HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-23; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Report for August 2020ITEM # 5 Meeting Date: September 23, 2020 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Interim Deputy Library Director Sarah Dana, Interim Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, sheila.crosby@carlsbadca.gov Sarah Dana, sarah.dana@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Report for August 2020 Recommended Action Receive report. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the monthly library reports for August 2020. This report provides a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits • Narrative for August 2020 • Statistics for August 2020 4 of 11 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for August 2020 Systemwide … In August, more than 20,000 items were checked out to patrons through curbside service, which continues to be available 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Saturday. On Aug. 24, the Library & Cultural Arts Department celebrated a milestone achievement: Connecting community members with 50,000 library items (books, DVDs, CDs, etc.) through curbside service since its June 1 launch. Staff has been following the REALM (Reopening Archives, Libraries and Museums) Project on library materials and COVID-19, a study conducted in partnership by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, OCLC and Battelle. Based on the most recent study released in mid- August, the library began quarantining returned library materials for seven days before they are added back into the collection for the next person to check out. Carlsbad Police Officer Matt Bowen completed a safety assessment of the curbside service operations at all three library locations. Officer Bowen stated that all three locations were very well designed. Minor suggestions were made and implemented for Cole and Dove on Aug. 10. On Aug. 17, the Library Learning Center was reassessed following the reopening of the on-site Head Start facility to evaluate the safety of an alternative entrance that is near curbside service. As a result of that assessment, Head Start purchased additional “candlestick” barriers to clearly show the sidewalk near the entrance. More than 60,000 Project Gutenberg titles have been added to the library’s online catalog. Project Gutenberg is a library of free eBooks to be downloaded or read online with a focus on older works in the public domain. The titles are searchable and available for download with or without a Carlsbad City Library card. The all-virtual Summer Reading Adventure (SRA) for all ages launched on June 15 and ended Aug. 9. Overall, participation was down about 70% from last summer due to the inability to promote the program to community members on-site at the libraries and through school outreach events. There was a lot of positive feedback from participants, especially grateful parents who appreciated a motivator to keep their children reading this summer. • Participants registered: 1,194 • Minutes read: 488,150 • Learning activities completed (activities such as singing to your toddler, reading together, drawing, etc.): 5,847 • Reading rewards picked up at curbside service: 1,880 • 50 virtual programs with 1,214 live participants and 10,558 total views Buster Balloon wrapped up the Summer Reading Adventure’s live Virtual Family Show series with humor and magic on Aug. 3 with 21 live views and a total of 357 views for the month. 5 of 11 Monthly Library Report for August 2020 The library continued its virtual concert series on Aug. 5 with a performance featuring the multi-lingual Jessica Fichot on vocals, piano and accordion. The concert was streamed via the library’s Facebook Live, where it received 650 views, and was also recorded for the city’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/x5JPO1qZJ6Q. Additional August virtual events included a panel featuring four best-selling authors on Aug. 2 and attended by 46 people; a health and wellness workshop on Aug. 11 on Zoom attended by 34 people; and an author event featuring five authors, including Friends of the Library Board Member Taffy Cannon, on Aug. 26 and attended by 24 people. In addition, the library released another concert video from a performance held in Schulman Auditorium without an audience featuring sibling musicians Anna Lee and Willie Fleming from Finnegan Blue performing a mix of folk, rock and Irish music: https://youtu.be/bxBfPsvRPrM. Library book clubs, meeting virtually on Zoom, attracted six new members this month. Fifty-six people total attended the four online book discussions with some attendees coming from as far away as the East Coast. Seven teens, including graduates of the library’s Book Explorer book club for younger students, attended the virtual Teen Book Warriors meeting via