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1661 PLOVER CT; ; CB161582; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit 04-26-2016 Permit No: CB161582 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: PC#: 1661 PLOVER CT CBAD PME 2157300811 Status: Lot#: 0 Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Project Title: POWERS: REPLACE WATER HEATER Applicant: AFFORDABLE WATER HEATERS AND PLUMBING INC STE 698 28358 CONSTELLATION RD VALENCIA CA 91355-5044 855-345-908 7 / 9048 Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Owner: POWERS TRUST 08-07-12 1661 PLOVER CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 ISSUED 04/26/2016 SLE 04/26/2016 04/26/2016 $38.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60.00 $98.00 Total Fees: $98.00 Total Payments To Date: $98.00 Balance Due: Inspector: ~ Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: F1"'581a<e NOTICE thal IW"O\/a ci )<llX l'"fCied indudes Ire "lrrpositiorl' ci 18,s, dedc:alicrs, ressvalicns, or dher exedicrs -oolledively rdem,dtoas 1eas'e,ooicns." Yoo raveOOclaysfrcmtre-tns pemitv.as issusd to?rtest irrµ:stioodthesefeas'exedioos. If lOJ ?rtest ti"m\ IOO nust fdlo.vtre ?rtest IJOCS(ires s,t fa1h in G<M:,rm,rt Qxle Sedioo 600:!J(a), a-d filetre ?rtest a-d a,ydher req.jred infooraioo wth treOtyMragerfr:r Jro(J8SSirg i,, a::wda oewth Ca1sboo Mridpa Qxle Sedioo 3.32.C:OO. FailLreto timalyfdlo.vthal ~wll ba" a,ySL!Jseq.Jenl lega edioo toatta::k, l'eliew, set aside, vtid, er aru tt-eir irrp:sitiai. Yoo ae i-a-et,; F\.RTl-ER NOTIFIED that )<llJ" rig"I to ?rtest Ire specified feas'exedicrs DCES J\01" APPLY to l'Eter a-d se,,er QO'lnedioo fees a-d capa:ity ctmges, nr:rprnrg, ziring, g,drg ordhersml,.-Wic:alioo Jro(J8SSirg orservcefees in 00'lnedioowth tis l'"fCied. t-rnDCES IT APPL Yto a,y i · ·m1 totti a wi r · ·rec1 -::a-----------------·· .v,..-11bWA11CE: Q PI.ANIING OmLDING OARE □HEALTH OHAZMA11APCO Catyof Carlstiad Bua1ding Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave .. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.caitsba<lca.gov Plan Ck. Deposit SWPPP '£XISTlll8USE ! ... ,. l .. --·: ..... r~~--~~~~+-- ~-~ -__ .. :·::• .·/·,.4_. ,_ .. ·~· ·_, -·'-t--~--~-,m~,.-'- i •-er-,.,, .. ..,.,, .... ~ ,__,.,,.~-' 0 l•_,,,__,,,...,....,_ -•--oolo-...ac1o.__.,..__,.notinlondod«oftndb,...(Seo.70<4,-and"""°"""'"Codo.ThoConn,:,or'a ! lmata-notwrn•-" ·-• ......... -n ... ----.. tn,q,Ns_.....,_po..,;dodtllluil~nnot-«oftndfo, ! -l,-,hbM,g«.__~oold-0111,_d.,..,...,.h_,,,,__._ .. _,d~M"'dilnot_«......,.t>rh_<I .. ~ I O l •-dhpq,ootr. _,_.....,~•-""1hebon_ .. poojo<;t(Soc. ~ _ _,, """""'""Codo:ThoConncb',Lioel-.uo-notei,ply nai-d , -,,.tootura«~~..,,....,.t>rm~•oornclof(sl _ _.n .. ~•-1.aw). ! □ , ____ ,< ~-· <•. ':Enl--Codot>rNt-i 1.1_,.,pla>D..-hajor a>d-t>r-dh,...__,_ CJv• Q.. 2,,-,-no11av.i-~ -~_. ..... ___ I 1,--..... ~~lfrm)D,,,_ .. __ .,.... __ ,,..,,,.,axlndln. ___ t ' .. , .... D,,,_,,.._" .. -..IIA_l,--.. i,bq-D--rdpo,,;,llh ..... -('ni,lo-/_/_, ___ _ i ~l..apo,idt-dh-.ldl-ONl)h""-"g,,_.,.n,,,_h--(ncble.....,/_/,._/.,,,.d"""'): _ O•oeHT --· ~~--_ -· -· __ ·-___ ---· -· 1~1ae_, .. ..,._•~---•-•---••~11-.1..-.. ..., .... ai,-......sS1a1e_......,1tlNIIIIC- 1,..,,...,.__..."._Cll.-f~l>-IC)Ollh-...-p,q>r\'b~-11t.s:J/Gl££.TOSA',£,Nl0,NfYNfJICEB'HAAM.ESST1£CITYCFCAR.SBAO /IGOICSr .ltl~.ulC3iEIITS. ~.N() E)ll'ENSESWl«:H lolAY lllfflWAY ICOU:IG,t,INSTSAl)CITYINCONSEQ..ea<:ETl£GIWITIIGCElHSPSUT. OSHA:NIOSW.pan,tll'"'P'ldtr -Sfldllp&'lldondion«ontldond--3-il~ ElrmA!QtE,wyl)l!lri-bJlw C-.tn!lri.~mtis0ldo~811li9bylniaiorlandbe:xrre,._.and,cidfh~"'-..-bJwcnpomit;,rd"""""1»d""1 18ld¥mhci.aladlplllli«f ~Ol--byutll)lllffll•.,_,dod«-•~tno•tw-•--tr•s-bl«18ldor'(Sdlr\1C6.4.41.hbTn~~ I ~APNCAIIT'S-11Al£ __ 1.\_, tl \ u J ~ , < a Inspection List Permit#: CB161582 Type: PME Date Inspection Item_ _ ____ _ 05/10/2016 25 Water HeaterNents 05/10/2016 25 Water HeaterNents 05/10/2016 29 Final Plumbing 05/10/2016 29 Final Plumbing Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Inspector AEK AEK POWERS: REPLACE WATER HEATER Act Comments RI AM PLEASE/GC 1566 AP RI AM PLEASE/GC 1566 Fl Page 1 of 1