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111 SEQUOIA AVE; ; 87-253; Permit
i hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect .- I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contrac- tor's License Law tot the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Prof cosmos Code: Any city nr county which re- 1 quires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior toils issuance also requires the ap- plicant br Ouch permit to tile a signed statement that he is 'I licensed pursuant to the provisions ot the Cnotracter's I License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 001 Division 3 ot the Business and Professions Code) nr that is ex- Any violation of Section 1031.5 by an applicant br a permit sub' lecto the applicant to a Civil penalty nt not more than tine hen', dre d dollars It I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages I as their solo compensation, will do the work, and the struc-ture is not intended or uttered fur sate (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner 01 properly who builds or improves I thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend-ed or offered for sate.- If. however, the building or improve- ment is sold within one year of completion, the Owner-builder will have the burden 01 proving that he did not build or im- prone for the purpose of sale). fl I. as owner of the property. urn exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Soc. 7044. I Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply loan owner 01 property who builds or im-proves Ihereen, and who contracts for each projects with a I Contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law).. - r As a homeowner tarn improving my home, and the t011Ow log Conditions exist: The work is being performed prior to sale. I I have lived in my home for, twelve months - Prior to completion 01 this work. I - 3. I have not claimed this exemption during the last three years. O lam exempt under Sec. - B8 P.C. for this reason El thereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to sell-insure, or u certificate 01 Workers' Compensation In- surancn. or a certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800. Labor Code) I POLICY NO. COMPANY - Copy is filed with the city 0 Certified copy is hereby tarnished . CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM I WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE I (This section need not be completed if the permit I is bar one hundred dollars ($100) or less) 1 certify that in the performance of the work to, which this permit is issued. I shalt not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compen- I salion Laws of California. - I NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after making this Certificate I of Exemption. you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall I be deemed revoked. p I I hereby affirm that there is n c000bruclion fending I agency for the performance 01 the work br which this per. I mit is issued (Sac. 3097, Civil Cadet Lender's Home ' Lender's Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. - CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT • ' APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009.4859 (619) 438-1161 - JOB ADDRESS AV. ST. RD. NEAREST CROSS ST. DATE OF APPLICATION1 BUSINESS LICENSE is VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER ~9 j// uci.4 2cS6'W ,LVD. I LOT i BLOCK R PA I NO. 014 aw CONTRACTOR / i SUBDIVISION a _RCEL CONTRACTORS PHONE a " '7_-Z33 ZONE OWNER'S 7/41) 7:T2 7c - - NAME OWNER'S PHONE L. a .'A5SôC, / rc Lip ~lq) 52 752-0 TRACTOR'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. ' BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE AU6 /3733OWNER'S MAILING AODRESS. ___________________________________ CA 47 40 0020 06/25 0101 021dPmt 42945.5 DESIGNER .DESIGNER'S PHONE ' / Dove 5r °"75?) N < eeF ICI' ,ci-i , rc / 39 ,lid/) DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. IV',' N. 9,iu cy'- Ov4 F/P FLRELEV. I NO OCCGP I EDU I STORIES YO NO I I £' - I PARKING SPACE RES UNITS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE 0CC LOAD I FIRE SPR 0 J AREA YO NO IYV No Not Valid Unless Machine Certified - OTY. PLUMBING PERMIT - ISSUE 7_ QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER - EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8220 Jr EACH BUILDING SEWER ',-'- 100,000 BTU . OVER . - SIGN PERMIT ' 001-810-00-00-8221 EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT _-" BOILER/COMPR"8OR UP TO 3 HP - PLAN CHECK , 001-810-00-00-8821 EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS A. — BOILER/COMPRESSO1-315 HP . TOTAL PLUMBING 001-810-00-00-8222 — EACH GAS SYSTEMS OR_MOR .,3'+ METAL FIREPLACE " 7 ' ELECTRICAL - 00181000008223 EACH INSTAL.. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE - /7 VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT . MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 33 EACH VACUUM BREAKER - j MECH EXHAUST - H000IDUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER . RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER . SOLAR 001-810-00-00-8226 EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) DRYER VENT 'STRONG MOTION 880-519-92-33 ___________ TOTAL MECHANICAL ii' - I I 3 3b .' FIRE SPRINKLERS 001-810-00-00-8227 _2/ 97 — TOTAL PLUMBING I 4 5 1. i?.1tE HOME SETUP PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE .00120-810-00-00-8740 too • BRIDGE FEE 4//0 360-810-00-00-8740 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT - ISSUE t PARK-IN-LIEU (AREA NEW CONST EA AMP1SWT'BKR — CAR PQRT TIF _ ____ 134-810-00-00-8835 ' LA COSTA TIF 133-810-00-00-8835 WT/ByA LDGEAAMPIS ' 'GARAGE - - - FMF - _______________________________ lPH 3 P I LICENSE TAX 001-810-00-00-8162 REMODEL:ALTER' PER CIRCUIT - —Ott MFF /5 )ç - 880-519-92-57 — TEMPPOLE 200 AMPS' - ¶ - OVER 200AMPS - TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYS) - - CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL ELECTRICAL A 3 TOTAL j TOTAL FEES PAYABLE - I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY I Expiration. Every permit issued bylhesuildIng Official under the provisions otttnis * AN 0514* PE:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER I Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void If the building or work CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE 50" DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit. or it building or w rk authorized by such permit is suspended or STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON- abandon any time able nced to, o rpd'ol 180 deve. - - STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPLIC - KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLS BAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND CONTRACTOR 0 DATE EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. BY PHONE 0 C 0 0. 0. C Q. 0 0 a, 0, In C - - .. •- .- 5 A'e,) .,-. __.__i4 -- . ... - •. 5*. .. . ..'.... - ' •.:' . . 373 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTORS NOTES INSPECTION REO. IF INSPECTOR'S 5..,. CHECKED APPROVAL . .. ' •.•' . 'S - .".••- .5-. S SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO 4 FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE - 5...,.-, •.' 5%• OVER 2000 PSI 5 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE • . .• •..•.• ,, • S. - - FIELD WELDING - - ________ .5'S... ..' - .•'... - t ' . • -.-' 1-fiGH STRENGTH . ..-. t _, BOLtS. . -. 'S • SPECIAL MASONRY . PILES CAISSONS • -- \••., .- ------------------ • S - ••: - _________________ ______ __________ -. .' 'S . • . .• '.. ,'Q\'D OTQT OTQ!+ - • ., . .•• - ''." \"- ,1 •_•••• -, TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT SUB FRAME 0 FLOOR 0 CEIJNG SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING O SEWER AND BLICO 0 FL/CO UNDERGROUND 0 WASTE II WATER TOP OUT 0 WASTE 0 WATER" TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER 0 SOLAR WATE) ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I • _______ _________ O ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 TEMPpR'Ait O BONDING 0 POOL MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., 0 REF. PIPING HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS '. ... • CALL FOR FINAL INSPECtION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE * ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED:—- FINAL PLUMBING .' M4; -'c, ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS _____ ______ . T.. BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS I Applicant Please Print And Fill In Shade JOB ADDRESS 111 Sequoia, Carlsbad PLAN ID NO. PARCEL NO. 206-013-20 ASSESSOR'S OWNER SHORE ASSOCIATES, LTD, C/O 20 VALIDATION AREA OWNER'S BENEFICIAL EQUITIES, INC. MAILING 1301 Dove Street, Suite 750 ADDRESS CITY Nwpnrt R r hZ '92660 TEL. (714) 752-75 CONTRACTOR OWNER ESTMATED VALUATION D0 PLAN CHECK FEE 001-810-00-00-8821 IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES R&ILLBEFORFEITED. 0004 05/11 0101 Misc. 1300.00 CONTRACTOR'S MAILING ADDRESS 1301 Dove Street, Suite 750 CITY Newport Beachzip 92660 TEL.(714)752-75 STATE BUSINESS LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. SUBDIVISION _CONDO LOT(S) ONE - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1 of Carlsbad Tract ,,,CHECKIFSUBMITTED: No. 84-18 in the City of Carlsbad, ('r11nIy_nf_ Sa o _Di ego, _1-M- _f_('1ifnrni.R 2 ENERGY CAMS ONFILE _* Map No. 11316, Recorded Sept. 5, 1985 o 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS DESCRIPTIONOF WORK tori _over_basement 2 STRUCTURAL CALCS parking garage. Condominium consisting of _units 2 SOILS REPORTS tJ 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES v n DATE GIVEN! DATE SENT TO APPLICANT (- CONTACT PERSON _Ce _Heyen_e._Feen_Thu€t LA COSTA LETTER .e- 44_N_ ADDRESS _1301_Deve SCHOOL FEE FORM - _______________________________________________ 9 P & E CORRECTIONS LIST CITY New p chIIPIP_G5.O TEL. (2.14)?-5 CERTIFICATE Mav197 !19, OF OCCUPANCY. APPLICANT1S SIGNATURE DA I Li White. File Yellow - Applicant Pink Finance Gold . Assessor J(J ' s : .. . •' - CASHIER'S VALIDATION . * (IltIg of (IIar1øbab I. SEWER PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICANT TO FILL IN SHADED AREA SEWER PERMIT NUMBER SE cB BUILDING PLAN CHECK NUMBER PC e72c3 BUILDING ADDRESS &i J/ 'A A b'I BUILDING TYPE NUMBER OF EDU 7? () OWNER CALCULATIONS MAILING ADDRESS ii 4- 12- CONTRACTOR f)t& 0020 06/25 0101 04ni(ti E1810-00 MAILING ADDRESS CONNECTION - . LEGAL DESCRIPTION ___________________________ CONNECTION FEE 4 - ,• . . * .•.- -- . . *.. . - COST PER-UNIT '1{(J - •xNO.UNITS. 1 :-;-• .., -• . . .. . . * ,---' . LATERAL CHARGE: T I1•t > , ' OTALCHARGES: . . . .• * .: ASSESSORS. PARCEL NUMBER:*'?Pt' ' '2!1' •PREPARED BY:' — (PRINTED NAME) COMMENTS:. • •-: . • .: . . • • .8 . :.:.':H-i '' .:.:::;.: 1.: . : Citp of (artbab REQUEST FOR JV SPECTION RECORD 7 J TIME:________ OWNER___________ ADDRESS REQUESTED BY INSPECTOR ___ ______________ PERMIT NO. " ' ' ' DATE - & 6 PHONE NO. PERSON TAKING A BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT-GUNITE FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME XTERIOR LATH INSULATION O INTERIOR LA H OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS 0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING 0 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SEWER AND PL/CO O SOLAR HEAT O TOP OUT PLUMBING O PATIO O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O POOL 0 SPA GAS TEST 0 SIGN O WATER HEATER O GRADING O SOLAR WATER o DRIVEWAY FINAL O FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Ins ction: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday ( ,Aleda,/ 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. (Citp of Cartbab REQUEST FOB-.JNSPECTION RECORD ft ___ TIME PERMIT NO. g 7- - DAT 9-1k INSPECTOR ________________________ OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED BY NE NO. Y 7 1 PERSON TAKING REPORT BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME o HEATHING 0 Rr FRtDRYWALL _ — FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O U1TERIORLATH 0 FINAL PLUMBING UFit8EflCfl9U1D PLUMBINQ. O SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL I ELECTRICAL I O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC POOL BONDING ELECTRIC SWICE MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT PATIO POOL 0 SPA O SIGN O GRADING 0 DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspec 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M Qtitp of (1CarIbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD --------------TIME: I NSPECTO/ DATE: e OWNER ADDRESS, I BUILDING I FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAM" O SHEATHING 0 ROOF O S 7R O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRY FINAL - PHONE NO. '7'( I ''• 7 / PERSON TAKING REPORJ.. ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY UFFER GROUND 'b 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND II 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FIN PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL __---MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA O SIGN 0 GRADING O DRIVEWAY O FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. QCitp at Cartbab REQUEST F INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR OWNER ADDRESS ,,7 REQUESTED TIME: PERMIT NO. f2?5' DATE: t c;L(if7 BUILDING REINFORCING STEEL P MASONRY 11 GROUT - GUNITE 0 FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME fl SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR FRAME (154 77T,- PHONE NO.y'_— PERSON TAKING REPOrI ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE 0 UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL INSULPR1ON O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO O POOL 0 SPA 0 SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday ( 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. TIME: 7-cs_3 DATE:/Vff INSPECTOR - OWNER ADDRESS - REQUESTED BY Qtitp of CarIbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME , HEATHING ,, DS_EAR FRAM EXTERIOLAtT O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER SOLAR WATER FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND ) 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC POOL BONDING ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL MISCELLANEOUS - CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT PATIO POOL 0 SPA SIGN GRADING DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday tesday ) 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0A.M. 0 P.M. - Citp at (CarIbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR PERMIT NO. OWNER ADDRESS TIME: DATE /O PHTENO. PERSON TAKING RE BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY O GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME 0/SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE o UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST 0 WATER HEATER SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT 0 PATIO 0 POOL 0 SPA SIGN GRADING DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Friday 0A.M. 0 P.M. Citp of (Cartbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR _____________________ PERM IT NO. 77 TIME: 25 DATE: ff OWNER /f7T • J ADDRESS REQUESTED BY PERSON TAKING _______________PHONE NO. REPORT/ BU If.Di N G FOUNDATIOF'OTING 0 SLAB REINFORCIN O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL 0 FINAL I ELECTRICAL I TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN• D GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT PATIO POOL 0 SPA SIGN O GRADING DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday ( )riday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. Citp of Car1bab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR PERMIT NO - OWNER 4::e ADDRESS REQUESTED BZ2,dk Y,iL-1 PHONE NO. TIME: DATE://3_Ti' BUILDING O FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME1 O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR / O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PERSON TAKING REPORT,/'3' ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 UGH ELECTRIC > -'tPOOL BONDING f 0 ELECTB€A.019 PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL \_ i.'. MISCELLAEOUS 0 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA O SIGN O GRADING DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection(Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. // f' (V - (Cit p of Car1bab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR P95MI No OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED B7--' ____ ____ PHONE NO - TIME: DATE: BU I LDI N9 FOUNDATION OO1]NG Cl SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL 0 MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE o UFFER GROUND 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE o FINAL a PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO O POOL 0 SPA O SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY O FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Re y For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday )Ki Thursday 0 Friday A.M. 0 P.M. Citp of Car1bab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR ______________ P _____________________ PERMIT NO OWNER ADDRESS ZZZ REQUESTED IfY / PHONE TIME: DATE: PERSON TAKING BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LAT YWAL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE AL %; i AL P ' PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN• O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT PATIO 0 POOL 0 SPA SIGN GRADING DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL I idy For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday A.M. 0 P.M. Citp of CarIbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME: INSPECTOR _____________________ PERMIT NO. —DATE:/2- OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED BY PHONENO. 4L 414J 7 PERSON TAKING REPORT BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB 0 REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL 0 TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC # 0 POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT PATIO O POOL 0 SPA O SIGN 0 GRADING DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. QCIEp at Car1babJ2 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR ______________________ PER NO. OWNER - ADDRES&_ 11/ J14--- TIME: DATE:/" -ii -iç7 BUILDING FOUNDATION .0 FOOTING SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME 0 SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO 0 TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER SOLAR WATER FINAL PHONE NO. PERSON TAKING REPOR,4 [ ELECTRICAL [ 0 TEMPORARY SERVICE ER GROUND 4--WEICTRIC UNDERGROUND O POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL MISCELLANEOUS 0 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA SIGN O GRADING 0 DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FIVE Ready For Inspection1 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday .rnirn 0 Friday 0 A. M. 0 P.M. / Ctp of CarItia REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR 'Pd1Z PERMIT NO. 1 - •• TIME: _____________________ _____________________ DATE: /0 _cy_4vJ OWNER ':3 'V4 ADDRESS REQUESTED BY PERSON TAKING REPOR\ ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND Q 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 7SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY o GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL o FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT PATIO POOL 0 SPA SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY O FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A. M. 0 P.M. Qtitp of (arIba !'~'4 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD 97- C;~ TIME: PERMIT NO. ______________DATE: 729f/ 13-7- II(/ INSPECTOR - -OWNER ADDRESS - REQUESTED BY BUILDING REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE j O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRA O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION . 0 INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWAa 0 FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PUCO O TOP OUT PLUMBING 0 TUB OR SHOWER PAN• 0 GAS TEST 0 WATER HEATER 0 SOLAR WATER 0 FINAL - PHONE NO. ',' , PERSON TAKING REPO, ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY. SERVICE UFFER GROUND t UGH ELECTRIC ECTRIC UNDERGROUND OL BONDING ECTRIC SERVICE NAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS 0 SOLAR HEAT O PATIO 0 POOL OSPA OSIGN O GRADING 0 DRIVEWAY • 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday (.. k'Wednesday ) 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. - / /f 42 ) Af7c7 724f, 7-L fr'1't5&f C -S Citp of (CarIbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR PERMIT NO. 17 nOWNER i. . ADDRESS 4? . REQUESTED BUILDING 0 FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING D REINFORCING STEEL 0 MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE -. O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRA .0 SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEA OFRAME O EXTERIOR LATH 0 INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL 0 FINAL TIME: DATE: 7 PHONE NO. PERSON TAKING RE9 ELECTRICAL ....n TEMPORARY SERVICE 0 UFFER GROUND 0 EJJIC UNDERGROUND / ELECTRIC NDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE rjL 0 FINAL PLUMBING 'I MISCELLANEOUS Ii UNbERGROUND PLUMB11G O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SEWER AND PL/C0 O SOLAR HEAT O TOP OUT PLUMBING O PATIO 0 TUB OR SHOWER PAN 0 POOL 0 SPA O GAS TEST - 0 SIGN O WATER HEATER 0 GRADING 0 SOLAR WATER O DRIVEWAY FINAL o FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - Ready For çon:,. Monday 0 A.M. . 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday (lritp of Cartbab REQUEST FOR SPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR PERMIT NO. f7- c2E-3 -DATE: OWNER ADDR NENO. PERSON TAKING BUILDING O FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL SLGMROUT ASONRY -.QUNtTt FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL I ELECTRICAL I O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN' O GAS TEST - O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT 0 PATIO O POOL 0 SPA O SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready Fo71pection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0A.M.P.M. 0 Friday Citp.of CarIbab -/ I-! REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD —/ INSPECTOR _____ OWNER PERMIT No J72 _______________________ 3 TIME: DATE BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY 4 O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION 0 INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE O UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE O FINAL aw PLUMBING 0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER 0 SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO O POOL 0 SPA SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY O FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For yection: 0 Monday 9—Tu-isday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. )1P.M. INSPEC1 OWNER ADDRESS - REQUESTED BY TIME: DATE: ;-•-,3- 27 QIitp at Car1bab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD BUILDING O FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY GROUT - thaTW- O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR .FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL I ELECTRICAL I O TEMPORARY SERVICE o UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC 1 0 POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE o FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO 0 POOL 0 SPA O SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 A.M. 'i-P.M. - QCitp of CarIbab)' REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD - TIME: ____ INSPECTOR ____________________ PERMIT NO. ? DATE: f 7t7 OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED B#7 NO//— PERSON TAKING REPO BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB £1—REINEORCING STEEL ASONRY GROUT /a -. Aj ND CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE 7"20 UFFER GROUND 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC 0 POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PUCO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN• O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS - O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA O SIGN 0 GRADING O DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Insp 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A. M. 0P. (Citp of (CarIba REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME: INSPECTOR PER T NO. 97- DATE: (Egg OWNER ADDRESS g g4_e_ii;::PHOI REQUESTED ______________________ BUILDING I I ELECTRICAL I FOUNDATIO FOOTI 0 SLAB RY %GSTEEL 7L•5;' MASON / GROUT .GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME 0 SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL b FINAL 0 TEMPORARY SERVICE y—le p UFFER GROUND /ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL (7 PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PLICO O TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA 0 SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FadjFor Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday c esda ) 0 Thursday 0 Friday c(A.M. 0 P.M. titp of (CarItiab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD \~M 0"~ INSPECTOR OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED - TIME: NO. f''7 5-3,-DATE: ___ / - 7 KY-/Y - !_- PHONE NO. 41_3 9 PERSON TAKING REPOp1471( BUILDING _QMPATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE 0 UFFER GROUND ,27ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ' i( ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE O FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PUCO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT PATIO POOL 0 SPA 0 SIGN O GRADING DRIVEWAY O FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS A l ,L-St Ready For Inspection: 0 M 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. Citp of Cartbab IA REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME: __ INSPECTOR PERMIT NO. DATE: 7— OWNER oe AnflRFS/// e.7 4- /f REQUESTED PHONE NO. 1../ 'r - PERSON TAKING BUILDING ELECTRICAL FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB 0 TEMPORARY SERVICE REINFORCING STEEL C 0 UFFER GROUND O MASONRY ) 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O GROUT - GUNITE / , 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB/RAME 0 POOL BONDING O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0/SHEAR t)14 ,i 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE O FRAME / O EXTERIOR LATH ( It 5.• / 0 FINAL O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS 0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SEWER AND PL/CO O SOLAR HEAT O TOP OUT PLUMBING O PATIO O TUB OR SHOWER PAN o POOL 0 SPA O GAS TEST 0 SIGN 0 WATER HEATER o GRADING O SOLAR WATER O DRIVEWAY FINAL 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspect 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. Qtitp of CarIbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR pAtl_____ PERMIT NO. _____________TIME: ___ DATE: 7.-3?7 OWNER ADDRESS 11*1) 1 1) 3 - 7z REQUESTED BY PERSON TAKING REPORT__________ BUILDING FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE Il 0 UFFER GROUND 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND (V I 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC O POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS - CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT 0 PATIO O POOL 0 SPA SIGN O GRADING DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. Citp at Carlgbab,--2/ REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR OWNER-- ADDRESS - REQUESTED BUILDING FOUNDATION OOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST WATER HEATER SOLAR WATER FINAL TIME: NO. DATE: JHONE Nc434 4/g , 3qPSON TAKING REPOR( ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE ' 0 UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND O ROUGH ELECTRIC 7 • 0 POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 FINAL q38, MISCELLANEOUS. CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA SIGN GRADING O DRIVEWAY FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 A. M. 0 P.M. Citp at Cartbab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIME: _____________________ INSPECTOR PERMIT NO. DATE: 6? OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTEDBY'71,1#gt9j PHONE NO. 77g__ PERSON TAKING REPORT 415iô' ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 ROUGH ELECTRIC ( 0 POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE FINAL BUILDING )(FOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH O INSULATION (IL O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING O UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PL!CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN' GAS TEST WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA O SIGN O GRADING O DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Tuesday 0 Wednesday 0 Friday 0 A.M. 0 P.M. Citp of Car1ba,4 , REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD TIMEAV INSPECTOR - _____________________ PERMIT NO ____________________DATE: C 2 Z OWNER ADDRESS REQUESTED BY _- PHONE N'á _413/_ Of9 _'a' '. PERSON TAKING REPO BUILDING FOUNDATION AFOOTING 0 SLAB O REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY 0 GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FR E O SHEATHING 0 ROOF 0 SHEAR O FRAME O EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING SEWER AND PLICO O TOP OUT PLUMBING TUB OR SHOWER PAN GAS TEST O WATER HEATER SOLAR WATER FINAL I ELECTRICAL I O TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND O ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 1 o ROUGH ELECTRIC - 0 POOL BONDING / 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 FINAL .c'l MISCELLANEOUS O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS SOLAR HEAT O PATIO POOL 0 SPA 0 SIGN 0 GRADING O DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Fleady For Inspection: 0 Monday 0 Wednesday 0 Thursday 0 Friday 0 P.M._______ (Citp at Car1bab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR -2e~PERMIT NO. OWNER TIME: DATE: 6- 2z5r7 REQUEST PHONE NO. 72.9— ///5 PERSON TAKING REPORT / BUILDING f5kFOUNDATION 0 FOOTING 0 SLAB REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY GROUT - GUNITE O FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME O SHEATHING 0 ROOF El SHEAR J O FRAME El EXTERIOR LATH El INSULATION El INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL O TEMPORARY SERVICE El UFFER GROUND El ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND I El ROUGH ELECTRIC El POOL BONDING 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE El FINAL PLUMBING El UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O SEWER AND PL/CO O TOP OUT PLUMBING O TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST O WATER HEATER O SOLAR WATER El FINAL MISCELLANEOUS El CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS EJ SOLAR HEAT El PATIO El POOL 0 SPA El SIGN El GRADING El DRIVEWAY 0 FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Ready For Inspection: El Tuesday El Wednesday El Thursday 0 Friday 0 A. M. 0 P.M. 1/ FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 87253 DATE: 10-25-08 ME ADDRESS: I 11 Sequoia PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: _________________ PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: 8 unit condo NUMBER OF UNITS: 8 CONTACT PERSON: Greq Heyden CONTACT TELEPHONE: : 4344672 all deot INSPECTED/f) BY: ( DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED _____ DISAPPROVED PECTED/1"'? ,1 DATE ETED: APPROVEDLIOO"/DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: . INSPECTED: ___________ APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: L/a-ga ei C(taJ kL c(. Z, c11 jegcL( ei 3. ir'ie vtS Its/ 4.Ceiae, c 5F- tUcI s. .- C A .'J • c , ( cy N4 co 40 Rev. 1186 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water Distr N:Englnee CANARY:Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD. ~11V~A it FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 8/253 DATE: 102588 PROJECT NAME: - ADDRESS: 111 SGcIUOIa PROJECT NO.: _________________ UNIT NUMBER: _________________ PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: 8 unit condo NUMBER OF UNITS: 8 CONTACT PERSON; Greg Uyden CONTACT TELEPHONE: 434--4$2 all dept . DATE IE ______________H'ISPECTED: I/ ' APPROVED DISAPPROVED INS DATE BY: INSPECTED: ___________ APPROVED ______ DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: ________________________ INSPECTED: APPROVED ______ DISAPPROVED el COMMENTS: , •' • • • • Rev. 1186 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities anning Fire S FINAL BUILDING INSPECT109 k PLAN CHECK NUMBER 87-253' DATE 10-25-88 - PROJECT NAME: . .. ADDRESS 111 Sequoia PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER _________________ PHASE NO TYPE OF UNIT 8 unit condo NUMBER OF UNITS 8 CONTACT PERSON Greg Hevden * CONTACT TELEPHONE 434-4672 all deot INSPECTED DATE NOV 1 5 1988 DISAPPROVED BY: ________________________ INSPECTED: ____________ APPROVED :Jt1 INSPECTED -. . . DATE . __ . _ .• BY: .__. INSPECTED: . APPROVED . DISAPPROVED . INSPECTED . DATE . . BY: . INSPECTED:. . APPROVED . DISAPPROVED Costa Real Municipal water District COMMENTS: . Engineering Department . . - •.. . . --, . (619)438-3367. .. • ., I I ! I Li •. 0C1261988 Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION RECEIvFn OCT 2 87_2r3' 1O-25-°8 qq - PLAN CHECK NUMBER: DATE: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: . UNIT NUMBER _________________ PHASENO.: TYPE OF UNIT: 8 unit Condo NUMBER OF UNITS: 8 CONTACT PERSON: . Greg Hoyden CONTACT TELEPHONE: 1 t3Y?1/2 : all dept 0 INSPE D DATE . BY: INSPECTED:5?2S7t2' APPROVEDX DISAPPROVED INSPECTED BY: _____________________ 'INSPECTED: - APPROVED _____ DISAPPROVED INSPECTED *.DATE BY: _____________________ INSPECTED: ___________ APPROVED. DISAPPROVED ' - . •- -. ..0. - . ..