HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-23; Library Board of Trustees; ; Donations Acceptance and RecognitionITEM #7 Meeting Date: September 23, 2020 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director Staff Contact: Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Fiona.everett@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Donations Acceptance and Recognition Recommended Action Receive report. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion Senior Management Analyst Fiona Everett will share the department’s policies and procedures regarding donation acceptance and recognition. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 24 hours prior to the special meeting date and time. Exhibits None. 10 of 11 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Sept. 23, 2020 Donations: Acceptance, Recognition and Naming Opportunities Donation Acceptance Carlsbad Muni Code 2.08.100 “Delegation of authority to accept donations” •Less than $5,000 •Department accepts •Thank you from director on behalf of city manager •More than $5,000 •Requires City Council acceptance •Thank you from director on behalf of City Council Donation Acceptance Department Policy –“Gift Acceptance & Recognition” •Requirement to report on donations to the Library Board of Trustees •Additional opportunities exist for recognition at a City Council meeting at the donor’s request •If the gift is honorific in nature, the honoree or his/her family will also receive notification of the gift and its use Donation Recognition •All donors receive a thank you letter from the department •Donations accepted by City Council –donor is given the option for public recognition at a City Council meeting •For donations to purchase materials, a book plate recognizing the donor is placed on the items •Specified donations •Particular interest •To honor a loved one Endowments •Recognize donated investment funds that make consistent withdrawals from invested capital •Specific purpose, defined by donor •Managed by Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation or by the city Naming Opportunities City Council Policy 48 -“Naming Rights of Parks and Municipal Facilities” •Naming opportunities are established as another way to recognize donations •Defined spaces with assigned donation values for spaces at Dove and the Learning Center •If a donor seeks a naming opportunity, there is a process –Written proposal is submitted to the department director and city manager –If both approve, goes on Board/Commission agenda for their consideration. This allows for public comment. –Board/Commission’s recommendation goes to City Council Naming Opportunities Currently Named: •Georgina Cole Library •William D. Cannon Gallery •George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room •Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium •Dana and Eleanor Blayney Genealogy Room •Dove Courtyard oak tree scape –In Memory of Susan & Richard Seligman •Library Learning Center Lobby –Cliff Lange Lobby, Drue Knox Williams Room Naming Opportunities Library Learning Center •Signage tiers from $20,000 to $750,000 Naming Opportunities Carlsbad City Library •Signage tiers from $5,000 to $1 million @@.iffi@{! _l[Gu@_ Jli®~~rru@IT -~ ■l ■li ■■ ING S OTED \I\IISEIN E ULE {city of Carlsbad ($: FINAL COPY O ElE DHERMI NED• THE TEXT SHO\i . HERE IS ONLY A PLACEHOLDER I ~• f,1 •,1 ·7'· .£ Example We receive a $50,000 donation from John Q.Public,in honor of his mother, Jane Q.Public. She was a volunteer at the Library Learning Center and a champion for adult literacy •Accept donation at City Council Meeting. Mr. Public requests a presentation honoring his mother’s memory •Present options to Mr. Public for the donation –Purchase adult literacy materials and include book plates recognizing Mrs. Public –Sponsor pilot of a new adult literacy program in Mrs. Public’s name –Suggest naming a space at the Library Learning Center in Mrs. Public’s memory