Zoom on Aug. 18. The group had a lively discussion about Hamilton: An American Musical, books read over the summer and their school situations. Teen Services Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden worked to develop a process for the teens to pick up a copy of the September book club book, Bright Burning Stars by A.K. Small. Training Coordinator Emily Bruce was selected to serve as a member of the California Public Libraries Continuing Education Advisory Board and attended its first meeting Aug. 18. The board will guide the initial year of a collaborative effort between the California State Library and the California Library Association to provide a comprehensive training plan for California’s public library employees. CCL, Dove Lane … Library Assistant Angelica Mejia conducted bilingual family storytimes with a different theme each Wednesday morning in August. These storytimes were streamed live on the Carlsbad City Library’s Facebook page and were well-received, with a combined total of over 515 views throughout the month. Due to copyright concerns, only some storytimes will be archived on the library’s Facebook page so viewership is lower than in previous months: https://www.facebook.com/carlsbadcitylibrary/videos/ On Aug. 4 and 18, Librarian Ally Goodwin held virtual Book Explorers programs for young readers with 13 students total participating. Georgina Cole … The North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) held three live webinar programs in August using the society’s GoToWebinar subscription. On Aug. 11, 73 people attended an 6 of 11 Monthly Library Report for August 2020 Intermediate Genealogy Class taught by Society Member and former library staff member Mary Van Orsdol covering a checklist approach to enhance research efforts. The Aug. 15 DIG: DNA Interest Group hosted the Genetic Detective CeCe Moore discussing investigative genetic genealogy and had 236 attendees. And at the Aug. 25 program, Dorothy Miller covered Family Tree Maker, one of today’s most popular genealogy software programs, with 107 attendees. Learning Center … Literacy staff continues to find ways to keep tutors and learners connected through check-in calls, emails with links to resources and virtual program development. The priority is to provide learners with resources and activities focused on the top three learner goals: read a book, write a letter and develop digital literacy skills. Literacy Services tutors who have worked with their learners remotely volunteered 95 hours in August. Nine students are currently enrolled in Career Online High School with four of the students having completed more than 80% of the program. With the end of the Summer Reading Adventure, the Read and Play Summer Club for students in grades 1 through 4 held its final meeting this year via Zoom on Aug. 5. The eight attendees discussed the overall message of the selected book, Hurry Up, Houdini! by beloved author Mary Pope Osborn, and shared their favorite part of the Read and Play Summer Club. All of the children and parents involved provided positive feedback about the program. Outreach and Community Connections … Library volunteers for the homebound program spent 8 hours this month connecting with their patrons through email to check in about needs for library materials. Staff coordinated seven deliveries of 36 items to the patrons. In addition, Librarian Susan Burke, coordinator of the homebound program, sent masks and handwritten notes to homebound patrons encouraging them to call if they’d like any library materials. 7 of 11 New Online Library Accounts eBooks/eAudiobooks 330 New Users: 18,185 Downloads 224 Added downloadable titles & extra copies CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 606 in Aug. 2,382 April to Aug. 31 Curbside Service – Launched June 1 August June 1 to Aug. 31 Service 26,161 67,798 Holds Placed 20,583 53,632 Items Checked Out 19,381 62,613 Items Returned 3,205 10,267 # of Patrons Using Service 12,252 20,797 20,58319,402 23,830 19,381 5,000 7,000 9,000 11,000 13,000 15,000 17,000 19,000 21,000 23,000 25,000 June July August Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned Library Webpage Library@Home Biblioteca en Casa Digital services Adult eBook recommends Children’s eBookrecommends Youth resources 853 Visits in August 48,555 Webpage Views in August August 2020 Virtual Programs •Storytimes •Living Room Concerts •Author Talks •Summer Reading Adventure Events •Book clubs •Workshops 24 New programs introduced in August Homebound Services Launched June 8 11 Deliveries 36 Items to 7 Patrons Literacy Services Launched June 8 106 Instructional Hours 17 Patrons attended Zoom Training New Additions to Collection Effective Aug. 31 Project Gutenberg >60,000 titles & Seven new eResources, courtesy of the California State Library & Proquest ITEM #5 8 of 11