• COMMENTS I '.ZE 7,_c _/ £i//d I _I SO ,,i/, _f7r- _17 5t 0_, 1 - Rev. 1186 WHITE Suspense BLUE War District GREEN Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning CGOLD- Fir, 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPHONE CARLSBAD, CA 92008.1989 (619) 438-5541 Office of the City Engineer Citp of Cartbab TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: ROUGH GRADING APPROVAL FOR PROJECT NO. , /",1f 2 (TRACT or P.E. #). 7ñL 'e~ (PROJECT NAME AND ADDRESS) e4- (DEVELOPER'S NAME AND ADDRESS) We have inspected the grading for lots or phase - of the above mentioned project. In addition, we have received rough grading certification from , the Soils Engineer, dated __, and from the Supervising Grading Engineer, dated , and are satis- fied that the rough grading has been completed in accordance with City standards. Based on be&e—eeit4 at.i.ens and our observation, we take no exception to the issuance of a building permit for lots or phase of project c,''Mc from a grading standpoint. This release, however, is not intended to certify the project from other engineering concerns including site development, water or sewer availability, or final grading. FPE A&fr77a#d el/I-t72 P/c?/ P 4'/Ac Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, we need to be advised so that we can verify that final grading and landscaping has been complet- ed in accordance with the approved plans for the project. APPROVED: / Project Grading Inspector / S' Construction Inspector cc: Developer ARCHIT E C T S 0 RANGE June 15, 1987 Carlsbad Building Department RE: Sequoia Street Condominiums Plan Check 487-253 ATTN: Tony Mata Dear Tony, The following is a request to defer plan check item #328. which states that truss details and calculations must be submitted prior to issuance of building permits. Since it is in our best interest that the trusses are engineered for their intended use, we can assure you that calculations and details will be provided prior to their manufacture. However, since a manufactruer has not yet been selected, it is not possible to provide you with these drawings at this time. Mr. Abe Doliente of Esgil Corporation finds no objection to this request. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please call me if you wish to discuss this issue any further. Sincerely, ARCHITECTS ORANGE ?Par tner es=Mickar z, AlA JM: j 144 North Orange Street • Orange, California 92666 • 714639.9860 (TI IiIIEcei 11w. \. CIVIL AND QUALIFY ENGINEERS . LAND SURVEYING PERCOLATION AND SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE 4 WSTA, CA 92083 619-727-0282 CLIENT: Benificial Egty. Pwje.c.t: EI2R7 Va..te. 29 junp 1 9R7 Mr. Tony Mata Principal Building Inspector City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA. RE: Job Address: 111 Sequoia Grading Permit No: 2.84.83 Foundation Permit No: 540 Dear Mr. Mata: Due to the configuration and type of construction it is impossible to complete the grading phase of the above reference project until the "Spancrete" Deck is in place prior to the backfill and compaction as called for in our plan. Therefore, we request you approve the rough grading which has been completed and inspected so that the Building Department can issue the Building Permit. Our client is proceeding in "good faith" and agrees not to commence any wood, construction until such time as the final grading has been inspected and approved. Very truly yours, /~rthur C. Beard RCE RQE President W M M--RR , "931 i P- - ,, t7 f40. 35442 ,~Sowu_ ~ L.4)c ;07 11 ) BRONZE EAGLE ENTERPRISE, INC gd (J consulting engineers 23682 birtcher dr. el toro, ca 92630 15~- (714) 770-9967 October 21, 1987 Esgil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Dr. Suite 208 San Diego, CA. 92123 Attn: Mr. Abe Doliente Re: Sequoia Street Condominiums. Carlsbad, CA. Dear Abe, P.C. # CB 87-253 This letter is to confirm our phone conversation on October 20, 1987 regarding the elimination of the precast concrete girder on grid line A, between lines 3 & 4. This girder was determined by Spancrete engineers to be unnecessary because all the loads could be handled by a plank. Therefore this girder was deleted. Also, the pilaster at grid lines A-4, was originally designed as a 16" x 24" pilaster. The size was then increased to 40" x 24" to accomodate the girder on line A. However, since the girder was deleted, the pilaster was reduced to 24" x 24". Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bronze Eagle Enterprise, Inc. Ronal . Shimaji cc: Architects Orange, Carlos RKS/rs ARCHITECTS ORANGE March 9, 1988 Building Inspector City of Carlsbad do The Shores P0 Box 242 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Inspector: In a recent conversation with Mr. Abe Doliente of Esgoil Corporation, the following was discussed regarding The Shores condominium project in Carlsbad: Given that a three hour separation exists between B-i and R-1 occupancies, the allowable area for an R-i, Type V N building is 6000 s.f. with a maximum of two stories. Since the building is sprinklered, 3 stories are allowed. Given 2 side yards, the smallest being 641 ±, a 50% increase in area is allowed bringing the total allowable to 9,000 s.f. Multiplying by 2 for multiple stories, the overall total allowed is 18,000 s.f. Through this analysis, it is apparent that the 2 hour area separation wall is not required since the total area of The Shores is 13,290 s.f. Please call me if you have any questions or if you wish to speak to Mr. Doliente, he has been made aware of this situation. Sincerely, ARCHITECTS ORANGE 144 North Orange Street • Orange, California 92666 • 714639L9860 ARCHITECTS ORANGE December 29, 1987 City Of Carlsbad Building Inspector Carlsbad, CA RE: Sequoia Street Condominiums Job %87020 Mr. Inspector, The following is to clarify the change in the elevator shaft enclosure. It has been determined that a more cost effective way of building the shaft is to use a wood framed wall at all levels above grade. Section 503(C) 2 of the uniform building code states that all openings in floors forming a "three hour fire resistive occupancy separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures extending above & below such openings. The walls of such openings shall not be less than 2 hour fire resistive construction. This is the case in the sequoia street condominiums therefore a 2 hour shaft is acceptable Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely ARCHITECTS ORANGE Carlos Elenes Project Manager 144 North Orange Street- . Orange, California 92666 • 714 639.9860 jJTesting Engineers—San Diego ill !3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758-3730 _c:rT OF- CAR L.SBAI) AELTHE SHORES. -- -- LI...OXD- HOBB3—ENC )EP-T==-- ------- BENEF-IC1AL-EQUI1YINC %DDRESS:.__,.____- - 2075 L.A8 PAL.MAS -AVE - - -TESTING ENCINEERS-SAN-DIEGO - - CARLSBAD, CA -- -. CARI._SEAD,. CA -920419--4859 ----- -THE SHORES ------- CJTYOFCAR1SBAD - NEER:EdBoue,R,C,E,*C34Q41 - -- - ---•----- ----------- ------------ -- -- - RLN01-81 --U. - ---- - - - ------------- ---- -------.--- ------DATE:- 11/24/87 CONCRETE -INSPEcTLOW R:poIr--- --- - P-E:RM.:Ii -487 --253- ;------- - - ------- - -- - - =- ------ -- ]:riec:tec:I the p-iaceient - 0f reinf_orc: incj--st_ee:I. a-t L-s---f-1 0 o-r-'(o-ppi-nq - slab---betweeii 11nea. A to D. 4 and— :Li-nc•-4 .42--o5-.4 . ---- -- ----- - The work :i.nsi: ctec:I c oMp-]. is with--the- appr-o wed. p:Lans ,-- - - ----- ----------- Excepx :i.-ons v.. *4 d owel-s 4and n-ecjative rein+orc:eMent-- bars no t in at . lTne.1. 7- -per-9/Si-O .--- 8 '- onrete -slab--at- - - :tst. c:Loor level- - chanced-to c:oMI:)os:i:te -slab per t-e-J.-ephone - co-nversativ a w:i.th R-ona ].d Sh:i.Ma-j :s , st-r uct yr-al eng in war . c,-ti:Lcver r-e:i.nforc:eMent for s].-ab-s on ---line -D--4 charged—per revised-drawing—- me n L in es -A -and-- M.4 - -and- 4 . !-t-o- .4 .---- --------------------- ------------------- 89O --test -speciMens -iiad-e .------ ---- -------- ---- - --------------- - --- -----------=---------- ----- ------ -The wor k lnspected--c:-oMp].-ies - =R-einspected the--p:i.-ac-eien t of - reinforc1.ncj -stee1- -a- 1 s=t -f]oor----- ------------------ L ab-a-n-dai-1 -di.--sc--r ep an c-:ie s---=n-oe do-n--=4-h-e- -r-e i:-or -of=-1u-e have -be-en -c-orrec:=ted--,= ---=- ---=-=-=- - =- - ------- - --=--=-- ------ -------=-- - -- - - E.Mi41:---------TN3PEC OR'S- NAME----- =-.----=------=---= -=---=------ ---- -=----- -- -- ---=---= -- Gerr-y 30 = ---==- _--_ -=1-0 •-O___----=-= -=- ------------=---------- =-=---- ---- ------==--=-=--=-=----=--- --= --=-=---- ---- - - -- - - - u-a -i._ 4 n sp ec-t :i-o-n- was I: erf=o-r-ed -- weLc:iinq=-b=y--=c::er-t-i-f-i. -=- ------------ ----- --=-- - -=-------------=-=-====-------=-=-=---=-==---==---=-=-=--=-=---- =-=-------=--=---==--- - - . - Lrp-ec:ed1-uJ.1=p ene-t=r a i.on=weLcis==on=,th 3-at=_----=-=-=---_-- ec: DATES •. .-... - EMp=4_,-.--= 3: NSPE.CTOR! EL NAME_ =-=-=---=-=-= -= ------=-= -=--=- - -- ------------------------- --.= ---== ---- ----------------------------=-- -- --------------------==- W Testing Engineers—San Diego 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225-9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758.3730 r()- -- Visua]. insI:ect-i on was perforMed- of j o mt -prepara-ton ---- -- and weldiriq by cert-fed opera t ors using AWS- -- - - -ectro:Ies E71 T-11- & E'7018r - --- - - We1ders- and cer-t ifica te n u-Mber :-- - -R o-vi- J .- -Cha vez- Al.8O6, - F:rsank 8-. -M:1raMon-tes- K15979-.- --- 5 5- I f-il-let we:L:l inca eMbed p-:Lat-es fr o--fr'ee -stand:inci- - ----- c].uMnsto- pr-ecas:t g i-rders er- de-t alL S2 at - c::-o-i-uMns --A-.-i&4-, --I nsf: ec-t-ed 4' u IL-I--p enet-r a t :1-o-n-we 1-din çj a-t- -MO Ment -- -c onnec ti-on -on- --=---------=--=------Ihe--work -i.-i spec ed i.-:i.es wit-h- th-e -ap-proveci-p1-ans-,- ---i -. •--.. -EMP*-.- •-- IN8PEcTc:'R' s - -(ME----=-- ---- -------------- - --- -------- ---- - --Ea-rL-Ma-the---- ----- ---- = RT lIRS TASK:i .-... -. OT HR-S :rASK1l:, . . . . DT--HRS -uLTRAsoNc--:(N8PE:cTIoN -REP-O-RT=-------- U-]. trason-:i.c: exaM:Lnati. on -by - ABNI -q uai.-Lf-:Ledl---operator s- was-- Made - =- - - - - -on full 1 a-nd! or -part ia].= --penetr-a-t :1-on- we L ds -as shown-on - - -- - - - - - - -- --=- ---- -------- ------ - -- ----=-------- --- - - --hxaMinedI—u-.Lr-as onica l-1-y-- f-u :ii-- p-enetr'a4-:ion-=we-Jds- at MOMCfl-t--------------------------------------------- - -- =-=-----=---=-+':L-cors -a-ttac:hecI---u.I;tr-asonic--reports- - -------=-------------------- ----- ---- - --DArE-S -.---,--..- EiP-*-. .---INSpEcTOR 's NAME-=--=----=-- - --------------------- - - - -- - -- - - ----------------Ea-ri -Ma-th-es--- ----------------- --- - --- ---------------- - - - - ----------TASI<* R1 HR-S= -TASK-t--.-.=.--.-.- -3.0 - - - 4 2'!---------------4' ------------------------- ---------------- --------- - - - LABORATORY NO. NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST REPORT DATE//-J -g -7 ' TYPE OF TESTING: ZL7soe..IIc. JOB: -7 FABRICATOR OR ERECTOR: /It .SI1Pv -ec I CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: /7/ /. _I_ SF-UP FIFI fl / MATERIAL: INSTRUMENT: /-1' S'k INSPECTION STANDARD: RATE OF INSPECTION: /6rZ) ' 9 ,JS I.. / ¶ -. - METHOD: &,,,= TRANSDUCERS: 25 Al tt CALIBRATION: 0-9 SHEAR WAVE-ANGLE: 20° DESCRIPTION OF TESTING/ITEM(S) - 77—OJ o,,jr L ,.j eF If jJ tL& :7T _-7 A) LrLes DATE HOURS TECHNICIAN PART NO. / LOCATION NO. / TYPE WELDS TESTED ACC. REJ. REMARKS 17/ c4 -VI fe pr ' C.. , 3 - - ii-,jy ZTThFJJ A2 " -1 AS 14 ( 3 - - C, .', C) 0 REJECTION RATE RETESTS OF REPAIRED WELDS HOURS __________ REPORTED TO: Testing Engineers—San Diego Reviewed by -S LABORATORY NO. NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST REPORT DATE EZI4 1 jfj/ JOB: 714c— SI4—e--S ADDRESS: /// SeJ /c if , . PART NO. / LOCATION NO. I TYPE WELDS TESTED ACC. TYPE QFTESTING:&4..7rc1JOA) rc. FABRICATOR OR ERECTOR: CONTRACTOR: SHOP_ FIELD .-' Page of cL REJ. REMARKS REJECTION RATE RETESTS OF REPAIRED WELDS HOURS REPORTED TO:. Testing Engineers—San Diego Reviewed by jj Testing Engineers—San Diego *1 3467 Kurtz Street, P.O. Box 80985, San Diego CA 92138 (619) 225.9641 2948 Industry St., Unit B, Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 758.3730 - -- - -- ---- 2-- U DISTRIBUTEDTO:-,-- JOBNAhE:THE SHORES --- --- - -LL.OYIHBBSENG-- DEP:1-. --=BENEFICIAL-EQlJIF( INC -- JOBADDRESS. ----. - --.-- .2O75- LAS-.PAI...MAS-- AVE-S- -=-. =-1E5TINCENGINEERS-SAN-DiEGO-.. CAR1SBAD,-CA--- -- - - ---CARL.;SBAD, CA-92O O;94359-.._----- - - -- -S =a--== -t- -V-- -- - ENCINEER:-=EdBOVe, -R,C;-E-.-*--C34O41=------- - -=- - - -------- ----- = - - - - -- ---CONCRETE- COMPRESSION TEST DATE -OF-'KIX-'DESICN --SL1IMP ADET-P1E-IN T-INEOF- CYL-=iHI-S- TEMP-=-LOAD NMBR=.PcF ==IEST---- -TEST==DESIGN- :POUR.. DESIGNATION.-- --------- --- - _31627-_,7 _--_.3010=- FIRST- FLOOR TOPPINC,kINE-B/3=-=-_ ----=COMPLIANCE.--28 =---=- =----- - - - - CONPLIANCE: ---- -=-== ------- --=-=---=.=-=-== --.------- - = - 4-'- __________ - - --; --t-.a- - - 0 - -=----a--- =- -=--- - =-=- ==- 4_------ v----. z--t-=-==-=- =-==a---- - -=---=--- -.= -=- - - - I --:---------- --'-==----- --=---------- --.------=------------- - .--.-.-----.- ----c ---'-----:- ----- ----- =- .- ----.-. --- 0 B & B ENGINEERS INC. 2111 INDUSTRIAL COURT, STE. A VISTA, CA 92083 (619) 727 0282 TO. C / TI Of &4,qL31,4D 2t1/LD /N6 DE P4RTME/VT EQ 73 L/1S /J424S DR. C/R1_~13D3 C/ LIETTIEM @IF IrMARSOMOTrAL IZ/Z/187 I 13EZ-B7 114R. 7?rWY A17h7'J I/VSPECZ7O/V flEPO/-i'TS EO/ ,144ON/? Y CONS 17?'VCTlON WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: 0 Copy of letter COPIES OATS PlO. DESCRIPTION / /Z/2//97 IEPCITT WJ/JL/3PECTk2/v' ,9LRiR13.4NL? L139P /.J T/? Y TE5 T RE (IL 7S, FROM S/1'2P1 E-5 7REN DUP 1N £0I137'? UC TIOIV THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit -coplail for approval (our use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return óorrected prints For review and comment 0 . -- D.FOR BIDS DUE 10 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS DEC 2'-17 CITY OF CARLS13AD DEVELOP. PROC. SERv.• )IV. COPY TO ...........__.-_ SIGNED:, z It ncIoSuta Sts, not as noted. hinUiy fleshy vs Cl opeC. 0 Shop drawings - - - . - Prints U Plans U Samples U Specifications Change order /4iViq Y /,VP REfü/-TS. _____ 11,4111TIfyincering, inc CIVIL, GEOTECHNICAL, & QUALITY ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING • LAND SURVEYING PERCOLATION& SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT& INSPECTION 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE 'A VISTA, CA 92083 619.727.0282 CLIENT:, PgN9VTQT4L EQUITIES ProjeCt:..BE1287..... Date:. .17Dec..1987 City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Attn: Mr. Tony Mat; Principal Building Inspector Subject: Submission of the Inspection Reports and the Physical Test Results of the masonry construction portion for "The Shores" (Carlsbad Project CT84-18) Dear Mr. Mata: Submitted herewith are: (1) Our. Daily Inspection Reports and (2) The Laboratory Test Results for the subject project. The Laboratory Test Results are compiled in chronological order and include: Portland Cement Concrete 28 day Compressive Strength Specification (per plans) Footings Columns ('c: 2000 psi) Walls (f•'c: 2000 psi). Comumns ('c: 4000 psi Concrete Masonry 28 day Compressive Strength Specifi- cations (per plans) Motor Tests (f'm =2000 psi) Grout Tests (f'm =2000 psi) Prism Tests (f'm =1800 psi) All of the Inspection Reports and insitli. testing was performed by our Assitant Engineer, Doug Dentino EIT. Also enclosed are copies of our Construction Photographs of the placement of the span-crete units for the garage roof. Please call if we can be of further assistance. S, cerely, Arthur C. Beard RCE RQE RGE President INSPECTION REPORTS DAILY FIELD REPORT No:• / Job Name: 74/( 5.4J.c Project No: 4JJT ,287 Date: / Jwy '8 f-OcOti0n*- 3JQ 4 , , I1.,44I tfJv. Weather: Z Day: Contractor; fl C427.YIY Foreman' Field Technician: Miles: Hours Equipment Working inspection/ Testing of 170A7V Summary of Operations: 70 .' 4IFi/?rM' Sh'4 —' ,i44F •1 /crFLO '# ,'' /j,1d!Jc C)/ /c5' 6Ioc ,-.i-5i-F,4 CO&) "FX7, ô ?D <9 Supervisor: tnglneer: Geologist; Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date' 1141"Unglocarx, INC. cwi IM auu?v udGmual . 140 SUA VI 11440 1 ,ucôu,io AND soi ,uiwo coriiiaI'0l'I14IMCI0 2W INDUSTRIAL Cr SUITE 4 VISTA. C4 92083 619-727.0282 101 A (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy 'S DAILY FIELD REPORT No lob Name: 77'/f 511GAF5 Project No: Aer'7 Date:I.)uiy ' Location: 3F' fs,4,4C ICI LIo. Weather: ,, Day: T/A. Contractor; )7?c&b277/Y' C"-cFTf Foreman' Field Technician: J71AJ7,.JC Miles: Hours: Equipment Working' inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: 14,1-6 1' e" 70 £4 f A V,5 2'0,' AS /'a7, —'6c c-/F v;-i' ',Jc,e 7% 3 5,'*'h/'Ips / ,1y,7 7 77274f 4A'JrI/ / Cco,2c,r 5F7 — t'j,95 77h/P/> 7 j,W"oi" T ticcicc. CQ,h,P b ec&J /iV cv: I Jciiy'. — Supervisor: rEngineer: POU6 ,7,ç,7ii 0 I Geologist rTodays Yardage: Yardage to Date' 'TI IIItIiu111' \ cr#tt A cuAI11r1146,4IMS io slrnvrnrdc ,UCOUONNDSOSt rI5ru4G C0 5MUCION INSFICHCW 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE A. VISTA, CA 92083 619-727.0282 101 A (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy I L DAILY FIELD REPORT No: 3 ob Name: T//Z éA(3 Project No: /:312- 40 7 Date: Jul Y Location: Sc,4 ? $A-',; Weather: AA CoAtractor: 7br). <-Rtw solwrl) /~fl? Co'C. Y Foreman: Field Technician: L /D Miles: THour,: Equipment Workingi inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: ,c' so lni 17245 ô,i 7' 6'Aj5 jS e/? 0? A—)—f2fE7A"cA( j,4j 44rtj. V?7 jj- o, 7-0 /.JcJ/7041 F7 Zdi'L 9.'t.' ,F, I've le)-`00 ./,n J1A• 7- 7. 907 Z-7-/' / A/ / $ir Jf7 s'-' 4 JJ,~ ,r 38.79 O—' 5 / T'f Supervisor: engineer: Geologist; Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date: (1T 1LçIh Ca ,gh,eers, iiw \Y CrVU A'.00IMtlIyItGNIlU • IED1UaVIWt4G ,fa,,OI. ANOSOL fISFWG CC'51•UCSSON IrSflCHOZf • 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE 4 VISTA CA 92083 619-727.0282 lolA (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy I I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: 4 ob Name: T/I( 5/4ggc . Project No: ,fj 15-y Date:Ju2y' 7 Location: c 7/Z5,4" I Weather: ,''A' Day: 7Jfay' r7eC4''YJ' C C#J'j) - Contractor: //.,cir c.-'o."r 70 7O#'. Foreman' 7C7'? Field Technician: fu ,I,Jri ,t'c. Miles: Hours: Equipment Working' Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations 317/ 8 4' — 3 C cJ/!7 / CWJ IS z3j 1C ,' 70 47— /i" 0. C. '/./S' ,44c'i j/.','f j/' j/f77O&J 2/ 10,ci-Ml ~ /// )O 7/ e/c• r,917 ,7/ IT i 524, 7— ',F ''"--' f/(,'-' 69 lu -5 7-1 \ FS7 77V 1r — t () T /f4/' Supervisor' Engineer: Geologist: rodays Yardage: Yardage to Date (T1 Ii&IIIingIncers liw. \f 7 CMI AND OUAU',INNflN5 LAND SURVIVING N.COIAUDzd AND IOU IISUNG CONZMUCUOU PICUOJI 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE A VISTA, CA 92083 619427.0282 101 (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy I I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: o Name: Till I44AJ Project No: gir -287 Date:Juiv % Location' Weather: D<Day:5, 7r j9y C'-k JU/ j7t7C Contractor; Foreman' -,v'l Field Technician: Miles: THours: Equipment Working: inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: /4-1 i 71,42' , cM I-. ,',— -'d-5 e'-7 14'X/ L'f ,,,,c,u7 , t.-'i/2 j5j iAJ yM1/,P9 70 40 c'.' S-17-e' " I %1s '-' £7,'i-'. .1• - Supervisor: Engineer: T-7 Geologist; Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date s' (1Ts:1 IhIIEllghIC4I IllC \ c.vu o GUALUS INSULt IRS . LAND SURVIVING : ULRCO4AUONANDSWL FISTING CORGIRUCIRV INSPICUOM 211? INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE 4 VISTA. CA 92083 679427-0282 101 (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy 4 .4 4 DAILY FIELD REPORT No: ob Name: Project No: Date: /7 J'a Location: c%z~,% r Day:' Contractor; Foreman' __________________ Field Technician: Miles: J Hours: Equipment Working' Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: A01AJIA-16' 7-010,471"i'-.' siyi Aor I, pc.,t.' j I ,,-, h" 'ZAP I Y) Tk 7-,u(-7 ,o, s- c1 Se C ,i / - c/ ,OL-1,'/S ',/z 5. /4 c-I,11A2 07 A'rf4,o 4/Is. ,I# ,7 ffy4/l i'A3 M-' 19 /_" $ ,e0'e, iç0,4- A< e.) 7 'f /-/ -, 42ocv CA-'K/ r114J' -5h16 C-J/,Q Isle 'J'2• G'IJ, o ,T7/ t%z' t? /Jd45Y -7 frj,'2 147— r4 ' • Supervisor: llrgineer: Geologist: Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date' (f II&IIIiggIaeersiiic.. UA NCOIAIIDNAND SOIL SUING CONSINUCHON LNSPICHON W2111INDUSTRIAL Cr. SUITE .4 VISTA, CA 92083 619427.0282 101 (4.17) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT . No: Job Name: 7,.4E Project No: /3f 7 Date: Location: 5Ec7cd'01A 37- fc,9/2I.4,gD Weather: ,C1j14 £u.. &.'Y Day:' 7UASLWY Contractor: 172,, c441,1T7,/Y -,4Jif Foreman 7-2,-4 Field Technician: Zc,uc, /JF,-'4r,.'._'o Miles: jH ours : Equipment Working: . inspection/ Testing of 777$7,1<7 174 Summary of Operations: 9è 3c' - cv—' . ,,-e -o,4x ,,..'c ,44f 7'm i 2 I,4,3 0g4-,s. 71VF Co,,j zz ii-) Ua c15 57FIT 7C J, 74& -5110!13 no ,'4057 1 wc. 70177 AS Fd5*I /3Jc 6 7Z' /F/44rF 7t2,4,&J c, c, r iI cc 1<' CFlIi ,4 777 !!-c ci4'Sr tht/4' A-.' I c,4,2z 6i4/) C ?)" ,'F77',Q 1 f'FrE 01<'. - 74f,Kf2 7-0 /2ftE 'i/ii', h4'e. /4 7ro Tzf(W1-1/ L)5 t-'S,f/ JC ,4*e c'I 73. ,47 ,1/3e7 - ,oJ 40AJ gA_)6) . j M'i-o hIlAl2 14 -,-- ,qi,*, A--16 5,i43 ,)owIrlIJ '- A' - - ii "— A' "— 1, ~ ic. 13"- L2 '— i2 7Z) Ac) O, lc*' c-',?~ - AT 9/3ac., r -2.'30 ,"— 7Vz ,4c1:IQ ,tJA1 jT rT(5grc c7,oLe f//j3 /?JZZ O-t1 CiJ - ro,Os cxgess ,44 M/'-' 70 JAé 4 .t4' 0 <-)1JI ,4/4c,'' C Il I43 pa iws. Supervisor: I f Geo gist; Todays. Yardage : Yardage to Date: ILcil Iii,ghwers, Inc. CMi *O OU4I,IVV4G.IUI • LAND SUP WI VLSI W2111 COISILWL AND SON 1151150 cONSIPUCUWd IN1P*CIICII INDUSTRIAL Cr SUITE A. VISTA CA 92083 619-727-0282 101* (4.77) .. WHITE - File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Job Name: 7-4/f 54éAITS Project No: ff Date: 74i/a j L0coti0nt 5g-rp oo1,j;1 5T 4IjS )/jlZ Weather: f,')'/' s'r Day:,f,y Contractor; C2A7/)' co,t...'cfrE Foreman: 7c/ rM'APE Field Technician: Miles: Hours Equipment Working: inspection/ Testing of 179012r4/? fi7,'Sc,u,?Y w,lJl. Summary of Operations: Aa e 411Qf49e7 V aK1j.)6. CA.) S ij:i A4,9F, 7'7,P 3 i 74&5 ft7C)2AJ,dLJ6. IS /-/M /,'A.1c U,' 7/.?è 7r47 J r/k I'AJ6 £.ri74,oA' CL).45IS 1' 5 F cé,i , i,tc 7-4( FA 7-J-/:2( o4' Ilk S TFFZ A2,4 sL43 lis. OC)J/D 3 .'CkD /77) c,44iS0'3,41) . ,,t)s/L_c i-4' 5,4)5 C2/'. ,' ,4'o CA-) £&)E 4C.J,t)27 7;de /7/'7iJ ,44, r, Co c'&.iLi' DIS cF %-'c,es ,--- 7-4f ,.#-).s 77? - é 41iA w/JuIi o, 4,*' CC3/2A)J5 4j2o c)#()/7 fjfurv,' 4414 ,- é'i.le- d 1k - fl7AZ2F A-1c 4''-'o J#ti7 c / Supervisor: Engineer: / Geologist: Todays. Yardage: f Yardage to Date 7 IhIt,gineers,i:w. c.wI4NDQgIrIIIala .&4I4MPll* ,fmcoial.g.v MO ION NOW eoziaiiu wslcIQ.v 2IU INDUSTRIAL Cr.SUITE 4 VISTA. CA 92083 619-727.0282 101 A (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy a I I 14 DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Name: 7—h'f S,,6A'eSc Project No: /EJ -17 Date Locotion:5Q,,,4/ 5C,/2Is7t/ Weather: Do .4 Contractor' ,7cC,4g77/'i C0e-/2E7 Foreman: 7O17) 72L%7,4A74f Field Technician: Z'JocJG Miles: Hours' Equipment Working: inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: %a,a )11F,O. o'J ' ,173o - 1.' CA-)I ' ,—, / ,7eA's cu 9 .o00 ,-Q) 724 c,4Q/ szv//10 -. E7Z ag 0-5 4IA'L4'7 5' cc 172e- 1-11v ,17— 14r-9,0"7— /. 'OO ,4?1 A4'-S ,4P ouiZ7 T/,'Z &)4Q d CéKIL1T. 179C yt271Y cc'-'c,4F2 ,9d 5.C4XJ,4# -,I- 71:51 '1'zoA','2c' c j 2AJ,.j6 • ,427 ? J 924'é £c&j A3/Fe77C,Li 2j ,77,4T 4_),41/ Q' lop Supervisor: Engine: Geologist: Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date: (L II&IITh,gliiee, 11W \7 C— *o ova..,, iovm,iu . .qo lvlvl,mG COS&UPJI AriD Soil hums eoahlaucMla ,NS,.C,ICV W2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE a: VISTA C492083. 619-727.0282 101 (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy 4 DAILY FIELD REPORT No: ob Name: 771f S1,44E5 Project No: /4T -&7 Date; 7441/87 Location; 5/puo,,4 Sr ?C4Ajs,34O ,iji Weather: ,ç;,e1 c.lA)A 1 Day:fi1o/)y Contractor: 177- 4,a,7/t c,4r7 Foreman' Field Technician: JJac.c /2f'-'ry&ic, NOes: Hours: Equipment Working' 7-/2 °CAS 671'10 u7- ,vo,aj#' 17)144 I Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: 6/Qoo 7-t'6 ,.s /AU 76~7S 2ou7 '//'e, A 1,f4f2 77',?( ~ 7 ,fA'/ C1 ,q /00'/J. 6fl ' p /4 ce 521/' a/ 7-,447 7,Q cJCK5 7/2,/' 77eK,f7- AI-SC) 7-00 A- '7 5,'F c/C /2Cc4..FII3 /3F,-ti6 2o c-' 7- /4/'/'f,4'S 7Z3 ,41Cl, 17- rO ,-,'e SFcc i'o u7- 7-,ac' c1'. &4472 f //4l7J7'5 ,61 6,4'2,4cT. 2'5 o, cc,i) 6 0v7 r 77"8' ',-#' /?0O7 Supervisor Todays. Yardage: . Yardage to Date' ( II&IIIhWIllcerN,IIIc. . CNL 4*Oi,I,1t.GIIaS • L.4(1DIUPIWN Ffaco4l.glA*DSOII F§SFWG cows,iicl.m IN$14CHO(l W2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE 4: VISTA. CA 92083. 619-727.0282 101 (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy a I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Job Name: T'YE .5,44,AIS Project No: 1,34J :207 Date: Ø8/87 0 cation;5E450,,4 Sy- IC ISLO 4) weather: 1/n /7)Y elo D0y:a7vJz5 Contractor: ,7?c (34147-4/)' CoA'F?? Foreman' 7?7/X7 Field Technician; ,2JuG Miles: Hours: Equipment Working: f27°Ai 7/<' jv,,i' inspection/ Testing of 24SciA/ c-',4?IS Summary of Operations: 7-- ,A1r ,4y4'c,4t97 ,r iM"- /?i c' rl( - 7t2,O..4 y , c2-i 7 ,~ j-jr4 / of? CA-) 7'/S Ci4iI U,10 y-o , u// A7 '.i7I fr' 744 Q.(}5 ' 30 - c-t-' 77 &1c2/2TW' 4' So u74/ 7--h- A71,<757 7r 0 —4- ,'/oe-,ri 77-2 5/2117 ,',01t-i ,7CA. A-)h",Ch" ,91~ t}07 ,FF"-' c.i/?F/7 YZT M PJ i,i,'a c'A'F/' /s e0lSc 77> .0 0 7-hl t''4l1 ,'00 7/ A-. ,ri4 c07-;6t-o'C 0. C //3IF , ,AJ..'7-'6 4r L2c .aA'II. 447 ,2o64556 m40f 7.445 JOOt' I $OAJ 50 c-' 9'-é-' C/'r, C '-) F7iV,LC ,c Ir/3 AY /f61AJ 70A'A'0c' 7.'00 Supervisor:IEngineer: 2141~6010'445';@ Todays. Yardage: Yardage to Oats' !-i i1hIIi,u:ri"c 1— III. 4D ossAItrIGua • gatdo SuavE 1151 piacolauos sup SI NOW csusIaual15 w.sEICI L • 2111 INDUSTRIAL Cr SUITE A. VISTA. CA 92083 619-727.0282 101A (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Job Name: 7,4P/F 5115,leA4S Project No:,3EJ- -17 Date; 7/' ocation;.$f0 0,,4 51 4O Weother:AJ4,2,, /T)yC//'y Day:Lufiu Contractor: /72- C4A'i)-' Cc,4e1 Foreman' 7'177 7—,97,Of Field Technician: 00c'6 tf't.iy-j.c Miles: J Hours: Equipment Working' inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: / a c.,j > 'co ,9.'77. o. 7,#7) - /77,4S 0A.LS 3 43 0/QF,4 2 /3,Q i,4A-' 4&y,OOA) ,27 VSJI/. 11( TF/2 I oA C..)f5ili) f /70 So /(')I!S7— JA..17E/o,' /'11# 7F,4'. 744FL) QJj, 7P f,657(,' 5orh'1,t7Z4,o/2 (--.411J 4'/11/)-5y-,F ci/' 7 CJOAK ,4r ,*30c,r 7-4/( £c c) 74/ Fi 7Z' / aA' J,4i/, W /2Ik' / S ,20i1n,, oP 7/ 241Y ,4tP 3!30 0 -- '' ,,- ,4-cK 7t/7m o,4,90 c.i 417 7'20 ,. Supervisor: I Enulneep t9'—"- Geologist ; Todayk Yardage: Yardage to Date' IL ,i&IIIigg'ueert,Iüc \j crvi o 04 III!IGIWJ .4Ao04,av,pgN0 COI4I,0r.I'.O SOIL $04,450 COfilIrnLCIIO1I 54345C1105 vu INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE W. VISTA, CA 92083 619-727.0282 101 A (471) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy I I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Job Name: 7171E s/Ic'/4'çs Project No:,fI- ;7 Date: 7136187 .0cotion:5Fcp,04 £r- 4ii Weather: e-'Aiz. Day:Th/uA$,y Contractor: 1)7c Foreman' 7W27 Field Technician: ,00cl6 jJj -,._',-,,'o Miles: Hours: Equipment Working: ,Q2cgy4 /97i ,r,F,4 inspection/ Testing of fl74 -t. A' Summary of Operations: -5 13117 6 ,, e4-..) c3.4 X/A-1 6 .dr ,ASS ci, 71 00 .472 CA.) J ) f S, / ,4 2 /d7#3 o c' f 1-40,> , ISIg ' Ys..pi, ,z,'/s y- jr'x IS y c- irz SOU 64lI 7c 1' 9 ". &JZJ- ec...'5 A-'7A r/,/ j4s7 - #-c rFA' o' l2 I /','Ids .rrA'3 wq ro full ,4/7- d ,-w'r- r-A A,,2i-,Vdf,J'Zr ,7F,F2 / c2A' Ce,2,JI' CI 7t> Cl/I c1s,3>9-/::) ,4 /,4r F'r7j,Qio,' e.L)4//. Z cI/ ,',7' I7 C4-'d-5 ,t)07 (Q,,,FgJ7-, ',4fr J,1/,O //F,9 come ,#,4c1C 7-/% ,9F77F) jL ccZ 7',r7 'A" cr (#7Sas) T/?417 7;W f/A oc'?F'-'7 /'A' Ar.4ee22c 1 -6 /3z- 1 ),9/1 1114A"z d c.'F,Qr).' /3F,CCA'é .r ---il ,441ss ,7 ,'uE ,4!So 4 7//517- C7'/A.' /310 dC C#115 542 j ce,r- 15 ,e7 >', f1014f /Qo Cf/7J .'-6 Y vcj2 CouA'SJIS. 7/I'S iS 0 -0",J y-, £15/ ,F,c1,'0 4' (4141/. '2'- ti7JIX FOA' I VA-'c,4V 1,00. woi2X /$16iAj6 //i'J , jJ7 !00 CA.) ,kIE ,fu4 Y y,Vi,.c ,s 77#?4r/:7 ,4'-.' 3o 0 10-1 /224'AS I Ik.'E Or /FA- c, 2':. 0. f 77 A.-47 Xf',tMiO. neer . 662Jio9iss : Toda;s. Yardage rdage to Dates r rr II&IIiiugIueen. 11w OWl &*D oImluu(dGm:us .lmNDl4,avlplWl M*COdiI mO SON lSUW - . coIsla,u INSOICIOII 211 INDUSTRIAL Cr SUITE Al.VISTA. CA 92093. 619.727.0282 101 (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Job Name: 74/s ej Project No: /3ff -,27 Date: 713116 7 Location: i~,g410 giv Weather: ,q4,11? , (4I4I7 I Dayc€2104y Contractor: , .4,g7-4/ Ce -,Q7 Foreman 7/77 'Q/'F Field Technician: Miles: Hours: Equipment Working: inspection/ Testing of fi2oA14 1N'-rjA' fiSo4I,4)- CL)421 Summary of Operations: AA,q ICILO axi /1/Se cJ7 7 C) 4127. rn4Se—'s 6'4?F 6,-Y.i6 7V K 4k) ts7ZQIy / oA c.AII. '-' 7-Ar JO-13 /7 7445 ,4J0t)4I IE J 1?24S)3 3 l4ic,QFS 'f / o14'FA' IA'f3o/W' L#4J164) 7/4. ,Ccp/,%j6 5 ,4/2 y- col 'n's. (.11 5 , ,-e'4,: Tø5 'iJ6 ,4'Qf AF5T0.-I L',VII ois cjc 45 14/3 o,cVA'S C44#0 O'J7- 6120cJ7-I2) eFiI5 vi r 1# /c/' XFY AISe'. 64( eFE /o,',,,.éO 7//4'T 744 C I$3,*7 ,c-)S/Vc70dE' CJ,#5 ,4?'Zf )F~7F,1O9Y , 92 4,44Qo &ie 74 So c a4lJ ,c' oó t /(/,c'7 o,Qcf,i7/'JT. a 5d4 tjp, o.-' iT /5 ,77cic,4/ TdFA-1C1/ , e77O"7 iiI I A-JFE 70 /E A)F/? #4iZ# w c'-'-' 5c ,4-1477 710 C'4g'5S /Z ec',rh' 774 f'6f oi' rk' Ic7_ ,97 /o;3o, T,4,/F ,'z2dso.s T,41( I7 ,T ,4fl,qf/1,25 rhT 'S All JFY e'i1I ,007145v1Y. Supervisor: I Engineer: Geologist; Todays. Yardage: Yardage to Date '(ii II&lliingl,,eers Inc \9 CNN 4a0 Oh IhvthGmftOI S NSCOMIJOSANO 105 ,ums , C00WJCS Oh5PICI5 VU INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE 4 VISTA. CA 92083. 619-727-0282 101 A (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Job Name: TT" Project No:/tJ -7 Date; 12cation:S,f),,A C4,157 ,3lU4 Weather: czF,c'A'., 4/t'T Day;,flou,9 Contractor: 117e64,4;-111 C'g7 Foreman' 7;46,4!'F Field Technicians )oc?6 %7F4J7/4_0 Miles: J Hours: Equipment Workings inspection/ Testing of /71c1,41*2 ,T7 /4' tA' Summary of Operations: ,4g11 c)I2D ) 5,7:f• ,4,7 Z'e'o ,4/7• '2Z'#$ o #.J5 7 5779127 o#QK. ,,Q57 Adc 67AI1 c,445 7-0 ,C,Ad/S,9' AlE FA'7IQ,o4 C.1d'II. ,7oQF CoJ4SF ,1 4 Full 4" 7J,fr e.' i,J Cd,1,-'JZ3 ? GL44M'F 41 CASM.J i 9JS, ci'.' S,7 6 /?( 'F6'7 7V1Ql)" A.QF Tc, Z ,Q.WS o&) s 9 e',4iQ 5 /7tAJ r,r ,g c# 7,'i( i'sr ,1Ar Lc,4i rfrS 1720,4AJIA'6 ' file 644' 74/7', rh's , c 72,42 os e.#S /lF,O ,47 ,49 J20 9!é7i0 UVv l,4r,A-'ó cwrii 7'1F FTC. ,4aL1 cc-'45 CIEJ #4 . /2oc0y' çog,o 64190deow j"//I). 7 -700K 2 Cfr(/,t-OFA' 7577 776 6t2 # ,4' 51 rsr our 3 13Y ,2f3oci7 Z,30 A-'Q (47 4 y -. Supervisor: Engineer: .r Geologist: Today. Yardage: Yardage to Date: r iia.I C 4a0 UUI1fI COIIMidèI ms,sc,i VII INDUSTRIAL Cr SUITE A VISTA. CA 92083k 619-727.0282 101 A WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy Ado3 !UO — Clog Ado3 pOi — )INId Ado3 IUe!I3 — M0113A Ado3 °t! — 3LIHM (LL*') viol C8O6 V3 V.ISM P 311flS 13 7VlU4SflONI SI £ SHoS HoIflHSIHO2 • DHollj not Ott tOIIPIO.,I3d ON.114W010N,I • IWIDH'ONt £fltpl,D Ott nq wills, 1•4O 04 9DPJDA • :b.DpJDA AL :JGOU!U3 :JO!AJOdflS 1fl 710Y pz 'c' /a'' J,Z11 s' • C:f / C/c72 cV41/P '(4?1 °21'T1 '20 fr'fl 3V'd' 5 2 Y / çt7 J7'c,/ 7VJ'r tc)2 cx'zt i7c/ci/ 42 i-' z-' (// Jfffl 5j,9'c7 z' 55fç'-j pr'oc fr7 VI i' c'r' J1 Jf . ?47 7—J321 ' V°-1-'c/ccY/ .JO Apels, 74 ?-d. qz (-v 74/O/, f39' di? 9c fL J JVfr' A 'c7-)-( 9 --'c'm '°r 7/L • Li,'4'S • -vfpfL ,7fr'i7 /O If7j' Y J',-V '0 'C)0) 7 V. ç JP,Vv2 -"fl2' $7Y#'r7 /fly%(vZ (-fl, yic" (-w'g Q4f 5•/ 3','frta 5/9O// _ SY&' )V° c21. 09 • /oy,/p vyt/ : $U0i4DAødO io Laowwn 40 6U!s9sj,uo!439dsuj 7/(-r) sU!)IJ0M 4US1Ud!flb3 :a4noH IIPl :S orff..erv;/C2/ ''°c7 :UO3Uq3Sj PI!. 'c&'L sUDWeJ0 '' Xr'-'U :J043DJ4UO3 ADO. d''/ Y't' :JS44DSM4?V t7 Ys7Yp7 t J V O35 :U0!4DDO L9/fr/g :84DQ 9- Z101 :ON 43010Jd $cY"4'$' 7,/IL :SWDN qo :ON 180d3èi 0131- A1Iva p DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Al ob Name: riJ 5,44,Qt3 Project No: -!87 Date: Location; c4,4'5t'/ tQc',,4 ST. Weather: Ié/// /1,7- Day;jis, 3. Contractor; 7?. ,'Y7c C,1,Q7'/')- co,c,Qfa Foreman' '17) Field Technician: /-j'c Miles: _T Hours: Equipment Working' Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: j JS,7C ,4c'c7 /J.'30 7714'iZ Z',4s Y 7AhIS. ,4A'F CIA-1 ,5-17 '4c,ii6 1A'/CfMFA C rr' ,''o '4' 5,'2 ocr I'1-,4E 1151-67- Y r,4/E 7 0,4-,' , 7 7z,o. /FJ7 ,r'4- f/OgC1IJ7 c.<.i1 S I ,i,t. /3a -4/ 77Y k77-1.AJC T4/ 4-,411S. 1461 6f4o,05 70 6A007- 74 64Il5 9' i5 77 C 6/2oc.'r 41/4c, /A7) ,r;f CA'cwT- ,CcX71A}6. 7 Af"ise, 7t ,4l/c CLi -'64 ,'s (_20004-vj 172v 40-i7— ,4t/,'6 7-,4y- 7Yk F6,1,'é ,Q21', S2 WV -.'i y 74 E'/. TYJc.' r&)CKS ,/'/') &j,CX), 7 r,2c1c-ir' C4A2/?,/Z ca/eiz' /E2A' t/E ,-h(J6r &W,-,4/ -ic ,4',4eéi) C4-J'7Q7- $fca,,O 7c1CJ( Oc)6h'7 6'Qc'c' ,vciI is /1,1c ,, -Y40- Supervisor: Engineer: 4;Todayiw Yardage: Yardage to Date' ,"f Ii&II IingIncert 11w CrdM ,00uas.,vgG*Daa .&L,osuaylv*G COIluUkAO MIA ,saluNo coi,a.,ii M'JPICIIVM 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE .4 viSTA. C492083 619-727-0282 101 A WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy I r DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Name: Z//_K s/443 ;0tcati Project No: i3t:r -p87 Date: c9/(J87 onsC4AZ3f34f 4Z u,0. f5t;::puc),,4 Weather: cc//&- DaY&f76'JAsOn) Contractor: Inc-61'.147-111-1 Foreman' 77,77 Field Technician' Dou6 Muss: Hours' Equipment Working' Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: PI(-'K QA-) 576 A/30c.-1777 /,'J/3 eA'jQ$ ,E ,dFi2K. -' ,4'E S 7ccXiA-) 6 iiL OCX /1A.',O F/31A'i6 jcc,,Q /V,4Sc&' 5 7 17oA741 /77 / E JeA '/C,O ' o3 ,4- 0 (-)O4'K OcAE LJiS,' roA' S ,,on Y j#72K /?er-K /24. c'' 5 S4'y 7/c)Q ,4/72 Supervisor: En4ieer: Geologist: Todays, Yardage: Yardage to Dot.' (9 lt&ll ThIgIneerH 11w Cr411 AMD amity l*G*W,aI S £Ar4r4 Wavltm9 of" 4IW114MDson 111,551 1' c.siaio mzeCt 2W INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE A VISTA. CA92on. 619-727.0282 101 (4.??) