HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-14; Housing Element Advisory Committee; Minutes
October 14, 2020
CALL TO ORDER: 3:04 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Committee members Luna, Barnett, Evans, Novak, Perez, Streicher, Weis. Committee member
Sachs joined the meeting at 3:07. Committee member Proulx joined the meeting at 3:21. (7/0/2).
(Note: Approval of the minutes occurred at the end of the meeting, just prior to meeting adjournment.)
Motion by Perez, seconded by Barnett to approve the committee meeting minutes of September 9, 2020. Motion carried
7/0/2 (Evans, Sachs absent).
Chair Luna directed everyone’s attention to the screen where a PowerPoint presentation for today’s new business items
would be displayed.
1. Sites Inventory
Administrative Secretary Flores read public comments into the record:
Bob Wilcox requested clarification on the RHNA target numbers, specifically regarding reaching the number of
affordable units. Furthermore, Mr. Wilcox inquired whether housing developments will be dense enough so that
approximately 40 to 50 percent of units will qualify as affordable for lower income people.
Consultant Rust presented Agenda Item 1. Mr. Rust provided a brief overview of the HEAC’s rankings on the sites
inventory methodologies. Mr. Rust continued with Agenda Item 1 discussing the updated housing density
assumptions along with two new potential housing densities that are currently not permitted in the City. Mr. Rust
presented maps showcasing all the potential housing sites. The maps identified each of the sites by a unique name
and number.
Committee member Streicher asked for further consideration regarding the 30% RHNA Goal buffer.
Community Development Director Jeff Murphy emphasized the importance of having a buffer to have a cushion
for future housing development.
Housing Element Advisory Committee Minutes
October 14, 2020
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Mr. Rust continued Agenda Item 1 discussing the difference between the HEAC, Staff, and the public’s site
inventory methodology rankings. Mr. Rust concluded with discussing the next steps in the sites inventory process
including conducting the traffic model and continuing the drafting of the housing element document.
Mr. Rust responded to questions and comments.
Committee member Novak requested clarification on the difference between the public’s site inventory
methodologies compared to Staff and the HEAC’s site inventory methodologies.
Committee member Sachs requested clarification on how to evaluate public input letters regarding specific
housing sites.
Committee member Streicher requested more information on the public comment letter received regarding site
Community Development Director Jeff Murphy clarified that the biggest difference between the public, Staff and
the HEAC’s site inventory methodologies is the ranking of industrial to residential.
Committee member Perez requested clarification on the process taking sites out of the site inventory.
Committee member Barnett expressed concern over taking large sites off the map such as site 9 while still
maintaining a buffer.
Committee member Evans asked for clarification on further outreach strategies regarding the specific housing
Committee member Weis expressed gratitude for the public comment letters coming in as it shows public
outreach efforts are working. Mr. Weis further shared comments he has heard from the public regarding RHNA
numbers and the overall sites inventory.
Committee member Luna requested clarification on what Mr. Rust would specifically like feedback on pertaining
to the maps.
Committee member Barnett expressed favor to sites 1 and 2 but expressed concern regarding traffic. Mr. Barnett
further stated that there is a lot of potential in the village area regarding underutilized sites.
Committee member Streicher emphasized the importance of the traffic study and the implications that it may
have on overall site feasibility. Mr. Streicher requested further clarification on the capability of changing zoning
for a lot that was initially intended for a different use.
Committee member Proulx expressed concern in the northeast quadrant regarding traffic and congestion.
Committee member Weis stated that he has no substantial objections to any of the housing sites.
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October 14, 2020
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Committee member Novak stated that sites 11 and 12 are viewed by members of her quadrant as ideal sites. Ms.
Novak requested more information on the obstacles of rezoning industrial to residential.
Committee member Perez emphasized the importance of the outcomes of the traffic and mobility study. Mr.
Perez expressed his concern over certain areas with traffic and congestion. Mr. Perez further emphasized the
importance of being clear as to what the roadways and access points are to each housing site.
Committee member Sachs requested more information on how property site 4 could have low-income units.
Committee member Luna requested more information as to how to further filter out potential housing sites.
Committee member Weis stated that if HEAC were to drop site 9, he would like to see the committee backfill it
some other way. Committee member Streicher concurred.
Chair Luna proceeded to collect committee feedback on each of the sixteen housing sites identified on the maps.
With committee consensus, she requested the committee recommend whether to include or not include each
site in the sites inventory. Committee members recommendations were as follows:
• Sites a majority of committee members recommended including in the sites inventory:
o Site 1 (NC Plaza)
o Site 2 (The Shoppes)
o Site 4 (Avenida Encinas car storage)
o Site 5 (Crossings Lot 5)
o Site 7 (Salk Ave Parcel)
o Site 10 (Cottage Row Apartments)
o Site 11 (Bressi Colt Place ind. site)
o Site 12 (Bressi Gateway Road ind. site)
o Site 13 (Raceway/Forum ind. sites)
o Site 14 (Zone 20 cluster)
• Sites a majority of committee members recommended not including in the sites inventory:
o Site 6 (Darwin Ct parcel)
o Site 8 (Cougar Dr ind. site)
o Site 9 (Carlsbad Oaks North ind. sites)
o Site 15 (ECR at Camino Vida Roble)
o Site 16 (Calle Barcelona)
The committee did not make a recommendation on Site 3 (Zone 15 cluster) as it did with the other sites. However,
no majority opposition was expressed regarding the site.
3. HEAC Calendar
Due to time constraints of some of the HEAC members, Chair Luna announced Agenda Item 3, HEAC calendar,
would be addressed prior to Agenda Item 2, Housing Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs.
Consultant Weatherby presented Agenda Item 3. Mrs. Weatherby discusses potential dates for the November and
December meetings. Dates for the next meetings will be November 19th, November 30th, and December 14th.
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October 14, 2020
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2. Housing Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs
Consultant Weatherby discussed the first portion of Agenda Item 2. Mrs. Weatherby provided a brief overview of
the current housing policies and programs and identified the city’s four mail housing goals. Furthermore, Mrs.
Weatherby presented a breakdown of each goal and their applicable goals and policies.
Senior Planner Scott Donnell discussed potential changes to policies/programs that may need to be made in the
next housing element cycle. Policies and programs that may need to be changed include at-risk housing, repairs
to owner-occupied homes, inclusionary policies and fees, and affordable housing trust fund.
Consultant Rust discussed recent legislation that has been passed since the adoption of the last housing element.
Furthermore, Mr. Rust discussed accessory dwelling units (ADU’s) and the city’s goal towards incorporating more
Consultant Rust responded to questions and comments.
Committee member Proulx acknowledged that there are several easy ways to implement more ADU’s.
Committee member Streicher stated that there are several ways to approach ADU’s including through home
refinancing,home loans, use of Housing Trust Fund proceeds toward ADU construction and committing more city
resources toward ADU permitting and inspection.
Chair Luna echoed committee member Streicher and acknowledged that addressing financing, applications, and
permit processing times can help reduce barriers to ADU’s.
Committee member Weis requested more information on how many ADU’s were built in the last year.
Furthermore, he requested more information on the demographics behind the ADU’s that have been built in the
Committee member Streicher offered to share relevant resources he has with the committee.
Chair Luna requested staff send the committee the city’s ADU informational bulletin and recently adopted ADU
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October 14, 2020
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November 19, 2020. 3:00 pm.
Motion by Proulx, seconded by Weis. Motion carried 7/0/2 (Evans, Novak absent).
The meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m.
Jenna Shaw
Minutes Clerk