HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-17; City Council; ; U.S. Bicycle Route 95 DesignationMeeting Date: Nov. 17, 2020 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov, 760-637-7183 Subject: U.S. Bicycle Route 95 Designation Recommended Action Approve a letter of resolution in support of the designation of U.S. Bicycle Route 95 through the City of Carlsbad. Executive Summary The Adventure Cycling Association has partnered with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials on a national effort to help identify a U.S. Bicycle Route System. U.S. Bicycle Route 95 is to run between the California-Oregon border and the International Friendship Park at the U.S.-Mexico border. It will be the westernmost route in the contiguous United States. The City of Carlsbad lies within the Route 95 corridor, and the Adventure Cycling Association is asking the City of Carlsbad for its support in formally designating this route. Discussion The nationwide network of bicycle routes known as the U.S. Bicycle Route System would facilitate interstate travel by bicycle on routes that have been identified as suitable for cycling. The state highway and transportation officials association created the U.S. Bicycle Route System in the early 1980s and to date there are designated bicycle routes in 24 states. When complete, the system is to encompass more than 50,000 miles of routes and will open new opportunities for cross-country travel, regional bicycle touring and commuting by bicycle. The Adventure Cycling Association reports that the bicycle route system has increased bicycle tourism and local economics with very little investment. More than 40 states are working to develop routes for the system. The planned portion of USBR-95 through California runs from the California-Oregon border along the coast to the International Friendship Park at the U.S. border with Mexico. In the City of Carlsbad, the entire 6.8-mile route alignment is on Carlsbad Boulevard, from the city’s northern border with the City of Oceanside to the city’s southern border with the City of Encinitas. With support and approval via a letter of resolution from the City Council, the Adventure Cycling Association will work with the California Department of Transportation, which will CA Review RMC Nov. 17, 2020 Item #3 Page 1 of 5 determine the road suitability, to request the designation from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. The City of Carlsbad will not be required to take any additional action. Route markings, such as signage or bike lane paint markings, are not required, nor is any facility construction or upgrades. The routes almost exclusively use roads and streets suitable for bicycle travelers with separated trails incorporated where appropriate. The U.S. Bicycle Route System is shown in Exhibit 2, and the proposed route through the City of Carlsbad on Carlsbad Boulevard is shown in Exhibit 3. Traffic and Mobility Commission review The Traffic and Mobility Commission recommended the City Council approve the designation of U.S. Bicycle Route 95 through the City of Carlsbad on Oct. 5, 2020, with a vote of 6-0-1. Next Steps With the City Council’s support and approval expressed in a letter of resolution, the Adventure Cycling Association will work with Caltrans to make the request for the USBR-95 designation to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Once that association approves U.S. Bicycle Route 95, Caltrans and/or the California Bicycle Coalition will publish a tour map of the route that will be made available to bicycle tourists. Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact associated with the designation of U.S. Bicycle Route 95 in the City of Carlsbad. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Letter of Resolution 2. U.S. Bicycle Route System 3. U.S. Bicycle Route-95 alignment through the City of Carlsbad Nov. 17, 2020 Item #3 Page 2 of 5 (City of Carlsbad Nov. 17, 2020 Caltrans District 11 Seth Cutter Associate Transportation Planner Multimodal Programs Branch, M5240 4050 Taylor St. San Diego, CA 92110 Dear Mr. Cutter: The City of Carlsbad would like to offer its support for the designation of proposed U.S. Bicycle Route 95 (USBR-95) through our community. We recognize that bicycle tourism is a growing industry in North America contributing $47 billion a year to the economies of communities that provide facilities for such tourists. As a community, we stand to benefit from this opportunity both economically and from the health and environmental related benefits of encouraging bicycle travel in our region. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has designated a bicycle route corridor along the Pacific coast of California to be developed as USBR-95, which will span the entire coast of California from the California-Oregon border to the international border with Mexico. Carlsbad lies within that corridor. We have investigated the proposed route on Carlsbad Boulevard and found it to be suitable for bicycle tourists. The proposed route for USBR 95 will provide a benefit to our residents and businesses, and we endorse having the route mapped and signed, thereby promoting bicycle tourism in our area. Therefore, the City of Carlsbad hereby expresses its support for the proposed USBR 95 designation, and requests that the appropriate officials nominate the route for AASHTO designation as soon as this can be achieved. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Matt Hall Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2820 t Nov. 17, 2020 Item #3 Page 3 of 5 Exhibit 2: US Bicycle Route System EXHIBIT 2Nov. 17, 2020 Item #3 Page 4 of 5 USBR-95 Carlsbad Segment Alignment EXHIBIT 3 Nov. 17, 2020 Item #3 Page 5 of 5 Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nov. 17, 2020 US Bike Route 95 Designation Recommendation •Approve a letter of resolution in support of the designation of U.S. Bicycle Route 95 through the City of Carlsbad 2 Background •Adventure Cycling Association and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) have partnered on a national bike route effort •US Bike Route 95: Oregon border to International Friendship park in San Ysidro •Facilitate interstate travel by bicycle and promote bicycle tourism 3 4 #~ Adventure Cycling Association .....,, Roull!I NetWOl"k ~ In crea.ta,,g the ever-growing A.dventUre Cycling Route Network, we've reseerched and deYek>ped 50,000 mUes oC p,'1le cyctlng routee in the U.S. and Canada to date. These routes fodow some ol the most quiet, scenic roada and bike trails In North Amet1ca.. Fo, mote ~fonnatkln on the routes and to Ind oot how to E::3 Adven..., Cycing Bicycle Roule ~ 8lcyete Rout .. u,ing the same road E::3 Adventure Cycling Mountain BUte Route [:=1 Feny 5 Carlsbad Segment •6.8 miles along Carlsbad Boulevard •No cost or additional infrastructure required for City to participate 200 100 0 ele (ft) Bike Paths \ Map Overview Metrics Export Edit .-.. ~ ..... )) ~ -,I-I) Share USBR-95: Carlsbad Segment ... Click to add description " Created Sep 23, 20 Send to Device By: Nathan f TheCros Started in: Oceanside. CA. us Distance: 6.Bmi Elevation: + 250 /-221 ft ,, ~ Estimated Time LearnmoreO \ Privacy: Public JJ'1•\,fl ., Add photos .f ., Copy to My Routes s· ~a Get Elevation Profile Image + Get Map Image Pnnt Map from Browser 0 Mo1p dau e2020 T•rm• of UH Print Cue Sheet from Browser Print Map + Cue PDF 0 Replace Elevation Data Delete this Route grade a 6.8 mi +250 ft/-221 ft drag tc zoom in U.S. Bike Route System •City of Carlsbad is not required to take additional action •No special route markings are required •Letter of support will allow Adventure Cycling to work with Caltrans to determine road suitability and request official designation from AASHTO •Route will be included in the national tour map for use by bicycle tourists 6 Recommendation •Approve a letter of recommendation in support of the designation of U.S. Bicycle Route 95 through the City of Carlsbad 7 Thank you