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy Ado3 831ijo — 0109 Ado3 PI'W — )INId Ad03 1U01I3 — M01I3A Ad03 — 3.LIHM (LL) viol reonvo YLSM Y. 31JflS 73 7YlU1SflONI iSit IflWW LY,WIINO3 OMSUS "Saw OOJPIO3VSd At Oml.IANAI ONVP• IWID*lUlIUIIDOOV tM&3 1:PII'NJa;HIIflliqp ' s14DØ 04 •6DPJDA : .6DPJDA 940p0j1 4$i60069 ).eUIDU3 :JO$!AJSdflS O2,fr A 1/ c17770/ S/ ?'c'Qr) - r L i-v l/7-Es6"ti'o/ 7S' 41/-1 t/01 Z#.7'7 !1fl 77tJd '2J c7t .71'j?C/CA/ c2.). 5-i 17C'( /1Er) 05 /O / /3' ('4/ .:??' 05f' ', 6 c2L J/? Wdh107, 57 ,71ir1 -/Q C1CY VL L(/ .2/.9 '-(,/4Jc/t/2 'yO' 'vcz/-gf.cr-f • ç/6'7S I5' 't7g7 .J V9 5 Oyl'/Z0 ' r çt--a 5'1Yco' 7 CV-V i-v f/I y 9' IYk .A 6'C't21 (10 9('V/ X 2/i-)9 ol Lc'or/-/ c"-Y ..?ft-1 rvc' O'rv1? 77jYi-V //1r05; 'f c-vO E'—L '(YC), 57 A f/(7 ',VF-07--7 -L 71;I' r0 5-'W Cwfr ct' Q0, 4/ //ç r-vO IUO!40I.dQ $0 £JDWWnS 7?/rr7 vc'o çi#/ 40 6us9j / U0143SdSUI 6uplJ0M $u1wd1nb3 lJfl0H J : S$$ 0 w•.LrY:7G( r) O/ sUD3u43ej PI14 i-" 0_L u D W eJo, ,41L1 4fr'7 //l/ : JO $3 DI$ UO3 7f1DO 1 V" 3J0114D1M f/(7(-)&75 7t p7 C/b'7Y7'b7,uoi4o3o /2/ _94Di1 LOt'-)'9' :ON $0Jd 9 "/$_J//L_:IWDN qo :ON ..LèIOd3I G1311 AlIVa F- L DAILY FIELD REPORT No: b Name: 77' Project No: /3EJ -,287 !240/8 -7 cation' c4 ISI34) /31i'o !ontractort Weather: Coc.'L Cioc-',OY Day;,,4y JT) ccxQEr Foreman' 7c',77 Field jr,chnician; l),,yC Miles: Hours' Equipment Working' ,92ôArd12 1271AF,Q. inspection/ Testing of OA44' CAJ#//5 Summary of Operations: %l,1/21 uf 0Aj JO/3,-~ 1 -p Ar 7.'co 4ir,. 2,4S O'J 5 4t, ;4,2 ,'?E,4*2 J4J C 70 60 ir C4J0A7X. I'9/3oA7F,2S t3J2i4".i / /2-7 ?Si-1/ £',S1J',4'5 ,-o&c ,7-7 CA'AJj6u C .4/2F 7' 'r7 /12, ir ,72- c>7,2j-'J Y 3 ,4&i:) ,9ii 7b.o4'r 1 9"—' 77k A/47A.)7 AJC) F- 7—ICAJ 1re,oj ..4,t-',o 7/h' AAF/) 49,20 (-41,0 rl4r ,J7u4;rv%' 5h,4,4r- ISO u ,-,/ J0/',-9s r v i-' ivI/ /17 7-1145 4J2 t'/ 2c ,t1 ç 6F ( 57J-7 'c-,- FA16.) 7/1,'r i'oA-'A YJ 741E 5 ci j-4.',Q ,4aE Cct7#' C.JC17EZ 1J31&6 /?Ic'CX 2,,tJ7:dc;e3.-. 17- 4- j,',- 77421r' ciiô J,s,eci-o,'. ,ge.re / 1Z10 rc' ,s/'Ir r A,4 56 u 7;J &ti91i ,4t'L 7/ (u7- Sfcri o'.'. /"f A oC.-'EiLJ ,c r,V /fX5. The- y 2 ou rEO 71-4'6" ,'-i 77/E /7O/2AJj A' c - d1c rA' /29/)150-AJS c iErZ'J 04I I'S A02/o OP S& . . Supervisor: Engineer: Geologist; Todays Yardage: Yardage to Dot.' rf 7 84111agifteow, 11w' c OWl D OIMIU1 I(.SAIMS S MNO IVlWI NAM muuo sail ,U,t,S CSl'iliS JPICI 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE *: WST4 CA 92083. 619-727-0282 101A (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT No: 9cations b Name: 7/, 54455 Project No -,287 Date r tzo /32,0 VSEuo,,51 Weather: cL4A, ,i4r DOY;'Tc1j Contractor: fl2c r,y'y Foreman' 7-o,77 Field Technician' 1Qou6 i7E..'7-,A_'o Miles: Hours: Equipment Working: Inspection/ Testing of /770,2 71( ji) MFA/6/2c'c,7 U,?9A 1745ti,4 Y C4jooW,1-5 Summary of Operations: )oL3 -S17-;F 13 7((4J4) IS 1341i6 .4 ,fl,45 0 A.J 7/.24 yr'), 3 1,14 CA'FA'S j3j? 14'-' .1 In YS,4246 .410 07- 72.2 o 4'2r ,4,2,0 ti7K 74 5,7 ,4 Ac5,AJ6 770,4AJ1dJC 3,'gEdfC-191 4dT -44 /7 ,7, 14?F ,- ,- ,Q11,4d 'ic Dvi? ,é y3 CA.I y 11774,50^-J J t..' oA',i 6 1 r- ,'), th c ôA'% ,t C C'^, 7-,5 C/A',OEA SF OL,L-., 779'E r,Q7-4" /711,/52-f4S. 130 7-,41 sys ), ,*w ('1l/)-57 ,4?F C ZZA/z 14,'ai 7-4 C.c.' 4" 7—//ñ ,' 57TéI2 j4,477 7,44 ,2,OE,QS C- ill i2 E 7' 0" ,4/3 o LIE rh'E 97 413ou7- i'30 il 6/2ou- 7AU0X ,429)L1E7) ,4AJL 7.41f Sour/I P/0,4' (-(-4411 ,4ic.,O 77,14 AJ /C. 0- "-'tAE 6i2oc'rF v i'8' 612o?- £4J45 JJ/J .(JJ4j 600 A'E3 V2 1 6/20u r- CcJ4 ç (.&IEFMJ6 ô O 41/ -5,441-3 c-oj2X .U0I2 cJ4-S j'/ U10 /3 )' 3.130. 77/f CA-I/LL Supervisor' En9InOr>I.lPh1( ' Geologist; I odays Yardage; Yardage to Dates — lots CA EMO LIUIMII • (14WtI rtl, 'Mc. I laCOI4HVI Ma SM HI mj,.1I 2U1 INOUSIRIAL CT. SUITE A MM CA 92083. 619-727.0282 101A (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK - Fluid Copy GOLD - Office Copy I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: jb Name: 7-4/f 54 ,4'f Project No' ,3j--.2e bate: ation'cs4,3,4/j S,ui,4 Weather: CIF,M, )4- Day:w1isrn-y Contractor; j7- C14,2rly QEE Foreman' 7•1r2 7/h'A'/'E Field Technician; ,,,.j Miles: Hours' Equipment Working' j77C,? 742 /77 /,rf,4. Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: 1441Q ) uf,O 0^-j - Jc i3 u r- '7-'Co 4777. ,tJo 1,95 , s o,ij -5 ci'r 7-0/7? . '1i-00 T24/IQEE , Z4'3 cA'F/2s ,9,2E ,4I'F ,4T230 7- Z' / c ,4'lr 3j2jJ U1.5,1 TiO ,'i-t 7C9 /7 ,4A'L417I y, '5 ,',4-s a A—i S ,4Ø4t1E 4' u i 7- 4A-i/7 9f /,L 7-8,&,/7J 7c (o/2/( 42'O--V 7-0,014 Y /9/2OcAEs ~ J2240K / S y-t, /'c)r U,4 /307/1 £4S7 ,4tiO &LJoFS 7- CA'AJf4S CF 7*4 so c'y-,9' 7Z' / '44J2. 4r ,4ic — /0.' 00 ,4,n . 177 i X( /-E4f2 77/>' C142il7 7-o /;-9 ,4,t.'/) 7-0-,',0 111,7? it' /'/,II 7W'L 3 01:3S /,7- 7n 177,4-5 CA-1 Ic&/7E ' /Z jiSi0ter-J j /) ,434 o c"-'- 10!30 4r7). 7 /7) 5,4 '5 7.'c, 0 7' 7?o,4,Qo i W / 7-Al 4 Supervieor J Engineer: TGeologist; Todays, Yardage: Yardage to Date (Tf lt< IingIAcerN Inc Cft' ako OIMiflISGWIJ • lAND IUIVIPme FCDINUUN AND SON 1551*1 CONSIIUCININ INSPICI*N 211f fNOUSTRIAL Cr. SUITE 4 WST4 CA 92083. 619.727-0282 - IOU A (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy a I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: ob Name: 7fif S/'4I3 Project No' ,3ir ;287 Dote:,//3 ocation' c l3L34iTj tS/xu014 Weother:CIou,y Cccl Day:7 ciA.y Contractor' fl7c 4i2rlAv' Cc'-'c4erE Foreman' 70/ Field Technician' 7J_'6 Miles: Hours: Equipment Working' /; n), 7412 47i,rf2 Inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: ,4A/2 lLif/) c ) C)3S1T1f ,T ''O ,k'Z4S o"A' y c'AFc /5 //e/2E 44"-hO ,'A'F,O6l/' ' C WJ /QK, 7D1919 Y 4AF 7W0 ,'774S c-'-) S yz /7), 7,4ZEf /2/,'2s . C /F,QLlr ,~'/E ,1Q j41AJ ,7 'Lifr3 /21XE 47y/J', f 0A'. 7½?F Th'-o CCF, c tjcA',ë CA-) 7-hl4 Z ,'c41 014/,1 4dEoI1A1. 7 C/'i OA-,, -C C)7 5r-, C A-I /AJ6iAJ /7 (9/a 70 / Liii ,4c'( Ccj,4 4,r?9fti,f /J2Cfl1 77'/ 5&- c44J) A&.',O iWo /40i7 7-,9r ,IO,4..i7— ,4,4E4. ,''2,1~Ot)S C-.)c/2/( ôU7Ji77 7111 A'3ocii i'c' OA..J 7-,th fY'OAJ7- ,1A'f,4'. C4IZ?5i3,4L' c,71' /AAFC,-C/f ,4f,7 $J,hs a° 157 EoA' 4 w ,ctSA' SF LJé,U'I Q c1E3 7-, o '-'S 4 c Y6I2 r/c42 AF/AoJCEn7FIt/7- /3F,'A'E 6'Acc' r.'A-' C J ) WCA,1 /j 1<6eif,2 o/' 4 Y-15'oô A'/'. Supervisor: En4ieer: Geologist: Todoys Yardage: Yardage to Dot.' '(T1 I&lIThg1,w1AV, 11W &o au44l,,lGmIIaI . iAMD1UWflI son IUftvS seCI STRIAL CT. SUITE WSTA. CA 32083. 619-727.0282. - W21111NDU— 101 (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy DAILY FIELD REPORT No: b Name: /J€, 7*f 5AI,j3 Project No; Jfj7 Dote:81141877 ocation1 ,4,,g,g/J Weather: t4i2v Day:FA,,3,4 Contractor: Foreman 7?'i7 Field Technician: )Jc)G jJA ,'z-,Ao Miles: . Equipment Working' inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: j-f 7 24 Y —. L. ,41y- 4,M 0 IQKIQ..S C777E ,ç?,ti,o CIFJ? &. S TO /Q 7 74 C& V1774J5. 7 --'CA' AE/2 ,-' ed,264 6E /O2,4J,lU. fi6 Supervisor: Geologist; Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date' i"4111111iffift"w, Inc CdN âO aum&,,,u.GaaaRa . IAO IUIVIPNS MacoImfaeoSOu IU,m - CONSIMMINN 11C101 2W INDUSTRIAL Cr. SUITE A WST4 CA .92082 619.727.0282 101 A WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: b Name: T84 SAh'ALS i0catiow Project No: eei ,287 D0t ?//7/ c OI5/347z I&'CO 15éup,,4 Weother &iI Day:,VcDñy Contractor: -7—,i Foreman' 7V in Field Technician: ,Z7006 /:K ,t.7-,A_)c, Miles: Hours Equipment Working' CA1c'irZ inspection/ Testing of /221SO A-iA q'JJj,s Summary of Operations: ,'g141 uéa c" -j- ,*3O u7- e.'oo 14177, g -42iyJy ,4'i3O c?Lcj ,4 ,,mP C/21.c, ,44F #4/4I,412 y QAJ 517—Z, 1 jetj i-jr 41// 5CAJ,4 u13ES , F-5/iccf22 Y ,Cc'o 7',t.' C5. 7W 0 ,c-007-1A-16_S E,OIFD 4/-7Z/7o,i-i,1f cIf,4AJ,,t (1' 14A,O 7111-5 41(' /S 1'6A7 3Y7O/2y-4 y ,4c,774 6'cc, ij/f cc,<'fr( 7?&.'cK rh1E Ccl U lnA.JS. ,o c - A y Th1i /2i97/' J&E /&' y- 744 '0-&i,4 7V/3f ,41AL vft 711I ,64SE &—' /7h" 7// A'FTZ #4c I,,'31247?M' 14-1,45 03fi'O 70 Cc,71,Z4C7- 7h4 c'QE7 IA-,779.f 7i1,f, E 7 cA' o uAl C Yl /U,OF,' 775jS CCAJ c4e,-E ,41A-2 ,41 6I uflV 7?57-. 7h SL w72/O c,fl7Z Cu T 417 2 ~ Il 5/Fc s c4/ie-L) 772,1' X'F7 I VPZ' 57;477x) J" 4/" EUZ7A''&6 5 A0i21e ,/' 4/ /0/Jo ,0'. Supervisor: Engineer: Geologist $ 'w 10 do J!~~ Todays Yardage: / Yardage to Date' (t itdl Ihk,eerN Iit CNI 40 II 4It,StGN.UP1 S IDS&MWPl I rIScoimI s*D SOIL ISSIV4O 1' • *S,tcSIL 2W INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE W VISTA, CA 92083. 679-727-0282 101 (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy I r DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Wb Name: 7/1e5/4g,5 Project No ation:,4j,g, 3I ?St14 Weother:cL,, j4r Day,-,F121134 Contractor: 17?c 4,Q7/ COijc,Z76 Foreman' 7c/7) Field Technician' Miles: Hours' Equipment Working' Inspection/ Testing of sw..4y w4'II3 Summary of Operations: 7I4/2€ ,S S~47 (.J,' 7 Qj7- ç4r cz/~7,oyxl ij Z//7- y-,,ze 7/4. 7WC r,Qu cx' ,IA',Q,(2t49 47 ll.'-3o Ji92Aw6 60 1- y4i21éi. T 4' 7JJJS 6 (5,40u77 A:àe,j, 'AS7 - FC C)AJ,O 7/2 ucXS - /// S £c.j4$ 4-4y JA.J 7-44 y'i y tidI/ ,v'o yz',4' 7;4f 6Aoci A) 4f2 Cf'25 ,'oc4' .SJ..9,3 .OoeYIS t4f S27 "x' -,'4 irt-.i,y/S, ti/ '-<--' A'// I 7A'&cs c-c'.'t, 3 ,-6" 9 ,-il (?5 ci'i) 42D.~ 70 AY ,Ic1gKE- Cc'K7E. ,47 4'3 0 A' ,Z). Ji) 7 AS 7I4)' /&) /:;iC)eC)cc)r Olu 77+ ,(-'O/7-ft" L:Ws7- E1II/AJc 'Y i7 C4-)I.:S T,4AJ ,00WA., t(_)J// ,tif ip j21,'3 Supervisor' Engineer: IGeologist; Todays, Yardage: 7 Yardage to Date: (T 114111MIJIftews" Inc'. CNN O O4MIUIIlmIIAS I lAND IUIV(VAN p(aiUUN ADO 101 IHIVAS tONIIIUCIIOD mV$CIION 2111 INDUSTRIAL cr SUITE VISTA. CA 92083. 679.727.0282 101 (4.77) WHITE - Fit. Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: Name: r/-/E S/7,4TS woole Project No: -,2''7 Date: //, atlon'C44i5,3,q, Weathers Contractor: ,.29eC4A 771/-' Cc,uc,4er Foreman' Field Technician: /j,u 0 Miles: Hours Equipment Workings 64o or /ig/' inspection/ Testing of fi2,42~e'u,Q)-' CcJ,5j/5 Summary of Operations: Ques 71 4w '/' ,C'c 5 L4L3 ,O o 7T1hS c4-c ,ç17 ,'?7 IA'E ,'9Z- ChQy-/i4'S 7.4f ,76/3 141,V,' O'L ç CLSIJ c-'--' III 4JJF'. 70 C-'.K JJt A'/5 D/? iiLe /&i LFAP1'u,O1AJ6 C A' t:.4)/lft- 7M ' .~4 Vc. Supervisors Engineer: Geologist; Todays. Yardage: Yardage to Date' (T1 ILcII IingIneer Inc. C AD uvStGAI S I*SD Moll=offivall 505 IlUS (0SSI.UCMIS *SMCI 211? INDUSTRIAL Cr. SUITE 4 VISTA. CA 92083. 619.727.0282 - 1021 101A (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: b Name - Project No: ,Ej-28i Date: 8/1.2/,q7 ocation:42z5/3,ç1, 4 Weather: Day: Contractor: 77e 'rz/' Foreman' 7,72 Field Technician: 1)006 Miles Miles: Hours' Equipment Working: ''y ' inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: ,TA14, 791F o ,4'/&i jOO c i II F-J4 ,41$ ,3LIA C? />IAJIX' (J/) ,4v,O "S A'fc'u -?'f/c7 c',u s 7-40 uc j-, 7-QA ,4', jj 3 /, ci/25, ,ixF/J clia .4 / /2'c7 /,J 7C Y) 'AFA' ,4..&ij '4'A-ii:3 1 6-1r.o 17- /,(J7 7*/j /JI/1~7A 4 314 £-'EJS 27- (4,4C'd' 77,'x rE' 7t2 ,OFS 1gf C AJ5/.S7 F-tie 5-'. 7-//s 2L17. coAK , -t,'SJ4Z) 47- ,4f3, 1.'30 7h?E /31 o CA. TIJ/ £.q_'J12 4f 6OZi I/,17P/2. Supervisor: I Engineer: Todays Yardage: —0ologist TG Yardage to Dots (T II41 Ihsgbeers, Inc. OIl LID OIMMIIftGULJ • WIVt Pal ,(lCllmpal LID SOD vistas • coIs,IlgsIm aSMCS vN 2111 INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITEW VISTA. CA 92083. 619-727-0282 - '021 101A (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK - Field Copy GOLD - Office Copy I It DAILY FIELD REPORT No: b Name: TI/f ~514é/7ES Project No: I3tj -2f87 Date: ocations41gs3,47/2 Weather: ',c.v ,4,- Day; Contractor: Foreman' 7v ,,,.--7 Field TechnicIans Miles: Hours: Equipment Workings /77c2/27Z' inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: ,y ,4'2c c'7 Z2.'3 0 7Zi'-? 7z, i,4j2 L c',4,JJ4.,C J .,A-1 7d —.44 0/Isyc€. .7 7'0X 2L'Z<1 /3 r,2O c'K ,-A4A Jo /,z7E. 4j- 7T/2-'CK 2J,9 -o — F c_ill fr-' JF,-?7/'Y-y /7 /c.',4',Q E A'' 7 ,1,IJ 7' Supervisor: IEngineer Geologist; Todayt Yardage: Yardage to Dates (Ti Nadi 1111ontw c.vu *ocvI.,,V.GmSia1 . lAND samatlNs I NamHUN'J.DSCN lIlIAN goNlMuCl ANICIAN 2ItI INDUSTRIAL CT. SUITE E VISTA. CA 92083. 619.727.0282 101* (4.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy I I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: b Name: i —r/r 6g Project No: ,ez A,tS7 Dote: ocation; Weather: cc,r'g, j47— Contractor; 2r tgy4-' j-'çr-- Foreman' Field Technician; )Jo(16 J3j,t)7 —, Mills: Hours Equipment Working' inspection/ Testing of Summary of Operations: 774 y/,s 't' r4' Y. &-r ee c1-uAc.417E c,,c tc.'dt 011O A-107- 2 c7%' )/4- 0 CA-, 5 FA 3) eL'7f £'se/. f) ,o iAif ') (Aif / J<'4c2 (J 7747 ,C.'C' Cl/S a &..E.tJ C_i#1S c-ci2I 7-A')' Z) 6-/7- 00/' ,C 7A1E 7/21'f CA'Fi 4,c,i<' 731X'AJ6 it' /'4"-' c--' r,4 J'A4AJE f cc.i,'S Jcl,'ft'O ,27e#t.1,7,*fr' 77 ~ (1/i 6g1,47 &4tS # 'S'1 AJ,t , -,'/1e,'7, r 1A1 ? AS 4/ 5 IS / it) 6 A',f/2 Supervisor: OF Engineer: Geologist; Todays Yardage: ' Yardage to Date' (T ItcII Th,glwrx Jc CAN LNO O(lmu,,INGmnaa • ~sump" N5 SOIl 1511*1 1 coNu*4 1410 INMICIWN 2111 INDUSTRIAL Cr. SUITE 4 VISTA, CA 92083. 619.727.0282 101 (4.77) WHITE - File Copy YELLOW - Client Copy PINK — Fluid Copy GOLD - Office Copy I DAILY FIELD REPORT No: ob Name: 7E 3/h/21s Project No: /3j,r .-J,97 Dote:9/,/87 ocationsj,1 0, Weather: c -4X 3 ,— Day;,a,,jozy Contractors -,7~--, Foreman Field Technician .Z22L'6 Miles: Hours: Equipment Working' C/4AJE Inspection/ Testing of 5/~t' C/ii Summary of Operations: )7loo ,l,7? ,c)4' /4 jJ2/Z9 lOOK. 7A'uC15 Ie7,1/2F, t'1 77-1 .5 ,O/4-- - c*',Ey (JF42 l,.<.ié7 -tJ c, i3L3.4O jl L'/ ,4k42 y 4A-'t JJ3 r- 6777&i C xx,170 A-.' /47 .4'CcJ7 j/'ci p 77) c"t-' /QO 6A'F5. /47 274S O, A-) 7- y-, J013 '(/,4' ,g,ti,es ei-, ,iec i,,c7-f,J ,-t-.7c .S 01 f7liz7és 7Y-.c-.'O ,17 /4 7219'9 4 17 7 /4 --'fl1 c/46,1'ti #'f/2 /~7 cA(44rioij . F7 J057- 20- Soc.,,/ tcj4JJ, '-- ,4/ir //4ç,7- ~iat L'l2 7-M-5 17 e ll uAi -t (c '- z y 4c'w7 ,5") ,r r, JZFA-' th~ LLc ~4LO /' 1ç4'cr y4'X/ j / 74/ /4 2 "vJJ" 57i/2 ()4!/ Jl,4cc,o A—'F47Y3 7'40- '7f " h47— 7-A# -L4f/2 i2ct'A/.j C ,~ &'j12 Supervisor: A Engineer: Todays Yardage: Yardage to Date' (1T ILclI lacer Inc v' (AHO IMlv(PI ,(.col Mow "Oman IIU*S 1 ecIlhIOIIOIIl lIlSFlCl 2111 INDUSTRIAL Cr SUITE E VISTA, CA 92083. 619.727.0282 505* 14.77) WHITE — File Copy YELLOW — Client Copy PINK — Field Copy GOLD — Office Copy LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 0 e SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 8280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 (619) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714)524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 82280 8191346-107B 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (819) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE:' July 7, 1987 Y@ CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Carlsbad 0 GROUT OWNER: 0 GUNITE ARCHITECT: . ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Column Footing CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: D. Beard TRUCK NO TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 8899 8900 MARK: IRK #1 IRK #2 DATE MADE: 6-23-87 DATE RECEIVED: 6-26-87 DATE TESTED: 7-07-87 721-87 DIAMETER. INCHES: 6.00 AREA. 50. INCHES: 28.27 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 94,300 126,500 COMPRESSIVE STR.• PSI: 3,340 4,470 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 14 28 REGO PSI AT 28 DAYS: 4,000 UNIT WT/Cu FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: David J. Akers, R. C. E. #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. - 6280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (B IS) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714)524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (819) 346-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (819) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE July 30, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores . MORTAR ADDRESS: Carlsbad, Ca. OGROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Retaining wall CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: POCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: RDD I. TRUCK NO: . TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 9886 9887 9888 MARK: DATE MADE: 7-02-87 DATE RECEIVED: ' 7-22-87 DATE TESTED: 7-30-87 7-30-87 7-30-87 DIAMETER, INCHES: 2.00 AREA. SQ. INCHES: 3.14 MAXIMUM LOAD, LBS.: 7,550 7,350 7,200 COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI: 2,400 - 2,340 2,290 AGE TESTED, DAYS: 28 28 28 REQ'D PSI AT 28 DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido f19 ' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: David J. Akers, R. C. E. #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 8280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20627. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 (819) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE, PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92670 (714)524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (819)346-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE August 7, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores di MORTAR ADDRESS: . Sequoia Street, Carlsbad OGROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Northeast Pilaster CEMENT: Colton PCC-Type I/Il ADMIXTURE: SAND: - POCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 0383 0384 0385 MARK: DATE MADE: 72487 DATE RECEIVED: 80387 DATE TESTED: 8-07-87 8-21-87 Discarded DIAMETER, INCHES: 2.0.0 AREA. SQ. INCHES: 3.14 MAXIMUM LOAD, LBS.: 6,900 7,850 COMPRESSIVE STR., Ps,: 2,200 2,500 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 14 28 REQV PSI AT 28 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 8280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20627. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 (819) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PL.ACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714)524-9130 46t~ 74-931 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA 92260 (819)348-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONOIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (B19)74B-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 7, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores o MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street, Carlsbad di GROUT OWNER: 0 GUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: SW Interior Wall CEMENT: Grout ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP. INCHES: FABRICATED BY: TRUCK NO TICKET NO: I LABORATORY NO: 0380 0381 0382 MARK: DATE MADE: 72487 DATE RECEIVED: 80387 DATE TESTED: 8-07-87 8-21-87 9-18-87 DIAMETER. INCHES: AREA. SQ. INCHES: 9.19 10.11 9.41 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 12,700 23,200 24,900 COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI: 1,380 2,290 2,650 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 14 28 56 REQ'D PSI AT 28 DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 0 SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: David J. Akbrs, R. C. E. #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6260 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20627. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (B 19) 200-4321 165 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTI*, CALIFORNIA 82870 (714) 524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 (619)346-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (819) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE August 11, 1987 IN CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street, Carlsbad . OGROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: Orange a ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Footing on Exterior South Wall CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER, MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: B & B EngineeringTRUcK r.io: TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 0611 0612 0613 MARK: DATE MADE: 8-03-87 DATE RECEIVED: 81087 DATE TESTED: 8-11-87 8-17-87 8-31-87 DIAMETER, INCHES: 6.00 AREA. SO. INCHES: 28.27 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 53,900 68,700 81,900 COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI: 1,910 2,430 2,900 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 8 14 28 REQ'D PSI AT.eBDAYS: 2,000 UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T,::Escondido . . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. R VIEWED BY: Russell Grant, Project Engineer SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 PIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (818) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACEMfl*. CALIFORNIA 82670 (7`14)524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (B 19) 348-1079 879 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (619)748-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 25, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street, Carlsbad QGROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Interior walls& pilasters atsouth end CEMENT: Grout ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP. INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK No: TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 1129 1130 1131 MARK: DATE MADE: 8-5-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-20-87 DATE TESTED: 8-25-87 9-02-87 Discarded DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SG.INCHES, 9.49 9.23 MAXIMUM LOAD. LOS.: 21,500 28,700 COMPRESSIVE BTR., PSI: 2,270 3,110 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 20 28 REGO PSI AT 26 OAYG: 2 000 UNIT WT/CU FT CPI,,ASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B&B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 9 0280 PIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20627. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 (619) 280-4321 165 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92670 (714)524-9`130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 82280 (619) 348-1078 678 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONOIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 25, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street, Carlsbad CX GROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: South exterior wall - lower, front NW pop - out CEMENT: Grout ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP. INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: IATORYNO 1132 1133 1134 ARK: DATE MADE: 8-11-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-20-87 DATE TESTED: 8-25-87 9-08-87 Discarded DIAMETER. INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES: 9.07 9.25 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 17,200 22,700 COMPRESSIVE STR.. PSI: 1,900 2,450 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 14 28 REDD PSI AT 28 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B&B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 8280 FIIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 (819) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 524-9130 40 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (819) 348-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 25, 1987 0 CONCRETE .JOB: The Shores 12 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Blvd. OGROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: SoUthwest section of south exterior wall CEMENT: Colton Type I/Il ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: WASORAT0RYN0 === 1119 1120 1121 1122 MARK: DATE MADE: 8-13-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-20-87 DATE TESTED: 8-25-87 8-27-86 9-10-87 Discarded DIAMETER, INCHES: 2.00 AREA. SG. INCHES: 3.14 MAXIMUM LOAD, LEIS.: 6,150 7,300 8,550 COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI: 1,960 2,320 2,720 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 12 14 28 REOD PSI AT 28 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WT/CU FT (R..A9TI3: DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: David1. Aker, R.C.E #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL. AND TESTING, INC. 8280 RIVERDALE STREET, P.O. BOX 20627. BAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (619) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 82870 (714) 524-9130 41 74-031 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 (819)348-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET, ESCONOIDO. CALIFORNIA 82025 (819) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 25, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores di MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Blvd. OGROUT OWNER: . 0 GUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Southeast area of south exterior wall CEMENT: Colton Type 1/11 ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: ABORATORY NO: SOR 1123 1124 1125 1126 MARK: DATE MADE: 8-14-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-20-87 DATE TESTED: 8-25-87 8-28-87 9-11-87 Discarded DIAMETER. INCHES: 2.00 AREA. SO. INCHES: 3.14 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 4,850 5,900 7,550 COMPRESSIVE STR.. PSI: 1,540 1,880 2,440 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 11 14 28 REDO PSI AT 20 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WY/Cu FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWEO BY: - David J. Akers' R.C.E #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 (619) 280-4321 165 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACEMTIA CALIFORNIA 92670 (714) 524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 (619134B-107B 678 ENTERPRISE STREET, ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025 (819) 745-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 28, 1987 .JOB: The Shores ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Avenue OWNER: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Concrete O CONCRETE CX MORTAR O GROUT O GUNITE C LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: Front pop out, Northwest Side Colton Type II FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: TORY NO: I 1127 I 1128 MARK: B '5 DATE MADE: 8-.14-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-20-87 DATE TESTED: 8-28-87 9-11-87 DIAMETER, INCHES: 2.00 AREA. SQ. INCHES: 344 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 5,050 6,450 COMPRESSIVE STA.. PSI: 1,610 2,050 AGE TESTED. DAYS: N. 28 REO'O PSI AT 26 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WY/Cu FT IPLAST,cj: DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido - Of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL .AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: David J. Ak rs, C. #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 8280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (819) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PL.ACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 524-9130 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (819) 348-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET, ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (819) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 26, 1987 IX CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Blvd. (3 GROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Concrete LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: Columns CEMENT: Mix Truck ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER, MINUTES: SLUMP. INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK NO TICKET NO: S ORYNO = 1192 1193 1194 1195 MARK: DATE MADE: 8-17-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-25-87 DATE TESTED: 8-26-87 8-31-87 9-14-87 Discarded DIAMETER. INCHES: 6.00 AREA. SO. INCHES: 28.27 MAXIMUM LOAD, LBS.: 111,300 124,000 140,900 COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI: 3,940 4,390 4,980 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 9 14 28 REOD PSI AT 28 DAYS: 4,000 UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido V SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: iavid ~J Aters~R.C.~E,02~6815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 PIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 (619) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PL.ACEMflA CALIFORNIA 92670 (714) 524-9130 74-931 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (6`191348-`1078 678 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 82025 (619) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 28, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Avenue ' OGROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: Prisms ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Concrete LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: - ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino 'TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 MARK: DATE MADE: 8-21-87 DATE RECEIVED: 82587 DATE TESTED: 8-28-87 9-04-87 9-18-87 Discarded Discarded DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES: 115.92 115.68 114.69 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 132,700 174,900 213,300 COMPRESSIVE STR.. PSI: 1,140 1,510 1,860 AGE TESTED. DAVIS: 7. 14 28 REDO PSI AT SB DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT (PLABTI0: DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: iav;i~dJ. A #26815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING INC. 82B0 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92120 (619) 260-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PI ACEF'JTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 524-9130 et~ 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (8191348-107B 678 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 28, 1987 0 CONCRETE JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Avenue (X GROUT OWNER: OGUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Concrete LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: East Exterior Wall CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER, MINUTES: SLUMP. INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Robert Dentino TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 1196 1197 1198 99 T MARK: DATE MADE: 8-21-87 DATE RECEIVED: 8-25-87 DATE TESTED: 8-28-87 9-04-87 9-18-87 Discarded DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SQ. INCHES: 9.06 9.23 9.27 MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: 17,300 22,100 32,300 COMPRESSIVE STR.. PSI: 1,910 2,390 3,480 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 7 14 28 REO'D PSI AT 28 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido • . SOUTHERN f \ CALIFORNIA BOIL .AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: • CIE 6815 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 8280 RIVERDALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20827. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (a 19) 280-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACENTIA CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 524-9130 40 74-831 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92280 (819)348-107e 675 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025 (819) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: August 31, 1987 0 CONCRETE ..JOB: The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street & Carlsbad Blvd. 13 GROUT OWNER: 0 GUNITE ARCHITECT: . 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Concrete LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: NW Pilaster CEMENT: Colton Type I/Il ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER, MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: TRUCK NO TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: 1200 1201 1202 1203 -1 MARK: DATE MADE: 82287 DATE RECEIVED: 82587 DATE TESTED: 8-31-87 9-08-87 9-19-87 Discarded DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES: 9.03 9.09 9.14 MAXIMUM LOAD, LBS.: 31,300 33,500 37,100 COMPRESSIVE S'TR., PSI: 3,470 3,690 4,060 AGE TESTED. DAYS: 9 . 17 28 REQ'O PSI AT 28 DAYS: 2,000 UNIT WY/CU FT (PLASTIC): DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido . . • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: • • . ~Sker __ avid R. CFE. #26815 , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. . 6280 RI'ERQALE STREET. P.O. BOX 20627. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 82120 (819) 260-4321 185 WEST ORANGETHORPE. PLACEP4T14, CALIFORNIA 82870 (7141524-9`130 74-631 VELIE WAY. PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 (819)348-1078 878 ENTERPRISE STREET. ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025 (619) 746-4544 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS FILE NUMBER: 8722009 DATE: September 10, 1987 0 CONCRETE The Shores 0 MORTAR ADDRESS: Sequoia Street, Carlsbad Blvd. . JGROUT OWNER: 0 GUNITE ARCHITECT: 0 ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: McCarthy Construction LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: CEMENT: ADMIXTURE: SAND: ROCK: MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: TIME IN MIXER, MINUTES: SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Front Pilaster Colton PCC, Type I/Il TRUCK NO: TICKET NO: LABORATORY NO: MARK: DATE MADE: DATE RECEIVED: DATE TESTED: DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SQ. INCHES:' MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS.: COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI: AGE TESTED. DAYS: REQO PSI AT 26 DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT (PLASTIC): 1737 I 1738 I 1739 I 1740 8-26-87 9-09-87 9-10-87 9-23-87 Discarded Discarded 9.25 - 9.11 28,900 31,700 3,120 3,480 15 28 2,000 DISTRIBUTION: (3) B & B Engineering (1) SCS&T, Escondido SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED BY: David J.Ake s, R. C. E. #26815 SPAN-CRETE INS TALLA TION 'S _ • -Mot -!bA 31P - •• - I... ----. -f- - It? - — fl- - p - i : I32 I-Pop mm V---. ---:.-. • 4 &ii 'I IL iLL.L T - -. -u---- T - - tic lot 1ilc !ti ••••• - Iai -. -: - - - - - --: --_-•- ---.-..- ---.. #1 I* THE INSTALLATION OF SPANCRETE PLANKS ALONG SOUTH BUILDING WALL. SHOWS HOW THE WALL ALIGNMENT GRADUALLY GETS WIDER. PLANKS WITHOUT A 334" BEARING SURFACE WILL RECEIVE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM A LEDGER TO BE CONSTRUCTED. ALONG THE INSIDE OF THE WALL. