9) Max Gravl0=298(LC 31), 9=1517(LC 1). 9=768(LC 1) FORCES. (lb)-Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=-391381, 2-114-271463,2-15=0r", 3-l5=Cf427. 3-16=-1016176, 4-154-1071/59, 4-5=1064127.5-17=-1444178,6-17=1489161 SOT CHORD 9-19=0/314,8-19=0/314.8-20=0/314,7-20=0/314, 7-21=-31/1370. 6-21=-3111370, 6-22=-231557 WEBS 3-7=32/974, 4-7=-326198, 5-7=456196,3-9=-i 038/54, 2-9=-4771132, 1-9=-493156 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-104 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-7-14 cc bracing. Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0p5f 8CDL=6.0psf, h=201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 3-3-12 to 64-2, Interior(1) 64-2 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-6, Interior(l) 18-2-6 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other ('we loads. 4)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0ps1. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 0 iruss lrussType gLy Ply G06 COMMON 1 1 - IJob Reference (optional) - I ,ur,nI Lw., rrn M aru Nun: equ a usc e zuia rnnt u.zau S uec a xuie MuSK Inausmes, inc. mu Oct s lx:40:45 JU1S sage 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-Ss5emUjNw4szu?MaHeFS9cO6_hI3GaUa0OHylCyx5L? 7-3.4 12-0-0 16-8-12 20-11-8 26-11-0 7-3-4 4-6-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 Scale z 1:439 4x4 = 3x6 II 4x8 = 555 We= 458 = 456 II I 7•34 16-8-12 26-11.0 7-3-4 I 4.5_fl jfl4 Plate Offsets (XY)- 1:0-3-0,04-8I, [6:0-0-5,0-7-15I[0' 3.04041.(6:0-2-8.0-0-1, 17:0-2-8.0-2-01,110:0-3-0.0-0-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2.0-0 CSI. DEFL in (Icc) l/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.44 7-9 >533 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.71 7-13 >331 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mc, YES WO 0.92 HOIZ(CT) 0.03 6 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 122 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G SOT CHORD OTHERS 2x4 OF StudISTh G(2) WEBS WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=70/0-3-6 (nun. 0-1-8), 9=1517/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-10), 6=768/Mechanical Max Horz 10-80(LC 46) Max upliltlo.451(LC 35). 9-92(LC 28), 6-463(LC 30) Max Grav10=507(LC 46), 91517(LC 1), 6866(LC 47) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CornpiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=92911104,2-14=-6711860,2-15--287/471, 345-1351427,3-116=-1016/231, 4-16=-11651474, 4-5=-1477/763, 5-17=18=1021,6-17=-2107/1192.1-10--444/482 BOT CHORD 10-18=-2861316, 9-18=409/686, 9-19=-290/526, 8-19=0/314, 8-20=0/314, 7-20=-3761612, 7-21 =-712/l 564. 6-21=-1014I1958, 6-22=-397/740 WEBS 3-7=-79/974, 4-7=-3261124, 5-7=456/196, 3-9=-10381163, 2-9=477/137, 1-9-11791906 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-11 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Row at midpt 1-9 Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. I NOTES. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=8.0p5f BCDL=6.Opsf h-20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 3-3-12 to 64-2, Inteiior(1) 6-4-2 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-6, Interior(l) 18-2-6 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip OOL=1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0p5f. A plate rating reduction 0120% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2200 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag IC along bottom chord from 0.0-0 to 26-11-0 for 81.7 pIt. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Scale = 1:33.9 4.00 456 = [ii 4x4= 4x8 = 558 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 007 COMMON 1 1 Magnolia 1A - = - - - - - Job Reference -- - ,...,. rtulL O.U5 ixc ou1ornrn:o.qu5LJec ouiDMIuwunausu1, IflC. InuuI i U:4bu1 rage 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-Ss5emUjNw4izu?MaHeFS9cO5PhHKGcZaDOHylCyX5L? 4-11-8 9-8-4 13-11-0 • 19-10-8 7-11-8 4-8-12 4.2-12 5-11.8 0-2-2 9-8-4 19-10-8 0-2)12 4_n_A Plate Offsets (X,Y)- r5.07150-0-51 150-0-8.0-0-31. [6-0-2-8.0-2-01, (70-1-8.0-1-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 24-0 CSl. DEFL in (icc) Ildefi lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.86 Vert(LL) -0.53 6-7 >444 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.80 Veit(CT) -0.91 6-7 >259 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mci YES WB 079 Horz(CT) 0.03 5 n/a nla BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 90 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud!Std G BOT CHORD WEDGE Right 2x4 OF StudlStd -G REACTIONS. Qb/size) 7=90810-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5908/Mechanical Max Hoiz7-93(LC 10) Max Uplift7-7(LC 9), 5=-24(LC 9) FORCES. Qb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-13=-1368/81, 3-13=-1424/65, 3-4=-1418/33, 4-14=-1796/85, 5-14=-1849169 BOT CHORD 7-15=0/626. 15-16=01625. 16-17=0/626,6-17=0!626, 6-I8=-39!1704, 5-18=-39/1704, 5-19=-25/673 WEBS 2.6=19/1019. 3-6-346196. 4-6=-455/98, 2-7-874/63 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 44-10 oc purling, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-0-1 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required crow bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=almph; TCDL=6.opsf; BCDL6.0ps1 h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 104-4 to 134-10, Interior(l) 134-10 to 15-2-0. Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-6. Interior(1) 18-2-6 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip OOL=1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCOL = 10.opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for buss to buss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss Truss Type Qty Ply Ma,1olia 1A GOB CAL HIP - -. - - Job Reference .J.,.., .ul. V4QrV NUll. &4U S usc a uiu ,Tlm: 5.4U S usC 0 xuie miles inausutes, Inc. mu Va J 12:40:47 xuw iage 1 3-4-8 7-1-8 ID:1bJOp_sczmZJ11vFKMLnuz6QGW-w2f0zqk?hNzqV8xmrlihipwEh5dg?6SjS20Vqeyx5L_ 2-9-8 -4-3. 8-6-8 6-6-l3 13-4-11 , 19-10-8 2-9-8 0-6-11 3-2-0 0-6-5 6-3-3 6-5-13 4.00 pr 5x8 2x4 558 = 2-9-8 7-1-8 14-94 19-10-8 2-9-8 4-4-0 7-744 5-1-2 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— f2:0-4-0,0-1-81, 14:0-0-2.0-2-01. [5:0-0-8,04)-31. 15:0-7-15.0-0-SL 17:0-2-0,0-2-01 LOADING(psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/deS L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) -0.27 6-7 >866 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 080 Vert(CT) -0.56 6-7 '420 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mci- NO WE 0.62 Harz(CT) 006 5 We We BCDL 10.0 Code 18C201511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 99 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G SOT CHORD WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 101221/0-5-8 (mm. 0.1-8), 5=1009/Mechanical Max HoizlO-100(LC 24) Max Uplift110=-326(LC 21), 5-586(LC 22) Max Grav101221(LC 1), 51089(LC 39) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-7261238, 2-14=-12521177, 14-15=-12441291, 15-16=-12441298, 3-16---1235/495, 3-4-1704111078,4-S=-253115111426, 1-10=-11871346 BOT CHORD 9-17=-2361293, 8-9=-iSa/ill, 8-18=-2441711.7-18=482(938,7-19=-62011952, 6-19--104311952,6-20=-99212186,5-20=-1322r2370,5-21-4761859 WEBS 2-9--4871297, 2-7=-2551788, 4-7=-763/240, 1-9=-34111146, 4-6-31385 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-8oc purina, except end verticals, and 0-0-0cc purtins (4-10-6 max.): 2-3. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-1-2 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOLB.opsf; SCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncorrcurrent with any other live loads. 'This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 19-10-8 for 90.6 p11. Girder cames tie-in spans of 3-0-0 from front girder and 4-0-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purtin along the top and/or bottom Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 177 lb down ar and 177 lb down and 39 lb up at 13-7-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the re LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Continued on page 2 Scale = 1.33.5 4x6 Job truss Truss Type Ply Magnolia IA 008 1'4 CA 1 -Job Reference (optional) Iu5r,dmc LW.... rgnl5, 'as, vfl,U LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (p11) Vert 1-2-72, 2-14-72, 3-16=-72, 3-5=42, 1O-11-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 14-150 16=-I50 Trapezoidal Loads (p11) Vert: 14=-90-to-15=-126, 15426-to-16-90 I nun: 9240 a usc o uie Inrn 9.240 S usc e 2019 MiTeic Inausmes, Inc. TflU Uci 3 1240:41 2019 rage 2 ID:lbJOp_sdczmZJ11vFKMLnuz5QGW.w2f0zqk?hNzqV8xmrthhipwEh5dg?6SjS2OVqeyx5L_ Fob - Tri TrUSS Type oty Piy I Magnolia 1A G09 CAL HIP 1 1 L Job Reference (optional) S 0 rirni; 0.0U 5 USc S £010 MuSS II1005UWS. Inc. IflUJC 1:qU;40su1a rage 1 ID:1bJOp..sdczmZJ11vFKM6QGW-PFDOBAkdSh5hllWzO3lwFllRbV?tJthmsgim3M4yX5Kz 2-7-3 4-11-8 7-3-13 9-8-8 14-6-4 19-10-8 2-7-3 2-4-5 2-4-5 2-4-11 4-9-11 54•4 4.00111 Scale = 1:33.5 c-S xX4 454 4x8 II 4-11-8 9-8-8 14-64 - 16-4-15 19-10-8 4-11-8 4-9-0 4-9-11 .ii Plate Offsets(X,Y)— 1104-LEdgel. (4:0-3-120-0-81, 17:O-3-3.Ednel. [7:0-O-11,0-1-121,fg:0-1-12,0-1-81, I 10.04-0,0-1-81 - - - - LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL in (100) I/delI L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-9 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 115 BC 0.67 Vert(CT) -0.43 8-9 '547 180 SCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor NO WO 0.49 Horz(CT) 0.05 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 101 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-3-1000 purlins, except BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals, and 0-0-000 purlins (5-10-4 max.): 1-4. Except: WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 5-10-0oo bracing: 1-4 WEDGE 301 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10.0-Oco bracing. Right 2x4 OF StUdlStd MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be ------1 installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 12=1001/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7943/Mechanical Max Horz12.86(LC 10) Max Uplift12=-88(LC 9), 7-46(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AM forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-16=-10511266,16-17=-10511266.3-17=-10511266.3-18---10511266, 18-194-1051/266, 4-19--10511266,4-20=14601280, 6-20=-1553/273, 6-21=-1955/163, 7-21=-2010/155, 1-12=-954!233 BOTCHORD I0-23=-211/1431, 9-23=-21111431, 9-24=-167/1814, 8-24=-167/1814, 8-254-115/1855, 7-25=-i 15/1855. 7-26=-62/711 WEBS 1-10-22911201, 3-10=.3601120, 4-10-496143,4-940/444, 6-9=-403175, 6-8=0/380 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL5.0ps1 BCOL-6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) interior zone and C-C Exterior(2) 10-6-12 to 14-9-11, Interior(i) 14-9-11 to 19-94, Exterior(2) 17-64 to 21-94, Interior(l) 21-94 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOLi .60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord We load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b, live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job truss 1 l Truss Type ljly 1MagnalialA Gb CAL HIP 1 I - __ ------ ----- II Job Reference (optional) IIUIl. LU 5 USC S SillS rnni: 0.55115 USC S £1115 51115K IflOUSlIlUS. InC. mU 1.1CC .1 15411:4511115 raqe 1 lD:lbJOp 0-9-8 sdczmllflvFKMLnuz6QGW-PFDOBAkdSh5h7lWzO3lwFlTNbVFkYCsgim3M4yX5K.z 9-8-8 0-9-3 4-11-8 9-1-8 9-1r13 14-6-4 18-10-8 0.94.4-2-0 • 4-2-0 0-6-5 4-9-11 544 0-0-5 0-6-11 4.00 f-12 Scales 1:33.4 5x8 = 2x4 Il 5x8 21 II 4x8 = 3x4 = '' 5st = 4-11-8 9-8-8 1444 16-4-1 , 5 19-10-8 4-11-8 4-9-0 4-9-11 1-10-11 1 39-9 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— '.04-8,Edgel. 13:04-0,0-141, (5:0-7-15.0-0-51. 15:0-0-8,0-0-31. (7:0-1-12,0-1-81. 18:0-2-12,0-1-121.110:0-2-0.0-1-81 LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Vdefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.93 Vert(LL) -0.21 6-7 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.71 Vert(CT) -0.47 6-7 '507 180 BCU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.65 Ho,z(CT) 0.06 5 n/a nla BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 96 lb FT = 200A LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/SW -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=1351/0-5-6 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=1055/Mechanical Max P10.2 10-94(LC 6) Max upliftl0=-140(LC 5). 5=-63(LC 5) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-04 oc purlins, except end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc purlins (4-10-14 max.): 1-3. Except 4-11-00c bracing: 1-3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104-0 oc bracing. - Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=-13741155, 2-14=-13741155. 2-15=-1374/155, 3-15=-1374/155, 3-4-18741188, 4-6=-22911128.1-10--13031165 BOT CHORD 8-17=43/1733, 7-17=43/1733, 7-18=-14912111, 6-18=-149/2111, 6-19=4612122, 5-19=-8612122, 5-20=46/800 WEBS 1-8=-153/1604, 2-8=-6251141, 3-8=496/41, 3-7=0/436,4-7=498/76,4-8=4/344 NOTES- 1)Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOLS.opsf, BCDL6.0psf h=20ft Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) interior zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord rive load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-8-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 71 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 3-0-0 from front girder and 4-0-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlmn along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 172 lb down and 33 lb up at and 172 lb down and 33 lb up at 1140-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of I LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 IJob TrUSS TflSSType uty Ply Magnolia IA GIO CALIIIP 1 - - Job Reference (optional) ,u5rrdme LL.., reins, s. univ LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber increase=1.25. Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (PlO Vert: 1-14.-72, 3-15-72, 3-5=-72, 10-11-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert 14-150 15-I50 Trapezoidal Loads (p19 Vert 14.90to-2=428, 2127-to-15=-90 Nun; e.qu a usc e uis rnm &44J a usc *Zulu mi ce mausgies. IflV. mu ucm , 1;qu:qs uis race £ ID:lbJOp_sdczmZJflvFKMLnuz6OGW-PFDOBAkdSh5h7iWzO3lwF1TNbV_FkYCsgim3M4yX5Kz 1 Job Truss I russType QIy Ply Magnolia IA Gil CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) California TrusPrame LLC.. Penis, CA 92570 Run: 8.240 a Dec 62018 Pnnt 8.240 s Dec 62018 MiTek Industhes. Inc. Thu Oct 312:40:49 2019 Pane 1 lD:1bJOp_sdczmZJllvFKMLnuz6QGW-tRnmOWtFD?DYIS59ymp9nE0dqvLsT270vMVcuXyX5Ky 6-5.2 10-1-13 12-8-8 19-10-8 I 6-5-2 3-8-11 2-6-11 7-2-0 Scale = 1:33.3 4*4 = 4*4 = 4*8 II 6-5-2 1248-8 19-10-6 I R__R 7--0 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 12:0-2-8,O-1-81,I5:O-0-O.O-1-51, 1503-3.Edge1. 190-1-12,0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 24-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Gnp DOL 1.25 IC 0.58 Vert(LL) -0.19 6-7 "999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.62 Vert(CT) -0.39 6-7 "803 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.48 Harz(CT) 0.06 5 nta ,ila BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015lTPI2014 Matxix-MSH Weight: 86 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-12 oc purlins, except TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 501 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end veilicals, and 0-0.0 cc pullins (4-3-5 max.): 1-3. Except: WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std (3 4-3-0 cc bracing: 1-3 WEDGE SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G WEBS 1 Row at midpt 2-9 Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 9=943/044 (mm. 0.1-8), 5=954/Mechanical Max Horz9-95(LC 8) Max Uplifl9-54(LC 9), 6=-"LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-14=-18131490.14-15--1809/490,3-15=1809/491, 3-16-18441408,116-17=-19U/401, 5-17=-19721392 BOT CHORD 9-18=-18811728, 8-18=-18811728, 7-8=-18811728, 7-19=-18811728, 6-19=-18811728, 6-20=-34711809. 5-20=-34711809, 5-21=-1101718 WEBS 2-9=18051325,2-7=0/380,2-6=-1721274.3-6=01257 NOTES. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL5.0psf BCOLS.Opsf; h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed: MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 1044 to 13-4-10, Interior(1) 13-4-10 to 22-11-0, Exterior(2) 20-4-5 to 24-7-13. Interior(l) 24-7-13 to 30-1-Ozone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed:C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live toad nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-8-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI!TPI 1. This buss has been designed far a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical puilin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the Pullin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1 Job Truss iTruss Type 1Qty1Ply Magnolia 1A 1G12 1CAI. HIP 1 2 IJob Reference (optional) I Catonva TrusFrarne LLC., Penis. U. 92570 Run: 8240i Dec 6 2018 Print: 8.240s Dec 62018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:40.49 2019 Page 1 ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJTlvFKMLnuz6OGW-tRnmOWlFD?DVlS59ymp9nE0aevJFTzo0vMVcuXyX5Ky -2-2-8 6-5-2 12-1-13 12-8-8 19-10-8 2-2-8 l 6-5-2 I 5-8-11 0-6-11 7-2-0 Scale = 1:33.2 3x4 II 4x8 = 4x6 A On I vi 454 = 44 = II J54 = 55= 6-5-2 12-8-8 19-10-8 6-5-2 6-3-6 7-2-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— [2,044,0-1-81,13:0-2-12.0-2-01, [4:0-0-8.0-0-3], [4:0-7-15.0-0-51,18:0-1-12.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.78 Vert(LL) -0.16 5-6 >999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.73 Vert(CT) -0.42 5-6 >567 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.82 llorz(CT) 0.09 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 166 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G WEBS 2X4 OF StudiStd G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/SW -G REACTIONS. (lb(size) 8=2886/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-9),4=19T7/Mechanical Max Horz6=-76(LC 6) Max UpliftS=-245(LC 5), 4-44(LC 5) Max Grav82910(LC 17),4=1 977(LC 1) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-10-90c puilins, except end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc purbmns (5-3-13 max.): 1-3. Except 5-4-0 oc bracing: 1-3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Camp/Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=4254/250,34=4555/250. 1-8=-11561234 BOT CHORD 8-13=-181/4188, 7-13=-181/4188, 7-14=-1B1/4188, 6-14=-18114188, 6-15=-18114188, 15-16=-18114188, 5-16=-181/4188, 5-17=-18614243, 4-17-186/4243, 4-18=-67/1680 WEBS 2-8=-4384/236, 2-6=0/576, 2-5=-1521276, 3-5=0/385 NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131'x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 20 -1 row at 0-941 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (8), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL=6.opsf, h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to buss connections. 10)This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points alor Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. Glider carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 717 lb down and 138 lb up a and 717 lb down and 136 lb up at 84-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 Job Iruss Trusslype Qty Ply Magnolia 1A G12 CAL HIP 1 --£ JobReference(cptional) LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber 1ncrease125, Plate lncrease 1.25 ' Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3-172, 3-4-72, 8.948(F-28) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 1-624 3=-624 I 2x4 II 5x8 = 5x8 = 24 H 5x6 = 5x10 = 20 II 3x6 m~ Job Truss lruss Type Qty Fly Maoha 1A H01 I CAL HIP 1 I lJob Reference (optional) wu rwn;eL4uS usc DU1eI1flLd.Z4USUeC bzuleMllelclflausules,lflc. inuuct 1x4U:4sU1s P91 lD;ZFl3c9vocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-tRi'imOWlFD?DYlS59ymp9nE0YmvlST_w0vMVcuxyx5Ky 2-1.0 13-10-0 14.0 2-0-11 74-0 13-3-0 13,3-5 21-10-0 14-0 04-11 5-7-0 5-1.0 o-64 8-0-0 04-5 0-6-11 Scale = 1:36.8 1 7- 13-10-0 21-10-0 I.S.O -6-0 8-0 a,n p.n Plate Offsets (X,V)- f204-0.0-1-81. (4:04.0.0-1-81, (7:0-2.4.0-3-41 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) l/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.24 6-12 >999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.78 Vert(CT) -0.51 6-12 >507 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress mci' NO WS 0.75 Horz(CT) 0.06 5 n/a n/a SCOL 10.0 Code 18C2015/TP12014 Matnx-MSH Weight: 95 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G*Except* I T3:2X4DFNo.1&BtrG SOT CHORD 2X4 OF Noi G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G I BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied, except end verticals, and 0-0-0 cc purlins (3.4-9 max.): 2-4. Except 3-5-0 cc bracing: 2-4 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing, Except: 6-0-0cc bracing: 8-9. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=1109/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 9=1247/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz6=-87(LC 6) Max Uptift5=-80(LC 5), 9-111 [LC 4) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-665172.2-13--23901259.13-14=-23901259, 3-14---23901259, 3-15---23411247, 15-16=-23411247.446--2341/247,4-5--2520/221, 1-9=-1273193 BOT CHORD B-18=-13/710. 7-18=-13/710, 7-19=-162/2314, 6-19=-162/2314, 6-20-15812322, 5-20=-158/2322 WEBS 2-8=10261164.2-7=19111841,3-7=-6711164,4-7=153/265,4-6--0/378, 1-8=-102/1318 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.0psf; BCDL6.opsf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL 1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2.0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 2-0-0 from front girder and 4-0-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 19-9-" and 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 8-7-0 on top chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2=-68. 2-13=-68, 14-15=-102(8=-34), 4-16=-68, 4-5-66, 9-10-20 Continued on page 2 I Job 1,01 TrUSS rype jQty Pty I Maolia 1A Fss CAL HIP I I - - - - Job Refence (optional) rum-3me t.LL. JemS, UP., vZD(U LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 13-102 16=102 Trapezoidal Loads (pif) Vert: 13-68-to-14=-102, 16=102-to-16=-68 Run: 8.240 s Dec 52018 Print 8.240 s Dec 62018 MTSIC IndustrIes, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:40:492019 Page 2 lD:ZFl3brEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.tRJ1mOW1FD?DVlS59ymp9nE0YmvlST_wOvMVcuXyX5Ky I I I I I ijob truss russ lype juty PIy Magnolia IA 1H02 i CAL HIP J - IJob Reference (optional) ufl 5.'+U5 LJSV U U1U rnnl; O.qU U usc o uie 55155 IflQU5UW5. Inc. flu UCI .11:4U:U u1v raqe 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-LdL8bsmuiLPMctLWtJKOKSYjif2CTn980FAQzyX5Kx 1-6-0 4-0-11 7-8-0 • 11-3-5 13-10-0 21.10-0 3-7-5 3-7-5 2-6-11 l 8.(1-0 Scale = 1:36.6 4.001:11 2x4 II 5*6 = 5*10 = 2*4 II 3x6 = 7-8-0 13-10-0 21-10-0 it ' e.fl gnn Plate Offsets (XV)- 12:0-3-12,0-0411, (5:0-4-0.0-1.81,17:0-0-0.O.0-91, 19:0-3-4.0441 LOADlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (loG) lldefl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.94 Vert(LL) -0.25 8-14 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.75 Veit(CT) -050 8-14 '517 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 058 Horz(CT) 0.05 7 n/a n/a SCDL 10.0 Code 1BC2015!1P12014 Mathx-MSH Weight: 101 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-3-14 oc purluns, except 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc puffins (4-1-9 max.): 2-5. Except WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd 0 4-2-0 oc bracing: 2-5 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-041 oc bracing, Except 6-"oc bracing: 10-11. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. (lb/size) 7=100110-3-8 (min. 0-1-8), 11=1042/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Installation guide. Max Harz 11=-70(LC 8) Max Uplift7-60(LC 9), 1l.87(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-5791133.2-15--19491405, 15-16=-19491405, 4-16=-1949/405. 4-17=-19181396, 17.18=.19181396, 5-18=-19181396, 5-19=-20851426.19-20=21491420.7-20=22281401, 1-11-1069!190 BOT CHORD 110-22=-2051640,9-22=-2051640. 9.23=-368/2043, 8-23=-36812043, 8-24=-362/2051, 7-24=46212051 WEBS 2-10=-92&418.2-9=-28311431.4-9=-4251120.5-9---2851143, 6-8=0/381, 1-10=-385/1202 NOTES. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf 8CDL6.0psf h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 6-7-12 to 9-7-12, Interior(l) 9-7-12 to 10-8-11, Extenor(2) 8-1-12 to 12-4-11. lntenor(1) 124-11 to 20-2-4, Exterior(2) 17-9-5 to 22-04, hnteuior(1) 22-04 to 28-4-Ozone; cantilever left and right exposed ', end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL--11.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load 01250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel poInts along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical puffin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 5x8 = 4x6 (9 9 6 4 11 4*4 = '" - 4*8 = 3*6 = Truss Truss Type PollaIA 1H03 At. HIP I 1 Lb Reference (optional) uaisomia hum-lame u.u., i-ems, '-, ala(U Iwn: a.xqu S usc a ZU15 mini: a.xU S usc a xuie Miles IflDU51Ii55. Inc. mu UCt .5 11:qu:Su uia rage i ID:ZFl3c9v,ocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-LdL8bsmuiLPMcfLWUKOKSYjKlgECUa980FAQzyX5Kx 5-0-8 10-10-8 4-5-8 5-0-% 10-34 104.13 15-7-5 21-10-0 4-5-8 0.6-li 5-3.0 0.6-5 4-8-12 6-2-11 0-0-5 04-11 Scale = 1:36.8 4-5-8 • 10-10-8 i 17-3-0 21-10-0 I Ac.P I Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 12:0-4-0,0-1-81, [3:0-2-12.0-2-01,[5:0-0-0.0-0-91, [7:0-2-8,0-2-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-041 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 TC 0.92 Vert(LL) -0.20 6-7 499 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOt. 1.25 BC 068 Vert(CT) -044 6-7 >596 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress [nor NO WS 0.53 Horz(CT) 0.06 5 We We 10.0 Code IBC2015/1P12014 Matnx-MSH Weight: 100 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-15 oc purlins, except 12: 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc purlins (3-8-4 max.): 2-3. Except: 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G 3-8-0 oc bracing: 2-3 WEBS 2X4 OF StudIStd G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-00o bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=1056/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8), 10=1146(0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Ho,z 15=-58(LC 6) Max Upl1ft5=-61(LC 5), 10-70(LC 4) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-12521114, 2-14--1705/164,14-15--17021164.15-16=-I 699/165, 3-16-16931164, 3-4r-18381161,4-5=24171136,140--1108188 SOT CHORD 8-9=-3411186, 7-64-34/1186. 7-18=-13712170, 6-18=-13712170, 6-19=-9112226, 5-164-9112226 WEBS 2-9=-530/110, 2-7=491641, 4-7=-525/92, 1-64-85/1306,4-64/387 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL60psf BCDL6.0psf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for alive load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This bjss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 2-0.0 from front girder and 4-0-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 16-9-8, and 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 1146-8 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. I LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase= 1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert: 1-2=-68, 2-14-68, 3-16-68, 3-5-68, 10-11-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 14-102 16=-102 Continued on page 2 1 job Truss Truss Type r ' Magnolia IA 1103 CALHIP [:Reference I (cptional) I rusrieme U.i... Ferns. I. 51.310 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Trapezoidal Loads (plfl Vert: 14=-68-to-15=-102. 151024o.1668 14un: 5.240 a Dec 62018 Pflnt 8.240 a Dec 62018 MiTek InduSlnes. Inc. Thu Oct 312:40.50 2019 P3082 ID:ZF13c9vIoIbrEMV1P7?S5SJz7t4q-LdL8bsmu_lLPMctLWUXOKSYjKlgECua98OFAQzyX5Kx 11 Ob TrUSSTë PIy I aota1A 1,10-4 ss I c0oN ::::]OW ,JobReference(opbonal)I I i I - - - - ru5rdm u.'.., m5, CIU uun: e4U a uec b xuia Pwrt ezeu a uec S zoie laTeli Inausmes, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12.'40512019 Pace 1 lD:ZF13c9v,ocbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-ppvXpCnMcTG_mEX4Brdsf5yljxzxvpJMgjyPyX5Kw -14 5-0-4 • 7-8-0 10.3-12 . 15-0-7 21-10-0 H-14 4-8-6 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-8-11 6-9-9 Scale = 1:35.9 3x4 = 400111 -us 20 II = 4x6 =40 = --- .. 30 0-3-14 5-0-4 5-2-0 10-2-0 10-3-12 16-7-13 21-10-0 0-t3-14 44-8 0-1j12 5-0-n 0-1-12 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— (1:0-2-0,0-1-12j, f3:0-2-0,Edqe. (5:0-0-2,0-1-81,18:0-1-12,0-1-121.110:0-1-12.0-1-121 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-3-12 CSI. OEFL in (bc) I/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.88 Vert(LL) -0.21 7-8 "999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.97 Vert(CT) -0.72 7-8 >380 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mc, NO WS 0.68 Harz(CT) 0.03 6 na We BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPl2014 Matilx-MSH Weight 121 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except' 81: 2X6 OF No.2 G. 93: 2X6 OF SS G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 6=1188(0-3-8 (mitt. 0-1-8), 11=121910-3-8 (mm. 0-14) Max Harz 11=-70(LC 17) Max Uplift6-28(LC 9), 11-2(LC 8) BRACING- TOP CHORD 2-0-0 cc purfins (34-11 max.), except end verticals (Switched from sheeted: Spacing '2-0-0). BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-00c bracing, Except: 6-0-00c bracing: 10-11. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CcmpiMax. Ten. - AM forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=-1590/41. 15-16=-1474/52, 2-19=-1462/54, 2-3=-318I49, 3-4-258155, 4-17=-1516150.5-17=1631149, 5-18=-2800162,648=2877/46, 1-11=-1329/54 801 CHORD 9-10=0/1468,8-9=0/1466, 8-20=4112399, 7-20=-4112399, 7-21--612657, 8-21=-612657, 6-22=0(1100 WEBS 5-8=-10851130.4-8=0/316.2-4=-1232J40, 1-10=4/1624,5-7=01621 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL6.0psf h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 6-7-12 to 9-7-12, Interior(1) 9-7-12 to 14-2-0. Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(1) 17-2-0 to 284-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-64) tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical puilin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 52 lb down and 4 lb up at 114-0. and 52 lb down and 4 lb up at 16-8-0 on bottom chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate Increase1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3-83, 3-6=-83,11-12=-23 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 8=-50 10=-50 Job TrUSS fTr0tiiType Qty Ply Manotia IA 1105 COMMON Job Reference (optional) _ __j oa U rusrrame LLu.. 'ems, (.P.. 93(U Nun: 8.2405 Dec 8 2015 Pflnt 8.240 s Dec 52018 MITeIC IndUS8IBS, Inc. Thu OCt 3 12:40:51 2019 Page 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-ppvXpCnWlcTGmEX48rdsf5u9UyFxwwJMgjyPyx5Kw 0I3-14 5-0-4 7-8-0 10-3-12 14-11-7 21-10-0 0-3-14 4-8-6 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-7-11 6-10-9 Scale = 1:36.2 384 = 400111 384 4 17 t4 Z; 4x4 1:32 18 6 I; F It 20 II 4x4 =4x6 = 4x4 Ca- ,, 3x8 = na_IA C_flA C , A an n In., 4 Ia fl - .,• Ifl I Plate Offsets (X.Y)- [1:0-1-12.0-1-12). I [3:0-2-0,Edge], [5:0-0-2.0-1-121, [6:0-0-0.0-0-91, [8:0-1-12,0-2-01, 110:0-1-12.0-2-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 24-0 CSI. DEFL in (lac) l/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.91 Vert(LL) -0.37 7-8 >699 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.95 Vert(CT) -1.23 7-8 >212 180 I BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor NO W8 0.59 Horz(CT) 0.04 6 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 108 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&8tr G 'Except TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-11-15 oc purlins. except 12: 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals. BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G 'Except' SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Except: B2: 2X6 DF No.2 G 6-0-oocbracing: 10-11. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required crass bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. (lb/size) 6=103210-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8). 11=106310-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Installation guide. Max Horz 11=-60(LC 17) Max Uplift6=.24(1_C 9), 11-2(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=-1343/34, 15-16=-1255/46, 2-16=-1243147, 2-3=-295/45. 4-17=-1331/46, 5-17=-1429/44, 5-18=-2240/52, 6-18=-2374/38, 1-1 1=4 123150 BOT CHORD 9-10=0/1267. 8-9=011267. 8-20=-35/2067. 7-20=-3512067, 7-21=-612181, 6-21=-6/2181 - WEBS 5-8=-948/112,4-8=0/431,2-4=-1074/34,1-10---1211"8, 5-7=0/473 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd>67mph; TCDL=6.Opsf; BCDL=8.Opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 6-7-12 to 9-7-12, Interior(l) 9-7-12 to 14-2-0, Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(l) 17-2-0 to 28-4-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed:C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown: Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcun'ent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 52 lb down and 4 lb up at 11-8-0. and 52 lb down and 4 lb up at 16-8-0 on bottom chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 1-3-72, 3-6=-72,11-12=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 8-50 10-50 Job lruss iiruss Type I' I I Magnolia 1A 1106 I COMMON I ]Job Reference (optional) IIu5rldm U.,.... rgns. ,.P.. vZolu Nun: G.WAU S uec u xuia I,Vic b24U S uec a zolo MITeR Inousmes, inc. thu uct 1.4O:ex zois P38 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-HDSv0Xo8Wwb7cwpkduMsPte7b6LLgPDSbKkGVsyX5Kv 6-10-9 11-6-4 14-2-0 16-9-12 21-5-7 28-4-0 6-10-9 4-7-11 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-7-11 6-10-9 Scale z 1:46.6 354 - 7 6 C If 2x4 2x4 II 454 454= 4x6= 4x8 4x6 5-8-14 11-6-4 11,8-0 164-0 16-9-12 22-9-2 28-4-0 5-6-14 5-11-6 0-112 5-0-0 0412 5-11-6 5-6-14 Plate Offsets (XY)- (1:0-0-0,0-1-1]. [3:0-2-0.0-1-8], [4:0-2-'.Edge1, [5:0-2-0.0-1-81. 17:040-0,0-1-11 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.34 8-9 >988 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.7711-12 >443 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress mci- NO WS 0.46 Horz(CT) 0.17 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 127 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except" 32:2X6 DF No.2 G WEBS 2X4DFStud/StdG I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 11353/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 71353/044 (mm. 0-1-8) Max lloiz 156(LC 35) Max Upllft1-227(LC 27), 7-227(1.0 30) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-300 puilins. 80T CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-4-14 cc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-5 Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. 1• FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-31921588, 2-19=.31101444,2-20-2671/333,3-20=-2465/151, 3-0-318/163, 4-5=-318/168, 5-21=-2465/152, 6-21=-25711342, 6-22-31101435. 7-22=-31921581 BOT CHORD 1-23---35/2950, 23-24-68012950, 12-24=-68012950, 12-25=-69712909, 11-25=49712909, 10-11=-56112383, 9-10=-55112383. 9-26=-58212909, 8-26=-58212909. 8-27=-54212950, 7-27---54212950 WEBS 6-9-72611172,2-111=-7261165. 5-9=0!504,3-11=01504.3-5-211117,2-12--0/381, 6-8=0/381 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered (Or this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL8.0psf tw20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 14-2-0. Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(l) 17-2-0 to 284-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and light exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurTent with any other live loads. • This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsIon the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total dreg load of 1200 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 2-0-0 for 600.0 plf. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 11-8-0, a 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 16-8-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate Increase-0.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert: 11-4-72.4-7-72,113-116=-20 Continued on page 2 Job TnJss ITrUSS Type r' Fly ManoIia 1* H06 I I I 1COMMON Job Reference (optional) IHQITUd I rusr,me W... IW1I5. U LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 9-5011-50 Iun: ts.x4v s uec b ifyin innt is.jqu S USC S 1151155 unauslnes, Inc. mu ua J 14U:1 1U15 Iage 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-HOSvOXo8Wwb7cwpkduMsPte7b6LLgPDSbKkGVsyX5Kv ob Truss Truss Type Ply lagnob 1A r" I COMMON L , Reference (2iltional) - Id iruliridruc u.t..., rm5, i..i. uimu rem: 5.24O s uec 5 201 Pnnr 5.240 a Dec S 2018 MiTer Industnes, Inc. Thu Oct 312:40:52 2019 Page 1 lD2FI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-H0Sv0Xo8Wwb7cwpkduMsPte7b6LLgPDSbKkGVsyX5Kv 6-10-9 11-6-4 14-2-0 16-9-12 21-5-7 28-4-0 6-10-9 4.7-11 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-7-11 6-10-9 Scale = 1:46.6 354 4x6 = 2x4 II 4x4 =4X46 = 40 = 2x4 If 4x8 = I 5-6-14 5-6-14 . 11-6-4 5-11-6 11*0 O-i12 16-8-0 5-0-0 16-9-12 O-112 22-9-2 5-11-6 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 11:0-6:0,0-1-1I. (3:0-2-0,0-1-8!, [4:0-2-0,Edgel, 15:0-2-0.0-1-8!. LOADING(psl) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) Udell L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.34 8-9 '.988 240 I TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 SC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.77 11-12 '.443 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.46 P$orz(CT) 0.17 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10_0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH PLATES GRIP MT20 220/195 Weight: 127 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G Except 132:2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud!Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1353/044 (mm. 0-1.8), 7=135310-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz156(LC 12) Max Uplift1.19(LC 8), 7-19(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-30c purlins. 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1044 ocbracing. WEBS I Row at midpt 3-5 Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed dining buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-3192/25, 2-104-3110/40, 2-20=-2571135, 3-204-2465136, 3-4=-318159, 4-04-318(59, 5-21=-2465/36, &21=.2571135,6-22=-3110140.7-22=-3192125 SOT CHORD 1-23=-3512950, 12-23=-3512950. 12-24=-6312909, 11-24-6312909, 1O-110/2383, 9.10=0/2383, 9-25=-2212909. 8-25=-2212909, 8-26=0/2950,7-26=0/2950 WEBS 6-9=-726/127, 2-11=-726/127, 5-9--01504, 3-11=0/504, 3-5=-211117, 2-12=0/381, 6-040/381 NOTES- I) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87inph; TCDL=6.opsf; 8CDL=8.0psf h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable and zone and C-C Exterior(2) 04-0 to 3.0-0, Interior(l) 34-0 to 14-2.0, Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(1) 17-2-0 to 2844 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL=11.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonooncurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.(Xb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 11-841, and 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 164-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease0.25, Plate Increase1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert 1-4--72.4-7=72,13-16--20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 9-50 11=-50 Exp. 8130121 NO. C53821 Job Truss Truss lype Q1yJPI1 Mag[Wia1A MOB COMMON - - - I Job Reference (optional) ... ruin s.s,i, Lmc o LU1O rniw 044115 usc o Amu uvsueic IflOUSUlOS, sic. i flu uci 14:40:0341115 rage 1 ID2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-lC0HEtornHDj_03OwScu5y4AKxWgoPu7bq_Tqllyxsku 7-10-12 14-2-0 20-5-4 28-4-0 7-10-12 6-3-4 6-34 l 7-10-12 Scale = 1:45.1 4x6 II 8x8 = 4x4 = 6x10 MT18HS VVS= 40 = 6x6 = 9-5-12 18-10-4 28-4-0 Plate Offsets ()(,Y)— 11:0-2-0.0-0-111. (1 :0-1-0.0-2-13!. 14:0-0-0.O-0-01. 17:0-2-0.0-0-111, 17:0-1-0.0-2-131.18:0-0-8.0-2-01,110:0-0-0.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 24-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.57 Veit(LL) -0.52 8-10 *41 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.81 Vert(CT) -1.04 8-10 p323 180 MT18HS 2201195 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WS 0.35 Hoiz(CT) 0.13 7 n/a n/a SCOL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 111 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DPNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G OTHERS 2x4 OF Stud/STO G(2) SLIDER Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G 1-11-14, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G 1-11-14 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 11286/0-5-8 (min. 0-1-8).7=1286M-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz1-56(LC 13) Max Uplift1-17(LC 8), 7-17(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1-9 cc purlins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Is) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-1695!0, 2-19=-2831!36. 3-.19=-2772/53. 3-20=-2601/38. 4-204-2524/50, 4.21 =.2543/51, 5-21=-2622/39, 5-22=2798154,6-22=-2828136, 6-7-1 80810 801 CHORD 1-23-41l2629, 1-24=-41/2629, 10-24=-41/2829, 9-10=0/1840,8-9=0/1840, 8-25=4/2654, 7-25=-0/2654, 7-26=41/2654 WEBS 4-8=-11/864, 5-8=495/132,4-104-11/841, 3-10=-484/132 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL8.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-2-12 to 3-2-12, Interior(1) 3-2-12 to 14-2-0, Exteiior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(l) 17-2-0 to 28-2-4 zone; cantilever left and tight exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. This buss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/IPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss I ype uty Ply H09 COMMON =fional == Magnolia IA - - - Job Reference ,o, u... • rrnu, , I1Ufl S4U S USC S U1S riwil: 524U S USC S xUis Mileic Inausmes. INC. Thu OCt 3 12.-40:54 2019 Page l ID:ZFl3othrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-DOafRDpO2XnrOz6lJPIcUljVow2h8Jdl3eDNZkyX5Kt 7-10-12 14-2-0 • 20-5-4 284-0 7-10-12 6-3-4 6-3-4 7-10-12 Scale = 1:45.1 4x6 II 4x4 = 4x4= 3x8= 2223 8 7 6 3x8= 5x6 WB= 5-0-0 9-5-12 18-10-4 284-0 5-0-0 4-5-12 9.4-5 RA-12 I Plate Offsets (XY)— f1:023,0.1.81. E2:0-1-12.0-2-01(3:0-0-0.O.0-01. (40-1-12.0-2-0J. 15:0-2-3.0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-04) CSI. DEFL in (lc) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.56 Vert(LL) -0.43 6-8 251 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 18.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.54 Vert(CT) -0.55 6-15 p199 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES W8 0.46 Horz(CT) 0.03 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 127 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-3-7°c pwlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6414 oc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G I MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cress bracing be OTHERS 2x4 DF Stud/STD G(2) installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer SLIDER Left 2x4 DF StudlStd -G 7-10-12, Right 2x4 OF Stud!Std -G 710-12 I Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 13-10-8 except fit--length) 105-8,5=0-3-8. (lb) - Max Horz 1=-73(LC 38) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) except 1-179(LC 27). 5=-156(LC 30), 5=-303(LC 30), 8-278(LC 27) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 1480(LC 60), 5=475(LC 65), 6=903(LC 1), 5=862(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-12531223, 2-17=-1239!224, 3-18=-2571293, 3-19=-320/380. 4-20=-12521253, 520=1265I212 SOT CHORD 1-21=-502/648, 1-22=-502!648, 22-23=-5021648, 8-23-347/612, 7-8=-231/388, 6-7=-648/770, 6-24=-3771533. 5-24=-3771533. 5-25=-377/533 WEBS 3-6=-556/436. 4-8=-5721143, 3-8=-4841405, 2-8=-567!148 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-2-12 to 3-2-12, Interior( 1) 3-2-12 to 14-2-0, Extenor(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(1) 17-2-0 to 28-24 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcuffent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed fbr a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL=(133) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 5-0-0 to 18-10-8 for 100.9 plf. I LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss ITIUSS Type Q1Y Ply ua1p I Maglvo Ihb0 00N 1 I 2 jJob Reference (optional) L.lvllllvlflld llU5llvilW L... reins, iM. 5IU rein; a.su S usc o ui rnnl: e.eu a uec lv £510 lvi ICC Inausules, inc. flu 1.151 .v iu;5u £5 IS raus 1 lD:ZFI3c9*xxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-hb81tZq0prziTNYJJ1wZ1VGgOJJvtjMuHlyx58yX5Ks 5-6-13 9-4-11 14-2-0 20-2-8 23.11-1 29-4-0 5-6-13 3-9-14 4-9-5 6-0-8 3-8.9 4-4-15 Scales 1:45.2 4*6 = 5*18 4*10 = 4*10 = 8*10 = 5x8 = 4*8 = 6*6 = 3*4 = 6-7-13 14-9-4 I 20-2-8 28-4-0 6-7-13 8-1.7 I 554 8-1-8 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- [1:0-7-0.0-1-141,13.0-3-12,0-1-12], [4:0-3-0,0-2-41,15:0-1-12,0-2-01, 18:0-3-0,04-01, (10:04-0,0-2-4], [11:0-34,0-44) LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) I/dell lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 Ic 0.51 Vert(LL) -0.14 10-11 >999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -0.41 10-11 >424 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO W8 0.62 Horz(CT) 0.02 10 n!a n/a SCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015!TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 303 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 DF Stud/Std G Exoepr W2: 2X4 OF No.2 G SLIDER Left 2*6 OF No.2 -G 5-7-12 BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6.0-00c purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing, Except: 10-0-0 cc bracing: 1-11. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=2433/0.5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=264/0-5-8 (mm. 0.1-8), 10=925510-3-8 (req. 04-15) Max Horz1-64(LC 29) Max Upliftl.229(LC 27), 7-247(LC 30) Max Grav1vi2591(LC 53), 7339(LC 3), 10=9256(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1.2=4139,548, 2-3=-40831374, 3-4=-37513311. 4-5=-121!3676, 5-6=-343/1166, 6.7=.5241929 601 CHORD 1-19=-53713913. 1.20=.540!3918, 11-20=-50913998, 11-21=-5871813, 10.21=-6051784, 9-10=10871650,9-22=10871550,22-23-1087/550, 8-23=1087/550,8-24=474/642, 24_25.8741542, 7-25=474/542, 7-26.340/305 WEBS 3-11=015223,3-10=-3709/32,4-10=-25711135, 5-10=-35491179,6-8=-2512288, 6-8=-421/84 NOTES- 2-ply buss to be connected together with lOd (0.131'x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-94 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 -2 rows staggered at 0-5-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2*4 - I row at 0-9-0 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOLz 1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 71 A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 10 greater than input bearing size. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2309.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points alor Bottom Chord, nonconc*urent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1 .33) Connect truss to resist loads along bottom chord from 04-0 to 2-0-0 for 700.0 plf. Girder carries tie-mn span(s): 30-4-0 from 0-0-0 to 3-4-0; 27.2.0 from 3-4-0 to 10-10-0; 20-1-8 from 10-10-010 184-0; 6-0-0 from 28-4-0; 20-2-0 from 0-0-0 to 18-4-0; 2-6-0 from 4-0-0 to 28-4-0; 2-6-0 from 224-0 to 28-4-0 Continued on page 2 Job Truss TñiiType 1Qt] Ply Magnoha - - H10 COMMON I 2 Job Reference (optional) NOTES- 13) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 1895 lb down and 76 lb up at 20-2-8 on bottom chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. I LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncreasel .25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (plO I Vert: 1-4-72, 4-7-72, 12-23--431(F-411), 23-24-20, 16-24-25(F-5) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 8-1895(F) Job TrUSS 1rtiitType Oty Ply MagnolialA JO1 GABLE 1 - Job Reference (optional) f%U1L544U5 IJ1(C OU1øflflLø41(U5U1(C DZU1NlIIeKIflaU5u1ea.inc. IflU(X( 31Z4U.b2U15 lagel 10:ZFl3c9volbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-AniQsvrea85Z4X7VskRoZjowHjrpcHu2wyiuedyX5Kr 5-1-11 10-11-0 I 164-5 21-10-0 5-1-11 5-9-5 5-9-5 5-1-11 Scale = 1.343 5x6 II n=stonit 3x4= 40 17 41 16 42 15 43 14 44 131245 11 46 10 47 9 48 8 49 7 50 6 51 3x4 4x4 = 30 = 44 7-9-10 144)4 1 21-10.0 7-9.10 7Q_lfl Plate Offsets (X.Y)— f3:0-3-6.0-2-81 - - LOADING(pst) SPACING- 24)-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.18 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.15 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 ECU. 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr YES WE 0.16 Holz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC201547Pl2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 128 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puilins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0oc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. All bearings 21-10-0. Installation guide. (lb)- Max Holz 167(LC44) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 11, 13. 16. 10,7 except 1.138(LC 27), 5-141(LC 38), 9=-180(LC 30). 14-183(LC 35) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 1=351(LC 67). 5351(LC 79). 9=587(LC 1), 14--587(LC 1). 11=275(LC 73), 13=280(LC 72), 15=292(LC 70), 16=255(LC 69), 17316(LC 68), 10=280(LC 74). 8=292(LC 76), 7=255(LC 77), 6=316(LC 78) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-36=4621379, 2-36=-274/265, 2-37=-2141276, 3-37=-981336, 3-38=49/336, 4-38=-178/271, 4-38=-262/235, 5-39=-449/387 BOT CHORD 1-40=-3641373.S-51=-3531383 WEBS 3-9--361/175.4-9=4401152.3-14=-361/l77,2-14—W/153 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDLS.Opsf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Intenor(1) 3-0-0 to 10-11.0, Exterior(2) 10-11-0 to 13-11-0, Interior(l) 13-11-0 to 21-10-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consuft qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 91 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along thi Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other re loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(i 33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag along bottom chord from 0.0-0 to 3-0-0, 18-10-0 to 21-10-0 for 133.3 pIt. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Type Magiolia 1A F COMMON i ss 13 i IJob Reference (optional) .aluamia i nisrrarne u.. reins. Lm. >3(U Null: 5.44U a uec e uie rnni: b4.0 S usc e ajia SI ICC Inausules, inc. i flu uct .1 1qu:, uia rase 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-ezGo3FrHLSEQihihQSy16wL1O74sLjwBlcR1A3yX5Kq 5-5-5 10-11-0 16-4-11 21-10-0 5-5-5 • 5-5-11 5-5-11 I I Scale = 1.35.1 4x6 II 454= 456 = 4x4 3x6 = 356 = 7-3-3 14413 21-10-0 7.. 7hn 71 Plate Offsets (XX)— 13:0-0-0.0-0-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL.. in (bc) Well Ltd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.27 6-8 >969 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.61 Vert(CT) -0.56 6-8 2,470 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mc, YES WS 0.24 Horz(CT) 0.08 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSI-I Weight: 81 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. gb/size) 1=961/0-5-8 (min. 0-1-8), 5961/044 (ruin. 0-1-8) Max Horzl=44(LC 35) Max Upliftl-259(LC 27), 5-259(LC 30) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-11-8oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1044 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1..15=2l90I707, 2..152093/510, 2-16=-1917!348, 3-16=-1856/166, 3-17=-18561178, 4-17=-1917/349. 4-18=-2093/467, 5-18=-2190/707 SOT CHORD 1-19=-344/2023, 19-20=-9612023, 8-20=-96/2023, 7..8=0/1379, 721=0/1379, 6-21=0/1379, 6-22---64/2023, 22-23=44/2023, 523=312/2023 WEBS 34--371660,4-6--395(137.3-8=-371660.24 8=-395/137 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VuIt110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=60psf; BCDLS.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 04)-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 10-11-0, Exterior(2) 10-11-0 to 13-11-0, Interior(l) 13-11-0 to 21-10-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 24-0, 19-10-0 to 21-10-0 for 350.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Scale = 1:28.7 454 = 2x4 II 4x8 = 20 II 5x6 = 1Job Truss I russ I ype IQIy i. Maeiclla 1A KOl OUEENPO I 1 I I - - - - - Job Reference (optional) 1501, u5rusllVS L4.., rc,,.a, (efl. 04WU flUfi. 0.01(15 IJCC 04(110 rflfll. 0.05(1511CC 04(510 VS ISiS Ifluu5UIe5, HO. i flu uct .5 14;qv;,o suie rage i lD:ZFI3c9vocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-6AqAHbsv6mMGI(rHu_9TGe8tALXKC46XLzGBbiVyX5Kp 5.0-11 8-11-8 12-10-5 17-11-0 5-0-11 3-10-13 3-10-13 5-0-11 5-0-11 , 8-11-8 12.10-5 17.11-0 5-0-11 • 1111 -lMIA 5-fl-al Plate Offsets (XV)- '1:0-0-0.0-1-91, 15:04-0.0-1-91. [6:0-2-4.0-1-01, [8:0-2-4.0-1-0] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (Joe) I/dell lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) -0.13 6-14 >999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber 001.. 1.25 Sc 0.99 Vert(CT) -038 6-14 >563 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress mci NO WB 047 Horz(CT) 0.05 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 69 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 DF No.1&Btr G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (IbIsize) 192610.3-8 (mm. 0-1-8),5=171110-3-8 (mm. 0-1-13) Max Horz 1=36(LC 28) Max Upllft1-151(LC 19), S141(LC 22) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-5oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib). Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-2085/376, 2.3'-163V181, 34=1638I184, 4-5=-2854/375 601 CHORD 1-15---37911923, 8-15--37911923. 8-16=-379/1923. 7.16=.379/1923, 717=406I2681. 6-17-406/2681, 6-18=406/2681, 18-19--40612681, 19.20.406/2681, 5-20=-3112681 WEBS 2-7=527198,3-7=0/792,4-7=1369177.2-8=0/M, 4-6=01839 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf, BCDL6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)5 This truss has been designed for alive load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 15-11-0 to 17-11-0 for 400.0 pIt. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 12-7.8 from 13-3-0 to 17-11-0 In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert 91820, 12.18.247(F227), 1-3---68, 3-5-68 Truss russ Type Pon,IA K02 PIY nolia IQUEENPOST 1 I - - - Job Reference (optional) rurI;o.us iJec ov1ernnIre.qu5uec V1bMIIeKIflQU5li1e5,IflC. inuucr 41x:4U:DaU1> 1-'aqei ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-6AqAHbsv6mMGXrHu_9TGe8tFgXPg4AzLzGBbivyX5Kp 4-5-11 8-11-8 13-5.5 17-11-0 4-5-11 4-5-13 4-5-13 4-5-11 Scale = 1:28.7 40 = 4x8 = 4x6 4x8 = 8-11-8 1 17-11-0 p_ii.a Plate Offsets (XV)— 11:0-0-0.0-1-11, [5:0-0-0.0-1-11 - - LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (Icc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 125 IC 0.25 Vert(LL) -0.32 6-12 >675 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(CT) -0.54 6-12 2,401 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress lncr YES WS 0.21 Horz(CT) 0.05 5 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo2G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=788/044 (mm. 0-1-8), 5788/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz136(LC 12) Max Uplift1-11(LC 8), 6=-11(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 441-6 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0.0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=-1728152, 2-15=-1653165, 2-16=-128617, 3-184-1235118, 3-17=-1235/18 4-17=-1286f7.4-18--1653165, 5-18=-1728152 BOT CHORD 1-13=,5711598.6-13=-5711598,6-14=-3111598.5-W-3111598 WEBS 2-6=484/116,3-6=0/530.4-6=484/116 I NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vu1t=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0p5f BCDL=6.opsf; h=200 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0. Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 8-11-8, Exterior(2) 6-11-8 to 11-11-8. Interior(1) 11-11-8 to 17-11-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions I shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load noncoricurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for alive toad of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. I 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. 7) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0!b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I FLab Truss Truss Type Qty Magnolia 1A 1(03 OUEENPOST 1 —,JobReference(optional) run;o.qu5 Lmc ou1ornnuO.'3usL,ec oiu1DMJIeKInoUsUg5,lflC. inuuci J,x:U:ssU1a aoei ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-aM0yUxtXs3u7x_s4v5_vBLQL1 xli pXGlJcww8EyyX5Ko 4-11-12 , 8-11.8 • 12-11-4 17-11-0 4-11.12 3-11-12 3-11-12 4-11-12 Scale = 1:28.4 40 = eat = axe = 4-11-12 8-11-8 12-11-4 • 17-11-0 4-11-12 1.11.12 • 1.11.1) Plate Offsets (X.Y)— (to -3-0.0-345]. [5:0-3-0.04-51, (6:0-3-12.0-1-8]. 17:04-0.0-1-121. [8:0-3-12.0-1-8] LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCU. 20.0 Plate Grip 001 1.25 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) -0.08 6-14 >999 240 MT20 2201195 ICOL 14.0 Lumber 001 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(CT) -0.27 6-14 >810 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mc, NO WB 0.83 Horz(CT) 0.04 5 n/a n/a SCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015lTPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 82 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X6 OF SS 3 WEBS 2X4 DF StudiSid 3 REACTIONS. Qblsize) 1997I0-5-8 (rain. 0-1-8), 5=2184/0-3-8 (mm. 0-2-5) Max Hoizl=36(LC 36) Max Upliftl-250(LC 19), 6=-235(LC 22) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-10-800 pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=23501622, 2-3=-18931327. 3-4=-1896/322, 4-5=-3569/632 801 CHORD 1-15=-2781953, 1-184-661/2187.8-16=461/2187. 8-17=-66112187. 7-17=46112187, 7-18=-69713368.6.18=-697/3368,6-19=-697/3368, 19-204-697/3368,20-21=497/3368, 5-21=-167/3368, 5-22=-29311788 WEBS 3-7=0/950, 4-7-1830168, 4.6=0/1135, 2-7=-5381117, 2-8=0/279 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL=6.0ps1 8C0L6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 15-11-0 to 17-11-0 for 700.0 pIt. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 17-11-0 from 13-3-0 to 17-11-0 In the LOAD CASE(S) section. loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate Increase1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3-68,3-8448, 9-19=-20, 12-19=-364(F-344) 858 as, .- 450 3x10 = Thiss ;JM0.'9';l., IK04 ITrussType jOty P =Job CAL HIP Ii - - - ce (optional) null. O.tU5 IJVC C IJ IC mill. C.tqu 5 USC C LU IC ISA 15K 111UU55155, IflC. IOU .JCI 4 1LqU;4, tiiia rage i ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-aMOYUxtXs3U7x_s4Ys_VBLOMPxjspdnU(ww8EyyX5ko 7.11-Il 7-5-0 7-6,12 9-11.5 10-6-0 13-1-11 11-11-0 4-9-5 2-7-11 0-1-12 1-11-10 04-if 2-7-11 4-9.5 0-4-15 scale a 1:29.5 7-5-0 10-6-0 • 17-11-0 7Cfl I Ki.n I 7_5.J Plate Offsets 0(Y)- 13:O-3-12.Edgel. (4:0-5-0.0-1-61 - LOADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) lldefi L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL. 20.0 Plate Grip VOL 1.25 TC 0.51 Vert(LL) -0.12 7-8 >999 240 MT20 2201195 ICOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.77 Vert(CT) -0.37 8 >573 180 BCU. 0.0 1 Rep Stress Inor NO WB 0.21 Harz(CT) 0,09 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code iBC2015ITPi2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 84 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-1 oc puilins. except SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G 044oc purlins (2-10-1 max.): 3-4. Except: WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 2-10-0 cc bracing: 3-4 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1770/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-14). 61782/Mechanicai Installation guide. Max l-toiz 1=33(LC 8) Max upiiftl=-64(LC 4)1 5=-68(LC 5) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CornpJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-43401345. 2.3=.4336/343, 3-15=-39811331, 4-15=-3974!333. 4-5=4202/342, 5-6=-4374/356 SOT CHORD 1-16=-89/1691,1-17=-317/4104.8-17-317/4104, 8-18=30814188, 18-19=-308/4188, 19-20=-30W4188. 7-20--.30814188, 7-21=-30114114, 6-21=-301/4114, 6-22=-77/1695 WEBS 3-8=01380,34=400156,44=01527 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL=6.0psf, h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonooncurrent with any other live loads. 1 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb five located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries hip end with 84-0 end setback. Graphical purtin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 121 Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 703 lb down and 162 lb up at io-e and 703 lb down and 162 lb up at 7-6-12 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of other 13) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber increase=1.25. Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert: 1-3=-68, 34-165, 4-6=-68, 9-12=-49(F=-29) Continued on page 2 Jb frruss nussTipe y MagnolialA IKO4 CAL HIP - 1077 1 !Job Reference onaI) .--- ------- ---.. - -...-. - - - LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3-589 4-589 Magnolia IA I 1(05 Scale = 1288 454 = 1-6 456 = 2x4 II 354 = 8-11-8 12-8-12 17-11-0 S-Il-S 1 1-e4 1 5.24 Plate Offsets (XX)— 17:0-24.0-2-01 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (bc) I/dell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) -0.28 7-10 552 240 MT2O 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Veit(CT) -0.51 7-10 300 180 BCL.L 0.0 Rep Stress bncr NO WB 0.24 Ho1z(CT) 0.02 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code l8C2015lTPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 57 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 DF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=546/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5220/0-3-8 (mm. 0-14), 6=862/0-54 (mm. 0-1-8) Max llorz 136(LC 12) Max Uplift148(LC 8), 5-6(LC 13), 8.13(LC 9) Max Grav1553(LC 27), 5382(LC 31), 6-862(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-1055147, 2-17=-988/61, 2-18=-55210, 3-18=-51016. 3-19=-529112, 4-19-54610 SOT CHORD 1-14=-53t978,7-14=-53f978 WEBS 2-7=6451111,4-7=-12/531.4-6---721/55 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-13 cc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-Coo bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed dining truss erection. in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered fbi this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph TCDL6.0psf; BCDL=6.0psf h=201t; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 8-11-8, Exterior(2) 8-11-8 to 11-11-8, Interior(l) 11-114 to 17-11-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). I I- LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncreasel.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (p11) Veit 6-8-20. 6-11-30(F=-10), 1-3-68, 3-5-68 Job Tru5s 1TriT7ji Ofy jPty I M 1A KOS 1QUST 1 1 jJob - - - Reference (optional) I uIuflua Ilual-rarne w.... rT1a, M. s:iu Iran: b4US uec o aria rnnt a-isa a uec a Zuia Mireic inausmes. Inc. mu oCt 3 1z:41:uu 2U15 iage 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-2YxwiGu9dNc_Z8QG5aWkkZzalK4wY4fdRaginOyX5Kn 4-5-11 8-11-8 12-8-12 13-7-13 17-11-0 4-5-11 • 4-5-13 3-9.4 • 0-11-1 1 4-3-3 Scale: 1:28.8 4x4 = 4x8 = 2x4 II 3x4 8-11-8 1241,42 17-11-0 8-11-9 1 3-8-4 1 524 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 170-2-6.0-2-01 L.OADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL in (foe) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip 001 1.25 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) -0.28 7-10 552 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.51 7-10 300 180 BCI..L 0.0 Rep Stress mci NO WE 0.24 HOa(CT) 0.02 6 nla n/a BCDL 10_0 Code l6C20151TPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 67 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (IbIsize) 1546/0-3-8 (nun. 0-1-8), 6=22010-3-8 (mm. 0-1-81 6=862/6-5-6 (mitt 0-1-8) Max Horz136(LC 36) Max Upliftl=-163(LC 27). 6=-115(LC 38). 6-59(LC 30) Max Gravl=553(LC 55), 5=382(LC 59), 6=862(LC 1) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-9 or. purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Tb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-11031460, 2-17=-9881344, 2-18=-644/223, 3-16=-510/160, 3-19=-529/44, 4-19-5461138, 5-20=-3521284 BOT CHORD 1-14=-44111025, 7-14=-2481918, 5-16=-2511349 WEBS 2-7=-5451145, 4-7=-105/531, 4-6=-7211105 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 740; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCOL6.0psf BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, lnterior(1) 3-0411 to 8-11-8, Exterior(2) 8-11-8 to 11-11-8, lntenor(1) 11-11-8 to 17-11-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip 001=1.60 This Miss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a rye load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. S) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. 8)This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 17-11-0 for 441 p11'. 9) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the Miss are noted as front (F) or back (8). — LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease125, Plate Increase--1.25 Uniform Loads (p11') Vert 6-8=-20, 6-11-30(F-10), 1-3=-68, 3-5-68 I ob 1 russ Truss Type uty 1Pty Magnolia 1A Lol GABLE I - - - -- I ' Job Reference jona nun; s.qu s usc ouis rnnl c..ew s usc o Avia Mu SK inausuls!. Inc. mu uct . 1:'+1:u1 u1u raqe 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-WlvJvcunOhkrBl?SfH1zGmVnjkXMGZRngEPFJqyX5Km 4-9-14 8-9-0 12-8-2 17-6-0 4-9-14 3-11-2 3-11-2 4.9-14 Scales 1:27.6 5x6 II 354= 29 14 30 13 31 12 32 11 33 10 34 9 35 8 36 7 37 6 38 3j4 4x4 = 454 = 6-3-14 . 11-2-2 • 17-6-0 .1fl.4 Kn.1A Plate Offsets (XY)— 13:$1 LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.14 Vert(LL) n/a - nla 999 MT20 2201195 TCOI. 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.19 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.07 Horz(CT) 0.00 5 n/a n/a SCOL 10_0 Code IBC20151T12I2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 97 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 644cc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Mflek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. Al bearings 17-6-0. (Ib) - Max Horz 1-35(LC 38) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 11, 13, 9, 7 except 1-126(LC 27), 5-131(LC 38), 8-178(LC 30). 12=-183(LC 35) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 1=344(LC 65), 5=344(LC 75), 8464(LC 1), 12=464(LC 1), 10=279(LC 70), 11=270(LC 69), 13=258(LC 67), I4=321(LC 66), 9=270(LC 71), 7=258(LC 73), 6=321(LC 74) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-25---3851347, 5-28=-385/356 SOT CHORD 1-29=439f369,548=4221352 WEBS 3-8=-2651167, 4-8=-3751103. 3-12=-2551173, 2-12=-3751103 NOTES- Unbalanced root Five loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllornph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.opsf; BCDL=6.opsf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C. Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 8-941, Exterior(2) 8-9-0 to 11-9-0, Interior(1) 11-9-0 to 17-6-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face). see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSl/TPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/IPI L This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL--(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 440-0. 13-6-0 to 17-6-0 for 100.0 pIt. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Exp. 6130/21 NO. C53821 1 TrU5S Truss Type uty Ply I Mageoha 1A L02 COMMON GIRDER I - - - - - - -- Job Reference (optional) I caliTonsa irust-lame Lc.. r'ems. IA. 92010 Run: 8.240 a Dec 62018 Print 8.240 S Dec 6 2018 MiTeR Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:41:02 2019 Page 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-_x3h7yvP9_sioSafD?YCp_2wL8o9flWwut9orHyx5Kl 3-10-4 4-5-1 8-9-0 13-0-15 17-6-0 3-10-4 b-6-13 4-3-15 4-3-15 4-5-1 Scale = 1:28.2 4x6 II 2x4 H qX4 = 45* = 454 = 454 3-10-4 6-6-6 10-11-10 17-6-0 3-10-4 2-8-2 4-5-4 6-6-6 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— 14:0411-0,0-0-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (foe) I/dell L/d PLATES GRIP ICLI 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.27 Vert(LL) -0.12 7-15 >999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.54 Vert(CT) -0.23 7-15 >898 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.15 Horz(CT) 0.05 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code l8C2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=770/0-5-8 (mm 0-14), 6=77010-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hoizl=35(LC 12) Max Uplift1-10(LC 8), 6-10(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-6 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 ocbracing. I MiTeR recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-16=-1689125, 2-16=-1631132. 2-3=-1613144, 3-17=-1418122, 4-17=-1370138, 4-18=1369127.5-18=-1417115,5-19--1614151,6-19=1690138 BOT CHORD 1-20=31/1558,9-20-3111556,9-,21-31115M. 6-21=-3111568,8-22=011100, 7-22=011100, 7-23=-2011559, 6-23=-2011559 WEBS 4-7=0/498, 5-7-341/97, 4-8=-11495, 3-8=-386/65 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL6.0p5f; h20ft; Cat. II: Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, lntenor(1) 3-0-0 to 8-9-0. Exterior(2) 8-9-0 to 11-9-0, Interior(l) 11-9-0 to 17-6-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load noncorrcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 200psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 4x4 = 4x4 = 454 = 454 = Magnolia 1A GIRDER 4-5-1 8-9-0 , 13-0-15 17-6-0 4-5-1 4-3-15 • 4-3-15 4-5-1 Scale = 1.28.2 4 D1000# x6 II I 6-6-6 10-11-10 17-6.0 6.6.6 I 5.6.4 5.6.5 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- 13:0-0-0.0-0-01 - - - LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL OEFL in (loG) I/dell lid PLATES GRIP ICli 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.27 Vert(LL) -0.12 7-10 2,999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.55 Vert(CT) -0.24 7-10 >890 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress incr NO W8 0.15 HOrZ(CT) 0.05 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code I5C20151TPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 65 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=77010-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=770/0-5.8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Harz 135(LC44) Max Upflftl-188(LC 27), 5=-188(LC 30) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=-1690/511, 2-14=-1614/353, 2-15-1417r264.3-15-13691127, 3-16=-1369/152, 4-16=14171232,4-17=16141329.6-17=16901504 BOT CHORD 1-18--57/1559. 18-19=-582/1559, 7-19=-58211559, 7-20=480/1218,6-20=480/1216, 6-21=477/1559,5-21=477/1559 WEBS 3-6=-271498. 4-6=442/122, 3-7=-231496, 2-7=-342/117 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0ps1 8COL6.0psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3.0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 8-9-0. Exterior(2) 8-9-0 to 11-9-0, Interior(1) 11-9-0 to 17-6-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 ps/ bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opston the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-8-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1000 lb. Lumber DOL--(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 2-0-0 for 500.0 p11. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job T/UbS fT/0iTypb Qty Ply Magnolia 1A N01 IGABLE I 1 jJob -- - - - - - - Reference (optional) .r.,, i.,..., . g,u rwn: e.4U s uec b ori* mm: 524U S USC b ZU1C MuleS urcusuies Inc. mu UCI 3 i:41:O3 UiS Pagel ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJTlvFKMLnuz6OGW.S7d3Klw1wZQc9mu3RLBb4Wc_kOw47xuMojyx5loc 6-2-4 11-0.0 6-2-4 4-9-12 I 5x6 = D=800# Scale z 1:21.8 22 23 8 24 7 25 8 26 5 4x4 = 358= 3x611 6-2-4 . 11-0-0 6-2.4 d_4_I Plate Offsets (XV)- 11:04)4.0-2-01 LOADING(psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI DEFL. in (bc) lldefl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Gnp DOL 1.25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 M120 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.31 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.42 Holz(CT) -0.01 6 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code 15C20151TPI2014 Matrix.MSI-f Weight: 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals. WEBS 2X4 OF StudfStd G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Mrrek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be SLIDER Left 2x4 OF StudlStd -G 3-30 installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 11-0-0. (Ib)- Max Hoiz1=34(LC 11) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 8 except 5-576(LC 46), 6=.616(LC 35). 7-265(LC 60) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 7 except 5565(LC 35), 61076(LC 48), 8421(LC 57) FORCES. Pb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-2371355,2-19=273(655, 3-19=498(761, 3-20=4201786,2G-21=7411/952, 4-211=85-7111043.4-5=53516113 SOT CHORD 1-22=-565(62. 1-23=-5911109, B-23=-591/264, 8-24=-$911294, 7-2@-591/381, 7-25---5911401, 6-25=4491478.6-26=3116543 WEBS 3-6=447/5115.4-6=40115f794 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult'llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=almph; TCDL=6.0psI BCDL6.0psf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, Interior(l) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, lnterior(1) 9-3-12 to 10-11-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; and vertical left and right expased;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown: Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the buss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face). see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 14-0 oc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This as has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip OOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag Ic along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 11-0-0 for 72.1 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 356 454 = 2x4 II Job Truss s Truaslype Magnolia Pty 1A P402 COMMON GIRDER I JUW 3 Job Reference (optional) ...aluumla I IUbId u.I..., rrns, I..P. vtctu rUfl: 514U S uec a uia rnnt 524U S uec a xuia MItes Iflausmes, Inc. i flu U0 1:41:u 2U15 tage 1 ID:lbJOp_sdczmZJ11vFKMLnuz6OGW-xXBRXexghc6O2nik1KOaguP7E1yWUTvqDMBevw9yX5Kj 6-2-4 11-0-0 6-2-4 ' 4-9-12 Scale = 1:22.5 0-0-8 6-2-4 11-0-0 n-ft-a a-i-i Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 11:Edge,0-0.O1. 14:0-1-4.0-1-81.15:0-2-0.0-0-81.16:0-1-12,0-1-81 LOADING (psI) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.39 Vei-t(LL) -0.09 6-9 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.42 Vert(CT) -0.16 6-9 >818 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.16 Horz(CT) 0.03 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 50 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G SLIDER Left 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-3-11 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1478/04.8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=478/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz 1=36(LC 11) Max Uplift1-2(LC 12) Max Gravl5ll(LC 30). 5511(LC 33) BRACING- TOP CHORD 801 CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-00c purlins. except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. ConlpiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-748126. 2-1 1=-504/48, 3-11=-496/63.3-12=-481/62, 12-13-496149, 4-13=-558147, 4-5=449/70 BOT CHORD 1-14=-1021396,1-15=-291451,6-15--29/451 WEBS 3-6=0/272, 4-6=-7/414 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.Opsl BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, Interlor(1) 3-14 to 6-3-12, Extenor(2) 64-12 to 9-3-12, lntenor(1) 9-3-12 to 10-11-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opst on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard TrUSS Truss Type Qty Ply Magnolia 1A NO3 COMMON GIRDER - - - - - - - I Job Reference (optional) aulQnea j nisi-jaine U.1... rems, I.A, 95fU Nun: S240 S ONO 201S pnnt 9240 s usc s 2018 Mirek IndusIfles. Inc. Tbu 00 3 12:41:04 2019 P595 1 lD;1bJOp_sdczznZJTIvFKMLnuz6OGW-xKBRXexghc6Q2mk1KQaguP7EhyWATweDMBevw9yX5Kj 6-2-4 12-8-0 6-2-4 6-3-12 454 = Scale = 1:22.8 j I I I 048 6-2-4 I 12-8-0 0418 r-11-19 rLqi 2 Plate Offsets (XV)- [1:0-2-12.0-0-4). [3:0-2-0.0-2-41. 15:Edge.0-0-0j LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2411-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) lldefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.10 6-13 p999 240 M120 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.44 Vert(CT) -0.17 6-13 891 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.11 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 18C2015/1P12014 matrix-MSH Weight: 54 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud!Std G SLIDER l.&t 20 OF No.2 -G 3-3-I1. Right 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-5.0 I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=550/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=55011-11-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz1-35(LC 13) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-767114. 2-15=-6741$1, 3-15=-663166. 3-16=.863163, 4-16=-671/48, 4-54-828/27 801 CHORD 1-17=.811474, 1-18=0/603, 6-18=01603, 6-19=01603. 5-19=0/503,5-20=0/603 WEBS 3-6=01383 NOTES- I) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCDL6.0psf; BCDL=6.0psf h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8. lnterlor(1) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Extenor(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, lntenor(1) 9-3-1210 12-7-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I 4x4 Scale = 1:22.8 I 34 3x6 II Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply [No COMMON GIRDER 5 1 1 Job - Reference (optional) ruri. ou a ijec o £U1Ø riwi: 5.4U S usc e ZU10 MuSK IflaUSDISS. Inc. IflU Uci d 1'41.113 ZulU Iage 1 lD:1bJOpsdczmLmvFKMLnuz6OGW-PWlpylSvEHfvJEu75vRcgPWLsUCNuNarNSSbyX5Ki 6-2-4 • 12-6-0 6.2-4 6-3-12 0-0-8 6-1-12 6-3-12 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- rl:O..2.420-0-41 [3:0-2-0.0-2.41jE--e,0-0-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (Ice) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.10 6-13 >999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.44 Vert(CT) -0.17 6-13 >905 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.11 HOI2(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015lTPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 54 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std! G SLIDER Left 2*6 OF No.2 -G 3-3-11, Right 2*6 OF No.2 -G 3-5-0 I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=550/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=550/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1.8) Max Horzl=-35(LC 13) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0oc puulins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. Qb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-767113, 2-15--674151. 3-15=-683166, 3-16=-663/64, 4-16=-671I48, 4-5=-848/18 BOT CHORD 1-17=41/474, 1-18=0/603, 6-18=0/603,8-19=0/603,5-19=0/603, 5-20=-77/509 WEBS 3-6=0/382 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCDL6.0psf, BCDLB.opsf; h20ft; Cat. Il; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, Interior(1) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 94-12, Interior(l) 9-3-12 to 12-7-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces a MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 0OL=1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pet bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard o Iruss 1Truss Type Ply 1 Magnolla NO5 C0MM0NG1R0ER 1Qtr1 i lJob I Reference(optional) ruarlarne U...... rams, ., 55IU Nun: 54U a usc e ZU10 man: 524U $ uec S ZUIU esiex Incussies, inc. mu uct s 1z:41:uD Q1$ sage 1 ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJTIvFKMLnuz6QGW-PWlpIj,lSvEHfvJEu75vRcgPdLsWCNsNarNSSbyX5Ki I 6-3-12 12-7-8 6-3-12 ' 6-3-12 454 = Scale = 1:22.9 3e6 It 3x6 If 6-3-12 • 12-7-8 9-5-12 e--1 Plate Offsets (X.V)— I1:Edqe.04-01, 13:0-2-0,0-2-4), 15:Edqe.0-0-0I LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) lldefi lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.40 Veit(LL) -0.10 6-9 p999 240 MT2O 2201195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.44 Vert(CT) -0.16 6-9 436 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.11 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 We We BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matjix-MSH Weight: 55 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD 2X4DFNo2G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd 6 SLIDER Left 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-5411. Right 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-5-0 REACTIONS. (IWsize) 1556/0-5-8 (min. 0-1-8), 6=556/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz 1=35(LC 12) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-Doc puftins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AM forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=447/18, 2-15=487/48, 3-15=-679/64, 3-16=-679/64, 4-16-687/48, 4-5=-847118 BOT CHORD 1-17=-83/515, 1-18=0/617,6-18=0/617.6-19=0/617,5-19=01617, 5-20=-76/515 WEBS 3-6=0/386 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL=6.0psf, h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0. Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, Interior(l) 9-3-12 to 12-7-8 zone; cantilever left and light exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate gnp DOL= 1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ob Truss Truss Type a ply Magnolia INDS GABLE I I i 1 --- -- -. Job Reference (optional) njsrrame u.c., teems. CA, eaIU Run: 8.240 a Dec 6 2018 Punt: 8.240 s Dec 82018 MiTek Induslutes, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:41:06 2019 Page 1 ID:1bJOpsdczmZJTIvFKMLnuz60GW-tiJCyKywDDM8H3uQSrc8zqDd7lENxqSWpV70_2yX5Kh 6-3-12 12-7-8 6-3-12 6-3-12 5x6 Scale = 1:22.5 D800# 17 10 18 9 19 8 20 7 21 6 22 23 5 24 4 25 4x4= 454 2x411 I II LOADING (psf) TCLL 20.0 14.0 TCDL BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 CS!. DEFL in (icc) Udell Ltd PLATES GRIP Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.22 Vert(LL) We - n/a 999 MT20 2201195 Lumber DOL 1.25 SC 0.27 Veit(CT) We - n/a 999 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.09 Horz(CT) 0.00 3 n/a n/a Code lBC20151TPI2014 Matrix-SH - Weight: 64 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc puulins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 os bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 12-7-8. I (lb) - Max HoIz1=-38(LC 29) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 7,9, 10. 5,4 except 1.250(LC 27), 3-191(LC 30) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 9,5 except 1=340(LC 55), 3340(LC 63). 7=431(LC 59), 8=285(LC 58), 10=339(LC 56), 5=285(LC 60), 4=339(LC 62) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-589/552, 2-3=438/383 BOT CHORD 1-17=-4671501,10-17=4521386, 10-18=-2361271, 7-21=-2171262, 6-21=-297/332, 6.22=-3111345, 22-23=333/368,5-23=333/368, 5-24=-333/368, 4-24=333/368, 4.25=-333/368, 3-25=433/368 WEBS 2-7-3811114 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=8.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 001=1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPl 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for alive load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 9)This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect buss to resist dreg loads along bottom chord from 0411-0 to 840-0 for 100.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss truss Type ly MAGNOLIA 1B G01 GABLE L"y F-- 1jobReference(optional) - I u., rum5. , prun: a.xqu a usc s uia pnnr. 524U a uec a zule MuCK uneussies, Inc. Tflu Oct 3 1Z:45:21 zuia page 1 ID:ZF13c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-?HipyOxk86ZeVWaJLZ7lv3LlqPvkQNRRRcEoLryx5JO 6-1-4 10-5-4 15-2-0 19.10-12 24-2-12 30-4-0 6-1-4 4-4-0 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-4-0 6-1-4 Scale = 1:48.5 5x6 = 3x4 = 58 25 59 24 60 23 61 22 62 21 63 20 64 19 65 18 SWI 1615 88 14 69 13 70 12 71 11 72 10 73 9 74 8 75 3x4= 300 = 30 = 300 I 10-5-4 . 19-10-12 30-4-0 10-5-4 • Q.c.R I 1nc Plate Offsets (XV)— [2:0-0-0,0-0-01, [3:0-0-0,0-0-01, [13:0-2-0,04-81, [20:0-2-0.0-1.81 - - LOADING(psl) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) l!defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.15 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOt. 1.25 BC 0.18 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.41 Horz(CT) 0.01 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-SN Weight: 213 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-00c pudins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing, Except: WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 10-0-0 oc bracing: 20-21,12-13. OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std 0 Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. All bearings 30-4-0. Installation guide. (Jb)- Max Horz 1-62(LC 46) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 17. 