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: - f— ?7 JURISDICTION: C- ITt 0f Ci,iC, PLAN CHECK NO: t7-253--M- PROJECT ADDRESS: Ii! -&620f1q 1q-iJ5fJ,; PROJECT NAME: EtQ:j4 s.T7 0. c4)De7"-'!l!JIL-(14 AP JTJRISDICTIO PLAN CHECKER FILE COPY UPS DESIGNER D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply L with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified f3 &LOL&) areresolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies D identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. rJ The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: fl Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:3AiLOc, • Date contacted:_____________ Telephone #(7/4)9ro REMARKS: I, 'T/ ,&Jos, ZC/ 6-28 M-i 0 2.7S 7;41/.0 By: figo5 V0LIEiJ7 Enclosures:H1T5 /' ESGIL CORPORATION rm Ce16/A'fIL 611(-1.97 Li Sfl portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/1. inches nor more than two inches in cross-sectional dimension. Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 Inches between the wall and the handrail. Section 3306 (j). 09 Every stairway landing shall have a) 'mansion, measured in the directi Y(6?w*jl at least equal to the stairway widfhJ Section 3306 (g). ig/)y1 )16. Openings in the exterior wall below or within ten feet horizontally of an exterior exit stairway in buildings over two stories shall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separated exterior stairways serve an exterior exit balcony. Section 3306 (1). J. isao""s Exterior sides of exterior exit conies. Section 3305 (g). One hour fire-rated corridors shall have ocr openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated twenty minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306 (b), doors shall be gasksted to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 3305 (h). Total area of all openings, except doors,. in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed twenty-five percent 'of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Section 3305 (h). Corridors, and exterior exit balconies, serving tan or more occupants most be a m4,.4i of forty-four inches wide and seven feet high to the lowest projection. Corridors serving R3 and individual ft-i units may be thirty-six inches wide. Section 3305 (b). 1. When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the.bandicapped, changes In elevation shall be made by means of a ramp. Section 3305 (E). (rridors serving tan or more occupants in -1 or thirty in other occupancies. shall have walls and ceilings of one-hour construction except: Corridors greater than thirty feet wide when the occupants or areas served by the corridor have an exit Independent from the corridor. ;W. Duct penetrations of fire-rated corridor walls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306 (j). Viewports in twenty mi.niite rated corridor doors cannot exe°d one inch in diameter and most have 1/4 Inch thick glass and metal holder that will not melt at 1700 degrees F. Section 3305 (h). Openings for rubbish or linen chutes shall not be located in exit corridors or stairways. Sctif 1706 Cc). (('vide a complete architectural section -.4f the corridor, and exterior exit balcony, showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, walls, roof and all penetrations. Section 3305 (g). f.2o9) r//,s co,Z. -ro F .L/JI7S i. S ci C. 7' 6T d: PI— 4k)S. 14 2h3/86 ('J9iow 3" x 4" or 2" x 6" studs In first 3,2(. Individual concrete or masonry piers shall —story of three story building. Table 25-R-3y yr 'project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless the columns or posts which they support 32 Provide truss details and truss are of approved wood of natural resistance to culations for this project. ~c d ' decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (C) I. Provide roof framing plan and floor framing plan. Section 302 (a) 7. Provide framing sections through: Swtion 320 (a) 7. (WLSpecify all header sizes for opening over wide. Section 2517 (g) 5. e 33l. Wood stud bearing walls, with studs at 24" o.c., require 3 ea. lx 4 or 2 en. 2 x 6 or 2 en. 3 x 4 top plates if supporting either floor members or roof trusses that are spaced more than 16" o.c. and do not bear within 5" of the supporting stud. Section 2517 (g) 2. 6k—Specify plywood grade and panel identification index. Table etr, (f FC..oi 1)- 339. When roof pitch is lass than 3:3.2, design ridge as a beam. Section 2517 (h). W. Provide calculations for main vertical and horizontal framing members and post footings. Section 302 (a) 7. Provide calculations for lateral loads, shear panels, shear transfer and related. Section 302 (9) 7. Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations. Cols and posts located on concrete or masonry floors or decks exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood or natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. 3I4 If foundation cripple wall studs are less than 14" framing shall be solid blodking. Section 2517 (g) 4. 35IV Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Section,2517 (g) 4. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or ether weather exposed areas, is exterior grade. Section 2516 (g) 3. Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior and stud walls to be 4 stuccoed. Section 4706 (e). Show corridor width to be mini 36". Section 3305 (b). 72? ir S 7 OP T/- Pt,AJS. 20 2/13/86 ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-14#38 DATE: 5 -2,&--97 flP2LICANT cflJURISDICT JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD DAN CHEC 0 FILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: - 253 -. []DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: I/I 5eQL4O(,q IsJ:Ie PROJECT NAME: &'iO/i? 37 Cc.,icI-i,AJ/(jIt//, D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply D with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Cmo.s eLEki, '9/CawrEcrs OR&i&e /IL1/ AjotzrH oe4w sr OJce as D Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: 3/,LOS E'i'/ Date contacted: . 17(7 Telephone # REMARKS: BY: RE DOL 16AME ENCL:_____________ ESGIL qORPORATION PLAN CUNO. JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD TO: C4L05 Ajes Mec. H ,-reci- OAA R4 AJOTH oieqkkE Sr OPZAJCt C4. q PROJECT DATA OCCUPANCY: .BUflDINGUSE: TYPE OF CUNSUCIION: V Al ACTUAL AREA: 3 . cp63 S AUINIABLZ AREA: •2 20c' V STORIES: UEIc: SPRThKIS .00CUPANT LOAD: / 03 -. TARES: ILTO SP',,uke IS £.t6 IA) LIEU OF /- HOUe COAiS.7 PLAN CORRECTION SB CITY OF CARLSBAD APARTMENTS; WITHOUT HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY Data plans received by jurisdiction:__________ Date plans received by Esgil Corp.:_________ Date initial plan check completed: £/2(,f97 By: 98& Do,6,tr - Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. - The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. Present California law mandates that construction comply with Title 24 and the applicable model code editions adopted, with or without changes, by the various state agencies authorized to propose building regulations for enforcement at the local level. Code sections cited are based on the 1982 UBC. The above regulations apply to construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance at the local level. The circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1982 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck _process. not; on this list (àr a cony) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., elan sheet, specification. etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Applicant contact person:____________________ CAeLOS A/ Tel.: (714) 637- U60' NOTE: PACE NUMBERS ARE NOT IN SCE AS PAGES EAVEG NO ITEMS NEEDING (I0NS iE DYT.T). LIST NO. 40, CITY IT CARLSBAD, R-1 aPARTPNTS, EXEMPT FROM HANDICAPPED; WITH SUPPLEMENTS. 1 10/20/86 A. PLANS (i) Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite #208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. )' Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Section 302 (a) 7. () Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 21. and 1982 UBC. JMC. and UPC and 1981. NEC. Provide the site address and a vicinity sketch on the Title Sheet. () All sheets of the plane and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the design. Please include the California license number and the date the plans are signed. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, pools, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. () Specify on the Title Sheet of the plans the gross floor area of each element of this project including dwelling, garage, carport, patio, deck and balcony. Section 302 (c). (g) Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: Occupancy Group J5-1 / d I Type of Construction t/— Al Sprinklers: Yes or No 16 5 Stories S Floor Area Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-C. Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table S-D. () Provide a Building/Unit Schedule on the Title Sheet. Include the following: Designation and area of each dwelling unit type. Number of each designated unit.types in each building (including handicapped access units). () List any other occupancies or uses included in each building, i.e., common laundry, common storage, garage, rental office, etc. I. . Q-t&C-k, Pr,AJ,L P1.4AJ6 1q,J• SI Ci Al 1q 7-ujae, x Aic t. tAe L6AJS& P/.#P-TW/Q 4AJO rh'- DAMS Pe,rA) S 19e6- 5/t./ED. 2 2/13/86 Q Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property lines, easements, streets, existing and proposed buildings and structures, location of yards used for allowable increase of building area and dimensioned setbacks. 9 Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan". )JC Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and any proposed future buildings. 6j) Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. () Clearly dimension building setbacks from property limes, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. Dimension distance from curb to property line. 0 Show and dimension on the site plan all building projections including eaves, balconies, cornices and similar appendages extending beyond the exterior walls. 2' Show on the site plan, or provide the grading plans, showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of cut or fill slopes. 4$ Show dimensioned parking layout including any required handicap access spaces. GJ Show the location of any designated flood plains, open space easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. B. LOCATXOR ON Prx When two or more buildings (including carports) are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 504 (c). An exception is provided if the combined area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 505 for a single building. If this exception is used, show how the building(s) will comply with Section 504 (b). Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have an assumed property line for the purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 504 (c). See possible exception. Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 504 (c). X. The exterior walls of R-1 occupancies (Type V Construction) less than five feet to a property line or an assumed property lime, shall be one-hour fire-rated construction. The wall shall have a thirty inch parapet (see exception, Section 1709) and the wall shall have no openings, including windows, doors, scuppers, vents, etc. Table 5-A. The exterior walls of a Group Pt occupancy (maximum 1,000 sq. ft.) carport or garage, less than three feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be one-hour fire-rated construction. The wall shall have no openings. Table 5-A. I , s17. S/-1o,J DljJS/J OI'4 7Lc& To SQuoi,c 4L/.n4e, 2/13/86 je. Two-hour area separation walls may terminate at the roof sheathing provided that: Where the roof/ceiling framing elements are parallel to the walls, such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not lees than one-hour fire-resistive construction for a width of not less than five feet on each side of the wall. Section 505 (e) 3. Where roof/ceiling framing elements are perpendicular to the wall, the entire span of such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 505 (e) 3. No openings in the roof are permitted within five feet of a two-hour area separation wall if parapets are not provided. Section 505 (e) 3. X. Area separation walls, which separate portions of buildings having different heights, may terminate thirty inches above the lower roof level, provided the exterior wall for a height of ten feet above the lower roof is of one-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected by three-fourths-hour assemblies. As an alternate the wall may terminate at the sheathing of the lower roof, provided roof/ceiling elements, if parallel to the wall, are one-hour construction for a ten foot width along the wall at the lower roof, and supporting elements are one-hour; where the lower roof/ceiling elements are perpendicular to the wall, the roof/ceiling elements shall be one- hour for the entire span, and supporting elements shall be one-hour. Section 505 (e) 5. 3d'. Where different roof heights occur, no openings in the lower roof are permitted within ten feet of the area separation wall if parapets are not provided. Section 505 (e) 5. Show the basis for the approved fire- resistive construction elements for the area separation wall, parapet, and ceiling assembly if used in lieu of parapet i.e., item number in Table 43-A, B, C or U.L. Directory, etc. (Note that trusses require two layers of 5/8 inch Type 'X', per Gypsum Fire Resistance Design Manual, Item PC 5406). Air Provide complete details of the area separation wall(s) to show compliance with Section 505 (e) 1-5. Provide a note on the plans stating: "Plumbing and conduit penetrations of the area separation wall shall be of copper or ferrous. No plastic pipe may penetrate the area separation wall". Section 4304 (e). S. Clearly ihow the maximum building height based on the definition in Section 409. (Z Clearly show if the lower level is a basement or story, based on the definitions in Section 403 and 420. ) Plot the finish grade (adjacent ground level) on the elevations and dimension the distance to the floor above for story determination. See definition of grade, Section 408. )3 The height and number of stories cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-D. Show the code basis for the height/number of stories as shown. qô rHe //JFb,a4,c"4T/DA) ô' SW1E1S #47 ' 1qg, 2/13/86 One additional story would be permitted beyond that shown in Table 5-0. if the building is sprinklered throughout and the sprinkler system is not otherwise required by Section 506 (area) or Section 508 (subsitute for one-hour). Section 507. YVII Towers, spires and steeples shall comply with Section 507, Exception 1. F. Group R, Division 1 occupancies more than two stories in height, or having more than 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area above the first story shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout except as provided in Section 1705 (b) 2. Pf Where one-hour fire-resistive construction is required, an approved automatic sprinkler system may be substituted for the one-hour construction, however, the fire sprinkler system shall not waive or reduce fire-resistive requirements for: occupancy separations, exterior walls due to location on property, area separation walls, shaft enclosures, corridor protection, stair enclosures, exit passageways, type of construction separation per Section 1701 and atriums constructed in accordance with Section 1715. Section 508. Provide details of the one-hour fire- resistive construction. Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies,, wall assemblies, post and beam assemblies, gable and assemblies at attics, etc. Chapter 43, Chapter 17. Maintain one-hour fire-resistive wall construction at built-in wall fixtures and behind bathtub and shower enclosures, mailboxes, medicine cabinets, fire extinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding sixteen sq. in. . in area, etc. Section 4304 (e). 7 2/1.3/86 Detail and reference I.C.B.O. number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses. Section 4303 (b) S. Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, 1.aimdxy room fans and dryer vents. Also detail recessed light fixtures. Show duct openings in ceilings, regardless of size, have approved ceiling fire dampers. Section 4303 (b) 6. Roof/ceiling and floor/ceiling assemblies must be of one-hour construction. Detail fire assemblies on plans along with their I.C.8.0. number or other ID number from the Fire Resistive Design Manual published by the Gypsum Assoc. or U.L. number or item number from Table 43-C, U.B.C. PC Detail water heater vents located inside fire-resistive wall construction or within fire- resistive shafts. Table 17-A; Section 1706 (a), Section 4306 (j). () Detail pro-fabricated fireplace flues within individual fire-resistive shafts and specify fire-stopping around fireplace box opening. Section 4304 (a). Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans. Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs. Section 1706. Note on plans that elevator doors must be constructed and installed* in the same manner as a -hour fire assembly, even though elevator doors are not identified with fire labels. Ir Vt. Detail column fire protection per Table 43-A in the U.S.C. and specify column impact protection in garage areas per Section 4303 (b) 5. As a minimum, show a twenty-two gauge steel jacket around each column to a height of three feet above the ground for impact protection. 14 Structural members such as beams supporting more than one floor or roof most be individually fire protected (Section 4303 (b) 6). Detail required protection, per Table 43-A or IIRS-250, U.L. etc. Vf Clearly specify minimum thickness of walls and slabs to provide_-hour fire- resistive rating per table 43-3 and C. Clearly specify minimum cover for bonded reinforcing at fire-rated col is,_______ fire-rated bea. Clearly specify edniasm cover for prestressed concrete tendons per Section 4303 (c) 3. Detail all plumbing and electrical penetration at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire separation walls as specified in Section 4304 (a). Detail all furred ceilings as required in 1.4 Section 4203 • Show fire-retardant treated wood where necessary. (f. Provide cross-section of one-hour corridors serving an occupant load of ten or more. Label corridors on plans as one-hour corridors; specify on the plans all doors as twenty-minute fire assemblies with self-closers or automatic closers with smoke detectors, and all windows as 1/4 inch wire glass in steel frames and all duct penetrations to have fire dampers. Section 3305 (g), Section 3305 (h). (p). Clearly label and identify on the plans the fire-resistive corridors, area separation walls, shafts, occupancy separation walls and floors, exit courts less than ten feet wide and exit enclosures, along with their hourly ratings. Section 302 (c). C. 0AJT SEP.AR id'. Storage, or laundry rooms that are within Group R, Division 1 occupancies, that are used in common by tenants, shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than one- hour fire-resistive occupancy separations. Section 1202 (b). Provide a full one-hour occupancy separation between R-1 and P1-1 or 3-1 (P1-1 up to 3,000 sq. ft.) occupancies. Fire protection only on the garage side applies only to R-3/M occupancy separations, not R-l/M occupancy separations. Table 5-B and Section 503 (d). Provide one-hour fire-resistive door assemblies in the one-hour occupancy separation. Section 503 (c). The required three-hour rated occupancy separation between R-1 and 3-1 occupancies may be reduced to a two-hour rating when the 3-1 is limited to the storage of passenger vehicles, and the provisions of Section 7102 are not applicable (Table 5-B). The two-hour occupancy separation may be further reduced to one-hour, if the aggregate area of 3-1 occupancy within the building does not exceed 3,000 sq. ft. Section 503 (d). Garages are not permitted to open into a room used for sleeping purposes. Section 1104. 2/13/86 Fire-resistive floors used for occupancy separation shall have openings protected per. Section 503 (C). Ducts penetrating one or two-how.. occupancy or area separation walls oust have fire dampers. A fire door is required for three-hour separations. Section 4306 (j). loe Usable space under the first story, when constructed of metal or wood, shall be protected on the side of the-usable space as required for one-hour fire resistive wall and ceiling construction and the door to the usable space shall be self-closing, of noncombustible construction or solid wood core, not less than 1-3/ inches in thickness. Section 1703. Show the details and the basis for the rating of the occupancy separation you. propose, i.e., item number in Table 43 - A, B, C; Gypsum Fire-Resistive Design Manual; U.L., etc. ,/.Wall and, floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each othen and from common space (such as corridors, laundry rooms, con garages, service areas, etc.) oust have a. listed rating of SIC 50 and IIC 50. Show the. location of and provide details of the. listed wall, and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing .number for the tested ratings. L (Title 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1, Article Li, Section 28) UBC Standard No. 35 (1-3) UBC Appendix Chapter 35 Show the location of and provide details of the listed wall and floor/ceiling assemblies, and indicate the listing agency and listing number for the tested ratings. 10 2/13/86 (J). Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffiti or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined or insulated or treated to maintain the required ratings. Dwelling unit entrance doors from interior corridors together with their perimeter seals shall have a SIC rating of not less than 30. R-1 occupancy buildings, located in noise critical areas (CMcontours of 60 d3) as shown on the City or County's General Plan, require an acoustical analysis showing that the proposed building has been designed to limit noise in. habitable rooms to CNEL of forty-five dB. Where windows oust be closed to comply, it is necessary to provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing at least two air changes per hour, provide design. The Title Sheet or Site Plan should clearly indicate if any portion of the project is in a noise critical area (CM contours of 60 dB) as shown on the City or County's General Plan. If no portion of the project is within a noise critical area, provide a note on the Title Sheet stating: "This project is not within a noise critical area (c1. contour of 60 dB as shown on the General Plan". In all occupancies, floors above the first story having more than ten occupants, shall have not less than two exits, except only one exit is required from a second floor area within an individual dwelling unit. Two or more dwelling units on the second story may have access to only one common exit when the occupant Load tributary to the stairway does not exceed ten. Section 3303 (a). VC Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served. Section 3303 (c). The maximum number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303 (a). 16. where a required exit enters a yard, the yard mast lead to a public way. Section 3301. 1%. Minimum exit court width is forty-four inches. Section 3311 (b). 304. Where required exits enter an exit court (see definition, Section LO4 and 3301), the exit court must discharge into a public way or exit passageway. The exits from the exit court shell comply with Section 3311 requirements for width, number, and protection of walls and openings. X. Basements require two exits, except basements in an individual, dwelling unit. Section 3303 (a). Total width of exits in feet shall be not less than total occupant load served divided by fifty. Tributary occupant load from basements and stories above shall be per Section 3302 (b) and the maximum width required for any story shall be maintained. Ye.No point in the building shall be more than one hundred fifty feet (two hundred if sprinklered) from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway or exit passageway, measured along the path of travel. This may be increased one hundred feet if the last one hundred fifty feet is in a corridor. Section 3303 (d) (see exceptions). 11 2/13/86 Double acting doors are not allowed when. serving a tributary occupant load of more than one hundred, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304 (b). Exit doors from each unit should be a minimam size of three feet by sin feet eight inches with a minimum door swing of ninety degrees. Maximum leaf width is four feet. Section 3304 (e) and (f). PC Regardless of occupant load, a floor or lending not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. In R-3, and individual units in R-1, a max.amam 7-1/2 inch drop may occur provided the door does not swing over the drop. Section 3304 (h). 3,0. Doors should not project more than seven inches into the required corridor width when fully opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305 (d). Revolving, sliding and overhead doors are not permitted as exit doors. Section 3304 (g). A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, in any direction of travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stairway. Section 3306 (g). Change in width in an exit court shall be effected gradually by a guardrail at least thirty-sin inches high and making an angle of not more than thirty degrees with axis of the court. Section 3311 (b). Walls of exit passageways shall be without openings except exits and shall have walls, floors and ceilings of the sans fire-resistance required for the building, with a minim one- hour fire-resistive construction. Exit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour assembly. Section 3312 (a). )th. Ramps required by Table 33-A shall not exceed 1:12; other exit ramps 1:8. Ramps steeper than 1:15 shall have handrails as required for stairways. Minimum size landings and landing clearances oust be provided. Section 3307. Stairway width oust be at least forty-four inches when serving more than fifty occupants; thirty-six inches when less than fifty; thirty inches when serving one unit only. Section 3306 (b) and Section 3301 (b). Seventy-eight inch z inimm headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on the plans. Section 3306 (p). Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosings. Stairway handrails should not project more than 3-1/2 inches into the required width. Trim may not project more than 1-1/2 inches. Section 3306 (b). Enclosed usable space under interior or exterior stairways should be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire- resistive construction. 2 x Cd 16" o.c. nailers. Section 3306 (m) (n). Landings should not be reduced in width more than seven inches by a deer when fully open. Where doors open over landings, the landing shall have a length of not less than five feet. Section 3306 (g) and Section 3304 (11). Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels. Section 3306 (h). Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to twelve feet. Section 3306 (i). 9V. All interior stairways, ramps and escalators shall be enclosed. An enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to stairs or corridors serving other floors. Not required for R-3 or R-1 stairs within a dwelling unit. Section 3309 (a). 431 Stairway riser oust be four inches minimum and 7-1/2 inches maximum and minimum run shall be ten inches except in winding, circular or spiral stairways, or private stairways serving less than 10 which may have an eight inch rise and nine inch run. Section 3306 (c). /.. Winding stairways are permitted only when servng R-3 or a single unit in R-1. Section 3306 (d). Provide details of winding stairway: Ow- Minimum tread is six inches at any point and a minimum nine inches at a point twelve inches from where the treads are narrowest. Maximum rise is eight inches. C. Minimum width is thirty inches. Section 3306 (d). Spiral stairways are permitted only when serving R-3 or a single unit in R-l. Section 3306 (f). /70 . fAeo i'i O Co/LI PLE1 D& r /LS C F /L Th' £T,9i - o C22 /73 / zaci: 07 2e'( 12 2/13/86 Provide spiral stairway details: Minimum run is 7-1/2 inches at point from where the treads are the narrowest. Maximum rise is 9-1/2 inches. C. Minimum headroom is six feet six inches. Section 3306 (1). Spiral stairways may not be used for required exits when the area served is greater than four hundred 54. ft. Section 3306 (f). Spiral stairways most have a clear walking space of twenty-six inches between the column and handrail. Section 3306 (E). Provide I.C.LO. Research Report and Number for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the Building Department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Section 306 (a) 4.•B and 306 (f). (1 . Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3309: a. Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and 11-F.R. Construction, and in all buildings over four stories, and one-hour elsewhere. () Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. () Doors should be labeled one and one-half hours or one-hour fire assemblies, and noted to comply with U.B.C. standard 43-2. Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior. Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected. openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally continuing to the lower level. Usable space is not allowed under the stairs. Occupied floors more than seventy-five feet above the highest grade should have all exits from the building in smoke-proof enclosures. Section 3310 (b). In buildings four or more stories, one stairway most extend to the roof. Section 3306 Handrails are required on each side of stairways. Stairways reauired to be more than eight-eight inches wide shall have intermediate handrails. Stairways not over forty-four inches wide or stairways serving one dwelling unit may have one handrail if not open on both sides. Private stairways (1 tenant), thirty inches or less in height may have one handrail; private stairways, not over three risers, serving a single dwelling unit (R-3, R-1) need not have a handrail. Handrails shall be thirty to thirty-four inches above nosing of treads and be continuous and, except for private stairways, at least one rail shall extend six inches beyond top and batten risers. All stairs shall terminate in a newel or safety post. Section 3306 (j). .2o c,L TPr/I- it/Q, -Z /-S 40 o r, s- -AJC.LO-9 &-o le .2ogL h. 7EcEP#-0Q b ECT ,eooA./ IA) 0 rMAJ7 C&AJ,JOT ePe,c) INTO 17 13 2/13/86 () The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than two inches in cross-sectional dimension. Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail. Section 3306 (j). Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width. Section 3306 (g). ,16. Openings in the exterior wall below or within ten feet horizontally of an exterior exit stairway in buildings over two stories shall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separated exterior stairways serve an exterior exit balcony. Section 3306 (1). J. CMUUMMM Zf. Corridors, and exterior exit balconies, serving ten or more occupants most be a minimum of forty-four inches wide and seven feet high to the lowest projection. Corridors serving R.3 and individual R-1 units may be thirty-six inches wide. Section 3305 (b). When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the handicapped, changes in elevation shall be made by means of a ramp. Section 3305 (f). (3) Corridors serving ten or more occupants in R-1 or thirty in other occupancies. shall have walls and ceilines of one-hour construction except: Corridors greater than thirty feet wide when the occupants or areas served by the corridor have an exit independent from the corridor. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. Section 3305 (g). cg. One-hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated twenty minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies • Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306 (b), doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 3305 (h). Total area of all openings, except doors,. in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Section 3305 (h). ;If. Duct penetrations of fire-rated corridor walls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306 (j). Viewports in twenty minute rated corridor doers cannot exceed one inch in diameter and most have 1/4 inch thick glass and metal holder that will not melt at 1700 degrees F. Section 3305 (Ii). Openings for rubbish or linen chutes shall not be located in exit corridors or stairways. Section 1706 (c). Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor, and exterior exit balcony, showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, walls, roof and all penetratjq.. Section 3305 (g). 24. 7W1S Coi. 'T&/-t j9 r, PLFE S 10 77i STi'Ji-S e'F A/JI7S g ' C. 14 2/13/86 1 z(. Ceilings of combustible materials cannot be suspended below the one-hour. corridor ceiling. Section 3305 (g). 2(. Corridor walls may terminate at the. ceiling only if the ceiling is an element of a one-hour fire-resistive floor or roof system. Section 3305 (g). See attached details for approved methods of providing one-hour corridor construction. When two exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are united to twenty feet. Section 3305 (e). Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in areas where protected openings are required. Section 3305 (i). 0. Where construction exists at the outer line of the exterior exit balcony, both the exterior and interior wall and openings oust be protected per corridor requirements.. Section 3305 (g). 4. Exit signs are required since the occupant load exceeds fifty. Show all required exit sign locations. Section331 (a). Show that exits are lighted with at least a one foot candle at floor level. Section 3313 (a). 0. Show that the power supply for exit illumination and exit signs is provided by two separate circuits. (Occupant load exceeds 100) Section 3313 (b) 1. Show separate sources of power for exit illumination and exit signs. (Occupant load exceeds 100) Section 3313 (b) 2. The exit sign locations as shown are not adequate. Ui:• :.J,' Pe., Every apartment house three stories or more in height or containing more than fifteen dwelling units and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing twenty or more guest rooms shall have an approved fire alarm system as specified in the Fire Code. Section 1202 (b) (see exception). Draft stops above and in line with walls separating units shall be installed in the attics, mansards, overhangs, false fronts and similar concealed areas. The draft stops shall be above and in line with walls separating tenant spaces from each other and from other uses. Section 2516 (f). Every sleeping room below the fourth story shall have at least one openable window or exterior door for emergency excape or rescue. The clear opening shall be at least 5.7 sq. ft., twenty-four inches high and twenty inches wide. The finish sill height shall not exceed forty- four inches above the floor. Section 120. W. One room oust contain a minimum of one hundred fifty sq. ft. of superficial floor area. Section 1207 (b). X Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, l contain at least seventy sq. ft. of floor area. Section 1207 (a). 15 2/13/86 Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area (minimum 10 sq. ft.) in Iii7tM/J C' Section 1205 (a). 3$C Openable window area most be 1/20 of the floor area (minimum 1-1/2 sq. ft.) in bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms. Section 1205 (a). (j One-half of all required window area most be openable F- t..LAJI -rs 62 3$'. No habitable room, other than a kitchen shall be less than seven feet in any dimension. Section 1207 (c). Show a seven foot, six inch minimum ceiling height for habitable rooms ether than the kitchens. Section 1207 (a). Show a seven foot mainion ceiling height for the kitchens, balls, corridors, lamdry rooms and bathrooms. Section 1207 (a). () Provide thirty inches clear width in water closet compartments and twenty-four inches clearance in front of the water closet. Section 511 (a). Provide smoke detectors which will sound an alarm when actuated. Detectors most be permanently wired in new construction but may be battery operated in existing construction. Section 1210. Show location of fire extinguishers. Title 25 CAC. 261. Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent to walking surfaces • Section 5406. 3* Glazing, in the same wall plane as a door, must be safety glazing i.f within 12" of the door and less than 60" above the walking surface, unless the glazing is leaded on faceted glass. Section 5406 (d) 7. () Glazing in shower and tub enclosures shall be tempered, laminated or approved plastic (including windows within 5 feet of tub or shower floor). Section 5406 (d) 5. M. rMa Fire-retardant roof cover is required for R-1 occupancies which are more than two stories, or have more than three thousand sq. ft. of projected roof area, or where less than ten feet from the extremity of the roof to a property line or an assumed property line. Section 3202 (b) and 3203 (e). - A Class fire-retardant roof covering is required. *' Specify roof slope. Roof slope is not adequate for roof type specified. Table 32-B; Section 3203 (h). Specify roof material and application. Chapter 32. J 7W PCJ4AJS, 16 2/13/86 WK Specify I.C.3.0. or U.L. approval number for roof materials not covered in U.LC., e.g., title, etc., Section 107. PC The maxim= slope for a fire retardant built-up roof, with rock or gravel surfacing, is 3 inches in 12 inches, Section 3203 (e) 2. )8f. The minim= slope for a fire retardant built-up roof, with cap sheet surfacing, is 1/2 inch in 12 inches. Section 3203 (e) 3. 8. Specify mind 1/4 inch per foot roof slope for drainage or design to support accasmilated water. Section 3207 (a), Section 2305 (f) and Section 2511 (d) 6. Show roof drains and overflows. Section 3207. 290. Provide skylight details to show lianca with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide I.C.B.0. approval number. (j.) Plastic skylight oust be separated from each other by at least 4 feet. Section 5207 (a) 6. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above save vents or cornice vents. Show required area and area provided. Section 3205 (c). Provide a minimum 22" x 30" (or 30" x 30" if equipment is in attic) attic access opening. Section 3205 (c). Provide fireplace construction details or- -n.e. ..nseaucta..n to be per attashad firp1oe -standard drawing. flspt.r 37.. Show veneer support and connections in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3002, 4, 5, 6, and Section 2515 (a) regarding ties and 9 wire in horizontal joints or show construction to be per attached sheet 30-1 or 30-2. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24. 2*1' Note that cleanout openings shall be provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Section 2414 (a) S. Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or bending in wood ledgers is not permitted. Section 2312 (j) 3. A. Provide details for damp proofing the foundation wallá, below finish grade, where useable space exists on the interior side of the walls. Section 1707 (d). ad. Show a -inimum 2" airspace and flashing between planter and building walls. Section 2516 (c) 7. 17 2/13/86 Fire sprinklers are required on any story or basement when the floor area exceeds 1,500 sq. ft. and there is not provided at least twenty sq. ft. of opening entirely above the adjoining ground in each fifty lineal feet or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at least one side, or when openings are provided on only one side and the opposite side is more than seventy-five feet away. Section 3802 (b). 34'. Show standpipa class and outlet locations on the plans. Section 3806. Of Specify that hoses are required with the standpipes. Table 38-A. )9C. Fire sprinklers are required in a basement if any portion of a basement is more than seventy-five feet from openings in an exterior wall. Section 3802 (b). $5. Fire sprinklers are required at the top of rubbish and linen chutes and in their terminal room. Chutes extending through three or more floors shall have additional sprinkler heads installed within such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler heads shall be accessible for servicing. Section 3802 (b). Provide fire sprinklers When serving more than one hundred sprinkler heads, automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved central proprietary or *emote, station service, or shall be provided with a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. Section 3803. R-1 occupancies over three stories shall have standpipes as required by Table 38-A. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in determining the number of stories when determining if standpipes are required as Section 702 only gives relief from Tables 5-C, 5-D and Sections 505, 506 and 507. Section 702 does not give relief to the requirements of Table 38-A. P. FRAIW Show wall bracing. Every exterior wood stud wall and main cross partition shall be braced at each end at least every 25 feet of length with 1 * 'e diagonal let-in braces or equivalent. Section 2517 (g) 3. Note cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters 12" or more in depth shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet, unless both edges are held in line. Section 2506 (g). Show blocking at ends and at supports of floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Section 2517 (d) 3. Show solid blocking atridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Section 2506 (g), Section 2517 (h). Show double joists. Floor joists shall be doubled wider bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Section 2517 (d) S. 4. Bearing partitions, perpendicular to joists, shall not be offset from supporting girders, beams, walls or partitions, more than the depth of the joist. Section 2517 (d) 5. 18 2/13/86 Ple Show rafter ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 feet on center and be just above the ceiling joists, where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Section 2517 (h) 4. Show rafter purlin baces to be not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal. Section 2517 (h) 5. 317 Show 1/2" minimum clearance between top p ate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed). - Show double top plate with mini 48" lap splice. Section 2517 (g) 2. Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-Q. Show or note fire stops at the following locations per Section 2516 (f): in concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at 3.0 foot intervals along the length of the wall. at all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces, such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings; c.: in concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls wider the stairs are unfinished; and d. in openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels, with noncombustible materials. Show stud size and spacing. Maximum allowable stud heights; bearing wall: 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 max. 101 ; non-bearing: 2 x 4 max. 141 , 2 x 6 max. 201. Table 25-R-3. Studs supporting two floors, a roof and ceiling must be 3 x e or 2 a 6 at 16" o.c. Table 25-R-3. 010 Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the building inspector 'prior to erection. Section 306 (f). Detail all post to beam and post to footing connections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2516 (is). Detail shear transfer connections, including roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls. Section 2513. 3' Specify nail size and spacing, for all ear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate required blocking. Maintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. (Tables 25 I, .1, K) and Section 4713 (4). 19 2/13/86 Show 3" x 4" or 2" x 6" studs in first story of three story building. Table 25-R-3. Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project. Provide roof framing plan and floor framing plan. Section 302 (a) 7. Provide framing sections through: Section 320 (a) 7. Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' wide. Section 2517 (g) 5. W. Provide calculations for main vertical and horizontal framing members and post footings. Section 302 (a) 7. Provide calculations for lateral loads, shear panels, shear transfer and related. Section 302 (9) 7. Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations. Cols and posts located on concrete or masonry floors or decks exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood or natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. 3Z(. Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless the columns or posts which they support are of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516(c) 4. 3I. Wood stud bearing walls, with studs at 24" o.c., require 3 ea. 2x4or2 ea. 2x6or2 ea. 3 x 'e top plates if supporting either floor members or roof trusses that are spaced more than 16" o.c. and do not bear Within 5" of the supporting stud. Section 2517 (g) 2. (ff3) Specify plywood grade and panel identification index. Table V Ir rno F(..eoi 11 339. When roof pitch is less than 3:12, design ridge as a beam. Section 2517 (h). 34 If foundation cripple wall studs are less than 14" framing shall be solid blocking. Section 2517 (g) 4. - Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be inch by4 inch 0r2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Section 2517 (g) I.. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is exterior grade. Section 2516 (g) 3. Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior and stud walls to be stuccoed. Section 4706 (e). Show corridor width to be minimns 36". Section 3305 (b). S'•7 0P7H5 P.#AJS. 20 2/13/86 Specify truss layout for 30" x 30" attic access. 3i Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at f'east one size larger than supported rafters. Section 2517 (h) 3. In open beam construction, provide strap ties across the beams at the ridge support. Section 2501 (b). Q. FTD&0W imsauxTS /4. Per soils report, note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. Section 2905 (c). (nj) The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recommendation for this project. Please review the report and modify design, notes and details as required to show compliance. Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report re-commendations for foundations, slab and building pad preparation. The soils report recommends excavations be reviewed by soils engineer. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Department Foundation Inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: the building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report; the utility trenches have been properly backfillod and compacted, and.- Show height of all foundation walls. Chapter 23. - 38< Show height of retained earth on all foundation walls. chaptàr 23. )alr. If cut or fill slopes exist, show distance of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepness and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29. )65. Note on plans that wood shall be 6" mtnimum above finish grade. Section 2516 (c) 7. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern and key elevations. Section 2905 (f). Dimension foundation per U.B.C. Table 29-A. Floors Su000rted* StemwaU Width Deoth 1 6" 12" 12" 2 all 15" 18" 3 10" 18" 241' *Foundations may support a roof in addition to the floors. Where only a reef is supported, use foundation for one floor. Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3. Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Section 2907 (e). Specify size, I.C.B.0. number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Section 306 (f). 3. the foundation excavations, formings and reinforcoments comply .with the soils report and approved plan". I 3çL7, P/ôti,p 14- (-E - re i'-1 T/tv SO/L.5 5A)/ CoMiff2I'-ffAJ& 7W-#47 7hV 7'°'t) Q, ti/..2& 8c/) frf,'//71q 77 ZoAys / A) 1,' E S O/L EPD/27 /A) 7?) 77#e Pi'-'s 2/13/86 If required by structural calculations, show size, imbedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2312 (f). (5) If hold downs are required by. .calculations, note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Section 305 (e) 2. Show adequate footings under all bearing walls and shear walls. Section 2907 (b). Show on the elevations, stepped footings for slopes steeper than 1:10. Section 2907 (c). Mir Show minimum 18" clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12." clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516 (c). Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A. Show mini underfloor access of 18" a 24". Section 2516 (c). Show minimum underfloor ventilation equal to 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of underfloor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2516 (c). Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall be pressure treated per UBC Std, No. 25-12. Section 2516 (c). R. MECHANICAL (1985 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) All heating, ventilating, and, cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical Code. ,)70. Show the size, location and type of all heating and cooling appliances or systems. Show source of combustion air to furnace, per Chapter 6, UMC. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms.' Show basis for compliance. USC Sec. 1211. Show minimum 30" keep unobstructed working (space in front of furnace. Section 505, UMC. Note on plans, clearances to be per manufacturer's listing. Section 504, UMC. Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway. Section 704, UMC. 6. Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom or in a closet or confined space with access only through such room, unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance. Section 704 UMC. () Show t.C.LO. approval number for prefab fireplace. Show access to the attic or underfloor furnace to be minimum 30 inches by 30 Inches. Section 708 & 709 UMC. 22 2/13/86 X. Note that passageway to the attic furnace shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Section 708 UMC. 1I86. Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Section 708 UNC. 3,81. Show details to comply with Section 709 for furnace under the floor, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. () Note on plan: Gas vents and noncombustible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in Show at least one convenience outlet other than outlets for laundry, etc., outdoors, in garages 'and basements. NEC Art. 210-52. () Note convenience outlets in bathrooms, outdoors, and ir garages and basements (other than for laundry an s,.milar equipment) shall be Gil protected, NEC Art. 210-8. stopped at each floor or ceiling. ...389'. Note electrical system ground to be UBC Section 1706 (a) 6. - -provided per NEC Art. 250-81. S. k=WCAL (jga' NJCNAL XLWMCAL COE T. PLUMBING (1985 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) All wiring shall comply with the National 6. Show water heater size, type and location Electrical Code. on plans. UPC Section 1310. Shot& on the plan the amperage of the 3 '. Show source for providing combustion air electrical service,, the location of the service "to fuel burning water heater. If wail opening panel and the location of any sub-panels. in an enclosure are used, at least one-half of the required opening area shall extend into the (7 Provide a single 'line' diagram and load upper twelve inches of the enclosure and one- calculations including: half within the lower twelve inches. UPC Section 1307. () Wiring method employed. -4E "3'7 Fuel combustion water heater shall not be Sizes of all conductors, switches, installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet circuit breakers, fuses, and opening into bath or bedroom. conduits. UPC Section 1309. Approximate length of, service , )9 '. Provide adequate barrier to protect water feeders, heater from vehicle damage. UPC Section 1310. Joe Show location of all electrical ' receptacles. 3D EEy47-09 S'7i CoiJv ) r725 A, L)AY7& s, D v,ei E/, AE 40: 23 2/13/86 )9. Show 1 and P Valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior. UPC Section 1007 (e). Provide dryer vent to outside. Section 1903. Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler systems shall have approved back f low prevention devices. UPC Section 1003. 9i. Show stall shall accommodate a 30" circle and have a minimum floor area of 1,021e sq. in. UPC 909 (d). Provide an 18" raised platform for any FAU water heater, or other device in the garage, which may generate a flaw or spark, UMC Section 508, UPC Section 1310 (a). State regulations (California Admin. Code) require that the design satisfy one of the attached alternative energy packages or submit calculations. The law also requires that many mandatory conservation item be satisfied. 1304. Show on the Title Sheet of the plans, the required elements of the alternative energy package that was selected, and next to each element show how you are complying with each element. If calculations were used, provide similar data on the plans. )06. The plan sheet showing the required elements of the selected energy package, and listing the design elements showing compliance with that selected package, most be signed by either the owner or a licensed professional. i.e., architect, engineer or contractor. A design professional most note his/her state license number. Section 1403 of Title 20. 0 Show on the plans the "R" value for the walls, floors, ceiling and related areas. (j) Show JAM910 glazing as per Energy Design, on Glazing Schedule. A i,,.iç 6 /5 /c,prc (e.J#.J.26.i L )03. Show on the plan how shading requirements are satisfied. () The plans are not in compliance with the energy conservation compliance package selected or design calculations provided. Show on plans conformance as follows: ,4 i ,43CEr A €;,fr.1 3 ,' rSM7/J 7i'6 4E#Je4'.c' O5,C,j S'VSA A A d&) Specify on the bui1d1n2 glans all of the mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Mandatory Enerov Conservation Recuiroeent&'. Show the size, type, make, model and 1ocation of the space heating (or cooling) system and provide energy calculations if the output BU/Hr. exceeds 45,000. 71. Energy conservation design should be for Zone . See attached energy packages. 408. See additional corrections, or remarks, on attached sheet. £ C-4 A' E S ô Ej T P 7ii 0,4.,,P4.—'45 q 71A-14. //,4 cc IAI 24 2/13/86 CARLSBAD fl-i SUPPLEMENT 420. Show details for waterproofing masonry walls below grade where interior finished floors exist (City Policy No. 80-8). 47f. All new residential buildings, including additions, require a soils report. Please submit two copies. 18.04.260 Section 3802(b)S and 6 added - Automatic Fire Extinquishina Systems. Section 3802(b) of the Uniform Building Code is amended by the addition of Subpara- graphs 5 and 6 to read: "5. In all buildings, which are two or more stories in height and where the floor level of one or more stories or a basement lies below the lowest point of vehicular access for fire department apparatus, as determined by the Fire Chief. 16. in all buildings, where the aggregate floor area of all floors exceeds 10,000 square feet. EXCEPTIONS: Ci) Where a four-hour rated area separation wall with no openings or penetrations therein has been constructed such that no aggregate floor area between such walls exceeds 10,000 square feet. (ii) Where a sprinkler system has been approved and installed according to the Carlsbad Fire Department Standards for Residential Sprinkler Systems. This shall apply only to residential occupancies of Type V construction and the sprinkler system does not qualify the buildings for the area increase or substitutions cited in Chapter 5 of this building code. (iii) In residential occupancies of Type V construction, two adjacent two-hour rated fire walls, with no openings, except one approved penetra- tion for utilities, will be permitted. The walls must conform to all provisions of the most recently adopted Uniform Building Code and be approved by the Building Official and the Fire Chief". Parapets are not required when a four-hour wood wall is constructed to avoid install- ing a sprinkler system required only by City Ordinance. If the wall is also serving as a U.S.C. required sep- aration wail, parapets are required unless the code specified constructions, in - lieu of parapets, is provided. 44 The Fire Department has ruled, and Marty ' has concurred that a planned unit development, with property lines between (R-)) must conform to the 10,000 sq. ft. sprinkler ordinance, even though these individual units have two - one hour wails on each side. 425 New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story .garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No. 8093). 426. Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be in- stalled to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater Is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). 427 All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (City Policy). 428. Condensate drains must connect to a wet trap as dry traps are not permitted. (Memo 1/14/83). P. a T. valves cannot drain to an upright sink basin; they must drain to floor drain, floor sink or to the outside (Memo 2/2/83). 4$. Show fans are duct type; City Policy ( does not permit ductless fans. The use of flexible metal conduit as a grounding means must comply with City Policy 84-36. Note horizontal feeders in multiple occupancy combustible frame dwellings, except duplexes, shall be installed underground or outside the building unless approved by the Building Official (City Policy 84-37). DYER Ground is required (City Policy). Show the ampere rating of the electrical service. Romex is not permitted in industrial buildings. Y?-' No wiring is permitted on the roof of a building and wiring on the exterior of a building requires approval by the Building Official. 437. Type NM and Type NMC may be used in resi- dential construction not exceeding two stories and three story residential struc- tures if the Building Official approves. .45'. Provide single line it service exceeds 200 amps. .9'V Electrical sub-panels cannot be in concealed locations (City Policy 80-10). 4d4 Condominium units, either fl-i or postage stamp R-3's, less than 1,000 sq. ft. mjst have minimum 60 amp service and those over 1.000 sq. ft. must have min- imum 100 amp service (City Policy 83-33). 441. Provide details of roof drains to show compliance with City Policy 84-35. 0'. All structures require fire retardant roof covering. Zn other than single family dwellings, wood beams suppoiting more than one floor or one roof in a fire-rated floor ceiling assembly must be individually protected per NRB-250, or be changed to steel pro- tected per Table 43-A, or may be fire retardant treated heavy timber or glu-lam, or the area can be sprinklered in lieu of the fire rating (Memo 12/6/83). In 'type V-lhr we get the 1-hr on the structural beams and columns supporting the exit system. ,54 Floor drains must have auto-prime (City Policy). 446. Polybutylene and C.P.C.V. piping for residential hot or cold water piping Is not, permitted (City Policy) Memo 1/26/82). For fl-i occupancy City Ordinance 9792 requires single car garages have minimum clear area 12x20; double garage needs •' . minimum 20x20. No washing machines, etc. in clear space. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suits 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone nber of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan check for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan check items, please contact at Esgil Corporation. Thank yàu. Enclosures: - 25 2/13/86 CIT OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 87-253 MAY 27, 1987 ADDITIONAL CORRECTIONS Complete all the callouts and cross-referencing of the details. Include window "L" & "M" in the window schedule. Specify all door and window sizes on the floor plans. Include the interior openings of the wall along 2 in the garage. Recheck window sizes at bedroom #2 in units A, B, &C. Provide complete design, layout and construction details of the precast, prestressed slab and girders. Provide complete design of all the concrete block walls. Show 6x1•6 dense #1 D.F. HIP beam (B-8) at the sloping roof as shown on Sheet R-3 of the calculations. Show beam B-10, (W14 x 22) as shown on Sheet R-3 of the calculations. Recheck floor beam B-1 as shown on Sheet F-2 of the calculations. Show floor beams B-2 (Sht F-2 of calculations) B-4 (Sht. F-3 of calculations). B-14A, B-15A (Sht. F-6 of calculations) & B-22 (Sht. F-8 of calculations). Revise column ties to show #3: ties @ 7" o.c. or #3 spirals W/3" pitch. Section 2607(k) 2, 3. Refer to Detail -5. on Shet. S2 of the plans. Show 21 -0" wide x 12" thick continuous FTG along line 5 per Sheet FD-1 of the calculations. City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 87-253 May 27, 1987 460. Show 2'-6" SQ x 12" FTG for pads at rear walkway post per Sheet FD-2 of the calculations. . 461. The K value used for lateral analysis of the super-• structure is 1.00. The analysis should be based upon K = 1.33. 462. Clarify the lengths of the shear walls along line 2, A, & D on all levels. •Refer to Sheets L3 thru L8 of the calc's & sheets S6 thru S8 of the plans. Show all the holddowns for the shear walls per Sheets L-9 & L-10 of the calculations. Complete overturning calculations for shear walls along A & D. Show how the dead loads that are applied to shear walls were derived. Recheck distribution of shear forces at the lower. level. (North - South direction). Show that the wind load does/does not govern lateral force design. Section 2303(f); Section 2312(a). Wind loading should be based upon Exposure.0 unless justifying data is presented to use Exposure B. Section 2311(c). Provide elevations of the rigid frames and connection details. Provide User's-.Manual for the computer program used for the design of the rigid frames. Provide a rotational analysis of the lower level diaphraghm. • City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 87-253 May 27, 1987 Accidental torsion based upon 5% of maximum building dimension must be added to the actual torison result- ing from eccentricity between -center of mass and center of rigidity. When calculating shear stresses, masonry shear walls must be designed to resist 1.5 times the code prescribed lateral forces. U.B.C. Table 24H, footnote 3. .Check footings for maximum allowable soil pressure resulting from lateral forces applied to shear walls. Diaphragm shear stress, chord forces, collector forces and their connections are required to be design7'using lateral forces at each level determined with Formula 12-9, UBC Chapter 23. Provide calculations for moment resisting steel frames using D.L. 1- seismic without LL. MECHANICAL Show sizes of garage exhaust fans to provide 1-1/2 CFM per square foot of garage area. UBC 705. Discharge point of garage exhaust system must be 10 feet above grade, 10 feet from openings into the building, 3 feet from walls or roof, and 10 feet from property lines. UMC Section 1107(j)2. Ducts opening through floors must be within fire rated shafts UBC Section 1706. Detail shaft con- struction for exhaust fan ducts. Detail fire dampers at opening in fire-resistive membranes for ducts. UBC Section 4303(b)6. City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 87-253 May 27, 1987 480. Combustion air ducts cannot be in the same duct space as flues from lower level. (Flues shown on plumbing plans are combustion air vents shown on the mechanical plans). If you have any questions, please contact Abe Doliente of.Esgil Corporation at (619)560-1468. Thank you. I CV '7.... .253 SUPPL1ENTAL PLAN COR1MII0N SHEET FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION The following must be identified on the plan title sheet or the structural specification sheet per UBC Sections 302, 305 (f), and 306 (a) through (f): ® Note that continuous inspection shall be performed by qualified special inspectors retained by the owner and approved by the Building Official to act as a special inspector for the following types of construction: (X CONCRETE ,OLL Si, CC.iQ.ET ® REINFORCING STEEL AND PRESTRESSED STEEL FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE_____________________ WELDING ,1-L 5UCYU/?,I4— r,ELO D. HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTING___________________________________________________________ Q STRUCTURAL MAS PILING, DRILLED PIERS, AND CAISSONS_________________________________________________ SPRAYED-ON FIREPROOFING_________________________________________________________ OTHER SPECIAL CASES: •FIELD FABRICATED TRUSSES () Provide the following statements on the plans: The permit applicant shall retain the design engineer or architect of record or other responsible engineer approved by the Building Official to ensure that: 1. all elements of construction which require special inspection are inspected by qualified deputy inspectors approved by the Building Official; and 2. all code deficiencies detected and deviations from the approved plans are brought to the attention of the contractor for correction, and if not corrected, revised designs to overcome the deficiency shall be prepared by the design engineer or architect of record for approval by the Building Official; and 3. all corrective work required is completed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and City adopted codes. (j!) A final inspection report, signed by the special inspector Md the responsible engineer, is submitted to the Building Official upon the completion of each element requiring special inspection. The report must certify that the work was in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable City codes including any authorized changes to the plans. () Note that evidence will be provided to the Building Official that the following items were fabricated in an approved manner (Certificate of Compliance, approved fabricator certification, mill reports, etc.): A. GLU-LAM BEAMS______________________________________________________________ (1) PRECAST CONCRETE___________________________________________________________ REINFORCING STEEL_____________________________________________________________ STRUCTURAL STEEL___________________________________________________________ TRUSSES INSULATION___________________________________________________________________ OTHER 4. Note on the plan that it is the responsibility of the design engineer to review and approve structural shop drawings, truss details and specifications and provide documented approval for sane to the Building Official for his approval. 5. Note on the plans that the owner shall arrange for performance tests to be conducted to the satisfaction of the Building Official of the following: A. FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS B. SMOKE CONTROL ASSEMBLIES C. EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTING D. EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY E. AUTOMATIC CLOSERS F. OTHER_________________ S1123085 12/30/85 ,I:., I •j MANDATORY EGERGY CONSERVATION KwwJctS OF THE STA37 OF CALIFORNIA All heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and water heating equipment shall meet all of the requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Standards and shall be certified by the California Energy Commission. A two stage thermostat, which controls the supplementary heat on its second stage, shall be provided for heat pumps. - Thermostats shall be equipped with an automatic setback, which the building occupant can program to automatically set back the thermostat twice in 24 hours. (I.) Equipment which requires preventive maintenance to maintain efficient operation shall be furnished with complete necessary maintenance information. All gas-fired fan type central furnaces, gas-fired fan type wall furnaces, and cooking appliances shall be-equipped with an intermittent ignition device. All fan systems exhausting air to the outside shall be provided with backdraft dampers. All transverse duct, plenum, and fitting joints shall be sealed with pressure sensitive tape or mastic to prevent air loss and shall be insulated to conform to the provisions of Section 1005 of the UMC, 1982 Edition. A vapor barrier is required in climate zone 1, 111, and 16. All manufactured windows and sliding glass doors shall meet the 1972 ANSI air infiltration standards and shall be certified and labeled. All swinging doors and windows leading to unconditioned areas shall be fully weather-stripped. (U) Storage type water heaters and storage and backup tanks for solar systems shall be externally wrapped with R-12 Insulation or greater. The five feet of pipe closest to the water heater, if outside conditioned space, shall be insulated with a minimum of R-3. Steam and steam condensation returzt piping and recirculating hot water piping outside the building envelope shall be insulated in accordance with T20-1406(d). Lamps used in luminaries for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms shall have an efficiency of not less than 25 lumens per watt. Showerheads and faucets shall be equipped with flow restrictors as outlined in the appliance efficiency standards and shall be certified to the Energy Commission. Masonry and factory-built fireplaces on exterior walls, shall be equipped with tight-fitting closeable metal or glass doors covering the entire opening of the firebox; a combustion air intake equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight fitting damper to draw air from the outside of the building; and a tight fitting flue damper with a readily accessible control. Insulation used shall comply with California Quality Standards. The insulation installer shall post. a signed certificate.. . Section. 