18, 21,22, 15, 12, 11 except 1=-191(LC 27), 7-200(LC 38), 13=-382(LC 30), 20=-392(LC 35), 24=-101(LC 55), 9=-101(LC 72) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 24,9 except 1371(LC 73), 7371(LC 91), 13815(LC 1), 20=815(LC 1), 17278(LC 82), 18273(LC 81), 19=285(LC 80). 21=283(LC 78). 22=273(LC 77). 23=285(LC 76), 25=334(LC 74). 15=273(LC 83), 14285(LC 84). 12=283(LC 88), 11273(LC 87), 10=285(LC 88), 8=334(LC 90) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-54=-654/531, 2-54=480/383, 2-3=-294/351. 4-55-228F377, 4-584-195/371, 5-6=-262/351, 6-57=-480/411, 7-57-654/545 SOT CHORD 1-58=-526/569, 25-58=-4031510, 25-59=-373!437, 24-59=-349/405, 24-60=-3181369, 23-60'-2621345, 23-61=-256/314, 22-61=-2261277, 22-62-195/252. 20-64=-2741299, 13.69=-2741299, 11-71-166/253, 11-72=-197/277, 10-72=-228/314, 10-73=-234/345, 9-73=2891369.9-74=-320/406, 8-74=-3441437, 8-75=-375/510, 7-75---4971569 WEBS 4-13=483/354, 5-13=-337/101, 6-13--526/164, 4-20-483/362, 3-20=-336/102, 2-20-5251164 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph: TCDL6.0psf 8CDL=6.0psf, h20ft; Cat. II; Exp 6; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 15-2-0. Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0, Interior(l) 18-2-0 to 30.4.0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSl/TPI 1. 41 Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 144 oc. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will I between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Continued on page 2 EJOb I iruss TrusaType ily MAGNOUA1B GO1 GABLE 7ty I Job Reference (optional) lD2l3 cS5SJz7i lacEoLryJQ NOTES- 11) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 30-4-0 for 46.2 pIt. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Ti0Type y MAGNO&IA18 2 COMMON 1:7 1 Job Reference (optional) itu tUn.e.4u9 usc ba)1eP'Iva:e.zausuec eu1uMu,eKrnauss1es.unc. inuuci 31:4:255s Faqej lD:ZFI3c9vocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7t4q-TLJGBAMyMvPhV7g9BF35MI6caqp4V9qmagG_MtlyX5JP 6-1-4 10-5-4 15-2-0 19-10-12 24-1-8 30.4-0 6-1-4 • 4-4-0 4-8-12 4.8-12 4-2-12 6-2-8 Scale = 1492 4x6 = 3x4 = 2x4 II 4x8 = 4x6 = 4x8 = 4x8 = 3x8 U 6-1-4 10-5-4 6-1-4 4-4-0 . 19-10-12 9-5-8 I Plate Offsets (X.Y)— 11:0-0-0,0-1-11, 11:0-2-3.Edgel. [7:0-2-3,Edgel, 17:0-0-0.0-1-11, 18:0-2-8.0-2-01.110:0-2-0,0-2-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 I CSI. DEFL in (bc) 1/defl Lid TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 IC 0.45 Vert(LL) -0.43 8-17 '561 240 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.78 8-17 '306 180 TCDL 14.0 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.41 Horz(CT) 0.02 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015lTPl2014 Matrix-MSH PLATES GRIP MT20 220/195 Weight: 129 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS WEDGE Left 2x4 OF Stud!Std -G, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=167910-5-8 (mm. 0-1-13), 1=31710-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=773/0-3-8 (mm. (1-1-8) Max Hoz 160(LC 16) Max Upliftl0=-16(LC 8). 1_14(LC 12), 7-25(LC 9) Max Gravl0=1679(LC 1), 1=428(LC 33), 7773(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-18=-39M27.2-18---362159,2-3-13/558,3-19=0/SW, 4-19--0/564,4-20=-1024/67, 5-20=-1076171, 5-6=-1076/39, 6-21=-1500191, 7-21=-1528175 801 CHORD 1-22=49/311, 1-23=-521350, 11-23=-52/350, 11-24=-52!350, 24-25=-521350, 10-25---521350.10-26=0/305, 26-27=0/306,9-27=0/306,9-28=0/306,8-28=0/306, 8-29=-4211424,7-29=-42/1424.7-30=-25f683 WEBS 4-8=-27/1002, 5-8=-310197, 6-8=-506/98, 4-10=-1188143,3-10=-311190,2-10-757176, 2-11=01376 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-7-7oc purtmns Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. I Row at midpt 4-10 I MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL8.0ps1 BCDL=6.0psf, h20ft; Cat. Il; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0.0-0 to 3-0-0. Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0. Interior(1) 18-2-0 to 304-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces 8. MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p51 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.Opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or beck (B). 1 LOAD CASE(S) Standard I) Dead r Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncreasel.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-4=-68. 4-7-68, 12-25=-30(F=-10), 15-25=-20 Truss Truss Type Uty Ply LMIG NOLLI 18 1003 COMMON 1 1 - - - - Job Reference (optional) uru5r,dmgk1j...rn15,L.M. aiu Run; e24uS usc b4uleininr e.zausLin e Ole rvluexlnsusmes,lnc. Inuoct a1:4Z2aZU19 Page 1 lDZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-xgqaNizgjpMkqkNpmcbrK9m9DR5uHBkvwjvPkyX5JO 6-1-4 10-5-4 • 15-2-0 19.10-12 24-14 30-1.0 6-1-4 • 4-4.0 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 Scale 1:48.8 454 II 354 - 2x4 II 4x8 = 4x6 = 4x8 = 55 = 6-1-4 10-5-4 1940-12 30-1-0 6-1-4 4-4-0 9.6-8 10.2.4 Plate Offsets MY)— n1:02.3.Edqe1. [1:0-0-0.0-1-11 [4:0-2 ,0-1 -12), (7:0-3-3.Edgr' f7-0-0-0.0-2-11.18:0-2-8,0-2-01,110:0-2-0,0-2-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSl. DEFL in (bc) I1de1l Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.42 VertLL) -0.42 8-10 561 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Velt(CT) -0.70 8-17 2,339 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor NO WE 0.40 Horz(CT) 0.02 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 MatrixMSH Weight: 129 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G WEBS WEDGE Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=1661/0-5-8 (min. 0-1-12), 1322f0.58 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=764/Mechanical Max Hoizl=82(LC 12) Max Uptiftl0-20(LC 8), 1=-11(LC 12), 7=-23(LC 9) Max Gravlo=1661(LC 1), 1432(LC 33), 7764(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-18=-404116,2-18--375145.2-3=-211541, 3-19=0/482,4-19=0/546, 4-20=-1004183, 5-20r-1057/66.5-6--1053134,6-21=1434196,7-21-1479169 BOT CHORD 1-22=47/315, 1-23=-46/363, 11-23=-461363, 11-24=--46/363, 24-25=-46/363, 10-25=46/363,10-26=0/304,26-27=0/304. 9-27=0/304,9-28=0/304,8-28=01304, 8-29-3811360, 7-29=-3811360, 7-304-25/554 WEBS 4-8=-26/977, 5-8=422/97, 6-8-455196, 4-10=-1160147, 3-10-311/90. 2-10=-753/77, 2-11=0/375 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-9oc puff ins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. I Row at midpt 4-10 MITeIC recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live toads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 740; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd467mph; TCDL=6.0psf, BCDL6.0psf h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0, lntenor(1) 18-2-0 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposedC-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 1O.0p51. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed fore moving concentrated load of 260.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (p1/) Vert 1-4-68,4-7=-68,12-25=-30(F=10), 15-25=-20 lB Scale'1:49.1 454 II 4x8 -- b -- -- 24 25 11 28 10 4x6 4x8 5x6 456= 35611 10-5-4 . 19.10.12 30-1-0 10-5-4 • 9-S-a Plate Offsets (X,Y)- 11:0-04,0-1-131, I2:0-6-7,0-2-41.14:0-2-0,0-1-121, F7:0-0-0,0-2-11, [7:0-3-3,Edgel, 18:0-2-8,04-0J, [10:0-2-8,0-2-01 - - LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 24-0 CSI. OEFL in (bc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) -0.44 8-10 "530 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.75 Vert(CT) -0.70 8-19 "336 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.40 l-torz(CT) 0.01 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code ISC201511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 134 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-11 oc purtins. BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-10 OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be WEDGE installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std G Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 1041-0 except (jt=length) 7=Mectianical. (Ib) - Max Hoiz162(LC 12) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 1, 10, 7 Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) I except 1322(LC 33), 10=1564(LC 1). 7=762(LC 1), 11=377(LC 35) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-391551, 3-21=0/457,4-21=01549, 4-22=-996179, 5-22=-1050/63, 5-6=-1046131, ' 6-23=1428182.7-23--1473166 BOT CHORD 10-27=0/298,27-28=0/298,9-28=0/298,9-29=0/298,8-29=O/298, 8-30=-35/1354, 7-30=-3511354.7-31=24/552 WEBS 4-8=-281974, 5-8=-323197, 6-8=-456/96, 4-10=-1157/55, 3-I0=-336/93, 2-10=472/126 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuttllomph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteno42) 04-0 to 3-0-0. Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0. Interio41) 18-2-0 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip OOL=1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPl 1. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load noncancurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with SCOL = 10.0ps1. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. Job uss TñflTpe uty Ply MAGNOUAIB 7G105 COMMON 3 1 - - - - - - Job Reference (optional) iu 1un;e.eu5 uec cu1ernnte.14usuec Du1eMlIeKInausme5.rnc. inuuc 41:4:Juu1s ragei ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-PsNyb2zcR1x0MJZNU7qNXJ1uUcoPdcEt7aTSxAyX5JN 12-0-0 16-8-12 20-11-8 • 26-11-0 7-3-4 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 • 5-11-8 Scale = 1:44.0 454 = 30 II 4x8 = 355 W5 4x8 = 556 3x8 II 7-34 1641-12 26-11-0 1IL_A Plate Offsets (X.Y)- [1:0-3-0.0-1-81, (6:04)-0.0-2-1), [6:0-3-3,Edpej, (7:0-2-80-2-01.I10:0-2-0,0-0-121 LOAD1NG(p4 SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEEL in (Icc) Ildefi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.44 7-9 533 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.71 7-13 "331 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inci- YES WS 0.92 Horz(CT) 0.02 6 We n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC20151TPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 122 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4DFStud/StdG SOT CHORD OTHERS 2X4DFStud/StdG WEDGE Right 2114 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=7010-3-8 (nun. 0-14), 9=151710-5-8 (mm. 0-1-10), 6=766/Mechanical Max Horzl0=.60(LC 17) Max Uplift10=-50(LC 24). 9=-8(LC 8), 6-20(LC 9) Max Gravlo=298(LC 31), 9=I517(LC 1). 9=768(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. ComplMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=39/381, 2-14=-271463, 2-15=0/366.3-15=0/427, 3-15=-1016(76, 4-16=-1071/59, 4-5=1064127, 5-17=-1444/78, 6-17=-1489/61 GOT CHORD 9-19=0/314,8-19=01314,8-20=0/314, 7-20=01314, 7-21=-31/1370, 6-21=-3111370, 6-22-23/557 WEBS 3-7-321974.4-7=326198.5-7=-45M. 3-9--1038154,2-9=-4771132,1-9=493156 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-4 cc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-7-14 oc bracing. Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL=sopst h20ft; Cat II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 3-3-12 to 6-3-12, Interior(l) 6-3-12 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0, lntenor(1) 18-2-0 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MINERS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss Is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/IPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard EXP. 6/30/21 NO. C53821 Job Truss Truss Type aty ply MAGN0L 18 G08 COMMON 1 1 - - - - - - -- - - Job Reference (optional) rwfl. 04.0 4 IJvc 0 AU a rnnL QCU 9 ij#c a AUia IVU leA lflUU5UlU5. Inc. mU UC .0 14:.3U "Na 9 raqe 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-PsNyt2zcR1xDM_JZNU7qNXhticcoPdcEt7aTSxAyX5.JN 7-3-4 12-0.0 16-8-12 20-11-8 26-11-0 7-3-4 4-8-12 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 Scale = 1:43.9 4x4 3x6 II 4x8 = axe we= 4x8 = 4x6 II 18-8-12 26-11-0 I 74 9-5-8 10-2-4 Plate Offsets (X,Y)- (1:0-3-0,0-1-81,16:0-0-5,0-7-151,16:0-0-3,0-0-51. 16:0-2-8.0-0-1. (7:0-2-8.0-2-01. 110:0-3-0,0-0-121 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL.. in (bc) 1/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.44 7-9 >533 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.71 7-13 >331 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.92 Horz(CT) 0.03 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015frPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 122 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BOT CHORD OTHERS 2X4 DF Stud/Sot G WEBS WEDGE Right 2x4DFStud/Std-G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=70/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 9=1517/0-5-8 (mm. 0-140), 6=768/Mechanical Max Horz 10-60(LC 46) Max Uplift10.451(LC 35), 9.92(LC 28), 6-463(LC 30) Max Grav10>507(LC 46), 91617(LC 1). 6=866(LC 47) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=92911104.2-14=.6741860,2-15--2871471. 3-15=-132/427, 3.16=1016/231, 4-16=-I 165/474, 4.5=1477I763, 5-17=-1808/1024, 6-17=-2107/1192, 1-10=-444/482 SOT CHORD 110-118=-266/316,9-18=6091686, 9-19=-290/526, 8-19=0/314,8-20=0/314, 7-20=-376/612,7-21=71211564,6-21=-1014/108.6-22--397f740 WEBS 3-7=-79/974.4-7=-3261124.5-7=-456/196, 3-9=10381163,2-9=-477/137, 1-9=-1179/906 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-11 oc pudins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. 1 Row at midpt 1-9 Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be I installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd>57mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL>5.0psf h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed, MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 3-3-12 to 643-12,Interior(l) 6-3-12 to 15-2-0, Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0, Interior(l) 18-2-0 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=160 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will (It between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcutent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2200 lb. Lumber 00L(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect buss to resist drag Ic along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 26-11-0 for 81.7 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 0 russ TnJssT)Tpë MAGN Ply IOLIA j7 li'll' COMMON 1 1 - - - Job Reference (optional) v Ufl.U5 LV DU1*flRL4U5Dec bu1CMIIeK MOMS ,Iflc. IflUCt J141Zulu P890 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-u3xXoQECK34_7ulxBe3wIElvO6vM5Y1MEC0Ucyx5JM 4-11-8 9-8-4 • 13-11-0 19-10-8 4-11-8 4-8-12 4-2-12 5-11-8 4.00fli 4x6 = Scale = 1:33.9 2x 40 = 4x8 = 5x8 O-2-12 9-8-4 19-10-8 0-2.12 s-e.a Plate Offsets (X.Y)— [5:0-7-15,0-041,[5:0-0-8,04A, 16.0-2-8.0-2-01,(7:0-1-8,0-1421 - LOADING(PSI) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSl. OEFL in (lc) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.65 Vert(LL) -0.53 6-7 >444 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.80 Vert(CT) -0.91 6-7 >259 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress mci YES WB 0.79 Horz(CT) 0.03 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10_0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 90 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 S WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd S SOT CHORD WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 7=908/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5908/Mechanical Max Horz7=-93(LC 10) Max Uplift7-7(LC 9), 5-24(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-13=-1368181, 3-13=-1424185, 3-4=-1418133, 4-14-1796185, 5-14=-1849/69 SOT CHORD 7-15=0/626, 15-16=0/626, 16-17=0/626,6-17=0/826, 6-18=49/1704, 5-18=-39I1704, 5-19=-251673 WEBS 2-6=-19!1019, 3-6=-346/96, 4-6=45S198,24=474162 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-4-10 oc puilins, except end veilicals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-0-1 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.0ps1 SCDL=6.0psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 10-4-4 to 1344, Interior(l) 13-4-4 to 15-2-0. Exterior(2) 15-2-0 to 18-2-0, lntesior(1) 18-2-0 to 30-1.0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOLI.50 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for alive load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6411 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.0p5f. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load 01250.0th live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunant with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss I I' MAGNOI.IA 10 008 jTruTYPë CAL HIP IJob Reference (optional) rcun; oqu s USC o LU10 rflfll S.qU 5 USC 0 ZU10 MI 155 Ifl0U51I155. IflV i flU VC 14.44;1 £1115 ruSe 1 lO:1bJOp_sdczmZJ11vFKMLnuz6QGW-u3xKoO_ECK34_7ulxBe3wlE?S060M8B1MEC0Ucy)(5JM 3-4-8 7-14 2-9-8 3-4-3d 64-8 6*13 i 13-4-11 19-10-8 2-9-8 à4-11 3-2.0 0.6-5 6-3-3 6-5-13 0-0-5 0.6-11 ___ - 400(11 5x8 = 4x8 dials - l.aJ.o 40 = " 08 = 5x6 = 2-9-8 7-1.8 14-9-6 19-10-8 2_e.g 4.4-0 7_7_Id c_i., Plate Offsets (X.Y)- 12:0-4-0,0-1-81, 14:0-0-2,0-2-01, 15:0-0-8.0-0-31, (5:0-7-15.0-0-51, 17:0-2-0.0-2-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSl. OEFL in (bc) 1/defi lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0_81 Vert(LL) -0.27 6-7 >886 240 MT20 220/195 ICOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.80 Vert(CT) -0.56 6-7 >420 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.62 HOrZ(CT) 0.06 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 99 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BOT CHORD WEDGE Right: 2*4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 101221/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8),5--1009/Mechanical Max Horz 10=-100(LC 24) Max Upliftl0-326(LC 21), 5-586(LC 22) Max GravlO=1221(LC 1), 5=1089(t.0 39) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD l-2=-7261238, 2-14=-12521177, 14-15=-12441291, 15-16=-12441298, 3-16=-12351495, 3-4--1704/1078,4-5--2636/1426, 1-10=-1187/346 BOT CHORD 9-17=-236/293, 8-9=-188/711. 8-18=-2441711.7-18=482J938,7-19=-62011952, 6-19=-104311952. 6-20=-99212186. 5-20=-132212370, 5-21-476/859 WEBS 2-9=-887/297, 2-7=-255/788, 4-7-7631240, 1-9=-34111146.4-6=31385 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3.7-80c pudins, except end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc purlins (4-10-6 max.): 2-3. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-1-2oc bracing. Mffek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDLS.opsf; BCDL6.0psf h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip OOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncoricurrent with any other live loads. 5)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to buss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL--(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 19-10-8 for 90.6 plf. Girder carries tie-in spans of 3-0-0 from front girder and 4-0.0 from back girder. Graphical purbn representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 177 lb down and 39 lb up at 16-9-and 177 lb down and 39 lb up at 13-7.0 on top chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25. Plate Increase1.25 Continued on page 2 uss IrusiType Qty P B TGC r;NnOLIA - - 3 CAl. HIP job Reference (optionall) - I uusiaine LLL. Perris, CA, 9 5I0 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2-72, 2-14=-72, 3-16-72, 3-5=-72, 1O-11-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 14-150 16-150 Trapezoidal Loads (pit) Veil: 14-90-to-15=-126, 15=-126-to-16=-90 I Run: 8.2403 Dec 82018 PrInt 8.2405 Dec 62018 MiTek IndustrIes, Inc. Thu Oct 3 I24231 2019 Page 2 ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJflvFKMLnuz6OGW-u3xK00_ECK34jutxBe3w1E?SO6OM8B1MECOUcyX5JM I I cJj 4.00111 = Scares 1335 2x4 II - 3x10 = 354 = -•-. •, 454 4x8 II usa Truss Type Qly 1Ply roh GNOUA18 G09 JobReference(oplional) •. ...-.., .... nun; o.uu a s LU IS rum; 51.150 s LU1S uvaiea WUUSUISS. . i flu uoi . 1;4L..1L uiv rags i lO:1bJOpsdc1vFlCMLnuz8QGW-MFViolc?szeCxl)HTyuy9lSynCMQUD5dvAl,uyZo3yX5JL 2-7-3 4-11-8 • 7-3-13 14-6-4 19-10-8 I 2-7-3 2-4-5 • 2-4-5 2-4.11 4-9-11 54-4 1 4-11-8 1 9-84 14-6-4 16-4-15 19-10-8 4-11-9 • s-Q.o AAA i • t.inii • Plate Offsets (XV)— f1:0-4-8.Edgel, (4:0-3-12,04-8). 7:0-3-3.E0ge]. 17:0-0-11.0-1-121. (9:0-1-12.0-1-8), [10.0-4-0,0-1-8) LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in floc) I/deS L/d I PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.87 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-9 p999 240 I MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.67 Vevt(CT) -0.43 8-9 p547 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mci NO WE 0.49 Horz(CT) 0.05 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20151TPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight 101 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/SW -G REACTIONS. Oh/size) 12=1001/0-541 (mm. 0-1-8), 7943fMechanical Max Holzl2=-86(LC 10) Max Upliftl2-88(LC 9). 7=-46(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-3-10 oc purlins, except end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc purtlns (5-10-4 max.): 1.4. Except 5-10-0 oc bracing: 1-4 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Mflek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be I installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer )Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-16-10511266,16-17=-1 0511266, 3-17=-1051/266, 3-18=-1051/266, 18-19=4051/266. 4-18=-10511266, 4-20=-14601280,6-20=1553/273, 8-21-1955/163, 7-21=-2010/155, 1-12=-9541233 BOT CHORD 10-23=-211/1431, 9-23-211/1431, 9-24=-167fl814, 8-24=-167!1814, 8-25=-115/1855. 7-28=-11511855, 7-26=42/711 WEBS 1-10=-229/1201, 3-10=-380!120, 4-10=-496/143. 4-9=0/444. 6-9-403/75. 6-8=0/380 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0pst 8COL=6.0ps1 h205 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) interior zone and C-C Exterior(2) 10-6-12 to 14-9-11. Interior(l) 14-9-11 to 19-9-4. Exterior(2) 17-6-5 to 21-9-4. Interior(l) 21-94 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; and vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 200psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonooncurrent with any other live loads. Graphical pullin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. i LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job TrUSS MAG 1U1y N0LIA1B li%Tp 010 CALHlP I I 7Job -- I Reference (optional) 'IIlUflhld U Iu,rrarnc u.k,., 1em5, M. wolu Nun: aqu S USC S 2015 Print 3.z40 S USC S xuie laTex Inausines, Inc. Thu Oct i 12:42: Q19 l'aae 1 0-9.8 lD:1bJOp_sdczmZJflvFKMLnuz6QGW-qR34D40UkyKoDR182cgX?AJJ5qpqq1BXqYh6WyX5JK 9-8-8 0-9-3 • 4-11-8 9-1-8 9-1 13 14-6-4 19-10-8 0-9.3 1 4-2-0 4-2-0 0.&5 4-9-11 5.44 4.00 0-0-5 04-11 Scale a 1:33.4 5x8 = 2x411 5x8 23c4 5x6 = 4-11.8 • 9-8-8 14-6-4 • 16-4-15 • 19-10-8 4-11-8 4-9-0 4-9-11 - 1-10-11 3-5-9 Design Problems REVIEW REQUIRED Plate Offsets (XX)- (1:0-44,Edgel, (3:04-0,0-1-81, (5:0-7-15.0-0-51, 15:0-0-8,0-0-31. ,Euniuy wdjflhII - Ll1SK ues,gri (7:0-1-12,0-1-81, (8:0-2-12.0-1-121, (10:0-2-0.0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL. in (lc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Giip DOL 1.25 TC 0.93 Vert(LL) -0.21 6-7 "999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.71 Vert(CT) -0.47 6-7 '507 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.65 l-lorz(CT) 0.06 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH J Weight: 96 lb - FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.20 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEDGE Right 2x4 DF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=1351/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=1055/Mechanical Max Hosz104-94(LC 6) Max Uplift10=-140(LC 5), 5=-63(LC 5) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-1 cc puffins, except end verticals, and 0-0-0oc purIins(410-14 max.): 1-3. Except: 4-11.00cbracing: 1-3 60T CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=-13741155, 2-14=-I 374/155, 2-15=-1374!155, 3-15=-1374/155, 3-4=-1874/168, 4-5=-2291/128, 1-104-1303/165 SOT CHORD 8-17=-8311733.7-17=-8311733.7-18=149/2111.6-18=-1491211l, 6-19=-86/2122, 5-19=4W2122,6-20---461800 WEBS 1-8=-153/1604,2-8=-625/141, 3-5=.496/41, 3-7-01436,4-7=-398176.4-6=-e/344 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.opsf; BCDL=5.0psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) interior zone; cantilever left and light exposed: end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate gsip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 71 This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI a This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points alont Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 3-0-0 from front girder and 44-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 172 lb down and 33 lb up at and 172 lb down and 33 lb up at 114-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 Job Truss TrUSS ply Fly MAGNOLIA IS Glo CAL HIP 1 1 - - - - - Job Reference (optional) w5rIrn u.s.... rem,. M. VAQIU LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncreasee1,25, Plate lnci-ease0.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-14=-72, 3-15-72, 3-5-72, 1O-11-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 14-150 15=-150 Trapezoidal Loads (pit) Vert 14=-90-to-2-128, 2.127-to-15-90 IeJn: 9240 s uec 0 2019 Pnm: 9.2409 uec S 2019 MITeK Incusines, Inc. 11w Oct 3 12:42:33 2019 Pane 2 ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJl1vFKMLnuz6QGW-qR34D4OUkyKoDR182cgX?AJJ5qpqqIBKqYh6YvyX5JK I, a Truss I russ Type I ''' I I NOUA1B Gil CAL HIP 1 i I - - 1Job Reference (optional) I TOfl1d un,,r,dm U., rerm, I.. vzoru rust 0.44U s usc u xuis cnnc: u.au s usc u z1fin rerex lnausvrel, Inc. 11W uO r y.425 uiv race 1 lD:1bJOp_sdcvJ11vFKMLn6QGWqR34D40UkKoDR182ca)(?AJOaqrCq4tKqYh6WyX5JK 6-5-2 10-1-13 12-8-8 19-10-8 6-5-2 34-11 • 2-6-11 7-2-0 Scale = 1.333 4*4 = - 4x4 = 4*8 U 6-5-2 1244 19-10-8 7fl Plate Offsets (XV)— 12:0-2-8,0-1-81,15:0-0-0.0-1-51. (5:0-3-3,Edge). (9:0-1-12.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Ildefi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 058 Vert(LL) -0.19 6-7 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.82 Vert(CT) -039 6-7 "803 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress tncr NO W8 0.48 Horz(CT) 006 5 nla We BCDL 10.0 Code 13C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 86 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudtStd G Right: 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (Ib1size) 994310-5-8 (mkt 0-1-8). 5=954/Mechanical Max Horz9-95(LC 8) Max Uplifb9-54(LC 9), 6=-48(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-13 oc puilins, except end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc pudins (4-3-5 max.): 1-3. Except: 4-3-0 oc bracing: 1-3 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at mldpt 2-9 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except v.lien shown. TOP CHORD 2-14=-18131489. 14-154-13091490,3-154-1809/490,3-154-1844/407, 16-17=-19071401, 5-17=-19721391 801 CHORD 9-154-18811728,8-154-1881728,7-54-18811728. 7-19=-18811728, 6-19=-18811728, 6-254-347/1809,5-20=34711809, 5-21=-1101718 WEBS 2-9=-18051325, 2-7=01380, 2-6=-1721274, 3-6=01257 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.0psf; 8C0L6.0pst h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and CC Exterior(2) 1044 to 134.4, Interior(l) 1344 to 22-11-0, Exterior(2) 20-4-5 to 24-74, Interior(1) 24-7-4 to 30-1-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL= 1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonooncunwnt with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 200psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl1TPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuwent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top andlor bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 4x8 = 4X6 Scale = 1.33.2 A WI 4,c4 = 4*8 = 3*4 = 5*6 = 0 TUSS I Truss Type IFly I NOLlA lB G12 I 2 LOb Reference (optional) CalIfornia TflJSfrarne U.C, Pelvis, CA W010 IINl: 5240 $ OeC S ZO1S Print d240 S uec S 551S MIJK Inouscies, inc. mU UCf 3 14Z33 ZU1S page lD:1bJOpsdczrnZJflvFKMLnuz6QGW-qR34D40UkyXoDR182cgX?AJLOqpbq?YKqYh6WyX5JK -2-2-8 6-5-2 12-1-13 12-8-8 19-10-8 2-2-8 6-5-2 5-8-11 0-6-11 7-2-0 I 6-5-2 6-5-2 • 1248-8 6-3-6 I Plate Offsets (X,Y)— (2:0 -3-&0-1-81.I3:0-2-12,O-2-01. [4:0-0-8.0-0-31, (4:0-7-15,0-0-51. 18:0-1-12,0-2-0I LOADING (pat) SPACING- 240-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) I/deS Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.78 Vert(LL) -0.16 5-6 ,999 240 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.73 Vert(CT) -0.42 5-6 p587 180 BCLL 0.0 - Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.82 Hoa(CT) 0.09 4 We n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 16C2015!1P12014 Matrix-MSH PLATES GRIP MT20 2201195 Weight: 165 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEDGE 301 CHORD Right: 2ic4OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 8=2888/0-5-8 (min. 0-1.9), 4--1977Methan,cal Max Horz8=-76(LC 6) Max Uplift8=-245(LC 5), 4=-44(LC 5) Max Grav8=2910(LC 17), 4=1977(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-42541250, 3-4=-4555/250, 1-8'-1156/234 BOT CHORD 8-13=-18114188, 7-13=-181/4188, 7-14=-18114188, 6-14=-18114188, 6-15=-18114188, 15-16=-18114188, 5-16=-181!4188, 5-17=-18614243, 4-17=-18614243, 4-18=-6711680 WEBS 2-8=-4384/236, 2-6=0/576, 2-5=-1521276, 3-5=01385 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-10-9 cc puduns, except end verticals, and 0.0-0 cc pwlins (5-3.13 max.): 1-3. Except 544 or, bracing: 1-3 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1044cc bracing. NOTES- 2-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131'x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. AU loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front () or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (3), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL8.0psf BCDL6.0psf h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip D0Lel1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 1 This buss has been designed for alive load of 200p3f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points at Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder canes hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. Graphical pieSn representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 717 lb down and 136 lb UJ and 717 lb down and 136 lb up at 8-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility I LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 0 Truss Truss Type Ply NOL1B - 012 CAL HIP - - - 1 - 2Job Reference (opbonat Fir LOAD CASE(S) Standard I 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease11.25. Plate lnciease1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Veil: 1-3-172, 3-4-72, 8-948(F-28) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 1624 3424 I Truss Type luty Ply rMAC MAGNOLIA 18 T COMMON Ii Job Reference (optional) 1aIucqTis unjarrame w... rema. LR, vzotu pus: 54U 5 LlC 0 U10 PTM. 0240 5 iJC 0 Z ulu euiex Inaus1nes, Inc. mU UCI 4.1 14434 uia rage 1 ID:ZFl3bEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-ledTQQ17VFSftbcKcJBmYNsYrE9DZX1T2CRg4xyX5JJ 6-10-9 . 11-6-4 • 14-2-0 16-9-12 21-5-7 28-4-0 6-10-9 4-7-11 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-7-11 6-10-9 Scale z 1.46.6 30 = 7 óo 416 = 2x4 II 454 =44 = 4,4 = 2a4 ii 416 = N -14 . 11.6-4 118-0 16-80 16-9-12 22-9-2 . 28-4.0 -14 5-11.6 04-12 5-0-0 0.1112 5-11-6 541-14 Plate Offsets (XV)— (1:0-0-0.0-1-11. 13:0-2.0,0-1-81, (4:0-2-0,Edgel, (5:0-2-0.0-1-11. (7:0-0-0.0-1-11 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 24)-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.34 8-9 '988 240 M120 220/195 - TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.77 11-12 '443 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.46 Horz(CT) 0.17 7 We n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 12C201511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 127 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except' 82: 2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 DF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb(size) 11353/0-5-8 (miii. 0-1-8), 7=1353/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz156(LC 36) Max upilftl-227(LC 27), 7-227(LC 30) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-3 cc puilins. 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-4-14 cc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-5 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. - TOP CHORD 1-19=-31921588, 2-19=-31101444, 2-20=-2571/333, 3-20-2455/151, 3-4=-318/163, 4-5=-3181168, 5-21=-2465/152, 8-21=-25711342, 6-22=-31101435, 7-22=-31921581 BOT CHORD 1-23=-3512950, 23-24=490/2950, 12-24=480/2950. 12-25=-69712909, 11-25=49712909, 10-11=-56112383, 9-10=-561/2383. 9-26=-58212909, 8-26=-582/2909. 8-27=-54212950, 7-27--442/2950 WEBS 6-9=7261172,2-11=726/165, 5-9=01504, 3-11=0/504, 3-5=-2111/7, 2-12=01381, 6.5=0/381 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL.opsf 8CDL46.0psf h=201t; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0.0 to 3-0-0, hnterio41) 3-0-0 to 14-2-0, Exterior(2) 14-2-010 17-2-0, Interior(l) 17-2-0 to 284-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; a/Id vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsi on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. ThIs truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located stall mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1200 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL--(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0.0-0 to 2-0-0 for 600.0 pIt. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 11-8-0, a 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 164-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncreasel.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-4-72,44=72,13-16=20 Continued on page 2 LOAD CASE(S) Standard - Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 950 11=-50 Truss Truss Type Qt le rMAGNOLIA HO? COMMON 4 i ......... I Reference (optional) r.5xr0nria I run-lame u.k, rems, uM. tizotu Nun: e.1qu5 usc e zuin rnnc u.zqu S USC 0 zuis allies mauninea, uric. mu UCI 3 lz:az;3a 4U15 rage i lD:ZFl39vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-ledTQOi7VFSfibcKcJBmYNsYrE9DZXTr2CRg4xyX5JJ 6-10-9 11-6-4 14-2-0 16-9-12 21-5-7 28-4-0 6-10-9 4-7-11 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-7-11 6-10-9 Scale = 11.46A 354 = 4x6 2x4 II 4X4 = 4*6 =4x4 = 2x4 It 456 = 5-6-14 11-6-4 118-0 16-8-0 16-9-12 22-9-2 28-4-0 5-6-14 5-11-6 0-112 5-0-0 0-l12 5-11-6 5-6-14 Plate Offsets OCX)-(1:0-0-0.0-1-11,_(3:0-2-0.0-141,_14:0-2-,EdgeI. (5:0-2-0,0-1-81, (7:0-0-0.0-1-1! LOADING(PSI) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (lc) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.87 Vert(LL) -0.34 8-9 >988 240 M120 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.77 11-12 >443 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WE 046 Horz(CT) 0.17 7 We n/a BCDL. 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Mahix-MSH Weight 127 lb FT = 20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-30c pullins. 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1Row at midpt 3-5 MiTeic recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=135310-5-8 (min. 0-1-8), 7=1353/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hoiz1=56(LC 12) Max UplIft1ic19(LC 8). 7-19(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CornplMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (ID) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19---3192125, 2-19=-3110/40, 2-20=-2571/35, 3-20=-2465/36, 3-4=-318159, 4-5=-318159.5-21-2465r36,6-21-2571136.6-22=-3110140,7-22=-319=5 BOT CHORD 1-234-35/2950,12-234-35/2950. 12-24-63/2909, 11-24=-63/2909, 10-11=0/2383, 9-10=0/2383, 9-25=-22/2909, 8-25=-22/2909, 8-26=0/2950,7-26=012950 WEBS 6-9=-728/127, 2-11=-726/127, 5-90/504, 31i=0/504, 3-8=-211117, 212=0!381, 6-8=01381 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live toads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph;TCOL=6.0pst BCOL8.0psf; h2011 Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0.0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 14-2-0, Exterior'(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, lntenor(l) 17-2-0 to 284-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.80 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIJTPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 11-",and 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 16-8-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsblhity of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate Increase--I.25 Uniform Loads (p1/) Vert 1-4-72,4-7=-72.13-10=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Veil: 9=50 11-50 I ~IL LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except' 62:2X6DFNo.2G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G o russ Irusslype Qty P N0LIA 1B JHOB r Job COMMON ~11 Reference (optional) Lw., rIn5, ry NUfl D.4U5 um b asia rnnl 24U S LJC 0 asia MUCK InaUSuie5, IflC. MUCK i 1Z4J asis Page l lDiFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-mqBreI1lGZaWSlBXA1j?4bPlBdUgl0NcHsADdOyX5JI 7-10-12 • 14-2-0 20-54 28-4.0 7-10-12 • 6-3-4 6-3-4 7-10-12 Scale z 1:45.1 6x8 = 454 = 6x10 MT18HS WB= 40 = 9-5-12 I 18-10-4 • 28-4-U a-r"19 Q.4.P Plate Offsets(XX)- (tO-2-O.0-0-111.[1:0-1-0.O-2-131, (4:0-0-0.0-0-01.17:0-2-0.0-0-111, 17:0-1-0.0-2-131,18:0-0-8.0-2-01, (100-04.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.52 8-10 2841 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.81 Vert(CT) -1.04 8-10 "323 180 MT18HS 220/195 BCLL .0 1 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.35 HorzCT) 0.13 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 111 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4OFStudlStdG OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std 3 SUDER Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G 1-11-14. Right 2x4 OF Stud/Sat -G 1-11-14 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=128810-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 71288/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horzl-56(LC 13) Max Uplift1-17(LC 8). 7-17(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1-9 oc purlins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. M(Tek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CosopJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-169510. 2-19=-2831136. 3-19=-2772153, 3-20=-2601/38, 4-204-2524/50, 4-21=-2543/51, 5-21=-2622139. 5-22=-2798154,6-22=2628/36, 6-7=-1808/0 SOT CHORD 1-23-41/2629. 1-24-4112629, 10-24=-4112629, 9-10=0/1840,8-9=0/1840, 8-25=-0/2654. 7-25=-012654, 7-26=-0/2654 WEBS 4-8=-111864.54 =.495/132. 4-104-11/841,3-104-4841132 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL5.Opsf 8C0L=6.0psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 0-2-12 to 3-2-12, lntesio41) 3-2-12 to 14-2-0, Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, Interior(l) 17-2-0 to 28-2-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and sight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=160 plate gap DOL--1.60 AN plates are M120 plates unless otherwise indicated. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This miss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSIFTPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun'ent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 3x8 = 3x8= 2223 44 II 4x4 = 4x4= 558 We= [JOb Irustr -T0 lB U MAGNOLIA H09 MON T 1 Job Reference (optional) cautonsa I ivarrame u.c., rems, cA. vzotu Nun: d.240 a usc a zum Print 8.240 a oec a zuis MlTe)c Inausmes, inc. mu oct 3 124235 2019 Pace 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-E0IDr52N0tiN4vmjjIcEEdoxw31sZ1RtmWVwn9qyX5JH I 7-10-12 14.2-0 20-54 28-4-0 7-10-12 6-3-4 6-3-4 7-10-12 I Scale = 1.45.1 5.0-0 0-5-12 • 18-104 • 28.4-0 5-0-0 4.5-12 • 94-8 9-5-12 Plate Offsets IX.Yl- 11:0-2-3.0-1-81. 12:0-1-12.072-01. (3:0-0-0.0-0-01. 14:0-1-12.0-2-01.15:0-2-3,0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING. 240 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCU. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.56 Vert(LL) -0.43 6-8 261 240 MT20 2201195 TCOI. 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.64 Vert(CT) -0.56 6-15 '199 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mci- YES WS 0.46 Ho,z(CT) 0.03 1 nla n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015lTPJ2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 127 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-3-i cc pudins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud(Std G I installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer SLIDER Left 2x4 OF StudlStd -G 7-10-12, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G 710-12 I Installation guide. I REACTIONS. All bearings 13-10-8 except (jt1en9th) 10-5-8, 5=0-3-8. (Ib) - Max I1osz 1-73(LC 38) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) except 1-179(LC 27), 5=-158(LC 30), 6=.303(LC 30), 8=-278(LC 27) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 1480(LC 60), 5=476(LC 65), 5=903(LC 1), 5=862(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-1253/223, 2-17=-1239/224, 3-184-257/293,3-184-320/380, 4-20=-1252/253, 5-20=.1265/212 601 CHORD 1-21=.5021648, 1-22=-502J648, 22-23=-502/648, 8-284-347/612, 7-8=-231!388, 6-7=448(770, 6-24=-3771533, 5-24=-3Th533, 5-284-377(533 WEBS 3-6=556/436,4-6=572J143, 3-8=484/405, 248=-587/148 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=ilomph (3-second gust) Vasd87niph; TCOL6.0psf 8C0L6.opsf; h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-2-12 to 3-2-12, Interior( 11) 3-2.12 to 14-2-0, Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0, lntenor(1) 17-2-0 to 28-2-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed: end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL'1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load noncoricurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlITPI 1. This truss has been designed fore moving concentrated load of 250Gb Five located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed fore total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 5-0-0 to 18.10.8 for 100.9 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job TnJss ITUSS Type july I' MAGNOLIA is jH1I CAL HIP 1 Lob Reference (optional) %.Wffmla I fluirrameLu...rems.LA. 5DfU KUflb24U9 usc ezuieimneeusuec bU1UMIIeXIflaUSU1es.InC. IflUUC1 14LJbU15 ragei ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-E0lDr52NOtiN4vmjjkEEdoxrvlqG1MRmWVwn9qyX5JH 8.7.0 20-4-0 8-0-0 8-6-I1 14-2-0 19-9-0 19-0-5 • 21-10-0 8-0-0 0-6-11 5-7-0 5-7-0 045 1-6-0 0-0-5 0.6-11 Scale = 1:36.5 4.00(j 5x8 = 2x4 II 5x8 = 2x4 I! 5x12 4x6 = 5x6= 2x4 ii 8-0-0 14-2-0 20-4-0 21-10-0 I 8.0-0 8..0 1-8.0 - Plate Offsets (XV)— 12:0-4-0.0-1-8!. 14:0-4-0.0-1-81.15:0-24.0-1-121.18:0.4-4.0-3-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING, 2-0-0 Cs,, DEFL In (bc) l/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.89 Vert(LL) -0.24 9-12 p999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 14.0 I LumberOOL 1.25 BC 0.79 Ve,t(CT) -052 9-12 '505 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.81 Hozz(CT) -0.07 1 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code I8C2015lTPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 95 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G *Except* TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied, except end verticals, and Ti: 2X4 OF No.1&3tr G 0-0.0 oc purlins (2-11-12 max.): 2-4. Except: BOY CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G 3-0-0 oc bracing: 2-4 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 1=1191/0-34 (mm. 0-1-8),6=139910-3-8 (mm. 0.1-8) Max Horz667(LC 7) Max Upbifrl=-102(11,C 4), 6=-153(LC 5) FORCES. (ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 4-5=747195,2-13=-2571/310,13-14=-2571/310, 3-14-25711310, 3-15=-26241324, 15-16=26241324,4-16-2624/324,1-2-27701290,5-6r-14231134 SOT CHORD 1-17=-22412561, 9-17=-22412551, 9-18=-22812553. 8-18=-22812553, 8-19=-38/802, 7-19=-38/802 WEBS 4-7=111177r205.4-8=234111998, 3-8=-7271180,2-8=-1631255,2-9=01370,6-7=-14811487 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.0psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.80 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-8-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder comes tie-in spans of 4-0-0 from front girder and 2-0-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pu,lln along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 162 lb down and 37 lb up at 19-9-0, and 162 lb down and 37 lb up at 8-7-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsIbility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase--l.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 4-5=-68,2-14=-102,14-15=-102(F=-34),4-15---102,1-2=-68,6-10=-20 Continued on page 2 truss I truss Type Uty Ply rMG1OUA_1B Hill CAL HIP ilJobR I] _- - - en1oonaI rusrmme u.c.. rams. uA. 2378 LOAD CASE(S) Standard I Concenated Loads (lb) Veil: 13-136 16-136 Run: 8.20 S Dec 6 2018 Flint 8.240 a Dec 6 2018 MiTeic In6usthes, Inc. Thu Oct312:42:36 2019 Page 2 ID:ZFl3c9v,o(brEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-EOlDr52NOtiN4vmjjkEEdoxrv1qG1MRrnWVwn9qyX5JH Job 1Truss TrUsiiWe Qty jPty GNOUA1B M12 CAL HIP 1 JJqb - - - Reference (optional) ,un;o.4u5 lJeC DU1c rnni .44U!U5C OU1aMIIeIIlnaUsU153, IflC. Il1UUGT i 1Z44,ZU1a Iage 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-iDJb3R3?nAqDi2LvHSlT90U?_RA5msHvlc9IKJiGyx5JG 8.0-0 10-6-11 • 14-2-0 • 17-9-5 204-0 21-10-0 8-0-0 2-6-11 3-7-5 3-7-5 2-6-11 1-6-0 Scale = 1:36.5 358 = 2x4 II 500 = 5x8 = 20 II 8-0-0 14-2-0 20-4-0 2140-0 8-0-0 • 8.2.8 • 8..fl • 1.8-fl Plate Offsets MY)— f1:040-O.0-0-91. 12:044,0-1-81, (5:0-3-12.0-041.110:0-3-4.0-3-01 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (be) 1/dell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip 001. 125 IC 0.94 Vert(LL) -025 11-14 999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 LumberDOL 125 BC 075 Vert(CI) -0.50 11-14 >517 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.58 Horz(CT) -0.05 1 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight 101 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-3-14 oc purlins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc pudins (4-1-9 max.): 2-5. Except: WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 4-2-0 oc bracing: 2-5 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except 6-0-0 oc bracing: 8-9. MiTeic recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 110011044 (mm. 0-1-8). 8a1042/0.3.8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Holz870(LC 9) Max Upliftl=.61(LC 8), 8-108(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 5-7=67911133.2-15=-119181406. 15-16=19181408,4-16--19181408,4-17=19491417, 1718=.194g/417, S-18-19491417,1-19-22281409,19-20&-21491427,2-20-20851434, 74=-1069/190 SOT CHORD 1-21=-369/2051, 11-21=-369/2051, 11-22=-375/2043, 10-22=-375/2043, 10-23=-205/640, 9-23-205/640 WEBS 5-9=-9261418, 5-10-277/143l, 4-10-425/120, 2-10=-285/141, 2-1130/381, 7-9=-385/1202 NOTES- Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd307mph; TCDL=6.0ps BCDL=topsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterbor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 10-6-I1, Exterio42) 8-1-12 to 124-11, Interior(l) 12-4-11 to 20-24. Exterior(2) 17-9-5 to 21414 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and fames & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip D0L160 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrentwitii any other live toads. 1 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. 91This misc has hean dacinned mr a mniinn rzinns.ntmtpd mad nf fl (Iii. Ih, I,td at all mid nanla d t 11 nanl .,,nt. I th 4x6 4.00 5x8 = 358 = 4i8 = - 454 =2x4 II job Truss Type Ply 3NOLIA1B IrussT H13 I 1 u ly CAL HIP 1 l I Job Reference (optional) I aiurocna I lust-lame mi., reins, t., wziu ruin: aeu S Dec b 2010 run!: 15.24119 Dec S W15 MITeS InausU1eS. Inc. mu OCt i lz:4x:31 zoig rage i lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-iDJb3R3?nAqDi2LvHSfl90U_DRBvmszvk9fKhGyX5JG 11-6-8 17.4-8 6-2-11 10-114 1144 16-94 18-9-13 21-10-0 6-2-11 4.8-12 "Al 5-3-0 0-6-5 4-5-8 0-0-5 0-6-11 Scale = 1:36.5 4-7-0 • 10-11-6 17-4-8 21-10-0 I 5.7.41 5.4_a 5_a_a Plate Offsets (X,Y)- 11:0-0-0.0-0-91, (3:0-2-8.0-2-01, [4:0-4-0.0-1-81, (7:0-1-12.0-2-01. [9:0-2-8,0-2-01 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Well Ltd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.99 Veit(LL) -0.21 9-10 999 240 MT20 220/195 ICOL 14.0 I Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(CT) -0.46 9-10 "565 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.60 llorz(CI) -0.07 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 16C201511P12014 Matrix-MSl-1 Weight: 100 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING.. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G'Except' TOP CHORD I Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-13 oc purlins, except T2: 2X4 OF No.1&Blr G end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc puffins (241-1 max.): 3-4. Except 801 CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G 2-8-0cc bracing: 3-4 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be I installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1123/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 6=1270/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz659(LC 7) Max Upliftl-79(LC 4), 6=-105(LC 5) U FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - M forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 4-$=-1408/157, 3-14=-1890/219, W15-18971220,15-16---18981219,16-17=-1902J219. 4-17=-1905/219. 1-2=-2599/189, 23=2045i219, 5.6-12321122 GOT CHORD 1-18=-13912398, 10-18-139/2398, 10-19=-186!2347, 9-19=-186/2347, 8-9=-7811341, 7-8-78/1341 I WEBS 4-7=-6161134,4-9=-621692.2-9=-501185, 5-7=-133/1481, 2-10=0/379 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vutt=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCOL6.0psf BCDLE.Opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 4-0-0 from front girder and 2-0411 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puffin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 162 lb down and 37 lb up at 18-9-8, and 162 lb down and 37 lb up at 11-6-8 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (p11) Vert: 4-5=68,3-15-102, 15-16=-102(F-34), 4-16w-102,1-3=48,6-11=-20 Continued on page 2 Job ss 1CALHJP TWSS Type y I JM 1 I IJob Reference (optional) LllTOfTWd , ,u5I-rme rems, UA. vzzfu LOAD CASE(S) Standard I Concentrated Loads (lb) Veil: 14-136 17-135 NUn:S4us USC U1U1SiflfliU24USUSC U win MIIeKIflaUSlI1e5.inc. IflUUCt J1:4(U1 I39S1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-iDJb3R3?nAqDi2LvHStT9QU_DR8vmszvk91KhGyX5JG Twss [rUSS Type MIGIOL~ H14 'r'lJob 1B 1COMMON Reference(optional) I LL...., reuia ..M, S4(U Null S4U 5 USC U 4U15 YflIlL 534U 5 USC U U1S MuSIC IflllU5lfle5. lflC. IflU 13CC 3 1Z43S 41115 P505 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-APszGn4dVUy4JCw5r9C3iiD1ElrS?Vll3zpPtDiyX5JF 6.9.9 114.4 . 14-2-0 16-9-12 214.2 21r10.O 6-9-9 4-8-11 • 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-8-6 0-3-14 Scale = 1:35.7 354 = 4.00112 I 4x6= 20 U 5-2-3 114-4 11441 16-6-0 16-6-12 2141-2 21.10.0 5-2-3 6.4-1 64.12 5.0.0 0.1312 4.5.6 631.14 Plate Offsets (XV)- 12:04)-2.0-1-81, (4:0-2-0Edqe1. 16:0-2-0,0-1421. [8,0-1-12A-1-121,110:0-1-12,0-1-121 LOADING (psI) SPACING- 2-3-12 CSI. DEFL in (lc) tided L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip 001. 1.25 TC 0.68 Vert(LL) -021 10-11 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.97 Vert(CT) -0.72 10-11 '380 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.66 l-Iorz(CT) -0.03 1 nla nla BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 121 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFN0.2G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 'Except' 83: 2X6 OF No2 G, 81: 2X6 OF SS G WEBS 2X4DFStud1StdG REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=118810-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=121910.3.8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Houz770(LC 16) Max Upllft1-28(LC 8). 7-2(1-C 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD 2-0-0 oc puffins (34-11 max.), except end verticals (Switched from sheeted: Spacing> 2-0-0). 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing, Except 6.0-0 cc bracing: 7-8. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Aft forces 250 (lb) or Was except when shown. TOP CHORD 4.5=.318/49, 5-15=-1462154, 15-16=-1474!52, 6-16=-1590141, 1-17=-2877146. 2-17-2800162.2-18-1631149,3-18--ISIS/50, 3-4=.-258l55, 6-7=-1329/54 SOT CHORD 1-19=0/1100, 1-2D=-612657,11-20=4512657.11-21=-411239--,10-21=-41/239g. 9-10=011466,8-9=0(1486 WEBS 2-10=-10851130, 3-10=01316, 3.5-1232(40, 6-8=-81 1624, 211z0I621 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult1110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.0psf h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-04 to 14-2-0, Exterior(2) 14-2-0(017-2.0, Interior(l) 17-2-0 to 2144 zone: cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=160 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in aft areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 244 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuwent with any other live loads. Graphical pwlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puffin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shaft be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 51 lb down and 4 lb up at 11-8-0, and 51 lb down and 4 lb up at 16-8-0 on bottom chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lnceasee1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert 4-6=43.11-4-63,742=23 Concentrated Loads fib) Vert 10=-50 9=-50 Ob Truss TrusSType uty Piy lB H15 COMMON 1 1 I Job Reference (optional) ii. LLSU 5 USC S LU1D rnnl 54qu S USC S U15 wiiex lnausines, IflC. IflU ua ;i 12:41S U1S 159S 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-APszGn4dYuy4JCw8r9GiiD1A9rTHvJP3zpPtDiyx5JF 6-10-9 11-6-4 • 14-2-0 16-9-12 21-6-2 21r10-O 6-10-9 4-7-11 2-7-12 2-7-12 4-8-6 03-i4 Scale = 1:35.9 3x4 = 400112 454 x4 3x8 456 4 2011 5-6-14 11-6-4 114-0 16-8-0 16-12 21-6-2 21r10-0 5-5-14 5-11.5 5-fl.fl ft. 11 A.LS fl1A Plate Offsets (XX)- 11:040-0.0-0-91. 12:04)-2.0-1-121. [4:0-2-0.Edpe], 16:0-1-12,0-1-121.18:0-1-12.0-2-01, 110:0-1-12.0-2-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) 1/defi L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.91 Veit(LL) -0.37 10-11 '899 240 M120 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber 001. 1.25 Sc 0.95 Vert(CT) -1.23 10-11 2-212 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.59 HoIZ(CT) -0.04 1 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code 1BC201511P12014 Matiix-MSH Weight: 108 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&61 3 Except TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-11-150c puriins, except TI: 2X4 OF No.2 G and verticals. 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Bfr G Except 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing, Except 62:2X6 OF No.2 G 6-0-0 cc bracing: 7-8. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1032/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 7=1063/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8) Installation guide. Max Horz760(LC 16) Max Uplift1.24(LC 8), 7-2(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 4-5=-295/45, 5-15=-1244/47, 15-i 6=-1255/46, 6-16=-1343/34, 1-17=-2374/38, 2-17=-2240152,2-18--1429144.3-18=-1331M, 6-7=-1123(50 I BOT CHORD 1-19=.8I2181. 11-19=-6/2181, 11-20=-35/2067, 10-20=-3512057, 9-10=0/1267, 6-9=011267 WEBS 2-10=-948/112,3-10=01431, 3-5=-1074134, 6-8=-12/1448, 2-11=0/473 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. I 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult'llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL60psf; 8C0L6.Opsf h'201t Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 14-2-0. Exterior(2) 14-2-0 to 17-2-0. Interior(1) 17-2-0 to 21-8-4 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcuffent with any other live loads. 4) This truss has been designed for a live load o120.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit I between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the I Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 51 lb down and 4 lb up at 1148-0, and 51 lb down and 4 lb up at 1648-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert 4-6=-72,1-4-72,7-12=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 10=-SO 8=-50 Truss LGNOLIA18 - Truss Type - H16 JCOMMON 11 Job Reference (optional) I Iu,me LLI., rams, LJL ssiu rrun: b24U s Dec 5 ZUlS Print: 5.240 s Dec 5 2018 MITeS Ineustries, Inc. 1110 Oct 312:42:392019 Page 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-fbOMU74FJo4xxMVlPtnxERZS9FpFEm7CCT8Rm9yx5JE 4-4-15 8-1-8 14-2-0 18-11-4 22-9-2 28-4-0 4-4-15 3-8-9 6-0-8 49.4 ' 3-9-14 5-6-14 Scale a 1.44.7 456 = 3x4 = 6x6 = 450 =SX8 = 55W = 4510 = 45W = 506 8-1-8 v 13-6-12 21-8-2 28-4-0 5.1.5 c_c_S R1..5 I Plate Offsets (X,Y)— r3:0.112,O.2.0l. (4:0-3-0.0-241. [5:0.3-12,0-1-121, (7:0-7-0,0-1-141. [8:0-3-4.04-41. (9:0-4-0,0-2-41, (11:0-3-0,0-4-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.51 Vert(LL) -0.14 8-9 1,999 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -0.41 8-9 >425 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor NO WS 0.62 Horz(CT) -0.02 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC201511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 303 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 64-0 oc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing, Except: WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Except 10-0-0 oc bracing: 7-8. W6: 2X4 OF No.2 G SLIDER Right 2x6 OF No.2 -G 5-7-13 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=268/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=2433/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 9=9257/0-3-8 (req. 0-4-15) Max Horz184(LC 28) Max upliftl=-247(LC 27), 7-229(LC 30) Max Grav1342(LC 3), 72591(LC 59), 9=9257(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-5241925, 2-3=-34311162, 3-4=-12113676, 4-5=-37513311, 5-6=-4080/374, 6-7=-4137/548 BOT CHORD 1-19=-3361307. 1-20=471/542, 20-21=-871/542, 21-22=-8711542, 11-22=471/542, 111-23=-1083/550,23-24=1083/00, 10-24=-10831550, 9-10=-1083/550, 9-25=-6051782, 8-25=-587/811, 8-26=-50913996, 7-26=-540/3916, 7-27=43713910 WEBS 2-11=-422184,3-11=2512292,3-9=-3564/179,4-9=2S71/135, 5-9=-3707131, 5-8=0/5223 NOTES- 2-ply buss to be connected together with lOd (0.131"x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as f011ows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 -2 rows staggered at 0-5-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 1 row at 0-9-0 0G. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (8), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 9 greater than input bearing size. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI1TPI I This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and stall panel points along Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist d loads along bottom chord from 264-0 to 284-0 for 700.0 plf. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 2-6-0 from 0-0-0 to 6-0-0; 20-2-0 from 10-0-0 to 28-4-0 Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 1895 lb down and 76 lb up at design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. I MAGNOUA1B H16 11 1 cahfcma TnjsFrame U.C., Perns, C LOAD CASE(S) Standard I) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate Increase1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert 1-4-72, 4772, 12-21-26(F-6), 21-23-20, 15-23.431(Fi.411) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 11=-1895(F) Tnlssl-ype o [3NOUA 18 COMMON 13 I Reference (optional)al) m ISS i lJob - Md I ,u,r,iuv w.... rem; I.,M. e,,u I1w1. e.Lqu a uec 0 U1O rnnl 0Z4U S uec 0 LU1O Oil OK IfldUSIflOi inc. i flU UCI 3 143S U1S ram 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVIP7?S5SJz7f4q-fbOMU74FJo4xxMVd'tnxERZTfFujEsACCT8Rm9yX5JE 5-5-5 10-11-0 , 16-4-11 • 21-10-0 5-5-5 5-5-11 5-5-11 5-5-5 Scale z 1:35.1 4x6 II 4x4 = 40 = 4x4 3x6 = 3x6 = 7-3-3 14-6-13 21-10.0 7 ' 7...1fl Plate Offsets (X))— 13:01-0.0-0-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Udell lid PLATES GRIP TCU.. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.27 6-8 '969 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.61 Vert(CT) -0.56 6-8 '470 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.24 Horz(CT) 0.08 5 n/a nla SCOL 10.0 Code 18C201 511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 81 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 196110.5.8 (nun. 0-1-8), 5'9611044 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz1z44(LC 35) Max Upltft1-259(LC 27). 5-259(LC 30) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1140c purlins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104-0 oc bracing. Mrrek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=-219W707, 2-15=-2093/510, 2-16=-19171348, 3-16=-1856/166. 3-17-18551178, 4-17=-19171349, 4-18=-2093/467, S-18=-21901707 SOT CHORD 1-19=-344/2023, 19-20-9812023. 8-20=-98/2023, 7-8=0/1379, 7-21--0/1379, 6-21=0/I379,6-22=-64/2023,22-23=-64/2023, 5-23=-31212023 WEBS 3-6=-37/560, 444-395/137, 3-8=-37/660, 244-3951137 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd'97mph; TCDL6.0p5f BCDL6.0psf; h20(t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 10-11-0, Exterior(2) 10-11-0 to 13-11.0. lntevior(1) 13-11-0 to 21-10-0 zone; cantilever left and fight exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1.80 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load 0120.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tag by2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 international Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI!TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber 00L(1.33) Plate grip DOL--(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 2-0-0, 19-10-0 to 21-10-0 for 350.0 plL LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss truss Type Oly Ply MAGNOLIA 18 J03 GABLE I Job Reference (optional) CakfamlaT,usFrame LLC., Penis, CA. 92570 - - -- - Ri824Oi-00C62tr18PhhtTL248i Dec 5 2018TëkitiUInc. ThUOct 312.42:41 2019 Page 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-b_Y6up6WrPKfAgfgWHqPKsftri2hNinuVfndYqlyX5JC 5-1-11 10-11-0 16-8-5 21-10-0 5-1-11 5-9-5 5-9.5 5-1-11 Scale = 1:347 D=800# 34= 40 17 41 18 42 15 43 14 44 131245 11 46 10 47 9 48 8 49 7 50 6 51 3x4 I U4 30 454= 7-9-10 • 14-0-6 21-10-0 I 7-9-10 6-2-13 I . 7-9-10 Plate Offsets 0(Y)— (3:044A441 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.18 Veit(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 I Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.15 Vert(CT) n/a - nla 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.16 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 15C201311P12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 133 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD I Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 60-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud!Std G Mflek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4DFStud/Std G -Except' installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer STS: W OF • No2 G Installation guide. I REACTIONS. Al bearings 21-10.0. (lb)- Max Horz167(LC44) Max Uplift All uplift 100 1, or less at joint(s) 11, 13,16,10,7 except 1-138(LC 27), 5-141(LC 38), 9=-180(LC 30), 14-183(LC 35) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 1351(LC 67), 5351(LC 79), 9587(LC 1), 14587(LC 1), 11=275(LC 73), 13=280(LC 72), 15=292(LC 70), 16=255(LC 69), 17=316(LC 68), 10=280(LC 74), I 8=292(LC 76), 7=255(LC 77), 6=318(LC 78) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CcinpJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-36=-4621379, 2-36=-274!265, 2-37-2141276, 3-31---981336, 3-38=-89/336. 4-38-1731271, 4-39-2521235, 549=449/387 I SOT CHORO 1-40=-364/373, 5-51=-353/383 WEBS 3-9=3611176,4-9=,W/152,3-14-3611177,2-W-5401153 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL8.0ps BCDLS.opsf; h--20k- Cat II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 04-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 10-11-0, Exterlor(2)10-11-0 to 13-11-0, Interior(1) 13-11.0 to 21-10-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the buss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the Face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 144cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. 7)This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p51 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along thi Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load o1800 lb. Lumber DOL.(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag along bottom chord from 0-0.0 to 3-0-0, 18-10-0 to 21-10-0 for 1333 pit. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss Truss Q"P1y l I GNOL 18 P 9 - 1EENPOST J Reference (optional) rula unrwme u...., rema, k.A Vzory Nun: ø.4U5 uec e uig mgi. a4qu a I.JCC um ivaue inausuies Inc. mu um 3 uia rage 1 lDiFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-b_Y6up6WrPKfAgfgWHqPKsfsg2Zwim3VfndYq1yX5JC I 4-5-11 8-11.8 . 13-5-5 17-11-0 4-5-11 4-5-13 4.5-13 4-5-11 Scale = 1:28.7 4x4 = G. 4x8 = 4x8 I 8-11-8 1 17-11-0 8-11-8 1 8-11-8 Plate Offsets (XV)- 11:0-0-0.04-11, (5:0-0-0.0-1-11 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) lldefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Gnp DOL 1.25 IC 0.25 Vert(LL) -0.32 6-12 p675 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(CT) -0.54 6-12 401 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WS 0.21 Hoiz(CT) 0.05 5 n/a n/a SCOL 10.0 Code I8C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=788/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8),5=78810-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz136(LC 12) Max Uplift1=-11(LC 8), 5=-11(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-6 oc purlins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTch recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD i-15=-1728/52, 2-15=-1653/65, 2-16=-128617, 3-16=-1235/18, 3-17-1235/18, 4-17=-1286/7, 4-18=-1653/65, 5-18=-1728/52 BOT CHORD 1-13=-57/1598, 6-13=-57/1598, 6-14=-31/1598, 5-14=-31I1598 WEBS 2-6=-484/116, 3-6-0130,4-54-484/116 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87rnph; TCOL6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0.0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 6-11-8. Exterior(2) 8-11-8 to 11-11-8, Interior(1) 11-11-8 to 17-11-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip OOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. a This truss has been designed for a Five load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard truss truss type 01 I P1Y LMAGNOLIA15 K04 CAL HIP ij - 1Job Reference (optional) s!sonaa Tru3rarne LW.. Penis, (A 82370 Run: 8.240 a Dec 62016 Print 8.240 s Dec 6 2018 MITeR Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:42:42 2019 Page 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-3A6U6978cjSWoqDt4?Les3BzPStyRDHeuRN5MUyX5JB 7-11-11 4-94 7-5-0 7+12 9-11-5 10-6-0 13-1-11 17-11-0 4-9-5 2-7-11 0.1.112 1-11-10 0-6-It 2-7-11 4-9-5 04-15 Scale 1:29.5 8x8 400 = ! 4.00112 15 '.4 16 300 = 3x10 = 7-5-0 10-6-0 17-11-0 7-5-0 -1-0 7-5.0 Plate Offsets (XY)— 13:0-3-12.Edgel, 14:0-5-0.0-1-61 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) l/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.51 Vert(LL) -0.12 7-8 >999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.77 Vert(CT) -0.37 8 >573 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.21 Horz(CT) 0.09 6 n/a n/a SCOt. 10.0 Code 18C2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 84 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-1 oc pullins. except 801 CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G 0-0-0 oc purtins (2-10-1 max.): 3-4. Except: WEBS 2X4 DF StudlStd G 2-10-0 oc bracing: 3-4 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1710/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-14), 6=1782/Mechanical Max Horzl=33(LC 8) Max Upliftl-64(LC 4), 6.68(LC 5) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2-43401345.2-3=-4336/343, 3-15=-3981/331, 4-15=-3974/333, 4-34-4202/342, 5-6=4374/356 SOT CHORD 1-16=49/1691, 1-17---31714104, 8-17=-31714104, 8-18-308/4188,18-19=-308141 88, 19-20---30814188,7-20=30814188,7-21=-301/4114, 6-21=301/4114,6-22--77/1695 WEBS 3-8=0/380, 3-7=400/56,44=01527 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.Opsft BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.alb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. Graphical purtin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 703 lb down and 162 lb up at 10-1 and 703 lb down and 162 lb up at 7-6-12 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of othe In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease11.25, Plate Increase1 .25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-68, 3-4=-165, 4-6-68, 9-12-49(F-29) Continued on page 2 FJOD Truss Tñiflpe Lary MAGNOLIA ' 1(04 CAL HIP Fly Job Reference (optional) - Cjlifoma Truslrrame LLG.. PiflS, GA, 9210 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Veit: 3-589 4=-589 nun; e.tqo 5 uec u tub i-nm. o.tsu S 1Jfl U CUPS IWIPUR uiillspwlsa, iii... PPS - - ID.zFI3c9v,ccbrEMvfP7?s5sJz7r4q3A6u6978cjswOqDt4?Les3BzPStyROHeuRN5MUJB I I I I I I Job Truss Truss Type oty Ply MAGNOUA 18 1(05 OUEENPOST 6 - - - Job Reference (optional) .aeoma i Wrieffna u.., rem!, u& sru sun: 5.240 s use s xuib pnnt 5.240 $ Dec S 2015 ieeic Inausmes. inc. mu Va r 1:42:4z 2u19 race i lD:Fl3c9v,ocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-3A6U6978SWoq0t4?Les3B0YSunRDveuRN5MUyX5JB 4-5-11 8-11-8 12-8-12 13-7-13 17-11-0 4-5-11 4-5-13 3-9-4 0-11-1 4-3-3 Scale = 1:28.8 40 = 06 = 20 II 354 = 8-11-8 124-12 17-11-0 A_u.n • t4.4 S...L Plate Offsets (XX)- t7:0-2-802.01 LOADING (pet) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) Udefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.31 Veit(LL) .0.28 7-10 a.552 240 MT2O 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 115 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.51 7-10 400 180 BCLL 00 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.24 Horz(CT) 0.02 6 We nla BCDL 10.0 Code I3C20151TPI2014 Mahix-MSH Weight 67 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1546/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8), 5=22010-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8). 6=882/0-5.8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hoiz136(LC 12) Max UpIlft1-8(LC 8), 5=-6(LC 13), 6=-13(LC 9) Max Grav1553(LC 27), 5=332(LC 31), 6=862(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. ConrpiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD l-17=-1055147. 2-17=-986161. 2-18=-552/0. 3-18=-510/6, 3-19=-529/12, 4-l@-546/0 SOT CHORD 1-14=-531978, 7-14=-531978 WEBS 2-7=-5451111. 4-7=-12f531, 4.6=-721155 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-13 cc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-Soc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required aces bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. P 08- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL=6.0psf, h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and CC Exterlor(2) 0.0-0 to 3-0.0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 8-11-8, Exterior(2) 8-11-8 to 11-11-8, Interior(1) 11-11-8 to 17-11-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C.0 for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1 .80 U 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pet bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. • This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. I S) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2305.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. 7)This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcuneot with any other live loads. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (6). I I I LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lnoreasel.25, Plate Inorease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Veit 641-20,6-11-30(F=10), 1-3=68, 3-5-68 1Job 1lruss lruss Type ly MAGNOUA18 K06 OUEENPOST 117 I 1 IJb Reference (optional) caritomla Iniel-rame L.c.. penis, cM, vl.,u un: 15.41) S usc e pin hint 11.245 a uec 0 0J15 SlICK iflOU5ffi55, inc. mu oct ,:ez:ea irw rage i iD:ZFI3c9vxicbrEMVP7?S5SJz7f4q-XMgsJV7mN0aNQzo3eisuPHk8IsDOAg9o756eswyX5JA 4-5-11 8-11-8 12-8-12 13-7-13, 17-11-0 I 4-5-11 4-5-13 I 0-Il-i 4-3-3 Scale z 1:28.8 40 = 44 = 2x4 II 354 = 8-114 . 12-8-12 1 17-11-0 5-11-8 3.94 5-2-4 Plate Offsets MY)— 170-2-8.0-2-01 LOADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) lldefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) -0.28 7-10 >552 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.51 7-10 >300 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress hncr NO WS 024 HOIZ(CT) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 15C20151TP12014 Matiix-MSH Weight 67 lb FT a 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No-2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G DOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. ('b/size) 154610-3-8 (min. 0-1-8),5--M/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 686210-54 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz136(LC 36) Max Upliftl-163(LC 27), 5-115(LC 38). 6=49(LC 30) Max Grav1553(LC 55), 5382(LC 59), 6862(LC I) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CcmpiMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-11031460, 2-17=-9881344, 2-18=-6441223, 3-18--510I160, 3-19=-529/44, 4-19=-546/I38, 5.20352/284 DOT CHORD 1-14-441/1025, 7-14=-2481978. 5-16=-251!349 WEBS 2-7=4451145, 4-7=-1051531, 4-6=-721/105 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-9 cc pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph 13-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.0psl BCDLS.Opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 34-0, lntetio41) 3-0-0 to 8-11-8, Exterior(2) 8-11-8 to 11-11-8, Interior(1) 11-11-8 to 17-11-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed far a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0th live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber 001(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect buss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 04-0 to 17-11-0 for 44.7 pg. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lnorease1.25, Plate hncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 6-8=-20, 61130(F10), 1-3-68, 3-5.68 5x8 = 558 = 454 = 20 II 4x8 = 2x4 II Truss Truss Type [OtY ply IJob MAGNOUAIB QUEENPOST - - - - K07 - Job Reference (optional) 9fl9. '., flUrL 9.4U 9 UCc 0 gu ID mill; D.4'IU 9 UD 0 LUJO MI I DII lflDU5UlD9. inc, i flu um .1 144L;43 4019 raqo 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-XMgsJV7mN0aNQzo3eisuPHk7rs9mAcXo756evwyX5JA 5-0-11 8-11-8 12-10-5 17-11-0 5-0-11 3-10-13 3-10-13 5-0-11 Scale = 1:28.7 5-0-11 8-11-8 12-10-5 17-11-0 S-n-Il 4ni% C11-11 Plate Offsets (XV)— 11:0-0-0,0-1-91. [5:0-0-0,0-1-91, 16:0-2-4.0-1-01.18:0-240-1-01 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (toc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) -0.13 6-11 >999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.99 Vert(CT) -0.38 6-11 2,563 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.47 Horz(CT) -0.07 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 69 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=1711/0-3-8 (mm. 0.1-13), 1>92610-3-8 (mm. 04-8) Max Horz5=-36(LC 38) Max Uplift5=-141(LC 22), 1=151(LC 19) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-50c purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib)- Max. CompJMax. Ten.- All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3.4-16381181,4-S--28541366,1-2---20851385,2-3=16321184 801 CHORD 115z0/1923, 15-16=416/1923, 816=416/1923, 8-17=416/1923, 7-17-41611923, 7-18=-370/2681, 6-18=-370/2681, 6-19=-370/2681, 19-20=-37012681, 5-20=-370/2681 WEBS 4-7=-1369187,3-7=01792,2-7=527/88,4-6=01839,2-8=0/305 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VuttllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd>97mph; TCDL>9.opsf; BCDL=6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; and vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 34-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL--(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 15-11-0 to 17-11-0 for 400.1 plf. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 12-7-8 from 13-3-0 to 17-11-0 In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (p11) Veit: 12-19=20,9-19--247(13-227).3-5=-68.1-3=-68 Job ilniss 1TrUilType lB lCoe IMAGNOLIA lJob 00EENPOST Reference (optional) a,Iru,nla urusr,sme u.i.,., reins, I. a.sru rein: g,Lqu 5 iec D Apa rise: e.iu 5 LiC 0 ZU15 IvilIeui inausines IflC. mU U 1 144:4 uis rage i l0:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-?ZEFXq8O8KiE27NFQN7xUGlBGZJv0ZxLlsCRMyX5J9 4-11-11 , 8-11-8 12-11-5 17-11-0 4-11-11 3-11-13 3-11-13 4-11-11 Scale = 1:28.4 4*4 = 8*6 = 8x6 = I 4-11-11 8-11-8 • 12-11-5 17-11-0 4-11.11 ' .11-1 5-11-11 i 4-I1-11 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— I1:O-3-0,O-3-91,15:0-3-0.0-3-91, (6:04.0,01.8I.17:05.0,0142I. 18:04-0,0-1-81 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSl. DEFL in (lc) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLI. 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 TC 0.56 Vert(LL) -008 8-11 2-999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.28 8-11 >777 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mci NO WB 0.67 Horz(CT) -0.05 1 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code IBC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 82 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X6 OF SS G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=2261/0-3-8 (nun. 0-2-7),5=1026/0-5-8 (min. 0-I-8) Max Horz5=36(LC 27) Max Upliftl-234([C 19), 5-249(LC 22) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-40c puilins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. Mflek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer j Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-37801630, 2-3=-19851321, 3-4-19821326, 4-5-2430/621 SOT CHORD 115=29211873, 1-16=46513567, 16-17=-69513567,8-17=-695/3567. 8-18=-695/3567, 7-18=-69513567, 7-19=-66012263, 6.19=660l2263. 6-20=-660/2263, 5-20=-660/2263, 5-21-278/984 WEBS 37=0/1004, 4-7=-529/1 17, 4-6=01273, 2-1=-1955167, 28=0/1 227 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf: BCOL6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; and vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOLC1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. 6) This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 15-11-0 to 17-11-0 for 700.i plf. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 17-11-0 from 0-0-0 to 54)-0 In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate Increase= 1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3=-68, 3-5=-68, 8-9=-364(F-344), 8-12=-20 I I I I I Job Truss Twss Type 1 IQty Fly MAGNOUA Is Lol I GABLE I Job Reference (optional) (anTcmla InsPrame .,15m5.LA. 5I.10 Mun:52405 USC bU1SflLZ4USUBC bU1uMTeKInausmes,Inc. Inuoct i1z:4:4Du1s lagel lDZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-TlndkA90veq5fHySl7uMUipZUf1hebA5aPblzoyX5J8 4-9-14 8-9-0 12.8-2 17-8-0 4-9-14 3-11-2 3-11-2 4-9-14 Scale = 1:27.6 5x6 II 29 14 30 13 31 12 32 11 33 10 34 9 35 8 38 7 37 6 38 30 40 = 4x4 = 6-3-14 11-2-2 174-0 41fl.A • Plate Offsets (X,Y)- (304-6.0-2-8] LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) 11defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.14 Vert(LL) We - We 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumbar DOL 1.25 BC 0.19 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WO 0.07 Horz(CT) 0.00 5 We n/a SCOL 10.0 Code 18C2015/1P12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 97 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No2 S TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pullins. 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G MiTch recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 17-6-0. (Ib) - Max Horz1-36(LC 38) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 11, 13,9,7 except 1.126(LC 27). 5-131(LC 38), 8=-178(LC 30), 12=-183(LC 35) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less atJoint(s) except 1=344(LC 65), 5344(LC 75), 9=464(LC 1), 12=464(LC 1), 10=279(LC 70), 11=270(LC 89), 13258(LC 67), 14=321(LC 68), 9=270(LC 71), 7=258(LC 73), 6=321(LC 74) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-25=-3851347, 5-29=385/356 BOT CHORD 1-29=4391389,5-39=422/352 WEBS 3-8=-2551167, 4-8=-3751103, 3-12=-255/173, 2-12=-375/103 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL80psf BCDL-6.0psf, h201t; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, lntenor(1) 3-0-0 to 6-94, Exterior(2) 8-9-0 to 11-9-0, Interior(l) 11-9-0 to 174-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSItTPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.Olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag Ic along bottom chord from 04-0 to 44)-0. 134.0 to 17-6-0 for 100.0 pIt. LOAD CASE(S) Standard job TruSs Truss Type Ply MAGNOLIA Qty I Is COMMON GIRDER 1 jJob I - - - 1L03 - Reference(opdonal) I r,i.,..., ,..,. =Ulu lUfl: D.eU5 U?C esu10rrmLequ5lJec ewie Milee lnaUswee. IflC. IflUUC1 I 1.4:4D4u15 rage i ID:ZFI3c9v,oibrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-xxL?yWAegxyyHRXeJrPb1vMh53lRN1lEp3UVFyX5J7 4-5-1 8-9.0 13-0-15 17-6-0 4-5-1 4.3-15 4-3-15 4-5-1 Scale = 1:28.2 D1000# 4x6 II 5-1 1 4x4 = I 6-6-6 10-11-10 • 17-6-0 8.44 4-5.4 8.6.4 Plate Offsets (XV)— 13:04)-0.0-0-01 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Udefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.27 Veit(LL) -012 7-10 999 240 MT20 220/195 ICOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.55 Vert(CT) -0.24 7-10 a890 180 BCLL 0_0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.15 Horz(CT) 0.05 5 n/a n/a SCOL 10_0 Code I8C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 65 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.20 WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Sid G REACTIONS. (lb(size) 1=770/0-541 (mm. 0-1-8), 5770/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hoizl=35(LC 44) Max Upliftl-188(LC 27), 5=-188(LC 30) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-7 oc puilins. 301 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-14=-16901511, 2-14=-16141353. 2-15=-14171254, 3-15=-1369/I27, 3-16=-1369/152, 4-16--14171232,4-17-16141329,6-17=-1690/504 BOTCHORD 1-18=-57/1559, 18-19=58211559,7-19=-58211559,7-20---48011216,6-20=-480/1216, 6-21=-477/1559,5-21=-47711559 WEBS 3-6=-271496, 4-6=-3421122, 3-7=-23(496, 2-7=3421117 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.0psf BC0L6.0psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, bntenor(1) 3-0-0 to 8-9-0, Exterior(2) 8-9-0 to 11-9-0, Interior(l) 11-9-0 to 17-6-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL--11.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and stall panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1000 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0.0-0 to 240-0 for 500.0 p1!. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job ruSs Q11Ply MAGNOLIA1B I Trii58Type FLO, COMMON GIRDER 8 Job Reference (optional) aicanua ,wsrrarne l.u.... pern5. LA vzatu I4Ufl: b240 S USC b zoia Pflfl1 5.240 S 0CC 5 Zola MITeX Inausinea, Inc.T51U Oct 5 12 42 40 ZUIV Page 1 ID:ZEl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-tocL?yWAegxyyHR)CeJrPb1vMh53lUN1GEp3UVFyX5J7 4-5-1 8-9-0 13-0-15 13-7-12 17-6-0 4-5-1 4-3-15 4-3-15 0-6-13 3-10-4 Scale = 1:28.2 4x6 II 4X4 = 454= 2x4 II 454 = 454 = 6-6-6 10-11-10 13-7-12 17-6411 6-6-6 1 4-54 2-5-2 3-104 Plate Offsets (X,Y- 15.0-0-0.0-0-01 LOADING(PSI) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) lldetl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.27 VertiLL) -0.12 9-12 2,999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.64 Vert(CT) -0.23 9-12 >898 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.15 Horz(CT) 0.05 6 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code lBC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 20 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lblsize) 1=77010-54 (mm. 0-1-8),6=770/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-3) Max Horz1=-35(LC 17) Max Uplift1-10(LC 8), 6-10(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-6 oc putlins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-16=-1690/37, 2-16=-1614151, 2-17=-1417115, 3-17-1369127, 3-18=-1370138, 4-16=-1418122, 4-5=-1613145, 5-19=-1631/32. 6-19=-1689!25 SOT CHORD 1-20=-45/1569.9-20=-45/1559,9-21=0/1100, 8-21=011100, 8-22=-611558,7-22=6/1558, 7-23=111111558.6-23=41/11558 WEBS 34=1/495,4-8=-385168,3-9=0/498,2-9-341/97 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd287mph; TCDL-6.0psf BCDL6.Opsf; h20ft; Cat. If: Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 8-9-0, Exterior(2) 8-9-0 to 11-9-0, Interior(l) 11-9-0 to 17-6411 zone; cantilever left and sight exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI(TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. I I II LOAD CASE(S) Standard job Tniss truss Type uty ply MAGNOLIA 18 NO2 -. COMMON GIRDER - 3 1 Job ReferenJpponaI) ,Ufl: b.4U 5 IJ5C 0 A10 rnnl: 52U S USC 0 ZU15 MuSK Inausmes. Inc. unuucu lx:4x:4exula rare 1 lD:1bJOp_sdczZJ11vFKMLnuz6QGW-xxL?yWAegxyyHRXeJrPblvMfH3KLN14Ep3UVFy5J7 6-2-4 • 11-0-0 6-24 4-9-12 4x4 = Scale = 1:22.5 lot 355 2x4 II 0-0-8 8-2-4 11-0-0 0.0-5 6-1-12 i iAA91-- Plate Offsets (X.Y)— (1:Edqe.0-0-01. [4:0-1-4,0-1-81. (5:0-2-0,0-O.81. (6:0-1-12,0-1-81 LOADlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL OEFL in (lc) I/deS L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) -0.09 6-9 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.42 Vert(CT) -0.16 6-9 '818 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.16 hoiz(CT) 0.03 1 n/a n/a BCOL 10_0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 50 lb rr = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 20 OF StudlStd G SLIDER Left 24 OF No.2 -G 3-3-11 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1478/0-3-5 (mitt 0-1-8). 5478/0-3-8 (nan. 0-1-8) Max Horzl=36(LC 11) Max upliftl-2(LC 12) Max Gravl5ll(LC 30), 5=511(LC 33) BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puilins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10.0-0 oc bracing. Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-748126, 2-11=-504/48, 3-11.496163, 3-12-481/62, 12-13=-496149, 4-13=-558147, 4-5.449170 BOT CHORD 1-14=-1021396, 1-15=-291451, 8.15=-29/451 WEBS 34=0/272, 4-6-71414 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; tF20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, Interior(l) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, Interior(l) 9-3-12 to 10-11-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI60 plate grip OOL1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 200p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss Iruss Type Qty Ply Lo 1B NO3 COMMON GIRDER 1 1 - - - Job Reference (optional) , rUW. C.SSU 5 1.1CC 0 £U10 rllfll. 04U 51.1CC 0 LU10 Ml I Cr IflQU5U105, Inc. i flu UCI 4 14T4( U15 150e 1 lD:1bJOp_sdczmZJTlvFKMLnuz6QGW-O8vN9sBGRF4pvb6qtYwqZ7uqhTgG6V8N2j4s2hy5J6 6-2-4 12-6-0 6-2-4 6-3-12 40 Scale = 1:22.8 3x6 3x8 II 024 6-2-4 12-6-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 11:0 -2-12,O-O-41,(3:0-2-0.0-2-41, [5:Edge.0-0-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.10 6-13 >999 240 M120 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.44 Vert(CT) -0.17 6-13 >891 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.11 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015lTPI2014 Matrix-ivISH Weight: 54 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 20 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G SLIDER Left 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-3-11, Right 2x6 DF No.2 -G 3-5-0 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=550/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 54550/1-11-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hosz1-35(LC 13) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Mrrek recommends that Stabilizers and required cress bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-767114, 2-15---674/51. 315=663f66, 3-16=-663183, 4-16---671148, 4-5=-828127 BOT CHORD 1.17=81/474, 1-18=0/603, 618=01603,619=01603, 5-19=01603,5-20=0/603 WEBS 3.5401383 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph: TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, lntenor(1) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, Interior(l) 9-3-12 to 12-7-8 zone; cantilever left and sight exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncoricurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI(IPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Twss [ Type 5 truss I' Ply MAGNOLIA18 N04 GIRDER J 1 - 1COMMON Job Reference (optional) awanaa Iw,reme.u..,rems,.M, ei,u nun:e24u5 uec eu1er t:e2qusuec oLuleielexlnouaffles.Inc. inuucr 1.44(ZU15 ragei ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJTlvFKMLnuz6QGW-08vN9sBGRF4pvb6qtYwqZ7uqmTgL6V8N2j4s2hyX5J6 6.2-4 12-6.0 6-2-4 6-3-12 454 = Scale = 1:22.8 I 0-0-8 6-2..4 12-6411 6-1-12 0-0-8 ' 6-3-12 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— I11:0-2-12,0-0-41,13:0-2-0,0-241. 15:Erite.0.001 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.10 6-13 p999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.44 Vert(CT) -0.17 6-13 egOS 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor NO WE 0.11 I-lorz(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 54 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G SLIDER Left 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-3-11, Right 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-5-0 REACTIONS. (1b1s1ze) 1=550/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 555010-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz1-35(LC 13) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-00c purtins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-767113, 2-15=-874!51, 3-15=463/66, 3-16=-663/64, 4-16=-671148, 4-5-848118 601 CHORD 1-17-81/474, 118=0/503,618=0/803,619=0/603,6-19=0/803, 5-20=-771509 WEBS 3-6=0/382 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDLS.Opsf; BCDLS.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, Interior(l) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, Interior(1) 9-3-12 to 12-7-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 international Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl!TPl 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 4x4 Scale = 1:22.9 358 II 356 II 6-3-12 . 12-7-8 Truss Truss Type Qty k Job GNOLIA lB COMMON GIRDER 1 - - - - -- - Job Reference (optional) -•..- •-. ---... r,.n. O..l, IIIO 1flU W IJC U U1O MIIW IflUU51Z1Ub, inc. 11W VCI 4 :auia P'U 1 ID:1bJOp_sdczmZJflvFKMLnuz6QGW-uK11McBvcZDgWlh1OGS36KR?dtoc,yMxGNqPa7yX5J5 6-3-12 • 12-7-8 6-3-12 • 6-3-12 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— r:Edge.04)4J, [3:0-2-0,0-2-4J, 15:Edr'.04-01 - LOADING(psf) SPACING- 20-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.40 Vert(LL) -0.10 6-9 p999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 044 Vert(CT) -0.16 6-9 936 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.11 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 55 lb rr = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G SLIDER Left 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-5-0, Right 2x6 OF No.2 -G 3-54 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 155810-5-8 (mm. 0-14), 555610-5-8 (mm. 0-14) Max Horzl=35(LC 12) BRACING- TOP CHORD 601 CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 104-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=447/18,2-15=481/48, 3-15=479/64, 3-164-679/84,4-16=487/48,4-5=447/18 SOT CHORD 1-17=-831515, 1-18=0/617. 618=0/617,619=0/617,519=0I617. 5-20=-76/515 WEBS 3-6=0/386 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 04-0 to 34-0, Interior(1) 3.0-0 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, Interior(l) 9-3-12 to 12-7-8 zone; cantilever left and light exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job 11w5s Trusflipe Qty MAGNOUA18 GLE 1 I jF'Iy i JJob - - I Reference (optional) cal,romla Thiamine u.c., Penis. CA. 92570 Run: 8.2403 Dec 6 2018 Print 8.2403 Dec 6 2018 Mlelc Industnes, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:42:48 2019 Page 1 lD:1bJOpsdmiZJTlvFXMLnuz6OGW-uI(flMCBvCZDgWh1QGS36KR2NI2EryiXGNqPa7yx5J5 6-3-12 12-7-8 6-3-12 6-3-12 5x6 = Scale = 1:22.5 D=800# 40 17 10 18 9 19 8 20 7 21 8 22 23 5 24 4 25 = 4x4 214 Il LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.22 Vert(LL) n/a - We 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.27 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress mar NO WE 0.09 Holz(CT) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code lBC20151TPl2014 Matrix-SM Weight: 64 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-0.00c bracing. WEBS 2X4 DF StudlStd G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF StiidlStd G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. AN bearings 12-74. (Ib) - Max Horz1-38(LC 29) Max Uplift All uplift 100 ro or less at joint(s) 7,9, 10.5.4 except 1-250(LC 27), 3=.191(LC 30) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 9,5 except 1340(LC 55), 3340(LC 63). 7431(LC 59), 8=285(LC 58), 10=339(LC 56), 6=285(LC 60), 4=339(LC 62) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CornpfMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-589/552, 2-3=-4381383 BOT CHORD 1-17=467/501, 10-17=-352!386, 10-18=-2361271, 7-21=-217/262, 6.21 =-2971332, 6-22=-311/345, 22-23=-333/368. 5-23=433/368, 5-24=-333/368, 4-24=-3331368, 4-25=433!368, 3-25.333/388 WEBS 2-7=-3811114 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0ps BCOL6.0psf h'20ft; Cat. It,, Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOLI.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/WI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom ChOrd, nonconcunant with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL--(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag toads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 8-0-0 for 100.0 p1t. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I I I I 0800# 5x6 = I Job rrruss Tffis-s oty Fly MAGNOLIA 18 N07 GABLE Job Reference (optional) —.., '— -• rs,... -__ runi. a.qu uc J1a vIIe lnU5U15, Inc. 31W UCI .3 1;4rq u1 rage 1 lD:lbJOp_sdczmZJflvFKMLnuz6QGW-MW18aYCXzsLX8uGQzzleY_BhHOuaK7gv1Zz6ayX5J4 -11-0-0 -4-9-12 6-24 4-9-12 Scale = 1:21.8 22 23 8 24 7 25 6 26 5 4x4= 4x8= 3411 I -11-0-0 1 -4-9-12 5-2-4 4.0.12 Plate Offsets (XV)— LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.26 IC 0.38 Vert(LL) n/a - We 999 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.31 Vert(CT) n!a - n/a 999 BCLL 0• Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.40 Horz(CT) -0.01 6 We We BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 70 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 64-0 oc purlins. except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Except 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WI: 2x8 OF No.20 OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud(Std G Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be SLIDER Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std 0 3-30 installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 11-0-0. (ib)- Max Horz134(LC11) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 8 except 5=-579(LC 46), 6-620(LC 35), 7-262(LC 60) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 7 except 5567(LC 35). 61082(LC 48). 8415(LC 57) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. compiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-2321348, 2-19=-2711860, 3-19-602i'768, 3-20=-6241794, 20-21=-7451960, 4-21=-86011049,4-5--5371616 SOT CHORD 1-22---572/64, 1-23=-596/112, 8-23=-596!287, 824=596/297, 7-24=-596!384, 7-25-59V414,6-26=-&W481, 6-26-314/341 WEBS 3-6=-8551520, 4-6=-1018/796 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.opsf BCDL6.0psf, h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-1-8 to 3-1-8, Interior(1) 3-1-8 to 6-3-12, Exterior(2) 6-3-12 to 9-3-12, lntenor(1) 9-3-12 to 10-11-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconctzrrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20 Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along thl Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 11-0-0 for 72.7 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Type Oty Ply MAGNOUA2A 01 ~rn-s-w CAL HIP - job Reference(opdonal) -- - 7-4.4 7-11111 12-1-6 16-10-8 20-4-2 • 23-114 26-11-12 30-3-12 • 33-0-0 35-8-4 • 41-8-I 49-0-0 7-4-4 6-7-7 4-I-Il 4-9-2 3-5-10 • 3-7-6 3-04 3-4-0 2-84 2-8-4 5-11-13 7-3-15 Scale = 1:82.4 3*6 = 3x6 3x6 7 8 g 81 28 29 2130 20 31 19 18 32 17 16 15 14 13 12 36 37 4*6 34 11 4*6 = US = 8*8 = 44= 44= 3*6 II 5*8= 6*8= 5*8= 8x8 WB= 744 • 12-1-6 16-10-8 204-2 23-11-8 26-11-12 30-3-1230,5-8 35-6-8 35,8-4 41-8-I 49-0-0 7.4A ACfl Ann • t_C4fl _7 11 4 2Aflfl4.4fl..4•4 4.. I Plate Offsets (X,Y)- 12:0-2-8,0-2-81, 13:044,0-1-81. 14:0-2-80-2-0I. [6:0-2-8.0-1-121. (8:0-3-O,Edgel. 115:0-2-12.0-2-01, [16:O-3-8.0-4-12],[17:O -2-8.0-2-O) - - LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (toe) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.71 Vert(LL) -0.38 17-19 '999 240 MTZO 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.88 Vert(CT) -1.28 17-19 2,335 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0_90 Ho,z(CT) 0.08 13 n/a n/a Weight: 1144 lb FT = 20% BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPl2014 Matrix-MSH ] LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G BOT CHORD 2*8 OF SS G Except' 83:2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins, except 04-0 oc puffins (6-0-0 max.): 2-5, 5-8. Except 6-0-0 oc bracing: 2-5 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s): 5, 6,7 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=3727/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 11-1261/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-6),13--662310-3-8 (mm. 0-1-12) Max Horz156(LC 12) Max Upliftl-251(LC 8). 11=-1496(LC 19), 13=-239(LC 4) Max Grav13735(LC 19), 11143(LC 8), 135623(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-113901802, 2-3=-108901782, 3-4=-168461895, 4-5=4647/430, 8-9=-350146, 910=191l4063. 10-11=-44016407. 544-3443/181, 6-7-186/3900 BOT CHORD 1-28---54117888, 1-29=-779110877, 21-29=-779110877, 21-30--945115884, 20-304-945/15884,20-31=445/15884, 19-31=-945115884, 18-19=-895/16846. 18-32=495/16846, 17-32---895/16846, 17-33=-42518483, 16-33=425/8483, 16-34-15613295,15-34=-1561329S, 14-15=-3808/228,13-14=-3808/228, 13-35=4131/433, 12-35=-6131/433. 12-36=-6131!433, 11-36=4131/433, 11-37-4362/326 WEBS 2-21=0/2295, 3-21=-5458/181, 320=0/653, 3-19=0/1049. 4-19=44/1894, 4-17=4578/486, 6-16=-36417630, 6-15=43821495, 7-15=-716180, 9131989/116, 5-17=-5912332, 5-16=-6285/326, 7-9=-164/4017, 10-12=-116041167,10-13=-23212545 NOTES- 4-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131'x3 nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-9-0 or. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2*8-3 rows staggered at 04-0 Os. Webs connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Attach IC w/ 1W diam. bolts (ASIM A-307) in the center of the member w/washers at 44-0 oc. Attach BC WI l/T dam. bolts (ASTM A-307) in the center of the member wlwashers at 4-0-0 oc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.0psl BCDL=6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1i Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 ps1 bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. Continued on page 2 i cn liT Job Truss TnissType Qty E MAGNOLIA 2A AOl I CAL HIP - - - 1 IP - -- - T4Job Reference (optional) .....____.,. .., ,. ,,,or,.rn.u.&,fl5uvc uJM,IKInuu5u1e5inc. IflUUI J 13*UI IO ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMvfP7?S5sJz7f4q.d4ap5zPdMuEpwo6qyyJ7nqvdrgpqylcogNb6Evryx5M NOTES- h This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located stall mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurTent with any other live loads. Girder carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. Graphical pu,lin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. This truss has large uplift reaction(s) from gravity load case(s). Proper connection is required to secure truss against upward movement at the bearings. Building designer must provide for uplift reactions indicated. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 698 lb down and 156 lb up at 744 on top chord, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 3044, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 35-6-8, and 2650 lb down and 111 lb up at 16-10-8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert 1-2=48, 2-4-165. 4-5-68, 8-11-70, 19-22-49(F-29), 19-25-20, 5-8-88 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 2-589 19-2650(F) 15-50 13-50 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply GNO - AO2 i CALHIP 2J Job Reference (opbonal) ' iD:ZFlthEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q5ZpdMuEpwO6qJTnqvb99NDynugNb6EvTyMh 944 544 8-10-12 94 17.1-8 256-0 30-3-12 33-0-0 39-5-8 40-3-14 49-0.0 54-8 3-6-4 0-7Jf 7-7-0 8-4-8 4-9-12 2-6-4 2-8-4 3-9.4 0'-I0 8-8-2 0-0-5 Scale z 1:82.8 3*8 = 3x8 3x6 zr 8 8 28 29 18 30 11 16 31 15 32 14 13 12 33 11 34 35 550 =4x3 3XII It =4XII = 4x6 = 5x8 = 4*8 = 3*6 II 5*8 = 35-8-4 LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO BCOL 10.0 Code 13C2015/TP12014 CSI. TC 088 Sc 0.99 WS 0.75 Matrix-MSH DEFL in (Icc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.38 14-15 999 240 MT20 220/195 Vert(CT) -1.16 14-15 p368 180 Horz(CT) 0.08 12 We n/a Weight: 563 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-2 oc purlins, except 12: 2X4 OF No.1&81 3 0-0-0 cc pur6ns (5-5-3 max.): 3-5.5-7. Except: 801 CHORD 2x8 OF 5$ 5-5-0cc bracing: 3-5 81: 2*8 OF No.23,83: 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 544cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std 3 Excepr JOINTS I Brace at Jt(s): 5,6 W3: 2X4 OF No.2 G REACTIONS. (Ib1size) 1172210-3-8 (mm. 0.1-8), 1074/03.8 (mm. 0-1-8), 12=3732/0-3-8 (mm. 0-2-0) Max Hosz168(LC 8) Max Upliftl-138(LC 4), 1@-165(LC 19), 12=-257(LC 4) Max Grav1=1728(LC 19). 10=248(LC 41). 12-3732(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CcmpJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=4073I481, 2-3=4808/440,3-25=4300/434, 25-26=4605434.4-26=46i 1/433, 44=4598/468. 744-368/66,8-27=0(500,9-27=0/373, 940=-227/1533, 5-6=-9/437, 6-7=-268170 SOT CHORD 1-28--28812949,1-29=495/4827,18-29=49614827, 18.30=.644/6245, 17-30=.644/6245, 16-17=-644/6245,16-31=-644/6245, 15-31=444/6245, 15-32=46114488, 14-32=-46114488, 13-14=-397160,12-i3--397160,12-33--1441/M, 11-33=-14411229, 11.34z.1441/229, 10-34=-1441/229, 10-35=472/168 WEBS 4-18=-17161224, 4-17=-1173, 4-15=-1736(188, 5-14=-5452/555. S-12=-22811263, 8-12=468198, 5-15=4611911, 6-14=456/93, 6-8=-11651, 9-11=-1109/215, 3-18=0/837 NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected togetherwith lOd (0.1311"x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows; 2*4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2*8-2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 cc. Webs connected as folows: 24-1 row at 0-9-0 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (8) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F)or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=almph; TCDL60psf BCDL=60psf, h=2014 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed, MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcuffent with any other live loads. iy This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25001b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconoun-ent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 240-0 from front girder and 443-0 from back girder. does not depict the size or the orientation of the pullin along the top and/or bottom chord. 3.501W Job I russ Truss Type Qty jPiy MAGNOUA2A A02 cAl. HIP -Job 1 Reference (oplionat) - NOTES. 13) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 121 lb down and 27 lb up at 39-5-5, and 121 lb down and 27 lb up at 9-6-8 on top chord, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 30-5-8, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 35-6-8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert 1-3=-68, 3-25=48, 5-26=102(8=-34),7-8=-104(8=-34),10-27-70,19-22=-20, 5-7-102(6-34) Concentrated Loads (lb) Veil: 14-50 12-50 25-102 27-102 Trapezoidal Loads (p11) Vert 25-68-to-26=-102, 8-102-to-27=-70 Truss ro b GN0UA2A - - A03 Truss Type Fly CAL HIP - - - Ji - 2 Job Reference (optional) trusrrsrne u.k., S. . 42fU Nun: 8.240 s Dec 8 2018 PrVit 82408 Dec 62018 laTek Industries, Inc. mu Oct 3 12:38:59 2019 Pagç I lD2FI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-5G7BlvQF7CM9VYg0WgrMK2Sn1ZnXhlgqcFso1vyx5Mg 537 9-4-4 .11-7-11 17-7-0 , 25-11.8 • 30-3-12 33-0-0 • 35-8-4 • 39.10-6 • 49-0-0 5.3-7 4.0-13 2-3-7 5-11-S 8-4-8 4-4-4 2-8.4 • 2-8-4 4-2-2 9-1-10 3.50 Fir - Scala 1.82.8 x6 = 3x8 3 34 8 34 35 19 36 18 17 37 16 38 15 14 13 39 12 40 41 5x8 = 4x8 = 3x6 II 4x6 = 4x6 = 4x8 = 3x6 II 6x8 5x8 6x8 = 35-84 25-11-8 1 30-3-12 30,8-8 35-6-8 . 39-10.8 49-0-0 _8-3-12 8-4-8 4.4.4 0-t'1fl-e-8 2-6-30-5-12 4-2-2 9-1-10 late Offsets (XV)— '1:0-3-7.0-0-81, I8:0-3-0.Edgel. jj3-7,0-0-81, P 119:0-2-8,0-2-01 - - - - LOADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (bc) Udefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.81 Vert(LL) -0.24 15-16 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.12 Veil(CT) -0.85 15-16 .505 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mc, NO WB 0.49 Horz(CT) 0.06 13 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code I8C2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 569 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudins. except SOT CHORD 2x8 OF SS G Excepr 0-0.0 oc purlins (8-0-0 max.): 34,84. Except 61: 2x8 OF No.2 G, 83: 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 6-0-000 bracing: 3-6 WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G -Except- SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 644 oc bracing. W3: 2X4 OF No.2 G JOINTS I Brace at Jt(s): 8,7 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1475/0-3-8 (mm. 0-14), 1116410-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 13288510-3-8 (mm. 0-1-9) Max Horz172(LC 16) Max Uplift1-75(LC 8), 11-78(LC 23). 13=.41(LC 8) Max Grav11480(LC 23), 11333(LC 45). 132885(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-26=-2210/182, 1-27=4201/420. 2-27=-4159/431. 2-28=-3872/495, 28-29=-3803/500, 3-29=4795/501, 3-30=-3701/570, 30-31=-37021569, 5-31---37061569. 5-6=-3112/161, 8.9=.296/64, 9-32=-25/421, 10-32=-381350, 10-33---125/1152, 11-33-139/1101. 642--271353,7-42=-181375 BOT CHORD 1-34=-251/2468, 1-35=435/3993, 19-35=43513993. 19-36=-34714535. 18-36=-347/4535, 17-18=347/4535,17-37=-34714535,16-37=-34714535, 16-38=-14213023, 15-38=-14213023, W15=-3551102,13-14---355/102,13-39=-1076/155,12-39=10761155, 12-40r-10761155,11-40=-10761155,11-41=-6801146 WEBS 2-19=308/81,3-19=0/625,5-19=476/39,5-18=0/324, 5-16=-1505/271, 6-15=-3900!220, 10-13=-1371927, 9-13=-599/87, 8-16=-54/1635, 7-9=-491572. 10-12=-838/135 'a NOTES- 2-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x8 -2 rows staggered at 0-941 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9411 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B). unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf, BCDL46.Opsf h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 11-7-11. Exterior(2) 9-4-4 to 13-7-3, Interior( 11) 13-7-3 to 33411-0. Exte,ior(2) 33-0-0 to 37-2-15, Intenor(1) 37-2-15 to 49411.0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opston the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 244 wide will I between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Cede section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb nyc located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the onconcwrent with any other live loads. I I Job 1Truss 1TrussType r'' Fly LAGNOLIA 2A A03 'CAl. HIP I - - Job Reference (optional) - ....-. - NOTES. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top andlor bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 30.5.8, and 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 3548 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase--1.25, Plate lncrease=1 .25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert: 1-26.68, 26-29-70, 3-2948, 34.68, 3-30-28, 6-30-68, 8.11.70, 20.23-20, 8-8.68 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 15-50 13-50 [JOb Truss Truss Type Uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A A04 CAL HIP 1 —Reference(cgtional) r,,I,I.c.0 u&u,o 010fl IIUUDgC. mc. mu -- 4 ISJW4U18 d5 1 IO:ZFI3c9brEMVfP7?S5SJZ7f4q-ZrhZWERuuVUOAiFC3NMbsF?vAz21Ql)zrvbLZLyX5Mf 13-3-0 7-2-13 13-04 13-7,1116-10-10 , 21-3.0 25-7-7 26-7-8 33-0-0 • 35.84 41-8-5 49.0.0 7-2-13 O.7!f 3-24 4-46 4-44 4-0-2 3-1-8 2-84 l Scale = 1:82.4 6*10 MTI8HS 2*4 II 2*4 II 3x8 5*8= 5x6=37 8 ill 30 19 31 18 32 17 16 33 15 14 a 13 35 12 36 4x8 2x4 11 US = 5*8 = 6*8 = - 6*8 = 2*4 II Us= 3*10 MT16HS= I 35-10.0 33-0-0 • 354-4 -. 43.84 • 49-0.0 4-10.10 5-1-10 6-2-12 6-4-8 34-8 • 2440-4-12 7-104 5-3-10 4-10-10 13.0-4 21-3.0 29-74 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— (1:0-0-0,0-1-11, [2:0-0-15.0-1-8]. (3:0-3-0.0-2-8], [4:0-2-12,0.1-8), (6:0-3-0,0-2-4J, [10:0.0-15,0.2.8]. (13:0-2-8,0-2-8], (15:0.2.0,0-1.8], [16:0-14,0-2-01. (18:0.2-4 .0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (bc) I/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.97 Vert(LL) .045 18-19 3-951 240 M120 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.96 Veit(CT) -1.18 18-19 "361 180 MT18HS 220/195 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress tncr NO WS 0.89 Horz(CT) 0.20 13 n/a nla BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 224 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF Noi&3b- G 'Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 24-4 oc purlins, except 12.T3: 2X4 OF No.2 G 0-0-0 or purtins (2-10-5 me)L): 3-7,7-8. Except: 80T CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 'Except' 2-10-0 cc bracing: 3-7 Bi: 2X4 OF No.188tr G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-3-2 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Excepr WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-15,6-13 W7. 2X4 OF No.2 G WEDGE Mrrek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Left 2*4 OF StudlStd Installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1741/0-34 (mm. 0.1.14), 11-403/0-3.8 (mm. 0-1-8). 134360/0-3-8 (req. 04-10) Max Hoiz 1=89(LC 8) Max Upllftl=-168(LC 4). 11=-632(LC 19), 13=-353(LC 4) MaxGravlll5l(LC 19), 11147(LC8), 1344360(LCI) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. ConipiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-26=47871433,2-264-4775/456, 2-27=-4099/497, 3-27=-4041/514, 3-264.3873/504, 4-28=-38891505, 4-29=-3684/528, 5-264-3684/528,5-64-3684/528,6-7=434/153, 8-9-29213372,940-31=011, 10-11=431/2364, 1-37=-719/193, 8-37=474/200 SOT CHORD 1-30=463/4521, 19-30=463/4521, 19-31=-559!4493, 18-31=-$5914493, 18-32=-565!4151, 17-32=-565/4151. 16-17=-56514151,16-33--37512375,15-33=47512375, 15-34=-12841130, 14-34=-1284/130, 13-164-1284/130. 13-35=-2490/349, 12-35=-24901349, 12-364-22291421, 11-36=-22291421 WEBS 2-19=-7/405. 2-18=-663197,3-18=-321711, 4-164-434/137,4-16=439/93, 6-16=160/1764.6-15--2616/363, 8-15=418/3150,8-13=4001/462. 10-13=-1140/129, 10-12--01654.7-15=4361165.9-13--302175, 5-164-587/146 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=1110mph (3-second gust) Vasd407mph; TCDL40.0psf BCDL40.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. AN plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonccncurrent with any other live loads. 6)' This truss has been designed for a nyc load of 20.0p51 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 13 greater than input bearing size. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 4-0.0 from front girder and 4-0-0 from back girder. lrepresentatlon does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 3501i1 5x8 I 1 Job Truss Truss Type Qt ]Hy MAGNOL 2A A04 L HIP 1 — - - - - lJob Reference (optional) —.........,. ...• .-. ___- ucv.Qr,uIt.g.L,uL OCUIOWUIU1UajIfl lnl. uflUU J ItOtW4U1, r.t ID2Fl3c9v,othrE7?S5SJz7t4q-ZThZWERuuVu0AiIC3NMbsF?vAz21ali,zrvbLZLyX5Mf NOTES- Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 242 lb down and 54 lb up at 13-8-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (p0) Vert: 1-254.68, 26-27-70, 3-27-68, 3-254-68, 7-254-138(54-68), 8-11-70, 20-23-20, 7-37-136(5.68), 8-37-68 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 254-204 Trapezoidal Loads (pit) Vert: 254-102-to-254-136 I I I Job Truss ThiType uty PI MAGNOLIA 2A A05 CAL HIP 1 1 - - - - IJob Reference (optional) - - - r,.,, ..,... Nun: 6.240 a UCC b 25-in rnni: 9246S uec b 2519 MUCK IflCUStflCS. Inc. TflU OCt 3 12:38:00 2519 Page 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-ZThZWERuuVUOAiFC3NMbsF?yMz3dQl2zrvbLZLyX5Mf 7-2-13 • 13.0-4 1S-7-111.10-10 21-3-0._? 29-74 • 33.0-0 . 354-4 41-5-5 49-0-0 7.2.13 5-9-7 2-7-7 1-2-It 4-4-6 4-4.6 4-0-2 • 344 2-8-4 5-9.1 74-11 Scale = 1:325 5x6 II 2x4 II 3s8 2x411 4x6 5x6 io 12 35 20 38 19 37 18 17 38 16 15 39 14 40 13 41 08 = US 5x8 = 3*6 = 5*8 = 4 45 = 4x6= 2x411 4x8 35-10.0 4-10-10 13-0-4 21-3-0 29-74 33-0.0 35-8-4 43-8-6 • 49-0-0 4-10-10 a-i-in a-i.i, g.s.a t. ,.rn. • Plate Offsets (X,Y)— '1:0-0-0.0-I-li, [3:0-2-8,0-2-8J72 4,0-2-01. (14:0-2-8,0-2-41 116:0-2-0,03-41. 117:0-1-12.0-1-81,[19:0-2-4.0-2-0I - - - - - LOADING (psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip 001. 1.25 TC 0.77 Vert(LL) -0.37 19-20 499 240 M120 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.93 Vert(CT) -1.03 19-20 '416 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.87 Horz(CT) 0.15 14 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20151TPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 226 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G *Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-8-0 cc pultins, except T4-.2X4 DF No.1&Bfr G 04114cc purlins (3-9-8 max.): 3-8. 8-9. Except: SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G 3-9-0 cc bracing: 3-8 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-5-7 cc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 9-14 Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation ciuide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=136010-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 12-121/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 14=319410-3-8 (mm. 0-3-7) Max Horzl=74(LC 12) Max Uplift1-71(LC 8), 12=-350(LC 23), 14=-47(LC 8) Max Gravl=1389(LC 23), 12167(LC 45), 143194(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-27=-3811/272,27-28=.3600/281, 2.28z.35371292, 2-29=-2823/418, 29-30=-27701427, 3-30=-2723/432, 3-31=-26601507, 5-31=-26641507, 5-32=-22351309, 6-32=-22351309, 6-7=-2235/309, 9-10=-119/2411. 1O-33=-146/2442, 11-33=-160/2340, 11-34=-216/1486, 12-34=-226/1448, 8-9=-2731117 SOT CHORD 1-35=-31013395, 20-35-31013396,20-36=-39313312,19-36=-393/3312,19-37=-391/2639. 18-37=-39112639, 17-18=-39112639, 17-38=-115/1310, 16-38=-115/1310, 16-39-1000/119,15-39=1000/119,14-15=-10001119,14-40=-1620/156, 13-40-16201156,13-41-13901229,12-41=-13901229 WEBS 2-20=0/476,2-19=-7051108, 3-19=0/439, 5-17=-5541232, 7-17=-13711251, 7-16=-16011209, 9-16=-151/1931, 9-14=-2685/193, 11-14=-1084/114, 11-13=01620, 8-16--299/81,10-14--307/77, 6-17=-299/68 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.Opsf BCDLS.Opsf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp S. Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C, Exterior(2) 04-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 15-7-11, Exterior(2) 13-0-4 to 17-3-2, Interior(l) 17-3-2 to 33-0-0, Exterior(2) 33-0-0 to 37-2-15, lnteno41) 37-2-15 to 49-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed: end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will I between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlmn representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlmn along the top and/or bottom chord. CO*R.4i8E$t2ndard I I 3.5ori Job Truss uty Ply MAGNOUA2A A05 TrussType P I 1 !Job - - - Reference (optional) -- - - 5 jo rruji; a.,u S LOM Q £U1C wH isic Inaussles, inc. i flu uci J 1aU1 4U PSe ID2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-1fFxjaSW,ctnsqOd4tqPTX76MPs96l64ZLu6nyX5Me LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25. Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert 1-27-68, 27297O, 3-29-68, 3-4.68, 3-31=-28,8-31=.68,9-12=.70,21-2@-20, 89.68 Job lruss 11russ type MAG aty Ply NOUA2A A I I - 1CALHIP - Job Reference (optional) I flier-lame U.c.. renis, cA WZC10 Run: 8.240 $ Dec 62018 Print: 6240$ Dec 62015 MTek Indus9Ies, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:3901 2019 Pate I lD:ZFl3c9incibrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-1fFxaSW4,ctnsqOd4tqPTX59MOn94s64ZLu6nyx5Me 17-8.0 31-11-12 6-1-1 11-23 17-0-4 11.7111 21-8-3 27-3-13 31.4-0 31.4-5 35-8-4 • 40-2-4 49-0.0 6-1-1 5-1-2 5-10-1 (i-71 4-0-3 5-7-10 4-0-3 0-6-ti 3-8-8 4-8.0 8-9-12 0.03 077 Scale = 182.4 5x8 - 3.50 Iii 4x6 4x6= 5x6 33 18 34 16 35 15 36 14 1337 12 38 11 39 4x8 = 3x6 - 4x5 =4xS= 4c6 = 6x8 =US= 2x4 II 44 = 3x6 = 8-7-5 17-0.4 244.0 . 31-11-12 35-8-4 41-11-14 49.0-0 8-1.5 8-4-15 7-5-12 7-5-12 3-8-8 6-3-10 74-2 Plate Offsets (XV)— 11:, 14:0-2--4.0-241, f6-0-3-0.0-1421,[8:044,O-1-12].[14-0-1-12,0-, 117:0-1-8.0-211 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Wde L/d PLATES GRIP TCLI. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 096 Vert(LL) -0.41 17-18 >999 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL. 1.25 BC 0.87 Veit(CT) -1.04 17-18 >413 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.95 HozZ(CT) 0.17 12 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015!TPI20I4 Matrix-MSH Weight 224 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-9 cc pullins, except 0-0-0 cc puilins (3-4-2 max.): 4-7. Except T2: 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G ExcepV 344cc bracing: 4-7 81: 2X4 OF Noi&Btr G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-10-14 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std 3 Exoepr WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-14 W7: 2X4 OF No.2 G Milek recommends that Stablizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer WEDGE Left. 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G I Installation guide. REACTIONS. (!blsize) 1=1603/0-3.8 (mm 0.1-11). 10=.810-3.8 (ruin. 0-1-8). 12=354410-34 ((eq. 0-342) Max Horz1581LC 12) Max upliftl=-I11(LC4), 10-256(LC 19), 12-214(LC 5) Max Grav11603(LC 1), 10=189(LC 31), 12=3544(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten.- All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-25=-43701345, 2-25=4358/361,2-26=4044/309, 3-26=-3994/319, 3-4=-3008/327. 4-27=-2825/325, 27-254.2831/325, 5-28=-2837/324, 5-254-21041268.6-254-2104/268, 8-9=-12012064, 9-10=21411362 SOT CHORD 1-33=455/4125, 18.33=-35514125, 18.34=-31513607, 17.34=-31513607, 16-17=-25312600. 16-354-25312600, 15-35=-253/2600. 15-36=-16211526, 14-354462/1528, 13-14=-19651170. 13-37=-1965/170, 12-37=-19651170, 12-354-1412/165, 11-354-1412/165, 11-39-12641216,10-39-12641216 WEBS 2-18-33619,3-18=01555, 3-17=903/94, 4-170/404.5-17=O/370, 5-15=.10171158, 6-15=-5311186, 6-14-2210/244, 7-14=454/72, 8-14=-247/2953, 8-12=-29451248, 9-12-10271112,9-111=01534 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VuitllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL40.0psf BCDL.0psf tr201t; Cat. Il: Erg, B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip OOL=1.80 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 1 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-64) tall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6)A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 12 greater than input bearing size. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 4.0.0 from front girder and 2-0-0 from back girder. Graphical puilin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the Pullin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 161 lb down and 36 lb up at 31 Confflfi6MW&2 and 36 lb up at 174-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others 6/30/21 NO. C5382i [Job Truss ly MAGNOLIA 2A Truss Type 1 A06 CAl. HIP jr471 Job Reference (optional) California T,usFrame LLC., Perils, CA, 92570 Run: 8.240 a Dec 6 2018 Print: 8.240 a Dec 62018 WJTeic Indut,ies, Inc. Thu Oct 312:39:01 2019 Pate 2 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-1fFxjaSWfpctnsqOd4tqPTX59MQn94s64ZLu6nyX5Me NOTES. 13) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate Increase=1 25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 1-25-68, 25-26.70, 4.26-68, 4-28-102, 28-30-102(8-34), 7-30-102, 7-32-68, 10-32-70, 19-22-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 27-136 31-136 Job ITruss Truss Type Uty Ply MAGNOUA 2A A07 CAl. HIP I j Job Reference (optional) N31-fne LLL. FWIS, CA 81U Run., 82405 Dec 62018 Pdnt 8.2405 Dec 6 2018 MlTek Indue5, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:39:022019 Paqe I lD:ZFl3c9vccbEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-VrpJxwS8Q7KJcP0PbBoO3yg4HamflNuXxGID4SeEy)(5Md 19.8-0 29-11-12 6-3-8 12-10-12 19-0-4 19.7111 244-0 294-0 29vi-5 35414 40-2-5 • 49-04) 6-3-8 6-7-4 6-1-8 0-7J7 4-10-0 4-10-0 045 5-8-8 4-6-1 8-9-11 0-0-5 0-7.7 Scale = 1.83.8 3.50111 5*8 3x6 3X6 T14 2*4 /i 25 24 2 29 17 30 16 31 32 33 34 4*8 = 5*10 = 4*6 = 5*6 27 Is - 10 14 35 36 12 13 5x8 3x8 4x6 20i 0 0 11 37 6 4*6 = 9-4-8 *9-0-4 • 29-11-12 35-8-4 41-11-15 49-0-0 9-4-8 9-7-12 10-1 1.9 1 c-a-a c-*-ii 7-n-1 Plate Offsets (XX)- 11:0-0-0.0-141. 18:O-3-0.0-1-81, (11.0-0-0.0-1-11, (15.0-1-8.0-2-41, (16.0-S-0.0-3-Q - - - - - - LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 025 Veit(LL) -020 15-16 '715 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 115 SC 0.90 Veit(CT) -1.28 15-16 '-334 160 ECU. 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.97 Hoa(CT) 0.16 13 n/a n/a SCOt. 10.0 Code 1BC20151T1212014 MatiixMSH Weight 219 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 24-10 cc puilins, except Ti: 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G 0-0-0cc purkns (4-I-5 max.): 5-7. Except 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&8tr G *Except* 4-1-0 cc bracing: 6-7 03:2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-9-1 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS I Row at midpt 6-15 WEDGE MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Lek. 2ic4 OF installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (W/size) 11=158/0-3-8 (mm. 0-14), 13=2828/0-3-8 (mu*. 0-3-0), 1=1441/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-10) Max Horz185(LC 27) Max Upliftll-527(LC 30). 13-322(LC 22). 1-$20(LC 19) Max Gravll=578(LC 35), 132828(L.0 1), 11542(LC 40) FORCES. (ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-24=4452/2581,2-24=-436412520,2-25=-367911930,3-25=343S/1711, 34=-331111393. 4-5-2487/1430, 5-26=-20161803, 5-26=-2024!566, 621z454/E67, 7-27=-5601185. 7-28=-586/347, 8-28=-896/649, 6-9=-430I1486, 9-10=-7121480. 110-111-1153611729 BOT CHORD 1-29-253114269,17-29=-253114269,17-30--2M4013. 15-30=-2622/4013, 16-31=-2801!3540. 31-32=-207312812, 32-33=-151912258. 33-34=-1497/2161, 15-34=-951/1697, W15=-14011164,14-35-203711604,13-35r-231311604, 13-36=-183811531, 12-334-183811531, 12-37=-169511555, 11-37=-169511555 WEBS 2-17=4961241, 4-17=-58/678. 4-16--10111177,5-16--1641396,6-16=-3271766. 6-134-1406/426.8-134-418/2394, 8-13=-2255/394. 10-13=-959/135. 10-12401522 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCOL6.0psf BCOL=6.0psf h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and light exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. - This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. S) This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.opsf. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 71 This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.Gb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 4800 lb. Lumber OOL=(1.33) Plate grip 00L(1.33) Connect buss to resist drag along bottom chord from 20-9-0 to 34-9-0 for 342.9 pIt. Girder carries be-in spans of 2.0-0 from front girder and 24)-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pullmn along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 40 lb down and 9 lb up at 29-4-C 40 lb down and 9 lb up at 19-841 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. Continued on page 2 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Joe Truss Type wry Ply MAGNOLIA 2A Aol IT CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) California TrusFrarne LLC., Ferns, CA. 92570 Run: 8240 e Dec 62018 Print. 8.2405 Dec 6 2018 f6TeX IndUs9ies, Inc. Thu OCt 3 12:39:02 2019 P8ge2 lDiFl3c9vxxbrEMVlP7?S5SJz7f4q..VrpJxwS8Q7kkPOPbBoO3yg4HamIWuXxGlD4SeEyX5Md LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber tncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 1-24-68, 24-25-70, 5-25=68,54=68,7-28-66, 11-28-70,18-21=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 26-34 27-34 {Job iTruss TnJss Type Qty MAGP1OLtA2A A08 I jply 1 lJob MONOTRUSS 1 Referenoe(optional) I iiramia uiusrrame u.i.. rem5, LwL vzotu Nun: 44U S uec b u1S mm: S.4U S uec S 0115 MuSS InauSule5, IflC. mu 1.1cr .1 1 2U1S rags 1 IDZFI3c9vxithrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-VrpJxwS8Q7kkP0PbBoO3yg4Kzmm1uZ9GID4SeEy)(5Md 8.3.3 14.94 8-3-3 6-6-5 2x4 II Scaler 1:27.8 34 4x4 = 456 = 6-2-15 14-9.8 I 5-2.15 a-a-a Plate Offsets MY)- 9:Edoe.0-2-01. (2:04-5,0-1-121 LOADING (pet) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.70 Veit(LL) .0.44 6-7 >399 240 MT20 2201195 TCDI. 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.87 Veit(CT) -0.74 6-7 1234 180 BCU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.89 Hoiz(CT) 0.03 8 n/a nla BcOL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 59 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=64710-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 6=670/Mechanical Max Hoizl=119(LC 8) Max UpIift18(LC 8), 64-46(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-11-131110,11-12=-129910.2-12-123010 801 CHORD 1-15=-42(1188,7-15=4211188,7-16-11711015.6-16-117/1015 WEBS 2-7=0/550.2-64-1100/126 BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-2oc purlirrs. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-1.6 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasdz87mph; TCOL6.0psf BCOL80psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 04-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0.0 to 14.9.8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right axposed;C-C for members and forces & MWPRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL1J0 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)* This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 344 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl1TPl 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-11.68, 11-13-70,4-13-68,5-64-20 Job I Truss I russ Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A A09 MONO CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) Laiffon1a IflJ5lr5ITi5 Lit.;., I5ITI5, nun: eU a uec S 2(115 mm: 5.24(15 uec S xuie I5l5K Inaussies, IflC. mu uct .1 i2U3 21v ra 1 lD:ZFl3c9vabrEMVf?S5SJz714q-z2Ni8GTmBQsblAnlVvlUudW4A8Fd3EPXtq?AgyXbMc 13-10-0 I 7-5-1 13-24 I3-9-ll 14-9.8 7-6-1 5-9-3 4 4 _0-05 ScaIe1i7.1 3*4 = I 4x8 = LOADING (pet) TCLL 20.0 TCOL 14.0 BCU. 00 BCDL 10.0 SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.55 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 074 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.65 Code IBC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH DEFL. in (lc) 1/defl L/d Veit(LL) -0.26 6-7 '673 240 Vert(CT) -0.46 6-7 '366 180 Horz(CT) 0.05 5 We n/a 294 II 14-9-8 - 1-7-4 PLATES GRIP MT20 2201195 Weight: 69 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-13 oc purlins, except SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo1G end verticals, and 0-0-00c purlins (640 max.): 3-4. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 80T CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 44-9 cc bracing. Mflek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (Isize) 1=66510-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5-837/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz1132(LC 26) Max Uplift1-619(LC 19), 5=-173(LC 20) Max Gravl=957(LC 40), 5837(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-11=259611787.2-1 11=-2504117011, 2-12=-121611001, 3-12=-916/713. 3-13-352/211. 113-114-307159,4-14=-31111/611, 4-5-938/116 SOT CHORD 1-15=476912493,7-15--176912493.7-16=-191812413,16-17-191&2027, 6-17---115711844, 6-18=-3991390 WEBS 2-7=-2/546, 2-6=-928/259, 44=-72871 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd'67mph; TCDL'6.0psf BCDL'6.opsf; h201t Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable and zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip OOL1.80 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pet bottom chord live load nonconcu,rent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 lb. Lumber 00L(133) Plate grip OOt.(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 6-94 to 14-9-8 for 250.0 p11. Girder carries tie-in spans of 4-0-0 from front girder and 24-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shell be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 161 lb down and 36 lb up at 13-IC on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section. loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Root Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25. Plate Increase1.25 Continued on page 2 Ao Truss Type OtY ply ;N~ 2A MONO CAL HIP 1 1 - - - ru3rldllpc LL.. rC1115, a,u LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (pit) Vert. 1-1 148, 11-12.70, 3-12-68, 3-14-102, 4-14-136(8-34), 5-8-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 13-136 5 uec o ui rnm e.qu S USC b LU15 MuSS unausmee IflC. mU UCt ii:eeua uiu rag ID:ZFl3c9vobrEMVfl)7?S5SJz7f4q-z2Ni8GTmBQsb1A_nVvIUudW4AfiFd3EPXtq?Agyx5Mc Job Truss Truss Type I MAGNOUA 2A A10 MONO CAL HIP 1 Job Reference to i..asransa 1 ngsrrwm w. - renTs, i Nun: S.4U 5 USC D U1S null: S..4U 5 USC b U1S 55155 IflSIJ5Ie5, inc. 1511 UCI .5 1 JS.US UW rSq5 1 lO2FI3c9vxxbrEMVfPT?S5SJz7f4q-REx4McUOyk_SeJZzIOQXl59deaTbMa5ZmXZZi6yX5Mb 4-9-13 9-44 . 11-11-11 14.9-8 4-9-13 4-6-7 2-7-7 2-9-13 Scale = 1:24,9 456= 2K4 11 14- 9-4-4 9-8 I a-a.A r.441 Plate Offsets (XV)- 16:0-2-0.0-0-81. [7-0-2-12.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) 1 SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (foe) i/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCU. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.82 Vert(LL) -0.33 7-10 '532 240 M120 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.80 Vert(CT) -0.62 7-10 "286 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO I Code 13C201511P12014 WE 0.42 Horz(CT) 0.03 6 n/a n/a ECOL 100 Matrix-MSH Weight: 65 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-11-9 cc purtins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.20 end verticals, and 0-0-0 cc pwlins (5-11-1 max.): 3-5. WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTe1c recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=875/0.34 (mm. 0-14), 8=7030-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hom'z 1100(LC 9) Max Upliftl..28(LC 8), 6=-57(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-11=-15011160, 11-12=-14611161, 2-12=4450/173, 2.13=.10161230, 13.14.=931l234, 3-14-9221235. 3.15=9401324, 15-18=-9401324, 16.17=.9411324, 5-17=-9441323, 5-6=-665/217 SOT CHORD 1-18=-19511403, 7-18=-198/1403 WEBS 2-7=484198, 3-7=-181/259, 5-7-308/1030 NOTES- I) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 740; Vu1t=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd-87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.0p51; he2olt; Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 11-11-11, Exteder(2) 944 to 13-7-3, Interior(l) 13-7-3 to 14-7-12 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; and vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L160 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tag by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at at panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pu,lin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=125, Plate 1ncrea5e125 Uniform Loads (p11) Vert 111.68, 11-14=-70, 3-14-68, 3-4-68, 3-18=-28, 5-l8=-68, 6-8=-20 1Job lruss lirustiType Ut), MAGNOUA2A JAII MONO CAl. HIP I I PIy Job Reference (optional) LAUTWMd I iU5IflW U.! • rm5, ?t 5IU run; Ohu 5 Lwc 0 SU10 runE o.su S Lmc S IVIlSA .nuus,Ic5. urIc, um.Jct J u.JS.u.. U IS rous ID:ZFI3c9vlothrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.REx4McUOylcSeJZzlDOX159fTaTUMawZmXZZi6yX5Mb 10-0-0 4-9-13 9-11-11. 14-9-8 4-9-13 4-6-7 0.7-7 • 4-9-8 Scale = 125.0 4x8 454 4x6 = 2x4 II 9-44 14-9-8 Plate Offsets (XX)— 14:0-1-8,0-1-121. [5:0-2-0.0-041,16:0.2-8.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL. in (bc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 070 Vert(LL) -0.33 6-9 p527 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.80 Vert(CT) -0.61 6-9 '297 180 BCLJ. 0.0 • Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.43 Holz(CT) 0.03 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 62 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10.6oc purtins, except GOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.20 end verticals, and 0-0-0cc puvflns (4-10.7 max.): 3-4. Except WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 4-10-0 cc bracing: 3-4 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=69510-3-8 (min. 0.1-8), 5=85110-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz 181(LC 7) Max Upliftl=-37(LC 4), 5-85(LC 4) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (ID) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD l-2=-15871148, 2.31072,81, 3-10=-982189, 10-11=-987189, 4-11-993189, 4-5=4111103 80T CHORD 1-12=-14111467,15-12=44111487 WEBS 2-6-624/109,44=43110S7 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; VulPllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf, BCOL$.0psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip 00L160 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcuffent with any other live loads. 5y This buss has been designed for a two load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 2-0-0 from front girder and 4-0.0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 121111 down and 27 lb up at 10-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard I) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert 1-3=68,340=68,54=20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 10402 Continued on page 2 Job Truss Truss Type uty Ply MAGNOLIA2A All MONO CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) I Cahfcnia T,usFrame LLCPerde, W-907-0 Run: 8.2405 Dec 82018 Pdnt: 8.240 s Dec 6 18 MiTeic IndusDies. Inc. Thu Oct 3 123905 2019 Pace 2 ID:ZFI3lvxxbrEMVP7?S5SJz7f4q-REx4McUOyk_SeJZzlDOX159fTaTUMawZmXZZi5yX5Mb LOAD CASE(S) Standard Trapezoidal Loads (pif) — Vert 10=48-to-11=402, 11-136(B=-4)-to-4-102(B-34) Job ITruss Truss Type I MAGNOLIA 2A IA12 CAt. HIP iji I I lJob I tMONO Reference (optional) I I I1u5rr5m LI..... r5m5, I..1 5i.IU nun: a.Aqu 5 uec 0 LU10 rnn1 0.L4U 5 uec 0 U10 IYIIIOK ,fl0U55155, IflC. mu uci iu:u, uiu rare i ID:ZFI3c9vxxbiEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-wOVSZyVOj28JGT8AswymZJio3pA5vTLBJ6FZyX5Ma 840 7-0-13 7-1141 11-0.0 14-98 7-0-13 0.10-14 30-0 3-9-8 0-0-5 Scale = 1:25.1 5x8 454 = 20 II c'I 4x8 = 3x10 MT1OHS 7-0-13 14-9-8 741-15 - 744.11 IPlate Offsets (XV)- I2:0-24,0-2..81. [3:0-2-0,0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (Icc) lldefl L/d PLATES GRIP 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.77 Vert(LL) -029 54 '602 240 MT2O 2201195 TCDL 14.0 I TCLL. Lumber DOt. 125 SC 0.11 Ve,t(CT) -0.69 5-6 '254 180 MTI8HS 2201195 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress hnor NO WS 0.92 HOI-Z(CT) 0.08 5 n/a n/a ECOL 10.0 Cede 1BC201511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 64 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- • TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 5Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-8-20c puiluns, except 12: 2X8 OF No.2 G end verticals, and 0-0-00c Puffins (3-7-13 max.): 24. Except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Str G 3.8-0 oc bracing: 24 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 301 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. . Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be 1 installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer I Installation guide. REACTIONS. (IbIsaze) 11352/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8), 541770/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-14) Max Katz 184(LC 7) Max Uphift1-32(LC 4), 54448(LC 4) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-33251220, 2-10=-31081219, 10-11=-31311223, 3-11=-31421221 SOT CHORD 1-12=-18613104, 6-12=-18613104, 6-13=-289/2401. 13-14=-289/2401, 14-154-269/2401, 15-16=-289/2401. 5-16=-289/2401 WEBS 3-540/885,3.54-2701/375 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasdz87mph; TCOL6.Opsf; 5C0L6.Opsf, ti.20ft Cat. II; Eip 6; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00k1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. All plates are M120 plates unless otherwise indicated. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonccncwrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in at areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI!TP1 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250 0th live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Glider carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback and tie-in span of 2-0-0 from subgirder. Graphical purlun representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 805 lb down and 180 lb up at 8-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase-0.25, Plate Increase125 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2-68, 24-185, 5-749(F-29) Continued on page 2 JOb 1TnJss TrUSS Type PIY MAGNOUA2A IA12 MONO 1 I Lb - Reference (optional) I lUaridaic LIJ..., rCm5, L.M flIU LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 10480 Nun; Ø4U S USC S Zulu KUM 5245 S USC S i515 RSJSIC Ifl5US!SS. IflC, IllS UCI i:un Ul5 rage ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-wQVSZOj26JGT8AswymZJ,o3.pA5vTi_BJ6FZyX5Ma FIOb Truss Truss Type uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 801 GABLE ~~l Job Reference (optional) ..ainanaa pnJsr,arnew.., rams, L^,51U Nun; tUM 5 USC 0 SU0 rnnr: 5.d40 a usc s £015 Max Insuamea, IflC. mu uci , 14 ;4 us £015 rage i lD2FI3c9v,ocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-Od3qmIVeULEAudjMQeT?6WFzSNA1qMCsDq2fn?yX5MZ 7-6-0 7-6-5 14-9.4 21-2-12 • 28-2-11 28.6-0 36-0-0 7-6-0 0-3-5 6-11-15 ' 6-5-8 6-11-15 0-3-5 7-641 Scale = 1:57.4 Bx8 II 197 4x8 = 8x8= 3x6 II 6x12 = 12x12 = 358 II 400 = 7-9-5 14-9.4 . 21-242 28-2-11 • 3 7-a- 8.0-0 S11.1A a-u-ic 5 Plate Offsets (XX)- 12:0-2-0,0-2-01, (6:0-2-4,0-2-81,17:0-3-7,0-0-81,18:0-4-12.0-1-81. 1904-0,041401. 1I1:0-641.072-Ol. 112:0-3-12.0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (be) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.80 Vert(LL) -018 8-9 '999 240 MT2O 220/196 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.73 Vert(CT) -CM 8-9 p447 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.89 Horz(CT) 0.05 7 nla n/a BCOL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITP12014 Matiix-MSH Weight: 262 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-5-4 cc purtins. SOT CHORD 2x8 OF No2 G Excepr SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. B2: 2x8 OF SS C WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-11.2-11 WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Except 2 Rows at 1/3pt5 6-9 WS: 2X4 OF No.2G, W3,W5,W7: 2X6 OF No.2 G Mirek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 1=258/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 71885/0-3-8 (mm. 0-2-1), 11=7163/0.5-8 (req. 0.7-10) Max Horz163(LC36) Max Upliftl-211(LC 27), 7-233(LC 30), 11-388(LC 20) Max Gravl=441(LC 54), 71920(LC 44). 117163(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AU forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-.2=-872/984, 2-3=-€6613309, 34-33M242,4.5--19031260.54=-1919145S, 6-7=454641874 BOT CHORD 1-.40-48 11555, 141 =.775(663, 12.41=-680/505, 12-42=4811607,42-432-8811769, 1143=-881/789, 10-11-994!718, 9-10=-994/718, 9.44z86915190, 8-44=.889/5190, 8-45-88915190, 745.869/5190, 7-46=-40212731 WEBS 4-9-25414298,5-9-4221112, "a-UM73. 64=0/1163.4-11 =4852J294. 3-11=.4421112,2-11=2914f232.2-12=01941 I NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind. ASCE 7-10, Vuit=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph, TCDL=60psf. 8COL6.0ps1 h20ft; Cat. II, Exp B, Enclosed. MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed. end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL--11.60 plate grip DOL1.60 31 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI!TPI 1. U 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 344 tall by 2-0.0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 11 greater than input bearing size. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the FES Bottom Chord, nonconcun'ent with any other Ewe loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber 00L(1.33) Plate grip DOL--(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0.0 to 9-7-0 for 1461 pit. Girder carries hip end with 7-6-0 end setbadc.'-I.)' Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 604 lb down and 135 lb up at 28 J and 604 lb down and 135 lb up at 7-6-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of oth W( 6/30/21 In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). Iij Continued on page 2 % NO. C53821 LOAD CASE(S) Standard W I Job iTruss TUSS Type Qty Ply I MAGNOLIA 2A Bol GABLE Job Reference (optional) irwnia I rusrreme LLU.. Iems, D. vzolu Nun: 6240 S MC 6 2016 Inm: 62403 Dec 62016 MuSK lnaustrles, Inc. -Thu act t 12:2906 2019 Page 2 ID:ZFl3c9vx2brEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-Od3qmlVeULEAudjMQeT?6WFzSNA1qMCsOq2fn?yX5MZ LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 1-4=-68,4-7=-68,12-34=-45(F=-26),11-12-165(F-145), 8-11.296(F-276), 8-3745(F-25) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 6-510(F) 2-51 Off) Jot)TIUSS Truss type 1uty Fly 1 I MAGNOLIA 2A 1802 COMMON 6 IJob Reference (optional) caconsa Tl-usFrame L.C., perns, CA 92570 Run: 8.240 a Dec 02018 Pflnt 82405 Dec 6 2018 MTek lnduslties, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:39:07 2019 Pane 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMV(P7?S5SJz7f4q-spcQeWHFfN0VnlY_L_Etkn7NnrjZn9?SUoDJRyXSMV 1-9-B 5-7-0 9-5-12 14-9-4 18-0-0 23-7-11 . 29-7-14 36-0-0 1-9.8 3-9-8 • 3-10-12 5-3-8 3-2-12 5-7-11 6-0-3 6-4-2 Scale = 1:59.4 600 MT18HS= 10 01 _o CS US = 20 454 = 2x4 II 6x8 = 4x4 = 34 = LOAOING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Gap DOL 1.25 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015lTPl2014 CSI. IC 0.85 BC 0.83 WE 0.97 Matrix-MSH DEPL in (bc) lldefl L/d Vert(LL) -0.31111-22 '877 240 Veit(CT) -0.70 14-15 '252 180 HOI-Z(CT) 0.05 10 nla ala PI.ATES GRIP M120 220/195 MTI8HS 2201195 Weight: 189 lb F1 = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-4-12 cc puffins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 'Except' SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directhj applied or 8411-0 oc bracing. 62: 2X6 OF No2 G WEBS I Row at midpt 6-13 WEBS 2X4 OF StudIStd G Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=44410-5-6 (rein. 0-1-8), 10778/0-3-5 (mm. 0-1.8), 13=2046/0-5-8 (mm. 0-24) Installation guide. Max Horz183(LC 16) Max Upliftl.23(LC 12). 10=-25(LC 13), 13=-6(LC 8) Max Grav1526(LC 23), 10=787(LC 24), 13=2046(LC 1) FORCES. Pb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (to) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-1044150, 2-23=-980175, 3-23=-962186. 34--4121185, 4-5=-219/276, 5-6=-74/2388, 6-7=39(2322, 8-9=-I313l33, 9-25=-17351100, BOTCHORD 1-26=-1071941, 15-26=-1071941, 1527=.1O7l941. 14-27=-1071941. 14-26=-177/341, 13-28=-1771341, 13-29=-1351375, 12-29=-135(375. 12-30=0/839, 11-30=0(839, 11-31=59/1666,10-31=4911666 WEBS 3-14=.679/79, 4-14=0/521,13-16=-I 864/28, 6-16=-393/84, 12-16=-556/198, 742=0/791. 3-12=-100611104, 8-11=0/696, 9-11=-5401 130, 7-15=-2747154, 5-16=-23041124, 2-15=01402 NOTES. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.opsf; BCDLS.opsf; h2011 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extetio42) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 18-0-0, Exterior(2) 184-0 to 21-0-0, Interior(l) 21-0-0 to 36-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI1TP1 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 9-7-8, an lb down and 4 lb up at 14-7-8 on bottom chord. The design(selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increases-11.25, Plate lncrease:1.25 Continued on page 2 WOW TWSS iTruss Type PlY E!LIA2A 602 6 I 1COMMON - I - job Reference (optional) u5rrarn u....., re,n5, M v2dru LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-7-68, 7-1O-68, 17-20-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 14=-50 13.50 Nwl: 5240 S uec a 2015 Fliflt 5240S aec b 2010 Milex InduSsies, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:39:07 2019 Pa 2 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMV7?S5SJz7f4q-spcC_eWHFfNOVnlY_L_Efkn7NnrjZn9?SUoDJRyx5MY Job wss -03 1Truss Type futy Ply MAGNOLIA 2A IS 1 l 1COMMON - - I - Job Reference (optional) LauccICl I wsriame w... PSIUS. CA 5210 Nun: 8 310 s Dec 62018 Pflnt 8.2405Dec 62018 MITCk IflduStIie5, Inc. Thu Oct 312:39:072019 Page 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxithEMVfP77S5SJz7f4q-spcC_eWHFfN0VnIYj_EfkiiFXnWrZw6?SuoDJRyXoMY 1-9-8 7-6-9 12-2-12 12-6 1.9-8 5.9.1 4-8.3 01.3.12 2x4 H Scale: 1/2'I' 45 21(4 II 44 = 455 4-7-4 . 12-2-12 12-88 1-9-8 2.8-12 7-7_9 Plate Offsets (XV)— 'l:EdgeO-Z..OI. 13:0-0-10-2-01 - - - LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL in (foe) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.33 Veit(LL) -0.35 7-8 '420 240 M120 2201195 TCDL 140 Lumber OOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(CT) -0.60 7-8 >247 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Inor YES WE 0.40 Hoz(CT) 0.02 7 We nla ECDL 10.0 Code IBC2015/TP12014 Matsix-MSH Weight: 51 lb FT a 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4OFNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo2G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=538/0-5-8 (min. 0-14), 7=586/Mechanical Max-Horz1101(LC8) Max Uplift1-6(LC 8), 7-39(LC 8) Max Grav1543(LC 23), 7566(LC 1) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-7-1500 Puffins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. Mirek recommends that Stabilizers and required cress bracing be installed dvnng truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. U FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. -Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2-1122(0,243=-1133(0,3-13-111210 BOT CHORD 1-15=-20/1068, 9-15=-2011058, 9-16=-20/1088, 8-16-20/1088, 8-17-100/709, 7-17=400/709 WEBS 3-7=-795/112. 3-8=0/685, 2-9-261/74 NOTES- 1)Wind: ASCE 7-10; vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=8.opsf; 800L6.0psf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, interior(1) 3.0-0 to 12-6-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip OOL1.80 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live lead nonconcunent with any other live leads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25001b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job truss Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 804 COMMON I l Job Reference (optional) alrma uiuwrame u...., rem, ,u mel: e.zeu 5 uec b uig muii: b.4U 5 usc e uie miiex Iflau5Ifle5, mc mu UCI 1 ,Lja.ue4ula rage i lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-K?AbBzXv?zVt7xs1X3VTBxKOGBs4lNM8h8XmrtyX5MX 1-9-8 7-6-9 12-2-12 1-9-8 5-9-1 4-8-3 0-3-12 2x4 ii Scale: 1121 D=1400# 4 5 2x4 4x6 = 4x6 1-9-8 . 4-7-4 12-2-12 12-64 I-s-a ,-q-i 7-7-a Plate Offsets (X.Y)— 13:0-0-1.0-2-01 LOADlNG(pst) SPACING- 24-0 CSI. OEFL. in (lc) Vdefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.33 Veit(LL) .0.35 7-8 1420 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Veit(CT) -0.60 7-8 p247 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lou YES WS 0.40 Horz(CT) 0.03 7 n/a We ECOL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 511 FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G GOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=53810-5.8 (nun. 0-18). 7=568/Mechanical Max HoIz1136(LC 27) Max Uplift1-425(LC 27). 7-60(LC 28) Max Gravl=712(LC 48), 7=566(LC 1) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-16 oc purina. GOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 540 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required uoss bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompfMax. Ten. - Al farces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 12=.1982/1162, 2-13=-18181992, 3-13=-1438I595. 3-14.=-573/529. 4.l4=331/301 801 CHORD 1.15-123311961. 9-15-1146I1874, 916a1059I1787. 816.814/IS42, 817g.949/1319, 7-17=-3971828 WEBS 3-7=-7951182, 3-8=4/685, 2-9-2811129 NOTES Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasth87mph; TCDLB.opst; 8CDL6.0psf h20ft Cat. 11; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envel- ope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0.0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 12-6-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a We load of 200pston the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction o120% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. l) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonooncunent with any other live loads. 8) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber 001.=(1.33) Plate grip OOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 12-6-8 for 111.6 pit. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Iruss Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A CO1 GABLE I Job Reference (optional) aIiTonva TnJsIrame Lu; • Perils, cA, vzco 1011: 52403 usc S 2015 Pr5fl: 5240 S usc 5 201S MITCIC InOUslrIes, WE ThU UCI S 125905 2015 raqe 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVlP7?S5SJz7f4q4QAbBzXv?zVt7xslX3VTBxKHHBnZlH88h8XmityX5MX 4-6-0 . 7-11-5 . 16-0-0 • 24-0-12 27-6-0 32-0-0 4-6-0 ' 3-5-5 8-0-11 8-0-12 I 4-6-0 Scale = 1:50.8 6x10 MTI8HS= 4x6 = 4x6 = 3a6 II 506 = 335 11 438 = 7-11-5 • 16-0-0 16-2-12 24-0-12 • 32-0-0 7-11-S • 5.0-11 0-2-12 7-10.0 • 7-11-4 Plate Offsets (X,V)— :0-1-4,0-2-0l, 12:0-2-8,0-2-41,14:0-2 c,0241, (5:0-140-2-01. 16:0-4-4,0-1-8). 17:0-8-0,0-2-01.19:0-44.0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING. 24-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.12 9-33 "999 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 160 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.99 Veit(CT) -0.36 9-33 p537 180 MT18HS 220/195 BCU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO W8 010 Horz(CT) 0.04 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015/TPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 219 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF Noi&Btr G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-11 oc puitins. SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2X6 OF No.2 G*Except' WEBS I Row at midpt 4-7 W4: 2X4 OF No.2 G, W2: 2X4 DF Stud/Std G 2 Rows at 1/3 pts 2-7 OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1936/0-5-6 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=644/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 74502/0-5-8 (mm. 0-4-13) Max Horzl-56(LC 13) Max Uplift145(LC 8), 5=-40(LC 9), 7=132(LC 4) Max Grav1992(LC 19). 5724(LC 35), 74502(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-37=-20451143, 2-31=-19281143, 2-3=-5611897, 3-4=47/1896, 4-34=-987/126. 5-39=4084/126 SOT CHORD 1-39=-52/844, 1-40=-153/1885, 940-153/1885,941-16311885,841--15311885, 7-8=-153/1885, 742=-811953, 65.42=41/963,643=811963, 5-43=41/963, 544r._111498 WEBS 3-7-1531/97.4-7-265&203,4-6=0/1023,2-7=-36171242,2-9=011350 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=$.0psl BCDL6.0ps1 h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPJ 1. All plates are M120 plates unless otherwise indicated. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcunlsnt with any other live loads. 1 This truss has been designed fora live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 341-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuiTent with any oilier live loads. Girder carries hip end with 4-6-0 end setback. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 190 lb down and 41 lb up at 27-6- and 190 lb down and 41 lb up at 4-641 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the lace of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 Job TrUSS I russ, I ype Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A COI GABLE 1 I Job Reference (optional) aran1a p rusrrne u.p.. rem5. f.^ uiiu Nun; 8T4U 5 uec V1O rrww D.L4U 5 IJeC C £LI1C MJICI( IflUU5PflC5 InC. P1W UCI 4 1.3U5 U15 IqC S lD:ZFI3c9vx,brEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-oClPJYXmGdld5RxmOik9tS1b7olkOIvoHKOKyXMW LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease11.25, Plate lncrease11.25 Unifoim Loads (pit) Vert: 1-3-72, 3-5-72, 31-40-30(F-1O), 7-40474(F-154), 743-103(F-83), 34.43-30(F-10) Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 37-162(F) 38=-162(F) IJob ITniss I russ I Ype i PIy 1 ' MAGNOUA2A CO2 i COMMON 2 I Job Reference (optional) .,.• P1Ufl 5.4U 5 USC C SUTC P111K &i/+U 5 USC awinmeminausmesonc. IflU UC i 1LjKUZU1V P2QS 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-oClczPJvXmGdkl5Rx5m0ik9tUrbBW1pXIvoHKOKyX5MW 16-0-0 23-10-9 32-0-0 8-1-7 7-10-9 7-10-9 8-1-7 Scale = 1:517 550 = 454 = 2x4 394 = 5x10 = 2x4 II 454 = 3x8 II 5-0-9 16.0-0 18-2.12 25-11-6 32-0-0 6-0-9 9-11-7 &2-42 9-9-18 9-0.18 Plate Offsets (X'f) 111)2.3ge) [1:0-1-8,0-1-5). I20.O f30-3-0,Edqel, 4:04l-5.0-1-8I [50-2-3.Edgel. 15:0-1-8,0-1-5L [7-0-".0-1-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL.. in (icc) tfdefl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 23.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.79 Vert(LL) -0.53 7-9 '059 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 125 SC 0.75 Vert(CT) -0.80 7-9 "240 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WE 0.41 Htwz(CT) 0.02 5 n/a n/a ECOL 10.0 Code 16C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 130 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 20 OF StudfStd G 'Except' W3:2X6DFNo2G WEDGE Left 2x4 OF Stud!Std -G, Right 2*4 OF SwdlStd -G BRACING. TOP CHORD SMic/ural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-10-4 cc purlrns. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-7-i cc bracing. WEBS I Row at midpt 2-7.4-7 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be i installed during Miss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 71977/0-54 (min. 0-2-2), 148310.5-8 (mm. 0-14), 6=483/0-5-8 (min. 0-1.8) Max Horz156(LC 12) Max upliftl.41(LC 12), 6=-49(LC 13) Max Grav71977(LC 1), 1534(LC 23), 5=534(LC 24) FORCES. Qb) - Max CompJMax. Ten.- AS forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-16=-958165, 2-16=.836I83,217=0(786.317=0/858,319z018S8,4.18z0f786, 4-19=4351107, 5-19=-958/90 801 CHORD 1-20=-74/509, 1-21=-90/869, 9-21=-90/869, 9-22=-154/673, 822=1641673. 7-8=-1641873, 7-23=-1321674, 6-23-132(674,6-24-57/M. 5-24=-571869, 5-25=47/509 WEBS 2-9=0/577. 2-7=133811V,3-7=-253K4, 4-7=-1338/156, 4-64/576 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87n-,h; TCOLS.Opsf; BCOL60psf; h208 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteilor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, interb(l) 3-0-0 to 1644, Exterior(2) 18-0-0 to 194-0, Interior(l) 19.04 to 32-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL=160 This Miss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 200psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will (It between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl!TPI 1. This Miss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.Otb he located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job ErUSS Truss Type Qty Fly MAGNOUA2A CO3 I I IJ.b 1COMMON Reference (optional) ..auranaa i nmrrame w..rern5,l. aiu nun:e.qus uec eu1et'flnte24UsueC esu,eMlieKlnauslnes.lnc. IflUuCl 1v:1u2v1v 139ei ID.ZFI3c9vxithrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-G0lLcW9XaIbME07fTXxGMPdo?V6mGjR8S0twmyX5MV 8-1-7 • 16.0.0 23-10-9 324-0 8-1-7 7-10-9 7-10.9 8-1-7 Scale = 1:51.7 5x6 = 454 = 2x4 354= 2x411 SalO = 454 = 3x6 II 6-0-9 13-6-0 . 16-0-0 16-21218-6.0 25-11.6 32-0.0 5,fl•Q 7,ç7 R.fl 7.cs i R41,101 Plate Offsets LX-Y)- ':0-2-3.Edqei, (1:0-1-8,0-1-5), [2:0-0-.0-1-81. (3:0-3-0.Edgel r40-0-5.04.5), (5:0-2-3,Edgej. 15:0-1-8.0-1-51. 17:0-4.0-1-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2411-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) tldefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.53 7-9 >359 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.84 7-9 >229 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WS 047 Horz(CT) 0.03 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC2015!1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 130 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Except' W3: 2X6 OF No.2 G WEDGE Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-2-0 oc purims. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS I Row at midpt 2-7.4-7 Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 72080/0-5-8 (mm. 0.24), 148210-54 (mm. 0-1.8), 5=48210-5-8 (mitt 0-1-8) Max Horz 1486(LC 43) Max Uplift7-134(1.0 27), 1-167(LC 35), 5=-347(LC 38) Max Grav72080(LC 1), 1=532(LC 51), 5=562(LC 47) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-16=-961/398, 2-16=-839/161, 2-17=41/802, 3-17=-228!874, 3-18=-354/981, 4-18=-604/1159. 4-19=-1100/722, 5-184-14301978 801 CHORD 1-20=-216(508. 1-21=-473/871, 9-21=-473I871, 9-22=-556/687, 22-23=-553/687, 8-23=-5561687, 7-8=-556/687, 7-24=-594/751, 24-25=-5941757, 6-284-594/757. 6-284.541/964,26-27=413/871,5-27=470/899, 5-28=-4261678 WEBS 2-9=0/584, 2-7=-13481181, 3-7=-963/211, 4-7-13491207. 4-6=0/583 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd487mph; TCDL60psf BCDLS.opsf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 16-0-0. Exterior(2) 16-0-0 to 1941-0, Interior(1) 19-0-0 to 32-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.011; live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber 00L(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 284-0 to 32-0-0 for 350.0 pill. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 13-6-0, a 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 18-64 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 Iruss tTrussjype I ~b 2A CO3 COMMON Fry 1 - - - Job Reference (oglional) dJ1U!1Ud iwsrimc u.k., reins, i..P.. VI.5f U LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase--1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (ph) Vert: 1-3-72, 3-5.72, 1043-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 23-50(F) 24-50(F) rein: a zqu a usc a asia mint 524U $ usc a uia ,aiex uncusmes, Inc. mu uci 5 1:j:1u uis m'aae z ID:ZFl3c9vEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-GOILcfY9XalbMEO7fTXxGMPdo?V6mGjR8SOtwmyX5MV Job miss TrussType Q1y Ply MAGNOLIA 2A C04 i COMMON 2 Job Reference (optional) Caironea TnjsFlame LLC., Ferns, CA 92b70 Nun: 5.240 a Dec 6 2015 PrInt: 5,240 $ Dec b 2015 MITCIC Inausmee. Inc. 1,10 Ua 3112919 raw 1 lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7t4q-kasjq?ZnlutS,ObJDB2ApayssOgFVfTbN6m0SCyX5MU 4-11-6 , 8-0-5 • 13-3-12 16-0-0 18-8-4 23-11-11 • 3240-0 4-11-6 3-0-15 5-3-7 2-8-4 2-8-4 • 5-3-7 8-0-5 Scale: 1:51.6 354 = rr 458 = 3x6 II 4x6 = 658 = 4x6 = 3x8 II 4x8 = 4-114 • 13-3-12 13,5-8 18-6-8 18,8-4 27-0-10 32-0-0 4-11-5 8.4-6 0112 5-1-0 0-442 846 4-11-6 Plate Offsets (XX)— (1:0-1-15.0-0-81, (20-3-0.O-1-121, (4:O-2-0,Edqel. (6:0-O-1.,0-2-01,17:0-4-0,O-2-81, 111:0-2-12.0-2-01 LOAOlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-3-12 CSL DEFI... in (bc) Vdell L/d PLATES GRIP ICLI. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.69 Vert(LL) -0.22 11-12 "999 240 M120 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.92 Veit(CT) -0.81 11-12 '277 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress mci' NO WE 0.76 Horz(CT) 006 7 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 J Code 18C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 182 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD 801 CHORD 2x8 OF 55 G Excepr 92:2X4 OF StudlStd 3,83: 2X8 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF StudtStd 3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 11189/10lechan,cal, 7=96210-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 9=1353/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz164(LC 12) Max Upth1-50(LC 12). 7-6(LC 9), 9.30(LC 9) Max Grav11203(LC 23). 7=962(LC 1), 91353(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-3407/88, 2-.19=-33331111, 2-20=1499/107, 3-20=-1380/108, 34-290181. 4-5=-334162, 5-21 =-1 381/128, 6-21=-14351127. 6-22---202710, 7-22=-2105/0 801 CHORD 1-23=3711582, 1.24z114l3199, 12-2@-11413199, 12-25=-19112510, 11-25=-191/2510, 10-11=-5611359, 9-10=-58/1359, 9-28=-47/1938, 8-28=47/1938,8-27=0/1946, 7-27=0/1946,7-23=01962 WEBS 5-9=-267!1O8, 6-9=-8271169, 64=.108/453. 2-11=-I279/149, 2-12=0/990, 3.5=-1148H01 2-0-00c purllns (2-10-6 max.) (Switched from sheeted: Spacing p2-0-0). Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- I) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCOL=6.opsf. 3CDL6.Opsf; h20f1 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 344, Inte,ior(1) 3-0-0 to 1644, Exterior(2) 16.0.01019-0-0, Interior(l) 190.0 to 32-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C.0 for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=i 60 plate gnp DOL1.60 This buss has bean designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0108 by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for buss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0th live located at all mid panels and at alt panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 91 Graphical pullin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 10) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 13-5-8, 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 1844 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lnorease=1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (p11) Veil: 14=-83,4-7=43,13-10=-23 Continued on page 2 b Truss TType QtyPly GNOLIA 2A r C04 COMMON 2 Job Reference (optional) IU5rIdflUC LLI..., I1fl5, 8f U LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 9-50 11-50 ,wn: SZ4U 5 USC S U1D nail: S.4U 5 USC 0 Zulu 58155 Ifl0U5Vie3 inc. i flu u 4 I:3u:i1 viu rage IO2Fl3c9EMVlP7?S5SJz7f4q1casq?ZnlutS_ObJD2ApayssOqFVfTbN6mQSCyX5MU Job TrUSS Truss Type Qty lily MAGNOLIA 2A COS COMMON 1 Job Reference (optional) l.aurTIa I fliSPIWliS w... rents, L;^ trzom Pull: 5.4U S USC 0211111 pnnE 534U S USC b xuis MIISKInQUSUISS. Inc, mu ua J iv:ii AUlts rage 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-Kasjq?ZnlutS_ObJDB2Apayu6Or_Vg4bN6mQSCyX5MU 4-11-6 8-0-5 13-3-12 • 16-0-0 18-8-4 23-11-11 . 32-0-0 4-114 3-0-15 5-3-7 2-8-4 2-8-4 5-3-7 8-0-5 Scaler 1:519 354 = 354 fw 4x8 =3x6 II 4x6 = 856 =US = 356 II US - 4-11-6 13-3-12 13.5-8 18.6-8 18,8-4 2740-10 I 4.11.8 A." 11-1!17 c-I-n fl-14 84-8 4.11-8 Plate Offsets (XV)— '1:0-1-15.0-0-121. (2:0-0-1.0-1-8J, [4:0-2-0,Edgel. [6-0-0-1.0-144,17:0-1-15.0-0-121 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (too) lldell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip 001.. 1.25 IC 0.54 Vert(LL) -0.20 11-12 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.88 Vert(CT) -0.75 11-12 '299 180 SCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.66 Ho,z(CT) 0.06 7 nla ala BCDL 10.0 Code I5C2015/TPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 1621b F120% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2x8DFNo.2GExoept' BOTCHORD 52: 2X4 OF SliidlStd G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1041IMechanical, 7847!0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 9=115510-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max llorzl56(LC 12) Max Upliftl-44(LC 12). 7-5(LC 9), 6=-27(LC 9) Max Gravl1052(LC 23), 7847(LC 1), 91155(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CoqnpJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 149=-3000176, 2-184-2936196, 2-20=-1357/93, 3-20=-1257/94. 3-4=-253/53, 4-5-293154,5-21-125W1112, r--21-13041111,6-22--179310,7-22=186110 501 CHORD 1-23=-35/1343, 1-24=-99/2819. 12-24=-9912819, 12-284-166/2231. 11.25=16612231 10-11=-49/1235, 9-10=49/1235,9-26=41/1130,8-26=4111730.8-210/1722, 7-27=0/1722,7-28=01852 WEBS 6-9=-7071147, 6-84-111/439, 2-11=-11051129, 2-12=01908, 3-5=-1051/88 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-9 oc putlmns. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing, Mrrek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=5.opsf; BC0L6.Opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B. Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 344 to 16-0-0, Exterioc(2) 164-0 to 19-0-0, lnterior(1) 194-0 to 324.0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonooncurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for alive load of 200psf on the bottom chord in all areas where arectangle X" tall by 2-0-O wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 13-5-8, and 50th down and 4 lb up at 1844 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I i) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (ph) Veit 1-4-72, 47.72, 13-184-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 84-5011=-SO I I I I Job TrusS Truss fype I MAGNOUA2A 001 I I CAI. HIP 1 I'IPIY I 2 Job Reference (optional) I u5rnC W_., FCWX. M CX1U Nun; C.XU 5 USC 0 *U1S rmu 0.0 5 USC S Auic Ml I CX lflQU5U1C5. inc. IflU USI .3 1;JU;1 Uiu re 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-CnQ51LaP3B?JcYAWmuaPMnV?Vo8gECbkbmV_fyX5MT 3-8-4 7-5-0 7111-11 13-1-0 18-2-5 18.9.0 22-5-12 26-2-0 3-8-4 3-8-12 06-11 5-1-5 5-1-5 06-11 3-8-12 3.8-4 Scale = 1:43.7 4x6 = 3*10 = 4*6 = J 2 V, 18 19 20 21 9 22 23 24 25 4*8 = 3*8 = 3*10 MTI8HS= 3*8 2*4 II 7-5.0 13-1-0 . 18.9.0 . 26-2-0 7-s-n 5-k-fl 5.5_fl 7-5_fl Plate Offsets (X,'fl- (1:0-2-3.Edqel, (1:0-0-0,0-1-51, 13:0 -2M,0-2-0I. [5:0-2-0.0-2-01. 17:0-2-3.Edgel. [Z.0 -U.0-1-51,18:0-2-12,04A, 11 1:0-1-12,04A LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (100) I1defi lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip OOL 1.25 IC 0.82 Vert(LL) -0.21 10 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.69 8-10 '456 180 MT18HS 2201195 BCU. 0.0k Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.32 Hoa(CT) 0.18 7 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code lBC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 224 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G WEDGE Left 2*4 OF Stud/Std -G. Wight 2*4 OF .StudlStd -G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-9-200 puffins, except 0-0-0cc puilhns (4-5-13 max.): 3-5. Except 4-6-0cc bracing: 3-5 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10.0-0cc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=2664/0-3-8 (min. 0-1.8), 7=2664/04341 (min. 0-1.6) Max Hoiz130(LC 8) Max Uplift1-128(LC 4), 7-128(LC 5) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 260 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=45601460,2-3=-66701517,34=43291506,4-5=.6329/506, 5-8=-6670/517, 6-7=4560/460 BOT CHORD 1.18=-183/2880, 1-19=-41116128, 11-19=-41116128, 11.20=-59518028, 20-21=-59518028, 10-21=-595/8028, 9-10=.S95/8028, 9-22-595/8028, 22-23=-595/8028, 8-23=-595/8028, 8-24=490/6128, 7-24=-390/6128, 7-25=-166/2880 WEBS 2-11-112/410, 3-11=0/990, 4-11=-19741197, 4-10=01514, 4-8=-19741197, 5-8=0/990, 6-8=-112!410 NOTES- 1)2-ply hiss to be connected together with lCd (0.131"x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-9.0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0.9-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2*4-1row at 0.94 cc. AM loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL-6.0ps1 BCDL-6.0psf; h=20f1 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. This truss has been designed lore 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSWTPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder comes hip end with 8.0-0 end setback. Graphical puffin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puffin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 703 lb down and 162 lb up at 18- and 703 lb down and 162 lb up at 7-5-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of oth p ndard e CoU z I.- Exp. 6/30/21 NO. 053821 b (Tru truss Type Fly ro - I ss CAL HIP I IDOl loy I 2 IJob Reference (optional) ..uNIuu1a I IU8d18 u.'., relfl5, .M, VAOIU LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert 1-3-68, 3-5-165, 5-7-68, 12-15=-49(F=-29) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3-589 5=-589 Nun; C.44U 8 uec o zma runt: 8.44U 8 uec D imiu I1I8K IflQU5TN85, IflC. mu uct L4.3u:1 uu rag ID2Fl3c9vobrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-CnO51LaP3B?JcYAWmuaPMnV?VoBgECbkbmV_fyX5MT 08 4x8 354 = j I jj 4 J truss TrUsS_Type Qi Ply rW~:A 1002 CM. HIP 1 I Job Reference (optional) i.3w0015 ilusi-rame LLI... reins. -- WADfu Nun: 524U3 usc e xuin rrvL 5240 suec bzulb MiSC Inausules, inc. lnuuct j 1z:,xizu1s rate 1 l02FI3cothEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-Cno51LaP38?JcYAWmuaPMnV3ko54EEBkbmV_fyX5Mr 10-0-0 16-9.0 5-0-1 9-5-0 9-11-lI 13-1.0 19-2-0 16--5 21-1-15 26-2-0 5-0-1 4-5-0 O-6-1'l 3-1-0 3-1-0 0-5-5 4-4-15 5-0-1 04-5 06-il Scale = 1:431 deS = szio = 5x6 WB= 300 = 4x6 = I , Plate Offsets (3(Y)- 13:0-2-40-2-01.15:0-2-4.0-2-01. [8:0-2-0.0-1 -81, 110 LOADING(psl) - SPACING- 2-00 CSI. TCLt. 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.55 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.91 BCLL 0.0 I Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.22 SCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G OTHERS 2X4 OF No.2 G I wcnos n,Islz.e) 1=130eI0-3-e min. o-i-a 7=130610-3-8 min. 0-1-8) Max Hoiz138(LC 12) Max Uplift1-74(LC 4). 