276.. Insulation Certificate (All Occupancies). After installing insulation, the installer shall post in a conspicuous location in the building a certificate signed by the installer and the builder stating that the installation conforms the requirements of Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2-53, and that the materials installed conform with the requirements of Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 3. The certificate shall state the manufacturer's name and material identification, the installed "R" value, and (in applications of loose fill insulation) the minimum installed weight per square foot consistent with the manufacturer's labeled density for the desired "ft" value. For infiltration control all openings and penetrations must be caulked and sealed, such as around windows, at sole plates, and openings for utility pipes and wires. Form ECE 3/5/86 CITY OF CARLSBAD Table 7. Alternative Component Packages, Climate Zone 7 Building Measure Package Designation A SIC D I E1L 2 1 3 1 415 1 6 INSULATION ft-VALUE MINIMUM Ceiling 19 30 19 30 30 30 19 30 19 30 19 Wall. II, 11 1.1 11 LL 11 11 IL 11 11 11 'Heavy" Wall. 2.3 2.5 2.5 NA NA 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.5 Light Mass Wall. 4.0 3.5 3.5 MA NA NA NA NA NA NA. NA Slab Floor Perimeter MR 7 MR MR MA MR MR MR MR 7 MR Raised Floor 11 11 1INAI9NR44R 19 19 1111 &rric3 MR MR MR REQ REQ REQ MR REQ MR MR MR LAZINC Maximum U-Value 1.1 .65 1.1 .65 .65 .65 1.1 .65 1.1 .65 .65 Maximum Total. Area I NH. 14 14 20 20 20 24 20 24 NH. MR Maximum Total Nonsouth Area Z 9.6 NA NA NA NA NH. SR MR MR 8.4 9.6 Minimum Total South Area 1 6.4 NH. MR MR NE MR NE MR NE 5.6 6.4 HADflG COEFFICIENT South-facing Glazing MR NH. MR NI MR MR MR MR NH. NH. NH. West-facing Glazing NH. NH. MR NH. .36 SR MR MR NE NI MR North-facing Glazing NH. NH. NB NH. NH. MR NI MR MR NH. NB East-facing Glazing MR MR NH. NH. NE MR NB NH. NH. MR MR RNAL MASS EQUIVALENT .1 Slab Floor Exposed7i8 50 NE MR 25 5 25 25 20 15 MR 50 IWILTRATI0N CONTROL Continuous Barrier • NE MR MR MR MR NH. MR MR NH. MR lectrical. Outlet Plate NH. NH. NH. NH. NH. NB SR NB NE MR NH. Caskets ir-To-Air Heat Exchanger NH. MR SR NE NH. NE SR MR MR NH. MR PACE HEATING SYSTEM Gas Furnace Seasonal Efficiency I MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS Heat Pump AOP 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Electric Resistance11 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES FACE COOLING SYSTEM A/C or Heat Pump SEER TER HEATING SYSTEM Gas, Heat Pump or Solar with Any Backup REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ REQ Solar with Gas Backup REQ REQ REQ Appendix 3 3-9 C-70 Acp I S V Table 17. Notes for Tables 1 through 16 LEGEND: NR - Not required, N/A - Not applicable, REQ - Required, 'MIN - Minimum efficiencies required by Sectioá 2-5306 of the regulation. NO • Reating system type not allowed, IRS - Heating system type allowed. 3.* 'Whenever an attic is required, it mist cover at least three-quarters (314) of the ceiling area over conditioned space and be vented. 7. In alternative component packages which require thermal mass (other than Package A), the specified percentage of mass must be directly exposed to the conditioned space. To determine the floor area directly exposed to the conditioned space. To determine the floor area, count only the first floor in conditioned areas. Uncarpeted first floor areas, such as linoleum or tiled entry ways, kitchens, bathrooms, and utility closets may all be counted towards this requirement. S. Thermal mass required for Packages E,12,3 and 4 must be either equivalent to a slab floor covering one-fourth (25 percent) of the floor area with a thickness of at least 2 inches and a volumetric heat capacity of. 28 Ztu/ft3 'P (see below for surface area of materials examples) or provide the minimum total mass capacity listed in Table 17 of Appendix A (use the Point System to calculate the mass for other materials). 4 brick Concrete block 90 pcf Concrete block 140 pcf Climate Slab I exposed block density, block density, solid Zone Floor I one side grouted grouted 4 6 4•• 15 21 18 17 14 13 20 28 24 22 18 18 7 25 35 1 30 28 1 23 22 For Packages 5 and 6 electric rëistance and radiant heating systems shall have two or' more separately controlled zones in each dwelling unit. Ll 10 - 'Dates ftzta&; Jurisdiction C-tx Prepared bys o Bldg. Dept. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE E3 Esgi]. PLAN CHECK NO. 'T Z5' BUILDING ADDRESS _III tmguotA AVE APPLICANT/CONTACT CLo ELEIiE.5 PHONE No. 714 9 q'70 BUILDING OCCUPANCY _€-1• /" DESIGNER PHONE q'o TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION =-Af PIe CONTRACTOR PHONE - BUILDING PORTION • BUILDING AREA _______________ VALUATION MULTIPLIER VALUE 2-1 1S733 __ 4 C5 I 5-/ (OO 190,000 I BA c-s 21a, 170 Air Conditioning Commercial - . - Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sorinklers Total Value Fee Adjusted To Reflect DEriergy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) 0 Handicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) Buildin.Permjt Fee $_ •z 00 Plan Check Fee $ $ 14%c5 COMMENTS: 8/4/82/I2 11/ 160 ENGINEERING CHECKLIST Date: Plan Check No. 517-2,c3 Project Address: j)) Project Name: TA46 5 HbeRs (co#'Ioor) Field Check Date: By: LEGEND Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs Your Action 1,2,3 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan Number in circle indicates plancheck number that deficiency was identified > CO w w > O 0 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improve- o ments, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. O (.. O J 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevationsof finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. 0 0 3. Provide legal description of property. D El 4. Provide assessor's parcel number. PERMITS REQUIRED Grading O 0 0 S. Grading permit required. 6. Grading plans in plan check PE El ' 0 7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance: O C3, M Grading plans signed. O El" 0 Grading permit issued. O EY 0 Grading completed. El 0 Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. O Grading inspected and permit signed off by City inspector. ç15 0 8. Right-of-Way Permit required for work in public right-of-way (e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water mainetc). 9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out completely and returned to Development Processing. M. 0 t OIA- IN O 0 Public facilities fee required. 0 0 Facilities management fee required. Fee:2#4_et D o 15. Additional EDU's requped: 8 . Sewer connection fee: Tyj Sewer permit no. O fl 16. Sewer lateral required: 'aJ M810, REMARKS:/Vo,zme,,jo5r - CiAns &pj, FtAci &mAcHveis 1rn gEut vo. 22. wr M vey r5Oc 5/teLL RE 6192 Aio ii$p7P,& As A i)o P€gwzau 4ji1 Awn 0. K. to i ___-D te: C —2C— 87 If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan check, please call the Development Processing Department at 438-1161. FEES REQUIRED Park-in-Lieu fees required. Quadrant: I , Fee Per Unit: , Total Fee: !:zj' . Traffic impact fee required. 38o Fee Per Unit:I/5O , Total Fee: Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required. Fee Per Unit:-' , Total Fee: 41 41 41 - - - Quo CL o. a LJLJ UI PLANNING CHECKLIST Plan Check No. 7-23 Address iii 5t)O11 Type of Project and Use B (poo& Zone RDIY Use Allowed? YES NO Setback: Front 0,K Side OK Rear Q/ Discretionary Action Required YES NO Type Environmental Required YES NO b( 2/ZLcVd.s Landscape PlanRequired (.IrN . YES NO Comments F owus t,.o cowu ro gg Agglje-6p ki/w e5mmAio CoE'' IRLfb) L,j, t, R)4zic 2Km M.'AQy A." t& I26QO1f2E tl"cto4cW#'i6'JT fle#wl ? Coastal Permit Required YES K NO D D Additional Comments /E/Pbpoa& f'1YLit 2000. 41L AWC AJ4S 6L Any 4,9iYa'4 ,424.1 - /R4ki1J/AJ4 PII2FCTa2 OK TO ISSUE DATE 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Qtitp of (ECartbab RECEiVEL April 30, 1987 MAY 1 1987 Preston Thurtle Beneficial Equities, Inc. 1301 Dove Street, Suite 750 Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Thurtle: Planning staff is able to support your project as proposed without requiring an information item to the Planning Commission due to its substantial conformance to the original approval. However, review of your site plan by our Engineering Department indicates a discrepancy as far as property lines are concerned. If you could provide us with an amended site plan with the proper property line dimensions or indicate where our information is incorrect, we would be able to continue processing your request. I have enclosed our documentation. Your plan shows a three foot retaining wall along the Carlsbad Boulevard frontage. Please confirm this height with your engineer. Sincerely, 314~4~ BRIAN HUNTER Associate Planner BR: dm OE OE' S.. " I I N P CA I/& / r ( Apg A -L7 / 'h 14 r ,OL E -, ' qi"-' •___S______.• —— Io Q/QQ/ M 0 _••, __•—$fr p21 !NI/o Pont 5O1 41,00, [coqoEJ (•;'/97 C.00E) 0 77 91 — t;7 9 1 2 t7'c91 a V&7S7' Radial - 3 -c,'-1-u(o .•. ------------- N N rn N U) U' I -' UI Q)ç tv N 55 0 0'E 53/. - - - .7 CN.55°28'30"5. 53/.d7'J 9.04P -r---- 00' / S /82./ 7'(/82. /31 Z9 , - I (N. 55°, / tA - - IA - U I C) / - 13 - -ri h f c31 II•.-' J " I rstA .... Ca ç I (1410/') L—(4,so0) 940 - 10 I _ tat, 55°e8154"w L'85 a/c) — + I I L15 • fb .c -' JZI cb - I rb 6 ' R,Qh1L of W1 — AJ 55 62i/8' (N 65 107'00"C-) e' M /02( N.34031'30"h/-< 1 - , 2560'ORION WAY .'.•' Citpol Car1bab -- CARLSBAD, CA 92008 . PAGE 1 OF .L TELEPHONE FIRE DEPARTMENT .• - (619) 931,-212 1 ti APPROVED - ..- -. / ZZ7 DSAPPROVED PLAN CHECK REPORT PLAN lECK# - I 87-. N..5 FROJE _e0Q'#t 1 0ei S ADDRESS P ,taiA eARLrL . flLt1iT ARCHITECT .. 'ADDRESS SlOt Aait' Sr#7~0 PHONE 7i'1--75Po OWNER 2D.JO.CrAl 670& S ADDRESS A/iMOOJrgQACL PHONE' 28 6 to 0 - — OCCUPANCY % / C % CONST 1 TOTAL SO. FT 10 q STORIES _.• SPRINkLERED DTENANTIMP. ognIJOO /As A/o .- -. . . . •- - .'.;_. - r ..':: . . APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING -' - TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ANDIOR. MAKING' . . THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS 1 Provide one copy of floor plan(s), site plan, sheets 2 Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project — 3 Provide specifications for the following ... 4 Permits are required for the installation of all fire protection systems (prinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, ' CO, alarms, hydrants) Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation - 5 The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT ..X.. 6. The following f ire protection systems are required: j1 Automitic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria:-_PIPPA. ) . C AWl) LS4I 1-. HA.lA#n' "•' ) D Dry Chemical, Halon,CO2(Locatiôn: StandPipes(Type: MA7rJ OA19. . 0 Fire Alarm (Type/Location: - . . . . . . . • ) . f X.. 7 Fire Extinguisher Requirements ' I LOne 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each" 000- sq.ft. or portionereof with a travel distance,to the nearest -'• extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of-travel. .th / Anextinguisherwithaminimumratingof ORQ '-to be located: .. A*"PA tJt'1 AIST$WP '.1 ' • DOther: . .- .. 8. Additional fire hydrant(s) shall bepiovided ' . . . • / . EXITS .1... 9 Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort ......L.io. A sign -stating,." This door to remain unlocked during business hoiirs" shall-be placed above themain exit and doors. _11. 'EXIT signs (6" x 3/4" letters) shall be placed pveràll required exilts and directional signs located ad necessary to clearly indicate the location of exit doors , - . GENERAL:' . .-• . -. 12 Storage, dispensing or use of any f1ai4imable or combustible) !quids, flammable liquids, fIamnable gases and - hazardous chemicals shall comply. with Uniform Fire Code. -- . - ." • _13 Building(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feeton pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock piI ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code,, Article 81. , . ;.• • ' . , . . - ' .._14. dditional Requirements Pro&In, AAje . osvrerJ '1391.LAIoPØJ £ 1 )4#keN •., . -Avpc.i,.- --ist2,Ac n ALØ)1 c - Tl,cr .,iic IuO(' JTsecPñ cMO,,Wø C.. a ' o - . -- I .,, - V. _1 A' /t'AIOX Aoz f'R /3iT-.4trecc cjc,7Ac Af'i4 .1 :_ •'-• . _15. Comply with regulationson attached sheet(s). Plan Examiner - Date 7—'Z -_9_7 Report mailed to architect --Met with Attach to Plans STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS - .FOR 0 PRECAST PRESTRESSED MEMBERS JOB TITLE '1 C#JD. •. • :ssIo,, eel No. 12592 I •0 - - • • Exp. 3-3189 J :-.•; \%W :.. ••••.• •.. •e9. )ATE: - T- 87 ..•• •- -. SpancreteJob NO- DAY YEAR .•• • Tota1Pags • .••,• •. • • - 0 -• • - -- - 1_ - -._-. •.-..- . -. ..--. S (. tn- .0 0• . to! 171 179 —1 4- ® - I II • I • • —. - • ...— f ___ j . fpA IW3 if 3 up I LL4O'1 • I U . I if if . I • • -0- 11 I - _• __- - - r'-------/. ® ;DP7 idPOP.J ZVt 70PpuJe. 8CON KEYPLA?-4 1. 7P'ç -4G00 /19.D Fe.Q.. oqAj ex rALop 4? TbPPJiç, - . e. AJ7n.qr0 _.Ds. Pe,_. -- Ec&.cP,zec.e.p I:-, 5E. 3c E4)uoiA _S gf T 0#.Joo'c 13131 OF COLLIPOINIA LOS ANGELES STREET IIWINDAIE, CALIFORNIA 91706 TELEPHONE 12131 9624751 • jo.8744 lIRE'..,_l.qppslu'.s,___1an. sv_IDUS'3 $7_ SHY_OP 5-35 . 'Jc DE5J4J 1 5PAJ =.. 333:s CONS/D92£ j34• L..D. /LO.J4 DET&&d')MJ 4dIV,J#.JlL.D So p 3a 33, 3 3311 c F',.o.: cook 4i.4 3o4)c.4 40.o 1: 15.o' p4a711u is,- fL. 2977c11 mm - 2347 11 JIM 4. IZ Eç4dN. "-p. cE.c.JL,) $Su''e CfrJa PL4#jd D1$74/,9uT,o.q.)— COo ay47,&Pe. 42O/ P4,o7#J 'q 19 )e'4.4 It(ZS,'118..7S L* 4.eX2..8 3.33 72.. - - - OF CALIFORNIA I W(PUOldA 7? ( OQDO 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET I U ft I1WIP4DAIL CALIFORNIA 91706 I TELEPHONE 12131 9624751 I SNO_87..)4.1I uuLsT D.P .rm _____lcmv I.,-382Jun 2 , 5-35 LJDI r DI'4DD 06-03-1987 15:03:58 SPANCRETE NO. 1 **INPUT DATA** SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOAD ADDITIONAL TOPPING WI DESIGN SPAN FIRE COVER DEPTH OF SPANCRETE TOPPING THICKNESS WORKING FORCE A= 95 lbs/sq ft. A4= 95 lbs/sq ft. T20 12.5 lbs/sq ft. <= B= 30.33 feet C= 2 inches D= 10 inches 13= 2.5 inches M=167.52 kips F C TOPPING= 4000 psi F C SPANCRETE= 4000 psi **OUTPUT DATA** (BASED ON UNIFORM LOADING) SPANCRETE + TOPPING, LOAD PER FOOT 6= 395.87 lbs/ft SPANCRETE 4 TOPPING, MOMENT H= 546.24 inch-kips SPANCRETE + TOPPING, ULTIMATE MOMENT, 1= 764.74 inch-kips SUPERIMPOSED LOAD, LIVE J= 316.67 lbs/ft SUPERIMPOSED LOAD, DEAD 38= 316.67 lbs/ft SUPERIMPOSED LOAD MOMENT K= 873.91 inch-kips SUPERIMPOSED LOAD ULTIMATE MOMENT L= 1354.57 inch-kips TOTAL ULTIMATE MOMENT L2= 2119.30 inch-kips ULTIMATE ALLOWABLE MOMENT Z= 2239.73 inch-kips ECCENTRICITY N= 2.95 inches STRESS IN TOPPING O= 871.39 psi STRESS IN TOP OF SLAB P= 1220.45 psi STRESS IN BOTTOM OF SLAB, 0= -509.63 Psi ULTIMATE FORCE R= 294.84 kips DEPTH OF STRAND, T= 10.26 inches REACTION @SUPPORT Z1= 23598.8 lbs SHEAR H/2 W1= 191.26 psi V (CW) @ H/2 W2= 276.23 psi SHEAR @ 1/4 POINT 04= 100.40 psi V (CI) @ 1/4 POINT P2= 111.71 psi INITIAL STRESS @ TOP OF SLAB P7= -185.64 psi INITIAL STRESS IN BOlT. OF SLAB P8= 1786.38 psi CAMBER DUE TO P @ TRANSFER D5 1.4751 inches SPANCRETE DEFL. D7= -0.4888 inches TOPPING LOAD DEFL. D8= -0.2470 inches SUPERIMPOSED LOAD DEFL. D4= -0.5587 inches FINAL DEFLECTION D9 0.1806 inches .1 ~30 PL '.AJ &c14'-i - o.i)S1p I" TEP J& 3o4. 7,/'4,7 ç = 3eg 1 . 6 - 1171 1E4IV1 DESI4AJ 'A . '- 24.S' 754X)6 120oV, 8" 67 X8. - S7o /77o 3'ToPPIJ .,.44-4Y24.S EDE 15 üPo " mPPi S, I., : c4CDOSgd,e' 4 .2.0 t. g, 4.3a i / LL ?Mf1 4- X . z. I S FO/. 7S)j GP SE! EL5WHe2. Wi77ii6.' T98S 1LIO4J Jo. Poi..q S77 CCkJ Qn',S OF CALI?OlIA 13131 LOS ANGELES STRUT IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 5-35 -q.-87 L. '1- IJDX E1 DPIDD DP 06-04-1987 12:17:15 SPANCRETE NO. 3 **INPUT DATA** SUPERIMPOSED LIVE LOAD A= 94 lbs/sq ft. SUPERIMPOSED DEAD LOAD A4= 0 lbs/sq ft. ADDITIONAL TOPPINGWT 120= 12.5 lbs/sq ft. <= DESIGN SPAN B= 15.67 feet FIRE COVER C= 2 inches DEPTH OF SPANCRETE D= 8 inches TOPPING THICKNESS T3= 2.5 inches WORKING FORCE M= 78.66 kips FC TOPPING= 4000 psi FC SPANCRETE= 4000 psi **OUTPUT DATA** (BASED ON UNIFORM LOADING) SPANCRETE + TOPPING., LOAD PER FOOT 6= 362.32 lbs/ft SPANCRETE + TOPPING. MOMENT H= 133.45 inch-kips SPANCRETE + TOPPING. ULTIMATE MOMENT, 1= 186.83 inch-kips SUPERIMPOSED LOAD, LIVE J= 313.33 lbs/ft SUPERIMPOSED LOAD., DEAD J8= 0.00 lbs/ft SUPERIMPOSED LOAD MOMENT K= 115.41 inch-kips SUPERIMPOSED LOAD ULTIMATE MOMENT L= 196.19 inch-kips TOTAL ULTIMATE MOMENT L2=. 383.02 inch-kips ULTIMATE ALLOWABLE MOMENT Z= 918.32 inch-kips ECCENTRICITY N= 1.74 inches STRESS IN TOPPING 0= 161.68 psi STRESS IN TOP OF SLAB P= 430.32 psi STRESS IN BOTTOM OF SLAB, 0= 182.39 psi ULTIMATE FORCE R= 138.44 kips DEPTH OF STRAND, T= 8.26 inches REACTION @SUPPORT Zl= 8355.7 lbs SHEAR H/2 W1= 62.71 psi V (CW) @ H/2 W2= 253.03 psi SHEAR @ 1/4 POINT 04= 34.13 Psi V (CI) @ 1/4 POINT P2= 107.52 psi INITIAL STRESS @ TOP OF SLAB P7= -2.60 psi INITIAL STRESS IN BOlT. OF SLAB P8= 843.87 psi CAMBER DUE TO P @ TRANSFER D5 0.2111 inches SPANCRETE DEFL. D7= -0.0584 inches TOPPING LOAD DEFL. D8= -0.0341 inches SUPERIMPOSED LOAD DEFL.. D4= -0.0319 inches FINAL DEFLECTION D9= 0.0867 inches 0 7'.M-v"r 6ifiJ 3 z 57,41/2. i-s1c Tp s,) 47 9. 4..sx3.33 7. 977 ,*( ft. /1001 977 p''e 4o.o c77. 1*•>', To? oP ,, 3G/ P' EC..r 343 Ps, .,... 2977Y.i2.%4-.0 . .9 P$/ S ,, Tev sr.p° ssoposre 7 PS) )S2P5) 7t'vçicstl JS,401- IV i.1 d,4 . 677 33 )O ?A..) ro"plolAl 7 OF CALIPOINIA 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 - INLIT ''1. 5.35 4L.so11: 1 0c.1DDS asNo 7- OF CALl VOD4IA 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET llWlNDAL. CALIFORNIA 91706 7 $.35 - - -. - - - - - o Cpuiv 5aIiL,, S. I06.00 I28.7 (.W#a.D. m. 'S P'927k.' 31%'c 'z*I Ere. I L 964-00 I 237o I- I gig 72.ø2. M.r?72o?-x4p : S 93212o 9S 4X4/'. : 1 47209 s46o * I 2.S43 At/ 7 32/2 ¶'-47 :nd( 347900 12O0 25', : •c'/1 770 4' 1 I ?I -i 2e'i. 1.072, s/-L ./.770 4400 a v 10/4 9$6)C 2o/ 37.CCO3 47800, EcLJc3I r irc GIRDER NO. A DP 07-01-1987 15:01:14 PAGE 1 **INPUT DATA** TRIB. WIDTH = 24.5 FEET SPAN LENGTH = 19 FEET BEAM WEIGHT = 0.572 KIPS/FT S/C WEIGHT = 1.770 KIPS/FT TOPPING WEIGHT = 1.072 KIPS/FT SDL= ( 0. OOLBS. /SQ. Fl) 6.272K/FT SLL=(; 0.00LBS./SQ.FT) 6.272K/FT P/C WIDTH = 24.0 INCHES P/C DEPTH = 255 INCHES SYSTEM DEPTH= 30.00 INCHES NOTCH @ TOP OF BEAM IS 7.0 DEEP X 4.5 WIDE BEAM IS NOTCHED ON 2 SIDE DESIGN THICKNESS OF TOPPING = 2.50 INCHES DESIGN WIDTH OF TOPPING = 57_0 INCHES Section Type 2 0.40 SQ. •IN REINF. IN TPG. 29.00 FROM BOTT 1.20 SQ. INREINF. IN BM TOP @ 22.00 FROM BOTT 14 1/2 IN 270K SIR @ 3.25 IN FROM BOTT 2 INCH MIN. COVER, 3 INCH AVG. FIRE COVER FC TPG = 4000 WT. = 150 LBS/CU FT F'C BEAM = 6000 WT. = 150 LBS/CU FT **OUTPUT DATA (based on uniform loadina)** ULT WEIGHT = 24.223K:IPS/FOOT ULT REACTION = 230.115 KIPS BEAM MOMENT = 310 IN-KIPS N/C MOMENT = 1,539 IN-KIPS COMP MOMENT = 6.793 IN-KIPS ULT. MOMENT = 13,117 IN-KIPS ULT. MOMENT FURN.= 12.849 IN-KIPS STRESS IN TPG.= 1.638 1(91 STRESS, BM TOP = 1,206 KSI STRESS, BM BOTT = -0610 KSI ('ci Req. = 3coopsi - - BOND BREAK - - ft.,- - / BRNB. PIT. W/4-6x4-ft.o in. I 17(p lece REINF. TO TOP - 2. 4t g / 6x6-10/6 ww( T&B -------- N c.; GtJDI r DP4DD GIRDER NO. A DP 07-01-1987 15:01:23 PAGE 2 SECTION AREA INERTIA YB P/C CONC ONLY 549.00 26.896.49 11.689 P/C FOR P/S 553.07 27392.02 11.837 P/C FOR N/C M . 573.26 29.097.72 11.777 COMP FOR COMPM 719.75 61.,538.11 15.157 TOP BOTTOM P/A 0.596 0.596 PE/S -1.412 1.223 - - M BM/S . 0.154 -0.134 M N/C. /9 .0.726 -0.623 M COMP /9 1.142 -1.673 SUM 1.206 -0.610 ULT M RED = 13.117 ULT M FURN = 12,849 FC RED = 2680 TPG STRESS 1.638 STRESS IN TOPPING REINF =23.114 KSI STRESS IN REINF IN TOP OF P/C = 13.911 KSI RELEASE STRESS TOP = -.747 BOTTOM = 1.877 FCI RED = 3128 - TOP REINF RED = 1.36 APPROXIMATE CAMBERS & DEFLECTIONS FROM P/S 0.207 1.728 0.357 . 2.019 0.418 . BEAM -0.017 1.764 -0.030 2. 104 -0.0 ,6 . SUM 0.190 0.327 0.382 S/C -0.038 1 .628 -0.062 SUM 0.289 0.320 TPG -0.023 1.628. -0.037 SUM . 0.266 0.282 S.D.L. -0.064 2.328 -0.148 SUM 0.203 0.134 L.L. -0.077 SUM 0.057 3.003999 - X = 1.00 FT. 14 1/2 IN STR @ 3.250 RELEASE STRESS, TOP = .871 BOTTOM = 1.984 FCI RED = 3306 TOP REINF RED = 1.69 -I a Elf SEQUOIA ST CONDOS BEAM NO. A SHEAR ANALYSIS BY EQ. 11-10 dp 07-02-1987 0744:15 SHEAR WIDTH = 22 INCHES SHEAR DEPTH = 25.50 INCHES SPAN= 19.000 FEET ULT. LOAD = 24.220 K/F PRESTRESS = 14 1/2 IN. STRAND @ 3.25 IN. FROM BOT. F'C = 6000 @ 28 DAYS F C = 6000 @ 28 DAYS (S=12 IN.) X(FT) VN(kips) VC(kips) VS(kips) AV (60) AV (40) H/2 1.06 240.419 161.714 78.705 0.707 1.061 2.08 211.332 189.582 21.750 0.196 0.293 .05 0.95 243.625 189.582 54.042 0.486 0.729 .10 1.90 216.555 189.582 26.973 0.242 0.364 .15 2.85 189.486 189.582 -0.097 0.065 0.098. .20 3.80 162.416 148.144 14.272 0.128 0.192 .25 4.75 135.347 111.919 23.428 0.211 0.316 .30 5.70 108.278 86.442 21.836 0.196 0.294 .35 6.65 81.208 75.833 5.375 0.065 0.098 .40 7.60 54.139 75.833 -21.694 0.065. 0.098 .45 8.55 27.069 75.833 -48.764 0.000 0.000 .50 9.50 0.000 75.833 -75.833 0.000 0.000 iF QWV uJ1P La), 'S S.IaL. 4' TP ,o7 31e )770 91 ;"7,K 19,4 V a4 .7L.'lç L. 7_J .TZ 423 Hi 1 . r4. 4 1J s 'alp E9.'iv. Is Jo E. GLJcPIf r cDPIDD BIRDER NO. B DP 07-01-1987 15:21:34 PAGE 1 **INPUT DATA** TRIB.. WIDTH = 24.5 FEET SPAN LENGTH = 20 FEET BEAM WEIGHT = 0.572 KIPS/FT S/C WEIGHT = 1.770 KIPS/FT TOPPING WEIGHT = 1.077 KIPS/FT SDL= ( 0.. OOLBS.. ISO.. FT) 3.678K/FT SLL=( 0.00LBS../SQ.FT) 3.678K/FT P/C WIDTH = 24.0 INCHES P/C DEPTH = 25.5 INCHES SYSTEM DEPTH= 30.00 INCHES NOTCH @ TOP OF BEAM IS 7.0 DEEP X 4.5 WIDE BEAM IS NOTCHED ON 2 SIDE DESIGN THICKNESS OF TOPPING = 2.50 INCHES DESIGN WIDTH OF TOPPING = 57.0 INCHES Section Type 2 0.40 SQ. IN REINF. IN TPG. @ 29.00 FROM BOTT 0.88 SQ. IN REINF. IN BM TOP @ 22.00 FROM BOTT 10 1/2 IN 270K STR @ 3.25 IN FROM BOTT C 2 INCH MIN. COVER 3 INCH AVG. FIRE COVER F'C TPG = 4000 WT. = 150 LBS/CU FT FC BEAM = 6000 WT. = 150 LBS/CU FT **OUTPUT DATA (based on uniform loadino)** ULT WEIGHT = ULT REACTION = BEAM MOMENT = N/C MOMENT = COMP MOMENT = ULT. MOMENT = ULT. MOMENT FURN.= STRESS IN TPG..= STRESS., BM TOP = STRESS BM BOTT = 16.. 188KIPS/FOOT 161.8823 KIPS 343 IN-KIPS 1,708 IN-KIPS 4414 IN-KIPS 9,713 IN-KIPS 9..353 IN-KIPS 1.074 1(91 1.159 1(91 -0655 KSI f'ci Req. 3aO psi - - >> BOND BREAK- 3 - ft.,-3 - I BRNG. PLT. w14t4 xq.. ft. °in. I REINF. TO TOP -2.B7 I 6x6-I0I6 wwf T&B + ------- Ii o G_PDI r DI'JDD BIRDER NO. B DP 07-01-1987 15:2143 PAGE 2 SECTION AREA INERTIA YB P/C CONC ONLY 549.00 26 896.49 11.489 P/C FOR P/S 552.02 27265.23 11.797 P/C FOR N/C M 566.59 28496.92 11.757 COMP FOR COMP M 713.08 40,936.99 15.173 TOP BOTTOM P/A 0.427 0.427 PE/S -1.012 0.871 - M BM/S 0.172 -0.148 N N/C IS 0.824 -0.705 M COMP /S 0.748 -1.099. SUM 1.159 -0.655 ULT M RED = 9,713 ULT M FURN = 9.353 F'C RED = 2576 TPG STRESS = 1.074 STRESS IN TOPPING REINF =15.149 KSI STRESS IN REINF IN TOP OF P/C = 12.467 KSI RELEASE STRESSq TOP = .474 BOTTOM = 1.285 F'CI RED = 2142 TOP REINF RED = 0.81 APPROXIMATE CAMBERS & DEFLECTIONS FROM P/S . 0.164 . 1.728 0.283. 2.021 0.331 BEAM -0.021 1.764 -0.037 2.105 -0.044 SUM 0.143 0.246 0.286 S/C -0.048 1.613 -0.077 SUM 0.198 0.210 TPG -0.029 1.613 -0.047 SUM 0.169 0.163 S.D. L. -0.046 2.310 -0.107 SUM 0.123 0.056 L.L. -0.101 SUM -C).C)45 2.209222 X = 1.00 FT. 10 1/2 IN STR ; 3.250 RELEASE STRESS, TOP = -.614 BOTTOM = 1.405 FCI RED =2342 TOP REINF RED = 1.19 SEQUOIA ST CONDOS BEAM NO. B SHEAR ANALYSIS BY EQ. 11-10 dp 07-02-1987 074457 SHEAR WIDTH = 22 INCHES SHEAR DEPTH = 25.50 INCHES SPAN= 20.000 FEET ULT. LOAD = 16.200 K/F PRESTRESS = 10 1/2 IN. STRAND @ 3.25 IN. FROM 801. FC = 6000 @ 28 DAYS F C = 6000 @ 28 DAYS (5=12 IN. . S X(FT) VN(k:ips) VC(kips) VS(kips) AV(60) AV(40) 11/2 1.06 170.338 161.714 8.624 0.078 0.116 2.08 150.883 189.582 -38.699 0.047 0.070 .05 1.00 171.529 189.582 -18'.053 0.047 0.070 10 2.00 152.471 189.582 -37.112 0.047 0.070 .15 3.00 133.412 189.582 -56.171 0.047 0.070 .20 4.00 114.353 141.874 -27.521 0.047 0.070 .25 5.00 95.294 107.461 -12.166 0.047 0.070 .30 6.00 76.235 83.258 -7.022 0. 047 0.070 .35 7.00 57.176 75.833 -18.656 0.047 0.070 .40 8.00 38.118 75.833 -37.715 0.047 0.070 .45 9.00 19.059 75.833 -56.774. 0.000 0.000 Sc:) 10.00 0, 000 75.833 -75.833 0. 000 0. 000 • J- . -- S ... AJo7E: . 012 ST AJbh¼d jc, sH-q,z PcLT, EiJ') OF ThE )/V, LA)TED( L1d.JE © C6 ),5SJ4izet48 1) E 5) P01. EAj ,IZE To T/Z.J ..i9Tt /-o .;' Ig) FI ES 70 T)S7e -i.. ,# OF 13/07. -0- p i. ? Q'rc + TbP, 7407 & rc r1es9 J S79 F04. 710 A7'' o ç,.... )_E 7(.-4! T,ql,-E.&J 'U-' JDC. ,4I.o 4sQ'3-'7 T9 Te?'c$ ,3i). 7POSi7 pLdG Ta ?) ETC /#1 M' e r.. ,- /V . = 1348 Tilf 44 X24.S 7S X ar 1 200 8 67 SCAM x e.S ç70 •• ______ S00 '7'8A -4= 5/4QQ%/7_ 4748(S - $535 SEQUOIA ST wa97ie.( 1OIL 1Y 09 CMIFOINIA 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 al's., 1TI ) I$MTi± 0 I;e- 07- "' - - 0 - - - - - -- ES)4t, art j7d e"0640 TrT7" TI ,rptaw our L., Jim. DCsiv FO2. I2'4)E TH Is E.D P1IJ[TF /2E'94r /3ø'ub ø-j 4j. 7.Q4'j7Ito. h 7 Th QLôi.J Fcl. rJ.c7'J, 10 .cva s' Lo"a$ _________ O . PocP . . •.• - •. . I _ -roRep)iu4..c,- D7i.C/ _________ -4 F2.c 7b TPe..,94Js4Ti! h" .i i9.t..- ...•. l OP CAWO1NIA 3tQ UCl, 13131 LOS ANGELES STREET SPANCRETE IIWINDALE. CALIPOINIA 91706 TELEPHONE 12131 9624751 sN.87',busy D.P, 1ca..sv ISAI727 I S-35 : 1EAf-i I)e',/cj 3.(• / ri 1-000 I- M so P12 P2Sx4,27 233P,/, 2çSLa ' 1• 1 21' 1 odoX2.Y8 ______ brAj SOD.. t TOP - -f 87J' aV w I e%Lbc:! a2.o.c..1 .4j 7,3.x1O ' ii'! ' 11 5-35 S7 CojDo' :.. 7-'4-'I.. •1 L.1._ 13131 1.03 ANGELES STREET IIWINDALE, CALIFORNIA 91706 I .,l I? I ______ LJDI r iirc GIRDER NO. C DP 06-04-1987 14:11:32 PAGE 1 **INPUT DATA** TRIB. WIDTH = 1.67 FEET SPAN LENGTH = 21 FEET BEAM WEIGHT =. 0.417 KIPS/FT S/C WEIGHT = 0..000 KIPS/FT TOPPING WEIGHT = 0.541 KIPS/FT SDL= ( 0. OOLBS. ISO. FT) 0.000K/FT SLL=( 0.00LBS. /SO.FT) 2.580K/FT P/C WIDTH = 20.0 INCHES P/C DEPTH = 20.0 INCHES SYSTEM DEPTH= 30.00 INCHES S/C DEPTH = 00 INCHES;S/C BRNG. = 10.0 INCHES DESIGN THICKNESS OF TOPPING = 10.00 INCHES DESIGN WIDTH OF TOPPING = 20.0 INCHES Section Type 1 0.40 SQ. IN REINF. INTPG. @ 28.00 FROM BOTT 0.88 SQ. IN REINF. IN BM TOP @ 18.00 FROM BOTT 6 1/2 IN 270K STR @ 3.25 IN FROM BOTT 2 INCH MIN. COVER, 3 INCH AVG. FIRE COVER ) F'C TPG = 4000 WT. = 150 LBS/CU FT FC BEAM = 6000 WT. = 150 LBS/CU FT **OUTPUT DATA (based on uniform loading)** ULT WEIGHT = 5. 727K1P5/FOOT ULT REACTION = 60.1307 KIPS BEAM MOMENT = 276 IN-KIPS N/C MOMENT = 358 IN-KIPS COMP MOMENT = 1,707 IN-KIPS' ULT. MOMENT = 3.788 IN-KIPS ULT. MOMENT FURN.= 5.,421 IN-KIPS STRESS IN TPG.= 0.624 KSI STRESS., BM TOP = 0.317 KSI STRESS.. BM BOTT = 0.030 KSI Pci Req. :3j'o 0psi - - BOND BREAK— 2 - ft.,— 8 I I BRN6;PLT. WI4-$4 x_4t.10 in. I 77,ii " REINF. TO TOP - 2.1 ( / 6:6-10/6 NO T&B -------- ml ?IJDI 'I DP4DD GIRDER No. C DP 06-04-1987 1411:41 PAGE 2 SECTION AREA INERTIA VR P/C CONC ONLY 400.00 13,333.33 10.000 P/C FOR P/S 403.64 13,578.46 10.106 P/C FOR N/C M 414.55 14q 174.50 10.119 COMP FOR COMP M 583.50 42525.96 14.456 TOP BOTTOM P/A 0.350 0. 350 PE/S -0.706 0.721 M BM/S 0.201 -0.205 M N/C /9 0.249 -Q.255 - M COMP IS 0.222 -0.580 SUM 0.317 0.030 ULT M RED 3,788 ULT M FURN = 5,421 FC RED = 704 TPG STRESS = 0.624 STRESS IN TOPPING REINF = 8.222 KSI STRESS IN ,REINF IN TOP OF P/C = 3.888 KSI RELEASE STRESSq TOP .192 BOTTOM = 0.978 FCI RED = 1630 TOP REINF RED = 0.00 APPROXIMATE CAMBERS & DEFLECTIONS FROM P/S 0.174 1.728 0.301 '1.937 0.338 BEAM -0.037 1.764 -0.066 2.008 -0.075 SUM .0.137 0.235 0.263 S / C . 0.000 1 .283 0.000 SUM 0.235 0.263 TPG -0.036 1.283 -0.046 SUM 0.200 0.217 S.D. L. 0.000 1.850 C). 000 SUM 0.200 0.217 L.L. 0.057 SUM 0.160 .6829959 X = 1.00 FT. 6 1/2 IN STR ; 3.250 RELEASE STRESS TOP = -.357 BOTTOM = 1.146 FCI RED = 1910 TOP REINF RED = 0.00 SEQUOIA ST CONDOS BEAM NO. C SHEAR ANALYSIS BY EQ. 11-10 DP 06-04-1987 14:14:48 SHEAR WIDTH = 20 INCHES SHEAR DEPTH = 20.00 INCHES SPAN= 21.000 FEET ULT. LOAD = 5.730 K/F PRESTRESS = 6 1/2 IN. STRAND 3.25 IN. FROM ROT. F C = 6000 Z 28 DAYS FC = 6000 @ 28 DAYS (S=12 IN.) X(FT) VN(kips) VC(kips) VS(kips). AV(60) AV(40) H/2 0.83 65.165. 106.391 -41.226 0.034 0.051 2.08 56.738 129.745 -73.006 0.000 0.000 .05 1.05 63.704. 129.745 -66.041 0.000 0.000 10 2.10 56.626 129.745 -73.119 0.000 0.000 .15 3.15 49.548 101.144 -51.596 0.000 0.000 .20 4.20 42.469 74.020 -31.550 0.034 0.051 .25 5.25 35.391 57.134 -21.743 0.034 0.051 .30 6.30 28.313 51.898 -23.585 0.034 0.051 .35 7.35 21.235 51.898 -30.663 0.000 0.000 .40 8.40 14.156 51.898 -37.741 0.000 0.000 .45 9.45 7.078 51.898 -44.820 0.000 0.000 50 10.50 0.000 51.898 -51.898 0.000 0.000 CH 4)#+L '1 Alt 4. - iFj,,?$/x 2i/ Ll = 43717 4 ET og2- • HIJ I STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR SEQUOIA STREET CONDOMINIUMS. BRONZE EAGLE ENTERPRISE, INC consulting engineers 23682 biriclwr dr. JJ7 el turn, Cu 92630 911PV' 4 'Ot'd c,'5)S INS CiLqr// /.t2 '3 a 20 Z- Z-. ,77?c/SSES -9i? S 2 1- iJ = 7/4"; _\/o ,.rr_c f1O/t/ c!) ro , C-3,' '17 ' 71 A(=, ri.r /j-• 00 .EP 7/-Y/- 4, Z/oc, a. 8' eç/e1 /F1/ c,1reS f= //.7 4' = '' ' 14e,97 s' ' it !1°'/'/c ,00p 'J'rs /7 J- 3 16-1, I t /c•s r = 31-S- 41= /11 17 6'~zxfoQ-zi-" I A wti— I ovç e'A(.,< @ &4,i c27 2x q ,c'oo,' f4&If5 c 77 i Z3 &'f 0.3 9-7- 7 ,rx OW= .X35,'- zjn /J5 — Os 1xc: ?Cp.= 7 #' Ai.- //37 1x( H 8-5 / W 3X3Sf30 thf ') J/.-)(2Z- S z - ____ = e-7 17 / Og.S,L3C:32, 77 e94iPv i.= /7x S=io3 t. 2- fl - CL) c A &)c/' '4/EL 7-gx 3 tZ ,Lf 73/, 5= C//-c(m /cJ',7 4/3c.o =1.0 /7;o, 41/x3S 17L. .'7:S 2tc. ó'$ 3S O,r< W/4x3' poi& ,c"q' 4494/ je 1641r ,,v4L,>'S, -ç /3-10 = ?!& 1 .1• I V.9 3'1 V V s es, W i * A "Y 0 I j41I tF b1-Q 1 111.e sm xs- : 'rr1t• .ev 1_s 19PV' em-t*;; /xgS rc hf I4I,— /, / 2 - /3S' $77 /L& gc) dl, ,t24 8s fx3 77/) 'ic f,M/Ic 4fI7frfrJ ,4• I fc. 7. 23M 'op'sf ,;ø-_ /iio&/A A , scevrAr"-'c- flfrLr cJ7-.. g',j( (ciii E •.i 7.'. 74.47'3.,L .f ..t3?U3t3 . /, "JP7-X/O,C,1.x 3 - / 0 /if / I /1 I /Sfr.51 ooA;. P/,417/b'G. 07 r c'i .2.V- 7,-Al -* zoo, J/r.s = /D Di', tf -2. /7 , / 140 M/ /1/: scr27 S -' C'sE Zx/4.c/ x/1 4r4..= -Z- O#. OA .11'4 "E' T'Y/-4 /s-o' • A. 7Zo" xf.7J/o' tI Z h01 4t-#s & J.13IO= v 4•5 x 10 N 7• gF POST Us1* - S'X 1/n 7 / o V V 4. _: i ~ __~ ~_ iO ioCecrc Olt r- \iO\17 8• ~ 4w 2 ' +. 'F 7s'- /IW V1 3- i1 4f = '4S- f .sg 8'O 34 CvL 96,0 Aecc/'r.i) 13 c2A eTh1- . Irl- " ~-~ , J 8-14 P LU I IV K. ., Frcie.i d1SOS C.-t- B eArl 51 zE'. w fo3(,oO"# 2€ec4.u ,..,) LkJ 4 .5x?oI)(o 0 +I Z•ots ' r 2_.2_K tij. 7x 3'o7(0 'q. 6,Lf It) • L/& 3ct (2 hpi3 Opp 0-17 H • 216 F' I • O1a11S I a) . Z. 05 'V1 • e->4' vic F . S/ /3 fo,z.o k372o A' s I J t'u 7 1f I 1 17' 4)' 32K 7o fl-c#Z . 8o'' fJç Zt* 3/, eLP ór FEAr1 o F<-vt 14lfr'--'A1 O&- @' C-i. e 2. .s-L 'r r' r A r= (posr 1Ltcc4,., (0) M.30 5= (so dg4. hA. 5'hxls c -/L- 9 X 13ALoJ'ç L4.i 3A 30 I IlL c5 I H !3f Us "(14- 1fd 11/1)(3o Flo ?90 V '/S3 /g &x:;' rn' 12, 7/J/ - _ ' VLacc-i- ' 7+ U //) O / i/(/( .3:z- 4-f x 63 .q14L CoiC/)' e-o 8--'7 Ce ,KIG( .- ,57 1 /'OsT to. At -r, - \ N I, 0 I A I 77 —I 4- - , I I I - + *14 a,jjc. 7b,p,o n1 2 4 'r' rio / ARS I/I.E /0 " /'CA ,rn.c 2s f7r? 4;.• c_- CJ - ci . / / (/,Y/,o& /7 '$/dc7 7_c '71iC/< 444JA( er'y') I; c Cpc- /e1 NA',/ CA J7- ,4q r7/ E53.E ) Cv s 4)' o4NC,r5 711/ Assu m cI Sze - 7s-o /(/, 30 ?144L n c1/A/G I),t7 0,1 ,q 7i #'N iAJ G : £Qe,/V. ioio PNssc're x3= 77-+go 72-t,9x,36 =.3 '41ec = 32,7;2, 2-' Ai ol 417- CIAF . 3o' ,00f x To - 6Yc Jo /1/ Z 33k o a Jr"i, izF 6v fZ. 1f,4S AQf Cc)7 'I eec f. -/r7 aq our 2- j - j 5] . / I' t0t c/ 7,y As. 3.3/f. 44•7 '?3 Z ,,, No /Jpe' Pr d. .7" A .3/7 s7i,'o" I;,,:: 10)tce0 (1SE tf&,4;0 -0-4X/4L 3/ ac.) =i77 oc. I I I0510E. FACE. p:asr ilL (Jr /0'"69 &bV7. r7ca/ see, //JJ/o /Ac " /Li._ rn'J1,&cr,o,J a J,. A t. PH1ft& . ,LI 1 r' - i • p £7. (/17 N o r 4 p (pJi.i, iiè?. 4- -. c i14e. fo& . H A 31 0- k'- ,E.S. k 4- Orag L. c I-o S7!.'- 'eEcr'- 41oI/ fl4170 ,t tar.. 4. x J U - / Z = /f/3 &u .=. /73 IA)123 6x. /% , I- :4eg 11fLT. I A1A1 (Nov A-3 1 4, 03 )4 = 74•= ' 3 L_ g bL. JOrAL g, /2 let (5 OL) /?pL. p47k Z"o• 13 x 3y A i°' Os. 32!'Ø .S7C I(/P& Co Z- ,Uo co,ty 3 .570 acry—> 11r /E £ " S7-,O/sr.crw'-y /0/,Oz- CcL_. I @1 9,jffr/h,17- , 1< (I o D.Lf34 kce1 Sri 1 )3 50 k. 7-5 rx"/ cot. ,t?ccr Co,irit,,jtir. 3R. éo. A) 'I 4/= 710 n 42c4 = /ac 1-c /00L /oc( /0 4',N iso 7'- 1.? x /m 3 ro "-. ,44• 0 =Aep,= 3 Fox • 5)( ' 4- - 1.3/1? .7. Tlf X/F .a. 907 it'e C, 9s,>3?o :.. 0/,4/-1 c. J/J4.7 c/E,Lr. & $//rif/i e.,h'TCi'/ Ir---.- t+ tu1kC, 1* A I i'-' ,Qc + 4&' •• M t-'-- . - - 'i : • 1" 4I)GM knMr % - = - 4 i. • POci'No / 77041 A,VA t- 'i S is 54'L g,ô It. , 8 ..S6 2co0 ,ts /Je ç/ :ii ,'- /NC, £rn 1 ,'-h 2 (iv oopsE/44 ) COAJr Pr- Q/_, Be&r 0,1 411VE 515 p A — /47 a a / 2Wr /1 7'.S cJr flo /0 / 33X 0 Af,ç1 fl ro 3,o 7-. , / 4' 1! = 1q17 ,C I,. fr c_.__.#,v, OF p C £ L /( £ flO r ç3'W4Z 9,A1 667. Qd A-3. A-41 0-31 4L /3i / 'F , ,, I, '- x f-o x12. 