7-74(LC 5) -0 9-5-0 OEFL in (Icc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.37 10-13 '848 240 MT20 220/195 Vert(CT) -0.75 10-13 '416 180 Hoiz(CT) 0.15 7 n/a n/a Weight 108Ib FT20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1-12 cc pudins, except 0.0-0cc pudins (34-3 max.): 3-5. Except 3-9-Coo bracing: 3-5 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during Miss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (IS) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-31331242. 2-3=-27441186, 3-17=-2564/189, 4-17=-2575/189, 4-18=-2575/189, 5-18=-25641189. 5-6-27441186,84=41331242 SOT CHORD 1-19--220/2911,10-19-22W2911,10-20=-17012661, 9-20=-170/2881, 8-9=-170/2861, 8-21=-193/2911, 7-21=-193/2911 WEBS 2-10=-382/108. 3-10=0539.4-10--4911103, "--4911103.54=01539.6-8--382/108 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; Vuib110mph (3-second gust) Vasd81mph; TCDL=8.0psf BCOL40.0psl h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI60 plate grip DOLC1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This Miss has been designed for a 10.0 pSI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. sy This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSl1TPl 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuffent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-ii spans of 2-0-0 from front girder and 4-0-0 from back girder. Graphical pudin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the Pullin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 16-2-0, and 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 10-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase-1,25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vest: 1-3=-68,3-17=-68, S-118=48,5-7=68, 11-14-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vest: 17=-102 10=-102 Continued on page 2 Job Truss Truss Type Qry Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 002 CAL HIP 1 i 1 1 Job Reference (oplional) suiornia irusrrme u..U,, rsrns LOAD CASE(S) Standard Trapezoidal Loads (pit) Vert: 1768-to-4-102, 4-102-to-18-68 Nun: 54U 5 uec S wic rnnr 524U S um u zwo MUSIC Inausmes, Ia 11W (ICT i J:3s:12 21115 rage 2 ID:ZFl3c9v,athrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.CnO51LaP3B?JcYAWmuaPMnV3koAjEE8kbmV_(yX5MT 31(4 = 41(6 Job TruSS Truss Type Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 003 1 01, CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) (mTO(Tha I n,spranle LL(.. I5rTIS. çA. W#.1U loin; 5240 a Dec b 915 IIIflt 5.Z4U s USC S 015 laTex InausTnes, Inc.ThU UCI 4 123513 U1S P59 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVlP7?S5SJz7f4q-hz_UFhb1qV7ADiliKc5eu?1A0CWOzhmtqOFXX5yX5MS 5-0-1 9-5-0 ,lO73 13.1-0 156-13 .16-9-0, 21.115 26-2-0 5-0-1 4-5-0 1-2-3 2-5-13 • 2-5-13 '1-2.3 4-4-15 5-0-1 Scale' 1:43.7 41(6= 3x10 = 4x6 = 3x10= 4XG "_0 16-9-0 26-2-0 9-5-0 • 7-4-0 9-5.0 Plate Offsets (XV)— 30-2-12,04-0J. 16:0-2-12,0-2-01, (1O'-2-0.0-1-8I, 112:0-20,0-1-81 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSl. DEFt... in (lc) Ildefi lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 077 Vert(LL) -0.38 12-15 p870 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.88 Vert(CT) -0.74 12-15 '426 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Inor NO WS 0.20 I1oaCT) 0.14 9 ole nla SCOL 10.0 Code I8C2015lTP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 108 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-S-Soc pultins, except 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 0-0-0cc purlins (4-1-9 max.): 3-8. Except WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 4-2-0 or, bracing: 36 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS. (Ib(size) 1=1184/0.3.8 (mm. 0-1-6),9=1118410-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) installation culde. Max Horz 1-42(LC 17) Max Upliftl-471LC 8). 9-47(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-27891177, 2-19=-2729/190, 2-3=-2403/177, 3-20-22361218, 5-20=-22421218, 5-21=-22421218, 6-21=-2238/218. 8-8=-2403/177, 8-22=-27291190, 9-22=-2789l177 SOT CHORD 1-23=-18312589, 12-23=-18312589. 12-24.-13612436, 11-24=-13612436, 10-11=43612436, 10-25-14=61119,21-25-14312589 WEBS 2.12.3961111. 3-12W487. 5-12=-388/104, 5-10=-388l104. 6-10=01487.8-10--3961112 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87nlph; TCOL6.0psf 8CDL8.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-04 to 344, Intelior(l) 34-0 to 26-2-0 zone; cantilever left and tight exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pondtng. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 paf bottom chord live load noncoricurrent with any other live loads. • This buss has been designed for alive load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all area where a rectangle 3-8-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSUTPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0$b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard D04 HIP Cahiomia Th,srame L.C.. Perns, CA 92510 Run: 8.240 a Dec 6 2018 Pflnt 80 ibec 6 2018 MiTeic In6us8tes, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:39:13 2019 Paqe I ID:ZFl3c9vxxbEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4qhzjJFhb1qV7ADiIiKc5eu?1CUCWizeOtqQFXX5yX5MS 1344 12-7.8 14-1-8 644 12.0-8 12.7-0 134-13, 19-11-0 25-10-8 630 5-94 0441 04-5 5-9-8 5-11-8 S.!.1.43.2 0-0-5 04-11 0-11-0 558 = 4x6 = 5x10 = 2x411 4 2x411 454 = 54 5*6 = 7-5-2 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- r104.4)04. 14:0-2-8.0-2401. (6:O -7Q:9], [6:0-04,0 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 24-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.68 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.91 WILL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.41 ECOL 10.0 Code 15C201511P12014 Matrix-MSH LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF StudlStd -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=130510-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 61310lMechanical Max Hoiz150(LC 8) Max Upliftl.67(LC 4). 6.67(LC 5) DEPL in (too) Udefl Lid PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.28 7-8 >999 240 M120 2201195 Vert(CT) -0.75 7-8 2,414 180 Horz(CT) 0.14 6 We n/a Weight:1131b FT=20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied 013-1-11 cc puilins. except 0-0-0 cc purlins (4-0-13 max.): 3-4. 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTeic recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CoinpiMax. Ten. -Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD l-2=-31351149, 2-3=-2514!177, 3-17=-2290/176, 17-18=-2278/175, 18-19-2277/175, 4-19=-2266!174, 4-5=-2441/173, 56=29701142 801 CHORD 1.20141l2908, 1020=141I2908, 10-21-199/2862, 9-21=-199!2862, 9-22=-11412333. 8-22=-11412333, 8-23=-15512751. 7-23=-155/2751, 7-24---9712759, 8-24=-97/2759, 6-25=48980 WEBS 2-10=0)386,2-9=-591/1W, 3-9=0/489,3-8-3371118,4-8=01451, 5-8=-562197, 5-Th0/332 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ABC! 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCOL=&Qpsf h--2(f1 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)' This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This 'truss is designed in accordance with the 2016 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuffent with any other live loads. ID) Girder carries tie-in spans of 4-0-0 from front girder and 2-0-0 from back girder. Graphical purtin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 162 lb down and 37 lb up at 13-6- and 162 lb down and 37 lb up at 12-7-8 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of other- LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Veil: 1-3=-68,3-4--102.4-6=-68,11-14--20 Continued on page 2 Job Truss irusS Type Uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 004 CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (oØonal) %..UNIWMU I IuIwrI1 W... reiii; I..P VA21U LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Veil: 17-136 19436 IUIJ D4U5 L)C D LU1 mm: D24U 5 USC S U1b SII5JIIflSU5W55, InC. IflU UCI 15.1 ZUlU raqe Z ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-hz_UFhb1qV7ADiliKc5eu?1CUCVwzeOtqQFXX5yX5MS lob I Truss Truss Type uty iply AAGNOLIA 2A 1005 FINK 5 1 Job Reference (optional) CatifcinaTrusFmmeU.C,.Petns,CA 92570 Run.8.240s Dec 82018Print:8.24OsDec 62018MjTek(ndus5ues Inc. Thu Oct 312:39:132019 Pagel lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q4hzUFhb1qV7AOiliKc5eu?1ByCYMzFtqQFXX5yX5M: I bt3 • 13-1-0 19-6-13 2540-8 6-7-3 6-5-13 6-5-13 8-3-11 Scale = 1:41.8 3 4*8 = 4*4 = 5*6 WB= 4*4 =SX13 = 0-0- IQ 84-15 • 1f---I 8.8-3 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- P 13:0-0-0.0-0-01. (5:0.0-4.0-0-11, 15:0-7-7.0-0-21 LOADIMG(pst) SPACING- 2-0.0 CSI. DEFL. in (icc) Well L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.71 Vert(LL) -043 6.8 >719 240 lCD!. 14.0 Lumber 001. 1.25 BC 0.75 Veit(CT) -0.88 6-8 '353 180 BCU. 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WS 0.29 Hoiz(CT) 0.11 5 We We 10.0 Code I8C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH PLATES GRIP M120 220/195 Weight: 98 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 294 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOTCHORD WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G OTHERS 294 OF Stud/Std G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/SW -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1139/0-34 (mm. 0.1.1), 6=1139/Mediariical Max Hoiz1a54(LC 12) Max Upliftl-16(LC 8), 6=-15(LC 9) FORCES. (Ib). Max. CornpiMax. Ten.- M forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD I-19=-2632144, 2-19=-2513165. 2-2(1=-2301/21, 3-20=-2223132, 3-21=-2153131. 421 z2241t20, 4-22.2431/S1. 3.22=-2533/43 SOT CHORD 1-15.8012434, 8-16=-60/2434. 8-16=0/1630.7-16=0/1630,6-7=0/1630, 617.17/2346, 547=4712348, 5-18=-181850 WEBS 2-6=486/136, 38x0!754, 3.6=01698, 4-6=4441131 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-3 cc putlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-04cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced raof live loads have been considered for the design. Wind: ASCE7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL8.0ps1 BCDLS.Opsf h208 Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 044 to 34.0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 13-1-0. Exterlor(2) 13-1-0 to 16.1-0, lnteulor(1) 16-1.0 to 25-10-8 zone; cantilever left and tight exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2404 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to buss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 006 CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) Lalffonhla iiusisme u.k., rams, s,u Nun: 54u S usc a xuis rnflt 52411 S uec a 2015 MIJeX Inaus51es, Inc. mu Oct 3 12:4v:14 2015 rage 1 ID2FI3c9v,oEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-99XsS1cgbpF1rsKuuJctRCaKdcsVl82134_53XyX5MR 5-0-1 9-5-0 11-11-11 13-1-0.14-2-5 16-9-0 21-1-15 25-10-8 5-0-1 4-5-0 2-6-11 1-1-5 1-1-5 2-6-11 4-4-15 • 4-8-9 Scale = 1:43.2 4x8 44 = 300 =SX6 W8= 3x10 = 556 = 9-5-0 • 16-9-0 25-10-8 7.4.0 • a-l.a Plate Offsets ((Y)- (3:0-2-8.0-2-OL (60-2-12.0-2-01, (9:0-7-7.0-0-21. (9:0- (10:0-2-0,0-1.81,112:0-2.0.0-141 LOADING(psl) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI OEFL in (foe) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.35 Vert(LL) -0.36 12-15 2862 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.88 Ve,t(CT) .0.73 12-15 '423 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.20 Horz(CT) 0.13 9 n/a We ECOL 10.0 Code IBC2015lTPl2014 Matrix-MSH Weight 114 lb FT a 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 20 OF Stud/SW C OTHERS 2X4 OF No.2 C WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/SW -G REACTIONS. (lb(size) 1=1209/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8). 9l2lilMedianical Max 110rz149(LC 12) Max Upliftl.66(LC 8). 0=.66(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-4-12 cc pudins, except 044cc pudins (4-0-6 max.): 3-6. Except 4.0.0cc bracing: 3-6 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-11-14 or, bracing. I MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required oross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer I Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (in) or less except when shown, TOP CHORD 1-19=-23471334. 2-19=-27841349, 2.3=2490I398, 3-20=-2338/466, 5.20=2341I485, 5-21=-23051436, 8-21=-23031487. 68=.245W399, 822a2641I331, 922=2105/318 301 CHORD 1-23=366/2641, 12-23=-36812641, 1224.386I2514, 11-24=-38612514, 10.11=386I2514, 10-25=-268/2505, 9-25=-268/2505, 9-264-109/906 WEBS 2-12=349/100, 3.12=45/482, 512=372l2O8. 5-110=41=05,6-10=431461, 6.164-253137 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0p5f BCDLS.Opsf h20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3.0-0 to 25-104 zone; cantilever left and light exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)' This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p51 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. A plate rating reduction o120% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for buss to buss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical puilin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 4 354 x6 4-00ri3- 4x6 MAGNOLIA 2A HIP 10411-0 16-9-0 5-0-1 9-5-0 911-11 13-1.0 • 16-2-0 16..5 21-1-15 25-10-8 5-0-1 4-5-0 d.6-i'i 3-1-0 3-1-0 d-ô-s 4-4-15 45-9 I 0-0-5 0-6-11 Scale = 1:431 456 = 3x10 = 54 WB= 3x10 = 64 = 9-5-0 16-9-0 25-10-8 7411 0.1.5 Plate Offsets (),Y)— 13:0-2-4.0-2-01, 15:0-2-4.0-2-01. I7:0-7-7.0-0-21,t7:0-04.0-0-11,18:0-2-0.0-1-81,110:0-2-0,0-1 -a] LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (too) 1/defi L/d PLATES GRIP ICLI. 200 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 100 Vert(LL) -0.37 10-13 >841 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -0.74 10-13 '420 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Inor NO WE 0.22 Horz(CT) 0.14 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code I8C2015ITPl2014 Mattix-MSH Weight: 108 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.23 TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.23 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd 3 OTHERS 2X4 OF No.23 80T CHORD WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb(size) 1=129110-3-8 (mm. 0-14), 7=1295/Mechanical Max Morz 139(LC 8) Max Uplift1-74(LC 4), 7-74(LC 5) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp.IMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-30931241, 2-3=-Z7021184,3-17=-2525/187,4-17=25351187,4-18-24981188, 5-18--2487/187,5-6---2659/184,64--29431225 SOT CHORD 1-184-22112874, 10-19=-221/2874, 10-284-172/2799,9-284-172/2799.8-84-172/2799, 8-21=-175/2730. 7-21-175/2730, 7-22=48/976 WEBS 2-10-384/108,3-10--0/525.4-10=-462/104.4-8=-507/101, 5-8--W498,6-8--277193 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1-13 oc pudins, except 0-0-0 or, purlins (3-9-9 max.): 3-5. Except 3-10-0 oc bracing: 3-5 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer I Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=5.0psf BCDL=6.0psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip OOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries tie-in spans of 2-0-0 from front girder and 4411-0 from back girder. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. 121 Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated toad(s) 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 440,11 and 122 lb down and 28 lb up at 10-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of othert LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert: 1-3=-68, 3-17=-68, 5-18-68, 5-748, 11-14=-20 Continued on page 2 Job ITruss Truss Type Qt My MAGNMIA 1007 LHIP 1 - Job Reference (optional) U ,u,riaiic I.M..., rcnJ, U.,fl .to,u LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 17-102 18-102 Trapezoidal Loads (pit) Vert 17=-68-to-4=-102,4---102-to-18=-68 Null: u-qus Liec 0 4110 rw0 u.au suec 0 4fl0 rjupe,c unausmes, mc. 1201 j lu:lDTulu raqe lDiFl309vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7t4q.dL5EfNcIM6NuT0v5S176zQ6T?OBVRbrAlkIcebzyX5MQ 4.00 ru 3x10 = 4*6 = 6*8= 5x8 P/8= 2x4 II 4*8 = 8*8 II Scale = 1.43.2 4*8= 18 19 20 21 ' 9 22 23 ' 24 25 Job ITruss 2A 008 ~~:s p ype- I (y 172HI - - - - - b Reference (optional) .dflUX11Id I IU5JIdITI5 U%... ICJflS, I.P 51U NUn: U2411 5 usc b ZU15 iUnt 0.4U S uec U xuiu Max IflOUS5SS. Inc. mU um 1.i1D aiia raoe 1 ID:ZFI3c9v,crbrEMVfP1?S5SJz7f4q-dL5EtNclM8NuT0v5S176zQ6Wu0CKRZ8AlkkebzyX5MO 3-8-4 7-5-0 7111-11 13-1-0 18-2-5 18-9-0 22-5-12 25-10-8 3-8-4 3-8-12 0-6-11 5-1-5 5-1-5 06-11 3-8-12 3-4-12 7-5-0 . 13-1-0 - 18-9-0 . 25-10-8 7.541 SRfl • 5..a0 7.1.R Plate Offsets 0(Y)- 0:0-2-3.Ednel. [1:0-0-0,0-1-51, [3:0-2 ".0-2-01.15:0-2-0.0-2-01 17:0-7-7,0-0-21,17:0-0-4,0-0.11. [8:0-2-12,0-1-81. [11:0-2-0,0-1-11 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Gdp DOL 125 IC 0.81 Vert(LL) -0.20 10 999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.85 Vert(CT) -061 8-10 s454 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Sfress Ina NO WS 0.33 No.z(CT) 0.17 7 nla nla SCOt 10.0 Code 15C20151TP12014 Mabix-MSH Weight: 225 lb FT z 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo2G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G GOT CHORD WEDGE Left 2x4 OF StudlStd -G. Right 2x4 OF Stud/SW -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1263410-3-8 (min. 0-14), 72660/Mechanical Max Hoiz131(LCS) Max Upllft1-127(LC 4), 7=-133(LC 5) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - Al fortes 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=4481/457,2-3=45851514. 3.4=4248/503,4-5=41131495, 5-6=-643$/505, 6-7$058/435 SOT CHORD l-18=-183/2847. 1-19-411/6054. 11-19=41116054, 11-20=-591/7879, 20-21=-591/7879, 10-21=-591/7879. 9-10=-591/7879, 9-22=-591/7879, 22-23=-59117879. 8-234.591/7879, 8-24=-36ei5597, 7-4=-35w5897, 7-25=-143,2200 WEBS 2-111-4112400,341=0f961, 4-11=19841193,4-10=0/523.4-8=-204S/199,5430/886, 6-8=-121/708 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 44-9 cc puslins, except 04-0cc purllns (464 max.): 3-5. Except 4.6-00c bracing: 3-5 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10.04cc bracing. NOTES- 2-ply buss to be connected together with lOd (0i31'x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-94 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 - 1 row at 0-9-0cc. Webs connected as follows. 2x4-1 row a10-9-Occ. Al loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.OM 8CDL=6.0psf h'20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL:--1.60 plate grip DOL-0.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonccncurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live toad of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other membere. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for buss to buss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSlIT This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0111 live located at all mid panels and at all panel points atori Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. Girder carries hip end with 8-0-0 end sethack. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 703 lb down and 162 lb up a ConSeWWQ and 162 lb up at 7-5-0 on top chord. The design!selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of Job 11Us$ Truss Type Uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 006 CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (Optional) ronsa I rusame LL... Iems, CA. a(U LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increases-1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 lJnhlonn Loads (p11) Vert: 1-3-68, 3-5-165, 5-7-68, 12-1549(F-29) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3.589 5-589 Iun: 5.240 S USC S 2015 Iflflt: 5.240 I USc S 2015 MITSK InauSTneS, inc mu oct 3 123915 2019 vage 2 lD:ZFl3c9v,cibrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.dL5EfNclM6NuTOv5S176zQ6WuOCI(RZ8AlkkebzyX5MQ ob liuss ITruss Iype I' JJMAGNOLIA 2A Eat 1 I 1GABLE Jo Reference (optional) - - California TtusFrame LLC., Penis, CA. 92570 Run: 8.240 5 Dec 6 2018 Print 8.2403 Dec 6 2018 Mifek In8uavlea, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:39:18 2019 Page 1 ID2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-5Yfcljdw7QVl49UH?keLWdfolPdzA5bKWOTB7QyX5MP 84-0 16-0-0 8.0-0 84)-0 Scale = 1:25.1 4x8 = 3x6 = 25 12 26 11 27 10 28 9 20 6 30 7 31 6 32 5 33 4 34 3x6= I i Plate Offsets (XV)— r1:0-3-o,Ede1. [3:04-0.Edgel LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 I CSI. DEFL in (too) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.32 Veit(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 2201195 I TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.57 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress ]nor YES WB 0.00 Harz(CT) 0.03 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lSC20151TPI2014 Matrix-SM Weight: 73 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0°c puftins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. PJI bearings 16-0-0. I (Ib)- Max Horz1-29(LC 37) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 8.9,12.7.4 except 1-181(LC 27), 3-1S1(LC 30), 11=-108(LC 55), 5=-108(LC 64) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 11, 5 except 1449(LC 65), 3449(LC 75), 64279(LC 70), I 9273(LC 69) 10=290(LC 68), 12381(LC 66), 7273(LC 71). 64290(LC 72), 4=381(LC 74) FORCES. (lb) -Max. ConipJMax. Ten. - Al forces 260 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-21=-10081152, 21-22=4281531, 2-22--909/508, 2-23=-9091519. 23-24-928/588, 3-24-10081763 I 10-27=-458/888, 10-28=418/888, 9-28=-391/888, 9-29=358/888. 8-29=-3221888, SOT CHORD 1-25-691197,12-25=425/888.12-264-558/888, 11-264-626/888,11-21=4911888, 8-30=-322/888, 7-30=-358/888, 7-31=-3911888, 6-31=418/888,6-32=4581888, 5-32=4911888, 5-33=-525/888, 4-33-558/888, 4-34-6251888, 3-344911891 NOTES. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind. ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=8.0psft BCDL-6.0psft h=20ft; Cat II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Come43) 0.0-0103-0-0, Exterior(2) 341-0 to 840-0. Comer(3) 8-0-0 to 1140-0, Exterior(2) 11-0-0 to 16-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/WI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord beating. Gable studs spaced at 14.0°c. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. 1 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Beveled plate or shim required to provide Ml beating surface with truss chord at joint(s) 3. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag along bottom chord from 0411-0 to 16-0-0 for 50.0 plf. Exp,613W21 I LOAD CASE(S) Standard NO. C53821 crb."n pliall , Job Truss Truss Type uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A E02 Common 6 Job Reference (optional) CaliToilva TlUsFralne tiC., Pems, CA 92070 14011: 11.240 a Dec 5 201 Flint: 8.240 s 0cc 82018 MifeK lnausvies, Inc. Tflu Oct 3 12:39:11 2019 rage 1 l0:ZFl3c9vtcthrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-ZkD_42eYukdciJ2TZR9a3rCsVpxMWZ112DlgsyX5MO 8-0-0 16-0-0 8-0-0 84-0 Scale z 1:25.8 456 = 2x4 4.4 4*4 641-0 16-0-0 I a-n_n 5.1141 Plate Offsets (XV)— L1:Edqe.0-2-01. (2:0-3-0,0-2-81, E3:Edae.0-2-01 LOAOING(pSt) SPACING- 2-0.0 CSI. OEFL in (be) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 IC 0.81 Vert(LL) .0.27 4-7 p704 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.65 Vert(CT) -0.47 4-7 >405 180 ECU. 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WE 0.15 HorZ(CT) 0.03 1 We n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 16C2015fTP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 47 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StodJStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=704/0-5-8 (mm. 0-14), 3=704/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz128(LC 12) Max Uplift1-9(LC 8), 3=-9(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc pudins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. bTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer I Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-11=-1406120. 11-12=-1333124, 2-12=-1318137, 2-13=-1318137, 13-14=-1333124, 3-14=-1406120 SOT CHORD 1-15=0/1280,4-15=0/1280,4-16=0/1280. 3-16=0/1280 WEBS 2-4=01426 NOTES, Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 740; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; 1C0L6.0ps1 8COL6.0psf h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-04. lntenor(1) 3-0-0 to 8411-0, Exterior(2) 8-0-0 to 1140-0, lntenor(1) 11441 to 16-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nanconcunent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss type Uty Ply MAGNOLIA2A FOI GABLE 2 1 JobReference(ppflnal) - - - aIcrnta I ,usrrame LLI.., rams, c.& WOM Nun; D.L.0 5 USC U LU IC mm; Call S USC C £1110 IVIP Ifl lflUUSUlS5, 111G. 1-1 4 IC.CS. IC CU IS r0IIi lD:H33w5zlNME2Ocp22Nz35P2z7O4C-1wnMlOfAf11TKTdg79gpb2k9JDNje_XdjyIClyX 7-641 15-0-0 7-6-0 I 7-6411 1 Scale = 123,5 50 = 3*4 17 10 18 9 19 8 20 7 21 6 22 5 23 4 24 354 = 2x4 It 7.6-0 , 15-0-0 I 7.6.0 7-641 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— [1:0-2-0.Edgel, (2:0-3-0.0-3-01, (3:0-2-C'.Edgel LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) lldefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.29 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber 001. 1.25 BC 0.29 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.10 Horz(CT) 0.00 7 We n/a BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-SH Weight: 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0.0°c purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 DF Stud/Std G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 15-0-0. (Ib)- Max Horzl=27(LC44) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 7 except 1-147(LC 27),3=.11511(1-C 30), 9=-135(LC 55), 5=-135(LC 62) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 9, 5 except 1362(LC 63), 3=362(LC 71), 7529(LC 1), 8=290(LC 66), 10=361(LC 64), 6290(LC 68), 4361(LC 70) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - At forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-25=4741438,25-26-269/272,27-28--2531267,3-28=-4741432 BOT CHORD 1-17=-399/414,10-17-29W27,4-24r-304/327,3-24=-3991414 WEBS 2-7-515/93 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph 43-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.0ps1 BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 74-0, Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-6-0, Interior(l) 10-6-0 to 154-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C.0 for members and fortes & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 144 oc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.Olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag Ic along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 15-0-0 for 53.3 pt(. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A F02 KJNGPOST 2 Job Reference (optional) - ,usrrame W.., reins, LM. 5i3IU rcun 5SSU 5 uec 0 LU1O rrinl 0.qu 5 USC S lJ10 MuSS uriousmes, inc. i flu 'jci 4 i;4e; JO u15 rage i lDH33w5zlNME2O22Nz35P2z7O4C-1wnMlOfAf1lTKTdg79gpb2k3MDlvezdjylClyX5MN 7-8.0 15-0-0 7-6-0 7-6.0 Scale: 112s1' 4x6 = 2x4 4x4 414 = 7-6-0 15-0-0 7.5_n Plate Offsets (XX)— [2:0-3-0.0-2-41 LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-00 CSL DEFL in (foe) I/dali L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.67 Vest(LL) -0.22 4-7 >801 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.60 Vert(CT) -0.38 4-7 >469 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.14 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 We nla BCOL 10.0 Code 1BC201511P12014 Matiix-MSH Weight: 45 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 20 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (Ib(size) 1=860104141 (mm. 0-1-8), 3=860/0.3-8 (mm. 0-14) Max Hoal-26(LC 12) Max Upliftl=-8(LC 8), 3=-8(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-00c puilins. 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (to) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 260 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1131309i28, 13-14-1241131. 2-14=-1231143, 2-15=-1231143, 15-16=-1241131, 316=1309/28 SOT CHORD 1-11=011191,4-11=011191,4-12=0/1191, 3-12=011191 WEBS 24a0I411 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 1-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6Opsf BCDL8.opsf; h20ft, Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0,, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 7-6-0. Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-6-0, Interior(1) 10-6-0 to 16-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces 8 MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOL--11.60 This buss has been designed fora 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcummt with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 34-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load 01250.0th live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job TrUSS Truss Type MAGNOLIA 2A F03 KINGPOST lQ —[PI 1 21 Job Reference (optional) (a,rronsa I lusI-rame u.c, Iems, CA, vaiu nun: 5Z40 $ uec b 2015 Pnnt: 5.240 $ uec b 2015 MifeK Iflausa1eS, Inc. mu UCI 3 12:35:19 2019 15qe 1 ID:H33w5zINME2Ocp22Nz35P2z704C-V7UVkfoQLtJydCshsC28GHDkdciNLCmDMirtdyX5MM 74-0 15-0.0 7-6-0 7-6-0 Scale= 1:23.5 4x6 = 4x5 4x6 = 5-3-13 . 9-8-3 • 15-0-0 5-3-13 4-4-6 5-3-13 Plate Offsets (XX)— 14:0-2-0.0.0-121. 15:0-2-0.0-0-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL.. in (lc) I/deft lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.70 Veit(LL) -0.09 4-5 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.69 Vert(CT) -0.30 4-5 '605 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.46 Horz(CT) 0.05 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 15C2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 123 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=2757/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 3=2757/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hoszl=26(LC 35) Max Upiift1-104(LC 19). 3=-104(LC 22) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-5-9 oc pwtins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-8269/256, 2-3=-6269/256 SOT CHORD 1-12=-12313073, 1-13=-101I5959, 13-14=0/5959,5-14=0/5959,5-15=0/4370,4-15=0/4370, 4-16=0/5959, 16-17=0/5959, 3-17=-81/5959, 3-18=-111/3061 WEBS 2-5=0/2450,2-4=0/2450 NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0. 131'x3") nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 -2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 20 - I row at 0-9-0 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B). unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VulL'llomph (3-second gust) Vasd'67mph; TCOL=6.0psf BCDL=6.Opsf h=20ft; Cat. It; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL--11.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 200/6 has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 international Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 24041, 13-0-0 to 15411-0 for 200.0 plf. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 15411-0 from 0-0-0 to 15-0-0 LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease11.25, Plate 1ncease11 25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 6-9=-300(F=-280), 1-2=-68, 2-3=-68 Job 1TIuSS 2A Type Ic"MAGNOL(A F04 FVJNGPOST 1Job Reference (optional) California Tnjerrame L.c.. Ferns, CA. 91u lun: u.zeu s Dec 5 2910 Flint: 0411 S Dec 5 2015 MITeC Incusuies, inc. u no uci .j is.is 2015 I'age 1 lD:H33w5zINME2Ocp22N35P2z704C-WUVkfoOLtJydCshsC28GHETddONStmDMir1dyX5MM 7-3.0 14-9-0 7-3-0 7-6-0 Scale = 1:23.4 458 = D=800# 11 4 12 13 14 4x4 2x4 II 3x8 II 4x4 = 7-3-0 • 14-9-0 7..1.fl Plate Offsets (X.Y)— 11:0-2-1.0-1-12!, (2:0-3-0.0-24). (3:0-2-3.Edgel, 13.0-2-0.0-1 -51 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.58 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber OOL 1.25 BC 0.58 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.03 Horz(CT) 0.03 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 47 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 01 CHORD 2X4 OF No.20 WEBS 2X4DFS1ud/StdG WEDGE Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G, Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-10-15 oc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-000 bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. AN bearings 14-94. (Ib)- MaxHoiz1-27(t.C37) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) except 1=-155(LC 27), 3-153(LC 30) Max Cray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 1=504(LC 55), 3507(LC 63). 4447(LC 61), 1=477(LC 1), 3483(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=480/442. 15-16=-6771262, 2-16=-667/201, 2-17=-667/239, 17-18=-677/326, 3-184801/420 BOT CHORD 1-1 1=-404/797, 4-1 1=-388/781, 4.12449/843. 12-13=455/848, 3-13-4551848, 3-14=4821447 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL.6.0psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exte,ior(2) 0-3-0 to 3-3-0. Interior(l) 3-3-0 to 7-6-0. Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-6-0. Interior(l) 10-6-0 to 15-0-0 zone; cantilever left and light exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces a MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.80 Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsI on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber 00L(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 7-11-0 for 101.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1truss Truss Type QTy Ply [ J5b MAGNOLIA2A 1K1NGP05T 1 !Job I°5 - Reference (optional) - caTlronaa inar,ame LW.. rems, IM. vZolu rcun: a.us uec D uia rrwn. ø.Lqusuec o uio mu.euc IflUU5u1S. Inc mu uci .m i gu gu., rc I ID:H33w5zlNME2Ocp22Nz35P2z704C-z.Jv7j4gQBt?AZnn2EajHgTqOj1zG6tYvR0RPHByX5ML 7-3-0 14-9-0 7-3-0 7-6-0 Scale = 1:23.8 44 = j r 2x411 4x6 = 454 = LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell IJd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip 001-1.25 TC 0.88 Vert(LL) -0.23 4-10 775 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.61 Vert(CT) -0.40 4-10 "438 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress mci- YES WS 0.13 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITPL2014 Matsix-MSH Weight: 45 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-3 oc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StiidlStd G Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be WEDGE installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer — Left- 2x4 OF Stiid/Std Installation guide. I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=849/Mechanical, 3649/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz1-27(LC 13) Max Uplift1-8(LC 8), 3-9(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-13=-1262131, 13-14-1191132, 2-14=-1184145, 2-184-1181/44, 15-16=-1191131, I 3-184-1259/29 BOTCHORD 1-11=011143, 4-11=0/1143,4-12=0/1143,3-12=011143 WEBS 24=01399 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL6.opsf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-3-0 to 3-3-0. Interior(1) 3-3-0 to 7-6-0. Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 1043-0, Interior(i) 10-6-0 to 1.54-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOD-1.60 U 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss Is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI!TPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard job ITs Truss Type MAGN0UA2A )M01 - IJACK.L0SED GIRDER I TrV 2 Lob - - - Reference (optional) rur, O.qU 5 uec 0 an* rnnl; o.qu S IJOC S U1D MI I SR lfl0U5U105, Inc. I flU UCI . 1;3s:1 U1S rsue 1 ID:ZFl3c9v,ocbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-SVTVwQh3yy7lBxMEoHEW0hMeKOFxrDJ3ggBypdyX5MK 4-10-3 • 8-0-0 4-10-3 3-1-13 2x4 II Scale= 1:17.5 6x6 = 4-10-3 • 8-0-0 4-10-3 3-1-13 Plate Offsets (XV)— 1 tO-3-0.0-3-4]. (4:0-1-12.0-2-01. (5-04.8,0.2.01 LOADlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) Ildefi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) -0.05 5-8 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.84 Vert(CT) -0.15 5-8 '611 180 ECLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.61 Harz(CT) 0.02 4 We nla BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITPl2014 Matox-MP Weight: 74 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G SOT CHORD REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=291210-5-8 (mm. 0-1-10). @2912lMechanlcal Max Horzllo(LC 7) Max Grav13005(LC 22). 4=3005(LC 25) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. ConipiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=4560!0 SOT CHORD 1-10--02752.1-11=014349,6-11=014349,S-12=0/4349.4-12=0/4349 WEBS 2-5/3207, 2-4=-488510 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-10-12 oc pudins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-94 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2*6-2 rows staggered at 0-8-0 or.. Webs connected as Follows: 2*4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (5) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL'6.0pst SCDL6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240.0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction 0120% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. Girder carries be-in span(s): 32-0-0 from 0-043 to 84)-0 LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-34-68, 4-0=-874(F-654) [Job Truss Truss type M02 MONO CAL HIP IPIYFT AGNOUA2 10ty 1b Reference (optional) .uuwnl I IU5Id u..... runis. . VZOM Nun: o.qu S U?C 0 U1D rnnr 0L4U SUM 0 21110 MI ies IflaU50105. inc. i "UL= .3 14.3S21 21115 rage i lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVlP7?S5SJz7f4q-SVTVwQh371BxMEoHEWDhMcvQM6rx73ggBypdyX5MK 5-li-li I 544 5-8-12 6-0-0 7-5-12 5-4-4 0-4-8 6.215! 1-5-12 0-0-5 Scale =1:14.8 506 = 5-4-4 6-0-0 7-5-12 J-9-8 5.44 • 11-7-12 1-5-12 0.2-12 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- 12:0-11-4,0-1.41, (6:0-1-8.0-1-81 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL OEFL in (bc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.46 Veit(LL) -0.08 8-11 >999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 SC 0.44 Veit(CT) -0.14 8-11 >632 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO INS 0.17 Horz(CT) 0.01 1 We n/a SCOL 10_0 Code 18C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MP Weight: 32 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puilins. except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 0-0-0 oc pudins (6-0.0 max.): 2-4. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 148210-3-8 (min. 0-1-8), 6=764/Mechanical Max If orz 137(LC 4) Max UplifiS-42(LC 5) Max Grav1583(LC 23), 6=862(LC 33) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-777114 BOT CHORD 1-13=-151729. 8-13=-15/729, 8-14=36/622, 7-14=-361622, 7-15=391613, 6-15=-391613 WEBS 2.8=0/677, 2-7=-384194, 2-6.894157 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.0psf BCDLS.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL= 1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcuirent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This miss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Girder carries hip end with 04114 right side setback, 6-0-0 left side setback, and 8-0-0 end setback. Graphical puilin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puffin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 352 lb down and 81 lb up at 5-8-12 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber hncrease1.25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vet 1-2-68. 2-3=-131, 3-4=68,5-9=-39(F=19) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 2=306 U Jot) Truss Ie Oty Ply MAGNOUA 2A M03 MONO TRUSS 2 i J _i - - - I iJob Reference (optional) Casyornia T,usFrame LLC., Pems, CA, 92570 Run: 82405 Dee 6 2018 Print: 8.2405 Dec 6 2018 MITCh lndustiies, Inc Thu Oct 3 12:39:21 2019 Page 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxteEMVfP7?S5SJz7t4q-SVTVwQh3yy71BxMEoHEWDhMeuOMrrLz3ggBypdyX5MK 3-11-0 6-0-0 7-5-12 7-9-8 I 3-11-0 2-1-0 1-5-12 0-3-12 2x4 II Scalel:16.7 J CS'. TC 0.33 BC 0.39 WS 0.12 Mathx-MP PlateOffsets pc,y 0-140 LOADING (psI) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 DF StudlStd G DEFL in (lc) I/dell L/d PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.09 7-10 >986 240 MT20 2201195 Vert(CT) -0.17 7-10 >526 180 Horz(CT) 0.01 1 n/a via Weight: 30 lb FT = 20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 644cc pwlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1044cc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 1=329/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 6357/Mechanical Max Hoiz163(LC 8) Max Uplift1=-3(LC 12), 6-25(LC 8) Max Grav1429(LC 23), 6455(LC 31) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-13=400/0,13-14=377/0, 244=-37318 801 CHORD 1-11=45t371.7-11=451371,7-12=-451371,6-12--4&371 WEBS 2-6=664/81,2-7=01420 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL6.0psf h=20ft Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 7-9-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWPRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL160 plate grip DOLCI.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 20-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I Job Truss TiiiilType y MAGNOLIA 2A M04 MONO TRUSS 1 USS ILIt ReferenceI 1) 1 Job (optional) ualncmia InJs,-,ameu.c • 'ems. uA, vzotu pun: L4U S UCC b u1b InnI: Si4U suec b uie inure rnUU5U1e5. IflC. mu ucu 1:ruS rege 1 ID' ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-w,0t7mihiGFup4xRM?Illuvphajcap4CvKwWL4yX5MJ 4-6.0 I 4-6-0 Scale = 1:11.5 20 II 3x4 = 4-6-0 Plate Offsets (XV)— 11:04)-0.0-1-11 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL in (lc) I/deS L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) -006 3-6 p895 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.36 Vert(CT) -0.10 3.6 s513 180 ECU. 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.00 HOIZ(CT) 0_01 1 nla n/a ECOL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MP Weight: 14 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-6-00c pudins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals. WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends thàt Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1192/0.3.a (mm. 0-14), 3=192/Mechanical Max Hoal=41(LC 34) Max Upliftl=-264(LC 27), 3-45(LC 36) Max Gravl=363(LC 48). 3355(LC 55) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (to) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-8=-7761731, 2-8=-290/285 SOT CHORD 1.7=466/721, 3..7=..37/354 NOTES. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuttellomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL6.0ps BCOL=8.0psf h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable and zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0.0, Interior(l) 3-0.0 to 4.44 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL--11.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for buss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSWTPI I. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb five located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber 00L(1.33) Plate grip DOL--(1.33) Connect buss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0.0-0 to 4-6.0 for 177.8 pIt. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss TriltitiType Qty Ply MAGNMAGNOLIA 2A A10 MONO CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) i..anronula I iusrraine LLI.., reins, i.A. meatu nun: s.qu S USC S U1S nih: a.qu S USC S 4U15 MuSK Iflausiles. uric. m uci h 1:j,:uq ui rage 1 ID:ZF13c9vxxbrEMVfP77S5SJz7f4q-y9hiAa17CstTFtOvHOHOAoB7wCWWFIOuAsVCV3yX5OT 2-9-13 5-5-4 9-11-11 14-9-8 2-913 2-7-7 4-6-7 4-9-13 Scale = 1:40.8 2x411 4x8 = 4x6= 5-5-4 14-9-8 I 0.4.1 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 16:0-2-12.0-2-01. (7:0-2-0.0-1-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (lc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.82 Vert(LL) -0.33 6-10 '532 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.60 Vert(CT) -0.61 6-10 '286 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.42 Hoiz(CT) -0.03 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 65 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-11-900 purlins, except SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo2G end verticals, and 0.0-0 oc purlins (5-11-1 max.): 1-2. WEBS 20 OF StudStd G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. Muck recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5675/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8),7=70310-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz5=-100(LC 9) Max Upbif15-28(LC 8), 7-57(LC 8) FORCES. (ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-11=-9221235, 11-12=-9311234, 4-12=.1016/230, 4-13=-14501173, 13-14-1461/161, 5-14=-15011160, 1-15=9"323,15-16--941/324.16-17=-9401324,2-17---90/324. 1-7=-6651217 BOT CHORD 6-19=-198/1403, 5.19=-19811403 WEBS 4.8-484/98, 2-S=1811259.1-6--30811030 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL5.0psf BCDL6.0psf; h201t Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Interior(l) 13-7-3 to 14-7-12, Exterior(2) 9.44 to 13-7-3, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 11-11-11, Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 34-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip OOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)• This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purtin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease= 1.25, Plate Increase1.25 Uniform Loads (ph) Vert: 2-3---68, 2-11-68, 11-14-70, 5-14=.68, 1-16-68, 2-16-28, 7-8=-20 Job TrUSS Truss Type uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A A13 CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) dIuianhla I iusrraiiie reins, story nun. .L,u 5 um a tuie mm: oLSU S ILuC C LU1O MuCK Inuu5uLlC5. InC. I (III UCI 3 IC..l .IJ3 LU IS rage lO;ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-QLF5Nw2lzA?Ktlz8ojodi?kJMcqO_d12OWEmlWyX5OS 7-3-15 . 13-312 1 18-0-0 18-8-4 22-0.4 p2508 28.7-14 32-14 , 36-1010 41-0-5 1,17 12 49-0-0 7-3-15 5-11-13 2-8.4 3.4-0 3-0-4 3-7-8 3-5-10 4-9-2 4-1-11 07-7 7-4-4 Scale = 182.4 34 = 3x6 34 3 4 5 28 29 21 30 20 19 18 31 17 32 16 33 15 14 34 13 35 12 36 37 3*6 II 4A 4x6 44 = 4*6 = 3*6 II 4*6 = 5*8 = 6*8 = 8*8 = 5x8 = 8*8 WB : U I Plate Offsets (XV)— [4:0-3-0.Edgel, F60-2-8.0-1-121, 18:0-2-8.0-2-01. 9:0-2-8.0-1-81. 110:0-2-8.0-2-81. (16:0-2-8.0-2-0), 117:0-3-8.0-4-121. (18:0-2-12.0-2-01 LOAOING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFI.. in (lc) l/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) -038 14-16 >999 240 MT20 220/195 ICOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.88 Vert(CT) -128 14-16 >335 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.90 Hoiz(CT) -0.08 20 n/a nla BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015!TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 1144 lb FT .20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc purlins. except TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2x8 OF SS G Excepr 04-0cc puilins (6-0-0 max.): 7-10. Except 82: 2X4 OF StudlStd G 6-0-0 or bracing: 7-10 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd 3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0cc bracing. OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud!Std 3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 11=3727/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 1-1261/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1.8), 2046623/0-3-8 (mm. 0.1-12) Max Horzll=56(LC 9) Max Upliftll-251(LC 8), 1-1496(LC 19), 204-239(LC 4) Max 3rav113735(LC 19). 1=143(LC 8). 2045623(LC 1) FORCES. (ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 10-11=-11390/802, 7-8=46471430. 8-9=-168461895, 9-1110=-1108901782,11-2=4016407' 2-3=191/4063.3-4=-350/46,5-6=-18613900,6-7=-3"3118I BOT CHORD 1-28=43621326, 1-29=-61311433, 21-29=-6131/433, 21-30--61311433, 20-30=-61311433, 19-204-3808/228, 18-18=-38081228,18-31=-156/3295,17-31=-15613295, 17-32=425/8483. 16-32=425/8463, 16-33=-895116846, 15-33=495/16846, 114-115=8951161146, 14-34=-945115884,13-34=-946/15884.13-35--945/15884, 12-35=-945115884. 12-354-779/10877. 11-36=-779110877, 11-37=-54117888 WEBS 10-12=0/2295, 9-12-5458!181. 9-13=0/653,9-14=0/1049, 8-14=-44/1894, 8-16=-85781486, 6-17=-38417630, 6-18=-93821495, 5-18--716180,3-20=-19981116, 7-16=-5912332, 7-17=-62851326, 3-54-184/4017, 2-21-1604/167, 2-204-23212545 NOTES- 1)4-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131"x3) nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x8 -3 rows staggered at 0-4-0cc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Attach TC w/ 1/2 diam. bolts (ASIM A-307) in the center of the member w/washers at 4-0-0 cc. Attach BC willY dam. bolts (ASTM A-307) in the center of the member w/washers at 4-0-0 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face In the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 41 Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph 13-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.opsf; BCD L=6.Opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOLI.6 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pondmg. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p51 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will I between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the ConIVILMRM 2onconcurrent with any other live loads. Job TrUSS I russye Ply MAGNOLIA2A A13 CAL HIP J oy1 Job Reference (optional) Run: 8.2405 Dec 62018Pnec8240sDec 62ol8MiTelclndus5les,Inc. Thu Oct 312:37:052019 Pae2 ID:ZFl3c9v,cxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-OLF5Nw2lzA?Ktlz6cijodi?kJMcqO_d12OWEm1WyX5OS NOTES- Girder carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. This truss has large uplift reaction(s) from gravity load case(s). Proper connection is required to secure truss against upward movement at the bearings. Building designer must provide for uplift reactions indicated. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 698 lb down and 156 lb up at 41-7-12 on top chord, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 18-6-8, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 13-5-8, and 2650 lb down and 111 lb up at 32-1-8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Vert: 10-11-68, 7-8-68, 8-10=-165,1-4--70,14-26---20,14-22=-49(S-29),4-7=-68 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 10-589 14=-2650(S) 18-50 20-50 California TruliFrame I.M. Ferns, CA 92510 Job Truss Truss Type UI)? Ply MAGNOIJA2A A14 CAL HIP I Job Reference (optional) CakrOcaa TrusFrame tiC.. Penis, CA 92570 Run: 8.2413 Dec 6 2018 Piit 8.2408 Dec 6 2018 FATeK Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:37:06 2019 Page 1 lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-vXoTbG2NkU7BUBYlORJsFDHSZ08Hj7qBdA_JZyyX5OR 40-1-4 84-2 13.3-12 , t6.0.0 , 18-8-4 23-6-0 31-10-6 39-5-8 394-13 43-74 • 49-0-C 84-2 4-7-10 • 2-6-4 2-8-4 4-0-12 844 7-7-0 044 3-6-4 ' 54-6 0-7-7 Scale = 1:82.8 3x6 = 3x8 3 3,50112 27 28 18 29 Il 16 15 30 14 31 13 12 32 11 33 34 5*8 3*6 II 4*6 = 6x8 = US = 40= axe =3*6 II 4*8 = US = 154-0 61-2 - 13.3-12 13-5-8 - 16-34 • 23-8-0 • 31-10-8 • 40-1-4 49-04 8.8.2 - 4-7-10 15.1122.8-R 2-4-4 .44-12 - 8-4-8 - 8-2.12 1 8-10-12 Plate Offsets MY)— f1:03-70-0-81. 14:0-3-0.Edgel.E6-0-2-12.0-2-81. 110:0-3-7.0-041.(110-2-8.0-2-OL(15:0-2.0.0-2-0I LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (icc) Udefl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.87 Vert(LL) -0.37 14-15 "999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.97 Vert(CT) -115 14-15 "374 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress tncr NO WB 0.74 Horz(CT) -0.08 17 n/a nla BCDL ItO Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 583 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 6xcep1 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-3 cc purlins, except T3: 2X4 OF No.18Btr G 04-0oc pudins (5-5-9 max.): 8-8. Except SOT CHORD 2x80FSSGExcepr 5-6-ooc bracing: 6-8 84:24 OF No.2G. B2 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Excepr W7:2X4DFNo.23 REACTIONS. (IbIsize) 10=172010-34 (mm. 0-1-8), 1=52/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 17=354510-34 (mm. 0-1-14) Max Hoiz 16=-76(LC 8) Max Uplift10=-139(LC 4), 1-187(1.0 19), 17=-216(LC 4) Max Grav101725(LC 19), 1=224(LC4I). 17=3545(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CampJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 8-9=4798/442, 9-10=-5064/483, 6-7456313,7-254-46011435.25-26=45951436, 8-26=4598/436, 12245l1607, 2-3=01477, 3-4-396!76, 4-5=-300180. 5-54-4I434 601 CHORD 1-27=-930!182, 1-28=-1514/247, 18-254-15141247,18-254-1514/247, 17-29=-1514/247, 16.17=-394148, 15-16=-394/48, 15-30---474/4455, 14-30=474/4456, 14-31=-65516227, 13-31=4M227,12-13=-65&6227,12-32=.65&6227,11-32=-65M227, 11-33=-50514817, 10-334-50514817, 10-34=-295/2944 WEBS 7-11=-17071228, 7-12=.8/274, 7-14=-17531184, 6-15-54111555, 2-17=-26211350, 3-17-7891`75,644-1&1893, 5-15=-388/94, 3-54-51680, 2-18=-10721212, 811z0/834 NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected togetherwith lOd (0.131"x3 nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row, at 0-9-0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x8 -2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-94 cc. Al loads are considered equally applied foal plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph TCDL'8.0p5f BCDLz60psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and rigid exposed : end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=160 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 24-0 wide will between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcun'ent with any other live loads. ii) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. Continued on page 2 Job ITruss 1IrussType MAGNOLIA2A 1A14 1CAI. HIP [7'72Jb Reference (optional) I luarlallc rwll,. n MW. 0405 USC 0 £1110 rum. GaO S USC 0 £1110 ROW inc. i flU IJGt 4 ISJI.U0 41115 rOSS £ lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.vXoThG2NkU7BUBYlORJsFDHSZO8HJ7qBdA_JZyyX5OR NOTES. 12) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 121 lb down and 27 lb up at 39.5-8 on top chord, and 50 lb down and 2 lb up at 13-5.8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE (S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plQ Veil: 8-10-68, 6-25=.102(F=-34), 8-26=-88, 1.3=-70, 3-4=104(F-34), 19.22=.20, 4-6-102(F=-34) Concentrated Loads (Ib) Veil: 17.5O 26-102 Trapezoidal Loads (p1t) Vert: 25.102-to-28=-68 I Job I russ Truss Type MAGNOUA2A 1:15 CAL HIP - J uly -2 IF'ly Job RerenceopUona0 - - COMM TrusrameLU..Pems. CA, 2310 P{Ufl024US USC 0U10 mw b.4VSIJSC DLU1DIVIIISSIflUU!U1S3,IflC. IflUUC .,lh;J,:u14vw 'S91 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4qNjMroc3?VnF26L6Uy8q5nOpelPYKSexLSCIjS6OyX5OO 9-1-10 13-3-12 , 16-0-0 • 18-8-4 23-0-8 31-5-0 37-4-5 .39-7-12 43-8-9 49-0-0 9-1-10 4-2-2 • 2-8-4 2-8-4 4-4-4 8-4-8 5-11-5 • 2-3-7 4-0-13 5-3-7 Scale = 182.8 3x6 = 3*6 3 3x6 zz 5 3.50 L12 2 56 3*8= 9 2*0— W4 32 10 n8 34 35 19 36 iS17 1837 15 38 14 13 39 12 40 41 US Il 4x6 = 44 = 4*6 = 3*8 II US = 5x8 6*6= 5*8= 6x8 = 1604 18-84 9.1-10 • 13-3-12 13,5-8 1844 2348 • 31-5-0 39-7-12 • 4900 9-1-IC • 4-2-2 0-11224-8 2449-142 4-4-4 • 844 8-2-12 944 Plate Offsets (XX)— 11:0-3-7.04-81, (4:0-3-0.Edgel. [11:0-3-7.0-0-81. [12:0-2-8,0-2-01 - LOADING (pat) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS! OEFL in (bc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0_81 Veit(LL) -0.24 15-16 >999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Veit(CT) -0.85 15-16 >505 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress mci' NO WE 0.49 Ho(CT) -0.06 18 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 569 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 844cc purlins. except SOT CHORD 2*8 OF SS G Except 0-0-0cc purtins (6-0.0 max.): 6-8. Except 84:2x$ OF No.2 G, 62: 2X4 OF Stud/SW G 6-0-0cc bracing: 6-8 WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Except BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. W7: 2X4 OF No.2 G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 111475/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 1=16410-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 18=28851044 (mm. 0-1-9) Max Korzll-72(LC 16) Max Upliftll-75(LC 8). 1-78(LC 23). 18=41(LC 8) Max Grav111480(LC 23). 1333(LC 45), 182885(LC 1) FORCES. Pb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 8-26=-37951501, 26-27=-38031500, 10-27=-W721495,10-28=-41691431,11-28=4201/420. 11-29=22101182.6-7=-31121161, 7-30=-37061589, 30-31-37021589, 8-31=-37011570, 1-32=-13911101, 2-32-125/11152.2-33=38/350, 3-33=-251421. 3-4-296/64, 542=-18t375,6-42=-27/353 601 CHORD 1-34=-680/146, 1-35=-1075/155, 19-35=-1075I155, 19-36=-1075/155,18-36-1075/155. 17-18-355/102, 16-17=-355/102, 16-37=-142!3023, 15-37=-142/3023, 15-364-347/4535, 14-38=-347!4535. 1314=347/4535, 13-364-347/4535, 12-39=347/4535, 12-40---43513993,1140-43513993,11-41-251/2408 WEBS 10-12=-308181, 8-12=01625, 7-12=-876/39, 7-13=01324,7-164-1505/271, 6-164-3900/220, 2-164-137/927, 3-18=-599/87, 6-16=-S4/1635,3-5=-491572, 2-19=4381135 NOTES- 2-ply truss to be connected togetherwith lOd (0.131"x3') nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2*4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x8 -2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2*4-1 row at 0-94cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face In the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf, BCDL8.0ps1 h=20ft Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Interior(l) 37-2-15 to 49-0-0, Exteno42) 3340 to 37-2-15, Interior(l) 25-11-8 to 25-114, Exterior(2) 9-4.4 1013-74, Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 11-7-11, Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for 810.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss Is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. Continued on page 2 I I Job TiusS Eruss lype QtyPl MAGNOLIA 2A JA15 CAL HIP 1 I 2 Job Reference (optional) - - Run: 8.2405 Dec 62018 Print: 8.240! Dec 82018 Weit Industries. Inc. Thu Oct 12:7:07 2019 Page 2 ID2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.NjMroc3?VnF26L6liy8q5nQpelPYKSexLsqjs8OyX500 NOTES. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other We loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 18-6-8, and 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 13-5-8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase-1.25, Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert 8-8=48, 8-28=48, 26-28=-7 , 11-29=-68, 6-31=-68, 8-31=-28, 1-4=-7 . 20-23=-20, 4-8=-68 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert: 18=-50 18=-50 I I I I I- California TnisFrame LI.C., Perils, CA. 92570 9 14V 27 11 •" 0 Job I russ 1Tru as Type I MAGNOUA2A I AI6 i IQ" I 1 I lJob 1CALH1P Reference (optional) UO4 '• '" ' " 35-11-12 14-11 • 13-3-12 1840 19-4-8 23-4-9 27-9-0 32-14 35-4-0 41-9-3 • 4900 74-11 54-1 2-84 344 4-0-2 • 4-4-7 4-44 044 5-9-7 7-2-13 Scale z 1:82.4 8*10 MT18HS= 2x4 II 3 4 37 5*6 = 5x8 = 2*4 II 3*6 = 5*8 350112. 30 19 31 is 17 32 18 33 is 14 34 13 35 12 36 4*6 2*4 II 8*8 = 3*6 6*8 = 5*8 = 4*8 2*4 Ii 4*8 = 3*10 MTI3HS= I IS-CO I 5-3-10 13-2.0 13-3-12 1944 2740 35-11-12 44-1-8 . 49-0-0 5-3-10 7-194 0-1i122-84 3-4-8 8-4-8 8-2-12 8-1-10 4-10-10 Plate Offsets (xv)- 12:0-0-15,0-241, [6:0-3-0,0-2-4], [8:0-2-12.0-1-81, [9:0-3-0.0-2-81. [10:00-15,0-1.8], (11:0 -0-0,0-1-fl, 113:0-2-4,0-2-0J, (15:0-3-0.0-2-01, (16:0-2-8,0-1-8), (IS.-0-2- JO -2-81 LOAOING(pst) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFt.. in (bc) Udefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.97 Vert(LL) -0.45 12-13 p951 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.96 Vert(CT) -1.18 12-13 '361 180 MuSKS 2201195 ECU. 0.0 * Rep Stress mci' NO WE 0.89 IIorz(CT) -020 18 n/a n/a SCOt. 10.0 Cede 13C201517PI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight 224 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF Noi&Sb G 5xcepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2.4-4cc pullins, except 13T2 2X4 OF No.2 G 0-00 cc put5n5 (2-10.5 max.): 5-9. Except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Excepr 2-10-0 cc bracing: 5-9 B3: 20 OF No.l&Btr G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-3-2 cc bracing. I Row at midpt 646,4-18 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G -Except- WEBS W5: 2X4 OF No2 G Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cioss bracing be WEDGE installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G Installation aulde. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 111741/O-3-8 (mm. 0-144). 1403/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 18=43504-3-8 (req. 04-10) Max Horzll-69(LC 8) Max Upliftll-166(LC 4), 1=-632(LC 19), I64-353(LC 4) Max Grav111751(LC 19), 1147(LC 8), 16=4360(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 9-26--40411514, 10-26=4099/497, 10-27=4775/456,11-27=4787/433,5-64-6341153, 6-7=-36841528, 7-28=-36841528, 8-28=-3684/528, 8-29=-38891505, 9-264-38731604, 1-2=431/2364, 2-3=-31813401, 3-4=-29213372, 4-37=6741200, 5-37=-7191193 SOT CHORD 1-364-2229/421, 19-30=-22291421, 19-31-24901349, 18-31=-24901349, 17-164-1284/130, 17.32=-12841130, 16-32=-12841130, 16-33=-37512375, 154113=-37512375, 14-164-56514151, 14-34=-565/4151, 13-34=465(4151, 13-35=-559/4493, 12-36--55914493,12-36=463/4S21, 11-364463(4521 WEBS 110-112=41405,10-13=463W, 9-13-32ffl 1, S-13=4341137, 8-15=-639193, 6-1$=-16011764, 6-15=-2516/363,4-16=-418/3150,4-18=-4001/462. 2164-1140I129, 2-19=01664, 5-16=-636/165, 3-18=-302175, 7-15=587/146 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasth87mph; TCDL450psf, BCDLG.opsI; h20ft Cat. II; Exp 8; Enclosed; MWPRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever let and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=i 60 plate grip DOL=1.50 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. All plates are Mr20 plates unless otherwise indicated. ThIs buss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2-0-0 wide will I between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction 0120% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 18 greater than input bearing size. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlln representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. Continued on page 2 Job Truss TruSsTpe MAGNOUA 2A CAL HIP 1'4 jF'y JJb 1*16 Reference (optional) Nun. 524U $ uec 0 205 1mm: 3.240 S uec o 2015 MITeS Inausmes, IAC. mu OCt 5 123TUS 2019 Pane 2 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-rwwD?x4dG5NvkVhhWsLKl(eMmRpqqB??U5UTQenjX5OP NOTES- Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 242 lb down and 54 lb up at 354-0 on top chord. The designIselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease11.25, Plate Increase125 Uniform Loads (p11) Vert 9-26=48, 26-27-70, 11-27-68, 5-28=-136(F=-68), 9-29=158,11-4=70,20-23=40, 4-37=-68, 5-37=-136(F=48) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 29=-204 Trapezoidal Loads (p11) Vest: 29=-136-to-29=-102 I ni,rrue LL... rems LR. vzoid Scale z 1:82.5 5x6 II 2x411 3x6 3 4 5x8 =4x6= 2x4 II 10 35 20 36 19 18 37 17 38 16 15 39 14 40 13 41 4X6 = i(4 11 5x8 = 3*8 = 5x8 = 4x8 =Us = 4*8 = 2*4 II 4*8 = 3.50 L!2. I russ Truss Type Ply MAGNOUA 2A CAL HIP IQty 1 1 1A17 - Job Reference (optional) lD-ZFl3c9v,xbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-rwwD?x4dG5NvkVhhWsLKKeMpdprOB?KU5UT0erybP 74-11 13-3-12 16-04 19.44 234-9 27-9.0 32-1-6 33-4-535-11-12 41-9-3 7.6-11 5-9-1 2-8-4 3-4-8 • 4-0-2 4.4-7 4.4-6 1-2-15 2-1-7 5-9-7 7-2-13 5-3-10 13-2-0 7-104 150-0 13-4-12 1944 04-12244 3-4-8 27-9-0 9-4-8 35-1 1-12 - 5-3-10 Plate Offsets (XX)— (&0-24,0-2-Ol.I9:0-2-8.O-2-8I, (12:OJ' 0.0-1-11. (14:0-2-4.0-2-01,[16:0-2-12.0-1-81, (17:0-2-8.0-2-41, (190-2-1 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in ((cc) Well Lid TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 115 TC 0.77 Vert(LL) -0.37 13-14 >999 240 ICOL. 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.93 Vefl(CT) -1.03 13-14 >416 180 BCLL 0.0-Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.87 Horz(CT) -0.15 19 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code ISC2015/TPl2014 Matrix-MSI-1 PLATES GRIP M120 2201195 Weight: 226 lb FT = 20% I LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-8-0 cc purlins, except TI: 2X4 OF No.1&8tr G 0-0-00c purlins (3-94 max.): 5-9. Except GOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 3-9.0 oc bracing: 6-9 WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-5-7c bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-19 [Mflek recommends that Stabilizer; and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 12=136010-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 1-12II0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 19=3194/0-3-8 (mitt. 0-3-7) Max Horz12-74(LC 16) Max UplIft12-7I(LC 8), 1=-350(LC 23). 19=-47(LC 8) Max Grav121369(LC 23). 1167(LC 35). 19=3194(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 9-27=-2723/432, 27-28=-27701427. 11-28=-28231418, 11-29=-3537l292, 29-30=-3600/281, 12-30=-36111272. 8-7=-22351309, 7-31=-22351309, 8-31=-22351309, 8-32-26641507, 9-32=-2680/S07, I-33=-226Il448, 2-33=-21611486, 2-34=-15012340, 3-34-14612442, 34-119/2411, 4-5-273I117 801 CHORD 1-35=-13901229, 20-35=-13901229, 20-36=-1820/156, 19-38=-16201156, 18-19=-10001119, 18-37=-110001119. 17-37=-10001119, I7-38=-11511310, 16-38=-115I1310, 15-16=-39112639, 15-39=-39112639. 14-39=--39112639, 14-40=-39313312, 1340=-39313312, 13-41 =-310/3395. 12-41=-31013395 WEBS 11-1340/476, 11-14-7051108, 9-14=01439, 8-19=-554/232, 6-16=-13711251. 6-17=-I60I/209, 4-17=-151I1931, 4-I9=-2685/193. 2-19=-1084/114, 2-20401620, 5-17=-299181, 3-19=-307/77, 7-16=-299/68 NOTES- I) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd407mph; TCOL.opsf; BCDL40.0ps1 h20ft Cat. II; Eip 8; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Interior(l) 37-2-15 to 494-0, Exterior(2) 33-0-0 to 37-2-15, Interior(1) 29-7-8 to 29-7-8, Exterior(2) 13-0-4 to 17-3-2, Inteiio41) 3-0-0 to 15-7-11, Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-Ozone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed:C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L 1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. ThIs truss has been designed for 810.0 psI bottom chord live load nonccncurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 344 tail by 240-0 wide will I between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSl1TPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical puilin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 4*S14i8Et2ndard Job truss Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOUA 2A JAll CAl. HIP 1 I Job Reference (optional) Cahfcmla T,usFrarne LLC., Pëflis, CA 92570 Run: 8240 s Dec 6 2018 P,kit: 8.240 s Dec 6 2018 Mileic IndustileS, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:37:08 2019 Page 2 lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz714q.wwD?x4dG5NvkVhhWsLXKeMpdprOB?XU5UTOeryX5OP LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lnciease=1.25 Uniform Loads (plO Vert: 9-10-65, 9-28-68, 28-30-70, 12-30-68, 5-32-68, 9-32-28, 1-4-70, 21-24-20, 4-5-68 L 28 10 C Job Truss I russ Type Qty Hy MAGNOUAZA A18 CAL HIP - - ' jot, Reference (opbonal) - Catfonva TnjsFrame LLC.. Perris, CA 92570 14un: 92405 Dec 82018 Pflnt: 8.240 S Dec 52018 MITSX Incuamea, IflC. mu uci 3 12.3s':09 ZU18 "age -1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7S5SJz7f4q-J6UbDH5F1PVmLeGt3ZsZsruyPOCawQ8dJ7CZAHyX5OO 1740 31-11-12 8-9-12 , 13-3-12 , 17-0-4 17711 21-8-3 27-3-13 . 31-4-0 31--5 37-9-13 42-10-15 • 49.0.0 8-9-12 • 4-8-0 ' 3-8-8 0-7,!? 4O-3 5-7-10 • 4-0-3 045 5-10-1 5-1-2 6-I-I 0-0-5 07.7 Scale = 1:82.4 5x6 5x6 - 4x6 4x6 - 350111 17 15 33 18 34 3516 36 14 37 13 12 38 11 39 4*6 = 2x4 II 1*6 = 6x8 = 4*6 = 4*6 = 4*8 = 3*6 = 4*8 3x8 = 7-0-2 13-3-12 17-0.4 24-6.0 31-11-12 40.4-11 49.0-0 7-0-2 6-3-10 3-8-8 7-5-12 7-5-12 84-15 8-7-5 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— 13:0-3-0.0-1-121.15:0-3.0,0-1-121. (7:0-2-4.0-2-81.110:0-0-0.0-1-11, (12:0-1-8.0-2-01, [14:0-3-0,0-1-121, [15:0-2-12.0-241 LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (Icc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.96 Veit(LL) -0.41 11.12 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.87 Vert(CT) -1.04 11-12 2,413 180 BCL.L 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.98 Horz(CT) -0.17 17 n/a it/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI20I4 Matrix-MSH Weight: 224 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 23(4 OF No.1&8tj- G'Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-9 cc porlins, except 12: 2X4 OF No.2 G 0-04cc purlins (3-4-2 max.): 4-7. Except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except' 3-4-0cc bracing: 4-7 83:2X4 OF No.l&8tr G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-10-14 cc bracing. WEBS 23(4 OF Stud/Std G'Except' WEBS I Row at midpt 5-15 W4: 23(4 OF No.2 G Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be I WEDGE installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer R19)lt 2*4 OF Sbid/Std Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=1603/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-11), 1=-8/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 173544/0-3-8 (req. 0-3-12) Max Horzl0=58(LC 13) I Max Upllftl0=-111(LC 4), 1-256(LC 19), 17-214(LC 5) Max Gravl0=1603(LC 1), 1189(LC 40), 173544(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AD forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 7-5440081327, 8-25=-3994/319, 9-25=4044/309, 9.26=-4358/361 10-26=4370/345. 5-254-21041288, 6-29=-21041288, 6-304-28371324, 30-31=-28311325, 7-31=-2825/325, 1-2=21411362.2-3--120=64 SOT CHORD 1-33=-12641216, 18.334-1264/216, 18-34=-14121165, 17-34=44121165,17-35=-19651170, 161,11171,1146=-11111, 15-354-162/1526, 14-36=-162!1526, 14-37=-25312600, 13-37=-25312600, 12-13=-253/2800, 12-38=-31513607, 11-38=-31513607,11-39=-36514125,10-39=-35514125 WEBS 9-11=-336/99, 8-11=0/555, B-12=-903/94, 7-12=0/404,6-12=0/370. 6-14=-10171158. 5-14=-53/1186, 5-154-2210/244, 4-15=-454/72, 3-154-247/2963, 3-17=-2945/248, 2-17=10271112,2-18=01534 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=6.opsf; BCDL-8.opsf; h20ft; Cat. It; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip OOL1.80 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size atJoint(s) 17 greater than input bearing size. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points alonç Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pumlln along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 161 lb down and 36 lb up at and 161 lb down and 36 lb up at 31-4-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). Job Truss TrUSS Type uty MAGNOliA 2A A18 CAL HIP 1 rly IJob Reference (optional) Cafonss TnjsF,sme LLC.. Pens, CA. 92570 Run:8.240s Dec 62018Pi1nl:8.240sDec 62O18MiTekIndustnes,Inc. mu act 312:31:092019 Pap 2 ID;ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-J6UbDH5F1PVmLeGt3ZsZsruyPDCawQ8dJ7CzAHyX500 LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead i' Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 7-25-68, 25-26-70, 1O-2648, 4-28-102, 28-30-102(F-34), 7-30-102, 1-32-70, 4-32-68, 19-22-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 27.136 31 -1 36 5*6 5*6 :::- 3x6 = 4*8 4*6 = 5*10 = 4*6 = 2*4 II 4x6 = 3*8 = 5*8 = £- 11 JU 16.31 ' 14 0.9 13 3.5°Li Job Truss 'Truss Type y MAGNOLIA 2A A19 CAL HIP 1 17 1 Job Reference (optional) California TweFrane LLC. 9,5A--92570 Run: 82408 Dec 62018 Print 8.2405 Dec 62018 R5TeK IndusfrleS. Inc. Thu Oct 312:37:10 2019 Pane 1 lD1Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-n12_Od6uoiddzor3dGNoP3R8rdXJftDnYnyXijyX5ON 19.8-0 29-11-12 13-3-12 19.04 18-i 11 24-6-0 294.0 2944 36-1-4 42-8-8 49-0-0 8-9-11 46-1 • 5.8-8 9.7]? 4-10-0 • 4-10-0 d-6- 6-1-8 • 6-7-4 0-0-5 0-7-7 Scale = 1 £3.8 7-0-1 13-3-12 19.0-4 29-11-12 39-7-8 49-0-0 7.4-I 4.11 ..*.P lfl..11._111 4-7-12 444 Plate Offsets MY)— fl:0-O-O.O-1-11, (4:0-34,0-1-81, (11:0.0 -0.0-I-I I. (13:0-5-0,0-341. (14:0-34,0-2-41 LOADING(psf} SPACING- 2-0-0 CS!. DEFt.. in (lc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 TC 0.85 VeIt(LL) .0.80 13-14 3-715 240 MT2O 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 Sc 0.90 veil(CT) -128 13-14 >334 180 BCU. 0.0 1 Rep Stress tncr NO WS 0.91 Horz(CT) -0.18 15 nfa nla SCOL 10.0 Code I8C2015ITPI2014 Matiix-MSI-t Weight 219 lb FT 20% LUMBER- BRACING. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 'Excepr TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-6-10 cc purlins, except TI: 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G 0400c purlins (4-1-5 max.): 5-7 Except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G 'Except' 4-1-0cc bracing: 5.7 Bi: 2X4DFNo2G BOTCHORD Rigidcelãlg 4firectly applied 0r3-9.1 cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G WEBS I Row at midpt 6-14 WEDGE Wrek recommends that Stabilizers and required oross bracing be Right 2*4 OF Stud/Sal -G installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=15810-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), I52828I044 (mitt 0-3-0), 11=144110-3-8 (mm. 0-1-10) Max Horzll65(LC 30) Max Uplift1-527(LC 30), 16-322(LC 22). 11.820(LC 19) Max Grav1578(LC 35), 162828(LC 1), 111542(LC 40) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 74=-2487/1430, 8-94-3311/I 393. 9-24=-343511711, 10-24=-3619/1930, 10-25=4384/2520, 11-25=.445212581, 5-26--560/185, 6-26=-854/667, 6-21-20241566, 7-27=-2016/803, 1-2=-1536/I729, 2-3=-il V1480, 3-44-430/1486, 4-28=-895/549, 5-294586/347 SOT CHORD 1-29=1695/1555. 17-29=-169511555, 17-30=-183811531, 16-30=-1838!1531, 16-31=-2313/1604, 15-31=-2037/1604, 14-15=-14011164, 14-32=-95111697, 32-33-1497t2161,33-U-15191=511, 34-35=-207312812, 13-35=-280113540, 13-394-2622/4013,12-394.2622(4013, 12-37=-253114269, 11-37=-2531l4269 WEBS 110-12=49=411,842=4W8, 8-13--10111177,743=-164/396, 6-134-321/756. 6-14=-14061426,4-14=41&2394,4-16=-22M94,2-16--959/186,2-17-W522 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vutt"llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.0psf BCDL6.0psf h=20ft Cat. II; Eq B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL=160 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p5f on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 34-0 tel by 2411-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with SCOt. = 10.Opsf. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at at panel points along the Bottom Chard, nanconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 4800 lb. Lumber OOL=(1.33) Plate grip OOL=(1.33) Connect buss to resist drag along bottom chord from 20-9-0 to 3444 for 342.9 pIt. Graphical pudin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) chat be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 40 lb down and 9 lb up at 194-0 40 lb down and 9 lb up at 29-4-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. Continued on page 2 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job TIUSS Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A A19 CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) C4Ton8a Trusprarne J.C., Pems, CA 92510 Run: 82403 Dec 6 2018 Print: 8.2403 Dec 6 2018 lTek lnthasines, Inc. Thu Oct 312:37:102019 Pace 2 lD:ZFI3c9vbrEMVP7?S5SJz7f4q-nl2_Qd6uoddw3dGNoP3R8rd)UftDnVnyXyX5ON LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Veit: 7-24-68, 24-25-70, 11-25-68, 5-7-68, 1-28-70, 5-28-68, 18-21-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 26-34 27x34 n Li Job TruSs Truss Type 1Qty MONO IlJobReference(optional) MAGNOLIA 2A A20 - I iusrrame UJ.., rams, LA, vziu lein: 8.240 s Dec 82018 Print: 82408 DeC 8 2018 MITeX lndu$VIe$, Inc. ThU Oct 3 12.37:112019 Pane 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbEMVIP7?S5SJz7f4q-FVcMez6WZ0lUbyOFB_vlyG_M_1u3OMgwnRMF9yX5OM I 6-6-5 14-9-8 8-6-5 • 8-3-3 2*4 II 2 Scale = 1:27.8 4*4 = 8-6-9 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- :0-0-5,0-1-121. (4:Edae.0-2-01 I LOAOING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.70 TCDL 14.0 Lumber OOL 1.25 BC 017 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr I NO WS 019 BCOL 10.0 Code 18C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G I WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std C I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4=64710-3-8 (min. 0-1-8). 5=670/1ilechanical Max Horz4-119(LC 8) Max Uplift =-8(LC 8), 8=46(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. I TOP CHORD 3-13--123810,13-14--1299/0,4-14=-131110 SOT CHORD 6.15-11711015. 5-15=-I 1711015, 5-16=42/1188,4-16=4211188 WEBS 3-5=01550, 34=-11001126 6-2-15 OEFL in (bc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.44 5-6 '399 240 M120 220/195 Vert(CT) -0.74 5-6 '234 180 llo,z(CT) -0.03 6 n/a We Weight: 59 lb FT r 20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-8-2oc purtins. 601 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-1-6 oc bracing. Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuft=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd-87niph; TCDL=6.opsf; BCDL6.0psl h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 14-94, Exterior(2) 0411-0 to 3-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end veitical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pill bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 344 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun'ent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase--I 25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-12=-68, 12-14=70.4-14-68, 7-8-20 I I ftOb Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MAGNOt.LA 2A A21 MONO CAL HIP 1 Job Reference (optional) ffT1IC I flIdITI U.1.... rfl5, I..P. Wmfw ,IR1; O.4U 5 L?IC U zuio rnm U.54U 5 Lmu U SU1U lvi im IlviUSUlUS, UK. 1151 'US .1 Li:f;11 SUbS IUUC 1 lO:ZFI3c9v2othrEMV1P7?S5SJz7f4q-FVcMez6WZ0IUbyQFB_vlyG.OL1w2QPVwnRh4F9yX50M 0-11-13 0-114 1-74 7-4-7 14-9-8 0-11-80-6-5 5-9-3 7-5-1 07.7 Scale = 126.7 40 354 = (vi 2x4 II 1-7-4 9-8-1 1444 1-7-4 5-fl-I1 5-1-7 Plate Offsets (XV)- [3:0-0-1.0-1-121. 140-0-0.0-1-11. (6:0-2-80-2-81 LOAOING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. OEFL. in (lc) lldefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.55 Vert(LL) -026 5-6 473 240 MT20 220195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 SC 0.74 Vert(CT) -0.48 5-6 '366 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.65 Horz(CT) -0.05 7 ri/a ala ECOL 10.0 Code IBC20iSITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 69 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-13 or, pudins, except 601 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals, and 04-0cc puilins (6-0.0 max.): 1-2. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Ste G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied Of 4-4.8 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required aross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Instalation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4=865/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 7=83710-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8) Max Hoa4=-132(LC 26) Max Uplift4=-619(LC 19). 7-173(LC 20) Max Grav4=957(LC 40), 7837(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompfMax. Ten. - AU forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 211=916l713, 311=121eI1001. 3-12=-250411702. 4-12-2596/1787, 1-13=-311161. 13-14=-307160. 2-14=352/211, 1-7=-9381116 BOT CHORD 6-15=-3991390. 6-16=-115711844. 16-17=-191812027. 517=.191812413, 5-14=-1769/2494, 4-18-176912494 WEBS 3-5=-21546, 3-6=-928!259, 1-6=-72/871 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOLS.opsf BCDL6.opsf; h20ft Cat II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; and vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1 .60 plate grip DOL-1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chard live load nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0p51 on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect buss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 8-9-8 to 14-9-8 for 250.0 plf Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pullin along the top andlor bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shal be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 161 lb down and 36 lb up at 0-11-a top chord. The designlselection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lnarease1.25. Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 2-11=-68, 11-12--70, 4-12-68, 113136(F34), 2-13=-102, 7-8-20 Continued on page 2 Job ITrUSS TrUSS Type 1u1yPIy 2A A21 I MONO CAL Ii jJob Reference (optional)HIP optional) - - caicnsa Injsrame u... Iems, UA. W2lU LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Veil: 14436 524U S USC S 1U15 mm 524U 5 USC S win MIISX IflCU5i55. Inc. mU VC( 4 1C41.I1 U1S rage i ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.FVcMezSWZOlUbyQFB_vlyG_OL1w2OPVwnRh4F9yX5OM Truss Uty Fly MAGNOLIA 2A I A22 Truss Type J MONO CM. HIP 1 Job Reference ce j0ptionaI) ..•••• ....., •••s, . mu; 5.4U5 WSV S LUID ruiw O.4W1J 5 USV S SU1S MI 155 IflOU5UIS5, inc. i flU UC J 111Zulu raiis lD2FI3c9vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-jhAkrJ78KKtLC8?SlhOGUUWUvQEO7wM4?5RdncyX5OI. 2-9-13 • 5-5-4 9-11-11 14-9-8 2-9-13 2-7-7 4-6-7 4-9-13 Scales 1:24.8 2x411 4x8 I 5-5-4 . 14-9-8 c.4 c-a.' Plate Offsets (XX)- 16:0-2-12.0-2-01, (7:0-2-0.0-14)) - - LOADING(lost) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL in (icc) Udefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.82 Vert(LL) .0.33 6-10 "332 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 140 Lumber DOL 125 SC 0.60 Vert(CT) -0.61 6-10 2,288 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.42 Harz(CT) -0.03 7 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code 15C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 65 lb FTc 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd 0 SOT CHORD REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=87570-3-8 (min. 0-1-8), 7703/0.3.8 (mm. 04-8) Max Hoiz5=.100(LC 9) Max Uplift5=-26(LC 8), 757(LC 8) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CocapiMax. Ten - All forces 250 (ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 211=9221235. 111-112=93=34.4-112=110161=, 4-113=.1145011173,13-14--146111611, 5.14=15011160, 1-15=-944/323, 15-16=-9411324,16-17-940/324,2-17=-940/324, 17=.665r217 SOT CHORD 619=.198(1403, 5.19=19W1403 WEBS 4.6=.484/98. 2-6-1181f259,1141=41=11030 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-11-9cc puilins, except end veiticals, and 0-6-0cc pwllns (5-114 max.): 1-2. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. I Mileic recommends that Stabilizers and required aoss bracmg be Installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOniph (3-second gust) Vasd=8lmph; TC0L-8.0ps1; BCDL8.0psf h20ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Intedor(1) 13-7-3 to 14-7-12. Exterior(2) 944 to 13-7-3. lntenor(1) 3-0-0 to 11-11-11, Exterior(2) 044 to 3-0-Ozone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and fonces & MWFRS for reactlans shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL-1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pond/rig. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 344 tall by 244 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2308.1 and referenced standard ANSI/WI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all odd panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purrui representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead • Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lnereasec1.25, Plate lncreasec1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert 2-3---68, 2-11.68, 111470. 514.68, 1-15=48, 2-15=-28, 7.8.20 Job Truss Truss Type Oty idly MAGNOLIA 2A I A23 MONO CAL HIP I Job Reference (optional) ..5IIWfT15 I iusrrame ui.. rem, IA, vzom Nun; D.qU 5 USC 0 Zulu I-TVIL 0.4U S usc o AWID MuSS unuusuies. inc. i flu vci ., 1;Jf.1s uis rage 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-ihAkrJ78KKtLC6?SlhQGUUWVtQEX7xl4?5RdncyX5OL 4-9-13 5-5-4 9-11-11 14-9-8 4-9.13 0-7-7 4-6-7 I 4-9-13 Scale = 1:24.6 4x4 = 2x411 456 5-5-4 14-9-8 q44 Plate Offsets (XV)- [1:0-1-12.0-2-01.12:0-1-12,0-2-01.15:0-2-8,0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSL DEFL in (bc) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.75 Vert(LL) -0.33 5-9 '532 240 MT20 2209195 TCDL 14.0 LumberOOL 1.25 BC 0.79 Veit(CT) -0.61 5-9 .290 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.35 Horz(CT) -003 6 Na nla BCOL 10.0 Code 16C201511P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 62 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Sbuctwal wood sheathing directly applied or 5-1-5 oc puilins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals, and 0-0-0cc purIna (6.0-0 max.): 1-2. WEBS 20 OF StudlStd G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. MiTeic recommends that Stabilizers and required aces bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (IbIsize) 4=64410-3-8 (muto-1-8),6-64410-3-8 (mln.O-1-8) Max Horz4-103(LC 6) Max Upllft4.81(LC 5). 6-90(LC 5) FORCES. (lb) - Max. ConipiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3-893!110, 34=-1438/240, 12-8171122, 1.6806/108 SOT CHORD 5-11=-234/1347, 4-11=-23411347 WEBS 3-5--5591187,1-6-J&883 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Weld: ASCE 7-10; Vultsllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOLS.0psf 3CDL60psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip OOL'1.50 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2404 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250 Gb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the pudin along the top andlor bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I-i Ii I I I Job Trus Truss Type uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A A24 MONO CAL HIP i I I Job Reference (optional) casonlia itusrrame u.c • efl1S, CA, 0Z1O 11=15.2408 usc 021110 IflflV 0.240 S usc 02010 reiex IflaUSgies, IflC. (flu UCI 2 122L12 2010 iaqe 1 lDZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-jhAkrJ78KKtLC6?SIhQGUUWV?QGn7yv4?5RdncyX5OL 3-9-8 6-9-13 7-5-4 14-9-8 3-9-8 3-0-5 '0-7-7 7-4-4 Scale = 1:24.5 4x6 2x4 If 4x6 = 458 = 7.5.4 14-9-8 7_c_ • 7_A.4 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— R2:2-8.0-2-01.13:0-2-0.0-1-121.14.0-0-0.0-141.16.0-2-12.0-2-01 LOADING(psi) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.75 Vert(LL) -0.25 5-6 '716 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 064 Vert(CT) -0.37 5-6 '480 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WE 032 Horz(CT) -0.03 6 n/a We BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015fPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 58 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-11-15 oc purtins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals, and 0-0-0 oc pudins (5-8-9 max.): 1-3. Except WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 5-941 oc bracing: 1-3 GOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Mrrek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 4644/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 6=644/0-3-8 (miii. 0-14) Max Hoiz4-81(LC 6) Max Uplift4-82(LC 5), 6.88(LC 5) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4=-1243/150, 2-3=-1130/166 801 CHORD 6-10=-127/798, 5-10=-127/798, S-11=-12211127, 4-11=-12211127 WEBS 2-5-231453,2-6=-9001171 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 740; Vult=ll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph;TCDL=60psf BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL--11.60 plate grip DOL'1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)• This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6411 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlITPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0Ib five located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical pudin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I Scale = 1.57.6 6*6 = D1400# Job truss T0ililT Pe ' I MAGNOUA IJob 1806 1GABLE ji Reference (optional) - i.;aIITOnUa Irus,-ralne LU.;. rums. LA, 54IU Nun; equ, USC e £U1D rum; e.qu 5 USC S U1O miies inuuswss, 1M.flu .jci ., ,. ,., suw ID:ZFl3c9v,orbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-81k63f8m5d?CqGaelPxV1h3dPqbnsGtDEIABJ2yX5OK 7-6-0 7-9-5 14.9.4 18.0-0 21-2-12 . 28-2-11 286-0 3640-0 7-6-0 0-35 6-11-15 • 3-2-12 3-2-12 6-11-15 0-35 7-641 8*6 = 2M 11 8*10= US 8*10= 20 11 8*8= 7-9-5 • 14-9-4 21-2-12 28-2-11 35-O-0 749-5 6-11-15 6-5-8 6-11-15 7-9-5 Plate Offsets(X,Y)- (1:0-3-5.Edqel, (4:0-3-0.0-2-81. 17:0-3-5,Edge1j9:0-2-12,0.4-01 (11:0-3-12.0-4-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2.0-0 CSI. OEFL in (bc) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.96 Vert(LL) -0.13 11-12 '999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.37 12-38 2681 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.85 Hoiz(CT) -0.06 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 267 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X6 OF N0.23 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G Excepr W6: 2X4 OF No2 3, W3,W5,W?: 2X6 OF No.2 G OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd 3 -Except- STS: 2x8 OF No.2 G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-10-9 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6404 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-9.6-9,2-11 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (Ib(size) 1=1320/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=381/0-54 (mm. 0-1-8), 9=5235/0-5-8 (req. 0-5-9) Max Horz781(LC 36) Max Upliftl-306(LC 21), 7-269(LC 30), 9-834(LC 21) Max Grav11360(LC 43), 7516(LC 39), 9=5235(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-3509/1066, 2-3=-7781411, 3-4=-752/490, 4-5=-547/2783, 5-6=-100612944, 6-7=-10351952 BOT CHORD 1-42=471/1755.1-43=-104913351.12-43=1049/3351,12-44=-104913351. 11-44=-1049/3351. 10-11=-1167/798, 9-10=-11671798, 945=-6071727, 45-46=4071727, 8-46=4451565, 847=-3421463,7-47-7961826,7-48=4911683 WEBS 4-9=-34331586, S-9--10621433,6-9=2966/644,4-11=-478/2609,3-11=10071428, 2-11=-2959/554, 2-12=01560,8-8=0/563 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOLS.opsf; 8C0L6.0psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/WI 1. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 0G. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcuirent with any other live loads. * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will (It between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) 9 greater than input bearing size. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuffent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed fora total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(i .33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 26-5-0 to 364-0 for 146.1 p11. Girder carries hip end with 7-641 end setback. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 652 lb down and 200 lb up at 28 and 652 lb down and 200 lb up at 748-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of othe In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). Wfftigifffltirldard Exp. 6/30/21 NO. C53821 IJOb Truss lrussType "" Ply MAGNOLIA 2A Boa GABLE 1 - - - Job Reference (cctional) u1u5rJflK Lii..., rca,.. I..,. fl7,U LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-2-68, 2-4=-157(F=-89), 4-6=-157(F---89), 5-7-68, 36-3946(F-26) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert 6.510(F) 2=-51 Off) ,un: D4U 5 USC S AU16 rTU1L L4U $ USC 0 £1110 Ml 1011 lfll1U5U1S5, UK. i flu u 4 I4I 14 £1115 rac £ lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP1?S5SJz7f4q-Btk63t8m5d?CqGaeIPxV1h3dPqbnsGtDElA8J2yX5OK Job Tiuss Truss Type uty Ply MAMOUA 2A 607 COMMON 6 1 - Job Reference (optionai) - COnijãTiuWrame U.C., Perns,CA. 92570 Run: 8.24(5 Dec 62018 PrInt: 8.2403 Dec 62018 lerelr lfl0US9ieS, Inc. Thu Oct 5 12-j l14 u1 lage 1 lD2F13c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7t4q.g4HUG?90sx73SQ9qs6SkZvcpuEvHbhBMTPwksUyX5OJ 6-4-2 12-4-5 18-0-0 21-2-12 26-6-4 30-5-0 34-2-8 36-0-0 6-4-2 6-0-3 5-7-11 3-2-12 5-3-8 3-10-12 3-9-8 1-9-8 Scale = 1:59.4 6x10 MTIBHS= 3x6 = 4x4 = 6x8 = 294 II 40 = 2x4 II 3x6 = LOADING (PSI) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 14.0 BCU. 0.0 BCOL 10.0 SPACING- 2.0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP Plate Grip DOI. 1.25 TC 085 Vert(LL) -0.38 15-22 877 240 M120 220/195 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Vert(CT) -0.70 11-12 253 180 MTI8HS 220/195 Rep Stress mci NO WB 0.97 HOIZ(CT) -005 1 n/a n/a Code lBC2015!TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 169 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-4-12 cc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G Except' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0cc bracing. 132:2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 1 Row at midpt 5-13 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd 0 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed dining truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10=444/044 (min. 0-14). 1=778/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1.8). 132048!0-5-8 (mm. 0-2-3) Max Horz1081(LC 12) Max Llpliftl0=.65(LC 13), 1-95(LC 12). 13=-158(LC 9) Max Grav10=528(LC 24), 1=787(LC 23). 132046(LC 1) FORCES. (Tb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. -AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 4-5=-216/2322, 5.6=.264/2388, 5-7=-2191278, 7-8=-412/185, 3-23-9621161, 8-23=-SRI/iSO, 9-10=-10441124, 1-24=-1787!242, 2-24=-1735(259, 2-3=-13131147 601 CHORD 1-25=-204!1866, 15-26=-20411866, 15-27=-44!839, 14-27.441839, 14-28=-135/375, 13-28=-1351375. 13-29=-171/341. 12-29=-Ill/MI, 12-30=-1921941, 11-30=-192/941. 11-31=-1921941, 10-31=-1921941 WEBS 8-12=479/149,7-12=0/519, 13-18=-18641172, 5-16=-3931131, 14.16=.5561198, 4-14-62/791, 3-14-10051208, 3-I$0/696, 2-15=-5401197, 4-10=-27471217, 6-16=-23041332, 9.11=0/402 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph;TCDLS.0p5f 8C0L5.opsf; h=20ft Cal II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0. lntenor(1) 3-0-0 to 184-0, Exterior(2) 18.0.0 to 21-2-12, Interior(l) 21-2-12 to 354-0 zone; cantilever left and light exposed; end vertical left and sight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=160 plate grip OOL1.60 AN plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. This buss has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 1 This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tell by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0th vivalocated at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 2644, a 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 21-4-8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead s Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25. Plate lncrease=1.25 Continued on page 2 Job Truss Truss Type Qiy Ply I MAGNOUA 2A 007 COMMON 6 1 Job Relerence (optional) CalifornIa TnjsFrarne LLC.. Pems, CA. 92570 Run: 8.2403 Dec 62018 Pflnt: 8240 a Dec 6 2018 MiTek lndust,ies. Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:37:14 2019 Page 2 lD:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-g4HUG?9Osx73SQ9qs6SkZvcpuEvHbhBMTPwksUyX5OJ LOAD CASE(S) Standard Unifoml Loads (pit) Vert 4-10-65, 1-4-68, 17-20=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 12.50 13-60 I I I IJob Truss Truss Type Uty 1-ly 2A 1 BOBMAGNOLIA COMMON 1 Califonua TruaFrame LLC.. Pems, CA 92510 Run: 3.240a Dec 6 2018 Fflnt 8.2405 Dec 62018 IT5k Ircusmea, IflC mU Oct 412:37:14,0V ra 1 lD2FI3c9vxxtEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q..g4HUG9Osx73SQ9qs6SkZvctQEyPbq8MTPw1cSUyX5OJ .312 4-11-15 • 10-9-0 12-6-8 0-3-12 4-8-3 5-9-1 1-9-8 2x4 II 2 Scale: 1121' 6 2x411 2x411 424 = LOADING(psl) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) I/dell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip OOL 125 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) .0.35 7-8 '420 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOt. 1.25 BC 0.70 I Veit(CT) I -060 7-8 '247 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WE 0.40 Horz(CT) -0.02 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 51 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-7-15 ocpurllns. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Sat G Mirek recommends that Stabilizers and required oross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb(size) 6538/0-54 (min. 0-1-8), 8566lMechanical Max Horz5-130(LC 9) Max Uplift550(LC 9), 8-94(1.0 9) Max Grav54043(LC 33), 8=566(LC 1) FORCES. (lb). Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-14-1112142, 4-14=-1133/27, 4-5-112210 EDT CHORD 8-15=-1771709, 7-15=-177/709, 7-16=.11611068, 6-16=-116/1068, 6.17=-11611068, 5-17=-11611068 WEBS 341=-795/199, 3-740/685. 44=-261/109 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 740 Vultallomph (3-second gust) Vasd407mph; TCDL40.0pst BC L40.Opsf h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 23-5-8 to 26-5-8, Intenor(1) 264.8 to 35-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces S MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load ncnconcurrent with any other live leads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0ps1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 344 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2016 International Building Code section 2305.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuirent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I Job Truss 1Truss Type Qty Fly MAGNOLIA2A 809 JCOMMON I Job Reference (optional) COMM Trusl,ame U.C., Penis, CA 92870 Run: 8.240 a Dec 6 2018 prxit: 82405 Dec 62018 lififfek Industries , Inc. Thu oct 3 12:37:15 2019 Page 1 lDiFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-8GrtUL90dFFw3Zk1Qqzz6686oeleKHOWi3fHOxyX5Ol 03-I2 4-11-15 10-9.0 . 12-6-8 0-3-12 4-8-3 5-9-1 1-9-8 2x411 2 D=1400# Scale: 112=1 8 2x411 2x4 11 4x8 = LOADINGtpsf) TCU. 200 TCDL 14.0 BCLL 0.0 * BCDL 10.0 SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. Plate Grip DCL 1.25 TC 0.33 Lumber DOL 1.25 I BC 0.70 Rep Stress lncr YES WS 0.40 Code I3C2015lTPl2014 Matrix-MSH DEFL. in floc) lidefi L/d Vert(LL) -0.35 7-8 '420 240 Vert(CT) -0.60 74 '247 180 HOrZ(CT) -0.03 8 rile n/a PLATES GRIP MT20 2201195 Weight 51 lb P1=20% LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.20 WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std 0 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 553&0-5-8 (miss. 0-1-8). 8--SW/Mechanical Max Hoa5-165(LC 30) Max U0115-469(1.0 30), 8415(t.0 29) Max Grav5712(LC 47), 8566(LC 1) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-IS or purlins. 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-3-i cc bracing. MITeis recommends that Stabilizers and required aoss bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-13=-3341288, 3-13=-582/529, 3-14=-I527/784, 4-14=-185411071, 4-5=-201511232 BOT CHORD 8-15=481/859, 7-15=-102611353, 7-16=-90911583, 6-16-112711828, 8-17=-1242/1915, 5-17=432812002 WEBS 3-8=-795/269, 3-7=-301685 4.6=-261/163 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Va087mph; TCOL8.0psf BCDLC.opsf; h20ft Cat. II; Erq C; Endosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 23-5-8 to 26-5.8, Inteuios(1) 26-5.8 to 38411-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposad;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This buss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcwTent with any other live loads This buss has been designed for a live load of 200psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 taIl by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSWTPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25001b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOb'(1.33) Plate grip 00L(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 12-6.8 for lltsplL I I I LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss Truss Type I ' MAGNOLIA 2A I COG I lJob 1GASLE Reference (optional) m5rr,u w.. rurn5, ,u Icun: equ 5 uec e Zulu mm; Ø.14U 5 uec a juia MI peji inausuies Inc. nu UCT 3 1:3f:1D U15 raqe 1 ID:ZFl3c9xbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-cSPFhhAf0YOmh)Ib)(UCfKhEI2cp3evfw)PiwNyX5OH 7-11.4 • 16-0-0 244-11 324-0 7-11-4 8-0-12 8-0-11 7-11-5 Scale = 1:51.1 5x6 = 454 = 2x411 5x16 = 4x6 2x411 4ii4= 7-11.4 1544 10-0-0 24-0-11 32-0-0 7-11-4 7-10-0 0--12 5.0-11 7-11-5 Plate Offsets (XV)— "-0-2-12.0-2-01. (3:0-3.0.0-341. [4:0-2-12.0-2-01 LOAOING(PSf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL. 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.26 8-9 .744 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Vert(CT) -067 6-8 .288 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress mci NO WS 0.83 Horz(C1) -0.04 8 n/a nla BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MSt1 - Weight: 219 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr 0 SOT CHORD WEBS 2X6 OF No.20 Except' WEBS W8: 2x8 OF No.2G. W4,W2: 2X4 OF StudlStd G OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=63010-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 1=33710-54 (mm. 0-14), 82791/0-5-8 (mm. 0-3-0) Max Hoiz5=72(LC 12) Max UpIIft5-79(LC 9). 177(LC 8), 8-166(LC 5) Max Grav9=895(LC 20), 1=447(LC 29), 8--27911 (LC 1) FORCES. Pb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4=-7011344.4-S--13581170,1-2=3931347,2-3=-5811341 BOT CHORD 1-38=-771250, 1-39=.2871351, 9-39=-287/351, 9-40=-287/351, 8.40.287/351, 7-8=-18211271, 7-41=-18211271, 641-18211271, 6-42=-18211271, 5.42=182/1271, 5.43=-1181573 WEBS 3-8=-1234/157. 2-8=-14251251, 2-9=01388, 4-8=-2387/296, 4-5=01719 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc putlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. I Row at mldpt 2-8.4-8 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL6.0p51 SCOL=6.0psf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOL1.60 plate grip OOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25011b live located at all mid panels and stall panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease11.25. Plate lncreasel.25 Uniform Loads (p11) Veit 3.5-72,1-3=-72,8-35-20,8-42=91(B=-71),32-42=-20 Job I Truss TiiiiType OliFIy MAGNOLIA 2A GO? COMMON 2 Job Reference (optional) alncmia Tnisl-rame LLc, Pems, CR, 925yo Nun: S240 a Dec 0 Z018 Punt: 3.545 s Dec 5 ZUlU MTeIc Inausines, Inc. mu Dcl 1 1Zi1b ZUlU sage 1 l0:ZFI3c9obrEMVfP71S5SJz7f4q-cSPFhhAfOYOmhjlD_XUCfKhAM2d43jZfwJPrwNyX5OH 8-1-7 16-0-0 23-10-9 32-0-0 8-1-7 7-10-9 7-10-9 8-1-7 Scale = 151.7 5x6 = C 454 = 2x411 3x4= 2x411 5x10 = 454 = 6-0-10 15-9-4 16.0-0 25-11-7 32-0-0 6-0-10 • 94-10 0-242 9-11-7 6-0-9 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— '1:0-2-3,Edoel. (1:0-1-8.04-51. 12:04)-5.0-1-81. (3:0-3-0.Edgel. (4:0-0-5.0-1-81. 15:04-8.0-1-51. (5:0-2-3,Edgel, (8:0-5-0,04-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 240 CSI. OEFL in (bc) lldeti L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.79 Veat(LL) -0.53 6-8 2,359 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.75 Vert(CT) -0.80 6-8 >240 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WS 0.47 HOrZ(CT) -0.02 1 We We BCOL 10.0 Code lBC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 130 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G Excepr W3: 2X6 OF No.2 G WEDGE Left: 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G. Right 2x4 OF StudlStd -G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-10-4oc pullins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-7-7 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-8.2-8 Milek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation auide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 8=1977/0-5-8 (mu. 0-2-2), 5=483/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 1=483/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Homz5=72(LC 12) Max Uplift8=-97(LC 9), 5=-87(LC 13), 1-97(LC 12) Max Grav8=1977(LC 1), 5=534(LC 24), 1534(LC 23) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Jb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-16=0/858, 4-16=-31786, 4-17=-836/158, 5-17=-958/141, 1-18=-958/172, 2-18=-8351189, 2-19=0/786, 3-19=0/858 BOT CHORD 1-20=-92/509, 1-21=-121!669, 9-21=.1271869. 9-22=-195/674 8-22=-195/874, 7-8=-236/673. 7-23=-236/673, 6-23=-236/673. 6-24=-169/869, 5-24-1691869. 5-25=-1271509 WEBS 4-6=01577,4-8=-133&293,3-8=-9531117,2-8---133&291,2-9--4Y576 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.0psf, BCOL=6.0psf, h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Ext.enor(2) 0-04 to 3-0-0. Interior(l) 3-04 to 16-0-0, Exterior(2) 16-0.0 to 19-0-0, Interior(l) 19-0-0 to 3240-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C For members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip OOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in a!l areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 260.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss MAGN OUA ICOS iTr i I -ly 1 I lJob 1COMMON Reference (optional) cakTcnia liusFrame U.L, POIflS, CA D(U P1Ufl L4U $ LJC b pio I'nnl: DZ4U 5 usc e LU15 lye sic lflaUstlles, inc. i nu vci ;4f.1, U1$ raqs I ID2FI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-4fzdu0BH8sWdJttPXF0RBXEJJRxko9kp9N80SpyX500 8-1-7 16-0-0 23-10-9 32-0-0 8-1-7 7-10-9 • 7-10-9 0-1-7 Scale = 1:51.7 5x8 = 4x4 = 2x411 3x4= 2x4I1 5x10 4x4 3x8 II 6-0-10 13-6-0 • 15.9-418.0-0 18.6.0 25-11-7 320-0 A4L1fl i.c.R 171-11 R.fl 7.5.7 6.0-9 Plate Offsets (XV)— 11:0-2-3.Edgel, [1:0-1-8.0-1-51. [2:0-0-5.0-1-81. 13:0-3-0.Edgel. [4:0-0-5,0-1-81,15:0-1-8.0-1-q, (5:0-2-3,Edgej, [8:] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 240-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.53 6-8 P,359 240 MT20 2201195 ICOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.83 6-8 230 180 ECU. 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.47 Horz(CT) -0.03 1 n/a n/a ECOL 10.0 Code IBC2015/TP12014 - Matrix-MSH - Weight: 130 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 80T CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 'Exoept W3:2X6OFNo2G WEDGE Left 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G. Right 2K4 OF Stud/Std -G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-1-2 cc pudins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8.0-0 oc bracing. WEBS I Row at midpt 4-8.2-8 Musk recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTiONS. (lb/size) 8=2080/0-5-8 (mm. 0-24), 5482/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 1482/0-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz8=72(LC 43) Max Uplift8=-274(LC 30), 8=-213(LC 38), 1-395(LC 35) Max Grav8=2080(LC 1), 5532(LC 52), 1552(LC 48) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3.16=.2751891, 4-16--1281802,4-17=-839/217,5-17=-961/473,1-18-14S7/1060, 2-18=4126/804. 2-119=434811178,11-119a41011000 EDT CHORD I-20=-471/694,1-21=-458!934,21-22-488/871. 9-22=411/986,9-23=4571777, 23-24=457/777, 8-24=-6571777. 7-8=429/707,7-25=429/707,25-26=429/707, 6.28=.629/707• 6-27=-552/886, 5-27--4521886,5-28=269/608 WEBS 44=01583,4-8=-1134813116, 3-8=-9631284, 248=-13491342, 2-9=0/582 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult'llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL8.0psf; BCDL=6.0psf h20ft: Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 041-0 to 3-0-0, lntermor(1) 3-0-0 to 16-0-0, Exterior(2) 16-0-0 to 19-0-0. Interior(l) 19-0-0 to 32.0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 1 This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcwrent with any other nyc loads. 81 This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 1400 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DO (1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 4-0-0 for 350.0 pIt. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 184.0, a 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 13-6-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the buss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 Job 1 fUSS Truss Type Qty Ply I MAGNOLIA 2A CO8 COMMON 1 - 1 IJob Reference (ci,tion) - casTcmla lnisPrwTle UA.. rems, .wzotu LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 3-5-72, 1-3-72,10-13-20 Concentrated Loads (Ib) Vert 24-50(8) 25-50(B) IWJ 0.0 5 USC 04110 T1J11. 0.41U 5 USC 0411DAN FISISII IflUU5U1 nag AR U1 'Jul .1 1I0 r lD2Fl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-4fzduOBH8sWdJttPXlORBXEJJRxko9kp9N8OSpy - 4x4 Zt 3x4 = 4x8 = 356 4,t6 = exa= 34 II 498 Job TrUSS Trues Type aty Ply MAGNOUA 2A C09 COMMON 2 - - Job Reference (optional) - -- cazrocnia I nisrrama LU..., rams, iM, tUU nun; a.au a • tti in rig,; C.L'nl C IJCI U LV IC IYSI Cit UVJUDUC 111. IV Wit'S lD:ZFl3c9vx,thrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q.YrX?6MCvvAeUw1ScyXgkImYNrFpXYUy(1Uy?FyOF 8-0-5 . 13-3-12 16-0-0 • 18-8-4 23-11-11 27-0-10 32-0-0 8-0-5 5-3-7 2-8-4 2-8-4 5-3-1 • 3-0-15 4-11-8 Scale = 1:51.9 4-11-6 , 13-3-12 13-5-8 184-8 18,8.4 27-0-10 32-0-0 fl.ti ci.n A-lill as.a - 4-11-8 Plate Offsets MY)— [1:0-4-0,0-2-81, [2:0-0-1,0-2-01, [40-2-0,Edqej. 16:0-3-0,0-1-121.17:0-1-15,0-0-81,19:0-2-12.0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2-3-12 CSI. OEFL in (bc) Udell Ltd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.69 Vert(LL) -022 8-9 "999 240 MT20 2201195 TCOL 16.0 Lumber DOL 125 SC 092 Vert(CI) -0.81 8-9 "278 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WE 0.16 Hoz(CT) -0.06 1 nla n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20151TP12014 Mattix-MSH Weight: 182 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G TOP CHORD 801 CHORD 2x8 OF SS G Except' 62: 2X4 OF StudlStd G, 81: 2x8 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF SwdlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 71189lMethanica1, 1-96210-5-8 (min. 0-1.1), 11135310-3-8 (min. 044) Max Korz783(LC 12) Max Uplift7-151(LC 13), 1-77(LC 8), 11-137(LC 8) Max Grav71203(LC 24), 1962(LC 1), 11=1353(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib).- Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 4-5=-290/91, 5-19=-I 380/231, 649=-1496/229, 6-20=-33331385, 7-20=-34071363. 1-21=-2105/121, 2-21-20271144, 2-22=-1435/254, 3-22=-1381/255,, 3-4=-334/95 801 CHORD l-23=-19/962, 1-24=-7011946. 12-24=-70/1946, 12-25=-19011938. 11-29=-19011938, 10-11=-16211359. 9-10=-162/1359. 9-26=414/2510, 8-28=-414/2510, 8-27=-383/3199, 7-27=313313199,7-28=46911582 -27=-383/3199, 7-28=-i69/1582 WEBS 3-11=-2671141, 2-11-827/261, 2-12=-1081464, 6-9=-12791276, 64=01989, 3-9=-11481206 2-0-0 oc puilins (2-10-6 max.) (Switched from sheeted: Spac4ng >2-0-0). Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOLS.0psf. BCOLS.opsf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 0.0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 30-0 to 164-0, Exterior(2) 16-0-0 to 19-0-0. Interior(l) 19.0-0 to 32.0-0 zone; cantilever left and light exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate gap 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads. • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all area where a rectangle 3-6-0 tel by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 8) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlITPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puilin along the top andJor bottom chord. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shell be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 18-6-8, 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 13-5-8 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25, Plate Increaseo 1.25 Uniform Loads (p0) Vert: 4-7-83,14=43,13-19=-23 Continued on page 2 1Job Truss 1Truss Type COMMON lu" 2 F 1I2A 1C09 Job Reference (cptnaI) I IIarruIc LLk.., rC1U5. t.n. .ta,u LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert; 11-509-5D NUJLb.4U5 uec Du1rnh11:Lqu5Llec bU1bMlICKIflUU33 Inc. inuvc 3if:inNi raged ID;ZFI3c9brEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-YrX?6MCwAeUw1ScyXgIdmYNrFpXVUyO1uy?FyX5OF 1 russ type Qty MAGNOUA28 FC,,r COMMON I Reference (optional) Iwn; OU 5 IJC U £U1U rMr. U.4U 5 LIUC U U1U MIIU IliQUSPIUS, INC. mU U J r ai 1U 6115 ior 1 JD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-YrX?6MCwAeUw1Sc5yXgklmadrGYXZ5yO1uy?FyX5OF 8-0-5 13-3-12 16-0-0 18-8-4 23-11-11 , 7 32-0-0 8-0-5 5-3-7 2-8-4 l 2-8-4 5-3-7 IONIC,- • 4-11-8 Scale = 1.51.9 3114 = 4118 = 3x6 II 4x8 =Gics = 4x8 = 3,c8 II 4x8 = 441.6 • 13-3-12 13-5-8 18-6-8 1844 2740-10 32-0-0 4-11-6 8-4-6 0-1:12 S-I-fl fl-112 6.4.6 - Plate Offsets (YLY)- M-0-1-1S.0-0-1121. (2:0-0-1,0-1-8). 4:0-2-0,EdgeI. [6:0-0-1,0-1-81. [70-1-15.0-0-12) L.OADING(pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (be) Udell Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.54 Vert(LL) -020 8-9 '999 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 16.0 Lumber DOL 125 ac 0.88 Vert(CT) -0.75 8-9 "300 180 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.56 Ho.z(CT) -0.06 1 Na n/a SCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015ITPI2014 Matrix-MSH Weight 182 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2x8 OF No2 0 'Except' 82: 2X4 OF Stud/Std 0 WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G BRACING- TOP CHORD 801 CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-9 oc purlins. Rigid calling directly applied or 10-0-0 or bracing. - MiTeic recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide, REACTIONS. (lb/size) 71041/Mechanical, 1847!0-58 (ruin. 0-1-8). 11=1155/0-3-8 (ruin. 0-1-8) Max Ho,2772(LC 12) Max Uplift7-131(LC 13), 1=-67(Lca), 11=-118(LC8) Max Grav7=1052(LC 24), I847(LC 1), 111155(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CcmpiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (to) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 45z.253179, 5-19=-12571205, 6-19=-13571203, 6-20-2936/337, 7-20.3000/317, 1-21=18611107.2-21=-17931127.2-22=1304t225,3-22=1256/M, 3-4=-293/82 801 CHORD 1-23=4V851 1-24=-63/172Z 12-24=-63/1722. 12-25=-168/1730, 11-25=-16811730, 1011145l1235. 9-10=-14511235, 9-26=463/2231, 8-26=463/2231, 8-27=-335/2819, 7-21-33512819, 7-28=-14711343 WEBS 2-11=407/226,242-1 1 1/441. 6-9=-11051239,64=01907.3-5--10511182 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; vuttllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87niph; TCDL=6.0psf BCDL'6.opsf; hI200; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0.0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 16-0-0, Exterior(2) 16-0-0 to 19-0-0, lntetior(l) 19-0-0 to 32-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; and vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=i 60 plate grip DOL-z-1.60 This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurTent with any other live loads. 4)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6.0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will At between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction 0120% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 23061 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25010b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcuryent with any other live loads. Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 4 lb up at 1844, and 501, down and 4 lb up at 13-5-Son bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I i) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Veit 4-7a-72,1-4-72,13-16-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 11-50 9=-50 I Job truss truss Type NW IFly MAGNOLIA 2A 005 FINK 6 1 Job Reference (optional) Ld5W(fllS I IU5l1S!flS U.i.,, rem, I.M vAviu ILu1: SSSU 5 USC 0 ZU10 1'IVlL L4U 5 USC S ZU10 Ml 1511 Ifl0U5UIe5 inc. i flU 1.151 4 1JU.1S £V1 rage 1 lD2Fl3c9bEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-015NJiDXgTmLY1oIf2vGyJijFehG616dhdVXiyX5OE 6-7-3 . 13-1-0 19-6.13 25-10-8 6-7-3 ' 6.543 6-5-13 6-3-11 Scale = 1:41.8 40 II 4x6 =U4 = 5Xe We= U4 = 5x8 = 841,45 8-6-3 8-5-7 Plate Offsets 0(Y)— L30Q-0.0-O-0i, 150-O-4.0-0-11, 15:0-7-7.04721 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS]. DEFt... in (lac) lldefi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 125 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) .0.43 6-8 '719 240 M720 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DCL 1.25 BC 0.75 Veit(CT) -0.88 6-8 '353 180 BCLI. 0.0 Rep Stress Utter YES WE 029 HOtZ(CT) 0.11 5 &a nla SCOL 10.0 Code 18C2015/7P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight 98 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-3 cc pullins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF Nd G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0cc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StudIStd G MITek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer WEDGE Installation guide. Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lblsize) 1=113910-3-8 (nun. 0-1-8), 6=1139)Medianical Max Hoiz 159(LC 12) Max Upliftl=-110(LC 8), 5=-108(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-26321256, 2-19=-25131277, 2-2(1=-2301/206, 3-20-22231216.3-21=216301. 4-21=-2241/200, 4-22-24311266, 5-22=-2533!248 601 CHORD 1.15=.254/2434, B-18=-264/2434, 8-16=-93/1630,7-18=-93/1630.6-7=-93/1630, 6-17=-203/2346, 5-17=-203/2346, 5-18=48/850 WEBS 241=486/199, 3-8=-53/754, 3-6=49/598,4-8=444/189 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mpb; TCDLz6.0pS BCDLz811psf; Iw20ft Cat. II; Sap C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and CC Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0. Interior(1) 344 to 13-1-0, Extedcr(2) 13-1-0 to 16-1-0, tnteri0r(1) 16-1-0 to 25-108 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and farces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tel by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members Refer to girder(s) for buss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconculrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job TrUSS Truss Type Oty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 006 CAL HIP 7 I Job Reference (optional) ainornja I wwrsrne u., rams, , 51.310 Nun; 0.1.503 USc 01.010 rnrll: 0.1.405 USC 01.010 MuSK IflOU3U1e5. Inc 11W U 4 1:4r.I51.015 ray ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-015NJi0XgTmLYB1off2vGyJgeFceG7a6dhdVXiyX5OE 5-0-1 9-5-0 11-11-11 113-1-0.14-2-5. 16-9-0 21-1-15 25-10-8 5-0-1 4-5-0 2-6-11 1-1-5 1-1-5 2-8-11 44-15 4-8-9 Scale = 143,2 ci 1 456 = 3x10 = 5x6 WS= 3x10 = 5x6 = "_0 16-9-0 25-10-8 - c-c-n • 7.4_fl • 4_I_s Plate Offsets (XV)— 13:0-2-8.0-2-01, 16:0-2-12.0-2-01.I9:0-7-7.110-21. 19:0-0-4.0-0-11. 110:0-2-0.0-1-81, 112:0-2-0.0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (bc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.85 Vert(LL) -0.36 12-15 z,862 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.88 Vert(CT) -0.73 12-15 '423 180 BCU. 00 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.20 Horz(CT) 0.13 9 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015/1P12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 114 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/SkI G OTHERS 2x4 OF No.2 G(1) WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1120910-3.8 (mm. 0-1-8), 9=1211lMechanical Max Horzl=63(LC 12) Max Upl1ft1-183(LC 8). 9-183(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-4-12 oc purlins, except 0-0-0 oc purlins (4-0-6 max.): 3-6. Except 4-0-0 oc bracing: 3-6 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-5-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19-2847/654, 2-19=-2784/668, 2-3=-2490/714, 3-20=-2338/820, 5-20=-2341/819, 5-21=-23061817, 6-21=-23031818, 6-8=-24501711, 8-22=-2641/637, 9-22=-2705/824 BOT CHORD 1-23--4=641,12-23=-68212641,12-24=704/2514,11-24=-70412514, 10-11=-704!2514, 10-25=.545/2505. 9-25=.545/2505, 9-26=-212!906 WEBS 2-12=-349/146, 3-12-103/482, 5-12=-3721285, 5-10-4121286, 6-10-99!461, 8-10=-2531123 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) V2sd-87mph; TCOL=6.0psf, BCDL6.0psf h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, lntenor(1) 3.0.0 to 25-10-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber D0L160 plate grip DOL--1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live toad of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIFTPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical purtin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Job Truss TrUSS Type MAGNOUA2A 007 CAL HIP Qty 1,p7J:R1f111oe 1 (optional) I.aIflP1T1Ia ururiarne W.., reins, u& wAotu pun: s4us USC S zujS rnnr: 52455 USC bU15 mi I an lnaushhles. Inc. mU UCI 4 1: 152U1U rage 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-015NJiDXgTmLYB1oft2vGyJjvFcwG7Z6dhdVXiyX5OE 5-0-1 • 9-5-0 911-11 13-1-0 16-2-5 16-9-p 21-1-15 25-10-8 5-0-1 4-5-0 if-s-Il 3-1-5 3-1-5 0-6-11 4-4-15 4-8-9 Scale = 1.43.2 456 456 4001W 30 = 4x6 = 3x10 =SX6 WB= 3x10 = 6x6 = 9-5-0 • 16-9.0 • 25-10-8 74fl Plate Offsets MY)— (3:0-2-4.0-2-01, (5:0-2-40-2-01,17:0-7-7.0-0-21.17:0-0-4.0-0-1), 18:0-2-0.0-1-81. 1100-2-00-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) lldefi lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) -0.38 10-13 862 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.87 Vert(CT) -0.71 10-13 .434 180 BCLL 0.0 - Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.20 Horz(CT) 0.12 7 We n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 108 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo2G BOT CHORD 2X4DFNo2G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G OTHERS 2x4 OF Stud/STD G(2) WEDGE Right 2x4 OF StudlStd -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1139/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 7=1139/Mechanical Max Hoiz 150(LC 12) Max Upliltl-130(LC 8), 7=129(LC 9) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-13oc purlins, except 0-0-0 cc purlins (4-3-1 max.): 3-5. Except 4-3-0 cc bracing: 3-5 SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. Camp/Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-26681341, 2-17=-26101355, 2-3=-22581250, 3-4--21001255,4-5=20661253, 5-6--22091247.6-18--24781333,7-18=-25351321 BOT CHORD 1-19=-33212476, 10.19=.33212476, 10-20=-21612284, 9-20=-21612284, 8-9=-21612284, 8-21=-271/2351, 7-21=-27112351, 7-22=-1071849 WEBS 2-10=4231176.3-10=0/483.4-10---363/110,4-8=4931108, 5-8=0/464,641=4321156 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDLS.opsf; BCDL=6.0psf h2011t Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 341411. Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 25-10-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.olb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 400f11 4x6 = 300 = 44 = Scale= 1:43.2 11 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MAG1,1011 IA2A oO8 CAL HIP 2IJob Reference (optionai) L.'.1IIOT1a irusrisme u...., rem, .#%, v,u r,uri; 5.5U C usc u vio runr; e.,u s USc U iuio MuSS lnuueuuse, iruc. ni. ucu reys lD:ZFl3c9vxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-UEftuX2D9RnuCALcONZ8pAszdf4d?bfFrLN238yX5OD 3-8-4 7-5-0 7,11-11 13.1-0 18-2-5 l8-9 22-5-12 25-10-8 3-8-12 0-6-11 5-1-5 5-1-5 0.6-11 3-8-12 3-4-12 18 19 20 9 21 22 23 3x8= 358 4x6= 5x8 W8 6x6 6x811 2x411 7-5-0 , 13-1.0 18-9-0 25-10-8 7.5-n 5.5-0 5-5.0 7-1.8 Plate Offsets ((Y)— (1:0-2-3EdgeI. 0:0-0-0,04-51. (3:0-2-0.0-2-01,15:0-2-00-2-01, r7-0-7-7.0-0-21,17:0-0-4,0-G-1 1, (8:0-2-12.0-1-81. 111:0-2-0.0-1-81 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL OEFL in (bc) IIdefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.32 Vert(LL) -0.08 8-10 .999 240 MT20 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.32 Vert(CT) -026 8-10 .999 180 ECU. 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.14 Horz(CT) 0.07 7 n/a n/a BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2015lTPl2014 Mat,ix-MSH Weight: 225 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G OTHERS 2x4 OF Stud/STO G(2) 801 CHORD WEDGE Left 2x4 OF StudlStd -G. Right 2x4 OF StudlStd -G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=1139/0-3-8 (rein. 0-1-8), 7=1139/Mechanical Max Horz140(LC 8) Max Upuftl-138(LC4). 7-137(LC 5) FORCES. (Ib) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. - M forces 250 Pb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2-2673/361, 2-3--24611303.3-4=-23151305,4-5-2256/296, 5-6=-23951293, 6-7-24911337 SOT CHORD 1.18=171/1198, 1-19=-33512494, 11-19=-33512494, 11-20=-32512967. 10-20=-32512967, 9-10=-325/2967, 9-21=-325/2967, 8-21=-325/2967, 8-22=-283/2298. 7-22=-283/2298, 7-23=-1181919 WEBS 311=0!492, 4-11-818/147, 4-10=01358, 4-8=-874/153, 5-8=0/486 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-00c purlins, except 0-0-0 cc puffins (6.0.0 max.): 3-5. Except: 6-0-0cc bracing: 3-5 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected together with 1 O (0. 131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-94 cc. AN loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL-6.Opsf; 5C0L6.0psf h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrant with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for alive load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 81 A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 25001b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcun-ent with any other live loads. Graphical puffin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss Truss Type 1Qty L IFINK 3 i fl lJob - - - DO9 Reference (optional) I warwma LI., rama, owu IUn: aqus uec e2ularllm: 04U5 uec a ua O1IICIIIflQU5O105, Inc. mu uct .m,,:uuio race i lD:ZFl3c9vbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-UEfmX2D9RnuCALcDNZ8pAsvwf_?ZJFrLN238yX5OD 6-7-3 13-1-0 19-6-13 26-2-0 - 6-7-3 6-5-13 6-5-13 6-73 Scale = I 42.2 4x8 It Us = 4x4 = 5x8 INS= 4x4 = 4x6 = I 8-8-15 17-5-1 26-2-0 8-8-15 8-8-5 ' 84-15 Plate Offsets (XX)- 13:0-0-0,0-0-0) LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (too) IIdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TIC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.43 6-8 723 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.75 Vert(CT) -0.87 6-8 360 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES INS 0.29 Horz(CT) 0.12 5 We na BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH I Weight: 98 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G OTHERS 2X4 OF Stud/SW G I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=115110-3.8 (mm. 0-1-8), 1=1151/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horzl=-67(LC 17) Max Uplift5=-111(LC 9), 1-111(LC 8) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1-4°c purlins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Mrrelc recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=-2668/258, 2-15=-2549/279, 2-19=-23361208, 3-19-22591220, 3-20-2259/220, 4-20=-23361209.4-21=25491280. 5-21=-26681259 BOT CHORD 1-15=-26412457, 6-15=-264/2487, 8-16=-92/1668, 7-16=-9211668, 6-7=-9211668, 6-17=-21412467.5-17=-21412467 WEBS 2.8=-487/199. 3-8=-55/749, 3-6=-55/749, 4.-6=-487/199 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87niph; TCDL60psf BCOL-6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 041-0 to 3.0-0. Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 13-1.0, Exterior(2) 13-1.0 to 16-1-0. Interior(1) 16-1.0 to 26-2-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; and vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOLI.60 plate grip OOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load ncnconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 240-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This Miss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This Miss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250011; live located stall mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard [Job TrUSS Iruss Type ay Ply MAGNOLIA 2A IDlO GABLE 1 Job Reference (optional) causnila Tnjsr-nimelw.. iemS. 4-6-0 7-3-8 13-1-0 18-10-8 21-8-0 26-2-0 4-6-0 2-9-8 5-9-8 5-9-8 2-9-8 4-6-0 Scale '1:41.7 5x6 40 —,— -.--- -..---- qxq LOADlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.28 Vert(LL) -0.29 6-8 >999 240 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber 001 1.25 SC 0.90 Vert(CT) -0.67 6-8 >472 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WS 0.36 Horz(CT) 0.11 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2015ITP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 334 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 640 oc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2X6 OF No.2 G 'Except' W2.W4: 2X4 OF Stud/Std G OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G -Except- STS: 2x8 OF No.2 G REACTIONS. (IbIsize) 5=206310-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 12063/0-3.8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horzl>97(LC 12) Max Upli-292(LC 5), 1292(LC 4) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-41=-504W788.2-41 =49361779. 2-3=-47021733, 3-4=-47021734, 4-42=-49361779, 5-42--5049/789 SOT CHORD 1-34=-39012085, 1-35=-74114734, 35-36=-74114734, 8-35=-741/4734, 8-37---416/3210, 7-37=416/3210,6-7=416/3210, 6-38=-692/4734, 38-39---69214734. 5-35=-692/4734, 5.40=-357/2085 WEBS 24=-5921221, 3-8=-26911775, 3.5=-290/1775. 4-6=-592/222 NOTES- 1)2-ply truss to be connected together with lOd (0.131'4') nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 24 -2 rows staggered at 0-94 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-941 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-94 cc. Al loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (8) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL=6.opsf; 8CDL6.0psf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber OOLI.60 plate grip DOL1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6)' This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. a ...... ;. 1`11 ln+miinn& Rn14inn Cnd ,9bn I and ifrnr.pd ctandard ANSI/TPI I Job Truss I russ Type Qty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 010 GABLE 1 Job Reference (optional) Cabromia TtusFrame LLC., Penis, CA 92570 Run: 8.2405 Dec 6 2018 Pflnt: 8.2405 Dec 6 2018 MiTek IndusSles, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:37'212019 Pane 2 IOZFI3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-yQD8kOEnC5O3nUBAm44NMNO9?3Hvk?W04?6c)ayX5(X LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase1.25. Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert 31-35-31(F-11), 35-39-103(F-83), 28-39-31(F-11). 1-3-68, 3-5-68 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 41-153(F) 42-153(P) Job Truss Truss Type Uly Ply MAGNOLIA 2A 1E01 GABLE I I I Job Reference (optional) COMM TruSFtante LLC., Penis, CA, 92570 Run: 82403 Dec 82018 Pntt: 8.240 $ Dec 62018 MITeiC Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:37:22 2019 page 1 lD2FI3c9vxxbrEMVtP7?S5SJz7f4q-RcmWykFPzO8wPemNKobcubxJ4SjlD(NVJfs981yX5OB 8-0-0 16-0-0 8-0-0 • 8-0-0 Scale = 1:25.1 4x6 3x6 = 25 12 26 11 27 10 28 9 29 8 30 7 31 8 32 5 33 4 34 35 1640 Plate Offsets (XV)— (1:0-3-0,Edqel, [3:0-3.04dgel LOAOING(pst) I SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) Udell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DCL 1.25 TC 0.32 Vefl(LL) We - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.57 Veit(CT) We - n/a 999 ECU. 0.0 * Rep Stress mci YES WE 0.00 Harz(CT) 0.03 3 We We 10.0 Code 18C2015!1P12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 73 lb FT = 20% LUMBER. BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc purlins. SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-0-0cc bracing. OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G l MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. I REACTIONS. All bearings 16-0-0. (lb) - Marc Horzl=37(LC 44) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) S. 9,12,7.4 except 1=-224(LC 27). 3-224(LC 30). 11-108(LC 55), 5=-108(LC 64) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 11, 5 except 1449(LC 55). 3449(LC 75), 6=279(LC 70), 9=273(LC 69), 10=290(LC 68), 12=381(LC 66), 7=273(LC 71), 6=290(LC 72), 4=381(LC 74) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-21=-10271899, 2122=428I681, 2-22=-909/655, 2-23=409/669, 23-24-928/736, 3-24-10271913 SOT CHORD 1-25=420/934, 12-25=-754/888, 12-26=487/888,11-26=454/888, 11-27=420/888, 10-27=-5571888, 10-28=447/888, 9-28=420/888.9-29=487/888, 8-29=450/888, 8-30=.449/888, 7-30=4871888, 7-31=-5201888. 6-31=-5471888. 6-32=-587/883. 5-32=420/888, 5-33=454/888, 4-33=487/888, 4.34=-754/888, 3-34=-820/934 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.0psf BCDL=6.0psf; h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Comer(3) 040-0 to 3-0-0, Exterior(2) 3-0-0 to 841141. Comer(3) 8-0-0 to 11-0-0. Exteiior(2) 1140-0 to 16-0-0 zone; cant-lover left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOLI.60 plate grip DOLI.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3454 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 3. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlITPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag along bottom chord from 04-0 to 16-0-0 for 50.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Flab Thiss Truss Type uty Ply MAGNOUA 2A E02 COMMON 6 Job Reference (optional) CaWonia TwsFraine I.M. Penis, CA. 92510 Ron: 8240$ Dec 8 2018 Print: 81403 Dec 6 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 1137:22 2019 pete 1 ID:ZFI3c9vxxbrEMVlP7?S5SJz7f4q-RcmWykFPzO8wPemNKobcubxCXShx1V5YJfs981yX50B 8-0.0 16-0-0 I 8-0-0 8-0-0 Scale = 1:25.8 4x8 = 2x4 If 4x4 434 = LOADING (psI) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.81 TCDL 14.0 Lumber OOL 1.25 BC 0.66 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Inor YES WB 0.15 ECOL 10.0 Code I8C20151TPI2014 Matrix-MSH LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=70410-541 (mm. 0-1-8),340410-541 (mm. 0-14) Max Hoiz1=36(LC 12) Max Uplift147(LC 81 3-67(LC 9) DEFL. in (lc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP Veit(LL) -0.27 4-7 404 240 M120 2201195 Vert(CT) .0.47 4-7 "405 180 Horz(CT) 0.03 1 n/a We Weight: 47 lb FT = 20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-00c pullins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. Mflek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-1 1=-1406I133, 11-12=-13331137, 2-12=-13181150. 2-13=-13181150, 13-14=-13331137, 3-14=-14061133 BOT CHORD 1-15=-8711280.4-15=-8711260,4-16=87/1280,3-16=4711280 WEBS 2-4=01425 NOTES I) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered Ibr this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuitllomph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL8.0psf BCDL6.0pst h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0.0, Interior(l) 3.0-0 to 84-0, Exterior(2) 8-0.0 to 110-0. lnterior(1) 11411-0 to 16-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and farces & MWFRS for reactions I .shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonccncurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2411-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSltTPl 1. l) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.Gb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard oh Truss Truss Type Qf' Ply MAGNOLIA 2A F01 GABLE - -- - - Job Reference (optional) - - uanonwa I W5tldflW Lt.L., renTs. L.P. 9L31O nun a.t.m 5 Utc U tUIC rifle. O-tqu C Ut C Cj.'iC JYCICIS UIOUDUICD. itul.. "Ii ,au. i&.V .&flUiJ'C P lD:H33w5alNME2Ocp22Nz35P2z704C-voKu94G2kiGn1oLZuV6rRoUVKs7pCZ3hXJbigTy)bA 7-6-0 . 15-0-0 7-6-0 7-6-0 Scale: 1:23.5 5x6 = I 3.50 F1 UbUU# 26 — 27 j 25 ii Ti 28 T VI T T I I T1 TI 3 I 'PT g 17 10 18 9 19 8 20 7 21 6 22 5 23 4 24 354 = 354 2x4II 7-6-0 154-0 Plate Offsets ()(X)— ft0-2-0.Edqel. 12:0-3-0,0-3-01, 13:0-2-0,Edgel LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (loG) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 125 IC 0.29 Vert(LL) nla - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber DOL 125 BC 0.29 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCU. 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.10 Horz(CT) 0.00 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC2015!TP12014 Matrix-SH Weight: 66 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X8 OFF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 8-0-0 cc putlins. BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-O-0 0c bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF StudJStd G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings 154-0. (lb) - Max Hoiz135(LC 44) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 10,4 except 1470(LC 27), 3-174(LC 30), 7=-1Q8(LC 8), 9=.135(LC 55), 5=-135(LC 62) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 9,5 except 1362(LC 63), 3362(LC 71), 7529(LC 1), 8=290(LC 66), 10=361(LC 64), 6=290(LC 68), 4=361(LC 70) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1.25=476/450, 25-26=-2511278, 27-28=-251/273, 3-28=478/441 BOT CHORD 1-17=4011414,10-17=3081329,4-24=-3001326,3-24=4011422 WEBS 2-7=-5151146 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 740; Vultll0mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL'6.opsf; BCDL6.opsf; h=20ft Cat. Il; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 7-6-0, Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-641. lntenor(1) 10-64 to 15-0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOLt1.60 plate grip DOL1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/WI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 or. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord two toad nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 24-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 15-0-0 for 53.3 p11. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Truss rrussType Oty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A P02 KJNGPOST 2 IJob Reference (optional) California TrnsFrsrne LLC., Penis, CA, 92570 run: 5240 $ Dec C 2DI5 lnm: s.au s usc a 2013 Wait lflQU5iflC5, uric mu Oct .r 12. 24 u m ra9C i ID:l-l33w5zlNME20cp22Nz35P2z704C.N?uGMQGgV0OefywlSDe4Z00a7GOExPlrmZLGCVYX509 7-6-0 15-0-0 I 7-64) 7-6-0 Scale: 1l21' 4x6 = 3.50112 15 14 13 W1 Is 4 12 4x4 = 454 = LOADlNG(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) 1/dell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.22 4-7 >801 240 M120 220/195 TCOL 14.0 Lumber 001 1.25 BC 0.60 Vert(CT) -0.38 4-7 >469 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress lncr YES WS 0.14 Horz(CT) 0.02 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code l8C20151TPl2014 Matsix-MSH Weight: 45 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-Doc purlins. 801 CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-00c bracing. WEBS 2X4 DF StudlStd G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1660/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 3660/044 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz134(LC 16) Max Uplittl42(LC 8), 3-62(LC 9) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. Top CHORD 1-13=-1309/138, 13-14-1241/138, 2-14=-1231/151, 2-15=-1231/151, 15-16=-12411138, 3-16-13091136 SOT CHORD 1-1 1r.90I1l91. 4-11-90/1191, 4-12-90/1191, 3-12-90/1191 WEBS 2-4=0/411 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=8.0pst BCDL=6.0psf; h20f1 Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C, Extenor(2) 0-0.0 to 3-0-0, Interior(1) 3-0-0 to 7.6-0, Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10.6-0, Interior(l) 10.6-0 to 15.0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed end vertical left and right exposed;C.0 for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL 1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsIon the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1, This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard JOb Truss Truss Type Uly y MAGNOliA 2A I F06 KINGPOST 1 F Job Reference (optional) California TnisFrame U.C., Ferns, CA, 92570 Run' 82405 Dec 6 2018 Flint: 8,2405 Dec 52018 MITeIC lndustlies, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:37:24 2019 page 1 ID:H33w5zlNME20cp22Nz35F2z704C-N?uGMOGgV0Oef1SDe4z00alGNpxl(krmzLGCvyX5O9 7-6-0 15-0-0 7-6-0 i 7-6-0 Scale = 1:235 0800# 4x6 11 556=5x8= I 5-3-13 9-8-3 , 15-0-0 a.e.g 5.2-13 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- ft0-3-0.072A. 133-O.0-2-41,14O2-o.0 -O-12L 15.0-2-0.0-0-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING. 2-0-0 CSl. DEFL in (lc) I/dell lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Ic 0.70 Vert(LL) -0.09 4-5 "999 240 M120 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.69 Vert(CT) -0.30 4-5 '606 180 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.46 Hosz(CT) 0.05 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 123 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X6 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 12757/0-34 (min. 0-1-8), 32757103.8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Hoiz 1-34(LC 38) Max Upllft1-347(LC 19), 3-347(LC 22) Max Grav12817(LC 18),3=2817(LC 17) BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-5-9 oc purlins, BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, II FORCES. (Ib) -Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 11-2=-64091800. 2-3--84091800 SOT CHORD 1-12=-38813176. 1-13=-81916137, 13-14---45116137, 5-14-451/6137. 5-15=-33414414, 4-15=-334/4414, 4-16-425/6112, 16-17=42516112, 3-17=-59316112, 3-18=-37213161 WEBS 2-5=-16712450, 24=-167/2450 NOTES- 1)2-ply buss to be connected together with lOd (0.131'x3') nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x8 -2 rows staggered at 0-94 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B). unless otherwise indicated. Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultliOmph (3-second gust) Vasd467mph; TCDL46.0psf, BCDL6.Opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and fight exposed; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL-0.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pall bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsIon the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will lit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonooncunent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist dreg loads along bottom chord from 0-0.0 to 241-0. 13-0-0 to 15411-0 for 200.0 pIll. Girder carries tie-in span(s): 154.0 from 0-0-0 to 15-0-0 LOAD CASE(S) Standard I) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase-- 1.26, Plate lncreasel 25 Uniform Loads (pIt) Veil: 69.30O(F.280). 1-2-68, 2-3-68 I I I I • 7.6-0 DEF1.. in (Icc) Well Lid PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) nla - nla 999 MT20 2201195 Vert(C1) nla - Na 999 Hccz(CT) 0.00 7 Na Na Weight: 69 lb FT = 20% BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-00c purtins. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 14.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 SPACING. 2-0-0 CSI. Plate Grip DCL 1.25 Ic 0.29 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.29 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.03 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-SH LUMBER. TOP CHORD 2X6 OF No.20 SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2x8 OF No.2 G OTHERS 2X4 OF StudlStd G 1Iruss 1russ Type IQEY Fly MAGNOUAZA F07 1 I IJb Reference (optional) calEromla T,USF,5 LW., Ferns, CA 92970 Run: 8.240 a Dec 62018 Pnnt 8.240 a Dec 6 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Thu Oct 3 12:3725 2019 Page 1 ID:H33w5zlNME2Ocp22Nz35P2z704C-r8StalHlGJWVG6Uy?w9JWDZrrgoKguc_?d4pkMy)(508 74.0 15.0-0 7-6-0 7-64 Scale = 1:23.5 5x6 = Il 10 18 9 19 6 20 7 21 6 22 5 23 4 24 3a4 354 2x411 REACTIONS. All bearIngs 15-0-0. (Ib)- Max Horzi=.35(LC 38) Max Uplift All uplift 100 fo or less at joint(s) 10,4 except 1=-168(LC 27), 3.173(LC 38), 7=-109(LC 8). 9.135(LC 55), 5=-135(LC 62) Max Gray All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 9, 5 except 1360(LC 63). 3360(LC 71), 7541(LC 1), 8=290(LC 66), 10=361(LC 64), 6290(LC 68), 4361(LC 70) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. compiMax. Ten. - Al forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-254661446, 25-28=.2401214. 27.28=.2401268, 3-28=-466/436 801 CHORD 1-17=3971418,10-17=-30413215,4-24=4041325,3-24=-3971419 WEBS 2-7=-5281149 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7.10; Vult110mph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL-8.0psf BCDL=6.0psf h20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0.0 to 3.0-0, lnterlor(1) 3-0-0 to 7-6-0, Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-6-0. Interior(l) 10-6-0 to 15.0-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed:C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. Gable studs spaced at 140 cc. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcuffent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag Ic along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 154-0 for 53.3 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I Scale a 1:23.6 D=800# cc riv 54 = Job Truss TTpe Oty Ply MAGNOLIA 7F08 OUEENPOST Job Reference (oplional) - - - ,alflufTUa U rusrinme LLY..... ratTle, La et,,u nun, a.t'tum ICC C SW IC null, 0.55W 5 ICC C LW US IVU ICC ufluuauu,aa. uI. . I ID:H33w5zINME2Ocp22Nz35P2z704C-rBSfaIHIGJWVG6Uy?wY.9JI11WWDZ 111.IIgk8g1.7l&.ltai _? .5.7d4pkMCMluyX5O8 3-11-5 7-6-0 • 11.0-11 14-9-0 I 3-11-5 3-6-11 ' 3-6-11 3-8-5 5 6 4 3x8 II 4x4= 454- 2x411 7-6-0 • 14-9-0 7-M 5 7-3-0 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- 11:0-1-9,0-2-01. [2:0-3-0,Edgel. 13:0-3-1.Edgel. (3:0-0-010-1-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) I/deft L/d I PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.64 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.56 Veit(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0_a Rep Stress hncr YES WE 0.10 Horz(CT) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code lBC20151TP12014 Matzix-SH Weight: 45 lb FT = 20% BRACING. TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc puilins. 001 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 640 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=281/14-9-0 (min. 0-1-8). 3=268/14-9-0 (mm. 0-1-8), 4=749/14-9-0 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horzl3l(LC 36) Max Upliftl=-145(LC 27). 3=-204(LC 38), 4-93(LC 27) Max Grav1400(LC 57), 3393(LC 59), 4749(LC I) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-8=-394/362. 2-10=-2811296, 10-11=333/341, 3-11=-561/522 SOT CHORD 1-5=-318f349.6-6=31&-349,44--3011332.4-7=-223(259.3-7=-476/507 WEBS 2-4=4961189 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87niph; TCDL6.0psf BCDL=6.opsf; h=20ft Cat. Il; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0, lnteno41) 3-0-0 to 7-6-0. Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-6-0. Interior(l) 10-6-0 to 14-9-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. This buss has been designed fora 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. * This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-641 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcunent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber D0L(1.33) Plate grip 00L(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 6-7-0 to 14-9-0 for 98.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Exp. 8/30121 NO. C53821 Vit LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G J5b ITruss Irusslype [QtY GN0LlA F09 kINGP0ST IMY I JJ.b Reference joptional) t.uramua I iusrrame u.., rems, LP.. viu rwn; 0.SU 5 UOV o sIne rruil esu s IJ0v S 5I IS MI I eK IrISUSIHOS. Inc. IOU J 4 154; .50 51 I I4ye ID:H33w5zlNME2Ocp22Nz35P2z704C-JN0ln5Iw1deMuG38ZegY3R6wU33bPJK8EHqNHoyX5O7 7-6-0 14-9-0 7-6-0 7-3-0 Scale = 1:23.6 4x6 = 18 13 14 15 W11 CS 4 12 ZX4 4x4 = 44 = 7.6-0 • 14-9-0 7.5_n • 7-3-0 Plate Offsets (X.Y)- 12:0-3-0.0-241 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 240-0 CSI. DEFL in (bc) I/deft Ltd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.66 Veit(LL) -0.23 4-10 775 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 Sc 0.61 Vert(CT) -0.40 4-10 '438 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WS 0.13 Horz(CT) -0.02 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 1BC20151TP12014 Matrix-MSI-$ Weight: 45 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G SOT CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G WEDGE Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-3 oc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-04 oc bracing. Mek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during buss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=649/Mechanical. 1649/03.8 (mm. 0-1-8) Max Horz335(LC 12) Max Uplift3-61(LC 9), 1-62(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - M forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-13=-11841149. 13-14=-11911136, 3-14=-12621135, 1-15=-1259/133, 15-16=-11911135, 2-16=-1181/148 SOT CHORD 1-11-88/1143. 4-11=-88!1143, 4-12-8811143, 3-12=-8811143 WEBS 2-4/399 NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.0psf BCOL=6.Opsf; h=20ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exteiior(2) 0-0-0 to 3-0-0. Interior(l) 3-0-0 to 7-6-0. Exterior(2) 7-6-0 to 10-6-0, Interior(l) 10-6-0 to 14-9-0 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL--1.60 plate grip DOL--1.60 3) This buss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This buss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chard and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I. Job TnjSs P 1 TruSS type 17 ly JACK-CLOSED GIRDER i 2 Job Reference (optional) uiirnnua uw,rrame uj.... rams l.s, sirnu mumamus LIC b uia ITlfli; e.4U S uec e asia sires Inausmes, Inc. mu UCI 3 1:.if.D asis raqe i lo:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7i4q-JN0ln5lw1deMuG38ZegY3R63t3BcPLV8EHqNHoyX507 4-10-3 • 8-0-0 4-10-3 3.1-13 2x4 It Scalel:17.5 5x6 = 4-10-3 84)-0 4_los 3-1-13 Plate Offsets (X.Y)— 11:0-2-12.0-2-8j. (4:0-1-12.0-2-01. (5:0-4-8.0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2.0-0 CSI. DEFL in (lc) 1/defi Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.08 Vert(LL) -0.01 5-8 '999 240 MTZO 2201195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.10 Vert(CT) -0.02 5-8 2,999 180 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.06 Horz(CT) 0.00 4 nla nia BCDL 10.0 Code 18C20151TP12014 Matrix-MP Weight: 74 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G GOT CHORD 2X6DFNo2G WEBS 2X4 OF StudlStd G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 cc purlins, except end verticals. SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. REACTIONS. (IbIsize) 134610-5-8 (mm. 0-1-8). 4=346/Mechanical Max Ho1z190(LC 7) Max Uplitt1=-40(LC 4). 4=-52(LC 4) Max Grav14639(LC 22). 4439(LC 25) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompJMax. Ten. - AN forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-589168 GOT CHORO 1-10-44F334, 1-11=45/552. S-11=-681552. 5-12=-86(552, 4-12=-861552 WEBS 25=0I329, 24=618/99 NOTES- lop chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 cc. I) 2-ply truss to be connected togetherwith 110d (0.11311-4-1 nails as follows: Bottom chords connected as follows: 2*6 -2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 cc. Webs connected as follows: 2*4 -1 row at 0.9-0 cc. AN loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llamph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL=80psf, BCOL46.0ps1 h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; and vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL--11.60 plate grip 00L1.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to buss connections. a) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. 9) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1 1 I Job Truss Tiuss Type uty Ply MAGNOLIA 2A M04 MONO TRUSS 1 Job Reference (optional) (allTomla Inasi-rame LW. rems, LA. ssou #011: 8.2405 USC 82018 Ft 8240 S USC 82018 MiTelt InduStlies Inc. 1110 OCt 312:31:21 2019 P593 1 lD:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-naaP?RJYoxmDWPeKLBnbeeAUTTi8ocHSxZwpEyX5O6 Scale 1:11.5 2x4 II 3x4 = 4-6-0 A.P.41 Plate Offsets (XY)— E1:0 -0-0,0-l-11 LOADlNG(psf) SPACING- 24-0 CSI. OEFL in (lad) lldefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 200 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 IC 0.34 Vert(LL) -0.06 3.6 3,895 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.36 Vert(CT) -0.10 3-6 >513 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WS 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.01 1 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 18C2015/TP12014 Mattix-MP Weight: 14 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4DFNo2G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-6-0 cc purlins, except SOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G end verticals. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 801 CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-00c bracing. Mifek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1192/0-34 (mm. 0-1-8), 3192lMechanical Max H0iz153(LC 34) Max Uptift1-280(LC 27). 3-83(LC 36) Max Gravl=363(LC 48), 3355(LC 55) FORCES. (Ib) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-8=-782/730, 2-8=-3011292 GOT CHORD 1-7=-7231725, 34=3711357 NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vultllomph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCOL=5.0psf BCDL=6.opsf; h20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Extenor(2) 0-0-0 to 34-0, Intenor(1) 3-0-0 to 4-4-4 zone; cantilever left and tight exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psI bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 240-0 wide will It between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction o120% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to glider(s) for buss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIfPl 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 800 lb. Lumber DOL(1.33) Plate grip D0L(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 4-6-0 for 177.8 pIf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I I I Job ITruss TnJss Type City I I MONO CAL HIP 1 j• i I MAGNOLIA 2A 1M05 Job Reference (optional) l.5ur0mi5 injsrrame LL.. rems, LA. Wl1U Nun: 5.4U S UDC b Z1110 iivn: 524U S uec S ZU15 MuSS lflaUsiflea. IflC. iris oci 3 1:Jl ZU1S race 1 ID:ZFl3c9vxxbrEMVfP7?S5SJz7f4q-naaP'?RJYoxmDWPeK7LBnbee9xTlY8mJHSxZwpEy)(506 -3-12 1-9-8 1-9132-5-4 7-9-8 0-3-12 1-5-12 0-0-50-7-7 5-4-4 506 = Scale = 1:153 354 = Q-3-12 1-9-8 • 2-5-4 . 7-9-8 0-3-12 1-5-12 0-1-12 • 5-4-4 Plate Offsets (XV)— 13:0-11-4.0-1-81.14:0-1-50-1-81. (7:0-1-8.0-1-8) LOADING (pet) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEPL in (bc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.44 Vert(Ii) -0.06 5-11 '899 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.37 Vert(CT) -0.12 5-11 770 180 BCLL 0.0 - Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.15 Horz(CT) -0.01 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code 18C2015/TP12014 Matrix-MP Weight 32 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudins, except BOT CHORD 2X4 DF No.2 G 0-0-0 cc purlins (64-0 max.): 1-3. WEBS 2X4 DF Stud/Std G SOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-Coo bracing. MiTeic recommends that Stabilizers and required crass bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4=32910-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 7=357/Mechanical Max Horz4-55(1.0 9) Max Uplift-33(LC 9), 7=-28(LC 8) Max Grav4429(LC 37), 7455(LC 27) FORCES. (lb) - Max. ConJMax. Ten. -All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-12=412/88.12-13=414160,4-13=432/53 SOT CHORD 7-144-66/309, 6-14=46/309, 6-15=-771310, 5-15=-77!310. 5-16---811397, 4-16=-811397 WEBS 3-6-201580.3-6=-3461132,3-7=-450/% NOTES- Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. Wind: ASCE 7-10; VultllOmph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL40.opst; BCDL=6.0psf; h=201t; Cat. II; Exp C: Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 0-0-0 to 6-3-11, Interior(l) 6-3-11 to 7-9-8 zone; cantilever left and tight exposed; end vertical left and tight exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber 00L1.60 plate grip DOL--11.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pat bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsIon the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0411 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This buss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2305.1 and referenced standard A/1Sl1TPl 1. This buss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Graphical puulin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I I 2A 1M06 IMONO TRUSS 0-3-12 1-9-8 7-94 0-3-12 1-5-12 6-0-0 Scale = 1:16.4 22x4 II 0 3x4 = 0-3-12 1-9-8 i 7-9-8 0-3-12 1-5-12 6-0-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y)— 16:0-1-8.0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL in (icc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) -0.09 5-10 .986 240 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.39 Vert(CT) -0.17 5-10 .526 180 BCLL 0_0 Rep Stress Incr YES WO 0.12 Horz(CT) -0.01 4 We n/a SCOL 10.0 Code IBC20151TPI2014 Matrix-MP weight: 30 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.2 G BOT CHORD 2X4DFNo.2G WEBS 2X4 OF Stud!Std G REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4=329/0-3-8 (mm. 0-1-8), 5=357/Mechanical Max Horz4.-80(LC 9) Max Uplift4=-30(LC 13), 6-60(LC 9) Max Grav4429(LC 31), 5=455(LC 23) FORCES. (lb) - Max. CompiMax. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-13=-373135, 13-14-371/26, 4-14=-400/24 SOT CHORD 6-11=45/371, 5-11=-85!371, 5-12=45/371,4-12=45/371 WEBS 3-6=464/152,3-5=0/420 BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-00c purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 cc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. NOTES- Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=llOmph (3-second gust) Vasd87mph; TCDL6.opsf; BCDL6.0psf; h=20ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Enclosed; MWFRS (envelope) gable end zone and C-C Exterior(2) 04-0 to 4-2-15, Interior(l) 4-2-15 to 7-9-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOLI.60 This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. This truss has been designed for alive load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. This truss Is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.01b live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Bottom Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Nil Milek MiTek USA, Inc. 14515 North Outer Forty Drive )Suite 3(X) rh'tertItI MO Wfl I 7..cldA I January 01, 2015 I To whom it may concern: Re: Turb-O-Web Trusses Telephone 314/434-12(X) Max 314/434-9110 This letter is to certify that MiTek USA. Inc. assumes responsibility for the structural integrity of the sealed Turb-O-Web Truss designs provided by our professional engineers based on the parameters- stated on the face of the engineering designs. I Design procedures for both lumber design and plate connections are in full compliance with the American National Standard "National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction" ANSVFPI 1-2007, Section 104.11 Alternative materials, design, and methods of construction and equipment, of the 2012 International Building Code states: "The provision of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or prohibit wry design or inc/hod of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved... and that the material, method or work offered is, for nw purpose intended, at least the equivalent cf that prescribed in thLc code..." We hereby certify that the Turb-O-Web is an acceptable alternative to conventional truss webs with equivalent performance. , n,'prpl '.1 5a)c"41~~ Stephen W. Cabler, P.E. Senior Vice President Engineering and Technical Services eg a max. gap at all points of contact Turb-OWeb USA, Inc 2665 N Atlantic Ave # 400, Daytona Beach, Florida 32118 Toll Free: 1 (888) 750 6005 Fax : (321)7470306 Email: iohnturb-o-web.com Website: www.turb-o-web.com The TurbOWeb tm system is protected in the United States by the following US patents:- 0 6,176,060; #6,249,972; #6,415,511; #6,688,067; and #6,842,981 with further applications pending. The use of the Turb-O-Web TO system requires alicense from Turb-O-Web LISA, Inc. ANSI-TN 1-2002 Clause 3.74.1 limits maximum gaps in all joints (not being floor truss chord splices) to be no more than I/8'.Thic clause provides a method of measurement for "joints designed with single points of contact between adjacent members as shown on the Truss Design Drawing, the maximum gap between all contact points shall not exceed 1/8". Eeference is then made to Figure 3.7-3.The relevant portion of Figure 3.7-3 showing a joint "designed with single points of contact is shown below':- Reference should be made to the original complete document ANSI/TN 1-2002 1 AUGUST 1, 2016 I NON-STRUCTURAL GABLE STUD ATTACHMENT IM11- STUD ATTACHMEN1 Fv Irf MiTek USA, Inc. Milek USA, Inc. Page 1 of I REFER TO ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAWING FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL TRUSS. NOTE: GABLE STUDS MAY BE ATTACHED WITH 1.5X4 OR 2X3 MITEK MT20 PLATES OR WITH (6) -7116"xl -314" STAPLES ONE SIDE ONLY SEE MITEK STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL FOR GABLE STUD BRACING REQUIREMENTS. DETAIL A LATERAL BRACING NAILING SCHEDULE VERT. HEIGHT # OF NAILS AT END UPTOT-O" 2 - 16d 7l0I — -s 16d OVER 8'6" 4 — 16d - T STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL J MII!SAC - 20F 1 1111612004 IPAGE I OF 2] IUTSIC IndUstdee Ins. Western DIvIsion END WALL V - STUD TYPJCAL20 I. -BRACE NAILED C)<N VERTICAL TO2i4 VER11CM.S WI8d NAILS SPACED AT 5O.C. ('TIflP.I A.A LOADINapsI) SPACING 20-O TCLL 20.0 Plates increase 1.25 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 125 BCU. 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 10.0 Code ASCE 7-02 [UMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 DFLISPFIHF No.2 SOT CHORD 2 X 4 DFLJSPF/HF - STUD/STD OTHERS 2 X 4 DFL/SPFIHF - STUDISTD MAXIMUM VERTICAL STUD HEIGHT 5PAVING OF VERTiCALS WITHOUT BRACE WITH LATERAL BRACE WITH L - BRACE I2 INCH Q.C. 5-10-0 11-8-0 8-10-0 1WWHo.c. 1flJ3 Tjfl4.a 7.80 Z4 INCH O.C. _44N0 .........&2-fl 64-0 NOTES VERT. STUDS HAVE BEEN CHECKED FOR 110 MPH WIND EXP. B, HEIGHT 30 FT CONNECTION BETWEEN SOTTOM CHORD OF GASLE END TRUSS AND WALL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. $) FURNISH COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO CONTRACTOR FOR BRACING INSTAL1A11OP BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY. CONSULT SLOG. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER FOR PERMANENT BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM VETI'JLA(SHOWN ABOVE) APPUES TO STRUCTURAL GABLE ENDS AND TO GABLE ENDS WITH A OF TOP CHORD NOTCHING NOTES lITHE GABLE I5JST FIJIJ V SHEATHED WIPkfl MATRIA DM IJE wAr-r. UflR M 1 4x4=/ *DIAG0Nd.0R L .BRACING REFER TO TABLE BELOW SEE PAGE 212 FOR ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL - 1X40R2X3(TYP)OR 2)0 OP FACE #14)3 TOE- NAJJ.EOTIIOXI-314 SENCO STAPLES OR EQUIV. VARIES I TO 12 - TRUSS SHEATHING (BY OTHER 2X4LATERALI AS REQUIRED TABLE BELOW 31/2) NOTCH AT = 4 iN.) I P CHORD NOTCH DETAIL ARE SPACED AT 240.C. AND FACE OFTINJSS IS NOT FULLY SHEATHED. NO LUMBER DEFECTS AU.OWEDATOR ABOUT NOTCHES, LUMBER MUST MET OR EXCEED VISUAl. GRACE 02 LUMBER AFTER NOTCHING. NO NOTCHING IS PERMITTED WVIIflN 2X THE OVERHANG LENGTH. Conlinuod on page 2 %O.CS3WZI NO. C63521 54w'JHI. V.ii d1Ip ndRE%DSJOIU OR 71084MDIKCLUDSD IUTEK RUMMMON M0.7473 9CRS USE STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL MIIISAC - 20F J 9(17/2004 IPAGE 2 OF 4- lOd NAILS MIN. PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO 2X4 STD. DF-L BLOCK 2- 10d (TYP) 2X4 BLOCK SIMPSON A34 OR EQUIVALENT LEPGER- 2X4 No.2 OR SIR GABLE ENL 6'-3" MAX TO BEARING WALL \4 SJILD OR BTR SPACED @ O.C. SHALLUE PROVIDED AT EACH END OF O R EXCEPT FOR BRACE EXTENDED STRONGBACK INTO ThE CHORDS & CONNECTED TO 2X4 No.2 OR BTR CHOS W/ 4- lOd NAILS. MAX L -:NGTh = 7-0' -,_ STANDARD TRUSSES SPACED @24' O.C. ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL NOTES 1)2X4 NO.2 OR BTR. FOR LEDGER AND STRONGBACK NAILED TOGETHER WITH 100 NAILS 6" O.C. 2)2X4 LEDGER NAILED TO EACH STUD WITH 4- lod NAILS. 3)2X4 STRONGBACK TO BE CONNECTED TO EACH VERT. STUD WITH 2- lOd TOE NAILS 4)THE lOd NAILS SPECIFIED FOR LEDGER AND STRONGBACK ARE lOd BOX NAILS (0.1310 DIA. X 3.0" LGT) THIS ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL IS APPLICABLE TO STRUCTURAL GABLE END IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF TRUSS = 6.6', UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY PROJECT ENO. OR QUALII MAXIMUM PANEL LENGTH ON TOP AND SOT. CHORDS = 7.0' BRAc M\ THE HORIZONTAL TIE MEMBER AT THE - PLEASE CONTACT TRUSS ENGINEER IF Th __ NO. C53$21 WARNING. V.rlfij d.aIgnpar,md.r u,, d R(&D1IO?NB ON 7WRANDIR&rmFrJ.VZR NCNINGNIIR.P4V3JRFORN US CONN. WI3 ISa COMMON WIRE (0.IO2DLA. X 3.5" LGT)TOE NAILS LOT p-I- _____ I NOTE: NAILING SHALL BE SUCU _ t41P. 6130/19 NO. C53$21 NO. C53821 J 1* DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS MU/SAC -8 -20PSF 813112005 IPAGE I MITeR Industries, Inc. Western Dlvlslqn a pplied. F EXTENSION GH REQD 20'-0" MAX — I WRUU I1 211 r3 Zj I BRACING Y TcD4. 16.0 I TOP CHORD Sheathsd, I8CU. 0.0 qp BCOI. 10.3 .. I MINIMUM LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE ME qP I TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF, DF-L 801 CHORD RlId cIIndIrecIIy LENGTH BOTCHORD 2X4SPF.HF,DF4.No2 uS DESII 043 I I - NOTE: TOP CHORD PITCH: 3/12-8/12 BOTTOM CHORD PITCH: 0/12-4112 PITCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD TO BE U211 MIN. SPACING= 24" O.C. .r4J ?w, s II flI U .AU 14 120 OR 2r LONG 2X4 SCAB CENTERED AT PUCE WISAME LUMBER AS TOP CHORD ATTACH TO ONE PACE WI(.13VX3.a MN) NAILS 3" O.C. 2ROW$ \I CONN.W13 16d COMMON WIRk0,152aU. *35' LET) TOENAILS 2.18d COMMON WIRE SHALL BE PROVIDED CHORD. -- - - C0114. W12 lOd COMMON WIRE (ILIICIA. X 35' LOT) TOENAILS WUWIN. V.rIf dugflparamdSr3 and RIDNO3S ON TWO iND LNCLIJ.OE0 WREJREFDtCZPAGZSTh7473 EEPORE USE. I I 1 FEBRUARY 14, 2012( CONVENTIONAL VALLEY FRAMING DETAIL $T-VALLEY1 Dco 0 ISM USA, Inc. 119MEWARID GAME END. QQWAON TRUSS SEENUTEI6) OR ORDER TRUSS IMirokUSA, Ina I _ .. : (SEE NOT 54) "PLAN VALLEYRATERS DRAWING - — - - TRUSS TYPICAL (24' O.C. p POST ___ GABLE E0O C4UON TRUSS (SEE NOTE 0) PLAN SEC11ON TRUSS MUST 13E SHFAMED Nom. I 0.0. MAXIMUM POST SPACING I. WITH BASETRIJSBES ERECTED (!C1AiL.M'PLYSHEM)iP02TO TOP CHORDC5?POGAEE)1RUSSES. UVE LOAD -30 PS. 2. B 4O)NIDWSS PERThU58OERS. DEAD LOAD = 15 DAL M w 1.15 PS U ' DEANE VALLEY RIDGEBY RII*VIG AL 45 BTU FROM THE PJ1SECTVIG RIDGE OP AWE 7-48, ASCE 7.02, ASCE 7.0590 MPH (MWFRS) THE(LJOMLEBIO, A6CE7-10 115MPH (MINFRS) & INBTALL20VALLEYPLAlE8. FA8TENTOEH5UP?CRTINGTRUB8WI1H(2) lid jar ii .Iii NAILS. I 6.sET2xi02RJ0GEaOMO. SUPPORT Wmi2z4 POSTS SPACED 4rOC.. BEva.eanIoF POST TOSET EVENI.YCN ThE SHERDINCI. FAS 1POSTTORIDORWITH4) lOd (X .I3l7JAILS. - FASTEN POSTTO ROOF SHEAThING WITH(3)lidX.13)TOE44M& . OESSIQ,, L FRAME VULEYRAPTERS FROM VALLEY PLATETO REOR BOARD, MA)CMiM IlAFTER SPACiNG IS 21'O.C.. FAWEN VALLEY RAFTER TORIDOR BEAM WITH (3)1BdCi.5!X.l3I1OE44AlLS. I FM ENYAILEY RAFIER1D VALlEY PlATE WITH(S) lid (U'X .131U0ENALS. ?.-SLPPORTThE WILEY RAFTERS WITH2x4POSTB Or 0.0(0)1 LESS)ALCNG EACHRAFTER. INSTAll. POSTS INASIAGGERED PATTERN AS SHOMNoMPLNOOSAWINa AWGN POSTS 0 WIRO IIEJSSES BELOW. FASTER VALLEY RAFTER TO POST WiflO (4)100 (5X.iifl NAILS. FASTENPOSTIHROUGH IDlEATHING TO SUPPORUNG TRUSS WITH(2) lid (iA X EXP. 613012018 I L POSTS WIMLBE2 *402 OR BE IT. SS'RUOE P1 FIR. DOUG FIR LARCH OR iOU * * YB&CWPVIE. PCERD2lGTrSlWiBEiIOREASEDTO4I4OREE SIO(2) PLY 2X 410 FASTENEDTOGETHER WITH 2RDWS OF 101NALSWO.C.. rtiA S' CT 08101/2016 10 .053821 OF C rn FEBRUARY 14, 2012 TRUSSED VALLEY SET DETAIL ST-VALLEY3 Il_-v (fi) MlTek USA. inc. Page -1011 LIVE LOAD -80 PSF (MAX) NOTE: VALLEY STUD SPACING NOT GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS DEAD LOAD -15 PSF (MAX) TO EXCEED 48" O.C. SPACING OROIRDERT9J D.O.L. INC. 1.15 ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05 (MWFRS) 100 MPH MiTek USA. Inc. ASCE 7-10 (MWFRS) 125 MPH \= L= = 7 = TEL BASE TRUSSES IlL VALLEY TRUSS TYPICAL GABLE END COMMON TRUSI S 124" o.c. I OR GIRDER TRUSS 1]IftL INSTALL BASE TRUSSES, I' Iii• APPLY SHEATHING TO TOP CHORD OF SUPPORT TRUSSES. VALLEYTRUSSES MAY PROVIDE TRUSS SPACING (NOT 1 INSTALL VALLEY lijUSI AND SECURE TO BASE PER PETAL A, B. OR CI BRACE VALLEY WES I THE INDIVIDUAL DESIGI AS WITH SEE DETAIL JV1 APB.ORC BELOW (TYP.) 0 TOE- NAIL VALLEY TO BASE TRUSS W/ (2)l8d TOE NAILS 12 of 10 ATTACH 26 CONTINOUS NO2SPF ATTACH 2*4 CONTII TO THE FACE OF THE ROOF WITWO BLOCK TO THE FAC lGd(.13? x 3.5") NALS INTO EACH TWO lBd (.131" x 3.5 TRUSS BELOW TRUSS BELOW. EA 1 MUST HAVE A BLOC VALLEY TRUSS " RESTS ON 2x6 DETAILA (GREATER THAN 3112 PITCH) NO.2 5FF TO THE FACE OF THE ROOF ATTACH BEVELED i4 CONTINOUS WITWO led(.131"xa5") NAILS INTO - EACHTRUSSBELOW -.,. ATTACH VALLEY TO BEVELED 2x4 WI LE N112OH) (2)18dTOENAILS 2) 16d TOE NAILS DETAIL C '-... TOE- NAIL VALLEY TO (GREATER THAN aIIa PITCH BASE TRUSS WI HE ROOF WI S INTO EACH JSS BELOW CHEDTO if. TOE- NAIL VALLEY TO BASETRUSS WI (2) 16dTOE NAiLS DETAIL B (3/12 PITCH OR LESS) - I JANUARY 1 2009 L-BRACE DETAIL ST - L-BRACE MiTek USA, Inc. Mifek USA, Inc. Nalting Pattern L-Braceslze Nail Size INall Spacing 1x4ar6 lOd 8'o.c. 2x4, 68 16d 640.0. Note Nail along entire length of 1-Brace (On TwoPWS Nail to Both Plies) Nab WIB __•• SPACING JV L-BRACE Note: L-Bradng to be used when continuous lateral bracIng Is Improetical 1-brace must cover 90% of web length 1-Brace Size for One-Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing WbS1ze 1 2 2x3or2x4 10 pop 2i6 1x8 666 :2 a'. OIHECT SU8BIITW1ON NOT f,PUOABI.E. L-Braoe Size far Two-Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rowe of Lateral Bracing Web Size 1 2 :1 2X3Or2X4 1 •de..e 2i8 I -PA I ' DECT SUBSTITUTION NOT APUCSLE. Nags Section DstsH - L-Bmce Web EXP. 613012018 1* 12016 1-Brace mist be same species grade (or better) as web kp!30!19 NO. C53821 I August 10, 2010 T-BRACE / I-BRACE DETAIL WITH 2X BRACE ONLY ST - T-BRACE 2 ............ () MTlik USA. No. Page 1 of 1. nil I Now T-8 when to be used when continuous lateral bracbig Is Impractical. 1-Brace / I-Brace must cover 90% of web length. El) IJ I Now This detail NOT to be used to convert 14race! I-Bra a i [ webs mconunuaus lateral braced webs. BraceSlze I for One-Ply Tnjss eclffed Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing WebSlze 2*3012*4 2x4T-Brace (2*41-Brace - 2)0 2*61-Brace 2*61-Brace I . . 2x8T8race .2*81-Brace \ /Nails BracSi for Two-Ply Tiuss Specified Continuous Rows of Blng •.-spAcua [wessze : 2. i . . 2x3or2x4 2x4T-Bmce waa . . . 2*6 .2*6 T-Brace - - 2*8T4IflC5 12*81-Brace . ..1 T-Brace! I-Brace must be earns species and grade (or bettei as web mener. I I Nails 5gtJji Oetai woo Na"o lu 1 Web) I-Brace 0810112016 Nalls co No.C53821 '73 civ OF C Nailing Pattern T-Brace size Size Nail Spacing 2x4 or 2*6 or 2*8 I tod 6 0.0. Note: Nail along soth length ofT-Brace / I-Brace (On Two-Ply's Nail to Both Miss) March 4, 2013 1-BRACE / I-BRACE DETAIL ST - 1-0191ACE P\'lMl of T-erackig! I-Bracing to b used when continuous lateral bracing Note: Is impractical. 1-Brace! I-Brace must cover 90% of web length. I =U I Note: This detail NOT tp be used to convert T-8race I 143race I MITek USA. kio. webs to continuous lateral braced webs. _J NalltogPatte T-Brace size Nail Size Nail Spacing 1x4orlxa lod 8'o.c. 2*4 or 2*6 or 2*8 16d r 0.0. Note: Nafl along entire length of T-Brace! I-Brace (On Two-Ply'. Nail to Both Plies) Brace Size for One-Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing Web Size I 2, 2x30r2x4 1x4(') Tam, llx4r)l.Rtaoe - 2*6 -- 1*6 (') T48r005120 I-Brace 2*8 2*814ace 12*81-3race Brace Size for Two-Ply Truss Specified Continuous Rows of Lateral Bracing 1 I 2 W8B. Web Nails Section DetaIl T-Brace Web I-Brace r-BraceI I-Brace must be same species and grade (or better) as web member. C') NOTE: ltSPwdbó are used In the truss, 1x4 or 1*6 SP braces must be stress rated boards with desIgn values that are equal to (or better) flue truss web desIgnvalues. For 8P truss lumbeigrádesupto#2with lX bracing material, useiND45 for T.Brace/I.Br For SP truss lumber grades up to #1 with 1)C: bracing material, use INI) 55 forT-Brace/I Brace 24 hi wl 6-(. NO. C049919 EXP. 9-3008 JUN.06 2007 U SUPPORT OF B.C. OF STANDARD OPEN END MIIISAC -7 JACK USING PRESSURE BLOCKS -- Loading (PSF): BCDL 10.0 PSF MAX 31301Z004 PAGE 1 MiTek Industries, Inc, Western Division 2x4 boL chord ___• (.rlS31"X3r MIN) I. --•---.. 