74, 5'as ii&ic (for. ?' 6 &qo,t-r 1307- /4ç $r',' ' -#4P7 tJ43 - fro )cCc 3 XtO/S(x3 = ,4: .4/j =.l./ 0 u7- 54scTe"r 1M4 c5 /° x / UD = ?3' o 3x/7° =. ? Z#34 br Ac. 2755 < II IV, de- X(?' ,ig7-I3 i- x/ f.45 T' PA 0$ 'CEWr~~tk 84Lc,4,!'17 CCrsl 24.SX 2/ ,1'- 1-4 Pk IL /?c!rcr Cz ( 2i , 7t 'o°/o f4/..7 CcL /4c7 - 7$_a: ,i. (/4' Cc . ci1 Q'/7? '1Q ,' 1. 'td 196 71-75 ,'- t2_ 7' 3 Cc er c, X 75r4L. 6lig 7'SLX2-0 j 4 7 t'-W6or / 141? de C01'.JT /7 fa /1 1/ Ao I., 1çTZ, 3000 2-sc 3Soo J::O OX / 1# 3-0 J- bXs- ° prf ps71, 3.so /JT. psf Y73o ,)si 7-aoo 'sc /47 —/Z4L ANAz'v ID i..n.tl l!L]_•. I ___/E1¼i7S:• LA S7- wcr D/4?CT10,1 : .srn4A 4jr( (,AJE A,6' - cOhn, '/4 C7/ O,t/. 1',4Jo,Q/?Y r& ç9.4 r <' 2' /)O4.r/" 1o.ilfr 4#j Al - Less ,4c', .7 J)///',4'11,4/1 •7 41T1(e .4 Ft rr I %i o: ,qc -z,C .Y#•G?. 2..v::7 lo /)5( fA1CW3 vr'r,3IIS. C. f,c C7oiL. - 5r0't)# Waop 1=11'c/-/a . / V'= cs&zZ —.='71, ; (,A /4W ROc, - x '('x , 3,Z' ft:ooiS = '(( 2-AJO fco tOA, p153t1T,0,\/: w WI1 37O 3i0 zIl 22- 7O v 411- 77 -- =77X 3 76 O 7. 77)< _470 ' = N' All ?7x /..s tAJ / +th -- /Tgo of /8 3d'7 8/ t.-.1øp1 -J(,p v6 = /.J 4-7 6y ,4c4e Sc',c#4ivc 74) Je€- Q'C#f..c# -Aj I(2ee,-7 9ec/e 8(4 vi 4wc5 2-. 3/if L 9Fr-cAi - /J.7 x1.33 C, cl 4 cA ch dc - cfrej:-er. il lYx f.3J = 1 II tf4 8, /37x1'332/- //2- 3ç7 ct Y?( '/C. jW IC) c'k -c2o L >Icy :. lfAp4L J4r /70X/'33a 2 —c' ///QLycA1 /O oI f I<.orct: - • ' ?A 3ao pwa_ z LA = /C1s- ('33 t/k/Cw A V IA/A f si4 1 33 Vt P'- "j 1 • ô,c1 Uwe-"-= 3(I.33 tCo 4/2 /goo 3/r pde;, . 3o(.2. 1 //cyt4o ory fo1 m AV,ur- .3y(e33 o1 . 0 & 7 2-0 S' p'-rod (oc1Q CO /7.xfo7c(s? £(A/ 2• VjoJ4' . r%'c (.33 itt; d ll /0 -i- 3 0 'c•- ) -cec ret.d (,(A) c— 4- V p $- 'g.1-5A1.33. 11 j -'L4 A LJcQQ 414 (.33 L 4.d 44I II 3''C,)d33.LS? If -" L 9 we, OC tQI&i? Or.. g (Ame 0 jc Qra 752-x1t33. ( i_ >' bLt S ' o(.33 (çU( 4 0-' 51-p?ry 4.i 4 I- f.f'op EVaLj Sc'e4r g, 1,/A/—= OF i : 8AtcoPY / 1/8'x 4 t ' - 3 L-$• f'/j4 rM/ee ONd/A !q&9it 0 UA4!!!F 30 L'x 91 Vc/, .4 = O •2. / = m; p1eA6 ñrce _ /0- Z ,k. _• e. f-er- O"c, i) 2i 41AIE & /3•7 .Vch6,44 =/3.7/'/. /70 *1:: force. . 1'7 . • 13• 7 ' (çee. Co,ip4 /tr d, (y : f,Af e.vØ v= J101C/3.-c= 15Y0' ,/0/,Ol v1'r 170 dc 6pA% & /.i5 e4t~~/ I .s.• Q- L4 C' V- • '& ftCv4P e-te- GA = 31)c o27 - y.,/o. c /37 '/, 1iJo:=. /S7 I /4(':?yi' £30 e9ry - t,'= x3e,t fs?c:fi; V dc .- /'"= VwLf =~117 2,70 3/r y `/OL /1/Ax //py43os7z 3r4- :;,c',' 0 c /1A4 x IITX 3Z X*'53 /8X/7/7— Z. Ll 6c ,472 d £2'L 37-(?• TYP S' 7, e-' / / -, VE 0 G,161A.16E c9) L"= OO)('.S-'3 c73 v qffl c7s-0/'1= 7/ V 9 7's- I- 1"AP /o.SS VeQ0c. 10 — 2ç J/wc7 ;/• If 1-" (• -• v= OOx24t.g3/I'S i-..s/'i= DA /_/ , z.. 1-/ k.. C-1 IIAJ9 0 /2.;gA e Coisy,ciler ii/y.f / Veiox33 V i; if,. 5-/ 8' / '),0 3 D A Cr /rce.. ((c4e Cz 1kl ,o&,/r 6iie,t) fH&,V v= 407,(/5 5y's SA 6, f 3 1.G-P-P* ç•ç j'20=/0 fK pLrtv=-,=,t> ON c- r- (Ic cz I? A= 107x 17 /0.? K. 141fc144 = ,", b-f, IA & K V cit _ ftf //2.4&y/' & &4 S'o i9 4'& I= ç107x/3.5-= 5-S 9. Ldc'ji ss/ '3"•/, VI'k 1- /t1+ Z ,lc,= V LCj.,o = / 4z - V1 7 = /2AX OMAY VoActx '1o3 , F ' / Ii.. 70 (Aib ':: 7W s &°,1;,2 " if . OJ a gle /)LYW-bOC) ,0d 1C.61f2A Qqoi22 /q c: — I3A cx /1W 60 5°°- /'=c'1 /x s Te G-f lco X /772. 72- /ie •A. 'j r' L&serL .5 72/9/ 'y/ • t-fcDeL pr 0/cc Q/4f& i ellve 0 U= 2O)ç 3-+3 V . -'-e i.s ftr -. s- 7 34 7 7 AA 80 IB 3 //L,lcrc/ (CI9II V= co x .s.f' tA l i ,f e_ iivc v So33 Vd04 '1-S/7f/oz2" p.- - c114& -L( A) V = 2-o3x/3.r= 2•7 (tthaplj =. c2.7/ó 340 L /;- /2. . £'/G /8 '( Y U u o 0 rd ö,t1i S>E 21A / rrr P/f'M c2, (W c 'cc,; V= o3 ;ç Z7 518/a -S- fe //(a ft.. j'aL :?,Y C çyp £30 floG Cr &q- Wa-XP = /i.' S/leAft -4A)& CD I \J : Zo3)ç/3.5 Z.75 VuQe = /1,v__ V MJe.$ = / 7, - f// 7 = 75z- '•/, .3/8 /Cy&O I3br/ Mc: /74x £fAP/-/ Sff G4 A, c/s' perO 10 q, /2 5coc4te Qqc fo&cs (IL - D& ,t'c4TEL PC-if c 0I1<. P: j Ct5-_tZ5.. 1,1 '• j c.o06i t.W$)4- 9()- 7cJ11%1 c 4,/4-7SiS '41- S4'c-i- A&'-js 2' /IV 0 3 £ve*2. ,"7-1 lS - /0 ''E e4Cfl /'UC4 4'T 6'1/fT 2j 3,o (vt: IC it —x /0. ' S>,41flJO cr.Vz 64 'O Opt•iPP € tioeaV e c: 27-.,/.9x/'/)— ci'- /0 £'/pfo,t/ 8,4T 1 e-A&t'Q /0' 1' Is,if.ZvCf. : 7,( 16 'M/J o ,J $%f/'c 04) 6'o 7 &4- cA'Q 7/td 3/o 44= 40 orm y.So*eIt/ cIt4e, ç/c," /2-'1 el '#JO PA tE,'c: 4- 001,140 V/ o &14- eAJo 4thfT c!• /rt-'. -2- /• 2-71//_ jl;l ie. 1JS S,wp50,/ jefr4Ai1 V Lt Lper ('OL= 7K ,'DOIC b2 Q)(/z.-x ispsc /S?3 r orl Kl 27o' latU TA /f/°=° * 41 PDL /S?3'- 2-7S: --/o _ 7133 1A)e d5c( 7o<83fJ tQJt.f f7 J" a._s o. L± 7 t4J- Ojc1 5'eo 01<... -i I I26c4f irr ~Ai I HoTh lmezoa,or 54S'-u''r ev C.1( t/4f-- * IdWm ci rr Ca 4I ,f,'cso 2'4'v44 -'4-f V . • / - /- ' ' 'i x o £VQr0; ,v-- •/8'C-x$' /2 - •rr&x 8g'X S, xx F o'/ 14 1r--r tAt4 oil' 151" (/0cv/e 2fr7 1 W/,clo I - aP 5 Al A=17. S x / z- - s I 4ci &O4'L. 70 .S, 41,V Aqc LINE s took -T # c J "0 - c I ac-i.'-S rc. S asE 4c, 6,0^17- allo,tZ2 S41s c?' T°p 4 ?.t',-c-• i9ci. ,9/LC417 24i Dc7/Av- Al /' (P '- - As 1#1/z x (3 . Cre4c T ,rQ it ' ' - LS'l: 'fi1e$ 2 y- 1.42 y,q. $jJ Oo'cs ro v 32)&: ijE 2.o,1I' 'Ii 1' çc2-42 1 IlY14t4 LI1 f6r I1 1.iI.') I ,1.?.'.C. •. = ft w wr)( ,op• /2-" 31?o 77-I s-la' 77-1 sire f oof = x f'-° =- '7- :. gp 'K.. /30 2-/4 33 We 72• / / Jo (.33; de air-C-1 s t max 74"'r• cLpc c 2 v c/y pttueod 375x /7 /z ,c crr Wit /(Je //CC- O (-V A-2 a SP-1 C6 =. /2-/07?c/.33 a/707 rHc-nc4 rr '4Fcl >kJ : - I e+-I e6fr ir-r I9AH1. L1LLf 7t? (DL4-IL- ce'sHc L • 1 () & IIto ~mmz / •!:Z ________________ I q., 4 4 L 1. . .• , _____ - 02. G -. I e9frV & Li 14. (s r1I0e1I-1 r1 H-11 41 H 0 (ThH'1011' PLANE FRAME PROBLEM PROBLEM 1 . . . FRAME AT LINE #3 FULLY LOADED STRUCTURE DATA NUMBER OF MEMBERS ............, 9 NUMBER OF .JOINTS ............., 8 NUMBER OF SIJP}'OU'r RESTRAINTS ......, 4 NUMBER OF RESTRAINED JOINTS ......., 2 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF STRUCTURE. . , .290E+05 INPUT TABLE 2 "X" AND "Y" COORDINATES OF JOINT, JOiNT X-CORD Y-CORD 1 .00 .00 2 321.00 .00 3 .00 132.00 .1 2, 1 .00 1 .00 5 .0() 264.00 6 321.00 264.00 7 .00 396.00 It :121.00 .00 INPUT TABLE 3.. ELEMENT DATA MEN J.J .1K AX I 1. c 1. 1 3 .3990E-s-02 .1240E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .I000E+01 2 2 4 .3990E+02 .1240E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 3 3 5 .2560Ei-02 .7400E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .].000E+01 'I 4 6 .2560E+02 .7400E+03 .132011+03 .0000E+00 .1000R+01 5 5 7 .2560E+02 .7400E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 6 6 8 .2560E+02 .7400E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 7 3 4 .3880E+02 .3220E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E-i-01 .0000E+00 8 5 6 .2730E+02 .2070E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 9 7 8 .2000E+02 .1480E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 JOINT RESTUA I NTS JOINT X-RSTRT Y-RSTRT Z- US PUT 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 UK e9frV iF-r NIIMIU;}l OF LOADED JOINTS . 3 NIJMBIfl1 OF LOADED MEMBERS . 3 ACTION APPLIED AT JOINTS .JOINT X-ACTION 3 .81700E+01 5 .16300E+02 7 .13600E+02 Y-ACTION 00000E+00 00000E+00 00000Ei-00 Z-ACTION .00000F+00 00 000 E+00 00000E+00 ACTIONS AT INI)S OF I1ISTUAINE1) MEMBERS DUR TO LOADS MEM AML1 AML2 AML3 AML4 AM1.5 AML6 7 .00000E+00 .27420E-i-02 .14669E+04 00000E+00 .27420E+02 -.14669E+04 8 •00000E+00 27420E+02 14669E+04 .00000E+00 .27420E-f-02 -.14669E+04 9 .00000E+00 .12700E+02 .67980E+03 .00000E+00 . 12700l+02 -.679802+03 F AM5 -. 1522E+02 -.2285E+02 -.5640E+01 -.2426E+02 1766E+01 -. 1537E+02 4857E+02 364 1E+02 1610E+02 AM6 .2009E+04 3O17E+04 .4675E+03 1716E+04 6101E+01 .. 1087E+04 -. 4503E+04 .26571-0-04 -. 1087E+04 AM 3 AM4 -. 1774E-03 1091E-02 2770E+03 1487E+04 -.2392E+03 9414E-i-03 -.2286E+04 -. 2283E+03 -.6101E+01 -.3400E+02 -. 1011E+03 -.2773E+02 -.5251E+02 -.9295E+01 -. 1610E+02 ]407E+01 -.8894E+01 -. 1537E+02 T11 I JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS JOINT x-I)1S 1 .0000 E + 00 4) • 0000E+00 3 • 6655E+00 4 • 6659E+00 5 • 1018E-*-01 6 • 1015E+01 7 • 1216E+0]. 1208E+01 Y-t) IS 0000E+00 0000 E+OO -.3878E-02 -.1-153E-01 -.8808E-02 -.2087E-01 -. 1046E-01 -. 2373E-01 Z-DIS -.6270E-02 -.6890E-02 -.2584E-02 -.1353E-02 -.1998E-02 -.6485E-03 -. 1244E-02 -.2012E-03 X-REAC -. 1522E+02 -. 2285E-i-02 0000E+00 .0000H+00 0000E+0O 0000E+00 0000E+00 0000E+00 Y - I? E AC 3400E+02 1011E+03 0000E+0O .0000 E +00 0000E+O0 0000E+0O 0000E+0O .0000 1 +00 Z--RU- AC 0000E+00 O000E+00 0000 E+00 0000I+00 0000E4-00 0000E+00 0000E+00 .0000 E + 00 MEMBER END-A(;TION MIMLER AM] AM2 1. .3400E402 .1522E+02 2 .1011E-*-03 .2285E+02 3 2773E+02 .5640E+01 'I .5251E+02 .2426E+02 5 .9295E+01 -.1766E+01 6 161 0E+02 .1537E-*-02 7 -.1407E+01 .6271E+01 8891E+01 .18431:+02 9 .1537E+02 .9295E+01 Stop - Prograiii.terininated. C, I .1 IIIi(I + 4 J. L 'u G - 4 •i, 4 .1 L 4 J. 0•' 11 - czpA ew-1 H-1- to • 1. • 1i1 . .•.-.-.. LI C'4" (_Ps. i-1i4I- • • LI JH-iI1' • ( 314' . ± 'z41' (Th • • H Z11kY 1Ip1 • PLANE FRAME PROBLEM PROBLEM 1... FRAME AT LINE #3 DEAD LOAD + SEISMIC LOAD STRUCTURE DATA NUMBER OF MEMBERS ........ ... .., 9 NUMBER OF .JOINTS ............., 8 NUMBER OF SUPPOfl'I' RESTRAINTS ......., 4 NUMBER OF RESTRAINED JOINTS ........2 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF STRUCTURE. . . . , .290E+05 INPUT TABLE 2 "X" AND "Y" COORDINATES OF JOINT, JOINT X-CORD Y-COUI) 1 .00 .00 2 321.00 .00 3 .00 132.00 'I :121.00 132.00 5 .00 264.00 6 321.00 264.00 7 .00 396.00 1*1 321 .00 396.0() K INPUT TABLE 3.. ELEMENT DATA MEM J J AX I L c c 1 1 3 .'3990E+02 .1240E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 2 2 4 .3990E+02 .1240E-f04 .1320E4-03 .0000L?+00 .1000E+01 3 3 5 .2560E+02 .7400E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 11 4 6 .2560E+02 . 7400E+03 -. 1320E+03 .00001,:+00 .100019-101 5 5 7 .25110E+02 .7400E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 6 6 8 .2560E-s-02 .7400E+03 .1320F.+03 .0000E+00 .1000E-i-01 7 3 4 .3880E+02 .3220E+04 .3210F.+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 A 5 6 .2730E+02 .2070E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 9 7 8 .2000E+02 .1480E-i-04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 JOINT RESTRAINTS JOINT X-RSTRT Y-RSTRT Z - AS TAT 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 ij LeTr1 I NUMBER OF LOADED JOINTS . 3 NUMBER OF LOADED MEMBERS . 3 ACTION APPLIED AT JOINTS JOINT X-ACT ION Y-ACT TON Z-ACTION 3 .81700E+01 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 5 .16300E-s-02 .00000E-s-00 .00000E+00 7 .13600E+02 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 ACTIONS AT. ENDS OF J1ESFRA [NE!) MEMBERS DUE 110 LOADS MEM AML1 AML2 AML3 AML4 AML5 AML6 7 .00000E+00 .14350E+02 .76780E+03 .00000E+00 .14350E+02 -.76780E+03 B .00000Ef00 .14350E+02 .76780E+03 .00000E+00 .14350E+02 -.76780E+03 9 .0000010-00 .59900E+01 .32057E+03 . 00000E+00 .59900E+01 -.32057E+03 ff AM3 -. 1238E-02 2320E-03 5653E+03 1198L?t04 .4903E+02 6532E+03 -. 2815E+04 -.8110E+03 -.2876E+03 AM Ii 2249E+04 .2776H+04 7619E+03 142 1E+04 2876E+03 .8054E+03 -.3974E+04 -• 2075 E '-04 -.8054E+03 AM4 AMS -. 1147E+01 -.6823E+02 -.7946E+01 -.3273E+02 -.2585E+01 -.9395E+01 -.1183E+01 -. 8796E+01. -.1105E+02 -. 1704E+02 -.2103E+02) -.1005E+02 -.1986E+02 -.2550E+01 -.1105R+02 3550E+02 ..1334E-i-02 9395E+01 JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS .1 0 I NT 1 () 4- 3 a' 5 6 7 8 X-1) IS 0000E+OO .0000 E + 00 ui650E+00 6655E+00 1018E-s-01 1015E+O1 1215E+01 1209E-fOl y-o is 0000E+O0 0000 E+ 00 -. 1308E-03 -.77841?-02 -. 1544E-02 -. 1360E-Ol -.2003E-022 -.1527E-01, Z-DIS -.6420E-02 -.6740E-02 -..2292E-02 -. 1645E-02 -. 1687E-02 -.9597E-03 -.9533E-03 -.4918E-03 RE AC -. 1704E+02 -. 2103E+02 0000E~00 0000E+O0 000 OE+0O 0000E+0O 0000E+00 0000E+00 Y - H E AC 1147E+O1 6823E+02 0000E+OO 0 C) 00 E 00 0000E+OO 0000E-FOO 0000i:+oo 0000E+OO MEMBER END-ACTION MEMBER AMI AM2 1 .1I47E+01 .1704E+02 2 .6823F.+02 2103E+02 3 7946E+01 1005E+02 4 .3273Ef-02 .1985E+02 5 2585E+01 .2550E+01 6 .9395E+01 .1105E+02 7 1183E+01 -.6799E+01 8 .87961+0 .5361E+0 9 1105E402 .2585E+01 Stop - Program terminated. ff HOH V,- ~P LA ~4 ~, :~,p -I b6k Pq : rL6 4D- zo'I ' II. - r1. -HMAYZ;-,*r,1 ' r:. 2451/i - 104 <-. 1 A j%Us'I"e-q , IZ,4 ILX': ioei log 1/14P A. ~p I L Il_ Jc-1b #k- _LJLII,;2 tUH-I 61-I. V1-oM ILI/3q2.4I .r& 11.0 rI • 1IAL. I.6-2. A.I / Ill .1° 'I)3 sk A5 r-, U I,?,/- I:* (':v, pphk — J --;!p ", -e- 15 ri Ito ,AI 14-v 4/rii1 L 5L, Li I-,c bi LOA (A L,ic) 1 •f L 4 4 ___.07 07e 11-0 1. LS1 - Io 1• . L 44. kILI41 . .• . \ • © 'p /1__.. • - ,J I. • ~11 - - ULL1 LOAP-J7 (•___F1.I(,2-I H I4'b' (Ts '-1,. o ' p,1 . roll H-4C- ') 1IIIF' 4U I r4413 (_ \.. i'Th 11k:' PLANE FRAME PROBLEM PROBLEM I... FRAME AT LINE #4 FULL LOAD STRUCTURE DATA NUMBER OF MEMBERS .............9 NUMBER OF JOINTS ..............8 NUMBER OF SUPPORT RESTRAINTS ........4 NUMBER OF RESTRAINED JOINTS ........2 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF STRUCTURE. . . . , .290E+05 INPUT TABLE 2 "X" AND "Y" COORDINATES OF JOINT) JOINT X-COI1I) Y-CORD 1 .00 .00 2 321.00 .00 3 .00 132.00 'I 321 .0() 1.32.0() 5 .00 264.00 6 321.00 264.00 7 .00 306.00 30 6 . C) C) INPUT TABLE 3.. ELEMENT DATA MEM JJ JI( AX I L c I I c 1 1 3 .5580E+02 .1890E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 2 2 4 .5580E+02 .1890E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 3 3 5 .3120E+02 .9330E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 4 4 6 .3120E+02 .9330L'+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .10001+01 5 5 7 .3120E+02 .9330E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 6 6 8 .3120E+02 .9330E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 7 3 4 .4320E+02 .3630Ei-04 .3210Ei-03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 8 5 6 .4320E+02 .3630E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 9 7 8 .2000E+02 .1480E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 JOINT RESTRAINTS JOINT X-RSTRT Y-RSTRT PS TRT 1 1 0 2 1 1• 0• 6'V iF-c1 NUMBER OF LOADED JOINTS NUMBER OF LOADED MEMBERS ACTION APPLIED AT JOINTS JOINT X-ACTION 3 .1I000E+02 5 .22000E+02 7 .18200E+02 3 3 Y-ACTION Z-ACTION 00000E+O0 .00000R +00 .00000H4-00 .00000H+00 00000E+00 • 00000Ei-00 ACTIONS AT ENDS OF RESTRAINED MEMBERS I)IJE TO LOADS MEM AMLI AML2 A ML 3 AML4 AML5 AML6 7 •00000E+00 .97490E+02 • 14669E+04 • 00000E+00 •27420E+02 -.14669E+04 8 •00000E+00 28990E+02 • 15933E+04 • 00000E+00 •30250E+02 -.15777E+01 U .00000E+00 12700E+02 • 60823E+03 .00000E-f-00 • 12700Ei-02 -. 60823E+0:H AM3 1929E-03 .5534E-03 4927E+03 1679L'+04 -.3606E+02 1131E+04 -.3300E+04 -.8968E+03 -. 1462E+03 AM5 2127E+02 -.2993E+02 -. 1080E+02 -.2940E+02 -.8342E+00 -. 1737E+02 5524E+02 4347E+02 1677E+02 AM6 28O7E+04' 395 1E+04 9328E+03 2202E-f04 1462E1-03 1162E+04 -.5630E+04 , -.3332H +04 -.11.62E+04 AM4 -.2399E+02 -. 1155E-'-03 -.2439E+02 -.6025E+02 -.8626E+01 -. 1677E+02 -.5353E+00 -. 1203E+02 -. 1737E+02 JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS JOINT 1 2 3 4 5 (3 7 8 X-DIS 0000E+00 0000E+00 6608E+00 6606L?+00 1030E+01 !027E+01 122FJE+01 1218E+01 Y-1) Is 0000E+0O 0000E+00 -. 1957E-02 -.9421E-02 -.5516E-02" -. 1821E-01 -.6774E-02 -.2066E-01 Z-DTS -.6132E-02 -.6591E-01- -.2752E-02 -. 1833E-02 -,.1679E-02 -.5576E-03 -. 1234E-02 -.4823E-03 X - U E A C -. 2127E+02 -.2993E+02 000 OE+00 .0000H +00 0000E+00 0000E+00 0000E+00 .0000H+00 Y - U E A C 2399E+02 .1155E+03 O.000E+00 0000E+0() 0000E+0O 0000E+O0 0000E+00 0000H+00 Z-flEAC .0000 E +00 0000E+00 O000E+00 0000E+00 0000E+00 0000E-fooi 0000Ei-001 .0000E+00 MEMBER END-ACTION MEMBER AMI AM2 I .2399E+02 .2127E+02 2 .1155E+03 .2993E+02 3 .2439E+02 .1080E+02 4 .609 5 E+02 .2940E+02 5 8326E+01 .8342E+00 6 .1677E+02 .1737E+02 7 .5353E+00 -.3996E+00 A .1203E.02 .1577E+02 9 1737E+02 8626E+01 Stop - Prograin terminated. .1 I' r-v?/11IIC ~711 ~V-' L 4 r +'It2oiz? ( H 1(4 •._) I I i e9frv0 tF t9AH1&LNE-4' t2iAL' mi • & - - _ ®I- I-flow, •' . .'l ___ IL T_i°r•_! iI°" (1__L41 LED UZ e 11 cfrV ei-r PLANE FRAME PROBLEM PROBLEM. 1... FRAME AT LINE #4 DEAD LOAD + SEISMIC STRUCTURE DATA NUMBER OF MEMBERS .............9 NUMBER OF JOINTS ..............B NIJMBEU OF SUPPORT RESTRA INTS ........4 NUMBER OF RESTRAINED. JOINTS ....... 2 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF STRUCTURE. . . •, .290E+05 INPUT TABLE 2 "X" AND "Y" COORDINATES OF JOINT, .JOINT X--COUL) Y-CORD 1 .00 .00 2 321.00 .00 3 .00 132.00 "I :21 .00 132 . 00 5 .00 264.00 6 321.00 264.00 7 .00 396.00 8 321.00 3.116 .00 INPUT TABLE 3.. ELEMENT DATA MF.M JJ JK AX IZ L c CY I 1 3 .5580Ef-02 .1890E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 2 2 4 .5580E-F02 .1890E+04 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 3 3 5 .3120E+02 .9330E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 4 4 6 .3I2O±02 .9330E+03 .1320E~03 .0000E+00 .1000I+01 5 5 7 .3120E+02 .9330E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 6 6 8 .3120E+02 .9330E+03 .1320E+03 .0000E+00 .1000E+01 7 3 4 .4320E-s-02 .3630E+04 .3210E+03 . 1000E+O1 .0000E+00 8 5 6 .4320E+02 .3630E+04 .3210}+03 .1000E401 .0000E+00 9 7 8 .2000E+02 .1480E+04 .3210E+03 .1000E+01 .0000E+00 JOINT RESTUA [N'IS JOINT X-RSTRT Y-RSTI1T Z-RSTRT 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 NUMBER OF LOADED JOINTS NIJMIIEU OF I,OADEI) MENHEIIS . ACTION APPLIED AT JOINTS JOINT x-ACTION 3 .11000E+02 5 .22000E+02 7 .18200E+02 3 3 Y - A CT IO N ACT ION 00000E+O0 .00,000E+00 00000E+OO • 00000E+00 00000E+OO • 00000E+00 ACTIONS AT ENDS OF UESTIlAINEI) MEMBERS DUE TO LOADS MEM AML]. AML2 AML3 AML4 AML5 AML6 7 00000E+00 .14520E+02 76780E+03 .00000E+00 .14520E+02 -.76780E+0 8 . 00000E4-00 152:]0E+02 .82525E+03 00000E+00 .15810E+02 -.818] 8E+0 ¶i 00000E00 .48200E+01 21470E+02 .00000E+00 .482001+01 -.21470E0. Li JOINT DISPLACEMENTS AND SUPPORT REACTIONS JOINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X--DIS 0000E+0O .0000 E + 00 .6610E+00 6603E+0() 1030E+O1 1026E+O1 1226E+01 1220E+0I Y-D IS 0000E+00 0000E+00 8582E-03 -.6545 E -02 .4531E-03 -. 1208I-01 3440E-03 -. 1337E-01 Z-DIS -.6247E-02 -.647613-02 -. 2528E-02 -.205613-02 -.146113-02) -.7711E-03 -.7583E-03 -.9565E-03 X-JIEAC -.2,339E+02 -. 2781E+02 0000E+00 0000E+00 0000E+00 0000E+00 .000,013+00 0000E+O0 Y - RE A C -. 1052E+02 .8024E+02 0000E+00 .00001,.+00 0000E+0O 0000E+00 0000E+O0 0000E+00 Z-REAC .0000 E +00 0000E+00 0000E+00 0000I+0() .0000E+00 .000013+00 0000E+00 .0000E-f0() MEMBER END-ACTION MIMBEfl AM] AM2 1 -.1052E+02 2339E+02 2 .8024E+02 .2781E+02 3 2777E+01 .1490Es-02 4 3790E+02 .2530E+02 5 .7480E+00 .6994E+01 6 8892E+01 .1121E-+-02 7 2504E+01 -.1330E+02 .1410E02 .2029E4-01 9 .1121E+02 .7480E4-00 Stop - Program terminated. AM3 3335E-03 2056E-02 7642E+03 1407E+04 3177E+03 7775E+03 -.3852E+04 -. 1520E+04 -.6056E+03 AM 4 1052E+02 -.8024E+02 -. 2777E+01 -.3790E+02 -.7480E+00 -.8892E+01 -. 2504E+01 -. 1410E+02 -.112113+02. A MS -.2339E+02 -. 2781E+02 -. 1490E+02 -.2530E+02 -.6994E+01 -.1 121E+02 .4234E-f-02 .2901 K+02 8892E+O1 AM6 .3088E+04 .3671 E + 04 1202E+04 1933E+04 6056E+03 701513+03 -.5077E+04 -.271.1 Ei0'I -.701513+03 C J1A-1 7IC-I' 7YtOIp{,Iz, 4_ L04.1 /I0 oO t -II92/ Ac---d ~z t--~ L-1 ~k e g r iCiiOL-t-111-1 F' ri -91'51k) r1' I-z- -1.1 /**1(2I - 6z- £I,3 ?q I-fli'io 2 H-zioz--" j7 a ;o/ii r; Ii ~ c-/Fe- %- I o ibrIlep , I.(,-, I 6 . IIo GEOCON INCORPORATED Geotechnical Engineers and Engineering Geologists File No. D-3337-J0l June 5, 1987 Revised: June 8, 1987 Beneficial Equities 1301 Dove Street, Suite 750 Newport Beach, California 92660 Subject: SEQUOIA STREET CONDOMINIUMS I PLAN CHECK NO. 87-253i CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CONSULTATION Gentlemen: In accordance with the request of Mr. Ron Shimaji from Bronze Eagle Enterprises, Incorporated, we have provided additional engineering services on the subject project. The scope of our services included the review of the structural and foundation plans prepared by Architects Orange (no date) and a visit to the site. The purpose of our work was to determine if the project plans conform to the recommendations contained in our November 26, 1984 geotechnical investigation for the project. Based on the review of the project plans, it is our opinion that they are in general conformance with the recommendations presented in our geotechnical report. If there are any questions or if we can be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, INCORPORATED J1ife''E. Likins 1E 17030 RRG:JEL:bmc (2) addressee (2) Bronze Eagle Enterprises Inc. Attn: Ron Shimaji (2) Esgil Corporation 9530 Dowdy Drive San Diego, CA 92126 619 695-2880 Raul .rca Proje!t Engineer GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE SHORES AT CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA S For GEMINI DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION San Bernardino, California By GEOCON, INCORPORATED San Diego, California November, 1984 - I GEOCON I N C 0 R P 0 R A T E D ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES File No. D-3337—JO1 November 26, 1984 Gemini Development Corporation 323 West Court Street, Suite 404 San Bernardino, California 92401 Attention: Mr. Gil Saenz Subject: THE SHORES AT CARLSBAD SEQUOIA STREET AND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit the accompanying report which presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the subject project. The attached report presents the findings of our study and our conclusions and recommendations pertaining to site development as well as the results of our field exploration and laboratory tests. Based on the results of our study, It is our opinion that the site can be developed as proposed provided the recommendations of this report are followed. If you have questions concerning this report or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned. Very, truly yours, GE,X9N, INCORPORATED J mes E. Likins CE 17030 RRG:JEL:lm (W0UvJ. Yo44wz Michael W. Hart CEG 706 Rau Staff Engineer (3) addressee (2) Architects Orange Attn: Mr. Bob Berg (1) Samilan Engineering Attn: Mr. Ab Samilan 9530 DOWDY DRIVE . SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 • PHONE (619) 695-2880 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Purpose and Scope of Study. ........ ...... 1 Project Description. Soil and Geologic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fill . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Topsoils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Marine Terrace Deposits. . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Geologic Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Liquefaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e7 . . . . 5 Grading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Foundationse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ole • • . • . . . 6 Concrete Slabs-on-Grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Retaining Walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Slope Stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Plan Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 1, Site Plan APPENDIX A • FIELD INVESTIGATION Figures A-i - A-5, Logs of Test Borings APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Table I, Compaction Test Results Table II, Moisture-Density and Direct Shear Test Results Table III, Expansion Index Test Results APPENDIX C RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3317-JO1 November 26, 1984 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Purpose and Scope of Study This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation at the. site of the proposed eight-unit condominium project. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the surface and subsurface soil and geologic conditions at the site and, based on the conditions encountered, to provide recommendations pertaining to the geotechnical engineering aspects of the project development. The investigation consisted of a site reconnaissance and the excavation of four exploratory borings. Laboratory tests were performed on selected representative samples obtained at various depths in the exploratory excavations to evaluate pertinent physical properties. Details of our field exploration and laboratory tests are presented in Appendices A. and B, respectively. The conclusions and recommendations are based on an analysis of the data obtained in the various phases of our investigation and our experience with similar soil and geologic conditions. 1 Project Description The project site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Sequoia Street in the City of Carlsbad, California. A The rectangular-shaped site is bounded to the north and west by Sequoia .1 Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, respectively, to the east by existing GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 residential structures and to the south by a vacant lot. At present, an existing slope rises from street level to a relatively flat pad area. We understand that the project will consist of an eight-unit condominium structure with recreational facilities and underground parking. The structure will be four stories in height including the underground parking. Based on the grading plans available for review at this time, we understand that the slope, adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard will be graded to a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) configuration and the slope adjacent to Sequoia Street will utilize retaining walls. Maximum slope height will be on the order of 18 feet. In addition, the existing nearly flat terrain in the central portion of the site will be excavated approximately 6 feet In depth to form the pad for the depressed parking area. The locations and descriptions contained herein are based on our site reconnaissance, an undated grading plan prepared by. B & B Engineers, Incorporated, entitled "Grading Plan For Carlsbad Tract No. CT 84-18." Soil and Geologic Conditions Three general soil conditions were encountered at the site: fill, topsoil and formational soils of Quaternary Marine Terrace deposits. Each of the soil types encountered are discussed below. -2- GEOCON INCORPORATED - File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 Fill. )Existing uncompacted fill was encountered in the vicinity of Borings 2 and 3 to a depth of approximately 2 feet. It is likely that other areas of fill are present in the vicinity of the existing structure; however, the majority of the fill soils will be removed during excavation of the proposed depressed parking garage. The fill soils encountered are characterized by loose, dry, light brown, fine to coarse, silty sands derived from the Marine Terrace Deposits. Topsoils. Topsoils characterized by loose, light brown, fine- to medium-grained sands were encountered in the vicinity of Borings 1 and 4 to an approximate depth of 2 feet below existing grade. In areas where these loose soils are not removed during excavation of the depressed parking garage, removal and recompaction will be required as recommended under "Conclusions and Recommendations" hereinafter. Marine Terrace Deposits. Quaternary-aged Marine Terrace deposits characterized by medium dense to dense, damp to very moist, orange-brown, silty, slightly clayey, fine- to medium-grained sands underlie the topsoils and fill soils over the entire site. We anticipate that the majority of foundations for the project will be founded in the formational soils. The Marine Terrace deposits should provide good foundation support character- istics. Expansive soils were not encountered at the site. -3- GEOCON INCORPO RATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 Geologic Hazards No faults or ancient landslides are known to exist at the site or in the immediate vicinity, and none were encountered during the course of our investigation. An offshore trace of the potentially active Rose Canyon Fault zone has been mapped approximately 4 miles west of the site (Map No. 1, California Division of Mines and Geology). The nearest active faults are the Elsinore and San Jacinto Faults which lie approximately 24 miles and 47 miles, respectively, to the northeast. It is our opinion that the site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake along any of the above mentioned faults; however, the site is not considered to possess any greater seismic risk than that of the surrounding developments. Liquefaction In view of the relatively dense nature of the formational soils underlying the site and the lack of a near-surface ground water table, it is our opinion that liquefaction does not present -a significant geologic hazard to the proposed site development. -4- GEOCON INCORPOR ATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General 1. It is our opinion that the site is suitable for development of the proposed complex consisting of three—story, wood—frame structures over - depressed parking provided that the conditions of this report are carefully followed. 2. The majority of the site is overlain by loose topsoils and fill soils to a depth of approximately 2 feet. It is our understanding that excavation for the proposed depressed parking garage will 'encompass removal of the majority of this soil. Wherever these loose soils are not removed during such excavation, it will be necessary to remove and recompact the material as recommended hereinafter. Any fill encountered during grading of the site should be removed and recompacted if not removed during excavation for the depressed parking garage. Grading All grading should be performed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance and the "Recommended Grading Specifications" contained in Appendix C. Where the recommendations of this section conflict with Appendix C, the recommendations of this section take precedence. —5— GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3337—JO1 November 26, 1984 Grading of the site should commence with the clearing of all vegetation and underground utilities from the site. Such materials should be exported from the site and should not be used in fills. Existing loose topsoils and fill soils in areas to receive fill should be removed until dense formational material is exposed. The exposed formational material should then be ripped to a depth of approximately 12 inches, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content and recoinpacted to at last 90 percent of maximum dry density. Fill should then be placed and compacted in layers until final elrvations are reached. All fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Procedure D1557-70. Foundations The project is suitable for the use of• continuous strip footings, isolated spread footings or appropriate combinations thereof. Continuous strip footings should be at least 12 inches wide and should extend at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent pad grade. Isolated spread footings should be at least 2 feet square. and extend at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent pad grade. We recommend minimum reinforcement to consist of two No. 5 steel reinforcing bars placed horizontally in the footings, one near the top and one near the bottom. This recommendation is based on soil support —6— GEOCON INCO R PO R ATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 characteristics only and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary for structural considerations. The recommended allowable bearing capacity for foundations design as recommended above is 2,500 psf. The above bearing capacities may be increased an additional 750 psf for each additional foot of depth and an additional 500 psf for each additional foot of width, to a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 psf. The values presented above are for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. Concrete Slabs-on-Grade Concrete slabs-on-grade should be at least 5 inches thick and should be underlain by 4 inches of clean sand. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a visqueen moisture barrier should likewise be placed below the slab. At least 2 inches of the sand blanket should overlie the visqueen to allow for proper concrete curing. Minimal slab reinforcement should consist of No. 3 reinforcing bars placed 24 inches on-center in both directions. The bars should be placed in the middle of the slab. Retaining Walls Retaining wall foundations should conform to the recommendations under Items 7 through 9. The footings should be founded in dense formational -7- GEOCON INCORPORATED - '..File No. D-3337-J01 November 26, 1984 material or properly compacted fill. A review of the site plan for the project indicates that foundations for the retaining walls at the site may be constructed near the top of a proposed cut slope along Sequoia Aven u e . Foundations for these retaining walls should be excavated such that t h e bottom outside edge of the foundation is at least 7 feet horizonta l l y inside the face of the slope. Active earth pressures against walls will depend on the slope of backfill and degree of wall restraint. Unrestrained walls with horizont a l , properly drained backfill should be, designed to resist an active earth pressure equivalent to that generated by a fluid weighing 35 pcf. F o r rigid, absolutely restrained walls, an additional uniform surcharg e pressure of 50 psf should be added to the above loading. Lateral loads may be resisted by a passive pressure equivalent to that generated by a fluid weighing 350 pcf for foundations in depth formationa l soils. A coefficient of frictiàn of 0.45 may be used to calculate the resistance to sliding along the concrete/soil interface. The above recommendations assume level, properly drained granular backfill with no surcharge. For. 2,0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical sloping backfill, an active pressure equivalent to that exerted by a fluid weig h i n g 42 pcf should be assumed. For restrained retaining walls with slopin g backfill, an additional uniform surcharge pressure of 50 psf should also be -8- • GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 added to the loading diagram. If vehicles are to be parked or driven adjacent to the tops of retaining walls, a surcharge equal to 2 feet of soil should be added to the design wall loads. Retaining walls should be properly waterproofed and provided with gravel and perforated pipe drain systems to reduce potential for hydro- static pressure buildup behind walls. Retaining walls located along the eastern portion of the structure should have the gravel drain for at least two-thirds the height of the wall. We recommend that the gravel be enclosed in a filter fabric envelope. For retaining walls located on the north, west and south sides of the project, the gravel portion of the drain may extend only 1 foot up from the base of the wall. Slope Stability Based on the results of laboratory tests performed on representative soil samples from the site, it is our opinion that cut and properly compacted fill slopes constructed of on-site materials should be stable with respect to deep-seated failure to a height of at least 15 feet if constructed at a slope inclination of 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical or flatter. Our analysis is based on Janbu's method and assumes a factor of safety of at least 1.5. Although our calculations indicate that the slopes will be grossly stable with respect to deep-seated failure, it is possible that minor gullying and rilling could occur within the slopes due to the granular and friable nature of the material. We recommend that slopes be -9- GEOCON I PICO Ii P0 RAT ED File No. D3337JO1 November 26, 1984 planted with a light weight, deep—rooted ground cover to reduce th e potential for continued erosion of the slopes. Temporary slopes should be Inclined at 3/4 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. Due to the cohesionless nature Of the on—site soils, excessive ruling a n d sloughing may occur at the recommended inclinations. If this occurs, i t will be necessary to flatten slopes to obtain a stable condition. I f property line constraints are present, temporary shoring maybe requir e d . Such temporary systems should be designed by the project contractor. U n d e r no conditions should surcharge loads be imposec at the top of temporary sloeps. In addition, water should not be allowed to discharge over t h e face of temporary slopes or to pond In areas above the slopes. Drainage Adequate site drainage is critical to future performance of the project. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adja c e n t to footings. The site should be fine—graded such that irrigation exce s s and storm runoff drain away from structures and into swales or other. controlled drainages. Roof downdrains, If used, should discharge onto splashblocks and the runoff should be directed Into controlled drainages. —10— GEOCON INCOR PORATED File No. D-3337-JOI November 26, 1984 Plan Review I 20. Geocon, Incorporated should review grading and foundation plans for the project. In addition, they should observe footing excavations prior to the placement of reinforcing steel. -11- GEOCON I NCO 1% P0 R AT ED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that planned at the present time, Ceocon, Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recom- mendations can be given. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of aproperty can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. : In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three - years. -12- GEOCON INCORPORATED 0 a LU U) CARLSBAD BOULEVARD LEGEND APPROX. LOCATION OF TEST BORING 0. ,00 SCALE File No. D-3337-JO1 SITE PLAN THE SHORES AT CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure 1 GEOCON INCORPO R ATED r 1-. F- APPENDIX A L .. L : L. :.: .. .::::. •.•. :.• : • GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION The field Investigation was performed on November 6, 1984 and consisted of a site reconnaissance and the excavation of four exploratory borings. The borings were advanced to depths of 15 to 25 feet below the existing ground surface with a truck-mounted Mobile B-50 drill rig using 6-inch-diameter continuous flight auger. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained by driving a 3-inch O.D. split-tube sampler into the "undisturbed" soil mass with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The sampler was equipped with 1-inch by 2-3/8-inch brass sampler rings to facilitate removal and testing. Bulk samples were also obtained. The soil conditions encountered in the borings were visually classified and logged. Logs of the test borings are presented on Figures A-i through A-4, The approximate location of the borings-is shown on Figure 1. GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 0 LU ca '. 1 BORING i. Zw o- - E wip I- UJI o • <ui -'Z Cl) ELEVATION DATE DRILLED__11/6/84 EQUIPMENT CC 0 U MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - - 2" Ice Plant TOPSOIL 2 Dry, loose, fine to medium, Sandy CLAY : MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS 501 105.1 4.9 11 --- • Dense, damp, brown, fine to medium, Silty 5" 6 1-2 - SAND BULK iXPLE • '--becomes very dense 8 --- _- becomes orange-brown 1-3 1ry becomes damp '50/ 112.5 4.1 io , • E --- ' 9" 12 • :1:j: __ becomes brown, coarse-grained 14' 1-4 1;• 50/ • 10" 110.1 3.1 16 I:I'I • iS' IIf becomes light brown-green • ' ,' . 50/ 1-5 :.I;I: ---' I 10" 108.3 2.8 - 20' BORING TERMINATED AT 20.0 FEET Figure A-i, Log of Test Boring i 0 SAMPLE SYMBOLS SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 11—STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 10 -CHUNK SAMPLE — WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE - NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLYATIHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTEDTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONSAND TIMES c::ExjcJc::r; INCOR PO RATED I. ........ . . I . >2 ftj P. Cfl OQ > '1 0 ID Zç I- o m ;. n.n -C t' (I) m J L 0 OZ rt 0 L4 C P1 '2 co z m mo c 33 0 (1) 4Z w C > n 0 n <•0 (1) mM,In > cn O in 1(1) I- co mZ 1 mm 1 -4 0-0 I I ° CA C 2 2w (nO > 0 2 ..0 0 r z m m -4 0! a 2 Or- 20 In En -I 00 m in .114 D II ' c In m -4 33 r- 0 2k) E olLJ in to In ri I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • -. DEPTH 0 I-. 00 0' . .1> 000 0' .- t. 0 IN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FEET - - I SAMPLE NO. . - - — — - — — — - — — — - - — - LITHOLOGY _ GROUNDWATER I i - SOIL CLASS I I I I (U.SC.S) ...i. txj 1 ti. pi cn tri CL rt CL tzJ En rt . pa 0 to 00 • • • PENETRATION. Ui o RESISTANCE BLOWS/FT. I—I 0 — DRY DENSITY P.C.F. I—' 0 ui MOISTURE CONTENT,% — - . File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 0 Z > < I.-OQ BORING 3 z Cl) I- zw - 0 -j -J <<C,) -> ZLI Z U. Uj—LU ..A oö2 ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 11/i/84 0 0z C,) C') EQUIPMENT W W M cc 20 a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION . ::I:I:J.: - FILL - .1:1:1:: Loose, dry, light brown, fine to medium, 2 . 1*i . Silty SAND - • __________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS ________ ________ ________ Medium dense, damp to moist, orange-brown, • . ::. fine to coarse, Silty SAND 6 ---• -- becomes dense, moist 50/ 114.3 5.7 • ...: • 11" .8. .1.0 3-2 1:]i becomes greenish-brown I 41 103.2 5.5 • .12 H1 : becomes very moist .14 . 3-3 50/ 107.4 6.7 1011 .16 . .:. . .-II: ---- .-- becomes slightly Clayey .18 . 20 3-4 . becomes light gray, fine to very coarse, 40 • • ::IJ:.j: well graded, clean SAND, very cohesionless .22 ...I.. i - becomes fine- to medium-grained .24 r 50/ 3-5 9:. - 10.11 89.8 2.5 BORING TERMINATED AT 25.0 FEET .26 Figure A-3, Log of Test Boring 3 SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0_ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL II...... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST - DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE CHUNK SAMPLE - WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLYATTHE SPECIFIC BORING OR TRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. IrIS NOT WARRANTEDTOBE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONSATOTHER LOCATIONSAND TIMES INCORPORATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 BORING 4 tzw 9 11/6/84 U. ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 0 OZ EQUIPMENT wwcn Cr o - ____ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TOPSOIL Loose, dry, light brown, fine to medium, 2 Silty SAND _____ - ____ MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS • 4-1 I..I Dense to very dense, damp to moist, brown, 108. 3.5 . fine to coarse, Silty SAND .6. • :: - 8 4-2 --- becomes moist : 107. 4.9 -10 . i :I:J -12 becomes slightly Clayey Ai. - ' ---- -- becomes yellowish-green, fine- to medium- -14 - grained, very cohesionless 97.3 4.0. ....- _ 16 BORING TERMINATED AT 15.0 FEET Figure A-5, Log of Test Boring 4 SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0_ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL IJ...STANOARO PENETRATION TEST - DRIVE SAMPLE(UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE CHUNK SAMPLE - WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE NOTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLYATTHE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION AND AT THE DATE INDICATED. ITIS NOT WARRANTED TOBE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONSANO TIMES INCORPORATED APPENDIX B GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with generally accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or other suggested procedures. Selected relatively undistirbed samples were tested for their dry density, moisture content and shear strength characteristics. Bulk samples were tested for their maximum laboratory density, optimum moisture content and expansive potential characteristics. The results of the laboratory testing program are summarized on Tables I through III. GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-33347-JO1 November 26, 1984 TABLE I Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results ASTM D1557-70 Maximum Dry Optimum Sample Density Moisture No. Description pcf % Dry Wt. 1-2 Orange, brown, Silty, 130.0 8.7 medium, poorly graded SAND TABLE II Summary of In-Place Moisture-Density and Direct Shear Test Results Angle of Dry Moisture Unit Shear Sample Density Content Cohesion Resistance No. pcf % psf Degrees 1-1 105.1 4.9 290 33 1-3 112.5 4.1 1-4 110.1 3.1 1-5 108.3 2.8 2-1 119.4 4.4 2-2 114.0 3.6 2-3 104.7 5.2 2-4 97.1 2.4 3-1 114.3 5.7 3-2 103.2 5.5 0 39 3-3 107.4 6.7 3-5 89.8 1 2.5 4-1 108.8 3.5 4-2 107.5 4.9 4-3 97.3 4.0 GEOCON INCO RPORATED File No. D-3337—JO1 November 20, 1984 TABLE III Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results Moisture Content - Before. After Test Test Dry Sample Density Expansion No. % % pcf Index 1-2 7.9 12.3 118.2 0 GEOCON INCORPORATED APPENDIX C jj . . .::.....H. . L L . . . . . GEOCON L INCORPORATED - File No. D-3337-JO1 November 26, 1984 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS General 1.1 These specifications have been prepared for grading of The Shores at Carlsbad located at Sequoia Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, in Carlsbad, California. They shall be used only in conjunction with the soil report for the project dated November 26, 1984 prepared by Geocon, Incorporated. 1.2 The contractor shall be responsible for placing, spreading, watering, and compacting the fill in strict conformance with these specifica- tions. All excavation and fill placement should be done under the observation of the Geocon, Incorporated. Geocon, Incorporated should be consulted if the contractor or owner wishes to deviate from these specifications.' 1.3 The grading should consist of clearing, grubbing, and removing from the site all material the Soil Engineer designates as "unsuitable"; preparing areas to be filled; properly placing and compacting fill materials; and all other work necessary to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes shown on the approved plans. Preparation of Areas to be Graded 2.1 All trees and shrubs not to be used for landscaping, structures, weeds, and rubbish should be removed from the site prior to commencing any excavating or,filling operations. 2.2 All buried structures (such as tanks, leach lines, and pipes) not designated to remain on the site should be removed, and the resulting depressions should be properly backfilled and compacted prior to any grading or filling operations. 2.3 All water wells should be treated in accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County Health Department. The owner shall verify the requirements. 2.4 All vegetation and soil designated as "unsuitable" by the Soil Engineer should be removed under his observation. The exposed surface should then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features that would prevert uniform compaction by the equipment used. GEOCON INCORPORATED 11 2.5 Where the slope ratio of the original ground Is steeper than 6.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical, or where recommended by the Soil Engi- neer, the bank should be benched in accordance with the following illustration. NOTES "B' should be 2 feet wider than the com- paction equipment, and should be a min- imum of 10 feet wide. The outside of the bottom key should be below the topsoil or slopewash and at least 3 feet into dense formational ma- terials. 7 SLOPE TO ir ' SUCH THAT SLOUCHING OR SLIDING DOES NOT OCCUR REMOVE AS RECOENDED BY SOIL ENGINEER ,,t__.ORIGINAL GROUND NNFINISHED SLOPE SURFACE - (NOTE 2) :KEY B (NOTE I) 2.6 After the areas have been plowed or scarified, the surface should be disced or bladed until they are free from large clods; brought to the proper moisture content by adding water or aerating; and compacted as specified in Section 4 of these specifications. 3. Materials Suitable for Use in Compacted Fill 3.1 Material that is perishable, spongy, contains organic matter, or is otherwise unsuitable should not be used in compacted fill. Material used for compacted fill should consist of at least 40 percent fines smaller than 3/4-inch diameter. 3.2 The Soil Engineer, should decide what materials, either imported to the site or excavated from on-site cut arias, are suitable for use in compacted fills; the Soil Engineer should approve any import material before it is delivered to the site. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types other than those analyzed for the soil investigation. The Soil Engineer should be consulted to evaluate the suitability of such soils. 3.3 Any material containing rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches In diameter should be placed in accordance with Section 6 of these specifications. 3.4 The Soil Engineer should perform laboratory tests on representative samples of material to be used in compacted fill. Such tests should be performed to evaluate be maximum dry density and moisture content of the samples. The tests should be performed in accordance with accepted test methods of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). GEOCON INCO R PORATED Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Material 4.1 Unless otherwise specified, fill material should be compacted while at a moisture content near the optimum moisture content and to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent as determined by accepted ASTM test methods. 4.2 Fill materials should be placed in layers that, when compacted, have a relative compaction in conformance with the project specifications. Each layer should be spread evenly and mixed thoroiighly to provide uniformity of materials in each layer. 4.3 When the moisture content of the fill material is less than that recommended by the Soil Engineer, water should be added until the moisture content is as recommended. When the moisture content of the fill material is more than that recommended by the Soil Engineer, the fill material should be aerated by blading, mixing, or other methods until the-moisture content is as recommended. 4.4 After each layer is placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it should be thoroughly compacted to the recommended minimum relative compaction. 4.5 The fill should be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pheumatic-tired rollers, or other types of compacting rollers that are capable of compacting the fill at the recommended moisture content. Each layer should be rolled continuously over its entire area until the recommended minimum relative compaction is achieved throughout the fill. 4.6 The fill operation should be continued in layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades shown on the approved plans. 4.7 Fill slopes should be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers, by track- walking with a dozer, or by other suitable equipment. Compaction operations should continue until the slopes are properly compacted (that is, in-place density tests indicate a relative compaction of at least 90 percent at a horizontal distance of 2 feet from the slope face). Observation of Grading Operations 5.1 The Soil Engineer should make field observations and perform field and laboratory tests during the filling and compaction operations, so that he can express his opinion whether or not the grading has been performed in substantial compliance with project recommendations. 5.2 The Soil Engineer should perform in-place density tests in accordance with accepted AST1 test methods; such density tests should be made in the compacted materials below the disturbed surface. When results of tests taken within any layer indicate a relative compaction below that recommended, that layer or portion thereof should be reworked until the recommended relative compaction is obtained. GEOCON INCORPORATED Oversize Rock Placement 6.1 "Oversize" rock is defined as material that is greater than 6 inches and less than 4 feet in maximum dimension. Material over 4 feet in maximum dimension should not be used in fills; such material should be exported from the site, broken into acceptably sized pieces, used for landscaping purposes, or placed in areas designated by the Soil Engineer and/or approved by appropriate governing agencies. 6.2 The Soil Engineer should continuously observe the placement of over- size rock. 6.3 Oversize rock should be placed in lifts not exceeding the maximum dimension of the rock, and should be placed in a manner that will not result in "nesting" of the rocks. Voids between rocks should be completely filled with properly compacted (minimum relative com- paction of 90 percent), fine granular material. 6.4 Oversize rock should not be placed within 5 feet of finish pad grade, within 10 feet of street subgrade, or within 2 feet of the bottom of the proposed utility lines, whichever is deeper. Protection of Work * I 7.1 During construction, the contractor should grade the site to provide positive drainage away from structures and to prevent water from ponding adjacent to structures. Water should not be allowed to dam- age adjacent properties or finished work on the site. Positive drainage should be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion control facilities are installed in accordance with project plans. 7.2 No additional grading shall be done, except under the observation of the Soil Engineer. GECCON INC 0 II I' UK AT lo 0 1k r:Carlsbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 "Excellence In Education" BOARD OF TRUSTEES JULIANNE L. NYGAARD President J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Vice President DONALD M. JOHNSON Clerk JOE ANGEL Member JAMES McCORMICK Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION THOMAS K. BRIERLEY, Ed.D. Superintendent SUSAN-HARUMI BENTLEY Assistant Superintendent Instructional Services JOHN H. BLAIR Business Manager GERALD C. TARMAN Director Personnel Services ROBERT LAWRENCE Manager Facilities/Maintenance/ Operations June 9, 1987 Mr. Greg Heydon Beneficial Equities, Inc. 1301 Dove Street, Suite 750 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: The Shores Condominiums Project Dear Mr. Heydon: This is to confirm that the school fees for eight condominiums at the southeast corner -of Sequoia and Carlsbad Boulevard per the Shore's (Gemini Development Corporation) agreement with Carlsbad Unified School District dated May 9, 1984 were paid July 25, 1985 (receipt attached). All obligations to Carlsbad Unified School District have been satisfied on this project unless additional units are built. Sincerely, Nancy Git}spie Business Services Enclosure Distinguished School Board Award 1984, United States Department of Education BENEFICIAL EQUITIES, INC 1301 DOVE SE, SUITE 75b NEWPORI BEACH, C92660 TEL: (714) 752-7520 June 3,. 1987 Mr. Tim Canno].e 13616 Poway Road tE Poway, CA 92064 Mr. Cannole: Last week Brian Liebi met with your office to discuss our need to temporarily encroach on your property fronting on Carlsbad Blvd during the excavation phase of our adjacent condominium development. The purpose of this letter is to assure you that the portion of your property affected by any over excavation will be filled, compacted and restored to its present condition immediately following the completion of our foundation walls. Furthermore, we agree to indemnify you against any liability or action which might arise in connection with this work. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, - Gregory G. Heydon President . . /kmc. cc: Brian Liebi d REAL PROPERTY INVESTMENTS/MANAGEMENT/DEVELOPMENT Application for Grading Permit CITY OF CARLSBAD - ENGINEERING DEPARTME 293 1200 Elm Avenue Building Permit Plan Check No. KAY 1987 APPLICANT TO FILL IN Site PE NO. .84. 8. by Finance /I ~ g)'A Bond No. Legal Description C7*84 Map No. Surety Ad %e z../ p ,lQ,a,4/e, //..3/( Subdiviqipn Date Filed..Recd b Owns Phone Cash deposit Rec'd by Date filed T7 1S 1S2ti $ £' oC "Z The fol(owing documents are required-and shall become a part Owner's Address I.o1 itLaf#cj &412i'Jk44 ik- : of the rading permit when they are approved. LP 7 al 9 Phdn—e / Ph%ns by Civil Engineer . R.C.E. 29,-3 : Grading plans* I Specifications Soil report Geologic Report dress Drainage structures . _____ Other fri ii '" '' / ?° Compaction report -1#1 4f'4f'* Z1SSc •. .... . Soil Enaineer R.C.E. Phone . . M111 Phone SPECIAL CONDITIONS WHICH ARE MADE Grad.i n Contractor LL- i44..t/I A PARTOF THIS PERMIT Address ' .1. Authorized hours of operation: 1 I ,& kYt Hk2ci4 7:00 AM to Sunset, Monday. Friday. Party responsible for overall supervision 43 14 " 2. . Haul routes are to be approved by City Engineer. Proposed use of grade site 3 Us1 IT 11 Ui UJl-1 3. Adequate provisions shall be made for erosion and siltation Number of cubic yards control. Cut Fill Import Waste I . i 4. All slopes shall be planted per City Code. Proposed Schedule of Start Operations (dates) J inlsh 5. All fills to be compacted to at least 90% of optimum J1 Sw density unless noted otherwise. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and state that the information I have provided is correct and agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws reaulating excavating and grading, . - Under City Code Sec. 11.06 170 this grading is: sue uruant to 0 REGULAR GRADING . City inspector will make inspection this application. and the provisions . heed below. CONTROLLED GRADING . Private grading engineer shall Signature of Permittee observe work, coordinate tests, make reports. Owner or authorize gent INSPECTION DATE INSP. SIGNATURE Initial . site prep. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE .(E IGit44L Rough . prior to drains EiA Log N '8 Date o. By Final . slopes planted Grading permit fee $ Plan check fee $rompaction reports rec'd. by 7f Permit'xpiration Di Private engr. cart. rec'd. Date pie White-Office; Green-Building, ellow-Inspector: Pink.Permittee; Goldenrod-Finance THIS FORM WHEN-PROPERLY VALIDATED IS PERMIT TO DO THE WORK DESCRIBED THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR A SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER: An "owner-builder" building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuina your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement (yes or I Yhave not)_ signed the application for a building permit. 3; .1 have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction: - NameMi*r 660CMT Phone Address Contractors License No. City I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work. Name Phone - Address Contractors License No.__________ City I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of work v= . 7,2t,tnrl ._vr.r win-I ,4 Signed: Property Owner Date: 1-u V1 t5 17 EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS LICENSE AND FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Initials OWNER TO OCCUPY --- Signature 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 TELEPHONE (619) 438-1161 Cttp of QtarIbab DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION Dear Property Owner: An application for'a building permit has been submitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the property improvements specified. For your protection you should be aware that as "owner-builder" you are the responsible party of record on such a permit. Building permits are not required to be signed by the property owners unless they are personally performing their own work. If your work is being performed by someone other than yourself, you may protect yourself from possible liability if that person applies for the proper permit in his or her name. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded by the State of California and to have a business license from the City of Carlsbad. They are also required by law to put their license number on all permits for which they apply. If you plan to do your own work, with the exception of various trades that you plan to subcontract, you should be aware of the following for your benefit and protection. If you employ or otherwise engage any persons other than your immediate family, and the work (including material and other costs) is $200 or more for the entire project, and such are not licensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you may be an employer. If you are an employer, you must register with the state and federal government as an employer and you are subject to several obligations including state and federal income withholding, federal social security taxes, workers' compensation insurance, disability insurance costs, and unemployment contributions. There may be financial risks for you if you do not carry out these obliaations and these risks are especially serious with respect to workers' compensation insurance. For specific information about your obligations under federal law, contact the Internal Revenue Service (and, if you wish, the U.S. Small Business Administration). For specific information about your obligations under state law, contact the Depart- ment of Benefit Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents. If the structure is intended for sale, property owners who are not licensed con- tractors are allowed to perform their work personally or through their own employ- ees, without a licensed contractor or subcontractor, only under limited conditions. A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to be contractbrs is to secure an "owner-builder" building permit, erroneously implying that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing their own work personally. Information about licensed contractors may be obtained by contacting the Contractors State License Board in your community or at 1020 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE ENCLOSED OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION FORM SO THAT WE CAN CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THESE MATTERS. THE BUILDING PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL THE VERIFICATION IS RETURNED. - P753 &-u ; CORRECTION Liii MAILED 7DATE 7 7-1 AGREEMENT SCHOOL FEE FORM CofO PERMIT SIGNED BUSINESS tIC. W C COMP PLN-ENG CORRECT nd. )o.s Carlos Elenes Anthitect -r ARCHITECTS ORANGE I44NwlIO,angethtw Om,,gn Califcrnii 92656 • 1146359860 ttbDiim, ro V4 NNI coRRgoI 7 u ENGINE si . . —i—. cORW(QN LIST MAILED I]) L DAT E7- fz_E I1IENT i FINAL — PLANNING '-• I I ENGINEERING / I UTILITIES j ki FIRE . fr - ~VJATER DISTRICT IkDIN .. - DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (619) 4381161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Applicant Please Print And Fill In Shaded Area Only JOB ADDRESS III EQ'OM 5,L C;; AO IV f PLAN ID NO. - ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. OWNER Wo'z-' 4 7 rec,4re 3 OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 0010 0010 04/28 0101 Misc. 8230 'p VALIDATION AREA CA 724ZTE(7/) 7c2..is CITYy4 ZIP CONTRACTOR - - ESTMATED VALUATION CONTRACTOR'S MAILING 001-81000-0048l PLAN CHECK FEE ADDRESS . IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES CITY - ZIP TEL. WILL B ORFEITED. STATE BUSINESS LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. too! o J -1 SUBDIVISION LOT(S)_____________________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK IF SUBMITTED: 2 ENERGY CALCS 21987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS DESCRIPTION OF WORK 2 STRUCTURAL CALCS 0 2 SOILS REPORTS a/..'ç ,'/ 0 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES - I 1 Eo &) DATE GIVEN! DATE SENT TO APPLICANT CONTACT PERSON C LA COSTA LET ,#' ADDRESS L4' r i ' e- RM SCHOOL FE16-19 CITYJ4 24CS4 ZIPeI1- 9242TEL. & E CORRIONS P CA CERTIFICATE gCCJANCY i APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE &gLV White. File Yellow- Applicant Pink - Finance Gold - Assessor ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560.1468 DATE: /0- 27-(7 JURISDICTION: 0, 1 Te1 OF 0ALS PLAN CHECK NO: 87— a 3 -1e11 AJO. / PROJECT ADDRESS: /1/ 5Q4Oii o ALCANT <4 ISDICTI PLAN CHECKER DFILE COPY []UPS []DESIGNER PROJECT NAME: E9'"A 5E1 S The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where L necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. fl The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. \ EJ Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:_______________________ Date contacted: Telephone #________________ )REMARKS: By:,4& i)O./A)7C Enclosures:___________________ ESGIL CORPORATION /.. - ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 - DATE: Ig /27 URIS=DICTION ,• LI JURISDICTION: O l7"?4 t'& OIiqt: PLAN OFILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: J7— --' /V A'O• / oups ODES IGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: Ill E&'i,fô/ PROJECT NAME: /,W!4- S7rp 7• CAJpOH,Aj/ E4 ILY s fl The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ,The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are, being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. •The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 7Rs T?,AJ 7i4 14 e n- e-/"//rE 1',o, Doi& urr 5V kipoz-r - 0 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:PeesTO1 '1 k&(r6-rLe Cs '. Date contacted:/-/3-27 Telephone '-. z/) 7c-L —75-752-0 --- .- REMARKS: By: /6 01.1J7c Enclosures:__________________ ESGIL CORPORATION Q 7- z c A M - S - - - ii . ,eeec-T,oAJ3 Pf2-'H - / C/he ak i_ P/OV/17& ''-1 - l773 77ft- a e' tA-1 SR -&T gtJcl 10 .5 ISO7 Th, - co fl-85 Pôc-.ie-'J1& O, 5S/1. OI(-PO411Dk) 47 (7);o- - ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: I- !2.f JURISDICTION:. O'imj OF QALS,3AD PLAN CHECK NO: 7- 33 /2" SET: PROJECT ADDRESS: It/ /9LI PROJECT NAME: 56-01X0114- 51E57 D0W11L1/t4,4'--r- A T SU!€T N MAN KER FILE COPY EJ UPS DES IGNER Ej The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. E] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. •The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. [ The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent •to: ,2c-,q r,!cr oe,J65 /44- &/o rL Ti 0 1ij 5 ST 0 8AM16e 404 fl Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. EN Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:C'i _eAJ1 Date contacted: 1-1Z, K Telephone #_____________ REMARKS: B :/1PE V1L!EA)rG Enclosures:____________________ ESGIL CORPORATION '-7--. ?2/ Citp of CarIbab iURISDICTION:&9e/e1c?D Date PROJECT ADDRESS:-/// £9c.CYi TO: NH/r7s 't.' 144/- iuoe1 O itk6- 51 C,&4U& PLAN CORRECTION SHEET P1an Check No. 9 7_ZS3 r() -7- Date plans received by the Jurisdiction________ Date plans received by plan checker Date initial plan check completed f" 12-gä By & 12A,f,trT FOREWORD:PLEASEREAD Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will, be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: LS/L. • 9320c;pi ,c !.r&&2 c#'AI To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. Dates Jurisdiction CM -SPiiD - Prepared by c Bldg. Dept. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE E3 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. _7- il BUILDING ADDRESS -- /1/ 79' APPLICANT/CONTACT CcoS PHONE NO 1&7 ?&o BUILDING OCCUPANCY i -f/ '1 DESIGNER PHONE____________ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION k'-IV CONTRACTOR PHONE__________ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA - VALUATION MULTIPLIER VALUE 0eVjS1v A) Mo. - 7O n-fP) fO ,-EL 38 T 6- Ft Air ConditioninE Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers Total Value Building Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee$ COMMENTS: - SHEET / OF! 12/87 V ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-14468 114 DATE: 4- 21 - 9T JURISDICTION: C7c Of- pgcg34b PLAN CHECK NO: t7.235 9,Ar. AID. 3 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 11) SeQ601,4 S7 PROJECT NAME:Eai4- S77' c1JP0H.I/L/1U/-f NT CT ION FILE COPY UPS DESIGNER .The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the .jurisdiction's building codes. fl The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. U The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone * REMARKS: By: /% lLt1 AJTE Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION Datei_ 4/1 / /Re ____ Prepared byi Jurisdiction CL5I3/9I2 o Bldg. Dept. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE -gi1 PLAN CHECK No. ?7-2--53 BUILDING ADDRESS I/I S0140/4 S;r,0C7 APPLICANT/CONTACT P1etcro,J T#47'& PHONE NO. (7/40 75 - 7SW BUILDING OCCUPANCY 'I e-i DESIGNER PHONE____________ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-'V CONTRACTOR PHONE__________ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION MULTIPLIER VALUE oAJ 7 ' ST 0 - Air Conditionthe Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. -Fire Sprinklers Total Value Building Per Plan Check COM tIC PITS SHEET ( OF 12/87