2)14 bkid -F-- Jack luflizenJack 4i 1J tn'ss nafl.dlDuorstsr bd (typ) w18 WI(.13?X3. MN) nausap.c.dalro.c. PARTIAL FRAMING PLAN OF CAUFORNIA HIP SET WITH SUB GIRDER BC of canter truss NO. C5321 civil- L. 2.(.13.1"X3.(" MIN) NAILS (Iyp) BOTTOM CHORD OF OPEN END JACK - - V.f1JJdufII puupiit idga )vfl oN 71321 .IUD 113r1.UD;0 Jn?(J3 01rinnPA05Nt ,1473 BAR= 121W I I F- CORNER RAFTER 8'-0" SETBACK IMfl/SAC -9 -BSB 16i42I 1012812004 IPAGE 1 ® MINIMUM GRADE OF LUMBER LOADING (PSF) TOP CHORD:2X4 NO.1 & BIR DF-L.GR L BOT CHORD:2X4 NO.1 & SIR DF-L-GR TOP 16 4 SIR. INC.: L.UMB = 1.25 PLATE = 1.25 SPACING: 24.0 IN. O.C. REPETITIVE STRESSES NOT USED NO. OF MEMBERS = 1 I NOTE: 1. ALL. CONNECTIONS TO SUPPORTS BY OTHERS 2. ALL PLATES ARE MITEK MT20 TENSION 3-0-0 8'-0" SETBACK SUPPORTS SHALL BE PROVIDED I ALONG EXTENSION @ 5'-8' O.C. — 170 PLF i SPLICEMAY BE LOCATED I YWHERE IN THE 12 EXTENSION 3x10 spIte plates may be replaci 2.63'424 ' With 22" 2x4 HF No-2 or Mr. scab rA cneice Ih.131x3 mm. nails I 3" o.c. 2 mwa oxe SxO I1W.1 UNIFORMLY SUPPORT DISTRIBUTED \ 112' GAP MAXIMUM BEJ SUPPORT AND END OF In 1' I I - S PORT I R=655 EXT. Ra 326 + OK LENGTH OFHEEL __ 11-3- OFESS, Sin I NO. C53821 Arm ))j I I I lV4NDP. gr.,W dnjr pw::" TWIdRMO NO= ON 171W AND VdCWDND 1I72&Wn5NCiM01 7197.7475 DMOA LWL Mfl.tannneclan.flth dndgn b bci.danly upan paui.l.o thorn,, cad I, icr anbd.4di,ci buldb,g ca.npan.nl. r of ddsp ciilcncadpicpuricccrpernticacl INIl d.ilni.. i kilisa rIppcI ci FM 0*. AddlIanollcnara.y badng Ic bow. dcby cluing ccmlruc5on bib, reipornly at lb. cracjul. Addiflenal IWm0NIII tjiccbg of the OVUOI ilwclur. 151111 isipci*IIv ci lbs bu'gdudgne,. 7cr geniral galdanceregcrilng l6I=oIfr,". 'piuUy a.nu4 ,ka.i d.hsly.owC5ca and bracing, CabiN ANS197fl Qua5Cdi.Ia 055 .81 and SCSI S.I9dIpg Component i. a,.IaIy InloinialIsi. caidinlill. l'urnt.uui PinI. Nuliluls. 553 D'Oroklo Odni. Madli.II. Wi 53719. - MITOk Industries, Inc, Western DIvisIDn NO. C049919 930.08 JUN06 2007 'T,777 G,mb.d, Lap. 8Ie 105 caic Nebhts. CA, 5501 fill MiTek - _ - - - - - _ • • - - - - - LOAD bURATkW,M2,!lAS9 26 SPACKa SLOPE RAPMRSLOpe 4A2 WW4-Ttlx '31-7-12n2 30 END VEALMAYBE Oldie IEDI TOP CHORD 1S F S 30 23 1 AOEJATELYSIWPORTED. __as __. OP p40 "46- MCA 9-4.8 -as ____ 116.51 • UP 9.54 I4.0 5.184 - - up 3161 mm 8.11 2x4 51 .F- 8.114 8.00 8.4-0 5-6-8 5.9-0 I-- NMI -e-so- .y.io. e-tio 8.1-5 a.3-8 7-50 - _______________________ - balloT 34 .7-43- 1i1 ;ii.b 7-2-0 13B 7-14 w"m 041-8 --ioo..- -i-i• 64.7-oa•_..40 ,IATNW -..SF ____ •5.1-0 -14 NOTE: CONNECORPTES5IUFGRHNDLt4GOP&YA ..- - R_ *04 944 1044 9.0.0 94-0 11:143 MAYBE IPLACEDWT1)I EQUAL FASTENER. 4 1loF- - 5M 9-104 - 9,2-8 9.o 874 .mm 1!áI 8IC .9-34 80-8 5.0-9- 8-5-0 iWup;-W 9i3 W 46 i-los . a-Ia-a 1 844 p DEFLECTION CRITERIA (MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE) - - I4. IIOiF R 8-11-0 UT è+o SLOPE 4:12 I240 WE LOAD - 148iF. IIa 8-11-0 8-4-U -8-3-9 7-0-0 F -S1 OF 14-8L 154-0 14-3-8 -T4--u —T3--3e i 4:12 a L1180 LIVELOAD ati ARW .14-9.0. .15-1-0 13.7.8 14-0-B - IF 13-04 1 DL. .5 LL (ALL SLOPES) 1.1189 TOTAL LOAD i OF - 13-3-Uj 14-5-8 12-84 13-19.0 12-7-5 CELINGJOT a L240 LIVE LOAD I 'M I OW Ll 1 1348 11.11-0 13-6-0 11-10-0 loo. 4g3~IIWr NO. C53821 FLE NO: standard Repair (i.25) J 0ATh 07M8 SEO: 2787674 - BC 2006 IC8C 2007 — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — F T Scafifornia TrisFrarne .5.&AMI 66 L(ongThoTa5d-o*5) Maj4mtniaaiaIioxpu). 25% bad d.waIanirmase A rd—nt - Nail 5125 Tolalni,ituroc iiIs rsq51*d on eachs)de at bisaic OF HF I SF 1375 1155 1115 24 lad conwron it 13N 1127 IllS 24 ltd box 11 14*5 129* - 1253 24 191. commm 11 17*0 1475 1411 9* 10d oxamoxl 14 aSI2 143$ i417 30 led 0ox 14 -11*0 1545 1510 30 106 oxnooxi j4 2125 171$ 1721 30 lad isoxmn 17 2015 1742 1721 25 ltd box 17 - 2255 lilT 1*55 25' IN oxiiiisn 17 2500 2100 2025 42 lad oxouisn 20 2575 2050 2025 42 ltd box 20 - 2700 2350 2308 1 42 led awmvm 20 WE 2415 *528 da lad oxnuoxi 22 2731 2387 2528 48 154 box 2! 3105 1702 2645 40 165 cwmm 22 330 2730 2642 34 lid ox,umn 26 3087 2555 2*52 - 25 166 box 25 3510 3045 20_ 54 IN oanuisn 20 - 3525 *045 2*35 55 166 commm 22 5443 25)2 *528- *4 ltd box -at 3915 3407 3825 *0 ltd oxnimn 25 I) 3d5u mayowwaffAsIbe ox05udaid0t. a ______ 21 IPSo *btab*#It?9UI25 M5II5IIU a4 1I IIp*b 91lboIPlox U) Thxu a, ir 0Id05PS01 NIP. A (inn) 6 (mm tsp) I I I FEBRUARY 8,2008 f LATERAL BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS I ST-STRGBCK I MITC kdu*Ir; Chesterfield, MO Page 1 of I I xs "STRONGBACK" IS RECOMMENDED, LOCATED EVERY B TO 10 FEET i TO MINIMIZE VIBRATION COMMON TO ALL SHALLOW FRAMING SYSTEMS, 1 ALONG A FLOOR TRUSS. I MiTek Industilas, Inc. NOTE 1: 2X6 STRONGBACK ORIENTED VERTICALLY MAY BE POSITIONED DIRECTLY UNDER THE TOP CHORD OR DIRECTLY ABOVE THE BOTTOM CHORD. SECURELY FASTENED TO THE TRUSS USING ANY OF THE METHODS ILLUSTRATED BELOW. NOTE 2: STRONGBACK BRACING ALSO SATISFIES THE LATERAL BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THE TRUSS WHEN IT IS PLACED ON TOP OF THE BOTTOM CHORD, IS CONTINUOUS FROM END TO END, CONNECTED WITH A METHOD OTHER THAN METAL FRAMING ANCHOR. AND PROPERLY CO114ECTED, BY OTHERS, AT THE ENDS. ATTACH To VERTICAL INSERT WOOD SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE ATTACH '10 VERTICAL SCAB WITH(S). lOd NAILS INTO EDGE OF STRONGBACK USE METAL FRAMING w wmi (3)- lCd NAILS ANCHOR TO ATTACH (o.larx 8') (o.lgrx 3') (00 NOT USE DRVWAU.1YPE SCREWS) TO TOP CHORI\ ATTACH TO VERTICAL \ / . WITH (3). lCd NAILS / (0.13i'x31 ATTACH 2*4 VENTIGAI. TO MC OF TRUSS. FASTEN TOTOP AND BOTTOM CHORD WITH (2)- lCd NAILS (0.I81 *3") IN ERCHCHORD ATTACH TO CHORD WITH YWOI12XS' WOOD SCREWS I.ZIV DIAM.) USE METAL FRAMING ANCHOR TO ATTACH TO BOTTOM CHORD rii "Em 4.0.0 24 STHONGBAIC (TYPICAL SPLICE) I I I THE STRONGBACKS SHALL BE SECURED AT THEIR ENDS TO ADEQUATE SUPPORT, DESIGNED BY OTHERS. IF SPLICING IS NECESSARY, USE A 4'-0 LONG SCAB CENTERS) ON THE SPLICE AND JOINED WITH (12)- lOd NAILS (0.131 *3') EQUALLY SPACED. ALTERNATE METHOD OF SPLICING: OVERLAP STRONGBACK MEMBERS A MINIMUM OF 4'-t)" AND FASTEN WITH (12). lCd NAILS (0.131"x 3') STAGGERED AND EQUALLY SPACED. (TO BE USED ONLY WHEN STRONGBACK IS NOT ALIGNED WITH A VERTICAL) EIP. s130111 NO. C382't HIP FLAT TOP BRACING DETAIL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 7 4 5 — -ru — -U -. — — — — M — — — — — Symbols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION .-, Center plate on joint unless x, y * offsets are indicated. Dimensions are in Apply plates to both sides of truss and fully embed teeth. For 4 is 2 orientation. locate plates 0- 'i from outside edge of buss. - This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. Plate location details available In MiTek 20/20 software or upon request. PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the plate A v A width measured perpendicular " " to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION > Indicated by symbol shown and/or by text in the bracing section of the output. Use Tort bracing if indicated. BEARING cfl? Indicates location where beatings (supportsl occur. icons vary but reaction section Indicates Joint ( number where bearings occur. I ' Win size shown Is for crushing only. Industry Standards: ANSI/TPli: National Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. 0SB89: Design 51andoid for Bracing. SCSI: Building Component Safety Information. Guide to Good Practice for Handling. Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Numbering System 6-4-8I dimensions shown In fWn-slxteenths (Drawings not to scale) 1 2 3 JOINTS ARE GENERAlLY NUMBERED/LEUERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFt CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED ST END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS ICC-ES Reports: ESR-1311.ESR-1352. E5R1988 ER-3907. ESR-2362, €SR-1397. ESR-3282 © 2Q12 MiTekB) At Rights Reserved Mffek 0 MiTek Reference Sheet: MII-7413 rev. 02/16/2015 a General Safety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Properly Damage or Personal Injury I, Additional s10b111y bracing 4ortnssssystem. e.g. diagonal or X.bracing, is always required. See 8C51. Truss bracing must be designed by on engineer. For 'Mde buss spacing,lnctividud lateral braces themselves may require bracing. or alternative Tori L stiould b. Considered. Never exceed the design loading shown and never studs motanots on Inoaequotetybracedurusses. Provide copies of this truss design to the biiiding designer. erectiOn supervisor. property owner and at atherinterestedpover. Cut members: to bear tightly against each other. Place plates on each lace at buss at each t and embed My. Mob and wane at joint locations are regulated byANSI/TPi 1. Design assumes trusses vAi be suitablvprotected from the envkonrnnI in accord with ANSVTPl 1. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of umber shot not exceed 19% at time of fabrication. Unfoasorwessly noted, this design is not apptcabte for use with fire Mordant. preservative treated, or green lumber. tO. Camber is a non.stsuciural consideration and is the responsibittyof buss fabricator. General pradcels to comber for dead load deflection Ii. Plate lqe, size. orientation and location dimensions indicated are rr*iimum plating requirements. Lumber used sholbe of the species and size, and in at respects, equal to orbetter than that specified. Top chords must be sheathed orpuifins provided at spacing Indicated on design flollom clsordsrequke lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing. or less, Ii no ceEng is Installed. unless otherwise noted. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. Do not cut or alter buss member or plate without prior approval of an engineer. Instol and load vertically unless Indicated otherwise. Use of green or lleatedlamber may pose unacceptable environmentaL health or performance risks. Consult with,, project engineer before use. Review 01 portIons of this design [front. back, wordi2 and pictures) before use. Revtev4ng pictures alan c Y Design assumes manufacture In accordance vA ANSVTPI I Quality Criteria fl,t Air I 1 I AUGUST 1,2O16 £=g= ® IL1Th MiTek USA, Inc. YmEnm STANDARD PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL MII-PIGGY-7-10 MI I eK ue, Inc. rags i or MAXIMUM WIND SPEED REFER TO NOTES 0 AND 0 I2 1 MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 30 FEET MAX TRUSS SPACING 24'00. CATEGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE B or C DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR TRUSSES TRANSFERING DRAG LOADS (SHEAR TRUSSES). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 'BYBUILDING ENGINEERIDESIGNER ARE REQUIRED, A. PIGGBACK TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINC SHALL BE CONNECTED 10 EACH PURLIM WITH (2) (0.131' X 3.5') TOE-NAILED. B- BASE TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. C - PURUNS AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT AND A MAXIMUM 24'0.4 - 0-2 X X 4-0' SCAB. SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS. MIN GRADE #2, ATTACHED TO ONE FACE, ON INTERSECTION. WITH ( ROWS OF (0.131' X3') NAILS @ 4 SCAB MAY BE ourrr€o PROVIDED THE TOP CHORD SHEATHTh IS CONTINUOUS OVER INTERSECTION AT LEAST 1 FT. 161 BOTH DIRECTIONS AND: WIND SPEED OF 115 MPH OR LESS FOR ANY PIGGYBACK SP WIND SPEED OF 116 MPH 10160 MPH WITH A MAXIMUM PIGGYBACK SPAN OF 12 It. E . FOR WIND SPEEDS BETWEEN 126 AND 160 MPH. ATTACH MITEK 3X8 20 GA Nall-On PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSSES 72' 0.C.WI (4) (0.131' X 1.5') NAILS PER MEMBER. STAGGER NT FROM OPPOSING FACES, ENSURE 0.5' EDGE DISTANCE. (MIN. 2 PAIRS OF PLATES REQ. REGARDLESS OF SPAN) D WHEN NO GAP BETWEEN PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS EXISTS: REPLACE TOE NAILING OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO PURUNS WITH Nail-On PLATES AS SHOWN, AND INSTALL PURUNS TO BOTTOM EDGE OF BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD AT SPECIFIED SPACING SHOWN ON BASE TRUSS MITEK DESIGN DRAWING. SCAB NOTE FOR ALL WIND SPEEDS, ATTACH MITEK 3X6 20 GA Nail-On PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSSES AT 48' O.C. WI (4) (0.131' X 1.51 PER MEMBER. STAGGER NAILS FROM OPPOSING FACES ENSURE 0.5' EDGE DISTANCE. This sheet is provided as a Piggyback connection detail only. Building Designer is responsible (oral permanent bracing per standard engineering practices or refer to BCSI for general guidance on lateral restraint and diagonal bracing requirements. VERTICAL WEB TO EXTEND THROUGH BOTTOM CHORD OF PIGGYBACK FOR LARGE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO CAP TRUSS REOUIRING A VERTICAL WEB: I) VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS MUST MATCH IN SIZE. GRADE. AND MUST LINE UP AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 91 ATTACH 2 a - a 4!.0' SCAB TO EACH FACE OF EKI TRUSS ASSBLV WITH 2 ROWS OF lOd (0.131' X 7) NAILS SPACED 4'O.C. FROM EACH FACE. (SIZE AND GRADE TO MATCH VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS.) (MINIM)M 2X4) THIS CONNECTION IS ONLY VALID FOR A MAXIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 4000 LBS (01.15). REVIEW BY A QUALIFIED ENGINEER IS REQUIRED FOR LOADS GREATER THAN 4000 LBS. FOR PIGGYBACK TRUSSES CARRYING GIRDER WADS, NUMBER OF PLYS OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO MATCH BASE TRUSS. CONCENTRATED LOAD MUST BE APPLIED TO BOTH THE PIGGYBACK AND THE BASE TRUSS DESIGN. STANDARD PIGGYBACK AUGUST 1, 2016 TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL Mu-PIGGY == EflLE MiTek USA, Inc. YMMMM AffrAm MFrek USA, Inc. Page I oil MAXIMUM WINO SPEED REFER TO NOTES D AND OR S MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 30 FEET MAX TRUSS SPACING. 24' 0-C, CATEGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE B or ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05 DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR TRUSSES TRANSFERING DRAG LOADS (SHEAR TRUSSES). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS BY BUILDING ENGINEERiDESIGNER ARE REQUIRED A - PIGGBACK TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. SHALL BE CONNECTED TO EACH PURUPI WITH (2) (0.1311 - X 3.61 TOE-NAILED. 81 TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. C - PURLINS AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT AND A MAXIMUM 24 0.0. UNLESS SPECIFIED CLOSER ON MITEIC TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. CONNECT TO BASE TRUSS WITH (2) (0.131' X 3.5') NAILS EACH. 0-2 X_X4'-O' SCAB, SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS, MIN GRADE it ATTACHED TO ONE FACE, CENTEREI INTERSECTION, WITH (2) ROWS OF (0.131' X 3') NAILS @4 O.C. SCAB MAY BE OMITTED PROVIDED THE TOP CHORD SHEATHING IS CONTINUOUS OVER INTERSECTION AT LEAST 1 FT. IN BOTH DIRECTIONS AND: I. WIND SPEED OF OOMPH OR LESS FOR ANY PIGGYBACK SPAN, OR 2, WIND SPEED OF 91 MPH 10140 MPH WffH A MAXIMUM PIGGYBACK SPAN OF 12 ft. E -FOR WIND SPEEDS BETWEEN 101 AND 140 MPH. ATTACH MITEK 3X8 20 GA Nag-On PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSSES AT 72' 0.C. WI (4) (0.131- X 1.5') NAILS PER MEMBER. STAGGER NAILS FROM OPPOSING FACES. ENSURE 0.5' EDGE DISTANCE. (MIN. 2 PAIRS OF PLATES REQ. REGARDLESS OF SPAN) WHEN NO GAP BETWEEN PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS EXISTS: REPLACE TOE NAILING OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO PURLINS WITH Nail-On PLATES AS SHOWN, AND INSTALL PURUNS TO BOTTOM EDGE OF BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD AT SPECIFIED SPACING SHOWN ON BASE TRUSS MITEK DESIGN DRAWING. SCAB C( NOTED I FOR ALL WIND SPEEDS, ATTACH MITEK 3)(6 20 GA Nail-On PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSSES AT 48' D.C. WI (4) (0.131' X IS') PER MEMBER. STAGGER NAILS FROM OPPOSING FACES ENSURE 0.8' EDGE DISTANCE. This sheet is provided as a Piggyback connection ' detail only. Building Designer Is responsible for all permanent bracing per standard engineering practices or refer to BCSI for general guidance on lateral restraint and diagonal bracing requirements. VERTICAL WEB TO EXTEND THROUGH BOTTOM CHORD OF PIGGYBACK FOR LARGE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO CAP TRUSS REQUIRING A VERTICAL WEB: I) VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS MUST MATCH IN SIZE. GRADE. AND MUST LINE UP AS SHOWN IN DETAIL. ATTACH 2 a - a 4-0' SCAB TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS ASSEMBLY WITH 2 ROWS OF l0d (0,131' X 3') NAILS SPACED 4' 0.0. FROM EACH FACE. (SIZE AND GRADE TO MATCH VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS.) (MINIMUM 2X4) THIS CONNECTION IS ONLY VALID FOR A MAXIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 4000 LBS (@1.15). REVIEW BY A QUALIFIED ENGINEER IS REQUIRED FOR LOADS GREATER THAN 4000 LBS. FOR PIGGYBACK TRUSSES CARRYING GIRDER LOADS, NUMBER OF PLYS OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO MATCH BASE TRUSS. CONCENTRATED LOAD MUST BE APPLIED TO BOTH THE PIGGYBACK AND THE BASE TRUSS DESIGN. STANDARD CAP I AUGUST 1, 2016 TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL I Mil-CAP crj ® MiTek USA, Inc. Ymm= *ITiII.*III, MiTek USA. Inc. Page 1 of 1 DESIGN CRITERIA LOADING (PSF) MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET TCLL. 30.0 CATEGORY I! BUILDING TCDL. 10.0 EXPOSURE BotC TOTAL-- 40.0 ENCLOSED BUILDING ASE 7-98, ASCE 7.02, ASCE 7.05 90 MPH SPACING 2-0-0 ASCE 7-10 115 MPH PLATE INCR: 1.15 DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE :1.60 LUMBER INCA: 1.15 MIN UDEFLP 240 2 x_x 44O" SIZE TO MATCH Top CHORD OF PIGGYBACK ATTACHED TO EACH FACE OF TOP CHORD WITH 2 ROWS OF lOd (0.I31-X 31 NAILS SPACED 6" O.C. AND STAGGERED MAX. SPAN PIGGYBACK TRUSS I0'-O" WITH SP 2X4 NO.2 LUMBER SLOPE MAY VARY FROM 3112 TO 12112 CAP TRUSS VA BASE TRUSS SPACE PURLINS ACCORDING TO THE MAXIMUM SPACING ON THE TOP CHORD OF THE BASE TRUSS (SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 24 O.C.). ATTACH EACH PURLIN TO TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS WITH 2- 18d (0.131' X 3.5 NAILS. NOTE: FOR PIGGY BACK TRUSSES WITH SPANS 4' OR LESS A PtJRLIN TO BE LOCATED SCAB MAY BE OMMITED PROVIDED THAT: AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT. ROOF SHEATHING TO BE CONTINUOUS OVER JOINT (SHEATHING To OVERLAP MINIMUM 12- OVER JOINT) STANDARD PIGGYBACK TRUSS AUGUST 1, 2016 CONNECTION DETAIL (PERPENDICULAR) MII-PIGGY-PERP. =00 MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT= 30 FEET MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of 1 - BUILDING CATEGORY II WIND EXPOSURE BorC WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02. ASCE 7-05100 MPH (MWFRS) WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10 125 MPH (MWFRS) Milek USA, Inc. DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE ymmm I FOR WIND LOADS: 1.60 ANIMAMAM DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR TRUSSES TRANSFERING DRAG LOADS (SHEAR TRUSSES). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS BY BUILDING ENGINEER/DESIGNER ARE REQUIRED. THIS DETAIL SHALL BE ONLY USED FOR RESISTING A VERTICAL WIND UPLIFT UP TO 140 LBS MAXIMUM AT EACH CONNECTION POINT. BUILDING DESIGNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOAD EXCEEDING THIS LIMITATION AND/OR IN OTHER DIRECTIONS. ATTACH PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO BASE TRUSS WITH (2)- 16d (0.131 X3.5") NAILS TOENAILED. NOTES FOR TRUSS: THIS DETAIL IS VALID FOR ONE-PLY PIGGYBACK TRUSS ONLY; THE CHORD MEMBER OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSSES MUST BE SOUTHERN PINE OR DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH LUMBER; THE SPACING OF PIGGYBACK TRUSSES AND BASE TRUSSES IS FT OR LESS; THE PIGGYBACK TRUSSES SHOULD BE PERPENDICULAR TO BASE TRUSSES. PIGGYBACK TRUSS MAY NOT CANTILEVER OVER BASE TRUSS OR HAVE AN OVERHANG WHICH WILL CREATE A HIGHER UPLIFT AT CONNECTING POINT. PIGGY-BACK TRUSS (CROSS-SECTION VIEW) Refer to actual truss design drawing tou additional piggyback truss information. / NEAR SIDE FAR SIDE I KORD USS BASE TRUSS (SIDE VIEW) Refer to actual truss design drawing for additional base truss information. NOTES FOR TOE-NAIL: 1, TOE-NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 30 DEGREES WITH THE MEMBER AND STARTED 1/3 THE LENGTH OF THE NAIL FROM THE MEMBER END AS SHOWN. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. I P STANDARD PIGGYBACK MI I-PIGGY-ALT AUGUST 1, 2016 TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL 7-10 cJc:J ® TV1[IJ MiTch USA, Inc. YMM, AROdkAffalob 1 011 MAXIMUM WIND SPEED REFER TO NOTES 0 AND ORE MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT • 30 FEET MAX TRUSS SPACING = 24 O.C.' CATEGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE B or C ASCE 7-10 DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR TRUSSES TRANSFERING DRAG LOADS (SHEAR TRUSSES). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS BY BUILDING ENGINEER/DESIGNER ARE REQUIRED. A - PIGGBACK TRUSS, REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. SHALL BE CONNECTED TO EACH PURLIN WITH (210(0.131'X 3.6") TOE-NAILED. B- BASE TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. C - PURLINS AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT AND A MAXIMUM 24 O.C. UNLESS SPECIFIED CLOSER ON MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. CONNECT TO BASE TRUSS WITH (2) (0.131' X3.5') NAILS EACH. D -2 X_X 4'. SCAB. SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS, MIN GRADE 82, ATTACHED TO ONE FACE, CENTEREI WrERSECTION, WITH (2) ROWS OF (0.131'X 3') NAILS @ 4 O.C. SCAB MAY BE OMITTED PROVIDED THE TOP CHORD SHEATHING IS CONTINUOUS OVER INTERSECTION AT LEAST 1 FT. IN BOTH DIRECTIONS AND: WIND SPEED OF uS MPH OR LESS FOR ANY P.GGYBACK SPAN. OR WIND SPEED OF 116 MPH TO 160 MPH WITH A MAXIMUM PIGGYBACK SPAN OF 1211 E -FOR WIND SPEED IN THE RANGE 126 MPH. IGO MPH ADDS. x 9' x 112' PLYWOOD (cc 7116' OSS) GUSSET EACH SIDE AT4Y O.C. OR LESS. ATTACH WITH 3- Sd (0.113' K 21 NAILS INTO EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE (TOTAL -12 NAILS) WHEN NO GAP BETWEEN PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS EXISTS: REPLACE TOE NAILING OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO PURLINS WITH PLYWOOD GUSSETS AS SHOWN, AND INSTALL PURUNSTO BOTTOM EDGE OF BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD AT SPECIFIED SPACING SHOWN ON BASE TRUSS MITEK DESIGN DRAWING. SCAB Cl NOTED 7' a 7' a 1/2' PLYWOOD (0,7)16' OSB) GUSSET EACH SIDE AT 24' O.C. ATTACH WITH 3- 6d (0.113' X2") NAILS 1410 EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE (TOTAL -12 NAILS) This sheet is provided as a Piggyback connection detail only. Building Designer is responsible for all permanent bracing per standard engineering practices or refer to BCSI for general guidance on lateral restraint and diagonal bracing requirements. VERTICAL WEB TO EXTEND THROUGH BOTTOM CHORD OF PIGGYBACK FOR LARGE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO CAP TRUSS REQUIRING A VERTICAL WEB: VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS MUST MATCH IN SIZE, GRADE, AND MUST LINE UP AS SHOWN IN DETAIL ATTACH 2 x - a 4-0' SCAB TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS ASSEMBLY WITH 2 ROWS OF 1 D (0.131' X 3') NAILS SPACED 4' O.C. FROM EACH FACE. (SIZE AND GRADE TO MATCH VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS.) (MINIMUM 2X4) THIS CONNECTION IS ONLY VALID FOR A MAXIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 4000 LOS (@1.15). REVIEW BY AOUAUFIED ENGINEER IS REQUIRED FOR LOADS GREATER THAN 4000 LBS, FOR PIGGYBACK TRUSSES CARRYING GIRDER LOADS, NUMBER OF PLYS OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO MATCH BASE TRUSS. CONCENTRATED LOAD MUST BE APPLIED TO BOTH THE PIGGYBACK AND THE BASE TRUSS DESIGN. I I I AUGUST 1,2016 ® MiTek USA, Inc. GORI STANDARD PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL Mu-PIGGY-ALT MITek USA, Inc. Page 1 of MAXIMUM WIND SPEED • REFER TO NOTES 0 AND ORE MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT -30 FEET MAX TRUSS SPACING = 24' O.C. CATEGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE B or ASCE 7-02. ASCE 7-05 DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR TRUSSES TRANSFERING DRAG LOADS (SHEAR TRUSSES). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS BY BUILDING ENGINEER/DESIGNER ARE REQUIRED. A . PIGGBACK TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINC SHALL BE CONNECTED TO EACH PURUN WITH (2) (0I3V X 3.5') TOE-NAILED. B• BASE TRUSS. REFER TO MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING. C - PURUNS AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT AND A MAXIMUM 24' O.i UNLESS SPECIFIED CLOSER ON MITEK TRUSS DESIGN DRAWl CONNECT TO BASE muss WITH (2) (0.131' X 3.5') NAILS EACI-0• 2X_X4'.O SCAB, SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS, NIH GRADE #2, ATTACHED TO ONE FACE, ON INTERSECTION. WITH (2) ROWS OF (0.131' X 3') NAILS @4' SCAB MAY BE OMITTED PROVIDED THE TOP CHORD SHEATH IS CONTINUOUS OVER INTERSECTION AT LEAST 1 FT. IN BOTH DIRECTIONS AND: I. WIND SPEED OF 90 MPH OR LESS FOR ANY PIGGYBACK SPI 2. WIND SPEED OF 91 MPH TO 140 MPH WITH A MAXIMUM PIGGYBACK SPAN OF 12 ft. E -FOR WIND SPEED IN THE RANGE 128 MPH-ISO MPH ADD x 9's 1/2' PLYWOOD (or 7116' 038) GUSSET EACH SIDE AT 46' O.C. OR LESS. ATTACH WITH 3-Sd (0.113'X2') NAILS INTO EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE (TOTAL' 12 NAILS) WHEN NO GAP BETWEEN PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS EXISTS: REPLACE TOE NAILING OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO PURLINS WITH Nail'On PLATES AS SHOWN, AND INSTALL PURUNS TO BOTTOM EDGE OF BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD AT SPECIFIED SPACING SHOWN ON BASE TRUSS MITEK DESIGN DRAWING. This sheet Is provided as a Piggyback connection ' detail only. Building Designer is responsible for all permanent bracing per standard engineering practices or refer to BCSI for general guidance on lateral restraint and diagonal bracing requirements. 7' aT' x 1/2' PLYWOOD (or 7116' OSB) GUSSET EACH SIDE AT 24' O.C. AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT. ATTACH WITH 3-Sd (0.113 X 2') NAILS INTO EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE (TOTAL. 12 NAILS) VERTiCAL WEB TO EXTEND THROUGH BOTTOM CHORD OF PIGGYBACK FOR LARGE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO CAP TRUSS REQUIRING A VERTICAL WEB: 1)VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS MUST MATCH IN SIZE, GRADE, AND MUST LINE UP AS SHOWN IN DETAIL, ATTACH 2 a - a 441' SCAB TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS ASSEMBLY WITH 2 ROWS OF lOd (0.131' X 3') NAILS SPACED 4' O.C. FROM EACH FACE. (SIZE AND GRADE TO MATCH VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS.) (MINIMUM 2X4) THIS CONNECTION IS ONLY VALID FOR A MAXIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 4000 LOS (@1.15). REVIEW BYAQUALIFIED ENGINEER IS REQUIRED FOR LOADS GREATER THAN 4000 LOS. FOR PIGGYBACK TRUSSES CARRYING GIHOER LOADS, NUMBER OF PLYS OF PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO MATCH BASE TRUSS. CONCENTRATED LOAD MUST BE APPLIED TO BOTH THE PIGGYBACK AND THE BASE TRUSS DESIGN. Third Party Quality Assurance Program Owned by: SBCRI 6300 Enterprise Lane - Madison, Wisconsin 53719 608-310-6702 January 25, 2019 Ref: California TrusFrame, Plant #1073 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that California TrusFrame, located in Perris, CA, is an active participant in good standing with the SBCRI TPI Quality Assurance Inspection Program for metal plate connected wood trusses, owned by SBCRI. The SBCRI TPI program is recognized by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board in accordance with ANSI/ANAB Report Al-2620 as a Type A (3 d Party) Inspection Body (http://search.anab.orgJpublic/organization files/Structural-Building-Components-Research-Institute- U Cert-and-Scope-File-01-18-2019 1547822724.pdf); it serves as a means for truss manufacturers to comply with International Residential Code (IRC) Sections R109.2 R502.11 and R802.10 and International Building Code (IBC) Sections 110.4. 1703 1704.2.5 and 2303.4. Based on random, unannounced inspections and/or audits of in-house QC records conducted by SBCRI, the metal plate connected wood truss design and manufacturing quality of California TrusFrame located in Perris, CA, are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 referenced in ICC's IRC and IBC versions 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012&2015. California TrusFrame located in Perils, CA is authorized to affix SBCRI's TPI Quality Assurance Stamp provided that it maintains continued satisfactory conformance with ANSI/WI 1 & IRC/IBC 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 & 2015 codes. Its approved usage signifies that the truss manufacturer licensee is complying with the applicable provisions of the model building code. In the event of unsatisfactory performance (cycle of non-conforming reports), SBCRI TPI quality stamps may be removed from the premises of the SBCRI TPI licensee and decertification proceeding initiated. I If SBCRI can be of further assistance in familiarizing you with the voluntary Quality Assurance Inspection Program, or the ongoing status of California TrusFrame located in Perris, CA, or any other of the SBCRI TPI Quality Assurance Ucensees, please do not hesitate to contact us, or visit our website at https:/Iwww.sbcri.info/ga/inspection-Drop,ram-licensees for a complete listing of truss manufacturers I that are participating in our quality auditing program. I Sincerely, I John Arne Director of Inspection Services I I lj I !i ;V - k&;. A A! ~ .,.r,!w -9 a .. FT!uss~es eral Notes rilotas Generales Hoisting and Placement of Wuss Bundles Stops to Settinn flusses Restraint & Bracing for 3x2 and 4x2 Parallel Chord flussesPara re not marked in any way to identify the Los trusses no esfdn marcados de ningOn mode quo Levantar Paquetes do Trusses . -R".--r Las Medidas de Ia Ins1aIac,ón de los Tru -..., r....I es I I on y Para sses e S ara as .v frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint identifique Is frecuencia 0 iocalizacidn de ,estricciOn and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations lateraly amosfre diagonal temporales. Use las G DON'T overload the crane. NO sobre ucla rua caig g 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 10' (3m) Diagonal bracing Repeat diagonal bracing Refer to 15' (t6 m) _-_ every 15 truss spaces 30 - ..- (RI m) max for handling installing and temporary restraining rocomendocronos do monojo instoiccion and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI- Guide to yanios(re temporal de los trusses. yea elfolleto BCSl ® NEVER use banding to lifts bundle, trusses with short temporary mOmber ltorl restraint (see below) 4) install top chord diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracingto stabilize the first five trusses (see below). 6) install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). BCBI B? for mor,. information. I I Practice Restraining Good for Handling, Installing. - Gula de Buena Prbctica pare el Manejo. lnstaiacibn, & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Restnccrbn y Amnostre de los Trusses de Madera NUNCA use las ataduras pars levantar un paquete 7) Repeat process with groups of four trusses until all trusses are set WE at resumen BCSI B7 mills detallada. Trusses for more detailed information. Conectados ran Places de Metai' pars informaciOn cadn A single lift point may be used for bundles of .,_aiii) '--.. 1) lnstale /as arriostres de belTs. 2) Instale las pn!iximas 4 trusses con , at pnmero truss yate seguramente at amostre de tier,a, lateral temporal de mienribro carte (vea Strata). 4 ) pars mills informaciOn. It ii:;i Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of top chord pitch trusses up to 45(13.7 m) and . .Instate at ardostre diagonal de Is cuerda superior l ab*). 5) Instate arriastre diagonal pars I Apply diagonal lbrace o ye cs I 52' oc, typ. permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for Los dibujos de disc/to de los trusses pueden especillcar individual truss Refer to the SCSI las locwiizsciones derestncciOn lateral members. -B3" permanents 0 parallel chord trusses up to 30(9.1 m). Use at least two lift for bundles top points of pianos de los miembros secundanos pars estabilice los primeros cinrsn trusses (yea aba) 6) Instate Is restr/ccion lateral temporal diagonal to cuerda infer/or 7) yamostre pars (yea abajo). e4epita éste webs at end of cantilever and at for more information. All other permanent bracing refuerzo an los miembms individuales del truss. Vea chord pitch trusses up to 60'(18.3 m) and parallel WARNING Do not overload su ortin pp procedimiento an grupos de cuatro trusses haste qua todos los trusses eatOn instalados. bearing locations. All lateral restraints design is the responsibility of the building designer. to hoja recumsn 9 CSI- B3'pars mdc inforrnaciOn. El chord trusses up to 45' (13.7 nn). Ua,. at kiii.t structure with truss bundle, UL'u1)ILW to BCSl-B2" for more information lrd 'earl at two trucusu. resto de los discO Os de amostres permsnentes son Is three lift points for bundles of top chord pitch . . . . lop chord temporary lateral restraint spacing shall be 10'(3 m) oc max. for 3x2 chords responsabilidad del disefladordel edificio. trusses >60(18.3 m) and parallel chord trusses lAOVER TENCIAI No sobrecargue to yea ci resumen BCSI-B2 pars mds ,nformacidn. and 15'(4.6 m) oc for 4x2 chords. - >45'(13.7 m). est,uctura apoyada con at paquete de RestraintillBracinsis for All - - - - - Out-of-Plane DANGER The consequences of improper trusses Resb1cC168115111mostrig Puede user un solo luger de levantar pars Para 7bdas Planes de Tru.S Installing - Ins1aIadóii handling, erecting, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a collapse of the paquetes de trusses de to cuerda super/or lJ Place truss bundles in stable position. haste 45'y trusses its cuerdes paratelas de (I Minimum lumber used for lateral restraint and diagonal bracing is 2x4 stress-graded lumber. Attach to each truss with at least 2-10d (0.128x3"), 2-12d (0.128x3.25") or 2-16d (0.1314.5") nails. Tolerances for Out-of-Plane. structure, or worse, serious personal injury Puse paquetes de trusses an una 300 manors. Use per to menos dos puntos estable. or death. de levanfar con gropes de trusses de cuerda posicrOn La madera 2x4 clasilicada pot estrés as Is madera minima ulalizada pars rest,/cciOn lateral y smostramiento di- agonal. Atadas a csda braguam con at minima 2 clavos 10d (0. 128x3), 12d (0. I28x3.25) 0 16d (0.I31x3.5). Max Sow ngth - IPELIGROl El resultado de un manejo, levanta- inclinada haste 60'y trusses de miento, instalaciOn, restricciOn y arnsotre incorrecto superior cuerdas parslelas haste 45 Use par to manes dos punters de levantar con grupos de trusses de cuerda This restraint and bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses BOW t puede ser Is calda de Is estructura o sun peor, - superior inclinada mas de 60'y trusses de cuerdas parslelas mas de 45 (PCTs). See top of next column for temporary restraint and bracing of PCTs, Max. Bow her/dos o muertos. Este mbtodo de restncciOn y arriostre as pars todo trusses exceplo trusses de cuerdas parslelas ___________ @aWUUM Exercise care when remov- (PCTs) 3x2y4x2. Vea Is parts superior do Is columns pars Is restdncionyaodostre temporal de PCTs. Plumb inn hanriinn and handuinn trusses to cs,nid ---• Mechanical Hoisting Recommendations for Single Trusses ___ ____ 1) TOP CHORD PLANE - CUERDA SUPERIOR - - Tolerances ioierances for Out-of-Plumb. Toterancias pars 0/50 max1-e,.1 Fuera-de-Plomada. Construction Loading personal protective equipment for the eyes, A damaging trusses and prevent Injury. Wear _______ W818)i(it Using a single pick-point at the peak can damage the truss feet, hands and head when working with 8@ll!Otlfi.dlt Utilice cautela at quitar las atadurss werax aovaxuwr ,rub iiwwwuwao trusses. _________ hacer cia/to al truss, El use de un solo luger an ci pica pare 60' or less 0 los pedazos de metal de sujetar pars eviler cia/to a los trusses y prevenir to herida personal. Lleve ci equipo protective personal pars ojos. _rsu_u_ac:::;;)l;lssssossssasss>Iss, Tagline Ini_ 1/2 pies, manos y cabeza cuando trabaja con @&flDilD6O Use ICE/AllW(1lLiilf trusses, truss length special care in Utilice cuidado windy weather or especial an --a- -- and bracing is securely and properly in place. NO proceda con Is construcciOn haste qus todas las restric- I Inu0000nxa,nuorlou I near power lines dias ventosos 0 'Consult a Registered Design Professional for trusses longer than 60'(18 3 m). clones tolerates y los amostres estOn colocados an forma rbax apropiada y segurs. eldctricos ode Locate Spreader bar ''" I1 See BCSI-B2" for TCTLR options N DO NOT exceed maximum stack heights in table at right. 1013 m) Tw IJL.JtL.l Evils Is lesiOn lateraL for truss Consulte a us Professional Reelsirado de Oisefio pass tresses mds de 60 pies. Handling - Manejo and airports. cerca de cables fib Avoid lateral ____________________________ ____________________________ Refer to SCSI-B4- for more information. _______________________ Vea ci BCSI-82'' pare las opc/ones d no I.e-..-.. TRUSSES up TO 65(18.3 ml ml 1 sht , 0cmaoL . for Gable End Frame restraint/bracing/ bending. __________ NO exceda las allures mdximas de montón. Vea el resumen rust 1-) 2/3 truss length I Spreader bar ____________ Lhh)tt Refer to BCSI-B3" '-' 520c p BC . A SI-B4" pare mds infomnaciOn. I TRUSSES HASTA6O PIES - TrussSpan..,. - - TópChórd TOOttèiófRisiñt(TCTLRFSpácktg Locigithd de.Tranno Espaâlanalento délArs1ostreTéiñp'oieJdeIa CuordeSupèiier. Up to 30' 10'(3 m) oc max. (9.1 m) (9.1 m-131 m) 8(2.4 m) oc max. __________________________________ DO NOT proceed with construction until all lateral restraint (13.7 m:18.3 m) 6'(1.8 m) oc max. (18.3 m-24,4 m)' 4(1.2 m) cc max, Out-of-Plumb Max. Bow as Length DI50 D (ft) 3/4" 12.5' (19 mm) (3.8 m) 1/4' 1' 7/8' 14.6' (22 mm) (4.5 m) 1/2' 2' 1" 16.7' (13 (25 mm) (5.1 ml 3/4' 3' 1-118" 18.8' U!I) (29 mm) (5.7 m) 1' 4' 1-114" 20.8' (25 mm) (j (32 mm) (6.3 m) 1-114' 5' 1-3/8' 22.9' (j (35 mm) (7.0 m) 1-1/2" 6' 1-1/2' 25.0' 1.(38 mm) (7.6 ml 1-3/4' 7' 1-3/4' 29.2' j) (j (44 mm) (8.9 m) 2' ~8' 2' S33,3' (51 mm) (10.1 m) Maximum Stack Height - for Mn tuel an Tmsses' Material Height Gypsum Board 12"(305 mm) Plywood or oaa IB' (406 mm) Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles Concrete Block 81203 mm) Clay Tile 3-4 ties high -he central r Spreader bar W to reinforcement information. 1. Based an truss live [mid of 40 par or is responsible for Hold each truss in position with the erection Para informactl6r; sabre restriccl6n.1 TCTLR greater. For other conditions, contact properly receiving, 314 truss length -I Lll 1, E~ 1IMkn -=A a Registered Design Professional. unloading and storing equipment until top chord temporary lateral Tagline TRUSSES UP TO ANO OVER 60 ardostrelrefuerzo Para Armazones; 2. Install stacks of materials as quickly restraint is installed and the truss Is fastened -B3- the trusses at the Hesitates vea at resumen BCSI as possible. jobs'de. Unload trusses to the bearing points. Note: Ground bracing not shown for clarity."-.._ __- 10 or >, 10111 Q NEVER stack materials nears peak, at mid-span, on cantilevers or overhangs, to smooth surface to prevent damage. I!J Use proper rig- Use equipo apropiado Sostenga coda truss an posiciOn con equipo de grda haste qua Is restncciOn lateral temporal de . Truss attachment NUNCA spite los matenales cerca de un pica, a centro de Is luz. an El contratiste tiene Is responsabilidad de recib/r, glng and hoisting pars levantar e to cuerda super/or estO instalado y at truss said asegurado an los sopor/es Repeat diagonal braces for each set of 4 trusses, required at support a) cantilevers o aleros, descargary almacenar adecuadamente /as equipment. improviser. Repita los arrlsotres diagonales pare coda grupo de 4 trusses. Section A-A r - trusses en Is obra. Descargue Ice trusses an IS Installation of Single Trusses by Hand DO NOT overload small groups or single trusses. I' t,errs liso pars pro venir ci dano. Recommendacciones do Levantamiento do Trusses LATERAL RESTRAINT & DIAGONAL BRACING ARE NO sobrecargue pequefios gropes o trusses individuales, 1 Individuales P0, La Mane VERY IMPORTANT lI Place loads over as many trusses as possible. I " lI Trusses 20' - - - """ - El Trusses 30' - - ;LA RESTRICCIÔN LATERAL V EL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL SON Coloque las cargas sabre henries trusses come sea posible. ____________ ' "N '- - •__ (6 1 m) or (9 1 m) or less MUV IMPORTANTES' El Position loads overload bearing wells less' support support at 2) WEB MEMBER PLANE - Diagonal Contin ous Lateral Restraint Coloque las cargos sabre las parades soportantes. near peak. quarter points. (CLR) splice relfhrcomeM SOP Saporta do SECUNDARIOS 2x_ V MOM Refer to SCSI-85.*- carve al p,- los trusses I.uii Trusses upto20' detrsmo[as Trusses upto30' ..gp'j Web members •..-_ J Vea a/ resuman BCSI-85. Tnos bracing not shown for darrity. - ' de 20 pies o (6.1 m) trusses de 30 (9.1 m) DO NOT cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless Trusses may be unloaded directly on the ground at DO NOT store NO almacene mencis Trusses haste 20 pies pies a mortals. Trusses haste 30 pies specifically permitted by the truss design drawing. the time of or stored in contact unuisced bundles verticalmente las - _ upright. trusses sueltos, stored for in to than one week, place blocking of Temporary Restraint & Bracing l's' '-- - A NO Bottom sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8' Resfrkcion y Arriostre Temporal -.-.. Minimum Scott block ce del truss. Los trusses pueden ser descargados directs- •t'lI)1(•l , , Diagonal braces every to dR wdh minimum 8-16d \ (2.4 in) to 10'(3 in) on-center (oc). chords over CLR splice. Attach Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Man- Las an ci suelo en equal momonto do entrega Refer to BCSI.B2 for more information. Top Chord Temporary itt truss spaces 20' (0.1354.5) nuts each side ufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void, Vea ci resumen BCSI-82"para mOs informaciOn. Lateral Restraint 10' (3 m) -15 (4.6 m) max. (6.1 m) max. ice or as 5Xot6d by the/ Building Designer. Trusses qua as hen sobrecargado dursnte to construcciOn o han side alterados sin Ia Suter- single -. guardados pare aids do una semena, ponga El Locate ground braces directly in line with all rows I ' 2x4 min. Same spacing as bottom chord Note: Some chord and web members SECTION A-A 1zad6n previa del Fabncante de Trusses, pueden hecernulo y sin efecto Is garsntla tim/lade del bloqueando de allure suliciente detras de Ia pile - . . of top chord temporary lateral restraint (see table - lateral restraint not shown for clarity. Fabncante de Trusses. dales trusses a 8 baste 10 pies an centm (cc). in the next column). , 5 Zoe, 3) BOTTOM CHORD PLANE - "-.. I S -contact ih. component Manufacturer for mom Information a,uens5. Registered Deign Professional for uiui.nue. If trusses are to e store or more l an -.-.- -. Coloque los emostres de tierra pars ci primer CUERDA INFERIOR "..---- I IX4- Truss one week, cover bundles to protect from the environment. DO NOT store an NO almacene an herrB truss dire ctamente an lines con cads una its las Lateral Restraints 2x4 12' "- . 5, .. . Member designerNOTE: The truss manufacturer arW buss 0. Brace first Pars trusses guardados pot mds de una semana, uneven ground. desig . filas.de nestriod6n lateral temporal de Is cuefda truss lapped over two trusses Professionals with the capability to undertake the work they he" agreed to do on any given project. lf the contractor believes it needs superior (yea Is table an Is prOxima columna). or dR r - - Note. Some chord assistance in some aspect of the construction protect, should seek assistance from a competent party. The methods and procedures cobra los uetes pars I rice del ambiente securely p1 reinforcement. '-._, . "- and web members eutissed in ma document are intended to ensure thatihe overall construction techniques employed will put Use trusses into place SAFELY. P517 pa f)tO ego - ® D' 05' .. -. -.. • "5-.... litnue recommendations for handling, Installing restraining and bracing trauses are based upon the collective experience of leading S .. - walk on un race trusses. before Bottom - - z'-. - ".- not shown for Personnel involved with truss design, manufacture and installation. but must due in the nature of responsibilities Involved, be presented Refer to csr for more detailed information per- i . , Al erection of chords '' '_.z. ' . dant" only es a GUIDE forum by Equalified building designer or contractor it is not intended that these recommendations be interpreted anNO taming to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. ,, camine an trusses sue os. .ø'ii .. i .. ''5.. 5-.- __.'-z::'-' - superior to she building designer's design specification for handling, installing, restraining and bracing trusses arid 0 doe, not preclude the - - . ... "-.-,,, ---- use of other equivalent methods for reulrsiningihradng and providing stability forth, wails, columns, floors, roars and all theInterrelated Vea et foliate BCsrpars infomisciOn nods detal- . DO NOT stand on truss overhangs until trusses. '' - ... -' structural building components as determined by the contractor. Thus, sBdAesmprenuly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising We sabre elmanejoyalmacenado its bar trusses " - . f Structural Sheathing has been applied to ___________ • ...-.. from the use, application. or reliance on the recommendations and information contained herein. an Area its trabajo. ..-_- .'----. -..... the truss and overhangs. 11111111 .1,, "- Diagonal braces every 10 - -. NO se pare an voladizos catches haste ' truss spaces 20 16.1 m) max. SBC Revestimiento estruclurel has/do aplicado ala arrnadura y voladizos. 10' (3 m) - 15' (4A m) max. 608-2744849 - eaooEnterpdoeLans.Madison,w15371g BIWARNIIoI7 180911 Tma... ace spac.d as shown on layout.. Ercirs tow... we not provided tor luau Can lights or air registers. Pianoe cooadlnato ap.clal truss, placem.nt with job aupeelntend.nt prior to stacking tnws.s. Adjust truss spacing to clear can light. and sdr i.glst.r an needed, DO NOT CUT OR MODIFY TRUDSE sons"ouse s Shown. No exceptions taken ark Swanson, PE C44594 HANGER LIST DESCRIPTION ON LUS24 10 LUS26 5 HUS26 0 HHUS26-2 THIS LAYOUT IS FOR PLACEMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED AS A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT. ALL BEAM SIZES NOTED PER STRUCTURAL PLAN SET C California TrusFrame 'Peopla Ddv Honor.. OurFonnidafar Succissr 23665 CAJALCO ROAD PERRIS, CA 92570 TEL 951457-7491 FAX 951-640-5176 www.CalTrurFrame.com ONLY. These busses are designed as individual building cenonenta to be incorporated Into the building design at ho spwiflcatlon of the building designer. See individual design sheets for each truss design identified on the placement drawing. The building designer is responsible for permanent bracing of the roof and floor system and for the overall structure. The design of the truss support struclure Including headers, beams, wals, and cokmva is ho responsibility of the building designer. as designed and celled out on plácenient plan. All trusses spaced at 2C countess noted otherwise. NO. 0 z II - 0- LL LL w •= - CL I- 01' It 0 — z = w o mx Cl) If 9 ;- <'1'a:: .1' _<<::, j C14 CM I-- cn'_w Cl)(9 I— a.Cl) oi a. -J- PROJECT No: M30575 ESIGNER: PETE N. REV. BY I REV. DATE Tai.s are spaced s. shown on layouts. Deba busse, are not provided for flush can lIghts or air r.gl.tm. Pt., coornate ap.dal tin.. piacomcnt wIth job superintendent prior to stacking tresses. Aiu.t tinss, spacing to clear can lights and air register as needed, DO NOT CUT OR MODIFY TRUSSE E &S orms to the Stnic Design requirements- howa No exceptions taken Swanson, PE C44594 HANGER LIST DESCRIPTION ow 1U824 10 WS26 5 HUS26 0 HHLJS26-2 I THIS LAYOUT IS FOR PLACEMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED AS A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT. ALL BEAM SIZES NOTED PER STRUCTURAL PLAN SET I 1' UPITrusFrame.California 'People Drive, Honor. OurFomiulafor Success?' 23665 CAJ.ALCO ROAD PERRIS, CA 02570 TEL 051-657-7491 FAX 951-940-5176 www.CalTrusFrane.com ONLY. These trusses are designed as individual building cemponente bbs incorporated Into the building design at the specification of the building designer. See Individual design sheets tsr each Inns design Identified on the placement drawing. The building designer is responsible for pennanent bracing of the roof and floor system and for the overall drudiise. The design of the Inns support structure lildudaig headers, beanie, walls, and cokinaw is the responsibility Of the building designer. Framer Is responshie for aanle sparng Of trusses as designed and ceiled Out an iilaaemant plait MI busses spaced at 2C cc unless noted otheiwlee. 0 CD z II -J 00 - Im CD— U- Z z w Zil -J I— Z LI — 0 W 0 C0 0 04 ;- W II <coQ:: Z::j —' 0 Q C ¼ ,, LU U)Z ...J W0 -- tr CD 0 i l-OU) oi °---' PROJECT No: M30575 DESIGNER: PETE N. REV. BY I REV. DATE P.N. 9-3-19 P.N. 1 9-6-19 rm..e. -e spaced as shown on layoute. Exba frus..s arO ust prov ids d for flush can lights or air registers. Flu.,. coordlnato .p.dal tees. plaseenont with Job snposintcndrnt patorto stacking bus,... Adjust bus. .paelng to clear can lights and air register a. ns.dcd, DO 1(01' CUT on MODIFY TRUUES' iD"lonr1 lc E hown No exceptions taken HANGER UST DESCRIPTION 01' 1US24 1 MUS26 3 HHUS-2 I THIS LAYOUT IS FOR PLACEMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED AS A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT. ALL BEAM SIZES NOTED PER STRUCTURAL PLAN SET CTFITrusFrame. California ?eopIDiIve, HonoT... Our Fomiuhfor Success? 23665 CAJALCO ROAD PERRIS, CA 92570 TEL 951-657-7491 FAX 951-940-5176 www.CalTrusFrame.com THIS IS TRUSS PLACEMENT DIAGRAM ONLY. These busses are designed as Individual building components in be lnccporated into the building design at the specification of the building designer. See Individual design sheets for each buss design Identified on the placement drawing. The building designer Is responsible for permanent bracing of the roof and floor system and for the overall Nructtre. The design of the truss supped stricture lndudrng beads,. herein, walls, and oolumns is the responsibility ci lies - building designer. Framer Is responsfole for acairale spacing of trusses as designed and called out on placement plan. All trusses spaced at 24" oc unless noted ctheswke. Exp. NO. 0 II c-i o "0 U- z 0 UJ 00 I- I-wo< 0 w ;. CM 0 Q<'r— (/)C11Jj Z O •• U)Z..J F—O..Cl) 000 0 PROJECT No: M30575 DESIGNER: PETE N. REV. BY I REV. DATE Tnasses or. .paced as shown on layout.. Extra this..s ore not provided for flush can lights or air r.gtsteis. Pium coosdinite special tms.s placement with job superintendent prior to stacking thisa. Adjust buss spacing to clear can lights and air nsat., as ns.d.d DO ROT CUT OR MODIFY TRUSSES 1 0 me iTr 1 sShown No exceptions taken PE C44M HANGER LIST - DESCRIPTION on LUS24 8 MUS26 3 HHUS28-2 THIS LAYOUT IS FOR PLACEMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED AS A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT. ALL BEAM SIZES NOTED PER STRUCTURAL PLAN SET CTFICalifornia TrusFrame. 5PeopIa Drive, Honor.. OurFomwlafbr Successr 23665 CAJALCO ROAD FERRIS, CA 92570 TEL 951-6517491 FAX 951440.5176 wusCalTru,Fraine.com ONLY. These trusses are designed as Individual building components to be Incorporated into the building design at the specification of the building designer. See Individual design sheets for each truss design identified on the placement drawing. The building designer Is responsible for permanent bracing of the roof and Poor system and for the overall structure. The design of the truss support structure Including heads., beams. wails, and columns is the responsiliiliy of the building designer. Framer Is responsible for accurate spacing of trusses as designed and celled out on placement plan. All trusses spaced at 24 oc unless noted otherwise. EXP. NO. -- a 0 z II "C-) Z.— L U- - iii Uj !2 c3> OII 00 W z d I— I— W = 9 <c')a: #1 Z D-j 11 - cw w o_ Z C')Ø (n csj w 02 -1 (9 aC) dCi)>O < O I— OU) j PROJECT No: M30575 DESIGNER: PETE N. REV. BY REV. DATE P.N. 9-3-19 P.N. 1 9-6-19 CALCULATIONS FOR POST-TENSION SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION DESIGN Project Name: Magnolia SFD PTDU #3127 Date: April 08, 2019 422 Cribbage Ln. San Marcos, CA 92078 PH: 760-591-3236 coizjq 410JD PT PROJECT DESIGN INFORMATION DU GENERAL INFORMATION DEVELOPER Asthon 3, LLC DEVELOPER LOCATION Rancho Mission Viejo, Ca PROJECT NAME 1534 Magnolia PROJECT NUMBER 3127 PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Ca, CA. TENDON ENCAPSULATION Yes (Near Ocean) CONCRETE & FOOTING INFORMATION CONCRETE STRENGTH 2500 psi SLAB TYPE 5" Ribbed CATEGORY IA I II Ill PERIMETER FOOTING DEPTH 20" INTERIOR FOOTING DEPTH 15" SLAB THICKNESS 5" SOILS INFORMATION COMPANY Geocon, Inc. REPORT NUMBER G2192-52-01 REPORT DATE 10/30/17 CAPILLARY BREAK See Soils SOIL BEARING CAPACITY 2000psf PT! METHOD (3 EDITION) DESIGN PARAMETERS CATEGORY (EXPANSION INDEX) CENTER LIFT (INCHES) EDGE LIFT (FEET) IA (<20) em ym *1 (050) em 9' 5.3' ym .3" .61" II (50-90) em ym in (90-130) em ym *DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENT DISTANCE SLAB & FOOTING CAPACITIES Input f'c= T• 25003 d= 151 S= 50 Fa = 360.00 M= 1.50 .65*w= 1300 Leff= 1.22 concrete strength in psi soil bearing pressure in psf slab thickness in inches overall footing depth in inches ISOLATED PAD FOOTING CAPACITIES Capacity 18" pad. 4500 lbs 24" pad 8000 lbs 30" pad 12500 lbs 36" pad S 18000 lbs 42" pad 24500 lbs 48" pad 32000 lbs 54" pad . 40500 lbs 60" pad 50000 lbs 66" pad 60500 lbs 72". pad 72000 lbs 78" pad . 84500 lbs 84" pad 98000 lbs 90" pad 112500 lbs PAD FOOTING CAPACITIES WI SLAB Capacity X1 1.5 18" pad 9652 lbs 14.70 inches 2 24" pad 13519 lbs 14.70 inches 2.5 30" pad 18036 lbs 14.70 inches 3 36" pad 23203 lbs . 14.70 inches 3.5 42" pad 29020 lbs . 14.70 inches 4 48" pad 35487 lbs 14.70 inches 4.5 54" pad 42605 lbs 14.70 inches 5 60" pad 50372 lbs 14.70 inches 5.5 66 PAD 58789 lbs 14.70 inches 6 72 PAD 67856 lbs 14.70 inches 6.5 78 PAD 77573 lbs 14.70 inches 7 84 PAD 87940 lbs 14.70 inches 16 ¼ 7.5 90 PAD 98958 lbs 14.70 inches 8 96 PAD 110625 lbs 14.70 inches 8.5 102 PAD 122942 lbs 14.70 inches 9 108 PAD 135909 lbs 14.70 inches slab edge Elil Slab Edge !Pad ! xi jirTri *X1 Denotes the mm. distance required to nearest flab edge in at least 2 adjacent direction (it can't be 2 opposite directions) in order : for this chart to apply - otherwise use the isolated footing chart. The capacities are based on "L "action - not "1" action. *SLAB CAPACITY = 6.39j Kips M = 0.625 L' = 1.118 Leff = 1.264 ft AREA = 6.39 ftA2. width= 2:53 ft width or2xLeff *NOTE There must be the width noted above (or Leff on all 4 sides) available and centered on the point load in both orthoganal directions. If not input the width that is available below to get the reduced capacity: Available Width = 2.25 ft REDUCED SLAB CAPACITY = L 5.06] Kips POINT LOAD CAPACITY OF CONTINUOUS FOOTING fl a3j KIPS* 2x ftg. Depth (d) Input d= [ 15 in. b= [12 in. Area = 5.56 sq. ft. *Note: There must be at least 2x the overall footing depth (d) of footing length available (cannot be at a corner). If not, reduce the capacity as follows: Available length = 24 in. Area = 4.45 ft. sq. Reduced Capacity = 6.671 Kips Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 28.00 FT 83.00 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, f: 2,500 PSI Tendon Strength, Fp: 270 KS! Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 52.7 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 1,545 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 70 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 1 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 14.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: • 6 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.80 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 7 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 10.38 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 17 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.94 Feet O.C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page lof7 Z:ICAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSlPlan I -AI.pti 2:56:56 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area I Project Engineer: REM Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 299,303 LB Bearing Area 2,026 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 148 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 13.54 Prestress Summaiy Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 17 6 Number of Beam Tendons 9 3 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 1 4.94 4.80 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.00 4.27 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 5.98 6.30 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -1.98 -2.03 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 614.8 162.2 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 643.9 226.4 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 100 77 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 105 107 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.93 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.65 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KS!) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.253 -0.200 Actual Stress 1.141 0.910 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (Inch) 80,763 34,406 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 39,687 19,299 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width 6*Beta ShearAnalvsis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. 2.45 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 2.35 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PS!) 140 135 Actual Shear Stress (PS!) 119 107 Page 2 of 7 ZICAD FiIes%3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSPlan I -AlpS 2:56:56 PM Short Long Direction Direction 80,763 34,406 47,801 22,074 Width 6*Beta 1.42 K/FT 1.57 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 140 135 69 71 Short Long Direction Direction 249.5 92.1 148.2 45.2 Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geóstructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registeied To: Post-Tension Design Unilmited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction Maximum Moment, Long Direction Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Short Long Direction Direction 464.6 181.1 246.1 79.1 3.57 FT-K/FT 3.23 FT-K/FT Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.242 -0.206 Actual Stress 0.216 0.17 Stiffness Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Available Moment of Inertia (inch 2 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Cracked Section Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Page 3of7 1-I CAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Pian 1 -AI.pti 2:56:56 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (Inch 2) 6,147 Moment of Inertia (Inch 4): 80,763 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 20,190 Section Modulus, Bottom (inch 3) 6,842 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.00 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 5.98 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -1.98 Beta Distance (Feet): 8.74 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 15.80 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. 2,117 34,406 8,055 Z671 4.27 6.30 -2.03 7.06 17.15 Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4 of 7 Z:ICAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDtALCS%Plan 1 -AI.pti 2:56:56 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Poll-Tension Design Unlimited Sells! Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, f's: Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 7 Depth: .18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: . I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis 2,500.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1/2 Inch 28.00 FT 83.00 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 17 6 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 1 lao 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Page 5 of 7 ZCAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnoila SFD%CALCSlPlen 1 -AI.pti 2:56:56 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sesial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geötechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade Properties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Sub grade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KSI Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 Z:CAD Files%3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSlPlan I .AI.pti 2:56:56 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PT! EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:CAD Files%3100-3199%3127 - Magnolia SFDICALCSlPIan I -AI.ptl 2:56:56 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 20.50 FT x 46.17 FT x 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, usc : 2500 PS! Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KS! Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantifies Concrete Volume: 22.9 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 723 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 46 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 1 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 10.25 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 5 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.13 Feet O.C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 3 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 11.54 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 10 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.69 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page lof7 Z:%CAD Files%3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSPlan I .A2.pti 2:58:22 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17, Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 127,420 LB Bearing Area 852 F7-2 Applied Pressure on Soil 150 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 13.38 Prestress Summary Sub grade. Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 10 5 Number of Beam Tendons 5 3 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.69 4.13 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.12 4.75 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 6.04 6.78 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -1.92 -2.03 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 365.7 179.4 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 373.9 202.9 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 106 108 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 108 122 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PTI 4.3.2) 5.35 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PTI 4.3.2) 5.10 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Actual Stress -0.197 -0.135 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by ShearAnalysis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KSI) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress 1.008 0.740 Short Direction Long Direction 49,874 31,706 14,584 12,491 Width 6*B eta 2.44 K/FT 1.79 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 141 142 114 59 Page 20f7 Z:%CAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan 1 .A2.ptl 2:58:22 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 2 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Cracked Section Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Short Long Direction Direction 284.7 152.9 123.5 52.2 3.52 FT-K/FT 3.14 FT-K/FT Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress 0.209 0.169 Short Long Direction Direction 49,874 31,706 19,185 15,411 Width 6*Beta 1.41 K/FT 1.52 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 141 142 66 50 Short Long Direction Direction 145.0 92.0 81.2 32.2 Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction Maximum Moment, Long Direction Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Actual Stress -0.200 -0.053 Stiffness Analysis . Edge Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia contmlled by Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction Maximum Shear, Long Direction Page 3 of 7 LICAD Flles13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan I -A2.ptl 2:58:22 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited - Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (inch 2) 3,453 1,668 Moment of Inertia (Inch 4): 49,874 31,706 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 12,107 6,673 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 4,068 2,556 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4:12 4.75 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 6.04 6.78 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -1.92 -2.03 Beta Distance (Feet): 7.75 6.92 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 16.38 17.16 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4 of 7 Z:%cAD Files13100-31993127 - Magnolia SPDCALCS%Plan 1 -A2.pti 2:58:22 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 2 Build. 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, f: Concrete Creep Modulus, E0 Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 . 3 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis 2500.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 20.50 FT x 46.17 FT x 5. 00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 10 5 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 1 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Page 5 of 7 Z:ICAD FiIes3100-31993127 -Magnolia SFDGALCSPlan 1 -A2.ptl . 2:58:22 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym: 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade Properties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 Z:CAD Fllest3loo.319913127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCSPlan I -A2.pti 2:58:22 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PTI EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:CAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCS%Plan I -A2.ptl 2:58:22 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sons! Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 13.00 FT 49.00 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, f'c: 2500 PSI Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KSI Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 15.7 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 480 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 40 In the LONG direction Tve I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 0 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 13.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 3 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.50 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 3 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 12.25 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 10 Slab Tendon Spacing: 5.00 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page lof7 Z:CAD Fi!es3100-319913127 . Magnolia SFD%CALCSPlan I -A3.ptl 2:58:45 PM Short Long Direction Direction 50,642 24,070 10,919 8,225 Width 6*Beta 2.30 K/FT 2.17 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 141 140 114 65 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 3 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 86,921 LB Bearing Area 523 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 166 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 12.03 Prestress Summa Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 10 3 Number of Beam Tendons 5 2 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 5.00 4.50 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.04 5.07 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 6.04 7.40 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -2.00 -2.33 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 376.3 110.1 Beta Distance Effective Prestress. Force (K) 371.8 127.0 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 104 101 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 103 116 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em5.0 per PTI 4.3.2) 5.95 FT-KJFT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.67 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSI) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.236 -0.140 Actual Stress 1.140 0.713 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Available Moment of Inertia (lnch) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Page 2of7 IlCAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD1CALCSPlan I -A3.ptl 2:58:45 PM Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Short Long Direction Direction 145.0 65.1 91.6 21.7 Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedel Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 284.7 97.9 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 145.8 36.8 Moment Analysis - Edqe Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction 3.74 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Direction 3.34 FT-K/FT Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.248 -0.041 Actual Stress 0.219 0.157 Stiffness Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (inch ) 50,642 24,070 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 13,721 9,694 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width 6*Beta Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction 1.36 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.55 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 141 140 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 68 47 Cracked Section Analysis - Edqe Lift Mode Page 3 of 7 Z:CAD Files13100-319913127. Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan 1 -A3.pti 2:58:45 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia -Plan I -Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (Inch2): 3,623 1,092 Moment of Inertia (Inch4): 50,642 24,070 Section Modulus, Top (inch 3) 12,525 4,746 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 4,106 1,862 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.04 5.07 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 6.04 7.40 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -2.00 -2.33 Beta Distance (Feet): 7.78 6.46 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 16.38 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4 of 7 lCAD FiIes%3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCS%Plan I -A3.pti 2:58:45 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 3 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, f'1 : 2,500.0 PSI Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: 1,500,000.0 PSI Concrete Unit Weight: 145.0 PCF Tendon Strength, Fp: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 13.00 FT 49.00 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 10 3 Long Direction Type! Type II 2 0 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 3 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis Page 5of7 Z:CAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSPIan I .A3.ptl 2:58:45 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym: 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade Properties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 Z:ICAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSPlan I -/13.ptl 2:58:45 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia -Plan I -Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PTI EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:%CAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan I -Aaptl 2:58:45 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Beds! Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 18.00 FT 41.50 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, f0 : 2,500 PSI Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KSI Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 18.4 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 565 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 40 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 1 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 9.00 Feet O.C. Number of Slab Tendons: 4 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.67 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 2 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams.: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 13.83 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 9 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.69 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page lof7 Z:tCAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan I -A4.ptl 2:59:09 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Regislesad To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Se,ial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 101,770 LB Bearing Area 683 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 149 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 13.42 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 9 4 Number of Beam Tendons 4 3 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.69 4.67 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.03 4.97 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 5.86 7.39 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -1.83 -2.42 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 319.1 159.4 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 323.7 177.4 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 105 105 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PS!) 106 117 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PTI 4.3.2) 5.13 FT-KJFT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PTI 4.3.2) 4.89 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSI) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Actual Stress -0.187 -0.129 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Available Moment of Inertia (inch ) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PS!) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KSI) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress 1.020 0.679 Short Long Direction Direction 43,373 30,573 11047 10,431 Width 6*Beta 2.59 K/FT 1.61 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 141 141 134 47 Page 2 of 7 Z:%CAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan I -A4.pti - 2:59:09 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia -Plan I -Area 4 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 259.6 123.9 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 106.6 44.0 Moment Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction Maximum Moment, Long Direction Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction 3.50 FT-K/FT 3.11 FT-K/FT Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress Actual Stress -0.233 -0.009 Actual Stress Stiffness Analysis - Eijae Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Cracked Section Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 1.125 1.125 0.212 0.152 Short Long Direction Direction 43,373 30,573 15,053 13,247 Width 6*Beta 1.40 K/FT 1.51 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 141 141 73 44 Short Long Direction Direction 118.7 92.0 72.6 27.9 Page 3of7 Z:ICAD Files13100-31993127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSPlàn I -A4.pti 2:59:09 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Posi-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross SectionalArea (Inch2): 3,051 Moment of Inertia (inch 4): 43,373 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 10,757 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 3,430 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.03 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 5.86 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -1.83 Beta Distance (Feet): 7.48 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 16.68 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. 1,518 30,573 6,146 2,509 4.97 7.39 -2.42. 6.86 17.16 Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4 of 7 Z:tCAD Files 3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSlPlan I .A4.pti 2:59:09 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, fc: Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 2 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis 2,500.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 2 70. 0 KS! 1/2 Inch 18.00 FT 41.50 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 9 4 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 1 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches 1 I 3.00 3.00 Inches Page 5of7 Z:%CAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%PIan 1 -A4.pti 2:59:09 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym- 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade ProDerties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6of7 Z:CAD Files%3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSPlan I -A4.pti 2:59:09 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PTI EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z%CAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSPlan I -A4ptl 2:59:09 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Senal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: Material Properties Concrete Strength, fc: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Material Quantities Concrete Volume: Prestressing Tendon: Number of End Anchorages: In the LONG direction Quantity of Beams: Depth of Beams: Width of Beams: Tendons per Beam: Beam Tendon Centroid: Beam Spacing: Number of Slab Tendons: Slab Tendon Spacing: Slab Tendon Centroid: In the SHORT direction Quantity of Beams: Depth of Beams: Width of Beams: Tendons per Beam: Beam Tendon Centroid: Beam Spacing: Number of Slab Tendons: Slab Tendon Spacing: Slab Tendon Centroid: 12.75 FTx 20.17 FTx 5.00 Inches 2,500 PSI 270 KSI 1/2 Inch 6.8 Cubic Yards 229 Linear Feet 26 Type I Beam Type II Beam 2 0 18.0 Inches 15.0-inches 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches I I 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches 12.75 Feet 0. C. 3 4.38 Feet 0. C. 2.50 Inches from top of slab Type I Beam Type II Beam 2 1 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches I I 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches 10.09 Feet 0. C. 5 4.04 Feet 0. C. 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page 1 of 7 Z:%CAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSPlan I -A5.ptl 2:59:27PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 36,898 LB Bearing Area 226 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 164 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 12.22 Prestress Summa Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 5 3 Number of Beam Tendons 3 2 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.04 4.38 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.78 5.11 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 6.78 7.40 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -2.00 -2.29 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 203.0 123.1 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 202.2 126.7 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 123 114 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 123 118 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.85 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.57 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSl) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.153 -0.128 Actual Stress 0.837 0.725 Stiffness Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (lnchl 31,565 23,939 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 4,332 4,125 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width Length Shear Analysis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. 2.11 KIFT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.98 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 145 143 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 69 58 Page 2of7 Z:%CAD Filesl3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCStPlan I -A5.pti 2:59:27 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction Maximum Moment, Long Direction Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction 152.9 97.9 59.0 35.5 3.82 FT-K/FT 3.35 FT-K/FT Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Actual Stress -0.080 -0.010 Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress 0.202 0.164 Short Long Direction Direction 31,565 23,939 5,652 4,967 Width Length 1.39 K/FT 1.46 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 145 143 45 43 Short Long Direction Direction 92.0 65.1 38.5 21.4 Stiffness Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Cracked Section Analysis - Edqe Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Page 3 of 7 ZCAD FiIes%3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCS%P!an 1 -A5.pti 2:59:27 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Tile: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (Inch2): 1,648 1,077 Moment of Inertia (Inch4): 31,565 23,939 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 6,606 4,687 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): Z550 1,857 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.78 5.11 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 6.78 7.40 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -2.00 -2.29 Beta Distance (Feet): 6.91 6.45 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 17.16 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4of7 Z:ICAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCStPlan I -A5.ptl 2:59:27 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Seilal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia -Plan I -Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, : Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 1 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis 2500.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1/2 Inch 12.75 FT 20.17 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 5 3 Long Direction Type I Type II 2' 0 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Page 5 of 7 Z:CAD Files3100-3199l3127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSPlan I - A5.pti . 2:59:27 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym: 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade Properties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Sub grade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 Z:%CAD Files%3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDICALCS%Pian I -A5.ptl 2:59:27 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registe,ed To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan I - Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PTI EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:%CAD Files3100-31993127 -Magnolia SFDCALCSPlan I -A5.pti 2:59:27 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 35.50 FT 66.00 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, : 2,500 PS! Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KS! Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 53.2 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 1,604 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 66 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 2 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: .12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 11.83 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: S 8 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.50 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 5 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 11.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 14 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.77 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page lof7 Z:ICAD Filest3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCSlP1an 2 -AI.pti 2:59:51 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area I Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 301,887 LB Bearing Area 2071 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 146 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 13.72 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 14 8 Number of Beam Tendons 7 4 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.77 4.50 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.02 4.24 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 5.92 6.14 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -1.91 -1.91 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 481.0 241.4 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 522.5 301.9 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 98 90 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 107 112 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled. by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.51 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.25 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSl) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress Actual Stress -0.224 -0.184 Actual Stress Stiffness Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 1.125 1.125 1.063 0.894 Short Long Direction Direction 65,704 41,686 37,174 23,851 Width 6*Beta 2.64 K/FT 2.02 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 140 138 129 90 Page 2 of 7 Z:ICAD Fllest3loo-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSiPIan 2 -AI.ptl 2:59:51 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area I Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 387.4 233.1 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 181.8 93.1 Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction 3.46 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Direction 3.11 FT-K/FT Tension in Bottom Fiber (KSl) Compression in Top Fiber (KSl) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.30 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.234 -0.169 Actual Stress 0.21 0.178 Stiffness Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (Inch) 65,704 41,686 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 46,657 28,295 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width 6.*Beta Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction 1.45 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.54 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 140 138 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 71 68 Cracked Section Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 197.4 118.7 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 114.1 55.2 - Ii Page 3 of 7 Z%CAD Files 3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSPian 2 -AI.pti 2:59:51 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Seilal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross SectionalArea (Inch2): 4,885 Moment of Inertia (inch 4): 65,704 Section Modulus, Top (inch 3) 16,358 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 5,476 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.02 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 5.92 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -1.91 Beta Distance (Feet): 8.30 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 16.02 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. 2,691 41,686 9,837 3,350 4.24 6.14 -1.91 7.41 16.68 Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4 of 7 Z:ICAD Files13100-319913127 -Magnolia SF0 CALCSPlan 2 -AI.pti 2:69:51 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Regisiemd To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia -Plan 2-Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, f'c: Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec; Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties 2,500.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 35.50 FT 66.00 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 14 8 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 2 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches - Short Direction Type I Type I! Quantity: 2 5 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 . Tendons: I I Cover: - 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis Page 5 of 7 ZfICAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS1Pian 2 -AI.pti . 2:59:51 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2- Area I Project Engineer: REM Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320.075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym: 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subgrade Properties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KSl Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 Z:GAD F11e43100-3199%3127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSPlen 2 -Al.pti 2:59:51 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 32 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Banal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area I Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PTI EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:tCAD Filest3100-3199%3127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCS%Plan 2 -AI.pti 2:59:51 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Se,jal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 36.00 FT 48.83 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, f'c: 2,500 PS! Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KS! Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantifies Concrete Volume: 39.8 Cubic Yards• Prestressing Tendon: 1,180 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 54 In the LONG direction. Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 2 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inóhes Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 12.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 8 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.57 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 3 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 12.21 Feet O.C. Number of Slab Tendons: 10 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.98 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page lof7 LICAD Files%3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCStPlan 2 -A2.ptl 3:00:10 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320.075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 226,085 LB Bearing Area 1,501 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 151 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 13.27 Prestress Summa Sub grade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 10 8 Number of Beam Tendons 5 4 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.98 4.57 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.05 4.22 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 6.04 6.14 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -2.00 -1.92 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 340.9 261.1 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 374.1 301.7 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 94 96 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 104 111 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.51 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.25 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSI) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direct/on Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.218 -0.183 Actual Stress 1.047 0.921 Stiffness Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (lnch2 50,597 41,836 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 27,900 24,217 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width 6*Be1a Shear Analysis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. 2.78 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.99 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 139 139 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 138 89 Page 2 of 7 Z:ICAD Files%3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD1CALCSlPIan 2 .A2.pti 3:00:10 PM Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Short Long Direction Direction 284.7 233.1 134.6 94.5 Moment Analysis - Ed-de Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction Maximum Moment, Long Direction 3.50 FT-K/FT 3.12 FT-K/FT PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: Apr!! 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Tension in Bottom Fiber (KSl) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress Actual Stress -0.239 -0.156 Actual Stress Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction 1.125 1.125 0.204 0.181 Stiffness Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (lnch) 50,597 41,836 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 35,398 28,816 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width 6*Beta Shear Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction 1.46 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.50 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 139 139 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 73 68 Cracked Section Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 145.0 118.7 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 85.4 56.2 Page 30f7 Z:CAD Flles13100-3199t3127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSPlan 2 -A2.pti 3:00:10 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross SectionalArea (inch 2) 3,612 2,721 Moment of Inertia (inch 4) 50,597 41,836 Section Modulus, Top (inch 3) 12,501 9,917 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 4,103 3,357 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.05 4.22 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 6.04 6.14 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -2.00 -1.92 Beta Distance (Feet): 7.78 7.42 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 16.38 16.68 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4of7 Z:%CAD Filesl3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCa4LCS%PIan 2 -A2.pti 3:00:10 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, fc: Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 3 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis 2,500.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 36.00 FT 48.83 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 10 8 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 2 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Page 5of7 Z1CAD FlIest3l00-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCStPIan 2- A2.pti 3:00:10 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: Apr!! 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil ProDerties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,0000 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade Properties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 Z:CAD Files13100.319913127 - Magnolia SFDICALCS%Plan 2 -A2.pti 3:00:10 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 2 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PT! EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:ICAD Files%3100-3199%3127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan 2 -A2.pti 3:00:10 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 16.00 FT 81.75 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, : 2500 PSI Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KS! Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 32.9 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 1,036 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 64 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 1 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 8.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 4 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.00 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 6 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 11.68 Feet O.C. Number of Slab Tendons: 17 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.86 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page 1 of 7 1%CAD Fiies13100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Pian 2 -A3.ptl 3:00:29 PM Short Long Direction Direction 75,037 29,539 18,826 8,947 Width 6*Beta 2.32 k/FT 1.58 k/FT Short Long Direction Direction 141 140 124 41 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2- Area 3 Build 100712 Se,ial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM. Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 181,080 LB Bearing Area 1,265 F7 2 Applied Pressure on Soil 143 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 13.97 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Number of Slab Tendons Number of Beam Tendons Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) Center of Gravity of TendOns (from top of slab) (Inch) Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em5. 0 per PT! 4.3.2) Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PTI 4.3.2) Short Direction Long Direction 17 4 8 3 4.86 4.00 3.90 5.19 5.75 7.39 -1.85 -2.20 617.3 138.1 613.7 178.3 104 99 103 128 5.00 FT-K/FT 4.76 FT-k/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSI) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.210 -0.115 Actual Stress 1.070 0.593 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by ShearAnalvsis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Page 2 of 7 Z:%CAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%Plan 2 -A3.pti 3:00:29 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 3 Build 100712 Beds! Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: Apr!! 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 463.4 123.9 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 204.3 38.1 Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction 3.39 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Direction - 3.06 FT-K/FT Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.245 -0.016 Actual Stress 0.217 0.148 Stiffness Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (Inch ) 75,037 29,539 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 25,506 11,488 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width 6*B eta Shear Analysis - Edqe Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction 1.36 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.59 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 141 140 Actual Shear Stress (PS!) 73 41 Cracked Section Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 223.5 91.9 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 138.4 24.4 Page 3 of 7 1%CAD Files3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCSPIan 2 -A3.pti 3:00:29 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (Inch2): 5,951 Moment of Inertia (Inch4): 75,037 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 19,254 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 6,253 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 3.90 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - fmm top (Inch): 5.75 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -1.85 Beta Distance (Feet): 8.58 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 15.90 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. 1,398 29,539 5,694 2467 5.19 7.39 -2.20 6.80 17.16 Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4of7 Z:%CAD Filest3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSPlan 2 -A3.pti 3:00:29 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2 -Area 3 Build 100712 Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, f's: 2500.0 PS! Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: 1,500,000.0 PS! Concrete Unit Weight: 145.0 PCF Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 16.00 FT 81.75 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 17 4 Long Direction Type! Type II 2 1 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 6 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis Page 5 of 7 LICAD FiIes13100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCSlPIan 2 -A3.ptl 3:00:29 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Se,ial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Diffelential Soil Movement, Ym 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade ProDerties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6of7 Z:CAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCS%Plan 2 -A3.ptl 3:00:29 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 3 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 PT! EXCEPTION SUMMARY The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 Z:tCAD FlIes3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCSPlan 2 -A3.pti 3:00:29 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 15.00 FT 75.00 FT 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, f'c: 2,500 PSI Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KSI Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 26.9 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 887 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 62 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 0 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: 1 0 Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 0.00 Inches Beam Spacing: 15.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 4 Slab Tendon Spacing: 3.67 Feet O.C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 6 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 10.71 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 17 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.44 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page 1 of 7 Z:CAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSPlan 2 -A4.ptl 3:45:14 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructura! Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN COMPLIANCE SUMMARY The BOLD values exceed allowable or are less than minimum limits by the percentage indicated: SOIL BEARING: ALL VALUES WITHIN ALLOWABLE LIMITS. CENTER LIFT MODE: BENDING STRESS IN SHORT DIRECTION (COMPRESSION): 6.9% EDGE LIFT MODE: ALL VALUES WITHIN ALLOWABLE LIMITS. Page 2 of 7 11 CAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSlPIan 2 -A4.pti 3:45:14 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 32 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Soda! Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 150,226 LB Bearing Area 949 F7-2 Applied Pressure on Soil 158 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 12.63 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 17 4 Number of Beam Tendons 8 2 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.44 3.67 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.00 4.82 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 5.75 6.58 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -1.75 -1.77 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 626.1 120.3 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 620.6 152.9 Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 113 99 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PS!) 112 126 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 6.25 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.95 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Actual Stress -0.254 -0.148 Available Moment of Inertia (lnch) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Compression in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress 1.203 0.776 Short Long Direction Direction 73,363 25,035 20,258 10,069 Width 6*Beta 2.21 K/FT 2.50 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 143 140 108 87 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 ShearAnalvsis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PS!) Page 3 of 7 Z:tCAD Fie813100-3199%3127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSP!an 2- A4.ptl 3:45:14 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis -Center Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Moment Analysis - Ede Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction Maximum Moment, Long Direction Tension in Bottom Fiber (KSl) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress Actual Stress -0.256 -0.109 Actual Stress Stiffness Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Available Moment of Inertia (Inch Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PS!) Cracked Section Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 0.5 Moment (FT-K) Short Long Direction Direction 463.5 128.3 234.5 447 1.125 1.125 0.237 0.175 Short Long Direction Direction 73,363 25,035 24,260 11,427 Width 6*Beta 1.36 K/FT 1.59 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 143 140 67 55 Short Long Direction Direction 223.5 65.1 140.4 25.3 3.74 FT-K/FT 3.38 FT-K/FT Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Direction Direction Page 4of7 Z:%CAD FiIes13100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSlPlen 2 -A4.ptl 3:45:14 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Serial Number: 100-320.075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (Inch 2) 5,546 1,212 Moment of Inertia (Inch4): 73,363 25,035 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 18,343 5,197 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 6,166 1,899 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.00 4.82 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 5.75 6.58 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -1.75 -1.77 Beta Distance (Feet): 8.54 6.52 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 15.90 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 5 of 7 Z:%CAD FiiesI3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSPian 2 -A4.pti 3:45:14 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, Ic: Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: Concrete Unit Weight: Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties Short Direction Type! Type I! Quantity: 2 6 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis 2,500.0 PSI — 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 15.00 FT 75.00 FT 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 17 4 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 0 18.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches 1 0 3.00 3.00 Inches Page 6of7 Z:CAD Files%3100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSiPlan 2 -A4.ptl 3:45:14 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 4 Project Engineer: REM Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em: 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load. Deflection and Subarade ProDerties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT!. Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KS! Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 7 of 7 Z:CAD Files3100-319913127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCSlPlan 2 -A4.pti 3:45:14 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Sedal Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2- Area 5 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions: 15.00 FTx 21.00 FTx 5.00 Inches Material Properties Concrete Strength, t'c: 2,500 PSI Tendon Strength, Fpu: 270 KS! Tendon Diameter: 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Volume: 8.0 Cubic Yards Prestressing Tendon: 274 Linear Feet Number of End Anchorages: 28 In the LONG direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 0 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 15.00 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 4 Slab Tendon Spacing: 3.67 Feet O.C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab In the SHORT direction Type I Beam Type II Beam Quantity of Beams: 2 1 Depth of Beams: 18.0 Inches 15.0 Inches Width of Beams: 12.0 Inches 12.0 Inches Tendons per Beam: I I Beam Tendon Centroid: 3.25 Inches 3.25 Inches Beam Spacing: 10.50 Feet 0. C. Number of Slab Tendons: 5 Slab Tendon Spacing: 4.25 Feet 0. C. Slab Tendon Centroid: 2.50 Inches from top of slab Page 1 of 7 Z:ICAD Flles13100-31993127. Magnolia SFDCALCSlPlen 2 -A5.pti 3:01:11 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Se,ial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 5 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Analysis Total Applied Load 43,957 LB Bearing Area 264 FT2 Applied Pressure on Soil 166 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 12.03 Prestress Summary Sub grade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Short Long Direction Direction Number of Slab Tendons 5 4 Number of Beam Tendons 3 2 Spacing of Slab Tendons (Feet) 4.25 3.67 Center of Gravity of Concrete (from top of slab) (Inch) 4.71 4.82 Center of Gravity of Tendons (from top of slab) (Inch) 6.78 6.58 Eccentricity of Prestressing (Inch) -2.07 -1.77 Minimum Effective Prestress Force (K) 201.2 148.0 Beta Distance Effective Prestress Force (K) 202.1 152.4 Minimum Effective Prestress (PS!) 119 122 Beta Distance Effective Prestress (PSI) 119 126 Moment Analysis -Center Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 6.15 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Dir. (controlled by Em=5.0 per PT! 4.3.2) 5.86 FT-K/FT Tension in Top Fiber (KSI) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress ° -0.300 -0.300 Actual Stress -0.172 -0.131 Stiffness Analysis -Center Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 360 Available Moment of Inertia (inch ) Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Shear Analysis - Center Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction. Maximum Shear, Long Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Compression in Bottom Fiber (KSI) Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress 0.885 0.815 Short Long Direction Direction 31,915 25,035 5,579 5,314 Width Length 2.22 K/FT 2.23 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction 144 144 76 77 Page 2 of 7 ZtCAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDCALCS%PIan 2 -A5.pti 3:01:11 PM. PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 5 Build 100712 Soda! Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - RESULTS OF ANALYSIS continued Cracked Section Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 152.9 128.3 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 64.6 43.9 Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Moment, Short Direction 3.88 FT-K/FT Maximum Moment, Long Direction 3.41 FT-K/FT Tension in Bottom Fiber (KS!) Compression in Top Fiber (KS!) Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.300 -0.300 Allowable Stress 1.125 1.125 Actual Stress -0.100 -0.063 Actual Stress 0.201 0.19 Stiffness Analysis - Edae Lift Mode Based on a Stiffness Coefficient of 720 Short Long Direction Direction Available Moment of Inertia (lnch2 31,915 25,035 Required Moment of Inertia (Inch) 7,034 6,182 Required Moment of Inertia controlled by Width Length Shear Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Maximum Shear, Short Direction 1.40 K/FT Maximum Shear, Long Direction 1.46 K/FT Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 144 144 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 48 51 Cracked Section Analysis - Ede Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Cracked Section Capacity (FT-K) 92.1 65.1 0.5 Moment (FT-K) 40.7 25.6 Page 3of7 Z:ICAD Fi!es13100-31993127 - Magnolia SFD%CALCS!Plan 2 -A5.pti 3:01:11 PM PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 5 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320.075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 RIBBED FOUNDATION - SELECTED VARIABLES Short Long Direction Direction Cross Sectional Area (Inch2): 1,698 1,212 Moment of Inertia (Inch4): 31,915 25,035 Section Modulus, Top (Inch3): 6,774 5,197 Section Modulus, Bottom (Inch3): 2,565 1,899 Center of Gravity of Concrete - from top (Inch): 4.71 4.82 Center of Gravity of Prestressing Tendons - from top (Inch): 6.78 6.58 Eccentricity of Prestress (Inch): -2.07 -1.77 Beta Distance (Feet): 6.93 6.52 Equivalent Beam Depth (Inches): 17.16 Note: All Calculations above and other reported values which depend on depths use the equivalent depths as shown above. Jacking Force: 33.05 KIPS Page 4 of 7 Z:tCAD Files13100-3199%3127 - Magnolia SFDlCALCSPlan 2 -A5.ptl 3:01:11 PM PTISIab 3,2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 5 Build 100712 Serial Number: 100-320-075 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Material Properties Concrete Strength, fc: 2,500.0 PS! Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec: 1,500,000.0 PSI Concrete Unit Weight: 145.0 PCF Tendon Strength, Fpu: Tendon Diameter: Slab Properties Rectangle Geometry: Number of Slab Tendons: Beam Properties 270.0 KS! 1/2 Inch 15.00 FTx 21.00 FTx 5.00 Inches Short Direction Long Direction 5 4 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 0 16.0 15.0 Inches 12.0 12.0 Inches I I 3.00 3.00 Inches Short Direction Type I Type II Quantity: 2 1 Depth: 18.0 15.0 Width: 12.0 12.0 Tendons: I I Cover: 3.00 3.00 Average beam spacing used in analysis Page 5 of 7 Z:CAD Flles13100-31993127 - Magnolia SFDCALCSPlan 2 -A5.pti 3:01:11 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registered To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Se,ial Number: 100-320-075 Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 5 Project Engineer: REM Project Number: 3127 Project Date: April 8, 2019 Geotechnica! Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: 10/30/17 Report Number: G2192-52-01 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA - Continued Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2,000.0 PSF Center Lift Edge Lift Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em 9.00 Feet 5.30 Feet Differential Soil Movement, Ym 0.300 Inches 0.610 Inches Load Deflection and Subarade ProDerties Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Total Load: 40.00 PSF Total Perimeter Load: 1,100.00 PLF Stiffness Coefficients Center Lift: 360 Edge Lift: 720 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PT! Manual Prestress Loss: 15.0 KSI Subgrade Friction Coefficient: 0.75 Page 6 of 7 ZfiCAD Files13100-319913127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSPIan 2 -A5.ptl 3:01:11 PM Build 100712 PTISIab 3.2 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Registe,cd To: Post-Tension Design Unlimited Project Title: Magnolia - Plan 2-Area 5 Project Engineer: REM Project Number Project Date: Geotechnical Report: Geocon, Inc. Report Date: Report Number PTI EXCEPTION SUMMARY Senal Number: 100-320-07 3127 April 8, 2019 10/30/17 G2192-52-01 The following elements of the design are not in strict compliance with the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground 3rd Edition manual published by the Post-Tensioning Institute. NO PTI EXCEPTIONS EXIST Page 7 of 7 ZfICAD Files3100-3199l3127 - Magnolia SFDtCALCSlPIan 2 -A5.pti 3:01:11 PM GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL. MATERIALS <<]0) Project No. G2192-52-01 October 2, 2019 Ashton 3, LLC 5 Hoya Street Rancho Mission Viejo, California 92694 Attention: Mr. Taylor Ashton Subject: ROUGH GRADING PLAN REVIEW MAGNOLIA-BRADY DEVELOPMENT 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA References: I. Geotechnical Investigation, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated January 17, 2017 (Project No. G2192-52-01). 2. Rough Grading Plans for: Magnolia-Brady, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Civil Landworks, dated June 27, 2019 (Grading Plan No. GR2018-0047; Project No. CT2018-0003). Dear Mr. Ashton: In accordance with the request of Mr. Gary Arnold with Pebble Creek Companies, we reviewed the referenced grading plans for the proposed Magnolia-Brady residential development in the City of Carlsbad, California. Based on our review of the referenced plans and the information contained within the referenced geotechnical report, we opine the grading plans and details have been prepared in substantial conformance with the recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical report. We limited our review to geotechnical aspects of project development and the review did not include other details on the referenced plans. Geocon Incorporated has no opinion regarding other details found on the referenced plans, civil or otherwise, that do not directly pertain to geotechnical aspects of site development. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, 'ci GEOCON INCORPORATED Ma ove PE 84154 MRL: SFW:dmc (e-mail) Addressee A0 , _—hawn oy Weedon GE 2714 6960 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 0 Telephone 858.558.6900 U Fax 858.558.6159 Caoiff I?'!'? GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL •ENVIRONMENTAL• MATERIALS Project No. G2192-52-01 September 10, 2019 Revised October 2, 2019 Ashton 3, LLC 5 Hoya Street Rancho Mission Viejo, California 92694 Attention: Mr. Taylor Ashton Subject: POST-TENSIONED FOUNDATION PLAN REVIEW MAGNOLIA-BRADY DEVELOPMENT 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA References: 1. Geotechnical Investigation, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated January 17, 2017 (Project No. G2192-52-0 1). 2. Post-Tensioned Foundation Plans for: Magnolia SFD [Lots 1 Through 7], Carlsbad, California, prepared by PTDU, Inc., dated May 8, 2019, revised September 4, 2019 (Job No. 3127). Dear Mr. Ashton: In accordance with your request, we reviewed the referenced post-tensioned foundation plans for the proposed Magnolia-Brady residential development in the City of Carlsbad, California. Based on our review of the referenced plans and the information contained within the referenced geotechnical report, we opine the post-tensioned foundation plans and details have been prepared in substantial conformance with the recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical report. The referenced plans should include a reference to our finalized report for the project, dated January 17, 2019. Additionally, we understand that the foundation engineer has opted not to use reinforcing steel at the bottom of perimeter footings or interior stiffener beams, as we provided as an option in our referenced report. We limited our review to geotechnical aspects of project development and the review did not include other details on the referenced plans. Geocon Incorporated has no opinion regarding other details found on the referenced plans, structural or otherwise, that do not directly pertain to geotechnical aspects of site development. 6960 Flanders Drive • San Diego, California 92121-2974 • Telephone 858.558.6900 • Fax 858.558.6159 â ;to I9. !1 zs Matt PE 84154 MRL:SFW:dmc (e-mail) Addressee Shawn Foy Weedon GE 271 If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED Geocon Project No. 01966-52-01 - 2 - September 10, 2019 Revised October 2, 2019 MAY 212019 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. SOfl. & IDUNDATION ENGINEERING • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY • HYDROGEOLOGY April 18, 2019 Project No. 8769.1 Log No. 20412 City of Carlsbad Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Ms. Jennifer Horodyski, T. E. Subject: THIRD-PARTY GEOThCHNICAL REVIEW (SECOND) Proposed 7-Lot Residential Development 1534 Magnolia Avenue Carlsbad, California Project ID: CT 2018-0003, OR 2018-0047, ROW 2018-0828 References: Attached Dear Ms. Horodyski: In accordance with your request, Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has provided third-party geotechnical review of Reference 5. Th'e'ötelthioalMGonsultantThasarespbndlatoourf As noted by The Geotechnical Consultant, the precise grading, structural and improvements plans should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Consultant when available. Observation and testing by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading and construction should be required to verify anticipated conditions or to revise the geotechnical recommendations as considered necessary. A final geotechnical report of grading and construction should be required. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have, any questions regarding this report, please contact this office at your convenience. Sincerely, HET HERI ENGINEERING, INC. er Civil Engineer 30488 ((f No 397 Geotechnical Enginee ?xp. Dat______ (expires 3/31/20) *\ - Distribution: 1-via e-mail 5365 Avenida Encirias, Suite A • Carlsbad, CA 920084369 e (760) 931-1917 • Fax (760) 931.0545 333 Third Street, Suite 2 • Laguna Beach, CA 92651-2306 • (949) 715-5440 • Fax (760) 931.0545 www helheringtonengineering.com reitfified IA. Bogseth essional Geologis Engineering tified Hydrogeo10 (expires 3/31/20) badca.gov) REiERENClj, "Geotechnical Investigation, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California", by Geocon, Inc., dated January 17, 2018. "Grading Plans for Magnolia - Brady". by Civil Landworks, plot date November 17,2018,,(3-'Sheets). "Improvement Plans For Brady Circle and Magiiolia Avenue"', by Civil Landworks, Undated (3-Sheets) "Third-Party Geotechnical Review (First), Propoed 7-Lot Residential Development, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Project ID CT 2018-003, OR 2018-0047, ROW 2018-0828", by Betherington Engineering, Inc., dated December 19, 2018. 5 "Response to City £Oinments - Grading Plans, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, California, California", by Geocon, Inc., dated February 6 2019 Prect No. 8769.1 Log No. 20412 HETHERUGTOI! ENGINEERING, INC. OV' ECEVED MAY 212019 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR ASTHON 3, LLC RANCHO MISSION VIEJO, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 17, 2018 PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL U MATERIALS Project No. G2192-52-01 January 17, 2018 Ashton 3, LLC 5 Hoya Street Rancho Mission Viejo, California 92694 Attention: Mr. Taylor Ashton Subject: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Ashton: In accordance with your request, we performed this geotechnical investigation for the proposed 7-lot residential development in Carlsbad, California. The accompanying report presents the results of our study and our conclusions and recommendations regarding the geotechnical aspects of project development. The results of our study indicate that the site can be developed as planned, provided the recommendations of this report are followed. Should you have questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED Matt ~.ge RCE 84154 ____ 4I1aL hawn Foy Weedon GE 2714 00 EU 1524 goHAL JOHN o HOOBS No. 15241 ø• CERTIFIED * ENGINEERING * GEOLOGIST MRL:SFW:JH:dmc (e-mail) Addressee (3) Mr. Robert C. Ladwig 6960 Flanders Drive U Son Diego, California 92121-2974 U Telephone 858.558.6900 0 Fax 858.558.6159 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE AND SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................1 GEOLOGIC SETTING....................................................................................................................2 SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS ........................................................................................2 4.1 Undocumented Fill (Qudf) ....................................................................................................2 4.2 Old Paralic Deposits (Qop)....................................................................................................2 GROUNDWATER..........................................................................................................................3 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS .................................................................................................................3 6.1 Faulting and Seismicity.........................................................................................................3 6.2 Ground Rupture.....................................................................................................................5 6.3 Liquefaction...........................................................................................................................5 6.4 Seiches and Tsunamis............................................................................................................6 6.5 Landslides..............................................................................................................................6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................................7 7.1 General...................................................................................................................................7 7.2 Excavation and Soil Characteristics......................................................................................8 7.3 Grading..................................................................................................................................9 7.4 Temporary Excavations.......................................................................................................10 7.5 Seismic Design Criteria.......................................................................................................10 7.6 Shallow Foundations ...........................................................................................................12 7.7 Concrete Slabs-on-Grade ..................................................................................................... 13 7.8 Post-Tensioned Foundation System Recommendations......................................................14 7.9 Concrete Flatwork...............................................................................................................16 7.10 Retaining Walls...................................................................................................................17 7.11 Lateral Loading....................................................................................................................18 7.12 Preliminary Pavement Recommendations ............................................................................ 19 7.13 Site Drainage and Moisture Protection................................................................................22 7.14 Grading, Improvement and Foundation Plan Review..........................................................22 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1, Vicinity Map Figure 2, Geologic Map Figure 3, Wall/Column Footing Dimension Detail Figure 4, Typical Retaining Wall Drain Detail APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION Figures A-I - A-9, Exploratory Trench Logs TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Table B-I, Summary of Laboratory Maximum Density and Optimum Moisture Content Results Table B-11I, Summary of Laboratory Direct Shear Results Table B-Ill, Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results Table B-N, Summary of Laboratory Water-Soluble Sulfate Test Results Table B-V, Summary of Laboratory Resistance Value (R-Value) Test Results Figure B-i, Gradation Curves APPENDIX C STORM WATER MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATION APPENDIX D RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS LIST OF REFERENCES GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed residential development located at 1534 Magnolia Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, California (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). The purpose of this geotechnical investigation is to evaluate the surface and subsurface soil conditions, general site geology, and to identify geotechnical constraints that may impact the planned improvements to the property. In addition, this report provides recommendations for the 2016 CBC seismic design criteria, grading, pavement, shallow foundations, concrete slabs-on-grade, concrete flatwork, retaining walls, lateral loads, and storm water best management practices (BMP) recommendations; and discussions regarding the local geologic hazards including faulting and seismic shaking. This report is limited to the area proposed for the construction of the new development and associated improvements as shown on the Geologic Map, Figure 2. We used the preliminary grading plan prepared by Civil Landworks (2018) as the base for the Geologic Map. The scope of this investigation included reviewing readily available published and unpublished geologic literature (see List of References); performing engineering analyses; and preparing of this report. We also advanced 9 exploratory trenches to a maximum depth of about 12 feet, performed percolation/infiltration testing, sampled soil and performed laboratory testing. Appendix A presents the exploratory trench logs and details of the field investigation. The details of the laboratory tests and a summary of the test results are shown in Appendix B and on the trench logs in Appendix A. Appendix C presents a summary of our storm water management investigation. 2. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site is located at the northeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Brady Circle and can be accessed from both streets. A residential structure exists in the northeast corner of the site. The remainder of property is covered with seasonal grasses and shrubs and appears to have remained undeveloped for at least the last 50 years. The property is relatively flat and gently descends to the southwest at elevations of about 150 to 160 feet above mean sea level (MSL). We understand the planned development includes constructing 7 residential lots with associated utilities, driveways, storm water basins and landscaping. Access to the lots will be from Brady Circle. Maximum cut and fill depths are on the order of 2 feet across the site and up to 5 feet for the proposed biofiltration basins. We expect the proposed structures would likely be supported on conventional shallow or post-tensioned foundation systems founded in properly compacted fill. Project No. G2192-52-01 - I - January 17, 2018 Individual lot storm water management devices will be constructed on the property and will likely be extended into the Old Paralic Deposits materials. 3. GEOLOGIC SETTING The site is located in the western portion of the coastal plain within the southern portion of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of southern California. The Peninsular Ranges is a geologic and geomorphic province that extends from the Imperial Valley to the Pacific Ocean and from the Transverse Ranges to the north and into Baja California to the south. The coastal plain of San Diego County is underlain by a thick sequence of relatively undisturbed and non-conformable sedimentary rocks that thicken to the west and range in age from Upper Cretaceous through the Pleistocene with intermittent deposition. The sedimentary units are deposited on bedrock Cretaceous to Jurassic age igneous and metavolcamc rocks. Geomorphically, the coastal plain is characterized by a series of twenty-one, stair-stepped marine terraces (younger to the west) that have been dissected by west flowing rivers. The coastal plain is a relatively stable block that is dissected by relatively few faults consisting of the potentially active La Nacion Fault Zone and the active Rose Canyon Fault Zone. The Peninsular Ranges Province is also dissected by the Elsinore Fault Zone that is associated with and sub-parallel to the San Andreas Fault Zone, which is the plate boundary between the Pacific and North American Plates. 4. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS We encountered undocumented fill (Qudf associated with the existing development overlying Old Paralic Deposits (Qop). The trench logs (Appendix A) and the Geologic Map (Figure 2), show the approximate occurrence, distribution, and description of each unit encountered during our field investigation. The surficial soil and geologic units are described herein in order of increasing age. 4.1 Undocumented Fill (Qudf) We encountered undocumented fill in all of our exploratory trenches that varied in thickness between '/2 and 3 feet. The fill generally consists of loose, dry to damp, light brown to reddish brown, silty sand and possess a "very low" to "low" expansion potential (expansion index of 50 or less). These materials are unsuitable in their present condition, and will require remedial grading in the areas of the proposed improvements. 4.2 Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) The Quaternary-age Old Paralic Deposits exist below the undocumented fill across the site. These deposits generally consist of medium dense to dense, light to dark reddish brown and olive brown, silty to clayey, fine to medium sand and stiff, olive brown, sandy clay. The Old Paralic Deposits typically possess a "very low" to "medium" expansion potential (expansion index of 90 or less) and a Project No. G2192-52-01 -2- January 17, 2018 "SO" sulfate class. The Old Paralic Deposits are considered acceptable to support the planned fill and foundation loads for the development. 5. GROUNDWATER We did not encountered groundwater during our field investigation to the maximum depth explored of 12 feet. We expect groundwater is present at depths of greater than 50 feet. We do not expect groundwater to significantly impact project development as presently proposed. It is not uncommon for groundwater or seepage conditions to develop where none previously existed. Groundwater and seepage is dependent on seasonal precipitation, irrigation, land use, among other factors, and varies as a result. Proper surface drainage will be important to future performance of the project. 6. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 6.1 Faulting and Seismicity Based on our site investigation and a review of published geologic maps and reports, the site is not located on known active, potentially active or inactive fault traces as defined by the California Geological Survey (CGS). The CGS considers a fault seismically active when evidence suggests seismic activity within roughly the last 11,000 years. According to the computer program EZ-FRISK (Version 7.65), 10 known active faults are located within a search radius of 50 miles from the property. We used the 2008 USGS fault database that provides several models and combinations of fault data to evaluate the fault information. The Rose Canyon Fault zone and the Newport-Inglewood Fault are the closest known active faults, located approximately 7 miles west of the site. Earthquakes that might occur on the Newport-Inglewood or Rose Canyon Fault Zones or other faults within the southern California and northern Baja California area are potential generators of significant ground motion at the site. The estimated deterministic maximum earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration for the Newport-Inglewood Fault are 7.5 and 0.36g, respectively. Table 6.1.1 lists the estimated maximum earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration for the most dominant faults in relationship to the site location. We calculated peak ground acceleration (PGA) using Boore-Atkinson (2008) NGA USGS 2008, Campbell-Bozorgnia (2008) NGA USGS 2008, and Chiou-Youngs (2007) NGA USGS 2008 acceleration-attenuation relationships. Project No. G2192-52-01 -3 - January 17,2018 TABLE 6.1.1 DETERMINISTIC SPECTRA SITE PARAMETERS Fault Name Distance from Site (miles) Maximum Earthquake Magnitude (Mw) Peak Ground Acceleration Boore- Atkinson 2008 (g) Campbell- Bozorgnia 2008 (g) Chiou- Youngs 2007 (g) Newport-Inglewood 7 7.50 0.30 0.29 0.36 Rose Canyon 7 6.90 0.26 0.28 0.30 Coronado Bank 21 7.40 0.15 0.11 0.13 Palos Verdes Connected 21 7.70 0.17 0.12 0.15 Elsinore 22 7.85 0.17 0.12 0.16 Palos Verdes 35 7.30 0.10 0.07 0.07 San Joaquin Hills 35 7.10 0.09 0.09 0.07 Earthquake Valley 43 6.80 0.06 0.05 0.04 San Jacinto 47 7.88 0.10 1 0.07 0.09 Chino 47 6.80 0.06 1 0.04 0.03 We used the computer program EZ-FRISK to perform a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The computer program EZ-FRISK operates under the assumption that the occurrence rate of earthquakes on each mappable Quaternary fault is proportional to the faults slip rate. The program accounts for fault rupture length as a function of earthquake magnitude, and site acceleration estimates are made using the earthquake magnitude and distance from the site to the rupture zone. The program also accounts for uncertainty in each of following: (1) earthquake magnitude, (2) rupture length for a given magnitude, (3) location of the rupture zone, (4) maximum possible magnitude of a given earthquake, and (5) acceleration at the site from a given earthquake along each fault. By calculating the expected accelerations from considered earthquake sources, the program calculates the total average annual expected number of occurrences of site acceleration greater than a specified value. We utilized acceleration-attenuation relationships suggested by Boore-Atkinson (2008) NGA USGS 2008, Campbell-Bozorgnia (2008) NGA USGS 2008, and Chiou-Youngs (2007) NGA USGS 2008 in the analysis. Table 6.1.2 presents the site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard parameters including acceleration-attenuation relationships and the probability of exceedence. Project No. 62192-52-01 -4- January 17, 2018 TABLE 6.1.2 PROBABILISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD PARAMETERS Probability of Exceedence Peak Ground Acceleration Boore-Atkinson, 2008 (g) Campbell-Bozorgnia, 2008 (g) Chiou-Youngs, 2007 (g) 2% in a 50 Year Period 0.44 0.44 0.50 5% in a 50 Year Period 0.32 1 0.32 1 0.35 10% in a 50 Year Period 0.24 1 0.23 1 0.25 While listing peak accelerations is useful for comparison of potential effects of fault activity in a region, other considerations are important in seismic design, including the frequency and duration of motion and the soil conditions underlying the site. Seismic design of the structures should be evaluated in accordance with the 2016 California Building Code (CBC) guidelines currently adopted by the City of Carlsbad. The site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake on any of the referenced faults or other faults in Southern California. With respect to seismic shaking, the site is considered comparable to the surrounding developed area. 6.2 Ground Rupture Ground surface rupture occurs when movement along a fault is sufficient to cause a gap or rupture where the upper edge of the fault zone intersects the earth surface. The potential for ground rupture is considered to be negligible due to the absence of active faults at the subject site. 6.3 Liquefaction Liquefaction typically occurs when a site is located in a zone with seismic activity, onsite soil is cohesionless or silt/clay with low plasticity, groundwater is encountered within 50 feet of the surface, and soil relative densities are less than about 70 percent. If the four of the previous criteria are met, a seismic event could result in a rapid pore-water pressure increase from the earthquake-generated ground accelerations. Seismically induced settlement may occur whether the potential for liquefaction exists or not. The potential for liquefaction and seismically induced settlement occurring within the site soil is considered to be very low due to the age and dense nature of the Old Paralic Deposits and the lack of a permanent groundwater table within the upper 50 feet. Project No. G2192-52-0I - 5 - January 17, 2018 6.4 Seiches and Tsunamis Seiches are free or standing-wave oscillations of an enclosed water body that continue, pendulum fashion, after the original driving forces have dissipated. Seiches usually propagate in the direction of longest axis of the basin. The site located approximately 1 mile from Agua Hedonia Lagoon and is at a minimum elevation of approximately 150 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL); therefore, the potential of seiches to occur is considered to be very low. A tsunami is a series of long-period waves generated in the ocean by a sudden displacement of large volumes of water. Causes of tsunamis may include underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or offshore slope failures. the property is at an elevation of above 150 feet MSL and about 1 mile from the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the potential for the site to be affected by a tsunami is negligible. 6.5 Landslides We did not observe evidence of ancient landslide deposits at the site during the geotechnical investigation. Based on observations during our field investigation, it is our opinion that landslides are not present at the subject property or at a location that could impact the proposed development. Project No. G2192-52-01 -6- January 17,2018 7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 General 7.1.1 From a geotechnical engineering standpoint, we opine the site is suitable for the proposed residential development provided the recommendations presented herein are implemented in design and construction of the project. 7.1.2 With the exception of possible moderate to strong seismic shaking, we did not observe significant geologic hazards or know of them to exist on the site that would adversely affect the proposed project. 7.1.3 Our field investigation indicates the site is underlain by undocumented fill overlying Old Paralic Deposits. The undocumented fill is unsuitable in the present condition and will require remedial grading where improvements are planned as discussed herein. We should evaluate the actual extent of unsuitable soil removal in the field during the grading operations. 7.1.4 We did not encounter groundwater during our field investigation to the maximum depth explored of 12 feet. We anticipate that groundwater is present at depths greater than 50 feet. We do not expect groundwater to significantly impact project development as presently proposed. 7.1.5 The proposed development can be supported on conventional shallow or post-tensioned foundations bearing in compacted fill materials. 7.1.6 We performed a storm water management investigation to help evaluate the potential for infiltration on the property. Based on the infiltration rates measured during our field investigation, we opine full infiltration on the property should be considered infeasible. However, partial infiltration may be considered feasible within the Old Paralic Deposits as discussed in Appendix C. 7.1.7 Based on our review of the conceptual project plans, we opine the planned development can be constructed in accordance with our recommendations provided herein. We do not expect the planned development will destabilize or result in settlement of adjacent properties. Project No. G2192-52-01 -7- January 17, 2018 7.2 Excavation and Soil Characteristics 7.2.1 Excavation of the undocumented fill and Old Paralic Deposits should be possible with light to moderate effort using conventional heavy-duty grading equipment. 7.2.2 The soil encountered in the field investigation is considered to be "non-expansive" to "expansive" (expansion index [El] of 20 or less or greater than 20, respectively) as defined by 2016 California Building Code (CBC) Section 1803.5.3 based on our test results. Table 7.2 presents soil classifications based on the expansion index. We expect the existing site materials possess a "very low" to "low" expansion potential (expansion index of 50 or less) in accordance with ASTM D 4829. TABLE 7.2 EXPANSION CLASSIFICATION BASED ON EXPANSION INDEX Expansion Index (El) ASTM D 4829 Soil Expansion Classification 2016 CBC Expansion Classification 0-20 Very Low Non-Expansive 21-50 Low Expansive Very High 51-90 Medium 91-130 High Greater Than 130 7.2.3 We performed laboratory tests on soil samples to evaluate the water-soluble sulfate content (California Test No. 417) to generally evaluate the corrosion potential to structures in contact with soil. Results from the laboratory water-soluble sulfate content tests indicate that the materials at the locations tested possesses "SO" sulfate exposure to concrete structures as defined by 2016 CBC Section 1904 and AC! 318-11 Sections 4.2 and 4.3. The presence of water-soluble sulfates is not a visually discernible characteristic; therefore, other soil samples from the site could yield different concentrations. Additionally, over time landscaping activities (i.e., addition of fertilizers and other soil nutrients) may affect the concentration. Appendix B presents the results of the laboratory tests. 7.2.4 Geocon Incorporated does not practice in the field of corrosion engineering; therefore, further evaluation by a corrosion engineer may be needed to incorporate the necessary precautions to avoid premature corrosion of underground pipes and buried metal in direct contact with the soils. Project No. G2192-52-01 - 8 - January 17, 2018 7.3 Grading 7.3.1 The grading operations should be performed in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications (Appendix D). Where the recommendations of this section conflict with Appendix D, the recommendations of this section take precedence. We should observe and test earthwork for proper compaction and moisture content. 7.3.2 A pre-construction meeting with the city inspector, owner, general contractor, civil engineer and geotechnical engineer should be held at the site prior to the beginning of grading and excavation operations. Special soil handling requirements can be discussed at that time, if necessary. 7.3.3 We should observe the earthwork operations and test the compacted fill. 7.3.4 Grading of the site should commence with the demolition of existing structures, removal of existing improvements, vegetation, and deleterious debris. Deleterious debris should be exported from the site and should not be mixed with the fill. Existing underground improvements within the proposed structure area that extend below the planned grading limits should be removed and properly backfilled. 7.3.5 The undocumented fill within the site boundaries should be removed to expose the underlying Old Paralic Deposits. We should evaluate the actual extent of unsuitable soil removals during the grading operations. Prior to fill soil being placed, the existing ground surface should be scarified, moisture conditioned as necessary, and compacted to a depth of at least 12 inches. 7.3.6 To reduce the potential for differential settlement of the compacted fill, the residential building pads with cut-fill transitions should be undercut at least 3 feet and replaced with properly compacted fill. In addition, cut pads that expose the Old Paralic Deposits should also be undercut at least 3 feet to facilitate future trenching and provide a more uniform finish grade soil condition. 7.3.7 The site should then be brought to final subgrade elevations with fill compacted in layers. In general, soil native to the site is suitable for use from a geotechnical engineering standpoint as fill if relatively free from vegetation, debris and other deleterious material. Layers of fill should be about 6 to 8 inches in loose thickness and no thicker than will allow for adequate bonding and compaction. Fill, including backfill and scarified ground surfaces, should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content in accordance with Project No. G2192-52-01 -9 - January 17, 2018 ASTM Test Procedure D 1557. Fill materials placed below optimum moisture content may require additional moisture conditioning prior to placing additional fill. The upper 12 inches of subgrade soil underlying pavement should be compacted to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content shortly before paving operations. 7.3.8 Import fill (if necessary) should consist of granular materials with a "very low" to "low" expansion potential (El of 50 or less) free of deleterious material or stones larger than 3 inches and should be compacted as recommended above. Geocon Incorporated should be notified of the import soil source and should perform laboratory testing of import soil prior to its arrival at the site to determine its suitability as fill material. / 7.4 Temporary Excavations 7.4.1 The recommendations included herein are provided for stable excavations. It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide a safe excavation during the construction of the proposed project. 7.4.2 Temporary excavations should be made in conformance with OSHA requirements. Undocumented fill should be considered a Type C soil in accordance with OSHA requirements. The Old Paralic Deposits and compacted fill materials can be considered a Type B soil (Type C soil if seepage or groundwater is encountered). In general, special shoring requirements will not be necessary if temporary excavations will be less than 4 feet in height and raveling of the excavations does not occur. Temporary excavations greater than 4 feet in height, however, should be sloped back at an appropriate inclination. These excavations should not be allowed to become saturated or to dry out. Surcharge loads should not be permitted to a distance equal to the height of the excavation from the top of the excavation. The top of the excavation should be a minimum of 15 feet from the edge of existing improvements. Excavations steeper than those recommended or closer than 15 feet from an existing surface improvement should be shored in accordance with applicable OSHA codes and regulations. Geocon can provide temporary shoring recommendations, if necessary. 7.5 Seismic Design Criteria 7.5.1 We used the computer program US. Seismic Design Maps, provided by the USGS. Table 7.5.1 summarizes site-specific design criteria obtained from the 2016 California Building Code (CBC; Based on the 2015 International Building Code [IBC] and ASCE 7- 10), Chapter 16 Structural Design, Section 1613 Earthquake Loads. The short spectral response uses a period of 0.2 second. The building structures and improvements should be Project No. G2192-52-01 _10- January 17, 2018 designed using a Site Class C. We evaluated the Site Class based on the discussion in Section 1613.3.2 of the 2016 CBC and Table 20.3-1 of ASCE 7-10. The values presented in Table 7.5.1 are for the risk-targeted maximum considered earthquake (MCER). TABLE 7.5.1 2016 CBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS Parameter Value 2016 CBC Reference Site Class C Section 1613.3.2 MCER Ground Motion Spectral 1. 127g Figure 1613.3.1(1) Response Acceleration - Class B (short), Ss MCER Ground Motion Spectral 0.433g Figure 1613.3.1(2) Response Acceleration - Class B (1 sec), Si Site Coefficient, FA 1.000 Table 1613.3.3(1) Site Coefficient, Fv 1.367 Table 16 13.3.3(2) Site Class Modified MCER Spectral 1.127g Section 16 13.3.3 (Eqn 16-37) Response Acceleration (short), SMS Site Class Modified MCER Spectral 0.592g Section 1613.3.3 (Eqn 16-38) Response Acceleration (1 sec), SMI 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration (short), SDS 0.75 ig Section 1613.3.4 (Eqn 16-39) 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration (1 sec), SDI 0.395g Section 1613.3.4 (Eqn 16-40) 7.5.2 Table 7.5.2 presents additional seismic design parameters for projects located in Seismic Design Categories of D through F in accordance with ASCE 7-10 for the mapped maximum considered geometric mean (MCEG). TABLE 7.5.2 2016 CBC SITE ACCELERATION DESIGN PARAMETERS Parameter Value ASCE 7-10 Reference Mapped MCEG Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA 0.443g Figure 22-7 Site Coefficient, FPGA 1.000 Table 11.8-1 Site Class Modified MCEG Peak Ground Acceleration, PGAM 0.443g Section 11.8.3 (Eqn 11.8-1) 7.5.3 Conformance to the criteria in Tables 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 for seismic design does not constitute any kind of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will not occur if a large earthquake occurs. The primary goal of seismic design is to protect life, not to avoid all damage, since such design may be economically prohibitive. Project No. G2192-52-01 -11 - January 17, 2018 7.6 Shallow Foundations 7.6.1 The foundation recommendations herein are for the proposed residential structures founded in compacted fill. Foundations for the structure should consist of continuous strip footings and/or isolated spread footings. Continuous footings should be at least 18 inches wide and extend at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent pad grade. Isolated spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches and should extend at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent pad grade. Figure 3 presents a footing dimension detail depicting the depth to lowest adjacent grade. 7.6.2 Steel reinforcement for continuous footings should consist of at least four No. 4 steel reinforcing bars placed horizontally in the footings, two near the top and two near the bottom. Steel reinforcement for the spread footings should be designed by the project structural engineer. The minimum reinforcement recommended herein is based on soil characteristics only (expansion index of 50 or less) and is not intended to replace reinforcement required for structural considerations. 7.6.3 The recommended allowable bearing capacity for foundations with minimum dimensions described herein and bearing in properly compacted fill is 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). The values presented herein are for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. 7.6.4 Total and differential settlement of the building founded on compacted fill materials is expected to be less than Y2-inch for 6-foot footings. 7.6.5 Where buildings or other improvements are planned near the top of a slope 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) or steeper, special foundation and/or design considerations are recommended due to the tendency for lateral soil movement to occur. Footings should be deepened such that the bottom outside edge of the footing is at least 7 feet horizontally from the face of the slope. Although other improvements, which are relatively rigid or brittle, such as concrete flatwork or masonry walls, may experience some distress if located near the top of a slope, it is generally not economical to mitigate this potential. It may be possible, however, to incorporate design measures which would permit some lateral soil movement without causing extensive distress. Geocon Incorporated should be consulted for specific recommendations. 7.6.6 We should observe the foundation excavations prior to the placement of reinforcing steel and concrete to check that the exposed soil conditions are similar to those expected and that Project No. G2192-52-01 -12- January 17, 2018 they have been extended to the appropriate bearing strata. Foundation modifications may be required if unexpected soil conditions are encountered. 7.6.7 Geocon Incorporated should be consulted to provide additional design parameters as required by the structural engineer. 7.7 Concrete Slabs-on-Grade 7.7.1 Concrete slabs-on-grade for the structures should be at least 4 inches thick and reinforced with No. 3 steel reinforcing bars at 24 inches on center in both horizontal directions. 7.7.2 Slabs that may receive moisture-sensitive floor coverings or may be used to store moisture- sensitive materials should be underlain by a vapor retarder. The vapor retarder design should be consistent with the guidelines presented in the American Concrete Institute's (ACI) Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials (ACI 302.2R-06). In addition, the membrane should be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and ASTM requirements and installed in a manner that prevents puncture. The vapor retarder used should be specified by the project architect or developer based on the type of floor covering that will be installed and if the structure will possess a humidity controlled environment. 7.7.3 The bedding sand thickness should be determined by the project foundation engineer, architect, and/or developer. However, we should be contacted to provide recommendations if the bedding sand is thicker than 6 inches. It is common to see 3 to 4 inches of sand below the concrete slab-on-grade for 5-inch thick slabs in the southern California area. The foundation design engineer should provide appropriate concrete mix design criteria and curing measures to assure proper curing of the slab by reducing the potential for rapid moisture loss and subsequent cracking and/or slab curl. We suggest that the foundation design engineer present the concrete mix design and proper curing methods on the foundation plans. It is critical that the foundation contractor understands and follows the recommendations presented on the foundation plans. 7.7.4 Concrete slabs should be provided with adequate crack-control joints, construction joints and/or expansion joints to reduce unsightly shrinkage cracking. The design of joints should consider criteria of the American Concrete Institute (AC!) when establishing crack-control spacing. Crack-control joints should be spaced at intervals no greater than 12 feet. Additional steel reinforcing, concrete admixtures and/or closer crack control joint spacing should be considered where concrete-exposed finished floors are planned. Project No. G2192-52-01 -13 - January 17, 2018 7.7.5 The concrete slab-on-grade recommendations are based on soil support characteristics only. The project structural engineer should evaluate the structural requirements of the concrete slabs for supporting vehicle, equipment and storage loads. 7.7.6 The recommendations presented herein are intended to reduce the potential for cracking of slabs and foundations as a result of differential movement. However, even with the incorporation of the recommendations presented herein, foundations and slabs-on-grade will still exhibit some cracking. The occurrence of concrete shrinkage cracks is independent of the soil supporting characteristics. Their occurrence may be reduced and/or controlled by limiting the slump of the concrete, the use of crack-control joints and proper concrete placement and curing. Literature provided by the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) present recommendations for proper concrete mix, construction, and curing practices, and should be incorporated into project construction. 7.8 Post-Tensioned Foundation System Recommendations 7.8.1 As an alternative to the conventional foundation recommendations, consideration should be given to the use of post-tensioned concrete slab and foundation systems for the support of the proposed structures. The post-tensioned systems should be designed by a structural engineer experienced in post-tensioned slab design and design criteria of the Post- Tensioning Institute (PTI) DC 10.5-12 Standard Requirements for Design and Analysis of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils or WRJ/CRSI Design of Slab-on-Ground Foundations, as required by the 2016 California Building Code (CBC Section 1808.6.2). Although this procedure was developed for expansive soil conditions, it can also be used to reduce the potential for foundation distress due to differential fill settlement. The post-tensioned design should incorporate the geotechnical parameters presented in Table 7.8. The parameters presented in Table 7.8 are based on the guidelines presented in the PTI DC 10.5 design manual. TABLE 7.8 POST-TENSIONED FOUNDATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS Post-Tensioning Institute (1"!!) DC10.5 Design Parameters Value Thornthwaite Index -20 Equilibrium Suction 3.9 Edge Lift Moisture Variation Distance, em (feet) 5.3 Edge Lift, yM (inches) 0.61 Center Lift Moisture Variation Distance, em (feet) 9.0 Center Lift, YM (inches) 0.30 Project No. G2192-52-01 -14- January 17, 2018 7.8.2 Post-tensioned foundations may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) (dead plus live load). This bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. The estimated maximum total and differential settlement for the planned structures due to foundation loads is 1/2 inch. 7.8.3 The foundations for the post-tensioned slabs should be embedded in accordance with the recommendations of the structural engineer. If a post-tensioned mat foundation system is planned, the slab should possess a thickened edge with a minimum width of 12 inches and extend below the clean sand or crushed rock layer. 7.8.4 Isolated footings, if present, should have the minimum embedment depth and width recommended for conventional foundations. The use of isolated footings, which are located beyond the perimeter of the building and support structural elements connected to the building, are not recommended. Where this condition cannot be avoided, the isolated footings should be connected to the building foundation system with grade beams. 7.8.5 Consideration should be given to using interior stiffening beams and connecting isolated footings and/or increasing the slab thickness. In addition, consideration should be given to connecting patio slabs, which exceed 5 feet in width, to the building foundation to reduce the potential for future separation to occur. 7.8.6 If the structural engineer proposes a post-tensioned foundation design method other than PTI, DC 10.5: The deflection criteria presented in Table 7.8 are still applicable. The width of the perimeter foundations should be at least 12 inches. The perimeter footing embedment depths should be at least 18 inches. The embedment depths should be measured from the lowest adjacent pad grade. 7.8.7 Our experience indicates post-tensioned slabs may be susceptible to excessive edge lift, regardless of the underlying soil conditions. Placing reinforcing steel at the bottom of the perimeter footings and the interior stiffener beams may mitigate this potential. The structural engineer should design the foundation system to reduce the potential of edge lift occurring for the proposed structures. 7.8.8 During the construction of the post-tension foundation system, the concrete should be placed monolithically. Under no circumstances should cold joints form between the Project No. G2192-52-01 _15- January 17, 2018 footings/grade beams and the slab during the construction of the post-tension foundation system unless designed by the structural engineer. 7.8.9 Special subgrade presaturation is not deemed necessary prior to placing concrete; however, the exposed foundation and slab subgrade soil should be moisturized to maintain a moist condition as would be expected in any such concrete placement. The slab underlayment should be the same as previously discussed. 7.9 Concrete Flatwork 7.9.1 Exterior concrete flatwork not subject to vehicular traffic should be constructed in accordance with the recommendations herein. Slab panels should be a minimum of 4 inches thick and, when in excess of 8 feet square, should be reinforced with 6 x 6 - W2.9/W2.9 (6 x 6 - 6/6) welded wire mesh or No. 3 reinforcing bars spaced at least 18 inches center-to-center in both directions to reduce the potential for cracking. In addition, concrete flatwork should be provided with crack control joints to reduce and/or control shrinkage cracking. Crack control spacing should be determined by the project structural engineer based upon the slab thickness and intended usage. Criteria of the American Concrete Institute (AC!) should be taken into consideration when establishing crack control spacing. Subgrade soil for exterior slabs not subjected to vehicle loads should be compacted in accordance with criteria presented in the grading section prior to concrete placement. Subgrade soil should be properly compacted and the moisture content of subgrade soil should be checked prior to placing concrete. 7.9.2 Even with the incorporation of the recommendations within this report, the exterior concrete flatwork has a likelihood of experiencing some uplift due to expansive soil beneath grade; therefore, the steel reinforcement should overlap continuously in flatwork to reduce the potential for vertical offsets within flatwork. Additionally, flatwork should be structurally connected to the curbs, where possible, to reduce the potential for offsets between the curbs and the flatwork. 7.9.3 Where exterior flatwork abuts the structure at entrant or exit points, the exterior slab should be dowelled into the structure's foundation stemwall. This recommendation is intended to reduce the potential for differential elevations that could result from differential settlement or minor heave of the flatwork. Dowelling details should be designed by the project structural engineer. Project No. G2192-52-01 -16- January 17, 2018 7.10 Retaining Walls 7.10.1 Retaining walls not restrained at the top and having a level backfill surface should be designed for an active soil pressure equivalent to the pressure exerted by a fluid with a density of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Where the backfill will be inclined at no steeper than 2H: IV, an active soil pressure of 50 pcf is recommended. These soil pressures assume that the backfill materials within an area bounded by the wall and a 1:1 plane extending upward from the base of the wall possess an expansion index of 50 or less. 7.10.2 Unrestrained walls are those that are allowed to rotate more than 0.00111 (where H equals the height of the retaining portion of the wall) at the top of the wall. Where walls are restrained from movement at the top (at-rest condition), an additional uniform pressure of 7H psf should be added to the active soil pressure for walls 8 feet or less. For retaining walls subject to vehicular loads within a horizontal distance equal to two-thirds the wall height, a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of fill soil should be added. 7.10.3 The structural engineer should determine the seismic design category for the project. If the project possesses a seismic design category of D, E, or F, the proposed retaining walls should be designed with seismic lateral pressure. A seismic load of 16H psf should be used for design of walls that support more than 6 feet of backfill in accordance with Section 1803.5.12 of the 2016 CBC. The seismic load is dependent on the retained height where H is the height of the wall, in feet, and the calculated loads result in pounds per square foot (psf) exerted at the base of the wall and zero at the top of the wall. We used the peak site acceleration, PGAM, of 0.443g calculated from ASCE 7-10 Section 11.8.3. 7.10.4 The retaining walls may be designed using either the active and restrained (at-rest) loading condition or the active and seismic loading condition as suggested by the structural engineer. Typically, it appears the design of the restrained condition for retaining wall loading may be adequate for the seismic design of the retaining walls. However, the active earth pressure combined with the seismic design load should be reviewed and also considered in the design of the retaining walls. 7.10.5 Retaining walls should be provided with a drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces and should be waterproofed as required by the project architect. The use of drainage openings through the base of the wall (weep holes) is not recommended where the seepage could be a nuisance or otherwise adversely affect the property adjacent to the base of the wall. The recommendations herein assume a properly compacted free- draining backfill material (El of 50 or less) with no hydrostatic forces or imposed surcharge load. Figure 4 presents a typical retaining wall drain detail. If conditions different than Project No. G2192-52-01 -17- January 17, 2018 those described are expected, or if specific drainage details are desired, Geocon Incorporated should be contacted for additional recommendations. 7.10.6 Soil contemplated for use as retaining wall backfill, including import materials, should be identified in the field prior to backfill. At that time, Geocon Incorporated should obtain samples for laboratory testing to evaluate its suitability. Modified lateral earth pressures may be necessary if the backfill soil does not meet the required expansion index or shear strength. City or regional standard wall designs, if used, are based on a specific active lateral earth pressure and/or soil friction angle. In this regard, on-site soil to be used as backfill may or may not meet the values for standard wall designs. Geocon Incorporated should be consulted to assess the suitability of the on-site soil for use as wall backfill if standard wall designs will be used. 7.10.7 In general, wall foundations having a minimum depth and width of 1 foot may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. The proximity of the foundation to the top of a slope steeper than 3:1 could impact the allowable soil bearing pressure. Therefore, retaining wall foundations should be deepened such that the bottom outside edge of the footing is at least 7 feet horizontally from the face of the slope. 7.10.8 Unrestrained walls will move laterally when backfllled and loading is applied. The amount of lateral deflection is dependent on the wall height, the type of soil used for backfill, and loads acting on the wall. The retaining walls and improvements above the retaining walls should be designed to incorporate an appropriate amount of lateral deflection as determined by the structural engineer. 7.10.9 The recommendations presented herein are generally applicable to the design of rigid concrete or masonry retaining walls having a maximum height of 8 feet. In the event that walls higher than 8 feet or other types of walls (such as mechanically stabilized earth [MSE] walls, soil nail walls, or soldier pile walls) are planned, Geocon Incorporated should be consulted for additional recommendations. 7.11 Lateral Loading 7.11.1 To resist lateral loads, a passive pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 350 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) should be used for the design of footings or shear keys poured neat in compacted fill. The passive pressure assumes a horizontal surface extending at least 5 feet, or three times the surface generating the passive pressure, whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material in areas not protected by floor slabs or pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance. Project No. G2192-52-01 _18- January 17, 2018 7.11.2 If friction is to be used to resist lateral loads, an allowable coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.35 should be used for design. The friction coefficient may be reduced to 0.2 to 0.25 depending on the vapor barrier or waterproofing material used for construction in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations 7.11.3 The passive and frictional resistant loads can be combined for design purposes. The lateral passive pressures may be increased by one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. 7.12 Preliminary Pavement Recommendations 7.12.1 We calculated the flexible pavement sections in general conformance with the Caltrans Method of Flexible Pavement Design (Highway Design Manual, Section 608.4) using an estimated Traffic Index (TI) of 5.0 and 6.0 for local and collector streets, respectively. The project civil engineer and owner should review the pavement designations to determine appropriate locations for pavement thickness. The final pavement sections for the parking lot should be based on the R-Value of the subgrade soil encountered at final subgrade elevation. Based on the results of our R-Value testing of the subgrade soils, we assumed an R-Value of 44 and 78 for the subgrade soil and base materials, respectively, for the purposes of this preliminary analysis. Table 7.12.1 presents the preliminary flexible pavement sections. TABLE 7.12.1 PRELIMINARY FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT SECTION Assumed Asphalt Class 2 Location Assumed Subgrade Concrete* Aggregate Traffic Index R-Value (inches) Base* (inches) Local Street 5.0 44 4 4 Collector Street 6.0 44 4 6 *Per City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards (2016) 7.12.2 The subgrade soils for pavement areas should be compacted to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above the optimum moisture content. The depth of subgrade compaction should be approximately 12 inches. 7.12.3 Class 2 aggregate base should conform to Section 26-1-02B of the Standard Specifications for The State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density at near optimum Project No. G2192-52-01 -19- January 17, 2018 moisture content. The asphalt concrete should conform to Section 203-6 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). 7.12.4 7.12.5 7.12.6 7.12.7 7.12.8 The base thickness can be reduced if a reinforcement geogrid is used during the installation of the pavement. Geocon should be contact for additional recommendations, if requested. A rigid Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement section should be placed in driveway entrance aprons. We calculated the rigid pavement section in general conformance with the procedure recommended by the American Concrete Institute report ACI 330R-08 Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots using the parameters presented in Table 7.12.2. TABLE 7.12.2 RIGID PAVEMENT DESIGN PARAMETERS Design Parameter Design Value Modulus of subgrade reaction, k 100 pci Modulus of rupture for concrete, MR 500 psi Traffic Category, TC A and C Average daily truck traffic, ADfl 1 and 100 Based on the criteria presented herein, the PCC pavement sections should have a minimum thickness as presented in Table 7.12.3. TABLE 7.12.3 RIGID PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Location Portland Cement Concrete (inches) Driveways/Automobile Parking Areas (TC=A) 5.0 Heavy Truck and Fire Lane Areas (TC=C) 7.0 The PCC pavement should be placed over subgrade soil that is compacted to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. This pavement section is based on a minimum concrete compressive strength of approximately 3,000 psi (pounds per square inch). A thickened edge or integral curb should be constructed on the outside of concrete slabs subjected to wheel loads. The thickened edge should be 1.2 times the slab thickness or a Project No. G2192-52-01 -20- January 17, 2018 minimum thickness of 2 inches, whichever results in a thicker edge, and taper back to the recommended slab thickness 4 feet behind the face of the slab (e.g., a 7-inch-thick slab would have a 9-inch-thick edge). Reinforcing steel will not be necessary within the concrete for geotechnical purposes with the possible exception of dowels at construction joints as discussed herein. 7.12.9 To control the location and spread of concrete shrinkage cracks, crack-control joints (weakened plane joints) should be included in the design of the concrete pavement slab. Crack-control joints should not exceed 30 times the slab thickness with a maximum spacing of 12.5 feet for the 5-inch and 15 feet for 6-inch or thicker slabs and should be sealed with an appropriate sealant to prevent the migration of water through the control joint to the subgrade materials. The depth of the crack-control joints should be determined by the referenced AC! report. The depth of the crack-control joints should be at least ¼ of the slab thickness when using a conventional saw, or at least 1 inch when using early-entry saws on slabs 9 inches or less in thickness, as determined by the referenced AC! report discussed in the pavement section herein. Cuts at least 1/4 inch wide are required for sealed joints, and a % inch wide cut is commonly recommended. A narrow joint width of 1/10 to 1/8 inch-wide is common for unsealed joints. 7.12.10 To provide load transfer between adjacent pavement slab sections, a butt-type construction joint should be constructed. The butt-type joint should be thickened by at least 20 percent at the edge and taper back at least 4 feet from the face of the slab. As an alternative to the butt-type construction joint, dowelling can be used between construction joints for pavements of 7 inches or thicker. As discussed in the referenced AC! guide, dowels should consist of smooth, 1-inch-diameter reinforcing steel 14 inches long embedded a minimum of 6 inches into the slab on either side of the construction joint. Dowels should be located at the midpoint of the slab, spaced at 12 inches on center and lubricated to allow joint movement while still transferring loads. In addition, tie bars should be installed at the as recommended in Section 3.8.3 of the referenced AC! guide. The structural engineer should provide other alternative recommendations for load transfer. 7.12.11 Concrete curb/gutter should be placed on soil subgrade compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. Cross-gutters should be placed on subgrade soil compacted to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. Base materials should not be placed below the curb/gutter, cross-gutters, or sidewalk so water is not able to migrate from the adjacent parkways to the pavement sections. Where flatwork is located directly adjacent to the curb/gutter, the Project No. G2192-52-01 -21 - January 17, 2018 concrete flatwork should be structurally connected to the curbs to help reduce the potential for offsets between the curbs and the flatwork. 7.13 Site Drainage and Moisture Protection 7.13.1 Adequate site drainage is critical to reduce the potential for differential soil movement, erosion and subsurface seepage. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The site should be graded and maintained such that surface drainage is directed away from structures in accordance with 2016 CBC 1804.3 or other applicable standards. In addition, surface drainage should be directed away from the top of slopes into swales or other controlled drainage devices. Roof and pavement drainage should be directed into conduits that carry runoff away from the proposed structure. Appendix C presents the results of the storm water management investigation. 7.13.2 The performance of pavements is highly dependent on providing positive surface drainage away from the edge of the pavement. Ponding of water on or adjacent to the pavement will likely result in pavement distress and subgrade failure. If planter islands are proposed, the perimeter curb should extend at least 12 inches below proposed subgrade elevations. In addition, the surface drainage within the planter should be such that ponding will not occur. 7.13.3 Underground utilities should be leak free. Utility and irrigation lines should be checked periodically for leaks, and detected leaks should be repaired promptly. Detrimental soil movement could occur if water is allowed to infiltrate the soil for prolonged periods of time. 7.13.4 Landscaping planters adjacent to paved areas are not recommended due to the potential for surface or irrigation water to infiltrate the pavement's subgrade and base course. Area drains to collect excess irrigation water and transmit it to drainage structures or impervious above-grade planter boxes can be used. In addition, where landscaping is planned adjacent to the pavement, construction of a cutoff wall along the edge of the pavement that extends at least 6 inches below the bottom of the base material should be considered. 7.14 Grading, Improvement and Foundation Plan Review 7.14.1 Geocon Incorporated should review the final grading, improvement and foundation plans prior to finalization to check their compliance with the recommendations of this report and evaluate the need for additional comments, recommendations, and/or analyses. Project No. G2192-52-01 -22- January 17, 2018 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The firm that performed the geotechnical investigation for the project should be retained to provide testing and observation services during construction to provide continuity of geotechnical interpretation and to check that the recommendations presented for geotechnical aspects of site development are incorporated during site grading, construction of improvements, and excavation of foundations. If another geotechnical firm is selected to perform the testing and observation services during construction operations, that firm should prepare a letter indicating their intent to assume the responsibilities of project geotechnical engineer of record. A copy of the letter should be provided to the regulatory agency for their records. In addition, that firm should provide revised recommendations concerning the geotechnical aspects of the proposed development, or a written acknowledgement of their concurrence with the recommendations presented in our report. They should also perform additional analyses deemed necessary to assume the role of Geotechnical Engineer of Record. The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that anticipated herein, Geocon Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given. The evaluation or identification of the potential presence of hazardous or corrosive materials was not part of the scope of services provided by Geocon Incorporated. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or his representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. Project No. G2192-52-01 January 17, 2018 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARSBAD, CALIFORNIA J\/J J \ \ •I z1H \j I - - PROJECT LIMITS 'I Qudf/Qo:' 0. SCALE 60' (On 1107) p. -. - - -• .':" - -APPROX ' LOCATION OF TRENCH (P.2) APPROX LOCATION OF PERCOLATION TEST ~3D APPROX. THICKNESS OF UNDOCUMENTED FILL ThE NE000EPHOAL IIFOHJMTCNMAOEAVAI.MIE FOR OSPIAYWASPR00000BY0000LEEARTH. E*SJECT TOALCENSIIGNORESENT. THE I1FOAMATMN SM LLIJSTR*ThE PHNOOSSOIY ITS NOT KFENDED FORCLEWS USE M FtELKNCEANO ANNEAL NOT BE REPROANJOBE BYCLENT. CEENT SNAIl. PANEISIFY. DEFENDANt HAND HARMLESS SWOON FROENANY I.NBLITY ICWREDASARESALT OF BOON USE oftRawasyc.ENT. GEOCON INCORPORATED VP GEOThCHNALU ENVRONMENTAL . wThRLStS 6960 FLEIS0REN-SM.IDBEIO,CALFCPM92121-2974 FHONE 11511 6900 - FAX 858 55&6159 PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 GEOLOGIC MAP FIGURE 2 17-2018 Pte.000IET0I8 101PM IW.tPSITHN.IWtJOt IFA, L.ANIAIIUYAPSOJECTJOODINZ.5ER1 1534 115105 AVSISKEETSIOSIANNZCI SN059511RE19 CONCRETE SLAB a 4 :...: .:.4. •.a...... PAD GRADE '.4 SAND AND VAPOR M . RETARDER IN n ACCORDANCE WITH ACI .. ..... :..: i_. 00 LL AVAV . .':.. . I-S .4 4 :.4..... I •. . :.' ________ L FOOTING WIDTH a • 4. aa IL a 4 4 Z U i 2 4 q 7. 4 a 44 a / '1J•. SAND AND VAPOR RETARDER IN —' 4zd a ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 1? • . LL 4 4" Aj 4: 44 4a 2 4 FOOTING WIDTH* *....SEE REPORT FOR FOUNDATION WIDTH AND DEPTH RECOMMENDATION NO SCALE I WALL / COLUMN FOOTING DIMENSION DETAIL I GEOCON INCORPORATED Jr GEOTECHNICAL• ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS 6960 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-2974 PHONE 858 558-6900 - FAX 858 558-6159 ML! CW r DSK/GTYPD 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE 01 - 17-2018 1 PROJECT NO.G2192 -52-01 FIG. j Pbtted.01116!2018 4:08PM I By.JONATHAN WILKINS I Fib Locatlon:Y:\PROJECTSG2192-52-01 1534 Magnolia AveDETAILSlWaICokjmn Footing Dknanstan Detail (COLFOOT2dwg CONCRETE BROWDITCH 1 GROUND SURFACE PROPOSED RETAINING WALL • BACKFILL \'\'Y''""".._TEMPOPARYBACKCUT WATER PROOFING I - .. / PER OSHA PER ARCHITECT 213H MIRAFII4ON FILTER FABRIC (OR EQUIVALENT) OPEN GRADED ? MAX. AGGREGATE GROUND SURFACE FOOTING 4 DIA. PERFORATED SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE EXTENDED TO APPROVED OUTLET 12 PROPOSED CONCRETE BROWDITCH RETAINING WALL . 2/3 H FOOTING GROUND SURFACE WATER PROOFING -""" PER ARCHITECT DRAINAGE PANEL (MIRADRAIN 6000 OR EQUIVALENT) 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK (1 CU.FTJFT.) j— FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE MIRAFI 140N OR EQUIVALENT 4" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PERFORATED PVC PIPE OR TOTAL DRAIN EXTENDED TO APPROVED OUTLET PROPOSED CONCRETE BROWDITCH RETAINING WALL . ¼ 2/3 H FOOTING SURFACE WATER PROOFING PER ARCHITECT DRAINAGE PANEL (MIRADRAIN 6000 OR EQUIVALENT) 4" DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PERFORATED PVC PIPE OR TOTAL DRAIN EXTENDED TO APPROVED OUTLET NOTE: DRAIN SHOULD BE UNIFORMLY SLOPED TO GRAVITY OUTLET OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING NO SCALE I TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAIN DETAIL I GEOCON re IF INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL• ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS 6960 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121-2974 PHONE 858 558-6900 - FAX 858 558-6159 ML! CW DSK/GTYPD 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE 01-17-2018 1 PROJECT NO.G2192-52-01 1 FIG.4 Plotted:01116/2018 4:07PM I Br.JONTHAN WILKINS I File Locatlen:Y:PROJECTS\G2192-52-01 1634 Magnolia AveDETAILSTypIaI Retaining Wail Drainage Dotal[ (RWDD7A).dwg APPENDIX APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION We performed our field investigation on September 27, 2017, that consisted of a visual site reconnaissance, excavating 9 exploratory trenches using a rubber-tire backhoe and conducting 2 infiltration tests. The approximate locations of the trenches and infiltration tests are shown on the Geologic Map, Figure 2. As trenching proceeded, we logged and sampled the soil and geologic conditions encountered. Trench logs and an explanation of the geologic units encountered are presented on figures following the text in this appendix. We located the trenches in the field using existing reference points. Therefore, actual exploration locations may deviate slightly. We visually classified and logged the soil encountered in the excavations in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual Manual Procedure D 2488). Project No. G2192-52-01 January 17, 2018 PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 TRENCH I >W Z - >. 09 DEPTH - 8 < SOIL Oz I- Z IN SAMPLE NO. -J CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 FEET 0 III LU Co 20 EQUIPMENT BACKHOE WIT BUCKET BY: K. HAASE 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - _____ - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudi) • :.:.E:j:: Loose, dry Silty, fine to medium SAND: some roots - SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) 2 - TI -1 .•1:J•: Medium dense, damp, light reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND - - : - - 4 - CL Dense, moist, olive-brown, fine Sandy, CLAY; iron staining -- -k-- __ 6 - SAND; iron staining - TI-2 8 - -Becomes denser TRENCH TERMINATED AT 9 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-I, Log of Trench T I, Page 1 of I • SAMPLE SYMBOLS ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOTIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 TRENCH T2 zw-. DEPTH SAMPLE SOIL W IN NO. CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 FEET z co 20 EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12' BUCKET BY: K HAASE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - ____ - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudf) • Loose, dry, light brown, Silty, fine SAND - SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) 2 Medium dense, damp, brown, Silty, fine SAND -CL Dense, moist, olive brown, fine Sandy, CLAY 4 : :-. SC Dense, moist, reddish brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND -6 - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-2, Log of Trench T 2, Page 1 of I SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 10 ... CHUNK SAMPLE . -WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 >W TRENCH T3 0'... DEPTH 5 < SOIL I Z i I-. IN SAMPLE NO. ..j CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 CO FEET 0 W Fa :i EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12' BUCKET BY: K. HAASE uJ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - :99: - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudf) Loose, dry, brown, Silty, fine SAND - SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) - - Medium dense, damp, reddish to yellowish brown, Silty, fine to medium - 2 — — — — ---------------- -. SM Medium dense, moist, brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND — — — — - D4 -. CL ----------------------------------- Dense, wet, dark reddish brown, fine Sandy, CLAY -6- _ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-3, Log of Trench T 3, Page 1 of I SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 19 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 10 ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 TRENCH T4 DEPTH 8 SOIL IN M NO. CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 FEEF w uJ it 20 EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12' BUCKET BY: K. HAASE 0 ir e 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - 1 91 - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudi) Loose, dry, light brown, Silty, fine SAND - SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) - Medium dense, damp, light reddish brown, fine to coarse SAND -2- - -. C Dense, moist, olive brown to reddish brown, fine Sandy, CLAY : 5C Dense, moist, olive brown to reddish brown, fine Sandy, CLAY - - T4-1 ______________ -6- TRENCH TERMINATED AT 6 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-4, Log of Trench T 4, Page 1 of I SAMPLE SYMBOLS I! SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 19 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE .. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 CC TRENCH 5 zw-. DEPTH < SOIL Z Cl) IN SAMPLE NO. j CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 LUCl) LC i... Z FEET EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12' BUCKET BY: K. HAASE 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudf) Loose, dry, light brown, Silty, fine SAND - - SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) I: Medium dense, moist, dark brown, Silty fine to medium SAND 2 - -Becomes brown 6 - -Becomes dense - 8 - - - 10 - icT - staining 12 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 12 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-5, Log of Trench T 5, Page 1 of I SAMPLE SYMBOLS I ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 19 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 Ir TRENCH UJI DEPTH SOIL Rz1z 'n IN SAMPLE NO. CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)_______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 FEET o (USCS) W z EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12' BUCKET BY: K HMSE _____ _____ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 - ____ - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudi) Loose, dry, light brown, Silty, fine SAND • i4.i . SM Loose, damp, light reddish brown, Silty fine SAND; little gravel; deleterious .4- material -2- :--i- - :j4 - SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop2-4) Medium dense, moist, dark reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND 4 - - 6 i:: ::.{...1:. -Becomes dark brown - -Becomes denser, finer grained - -- - ---------------------------------- - 8 SC Dense, moist, reddish brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND -- /7 10 TRENCH TERMINATED AT 10 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-6, Log of Trench T 6, Page 1 of I SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST I ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 TRENCH DEPTH SOIL I- Z Cl) IN SALE 0 In CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 FEET III i... (USCS) Cl) 2 WWM >- .- Ix o z 0 EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W17 BUCKET BY: IC HAASE CL 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudf) Loose, dry, light brown, Silty, fine SAND; roots SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) - 2 - T7-1 Medium dense, damp, light reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND - - 4 -Becomes dense TRENCH TERMINATED AT 5 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-7, Log of Trench T 7, Page 1 of I SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 19 SAMPLE SYMBOLS DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 Ir TRENCH uj .. >- DEPTH >- I- < SOIL Oi I- Z L _ CO . IX SAMPLE NO. .. CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 <CI) ZLI FEET 20 EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12 BUCKET BY: K. HMSE 0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - 0 - SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudi) : - Loose, dry, brown, Silty, fine SAND; roots SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop24) Medium dense, damp, light yellowish brown, Silty, fine SAND 2 -Becomes dense, moist, light reddish brown - 4 . ____ ____ _____________________________________ TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-8, Log of Trench T 8, Page 1 of I SAMPLE SYMBOLS • ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL I] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST U ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) 19 DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE &... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOTIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 Ce TRENCH DEPTH >UJI $ < SOIL I- I- SAMPLE NO. _j CLASS ELEV. (MSL.)______ DATE COMPLETED 09-27-2017 CI) ZLl LU FEET EQUIPMENT BACKHOE W12 BUCKET BY: K. HMSE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SM UNDOCUMENTED FILL (Qudf) Loose, dry, brown, Silty, fine SAND; roots SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS (Qop2) Dense, damp, light reddish to yellowish brown, Silty fine to medium SAND • 2 Ij:. : .4 - TRENCH TERMINATED AT 4 FEET No groundwater encountered Figure A-9, G2192-52-01.GPJ Loa of Trench T 9. Paae I of I - . SAMPLE SYMBOLS U ... SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL U] ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ... DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE ... CHUNK SAMPLE ... WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLY AT THE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. GEOCON APPENDIX APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING We performed laboratory tests in accordance with generally accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other suggested procedures. We selected samples to test for maximum density and optimum moisture content, direct shear, expansion potential, water-soluble sulfate content, R-Value and gradation. The results of our laboratory tests are summarized on Tables B-I through B-V, Figure B-i and on the trench logs in Appendix A. TABLE B-I SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557 Sample Description (Geologic Unit) Maximum Dry Optimum Moisture No. Density (pcf) Content (% dry wt.) TI-1 Light reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND (Qop) 132.8 8.1 T7-1 I Light reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND (Qop) 1 130.5 1 9.0 TABLE B-Il SUMMARY OF LABORATORY DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ASTM D 3080 Sample No. Dry Density (j cl) Moisture Content (%) Peak [Ultimate'] Cohesion (psi) Peak [Ultimate'] Angle of Shear Resistance (degrees) Initial I Final T1-12 121.8 6.6 I 13.4 500 [400] 27 [26] T7-12 118.6 8.7 13.7 700 [550] 27 [24] 1 Ultimate at end of test at 0.2-inch deflection. 2 Remolded to a dry density of about 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. TABLE B-Ill SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829 Sample No. Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (pci) Expansion Index 2016 CBC Expansion Classification ASTM Soil Expansion Classification Before Test After Test T3-1 11.5 23.4 103.8 35 Expansive Low T4-1 8.7 17.2 115.6 18 Non-Expansive Very Low T7-1 7.8 14.1 117.2 0 Non-Expansive Very Low Project No. G2192-52-01 -B-1 - January 17, 2018 TABLE B-IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS CALIFORNIA TEST NO. 417 Sample No. Water Soluble Sulfate (%) AC! 318-14 Sulfate Class TI-1 0.032 SO T7-1 0.009 SO TABLE B-V SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESISTANCE VALUE (R-VALUE) TEST RESULTS ASTM D 2844 Sample No. Depth (feet) Description (Geologic Unit) R-Value T74 2 -3 Light reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND (Qop) 44 Project No. G2192-52-01 - B-2 - January 17, 2018 PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 _FINE l_ MEDIUM . , MIMI iiuiii hUHhIiIi!iiI INIIHiIIII_11111111 .111111 11111111 IIIh!Il iillliili 11111111 .111111_11111111_IIIIIiI_11111111_11111111 11111111 11111111 111111111 11111111 .111111 111111_11111111_IIIIIIIL! 111111111_11111111-- 111111 11111111_IIUUhIi1N!IIIIIIII_11111111 111111_11111111_11111111_IiiI!! 11111111 111111_11111111_11111111_IIfluIIi!!!i!!!i 111111_11111111_11111111_111111111_IIIIIiii 111111 11111111 11111111 IIHIIIIIIIIIIIII GRADATION[sill 4YA Iiy.vA1u1 r.]ur. :Y.i iX.'_ II I) A I V 21B2-52.O1.PJ Figure B-i GE000N IGRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COARSEFINE ICOARSE SAMPLE DEPTH (ft) CLASSIFICATION NAT WC LL PL P1 TI-I 2.0 Clayey SAND TI-2 6.0 SM - Silty SAND APPENDIX APPENDIX C STORM WATER MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATION FOR 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 APPENDIX C STORM WATER MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATION We understand storm water management devices will be used in accordance with the BMP Design Manual currently used by the City of Carlsbad. If not properly constructed, there is a potential for distress to improvements and properties located hydrologically down gradient or adjacent to these devices. Factors such as the amount of water to be detained, its residence time, and soil permeability have an important effect on seepage transmission and the potential adverse impacts that may occur if the storm water management features are not properly designed and constructed. We have not performed a hydrogeological study at the site. If infiltration of storm water runoff occurs, downstream properties may be subjected to seeps, springs, slope instability, raised groundwater, movement of foundations and slabs, or other undesirable impacts as a result of water infiltration. Hydrologic Soil Group The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Services, possesses general information regarding the existing soil conditions for areas within the United States. The USDA website also provides the Hydrologic Soil Group. Table C-I presents the descriptions of the hydrologic soil groups. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (AID, B/D, or CID), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. In addition, the USDA website also provides an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity for the existing soil. TABLE C-I HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP DEFINITIONS Soil Group Soil Group Definition Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist A mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of B moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a C layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These D consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high-water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. The property is underlain by natural materials consisting of undocumented fill and Old Paralic Deposits and should be classified as Soil Group D. Table C-il presents the information from the USDA website for the subject property. The Hydrologic Soil Group Map, provided at the end of this appendix, presents output from the USDA website showing the limits of the soil units. TABLE C-Il USDA WEB SOIL SURVEY - HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP Map Unit Name Map Unit Approximate Percentage Hydrologic kSAT of Most Limiting Symbol of Property (inches/hour) Soil GroupLayer Chesterton-Urban Land Complex, CgC 83 D 0.00-0.06 2 to9 percent _slopes Marina Loamy Coarse Sand, M1C 17 B 0.57-1.42 2 to 9_ percent _slopes In-Situ Testing The infiltration rate, percolation rates and saturated hydraulic conductivity are different and have different meanings. Percolation rates tend to overestimate infiltration rates and saturated hydraulic conductivities by a factor of 10 or more. Table C-Ill describes the differences in the definitions. TABLE C-Ill SOIL PERMEABILITY DEFINITIONS Term Definition The observation of the flow of water through a material into the ground Infiltration Rate downward into a given soil structure under long term conditions. This is a function of layering of soil, density, pore space, discontinuities and initial moisture content. The observation of the flow of water through a material into the ground Percolation Rate downward and laterally into a given soil structure under long term i conditions. This s a function of layering of soil, density, pore space, discontinuities and initial moisture content. The volume of water that will move in a porous medium under a Saturated Hydraulic hydraulic gradient through a unit area. This is a function of density, Conductivity (kSAT, Permeability) structure, stratification, fines content and discontinuities. It is also a function of the properties of the liquid as well as of the porous medium. The degree of soil compaction or in-situ density has a significant impact on soil permeability and infiltration. Based on our experience and other studies we performed, an increase in compaction results in a decrease in soil permeability. We performed 2 percolation tests within Trenches T-2 and T-3 at the locations shown on the attached Geologic Map, Figure 2. The results of the tests provide parameters regarding the percolation rate and - C-2 - the saturated hydraulic conductivity/infiltration characteristics of on-site soil and geologic units. Table C-N presents the results of the estimated field saturated hydraulic conductivity and estimated infiltration rates obtained from the percolation tests. The calculation sheets are attached herein. We used a factor of safety applied to the test results on the worksheet values. The designer of storm water devices should apply an appropriate factor of safety. Soil infiltration rates from in-situ tests can vary significantly from one location to another due to the heterogeneous characteristics inherent to most soil. Based on a discussion in the County of Riverside Design Handbook for Low Impact Development Best Management Practices, the infiltration rate should be considered equal to the saturated hydraulic conductivity rate. TABLE C-IV FIELD PERMEAMETER INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS Test Depth Geologic Percolation Field-Saturated C.4-1 Worksheet Test Location (feet) Unit Rate Infiltration Rate, Infiltration Rate', (minutes/inch) kt (inch/hour) ksat (inch/hour) P-i (T-2) 6 Qop 187.5 0.07 0.04 P-2 (T-3) 6 Qop 106.0 0.32 0.16 Average: 146.8 0.20 0.10 Using a factor of safety of 2. Infiltration categories include full infiltration, partial infiltration and no infiltration. Table C-V presents the commonly accepted definitions of the potential infiltration categories based on the infiltration rates. TABLE C-V INFILTRATION CATEGORIES Infiltration Category Field Infiltration Rate, 1 (inches/hour) Factored Infiltration Rate', I (inches/hour) Full Infiltration I> 1.0 1>0.5 Partial Infiltration 0.10<1 < 1.0 0.05 <I <0.5 No Infiltration (Infeasible) 1<0.10 1<0.05 Using a Factor of Safety of 2. Groundwater Elevations We did not encounter groundwater or seepage during the site investigation. We expect groundwater exists at depths greater than 50 feet below existing grades. - C-3 - New or Existing Utilities Utilities will be constructed within the site boundaries. Full or partial infiltration should not be allowed in the areas of the utilities to help prevent potential damage/distress to improvements. Mitigation measures to prevent water from infiltrating the utilities consist of setbacks, installing cutoff walls around the utilities and installing subdrains and/or installing liners. The horizontal and vertical setbacks for infiltration devices should be a minimum of 10 feet and a 1:1 plane of 1 foot below the closest edge of the deepest adjacent utility, respectively. Existing and Planned Structures Existing residential and roadway structures exist adjacent to the site. Water should not be allowed to infiltrate in areas where it could affect the neighboring properties and existing adjacent structures, improvements and roadway. Mitigation for existing structures consists of not allowing water infiltration within a lateral distance of at least 10 feet from the new or existing foundations. Slopes Hazards Slopes are not currently planned or exist on the property that would be affected by potential infiltration locations. Therefore, infiltration in regards to slope concerns would be considered feasible. Storm Water Evaluation Narrative As discussed herein, the property consists of existing undocumented fill overlying Old Paralic Deposits (Qop). Water should not be allowed to infiltrate into the undocumented or compacted fill within the basins as it will allow for lateral migration to adjacent residences. We evaluated the infiltration rates within the Old Paralic Deposits within the proposed basin areas to help evaluate if infiltration is feasible. We performed the infiltration tests at location where the basins would be practical based on the topography of the property and discussions with the Client. We performed the percolation tests at the lower elevations of the property and adjacent to the existing storm drain system. Our in-place infiltration tests indicate an average of 0.10 inches/hour (including a factor of safety of 2); therefore, the site is considered feasible for partial infiltration. We do not expect geologic hazards to exist on the property. Therefore, partial infiltration may be considered feasible within the Old Paralic Deposits. Storm Water Management Devices Liners and subdrains should be incorporated into the design and construction of the planned storm water devices. The liners should be impermeable (e.g. High-density polyethylene, HDPE, with a - C-4 - thickness of about 30 mil or equivalent Polyvinyl Chloride, PVC) to prevent water migration. The subdrains should be perforated within the liner area, installed at the base and above the liner, be at least 3 inches in diameter and consist of Schedule 40 PVC pipe. The subdrains outside of the liner should consist of solid pipe. The penetration of the liners at the subdrains should be properly waterproofed. The subdrains should be connected to a proper outlet. The devices should also be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Liners should be installed on the side walls of the proposed basins in accordance with a partial infiltration design. Storm Water Standard Worksheets The BMP Design Manual requests the geotechnical engineer complete the Categorization of Infiltration Feasibility Condition (Worksheet C.4-1 or 1-8) worksheet information to help evaluate the potential for infiltration on the property. The attached Worksheet C.4-1 presents the completed information for the submittal process. The regional storm water standards also have a worksheet (Worksheet D.5-1 or Form 1-9) that helps the project civil engineer estimate the factor of safety based on several factors. Table C-VI describes the suitability assessment input parameters related to the geotechnical engineering aspects for the factor of safety determination. TABLE C-VI SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT RELATED CONSIDERATIONS FOR INFILTRATION FACILITY SAFETY FACTORS Consideration High Medium Low Concern —3 Points Concern —2 Points Concern - 1 Point Use of soil survey maps or Use of well permeameter or simple texture analysis to borehole methods with Direct measurement with estimate short-term accompanying continuous boring log, localized (i.e. small- infiltration rates. Use of Direct measurement of scale) infiltration testing Assessment Methods well permeameter or infiltration area with methods at relatively high borehole methods without localized infiltration resolution or use of accompanying continuous measurement methods extensive test pit boring log; Relatively (e.g., Infiltrometer). infiltration measurement sparse testing with direct Moderate spatial methods. infiltration methods resolution Predominant Soil Silty and clayey soils Loamy soils Granular to slightly Texture with significant fines loamy soils Highly variable soils Soil boring/test pits Soil boring/test pits Site Soil Variability indicated from site assessment or unknown indicate moderately indicate relatively variability homogenous soils homogenous soils Depth to Groundwater/ <5 feet below 5-15 feet below >15 feet below Impervious Layer facility bottom facility bottom facility bottom - C-S - Based on our geotechnical investigation and the previous table, Table C-VII presents the estimated factor values for the evaluation of the factor of safety. This table only presents the suitability assessment safety factor (Part A) of the worksheet. The project civil engineer should evaluate the safety factor for design (Part B) and use the combined safety factor for the design infiltration rate. TABLE C-Vu FACTOR OF SAFETY WORKSHEET DESIGN VALUES - PART A1 Suitability Assessment Factor Category Assigned (w) Factor Value (v) Product Weight (p = w x v) Assessment Methods 0.25 2 0.50 Predominant Soil Texture 0.25 1 2 0.50 Site Soil Variability 0.25 2 0.50 Depth to Groundwater! Impervious Layer 0.25 1 0.25 Suitability Assessment Safety Factor, SA = Ep 1.75 The project civil engineer should complete Worksheet D.5-1 or Form 1-9 using the data on this table. Additional information is required to evaluate the design factor of safety. - C-6 - CAnMa-MR%MAM off Part 1- Full Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of the full design volume be feasible from a physical perspective without any undesirable consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question Yes No Is the estimated reliable infiltration rate below proposed facility locations greater than 0.5 inches per hour? The response 1 to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive X evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and Appendix D. Provide basis: Based on the USGS Soil Survey, the property possesses Hydrologic Soil Group D classifications. In addition, we encountered field infiltration rates of: T-21P-1: 0.07 inches/hour (0.04 with a FOS of 2.0) T-3/P-2: 0.32 inches/hour (0.16 with a FOS of 2.0) This results in an average infiltration rate of 0.20 inches/hour (0.10 with an FOS of 2.0). Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability. Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, 2 groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) that cannot x be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: Undocumented fill and Old Paralic Deposits underlie the property. Water that would be allowed to infiltrate could migrate laterally outside of the property limits to the existing right-of-ways (located to the south and west) and toward existing and proposed structures (located to the north and east). However, we expect the basins would be setback a sufficient distance from the existing and proposed utilities and structures to help alleviate seepage and underground utility concerns. Additionally, the use of vertical cutoff walls or liners, as recommended herein, would prevent lateral migration of water. The bottom of the basins should expose Old Paralic Deposits. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability. - C-7 - Criteria Screening Question Yes No Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of groundwater contamination (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors) that cannot X be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: We did not encounter groundwater during the drilling operations on the property. We anticipate that groundwater is present at depths of greater than 50 feet. Therefore, infiltration due to groundwater elevations would be considered feasible. Additionally, we understand that contaminated soil or groundwater has not been documented or identified at the property. Therefore, infiltration due to groundwater concerns would be considered feasible. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability. Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without causing potential water balance issues such as change of seasonality of ephemeral streams or increased discharge of x contaminated groundwater to surface waters? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: We do not expect full infiltration would cause water balance issues including change of ephemeral streams or discharge of contaminated water to surface waters. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability. If all answers to rows I - 4 are "Yes" a full infiltration design is potentially feasible. Part 1 The feasibility screening category is Full Infiltration Result* Not Full If any answer from row 1-4 is "No", infiltration may be possible to some extent but Infiltration would not generally be feasible or desirable to achieve a "full infiltration" design. Proceed to Part 2 90 be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/or studies may be required by the City to substantiate findings. - C-8 - k1ix ©4fl f6 Part 2— Partial Infiltration vs. No Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of water in any appreciable amount be physically feasible without any negative consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question Yes No Do soil and geologic conditions allow for infiltration in any 5 appreciable rate or volume? The response to this Screening x Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and Appendix D. Provide basis: Based on the USGS Soil Survey, the property possesses Hydrologic Soil Group D classifications. In addition, we encountered field infiltration rates of- T-2/P-1: 0.07 inches/hour (0.04 with a FOS of 2.0) T-3/P-2: 0.32 inches/hour (0.16 with a FOS of 2.0) This results in an average infiltration rate of 0.20 inches/hour (0.10 with an FOS of 2.0). Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope 6 stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) x that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: Undocumented fill and Old Paralic Deposits underlie the property. Water that would be allowed to infiltrate could migrate laterally outside of the property limits to the existing right-of-ways (located to the south and west) and toward existing and proposed structures (located to the north and east). However, we expect the basins would be setback a sufficient distance from the existing and proposed utilities and structures to help alleviate seepage and underground utility concerns. Additionally, the use of vertical cutoff walls or liners, as recommended herein, would prevent lateral migration of water. The bottom of the basins should expose Old Paralic Deposits. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. - C-9 - Sksftggj ©41 Criteria Screening Question Yes No Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without posing significant risk for groundwater related concerns (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors)? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: We did not encounter groundwater during the drilling operations on the property. We anticipate that groundwater is present at depths of greater than 50 feet. Therefore, infiltration due to groundwater elevations would be considered feasible. Additionally, we understand that contaminated soil or groundwater has not been documented or identified at the property. Therefore, infiltration due to groundwater concerns would be considered feasible. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. Can infiltration be allowed without violating downstream 8 water rights? The response to this Screening Question shall be x based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: We did not provide a study regarding water rights. However, these rights are not typical in the San Diego area. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. If all answers from row 1-4 are yes then partial infiltration design is potentially feasible. The feasibility screening category is Partial Infiltration. Part 2 Partial Result* If any answer from row 5-8 is no, then infiltration of any volume is considered to be Infiltration infeasible within the drainage area. The feasibility screening category is No Infiltration. *To be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/or studies may be required by the City to substantiate findings. <,01M) GEOCON Excavation Percolation Test Project Name: [1534M Project Number: G2192-52-01 Open-Pit Location: T-2 (P-i) Test Hole Length (in.) 1 14.0 Test Hole Width (in.) 1 12.0 Test Hole Dia. (in.) I Test Hole Depth (in.) I 10.5 Date: Fi'27/2017 I By: JML I Test Hole Area, A, (in .2) 168.0 At /AD A v/At (01A)60 Reading Time, t (mm) Depth of Water, D (in.) At (mm) Cumulative Time, t (mm) AD (in.) Wetted Area, A wet (in.2) Change in Volume, A (in .3) Percolation Rate (mm/in.) Flow Rate, Q (in.3/min) Infiltration Rate, I (in./hr) 1 0.0 8.25 15.00 15.00 0.06 595.38 10.50 240.00 0.70 0.07 15.0 8.19 2 0.0 8.50 15.00 30.00 0.01 609.74 1.68 1500.00 0.11 0.01 15.0 8.49 0.0 8.50 15.00 45.00 0.25 603.50 42.00 60.00 2.80 0.28 15.0 8.25 0.0 8.50 15.00 60.00 0.01 609.74 1.68 1500.00 0.11 0.01 15.0 8.49 0.0 8.50 15.00 75.00 0.01 609.74 1.68 1500.00 0.11 0.01 15.0 8.49 6 0.0 8.50 15.00 90.00 0.06 608.38 10.50 240.00 0.70 0.07 15.0 8. 0.0 9.00 15.00 105.00 0.01 635.74 1.68 1500.00 0.11 0.01 15.0 8.99 8 0.0 9.00 15.00 120.00 0.06 634.38 10.50 240.00 0.70 0.07 15.0 8.94 0.0 9.00 15.00 135.00 0.01 635.74 1.68 1500.00 0.11 0.01 15.0 8.99 10 0.0 9.00. 15.00 150.00 0.07 634.18 11.76 214.29 0.78 0.07 15.0 8.93 .11 0.0 9.00 15.00 165.00 0.08 633.92 13.44 187.50 0.90 0.08 15.0 8.92 12 0.0 9.25 15.00 180.00 0.05 647.70 8.40 300.00 0.56 0.05 15.0 9.20 13 14 2.00 U 4- m ce 1.50 !1.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Time (mm) 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 200.00 Percolation Rate (Minutes/Inch) Soil Infiltration Rate (Inches/Hour) GEOCON Excavation Percolation Test Project Name: [i534MagnoI Project Number: G2192-52-01. Open-Pit Location: T-3 (P-2) Test Hole Length (in.) I 14.0 Test Hole Width (in.) 12.0 or Test Hole Dia. (in.)I Test Hole Depth (in.)I 11.0 Date: 1i127/2017 By: I JML I Test Hole Area, A, (in.2) 168.0 At /AD A v/At (QJA)*60 Reading Time, t (mm) Depth of Water, D (in.) At (mm) Cumulative Time, t (min) AD (in.) Wetted Area, A wet (in .2) Change in Volume, A v (in.) Percolation Rate (mm/in.) Flow Rate, Q (in.3/min) Infiltration Rate, I (in./hr) 1 0.0 850 15.00 15.00 0.50 597.00 8.00 84.00 30.00 5.60 0.56 15.0 2 0.0 8.50 15.00 30.00 0.06 608.38 8.44 10.50 240.00 0.70 0.07 15.0 3 0.0 8.50 15.00 45.00 0.13 606.75 8.38 21.00 120.00 1.40 0.14 15.0 4 0.0 850 15.00. I 60.00 0.01 609.74 1.68 1500.00 0.11 0.01 15.0 8.49 - 5 0.0 8.50 15.00 75.00 0.50 597.00 84.00 30.00 5.60 0.56 15.0 8.00 6 0.0 8.19 15.00 90.00 0.19 588.88 8.00 31.50 80.00 2.10 0.21 15.0 7 0.0 8.50 15.00 105.00 0.44 598.63 8.06 73.50 34.29 4.90 0.49 15.0 8 0.0 8.50 15.00 120.00 0.06 608.38 8.44 10.50 240.00 0.70 0.07 15.0 9 0.0 8.75 15.00 135.00 0.31 614.88 52.50 48.00 3.50 0.34 15.0 8.44 10 0.0 8.75 15.00 150.00 0.50 610.00 84.00 30.00 5.60 0.55 15.0 8.25 11 0.0 8.25 15.00 165.00 0.06 595.38 8.19 10.50 240.00 0.70 0.07 15.0 12 13 14 2.00 1.50 .11.00 0.50 0.00 20.00. 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 Time (mm) Percolation Rate (Minutes/Inchi Soil Infiltration Rate (Inches/Hour) D. \'' ... H \ I (i .. ; ;_4..-• .. - .. \ N 14 NO SCALE HYDROLOGIC SOIL SURVEY GEOCON (OF),INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL• ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS 6960 FLANDERS DRIVE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121.2974 PHONE 858 558-6900 - FAX 858 558-6159 ML! CW DSK/GTYPD 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE 01 - 17-2018 PROJECT NO.G2192 -52-01 FIG. C-i Pbtted:0111712018 8:10AM I Br.,JONATHAN WILK81S I Fib LocatIon:V:%PROJECTSG2192.5201 1534 MagnolIa AveDETAlLSG2192-5201_HydroIoglcSourvey.dw5 APPENDIX APPENDIX D RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1534 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. G2192-52-01 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL 1.1 These Recommended Grading Specifications shall be used in conjunction with the Geotechnical Report for the project prepared by Geocon. The recommendations contained in the text of the Geotechnical Report are a part of the earthwork and grading specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. 1.2 Prior to the commencement of grading, a geotechnical consultant (Consultant) shall be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for substantial conformance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report and these specifications. The Consultant should provide adequate testing and observation services so that they may assess whether, in their opinion, the work was performed in substantial conformance with these specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to assist the Consultant and keep them apprised of work schedules and changes so that personnel may be scheduled accordingly. 1.3 It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, these specifications and the approved grading plans. If, in the opinion of the Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions such as questionable soil materials, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, and/or adverse weather result in a quality of work not in conformance with these specifications, the Consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend to the Owner that grading be stopped until the unacceptable conditions are corrected. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Owner shall refer to the owner of the property or the entity on whose behalf the grading work is being performed and who has contracted with the Contractor to have grading performed. 2.2 Contractor shall refer to the Contractor performing the site grading work. 2.3 Civil Engineer or Engineer of Work shall refer to the California licensed Civil Engineer or consulting firm responsible for preparation of the grading plans, surveying and verifying as-graded topography. 2.4 Consultant shall refer to the soil engineering and engineering geology consulting finn retained to provide geotechnical services for the project. GI rev. 07/2015 2.5 Soil Engineer shall refer to a California licensed Civil Engineer retained by the Owner, who is experienced in the practice of geotechnical engineering. The Soil Engineer shall be responsible for having qualified representatives on-site to observe and test the Contractor's work for conformance with these specifications. 2.6 Engineering Geologist shall refer to a California licensed Engineering Geologist retained by the Owner to provide geologic observations and recommendations during the site grading. 2.7 Geotechmcal Report shall refer to a soil report (including all addenda) which may include a geologic reconnaissance or geologic investigation that was prepared specifically for the development of the project for which these Recommended Grading Specifications are intended to apply. 3. MATERIALS 3.1 Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any soil excavated from the cut areas or imported to the site that, in the opinion of the Consultant, is suitable for use in construction of fills. In general, fill materials can be classified as soil fills, soil-rock fills or rock fills, as defined below. 3.1.1 Soil fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps greater than 12 inches in maximum dimension and containing at least 40 percent by weight of material smaller than 3h inch in size. 3.1.2 Soil-rock fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps larger than 4 feet in maximum dimension and containing a sufficient matrix of soil fill to allow for proper compaction of soil fill around the rock fragments or hard lumps as specified in Paragraph 6.2. Oversize rock is defined as material greater than 12 inches. 3.1.3 Rock fills are defined as fills containing no rocks or hard lumps larger than 3 feet in maximum dimension and containing little or no fines. Fines are defined as material smaller than % inch in maximum dimension. The quantity of fines shall be less than approximately 20 percent of the rock fill quantity. 3.2 Material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise unsuitable nature as determined by the Consultant shall not be used in fills. 3.3 Materials used for fill, either imported or on-site, shall not contain hazardous materials as defined by the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 30, Articles 9 GI rev. 07/2015 and 10; 40CFR; and any other applicable local, state or federal laws. The Consultant shall not be responsible for the identification or analysis of the potential presence of hazardous materials. However, if observations, odors or soil discoloration cause Consultant to suspect the presence of hazardous materials, the Consultant may request from the Owner the termination of grading operations within the affected area. Prior to resuming grading operations, the Owner shall provide a written report to the Consultant indicating that the suspected materials are not hazardous as defined by applicable laws and regulations. 3.4 The outer 15 feet of soil-rock fill slopes, measured horizontally, should be composed of properly compacted soil fill materials approved by the Consultant. Rock fill may extend to the slope face, provided that the slope is not steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) and a soil layer no thicker than 12 inches is track-walked onto the face for landscaping purposes. This procedure may be utilized provided it is acceptable to the governing agency, Owner and Consultant. - 3.5 Samples of soil materials to be used for fill should be tested in the laboratory by the Consultant to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content, and, where appropriate, shear strength, expansion, and gradation characteristics of the soil. 3.6 During grading, soil or groundwater conditions other than those identified in the Geotechnical Report may be encountered by the Contractor. The Consultant shall be notified immediately to evaluate the significance of the unanticipated condition. 4. CLEARING AND PREPARING AREAS TO BE FILLED 4.1 Areas to be excavated and filled shall be cleared and grubbed. Clearing shall consist of complete removal above the ground surface of trees, stumps, brush, vegetation, man-made structures, and similar debris. Grubbing shall consist of removal of stumps, roots, buried logs and other unsuitable material and shall be performed in areas to be graded. Roots and other projections exceeding 1 /2 inches in diameter shall be removed to a depth of 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Borrow areas shall be grubbed to the extent necessary to provide suitable fill materials. 4.2 Asphalt pavement material removed during clearing operations should be properly disposed at an approved off-site facility or in an acceptable area of the project evaluated by Geocon and the property owner. Concrete fragments that are free of reinforcing steel may be placed in fills, provided they are placed in accordance with Section 6.2 or 6.3 of this document. GI rev. 07/2015 4.3 After clearing and grubbing of organic matter and other unsuitable material, loose or porous soils shall be removed to the depth recommended in the Geotechnical Report. The depth of removal and compaction should be observed and approved by a representative of the Consultant. The exposed surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches and until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. 4.4 Where the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 5:1 (honzontal:vertical), or where recommended by the Consultant, the original ground should be benched in accordance with the following illustration. TYPICAL BENCHING DETAIL Finish Grade Ground 2 Finish Slope Surface Remove M Unsuitable Material As Recommended By Sic pe 'iTSuch TIt Consultant Sloughing Or Sliding Does Not Occur Varies See Note 1 - See Note 2 No Scale DETAIL NOTES: (1) Key width "B" should be a minimum of 10 feet, or sufficiently wide to permit complete coverage with the compaction equipment used. The base of the key should be graded horizontal, or inclined slightly into the natural slope. (2) The outside of the key should be below the topsoil or unsuitable surficial material and at least 2 feet into dense formational material. Where hard rock is exposed in the bottom of the key, the depth and configuration of the key may be modified as approved by the Consultant. 4.5 After areas to receive fill have been cleared and scarified, the surface should be moisture conditioned to achieve the proper moisture content, and compacted as recommended in Section 6 of these specifications. 01 rev. 07/2015 5. COMPACTION EQUIPMENT 5.1 Compaction of soil or soil-rock fill shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot or segmented-steel wheeled rollers, vibratory rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of acceptable compaction equipment. Equipment shall be of such a design that it will be capable of compacting the soil or soil-rock fill to the specified relative compaction at the specified moisture content. 5.2 Compaction of rock fills shall be performed in accordance with Section 6.3. 6. PLACING, SPREADING AND COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIAL 6.1 Soil fill, as defined in Paragraph 3.1.1, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.1.1 Soil fill shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that, when compacted, should generally not exceed 8 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during spreading to obtain uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. The entire fill shall be constructed as a unit in nearly level lifts. Rock materials greater than 12 inches in maximum dimension shall be placed in accordance with Section 6.2 or 6.3 of these specifications. 6.1.2 In general, the soil fill shall be compacted at a moisture content at or above the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 1557. 6.1.3 When the moisture content of soil fill is below that specified by the Consultant, water shall be added by the Contractor until the moisture content is in the range specified. 6.1.4 When the moisture content of the soil fill is above the range specified by the Consultant or toó wet to achieve proper compaction, the soil fill shall be aerated by the Contractor by blading/mixing, or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is within the range specified. 6.1.5 After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted by the Contractor to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent. Relative compaction is defined as the ratio (expressed in percent) of the in-place dry density of the compacted fill to the maximum laboratory dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557. Compaction shall be continuous over the entire area, and compaction equipment shall make sufficient passes so that the specified minimum relative compaction has been achieved throughout the entire fill. GI rev. 07/2015 6.1.6 Where practical, soils having an Expansion Index greater than 50 should be placed at least 3 feet below finish pad grade and should be compacted at a moisture content generally 2 to 4 percent greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 6.1.7 Properly compacted soil fill shall extend to the design surface of fill slopes. To achieve proper compaction, it is recommended that fill slopes be over-built by at least 3 feet and then cut to the design grade. This procedure is considered preferable to track-walking of slopes, as described in the following paragraph. 6.1.8 As an alternative to over-building of slopes, slope faces may be back-rolled with a heavy-duty loaded sheepsfoot or vibratory roller at maximum 4-foot fill height intervals. Upon completion, slopes should then be track-walked with a D-8 dozer or similar equipment, such that a dozer track covers all slope surfaces at least twice. 6.2 Soil-rock fill, as defined in Paragraph 3.1.2, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.2.1 Rocks larger than 12 inches but less than 4 feet in maximum dimension may be incorporated into the compacted soil fill, but shall be limited to the area measured 15 feet minimum horizontally from the slope face and 5 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the deepest utility, whichever is deeper. 6.2.2 Rocks or rock fragments up to 4 feet in maximum dimension may either be individually placed or placed in windrows. Under certain conditions, rocks or rock fragments up to 10 feet in maximum dimension may be placed using similar methods. The acceptability of placing rock materials greater than 4 feet in maximum dimension shall be evaluated during grading as specific cases arise and shall be approved by the Consultant prior to placement. 6.2.3 For individual placement, sufficient space shall be provided between rocks to allow for passage of compaction equipment. 6.2.4 For windrow placement, the rocks should be placed in trenches excavated in properly compacted soil fill. Trenches should be approximately 5 feet wide and 4 feet deep in maximum dimension. The voids around and beneath rocks should be filled with approved granular soil having a Sand Equivalent of 30 or greater and should be compacted by flooding. Windrows may also be placed utilizing an "open-face" method in lieu of the trench procedure, however, this method should first be approved by the Consultant. GI rev. 07/2015 6.2.5 Windrows should generally be parallel to each other and may be placed either parallel to or perpendicular to the face of the slope depending on the site geometry. The minimum horizontal spacing for windrows shall be 12 feet center-to-center with a 5-foot stagger or offset from lower courses to next overlying course. The minimum vertical spacing between windrow courses shall be 2 feet from the top of a lower windrow to the bottom of the next higher windrow. 6.2.6 Rock placement, fill placement and flooding of approved granular soil in the windrows should be continuously observed by the Consultant. 6.3 Rock fills, as defined in Section 3.1.3, shall be placed by the Contractor in accordance with the following recommendations: 6.3.1 The base of the rock fill shall be placed on a sloping surface (minimum slope of 2 percent). The su±face shall slope toward suitable subdrainage outlet facilities. The rock fills shall be provided with subdrains during construction so that a hydrostatic pressure buildup' does not develop. The subdrains shall be permanently connected to controlled drainage facilities to control post-construction infiltration of water. 6.3.2 Rock fills shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 3 feet. Placement shall be by rock trucks traversing previously placed lifts and dumping at the edge of the currently placed lift. Spreading of the rock fill shall be by dozer to facilitate seating of the rock. The rock fill shall be watered heavily during placement. Watering shall consist of water trucks traversing in front of the current rock lift face and spraying water continuously during rock placement. Compaction equipment with compactive energy comparable to or greater than that of a 20-ton steel vibratory roller or other compaction equipment providing suitable energy to achieve the required compaction or deflection as recommended in Paragraph 6.3.3 shall be utilized. The number of passes to be made should be determined as described in Paragraph 6.3.3. Once a rock fill lift has been covered with soil fill, no additional rock fill lifts will be permitted over the soil fill. 6.3.3 Plate bearing tests, in accordance with ASTM D 1196, may be performed in both the compacted soil fill and in the rock fill to aid in determining the required minimum number of passes of the compaction equipment. If performed, a minimum of three plate bearing tests should be performed in the properly compacted soil fill (minimum relative compaction of 90 percent). Plate bearing tests shall then be performed on areas of rock fill having two passes; four passes and six passes of the compaction equipment, respectively. The number of passes required for the rock fill shall be determined by comparing the results of the plate bearing tests for the soil fill and the rock fill and by evaluating the deflection GI rev. 07/2015 variation with number of passes. The required number of passes of the compaction equipment will be performed as necessary until the plate bearing deflections are equal to or less than that determined for the properly compacted soil fill. In no case will the required number of passes be less than two. 6.3.4 A r&presentative of the Consultant should be present during rock fill operations to observe that the minimum number of "passes" have been obtained, that water is being properly applied and that specified procedures are being followed. The actual number of plate bearing tests will be determined by the Consultant during grading. 6.3.5 Test pits shall be excavated by the Contractor so that the Consultant can state that, in their opinion, sufficient water is present and that voids between large rocks are properly filled with smaller rock material. In-place density testing will not be required in the rock fills. 6.3.6 To reduce the potential for "piping" of fines into the rock fill from overlying soil fill material, a 2-foot layer of graded filter material shall be placed above the uppermost lift of rock fill. The need to place graded filter material below the rock should be determined by the Consultant prior to commencing grading. The gradation of the graded filter material will be determined at the time the rock fill is being excavated. Materials typical of the rock fill should be submitted to the Consultant in a timely manner, to allow design of the graded filter prior to the commencement of rock fill placement. 6.3.7 Rock fill placement should be continuously observed during placement by the Consultant. 7. SUBDRAINS 7.1 The geologic units on the site may have permeability characteristics and/or fracture systems that could be susceptible under certain conditions to seepage. The use of canyon subdrains may be necessary to mitigate the potential for adverse impacts associated with seepage conditions. Canyon subdrains with lengths in excess of 500 feet or extensions of existing offsite subdrains should use 8-inch-diameter pipes. Canyon subdrains less than 500 feet in length should use 6-inch-diameter pipes. GI rev. 07/2015 TYPICAL CANYON DRAIN DETAIL ..$4Ni4 oIAyR $Dnukuo! VCPR! 'TED pipr Ff FIUS 4EXCESS OFID LET IN EPTHORAPIPL LNGT*OF LONGER'fl4AN 500 LESS ThAN 0Q.E1 IN0PH !PE mom ORTP4 ThAN 500 FEET 7.2 Slope drains within stability fill keyways should use 4-inch-diameter (or lager) pipes. GI rev. 07/2015 TYPICAL STABILITY FILL DETAIL 6. Ue44M4MIMIMUMU1AME 1EDThK.WMUD PVC S61ICD*A.t 4OR 7.3 The actual subdrain locations will be evaluated in the field during the remedial grading operations. Additional drains may be necessary depending on the conditions observed and the requirements of the local regulatory agencies. Appropriate subdrain outlets should be evaluated prior to finalizing 40-scale grading plans. 7.4 Rock fill or, soil-rock fill areas may require subdrains along their down-slope perimeters to mitigate the potential for buildup of water from construction or landscape irrigation. The subdrains should be at least 6-inch-diameter pipes encapsulated in gravel and filter fabric. Rock fill drains should be constructed using the same requirements as canyon subdrains. GI rev. 07/2015 7.5 Prior to outletting, the final 20-foot segment of a subdrain that will not be extended during future development should consist of non-perforated drainpipe. At the non-perforated/ perforated interface, a seepage cutoff wall should be constructed on the downslope side of the pipe. TYPICAL CUT OFF WALL DETAIL FRONT VIEW SIDV1EW 7.6 Subdrains that discharge into a natural drainage course or open space area should be provided with a permanent headwall structure. GI rev. 07/2015 TYPICAL HEADWALL DETAIL RONT vtw NQCALE :SOE d 7.7 The final grading plans should show the location of the proposed subdrains. After completion of remedial excavations and subdrain installation, the project civil engineer should survey the drain locations and prepare an "as-built" map showing the drain locations. The final outlet and connection locations should be determined during grading operations. Subdrains that will be extended on adjacent projects after grading can be placed on formational material and a vertical riser should be placed at the end of the subdrain. The grading contractor should consider videoing the subdrains shortly after burial to check proper installation and functionality. The contractor is responsible for the performance of the drains. GI rev. 07/2015 8. OBSERVATION AND TESTING 8.1 The Consultant shall be the Owner's representative to observe and perform tests during clearing, grubbing, filling, and compaction operations. In general, no more than 2 feet in vertical elevation of soil or soil-rock fill should be placed without at least one field density test being performed within that interval. In addition, a minimum of one field density test should be performed for every 2,000 cubic yards of soil or soil-rock fill placed and compacted. 8.2 The Consultant should perform a sufficient distribution of field density tests of the compacted soil or soil-rock fill to provide a basis for expressing an opinion whether the fill material is compacted as specified. Density tests shall be performd in the compacted materials below any disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below that specified, the particular layer or areas represented by the test shall be reworked until the specified density has been achieved. 8.3 During placement of rock fill, the Consultant should observe that the minimum number of passes have been obtained per the criteria discussed in Section 6.3.3. The Consultant should request the excavation of observation pits and may perform plate bearing tests on the placed rock fills. The observation pits will be excavated to provide a basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the rock fill is properly seated and sufficient moisture has been applied to the material. When observations indicate that a layer of rock fill or any portion thereof is below that specified, the affected layer or area shall be reworked until the rock fill has been adequately seated and sufficient moisture applied. 8.4 A settlement monitoring program designed by the Consultant may be conducted in areas of rock fill placement. The specific design of the monitoring program shall be as recommended in the Conclusions and Recommendations section of the project Geotechnical Report or in the final report of testing and observation services performed during grading. 8.5 We should observe the placement of subdrains, to check that the drainage devices have been placed and constructed in substantial conformance with project specifications. 8.6 Testing procedures shall conform to the following Standards as appropriate: 8.6.1 Soil and Soil-Rock Fills: Field Density Test, ASTM D 1556, Density of Soil In-Place By the Sand-Cone Method. GI rev. 07/2015 Field Density Test, Nuclear Method, ASTM D 6938, Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In-Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). Laboratory Compaction Test, ASTM D 1557, Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-Pound Hammer and 18-Inch Drop. Expansion Index Test, ASTM D 4829, Expansion Index Test. 9. PROTECTION OF WORK 9.1 During construction, the Contractor shall properly grade all excavated surfaces to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. Drainage of surface water shall be controlled to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control features have been installed. Areas subjected to erosion or sedimentation shall be properly prepared in accordance with the Specifications prior to placing additional fill or structures. 9.2 After completion of grading as observed and tested by the Consultant, no further excavation or filling shall be conducted except in conjunction with the services of the Consultant. 10. CERTIFICATIONS AND FINAL REPORTS 10.1 Upon completion of the work, Contractor shall furnish Owner a certification by the Civil Engineer stating that the lots and/or building pads are graded to within 0.1 foot vertically of elevations shown on the grading plan and that all tops and toes of slopes are within 0.5 foot horizontally of the positions shown on the grading plans. After installation of a section of subdrain, the project Civil Engineer should survey its location and prepare an as-built plan of the subdrain location. The project Civil Engineer should verify the proper outlet for the subdrains and the Contractor should ensure that the drain system is free of obstructions. 10.2 The Owner is responsible for furnishing a final as-graded soil and geologic report satisfactory to the appropriate governing or accepting agencies. The as-graded report should be prepared and signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer experienced in geotechnical engineering and by a California Certified Engineering Geologist, indicating that the geotechnical aspects of the grading were performed in substantial conformance with the Specifications or approved changes to the Specifications. GI rev. 07/2015 LIST OF REFERENCES 2016 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, based on the 2015 International Building Code, prepared by California Building Standards Commission, dated July 1, 2016. A3 Development, Conceptual Plan, 6 Lots, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California, dated August 16, 2017. ASCE 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, Second Printing, April 6, 2011. Boore, D. M., and G. M Atkinson (2008), Ground-Motion Prediction for the Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV, and 5%-Damped PSA at Spectral Periods Between 0.01 and 10.0S, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 99-138, February 2008. California Department of Water Resources, Water Data Library. http://www.water.ca.gov/waterdatalibrarv. California Geological Survey, Seismic Shaking Hazards in California, Based on the USGS/CGS Probabilistic Seismic Hazards Assessment (PSHA) Model, 2002 (revised April 2003). 10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years. httD://redirect.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/Dshamap/pshamain.html Campbell, K. W., and Y. Bozorgnia, NGA Ground Motion Model for the Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV, PGD and 5% Damped Linear Elastic Response Spectra for Periods Ranging from 0.01 to 10 s, Preprint of version submitted for publication in the NGA Special Volume of Earthquake Snectra, Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 139-171, February 2008. Chiou, Brian S. J., and Robert R. Youngs, A NGA Model for the Average Horizontal Component of Peak Ground Motion and Response Spectra, preprint for article to be published in NGA Special Edition for Earthauake Spectra, Spring 2008. Civil Landworks, Magnolia-Brady Preliminary Tentative Map and Grading Plan, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California, dated January 5, 2018. Geocon Incorporated, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report, 1534 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, California, dated October 10, 2017 (Project No. G2192-62-02). Historical Aerial Photos. http://www.historicaerials.com Kennedy, M. P., and S. S. Tan, Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30'x60' Quadrangle, California, USGS Regional Map Series Map No. 3, Scale 1:100,000, 2002. Risk Engineering, EZ-FRISK, 2016. Unpublished reports and maps on file with Geocon Incorporated. United States Geological Survey computer program, US. Seismic Design Maps, http://earthquake.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/application.php. Project No. G2192-52-01 January 17, 2018 (ityof Carlsbad CERTIFICATIONIOF SCH['I'] *1 PAID This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project # & Name: DEV2018-0010, MAGNOLIA-BRADY Permit #: CBR2019-1249 Project Address: 1657 BRADY CIR Assessor's Parcel #: 2052210100:. Project Applicant: (Owner Name) Residential Square Feet: New/Additions: NEW: 3,361 DEMO OF EXISTING HOUSE ON LOT: 1,428 SF Second Dwelling Unit: Commercial Square Feet: New/Additions: City Certification: City of Carlsbad Building Division Date: 06/20/2019 Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration (Owner) certifies under penalty of peijury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. EZI Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 Phone: (760) 331-5000 Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 944-4300 xli 66 San Dieguito Union H.S. District 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 753-6491 Ext 5514 (By Appt. Only) San Marcos Unified Sch. District 255 Pico Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 Phone: (760) 290-2649 Contact: Katherine Marceija (By Appt.only) Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 Phone: (760) 726-2170 x2222 RECEIVED A SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION OCT 8 2019 (To be completed by the school district(s)) CITY OF CARL1ORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS BUILDING DIVISION FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. Signature of Authorized School District Official: v::.L,r,::&.•._\,—%Ci IF Title: Date: (•)-....J_/ Name of School District: CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AFAE Ell ARIit&i .. Phone: q i / CARLSBAD CA Community & Economic Developmdn -9ing Division 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 920081 760-602-27191 760-602-8558 fax I buildinET@carlsbadca.gov kr'7city of Carlsbad CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov PURPOSE This checklist is intended to assist building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their projects. Unless none of the requirements apply, the completed checklist must be included in the building permit application. It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy- related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. 4 If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, an explanation must be provided to the satisfaction of the Building Official. A Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available on the city's website. Application Information Project Name/Building Permit No.: kAcrOhCr Brad (Lo+ f) BPNo.:Q %q.z4c Property AddressiAPN: Itg5 1 2rOS - Applicant Name/Co.: —ç- ¶ LN\0" Applicant Address: ç ço5c. \Jc (4 \\(\ Contact Phone: c\V, - 10 Contact Email: Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Contact Phone: Company name/address: Contact Email: Applicant Signature: Date: I 1 B-50 Page 1 of 3 Revised 04119 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance Compliance checklist are applicable to your project. For residential alterations and additions to existing buildings, contact the building counter for the building permit valuation. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) $ 33 243 Construction Type I Complete Section(s) Notes: I New construction O Alterations: 0 exempt BPV ~- $60,000 Electrical service panel upgrade 1A IA 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages only • BPV ~! $200,000 1A Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed and significant site Work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed Nonresidential O New construction 1B and 2 O Alterations 2 IF Electric Vehicle A, j$LResidential New construction and major alterations (or electric panel upgrade)* .lej%e refer to Carlsbad Ordinance CS-349 when completing this section. 'ne and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: 'NOne EVSE ready parking space required 0 Exception: 0 MulifamiIy residential: 0 Exception: Total Parking Spaces Proposed EVSE Spaces Capable Ready Installed Total. • Calculations: Total EVSE spaces =.10 xlotal parking (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE Installed = Total EVSE Spaces x.50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other= Total EVSE spaces - EVSE Installed (EVSE other may be Capable, Read or "Installed.") *Major alterations are: (1) for one and two-family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages, alterations have a building permit valuation ~! $60,000 or include an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dwellings (three units or more without attached garages), alterations have a building permit valuation ~! $200,000, interior finishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed. B. El Nonresidential new construction (includes hotels!motels) 0 Exception:___________________________________ Total Parking Spaces Proposed EVSE Spaces Capable Ready Installed Total Calculation: Refer to the table below: Total Number of Parking Spaces provided Number of required EV Spaces Number of required EVSE Installed Spaces 0-9 1. 1 10-25 2 1 28-50 4 2 51-75 6 3 76-100 9 5 101-150 12 6 0 151-200 17 9 201 and over 10 percent of total 50 percent of Required EV Spaces Updated 4/12/2019 2 Development Services (City of Carlsbad CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue - (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov PURPOSE This checklist is intended to assist building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their projects. Unless none of the requirements apply, the completed checklist must be included in the building permit application. It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy- related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, an explanation must be provided to the satisfaction of the Building Official. A Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available on the city's website. Application Information Project Name/Building Permit No.: BP No.: Property Address/APN: Applicant Name/Co.: Applicant Address: Contact Phone: Contact Email: Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Contact Phone: Company name/address: Contact Email: Applicant Signature: Date: B-50 Page 1 of 3 Revised 04/19 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) SELECTION TABLE Erosion Control: Tracking Non-Storm Water Waste Management and Materials BMPs Sedi I BMPs men Control Control BMPs Management BMPs Pollution Control BMPs C 2 C 2 . E E .2 CD CL g 2 _U)_ 2 . . Best Management Practice* 0. C. - g . C U) > g ._ -o., (BMP) Description —3 2 U) - g . . , -> U) 0 U i. - U) U) U) - 0 C LL_ - - - E 0 .0 C.) E N U) .- .- 0 .0 - C C 13' I- I•-a 0 .2 0 0 - t - - E. 0 w U C) C .2 L 0 U) t o . I-. > 0 2 .0 U) -- U -' 0 -. C -D 0 . C 0 0 N C C C 0 . W 2 Cl) Cl) U) U) - C.) 2 L&.. .. C) . En >- o (fl . U) Q 0 ... in -.-. 0 Cfl 0 i.. Q 0 0 Q 0 0 0.. a, ___0 0 ..-. Cl) 0 .,. Cl) 0.0 Cfl C.) 0 0 Cl) 0 0 0 D C CASQA Designation -3 N c 0) N) * L() CO N - .- N N T L C? Go LLLJLLJJLJJLLLLLJ co U)C/)U)Cl) Construction Activity ww w w : Grading/So ilDisturbance Trenching/Excavation - Stockpiling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Drilling/Boring Concrete/Asphalt Sawcutting Concrete Flatwork Paving Conduit/Pipe Installation -- Stucco/Mortar Work - Waste Disposal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Staging/Lay Down Area - Equipment Maintenance and Fueling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hazardous Substance Use/Storage Dewatering -- Site Access Across Dirt - Other (list): - - --- - - --- - - - - - - - Instructions: Check the box to the left of all applicable construction activity (first column) expected to occur during construction. Located along the top of the BMP Table is a list of BMP's with it's corresponding California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation number. Choose one or more BMPs you intend to use during construction from the list. Check the box where the chosen activity row intersects with the BMP column. Refer to the CASQA construction handbook for inforrriation and details of the chosen BMPs and how to apply them to the project. STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER I CONSTRUCTION SWPPP Page 1 of 1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1: ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY INSPECTOR AFTER EACH RUN—OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR DUE TO INCOMPLETE GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PECENT (407.). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL CONTAIN 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. THE CITY INSPECTOR SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ALTER THIS PLAN DURING OR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION AS NEEDED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH CITY STORM WATER QUALITY REGULATIONS. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRAC110ES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO AVOID THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO AVOID THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 41 j OWNER(S)/O s' A 7 NAIL (SIGNATURE) DATE E-29 PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address:_ 1igcL,y C'r Assessor's Parcel Number: Emergency Contact: Name: c'-1 c' 24 Hour Phone: - 0 s- \O- Construction Threat to Storm Water Quality (Check Box) EX'EDIUM 0 LOW REV 11/17 M~ 9 Valleyj , /5?-I MN =c2 OS k)-f(gCX V{C/T LOT V ?6'M kr-pL-t V4 ;// os-ofcr 00 V\ ISZ)